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Life After Oscar?

Wander through a park or a coffee shop in Henderson or North Las Vegas and ask voters to name their mayor. You might get a quizzical look or an uncertain reply, but the names Andy Hafen and Shari Buck are not likely to be consistently heard. Instead, a large percentage of people would probably offer one name—Oscar Goodman.

The Carousing Cure

It’s hard to get a read on the town these days. On one hand, there is the view out my front window: Foreclosed home, yellowed yard, folks who bolted so quickly they apparently forgot the cat. On the other hand, there is visible evidence that, in a town built on defiantly conspicuous consumption, those who can consume are doing so with great gusto.

But Will They Have Tapper?

“Tapper is the most expensive video game machine out there,” Insert Coin(s) founder and first-time bar owner Chris LaPorte says. “With Tapper, the machine itself is so intricate and all the woodwork that was done on it, and then of course they pulled it because it was a promotion of liquor to children. So, to find one of those is very difficult—but I assure you we’re going to have it.”


A Tale of Two Roses

In time for Valentine’s Day, the simplicity and purity of a red-rose arrangement. read more »