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Me vs John Candy

Someone on here said that John Candy would probably punch me for the rotten things i'm done.

But it would probably be in vain as John would probably be a ghost and it would go just straight through me.

Ha ha, nice try Johnny boy - but you can't beat me- you're a ghost and i'm not.

And besides I think that I'd stand a pretty good chance against him in a fight.

Don't be fooled by my weak human form, I may be 5'7 170lbs as a human but as a werejohncandy i'm the same size he is except i'm a lot faster and stronger - and not to mention I have sharp black claws.

I've had a lot of practice being a werejohncandy, and I'd be more than a match for John Candy himself.

I am a pretty powerful werejohncandy you know, my roar can shatter buildings and my hugs are strong enough to crush a person's spine.

So you tell JC, that i'd be more than happy to take him on - anytime, any place.

Devious Comments

This thread closed at the request of OP

When I usually defeat any opponent I start taking on their characteristics and then very slowly morph into a more powerful copy of them.
~redvsblack Jan 11, 2010  Hobbyist Filmographer
No way, he's Bravo Company.
Basically with any opponent I defeat, I start taking on their characteristics and then basically morph into a more powerful version of that opponent.

So if i were to defeat JC then i would become basically JCx10.
~redvsblack Jan 11, 2010  Hobbyist Filmographer
But still, theres no way you will :D
Don't tell me that his ghost is right behind me...

He's not still mad about the time i made fun of him and called him that nickname Tubsy McLardington is he?
Hmm...wanna bet on that?
~redvsblack Jan 11, 2010  Hobbyist Filmographer
Not really. How could you prove either way that you beat him?
The guy is a big softy, there's no way he would harm another human being yet alone me.
~redvsblack Jan 12, 2010  Hobbyist Filmographer
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