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Religious Right organizations and the Roman Catholic hierarchy have long sought to control the reproductive lives of Americans. These groups believe their interpretation of the Bible or papal decrees give them the right to make decisions for others. Government should not enact laws that enshrine theological views, such as stating that personhood begins at conception, into law. Medical professionals, such as pharmacists, should not have the right to impose their religious views onto others by refusing to fill valid prescriptions written by doctors.

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Church & State

March 2012 Church & State

Deception In North Dakota

‘Religious Liberty’ Amendment On June Ballot Would Jeopardize Rights Of Women, Taxpayers And Minorities, Critics Say

[node:field_cs_month] [node:field_year] Church & State

The Bishops, Obama and Religious Freedom

The Catholic Hierarchy’s Bold New Church-State Lobbying Blitz – And How It Might Affect Your Rights