Christian media

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Christian media can either refer to Christians who work in secular media, or media that is Christian.


[edit] Christians in media

There are various Christians including popstars such as Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers, as well as politicians and professors. As a result of the non-Christian target audience of secular media, it is inferred that Christians operating in non-Christian can be more influential than in Christian media per se.

[edit] Media that is Christian

Refers to various aspects of mass media which is primarily targeting the Christian demographic. Christian media has become consolidated through the widespread popularity of Christian pop culture. The conservative Christian right and fundamentalist Christians have been especially active with media ventures.[1][page needed]

Some, although not all Christian media, contribute to the Christian music industry.

[edit] Forms

Christian media take various forms:

[edit] References

  1. ^ Linda Kintz; Julia Lesage (1998-04), Media, Culture, and the Religious Right, U of Minnesota Press, pp. 404, ISBN 9780816630851,  ISBN 0816630852, ISBN 9780816630851

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