Starfire's Redwall Abbey

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Coincidences and Oddities


This page mainly deals with the oddities of Redwall. Most of these have to do with name similarities, but wade through them - there's plenty of odd stuff in here.


Some name coincidences:
Pearls of Lutra: Trimp the Shrew; Legend of Luke: Trimp the Hedgehog
Martin the Warrior: Badrang the Stoat; Mattimeo: Badrag the Stoat (Not the same, but close)
Mossflower: Urthclaw the Mole; Salamandastron: Urthclaw the Badger
In Mossflower, Martin mentions one of his friends from long ago. His name was "Thrugg the Strong". Any relation to "Thrugg the Otter" of Salamandastron? Of course not, because the two are seperated by three books. But still, a neat coincidence. (Brother Durwood)


In the Ace Paperback Mossflower, in Book 1 Chapter 14 (p. 80): 'Tsarmina prowled silently out of the main door onto the sunlit parade ground. An immediate deafening silence fell over all.' How could silence be deafening? (Spiky the Hedgehog)


There are two hares named Shorebuck: one in Salamandastron, and one in Mariel of Redwall. (Spiky the Hedgehog)


In Legend of Luke (Chapter 38, page 358) Gonff mentions that he wanted to name a ship Gullywacker. Isn't there a certain rope by the name of Gullwhacker? :) (Jargul)


Salamandastron: Catkin the Hare; The Legend of Luke Catkin the Otter (The Cellar Mole)


In Mossflower, Martin reminisces to Gonff about a friend called 'Felldoh the Wrestler.' Sound familiar? Though I don't recall Felldoh doing to much of that... (Firnian)


In The Bellmaker: Finnbarr Galedeep the Otter. In Pearls of Lutra: Inbar the Otter. Sound familar? (Tess Churchmouse)


Gurrbowl and Diggum, the two moles, are in The Pearls of Lutra, The Long Patrol, and Marlfox! How old can they be? (Joseph)


Mossflower/Outcast of Redwall: Starbuck the hare. The Long Patrol: Reeve Starbuck the hare. (Joseph)


In Mossflower there is a 'Scratch', and in Redwall there is a 'Scratch'. That must be a very popular name amongst vermin... (Strawberri Redfur)


Martin the Warrior: Bungo the mole; The Great Redwall Feast: Bungo the mole. (Joseph)


In The Great Redwall Feast, it tells how Sam Squirrel (a.k.a Silent Sam) is very loud and noisy. But it says in the end of the book Redwall that he was first heard talking to baby Mattimeo. So what I'm saying is, where is little Mattimeo? And wasn't Winifred sort of the Skipper of otters? Where is she? (Joseph)


Mossflower: Brogg, the weasel captain; Lord Brocktree: Brog the otter (Joseph)


Abbot Mortimer (from Redwall). Abbot MORT-imer? Mort is the Latin for death. (Kya Bluefur)


In Martin the Warrior: Buckler the mole. In The Pearls of Lutra: Buckla the searat (Book Two, Chapter 28, pg 204). Not the same spelling, but the pronunciation....? (Kya Bluefur)


Cluny is supposed to be an evil name, right? Not in France. There's a town in France called Cluny that was once the site of a Benidictine monastary. (Elizabeth Rose)


In The Legend of Luke, Martin and co. meet Log-a-Log Furmo. Later in the same book, they meet a hedgehog titled Murfo! A simple letter switch and you got two completely different characters. (Blaze Rowantail)


Has anyone else found that there's something terribly odd about Lord Brocktree? There are absolutly NO mouse characters with names or anything in the book. Weird! (Joseph)


Martin the Warrior-Skalrag the Fox
Pearls of Lutra-Sculrag the Searat (Violett)


Sampetra and Terramort seem to be the same island! I mean, think about it! There in the same place and time could have changed Terramort (the wasteland) to Sampetra (the tropical rainforest). Also, how can Sampetra be so darned tropical when it's further north than the North Mountains? (Deyna)


In The Bellmaker, all throughout the book, Furrtil the Mole Dibbun's playmate the Mousebabe, has no name! (Mara)

Uncredited text, page designs, and graphics are Copyright © 1999-2004 Starfire, used with permission by Stormclaw for the purposes of this archive.
Redwall and all associated titles, themes, books, characters, and places are the property of Mr. Brian Jacques and the Redwall Abbey Company, Limited. This site is non-profit and for entertainment purposes only; any infringement upon the copyrights of others is purely accidental and unintentional.