
  1. Credit Suisse appoints Garrett Curran as new UK head to succeed veteran dealmaker James Leigh-Pemberton - on FastFT

  2. JPM's gun "with sentimental value for bankers longing for the days when they could literally get away with murder"

  3. "Would have liked and expect in the long-term further IB restructuring" - JPM analysts about CS. Could have said that about the whole sector

  4. You have to pay a lot of money to staff at investment banks to get performance this bad: ROE at inv banks in Q3

  5. nope this is really me. Here is full story - will soon be updated with Mr Hourican's view about the role

  6. John Hourican makes a comeback as CEO of Bank of Cyprus - who would have thought that?

  7. MS just avoids taking the wooden spoon from fixed income trading away from Goldman

  8. Agree! But if you travel often somethg is bound to happen at one stage. I always enjoyed ICE, it's my favorite way to travel.

  9. The joys of Deutsche Bahn, how I miss it. Once took me seven hours from Fkfurt to Stuttgart 'cause locomotive hit by lightning

  10. Goldman's fixed income revenues down 44 per cent - quite a bad third quarter for trading firms

  11. What was meant to be a "Swan Lake style ballet" turned out to be a pole dancer at BNP's fixed income party

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