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25 percent off in honor of National Ravioli Day at Nove Italiano

In honor of National Ravioli Day, Executive Chef Geno Bernardo offers guests 25 percent off signature ravioli dishes at Nove Italiano.

Guests are invited to participate in National Ravioli Day by experiencing the rich and warm flavors of Nove’s ravioli, served with walnut pesto, ricotta and a spicy tomato sauce or the raviolo, made with truffle butter, pecorino pepata and egg yolk. Completing the mouth-watering meal, guests can enjoy Nove’s refreshing Pomagranita, a cool and sweet libation that combines Ketel One Oranje, POM, Pama Liqueur and simple syrup.

Date: Sunday, Mar. 20 - 6 pm

Venue: NOVE Italiano at The Palms