Vengeance Is Mine (1979)

by Eleanor Mannikka synopsis

A gut-wrenching, violent psychological crime drama from start to finish, this award-winning film by noted Japanese director Shohei Imamura is based on a true story. Iwao Enokizu (Ken Ogata) is a murderous sociopath who kills two money lenders in a gory opening scene. Then flashbacks are interspersed with Enokizu's flight across Japan as his miserable childhood and the development of his malevolent, anti-social behavior are portrayed. Vicious and sexually aggressive, Enokizu's rage simmers during an earlier stay in prison as he imagines his wife is bedding down his father. Once on the run from the police, his aberrant sexual life and violent nature are further revealed in a series of gripping events.


- Crime Sprees
- Sociopath
- Sexuality
- Serial Killers
- Murder
- Brutality
- Tough Guys
- Fury
- Angry
- Criminal
- Fathers And Sons
- Anger

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