Marriage Drama

A film in which the action revolves around the unhappily married, with the central conflict usually concerning frustration, infidelity, a marital triangle, and/or divorce. Often these films include touches of melodrama and examine the social, economic and psychological problems associated with day-to-day relationship issues. Action tends to center on either the husband or wife's point of view, though sometimes the marriage is viewed through an outside protagonist, such as another romantic possibility. Some of the best examples of marriage drama include: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? A Woman Under the Influence, and Cries and Whispers. Subtypes include problems rising from: the arranged marriage (Picture Bride, Gabbeh), gold-digging and social status (The Marriage of Maria Braun, Howard's End) and infidelity sex, lies and videotape, Enemies: A Love Story). In the latter part of the century, as divorce became more of an accepted reality, these films have increased in number and have grown darker, more painful and pessimistic.