Online Degrees

Is an M.B.A. Worth the Cost? (© Corbis)
M.B.A.s are in demand. But that doesn't mean the degree is a one-way ticket to the top.
Alternatives to the M.B.A.
Top Career Fields
Health & Medicine (Image credit: Stewart Cohen/Photodisc/Getty Images)
Health care careers are expected to see rapid growth in the coming years. Training options abound at every degree and certificate level. Workers meeting specific training requirements are expected to see the best opportunities.
Business (Image credit: Digital Vision/Getty Images)
A business degree makes graduates highly marketable to a diverse range of employers with practical training in problem solving, management, economics, administration, marketing and quantitative analysis.
Digital Media Arts (Image credit: BananaStock/Jupiterimages)
Employers in a number of fields are looking for skilled digital media artists with training in Web design, animation and graphic design. To keep your skills current, formal training is recommended.
Fashion & Interior Design (Image credit: pbnj productions/Getty Images)
In the highly competitive design world, training means everything. Skilled fashion and interior designers can be found in a range of applications, enjoying the benefits of a creative career.
Law & Justice (Image credit: Art Vandalay/Photodisc/Getty Images)
The law and justice industry spans the criminal justice system, including local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, correctional systems, and private practice. Training helps you enter the field with confidence.
Culinary Arts (Image credit: Stewart Cohen/Photodisc/Getty Images)
Culinary degree coursework combines great food with big business, training students to work as line cooks, executive chefs, pastry chefs, caterers, or in management positions in restaurants and hotels.

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