Add Your Quote!

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Location (e.g., New York, NY, USA):



Note: Please read before clicking “Send Email”:

We read each and every quote we receive, but due to the high volume of submissions not every quote makes it onto the site.

Here are a few questions you should ask yourself before submitting your quote:

  • Is the quote about a customer doing something funny, outrageous or otherwise unusual?
  • Is the quote original, and not taken from another site, TV show, movie, periodical, or Not Always Right itself?
  • If present, are the employees in the quote generally well-behaved?

If the answer to all three questions is “Yes,” your quote has a high likelihood of being posted.

If you do not see what you feel is a valid post after several months (yes, our volume of submissions is that large!), please feel free to resubmit your quote — it’s rare, but sometimes submissions do get lost in the mail.

Note: As much as we agree that the customer is sometimes right, this is the wrong site for these stories. We do not run stories about the customer being right. As an alternative, we suggest, Pissed Consumer, or Consumerist.

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