
Turns out you can go home again.

It Lives! Old Gawker Site Found in Attic with George Foreman Grill, Croquet Set

By Aaron Gell | March 3, 2011 | 1:21 pm

Still missing the old Gawker? With the fun and simple blog-style navigation (just scroll down!) and the prominent bylines and adorable little hit-counters blazing away on the right-hand... MORE >

Was a Vanity Fair Editor Secretly Working for the Church of Scientology?

By John Cook | March 1, 2011 | 2:05 pm, where the author is employed as a staff writer, declined to publish this story. Did the Church of Scientology use a Vanity Fair contributing editor to infiltrate and gather intelligence on the cult's enemies in the media?... MORE >


Gawker's Ban on 'Shiny Bauble' Share Buttons Lasted One Week

By Adrianne Jeffries | February 25, 2011 | 4:12 pm

Three weeks ago, newly-relaunched Gawker hit the web with a curious omission: the row of social media widgets frequently attached to blog posts across the web (examples below and to the right of this... MORE >

Secretly, the redesign is all about video montage.

Gawker Is Now an Inspirational Short Film

By Ben Popper | February 11, 2011 | 10:12 am

Nick Denton threw a nice party at his Soho pad last night to celebrate the launch of the new Gawker.  After the place had reached critical mass, Denton dimmed the lights and rallied the troops.  He thanked everyone for handling the Tsunami of twitter hate that came along with the redesign. He called out Rex Sorgatz about their pageview bet and announced to his editorial team that he would give them his winnings from the wager... MORE >

Post-Blog Gawker Goes Live, Denton Likes AOL-HuffPo Marriage

By Kat Stoeffel | February 7, 2011 | 9:37 am

The Gawker redesign, horseman of the blogocolypse, went live today across Gawker Media properties. The redesign was previewed in a manifesto penned and published by boss Nick Denton and is still a "work in progress" according to a post by Gawker editor Remy Stern. As with Jalopnik and io9, where the changes were previously unveiled, visitors can always switch back to the familiar blog format, via a button in the top right.... MORE >

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StumbleUpon Responds To Nick Denton: We're Actually No. 1 For Social Traffic

By Ben Popper | February 1, 2011 | 5:20 pm

StumbleUpon just responded by email to The Observer's earlier story about how the Gawker redesign dropped Twitter and StumbleUpon in favor of just... MORE >

The End of Blogging

By Dan Duray | February 1, 2011 | 4:58 pm

"I don't really see a blog business," said Nick Denton over gchat. He still wasn't sold on the idea of an interview regarding his sites' redesign, scheduled to debut tomorrow, and seemed to be attempting an escape. "I should find you that old post in which I compare blog ad revenues to McDonald's franchises, i.e. piffling." Ah! But! Surely they aren't so McDonald's-sized now? "Well, the McDonald's reference was from five years ago--when I was downplaying... MORE >

Gawker users who used password "pokemon": 153.

More LULZ From the 250 Most-Common Gawker Passwords

By Adrianne Jeffries | December 23, 2010 | 11:38 am

It's the Gawker Media hack that keeps on giving. Due to popular demand, the Internet security agency Duo Security has crunched the top 250 most-common passwords chosen by Gawker users. There were 202,000 unique passwords in the set of 400,000 cracked passwords, Duo Security wrote in a blog... MORE >

The Gawker Media Compromise.

Facebook, World of Warcraft, Gilt Groupe Deal With Gawker Fallout

By Adrianne Jeffries | December 16, 2010 | 10:26 am

The giant password leak on the U.S.S. Gawker has other big ships rushing to plug the holes. Hackers published the emails and passwords of Gawker's 1.5 million users. Hackers and spammers took the list and looked for users who might have used the same password for their email or on other sites--Twitter, Amazon, Seamless... MORE >

Turning Gawker On Itself

By Nick Summers | December 14, 2010 | 5:26 pm

It had been such a good week for Nick... MORE >

Hmmm, what was my mother's maiden name?

The 25 Dumbest Gawker Passwords, In Order

By Ben Popper and Adrianne Jeffries | December 13, 2010 | 5:49 pm

The hacker group Gnosis brought down the Gawker Media empire over the weekend. As part of their attack, they revealed sensitive data from hundreds of thousands of Gawker users.  For the security specilialists at Duo, this was a golden opportunity to practice their... MORE >

I'm pretty sure the real crooks went that'a'way

McDonald's Also Hacked, User Info Compromised

By Ben Popper | December 13, 2010 | 9:57 am

It's been a wild weekend for the internet outlaws often known as hackers.  We rounded up all the major attacks on MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Gawker.  Now NextWeb is reporting that McDonald's was the victim of an hacker attack on Friday which compromised customers' email and phone... MORE >

You shouldn't be clicking on acai berry links anyway. Aren't you at work now?

Gawker Hack Leads to Twitter Spam, Is Facebook Next?

By Adrianne Jeffries | December 13, 2010 | 9:38 am

Gawker users who used the same email address and password for their Twitter accounts suddenly won't shut up about acai berries. Twitter thinks the acai revival is due to the hacker group Gnosis publishing tens of thousands of usernames, email addresses and passwords for Gawker... MORE >

Hackers: More than just Internet famous.

Nerds Rising: Yesterday In Hacks

By Adrianne Jeffries | December 13, 2010 | 9:14 am

Hackers seem to be enjoying their 15 minutes of anonymous fame. Rolling Stone gives Wikileaks hacker Jacob Appelbaum the rock star treatment, and Gawker's publishing platform was hacked, its user database and source code published and a few Twitter accounts were temporarily... MORE >

Gawker Media Hacked By New Hacker Group Gnosis: It's Not Over Yet

By Steve Huff | December 13, 2010 | 8:01 am

Over the weekend, Gawker Media suffered a major cyber attack, prompting what must be the most earnest, snark-free post the site has ever published. "We understand how important trust is on the internet," the post reads, "and we're deeply sorry for and embarrassed about this breach of security—and of... MORE >