The Wee Hours

Chloë Sevigny

Chloë in the Early Morning

By Nate Freeman | January 18, 2011 | 7:34 pm

Chloë Sevigny was standing a few feet from the DJ booth, swaying in a polka-dot dress and a black beret. Sometime around midnight she had started drinking Patrón against her will. “It’s not my favorite,” she told The Observer Saturday night, talking not two centimeters from our nose. The Human League was wailing on the sound system, and the leather-and-denim-clad crowd was singing... MORE >

80-Proof Walk-Up: What's Barramundi Hiding?

By Nate Freeman | January 11, 2011 | 7:52 pm

Barramundi, with its specials scrawled on a chalkboard and its waterlogged-wood exterior, is practically indistinguishable from the other haunts that line its Clinton Street block on the Lower East Side. But buried within is something of a hidden gem. Since early November what appeared to be an innocuous apartment above the restaurant has been candle-lit three nights a week and inhabited by silhouettes barely visible below. There are men in suits... MORE >