Simon Mundy


Seoul correspondent for the Financial Times. Previously in London and Johannesburg. 좋은 정보 있으시면 언제든지 저에게 연락주세요~

Joined February 2009

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  1. N Korean belligerence could reinforce aversion to NK among young S Koreans - by

  2. If S Korea is not willing to enforce the law against chaebol families, it should look at scrapping inheritance tax:

  3. Donga says SK's fraudster chairman Chey Tae-won will be pardoned this week, but not Hanwha's Kim Seung-youn

  4. Park Geun-hye says NK should have consulted Seoul before changing its time zone

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    Birth control? BAN IT! Abortion? BAN IT! Gay marriage? BAN IT! Guns? Look, banning things never works. People will find ways to get them.

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    South Korea's presidential palace: Historic woodland of national importance on Naver Maps.

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    South Korea's National Intelligence Service: a beautiful expanse of rolling mountain and paddy fields on Naver maps.

  8. S Korea's government considering taking back responsibility for history textbooks from private publishers

  9. Available satellite images don't necessarily indicate NK preparations for Oct space launch - Tim Brown for 38 North

  10. North Koreans eating out more - inspired by S Korean TV dramas?

  11. 매경 report cites three anonymous medical professors who think Lotte founder 신격호's recent behaviour suggests dementia

    Translated from Korean by

  12. S Korea's government declares a national holiday for August 14 in bid to boost businesses 10 days to plan for it.

  13. Lovely account of Mumbai's dabbawala delivery men from and -

  14. After the Sewol ferry disaster, S Korea's president dissolved the coast guard. Has that made the sea more dangerous?

  15. Samsung says will cut prices of Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge following disappointing sales

  16. Lula compares Brazil's prosecutors to Nazis, business/political elite to persecuted Jews

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    North Korea is banning its own songs because they are dangerously revolutionary.

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    "Newspapers should be owned by news organisations!" Another thoughtful piece on FT-Nikkei deal from Felix Salmon.

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    Sad news. Met him in Seoul once: big fun. Great journalist, fine man. His Korea book (now updated) is essential. RIP

  20. Doosan group leader says pardons for wealthy criminals will create "national harmony"

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