Morning Read: Trump's Birther Crusade Gets Dissed, Monserrate Slicing Pizza Now

April 11, 2011 | 9:03 a.m.
New York Daily News, Monday, April 11, 2011<br /> (
New York Daily News, Monday, April 11, 2011

2012: Former Giuliani booster may back Mitt Romney. [Carl Campanile]

2012: "There is zero chance that Donald Trump would ever be hired by the American people," said Plouffe. Trump's response: "They are very concerned because I am challenging him as to whether or not he was born in this country where there is a real doubt." [Lukas Alpert]

2012: Trump's birthed talk is getting under their skin. [S.A. Miller]

Federal Budget: " Obama is conspicuously failing to mount any kind of challenge to the philosophy now dominating Washington discussion." [Paul Krugman]

Campaign Finance: "public disclosure serves the interests of incumbents running for re-election by discouraging support for challengers." [James Huffman]

NY26: Lots of TV ads. [Robert McCarthy]

GOP Fund-raising: Cox paints Levy's problem as a Democratic problem. [Dan Janison]

Tea Party Scofflaws: Central figures in Buffalo's Tea Party have a history of not paying taxes. [Jerry Zremski]

Changing Chancellors: Walcott is "a different kind of crony." [Mike Lupica]

Hiram Monserrate: "I am currently consulting and assisting in the management of Papaya Pizza." [New York Post]

Cuomo's Agenda: His to-do list is not short. [Joseph Spector]

Cuomo's 100 Days: His interview crashed The Capitol Pressroom servers. [Teri Weaver]

Staffing Cuomo: Prosecutor tapped for key job with state police; Kessell meets Glaser tomorrow. [Fred Dicker]

Albany Ethics: "The rules for a more open government are being negotiated secretly." [New York Times]

Pension Costs: Politicians' fault. [EJ McMahon]

Forced Confessions: It sends people to jail and remedying the situation is problematic. [Rory Lancman]

Illegal Cars: Compartments for hiding guns would be outlawed. [Bob Kappstatter]