Gawker Is Now an Inspirational Short Film

February 11, 2011 | 10:12 a.m.
Secretly, the redesign is all about video montage.
Secretly, the redesign is all about video montage.

Nick Denton threw a nice party at his Soho pad last night to celebrate the launch of the new Gawker. 

After the place had reached critical mass, Denton dimmed the lights and rallied the troops. 

He thanked everyone for handling the Tsunami of twitter hate that came along with the redesign. He called out Rex Sorgatz about their pageview bet and announced to his editorial team that he would give them his winnings from the wager as a motivational bonus. 

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Special thanks went to Congressman Chris Lee and all the pervy policiticians who make Gawker tick.

And then came this sort of emotionally wrought video montage that recapped Gawker's year. By the end, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. 

bpopper [at] | @benpopper

A Day in the Life of Gawker Media - FINAL from source/record on Vimeo.