

Ten minute Syndicate gameplay video released

EA has released a brand new ten minute gameplay video of Starbreeze Studio's upcoming Syndicate reboot. Narrated by the game's executive producer Jeff Gamon, the video runs through Executive Search, an early level.

Though die-hard fans of the isometric, team-based original are unlikely to be assuaged by any amount of footage, we have to admit that FPS Syndicate is shaping up to look like a pretty interesting prospect. Let us know what you think about the video after you've watched it.


nstories's picture

there's so many things right. how the weapons feel & sound, how the 10 minutes brought many great combat memories [story guys involved in game mechanics? small studio perk?], and was it dart six?.
interesting. very.
i lilke the realism of - if you can imagine doing this irl.- infiltration will come to " opening door and walking in. gun in hand behind pelvis. raise. kill two guys in a second" ... but also, the next gen gamer in me feels oddly bonerish about the hacking. added that to the adrenaline rush bonuses, i think id like a little burnout mod to the standart rpg bonuses of dehr or fo3. kinda like to feel like a ninja in games too.

tall order. but, is there any other studio that could do it? [riddick gave me the best "top of the world mom" feelings] just hoping there will be many guns. so that i could feel the -omgsh, i love this thing so much. [or teh irl version of it: "if i'd just took this and run..."] :)]

rly looking forward to this. just be generous about the locations. i don't wan't another deus ex, only teenagers dream of finding something around every corner

-sigge-'s picture

Looks fantastic!