
Billy Hologram's picture

Is badass x 10 million.

Vanquish is up for 'Best Shooter' award at the Golden Joysticks, voting closes 21st Oct. If ever there was a game that deserved more recognition for being amazing, it's this....

Vote here if you preferred this to Call of Honor: Reach Front Kill Faction -
Vanquish Golden Joystick Best Shooter Category

Original EDGE thread here -
Old forum Vanquish thread that has lots of essential tips and strategies for being a badass.

Scores/Times -
If anyone wants to post up some campaign/challenge times I'll put them here, I'll grab mine this weekend.

LawrenceHill's picture

Hmmm. Bulletstorm though. Nah I didn't complete that four times over 2 consoles, so went with Vanquish.

For help press zero. For everything else...

adored's picture


Didn't we all vote in this thing months ago?

Anyway, already voted for Vanquish, wonderful game, just never had the time or dedication for the challenges, but the campaign was fantastic.

Billy Hologram's picture

There are some good games in that list (and some really turgid, stale ones) but nothing there has the same depth eh.

B³ano's picture

Yes challenges. They are what I must do too.

Tempy's picture

Vanquish GOTY 2010 yup.

XBL: Tempestora
Diluted Dante's picture

I need to replay this on higher settings. It was amazing. GOTY.

Gamertag - Diluted Dante PSN - Diluted Dante Final Fantasy XI (Server: Bismark) - Giles (Kingdom of San d'Oria)