Julia Allison Has a Job in Print Journalism!

January 31, 2011 | 2:17 p.m
Allison<br /> (Non-Society)

Julia Allison will be a syndicated columnist for the Tribune Company beginning March 1, reports Mixed Media. Her weekly column on social media and digital communications, called "Social Studies," will be published through Tribune Media Services, the syndication branch of the newspaper and TV company.

Allison's expertise in these topics is apparent to those familiar with Allison's career history—she used social media (and its founders) to build her enormous, if arbitrary-seeming, following, and dealt with cyberbullying as she tried and failed (and then succeeded!) to silence her rabid re-bloggers.

For those who haven't kept up with Allison since her Gawker heyday, she'd been running her lifecasting start-up "Non-Society," and moved to Chicago. She's dating Republican presidential candidate John McCain's son, Jack.

To The Observer's knowledge, this is Allison's first print gig since her dating column in Time Out New York.

kstoeffel@observer.com :: @kstoeffel