Pixellated Stripper Encourages Stronger Passwords

Mar 1, 2011 - 4:30 PM |Switched

The dweebs at Platform45 think a little pixelated peepshow will be enough to keep negligent surfers from using weak passwords. As your complexity increases, an 8-bit redhead loses her clothing, and...

DrunkenNES Breathalyzer Combines Safe Driving and 8-Bit Gaming

Mar 1, 2011 - 4:00 PM |Switched

Here's something you probably never thought you'd see: an NES hacked to run a homebrew breathalyzer test. Pick up the 'DrunkenNES' cartridge and blow into it (like you used to when those fickle games...

Aram Bartholl's 'Open Internet'

Mar 1, 2011 - 3:20 PM |Switched

Aram Bartholl, the Eyebeam resident who cemented USB thumb drives into the cracks of walls around New York City, just released a video of his latest "public intervention," called 'Open Internet.' He...

Hacked and Hijacked! What to Do if Your Identity Gets Stolen

Mar 1, 2011 - 2:40 PM |Switched

Symptoms: Imagine the pit in your stomach: finding charges on your credit cards or bank statements for items you didn't buy; applying for credit or a mortgage and being denied due to delinquencies on...

New Jersey Democrat Beats IBM's Watson in Trivia Challenge

Mar 1, 2011 - 2:00 PM |Switched

Last night, five members of Congress thought it would be fun to stage a trivia challenge against Watson -- the IBM supercomputer that made the world feel stupid last month on 'Jeopardy!'. As it did...

Texas Governor Blocks Journalists From His Twitter Account

Mar 1, 2011 - 1:30 PM |Switched

Texas Governor Rick Perry has comitted a serious social networking faux pas by singling out members of the media, and blocking them from following his Twitter account. He's not just ordering his flacks...

Steve Jobs Honorary Knighthood Blocked by Former U.K. Prime Minister

Mar 1, 2011 - 12:55 PM |Switched

Ever wonder why Steve Jobs doesn't have a 'Sir' in front of his name? Apparently, it's because of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. An ex-member of Parliament recently revealed that Brown refused...

Existing T-Mobile Sidekicks to Become Paperweights on May 31st

Mar 1, 2011 - 12:10 PM |Switched

If you're still lugging around a T-Mobile Sidekick -- and we know there has to be at least a few of you -- we've got some bad news. On May 31st, T-Mobile will officially be turning off access to Danger's...

WikiLeaks and the Internet Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Mar 1, 2011 - 11:20 AM |Switched

The list of nominees for this year's Nobel Peace Prize includes plenty of individuals and organizations that probably deserve the award, along with two curious candidates that will almost certainly hog all...

AT&T Texting Users Location-Based Shopping Deals with ShopAlerts

Mar 1, 2011 - 10:40 AM |Switched

AT&T has launched a new service called ShopAlerts, which sends promotional text messages to subscribers who are near certain retailers. According to The New York Times, AT&T is now the first...

Amazon Shuts Down AmazonTote Pilot Program

Mar 1, 2011 - 9:55 AM |Switched

Amazon has decided to shut down AmazonTote, a FreshDirect-like program that allowed Seattle customers to order certain products online, and have them delivered to their homes for free. Amazon announced the...

Facebook Still Wants to Share Users' Personal Info With Third-Party Developers

Mar 1, 2011 - 9:16 AM |Switched

Facebook plans to go ahead and share its users' home addresses and phone numbers with third-party developers, despite the concerns of privacy advocates, members of Congress, and just about everyone...


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