Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump

@realDonaldTrump New York, NY
The official Twitter profile for Donald Trump
Text follow realDonaldTrump to 40404 in the United States
Donald J. Trump
Whether we like it or not, oil is the axis on which the world's economies spin. It just is. When the price o… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
Get it straight: Pakistan is not our friend. When our tremendous Navy SEALS took out Osama bin Laden, they did… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
Canada's legal immigration plan starts with a simple and smart question: How will any immigrant applying fo… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
President Reagan put it best: "Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence."
Donald J. Trump
Call me old school, but I believe in the old warrior's credo that "to the victor go the spoils." In other word… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
Forty -six million Americans---more than at any time ever in the history of this country--now live under the poverty line.
Donald J. Trump
Illegal immigration is a wrecking ball aimed at US taxpayers. Washington needs to get tough and fight for "W… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
Did you know that one of seven Americans is now on food stamps? Think of it. In the United States, the most pr… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
All this from a guy who lectured Americans about tightening their belts: @ bashes rich people an… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
RT @: Trumps Warns of Obama Tipping Point that May Destroy America via @
Donald J. Trump
@ is out of the Newsmax-@ debate. Now there won't be any candidates who believe America caused 9.11 or Iran should get nukes.
Donald J. Trump
@ will not be in the Newsmax-@ debate. Now there will be no Obama Admin alum on stage.
Donald J. Trump
The top media and production team! RT @: Former CNN Chief Heads Up Newsmax ION Debate
Donald J. Trump
RT @ @ So excited you are on the show...Most Fascinating People of 2011
Donald J. Trump
I'm sick of always reading about outsourcing. Why aren't we talking about "onshoring"? We need to bring manufa… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
Watch today's to learn more about my new book Time To Get Tough and how to get your own copy signe… (cont)
Donald J. Trump
My interview with @ discussing the Newsmax-@ debate
Donald J. Trump
First there was the Declaration of Independence, then there was the Constitution. Now there is . Available today.
Donald J. Trump
If @ put down 'Rules for radicals' and read then America would be #1 again---and he might even get re-elected.
Donald J. Trump
Met @ at Trump Tower today. He's a big thinker.