#AskMike Anything

March 4, 2011 | 9:29 a.m.
Twitter's Fail Whale<br /> (twitter.com)
Twitter's Fail Whale

Debuting today on Michael Bloomberg's radio show this morning was a new feature that will allow anyone - anyone! - to ask the mayor a question.

On twitter, just use the hashtag #AskMike. (It's not unlike the imperfect crowd-sourcing I've tried to do before heading to some of the mayor's press conferences.)

Among the questions submitted, via Twitter:

Frank Morano: "Will you consider appointing a Charter Revision Commission this year to study increasing local borough control of agencies?"

Heather Squire: "F***ing magnets? How do they work?"

My favorite, from JM: "Why not do a whole show with AskMike?"

I wonder how many journalists will use this feature, and, how many other elected officials will follow the mayor's lead. (#AskAndrew, anyone?)

UPDATE: Bloomberg's spokesman forwarded the questions Bloombeg answered on air:

Peter Diviestie: "What will be the class size of the proposed NYPD academy scheduled for April? Will there be another class in July also?"

Ann Byrne: "What can be done to make housing in New York more affordable?"

Jay Awesome: "When are you gonna make Brooklyn bike-able again?"

And that thing from Heather Squire.