Superhero Quiz: the Sequel (UpperCut Images/SuperStock)
Pop Quiz!
Encarta Quizzes
You can never have enough smarts. Stock up with these fun quizzes!
Sample questions:
1. What is the most haunted ship in the world?
2. Which president once worked as a model?
3. What violent dance craze started in the 1990s?
Are You Smarter Than an 11th-Grader?
Are You Smarter Than an 11th-Grader? (Getty Images)
Are you going to let these pip-squeaks feel superior to you in algebra and geometry or whomp you in reading and writing? Time to step up!
Algebra: x doesn't go very far when you have an allowance.
Geometry: You're not as out of shape as you might think.
Writing: They think "lol" is a phrase. You got this.
Reading Comprehension: Sorry, the back of the cereal box doesn't count.
Pop Cultured
Pop Cultured (Getty Images)
Face it, celeb shenanigans, creepy cult scandals, Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... they're in your life. Columnist Martha Brockenbrough snaps on her plastic gloves and wallows through the weirdest of pop culture so you don't have to.
Get your fix.
Celebrity germ freaks
Famous debate smackdowns
Mindless celeb screwups
Could you marry your 9th cousin?
Wacky celeb insurance
Amusing ourselves to death
Did You Know?
John Paul II (© Hulton Deutsch)Pope John Paul II was the first non-Italian to serve as pope since 1523.
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Notable Quote
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Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Anaïs Nin

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