Public Insight Network

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  • Teachers: How important should seniority be?
    Teachers: How important should seniority be?
    The Minnesota Legislature is debating a plan that would change how teachers are laid off. Instead of the "last in, first out" model that's in place now, the measure would also take job evaluations into consideration, and not rely solely on seniority to determine which teachers are laid off first.How important do you think seniority should be?
  • What technology is your school using?
    What technology is your school using?
    At the beginning of this school year, Little Falls Community Schools handed out iPads to many of their students. We want to hear about other examples of how Minnesota schools are using technology and gadgets in the classroom. What kind of technology has your school recently adopted?
  • What's it like being new to Minnesota?
    What's it like being new to Minnesota?
    MPR News wants to hear from people who have been to newcomers to the state at some point. What was it like adjusting to life and finding your social circles in Minnesota? What advice would you give to someone moving here? Has the culture of "Minnesota Nice" welcomed you, or kept you at bay?
  • What's it like living with diabetes?
    What's it like living with diabetes?
    MPR News wants to hear from people living with diabetes -- both type 1 and type 2 -- about what you've learned, what myths you deal with and what you want people to know. Share your insights here.
  • What life experience will inform your vote on the marriage amendment?
    What life experience will inform your vote on the marriage amendment?
    In November, 2012, Minnesota voters will be asked to decide whether the Minnesota Constitution be amended to say that "only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage" in Minnesota.

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A church divided, together
We explore the effect of the Aug. 21, 2009 vote allowing gay pastors to serve as clergy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America through the stories of Lutherans in the Public Insight Network.


Perspectives on the news from people in the know. More Commentary »

What item in your family's budget is causing you the most distress?
Art Hounds
Recruits from the Minnesota arts community, on the trail for exciting local art.


Budget Hero™ Can you create a sustainable government?
Consumer Consequences What if everyone consumed as you do?

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