Theta Chi

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Theta Chi Fraternity
The Coat of Arms of Theta Chi Fraternity [1]
Founded April 10, 1856 (1856-04-10) (155 years ago)
Norwich University
Type Social
Scope United States, Canada
Colors Military Red and White
Symbol Rattlesnake
Flower The Red Carnation
Chapters 220 (130 active, 10 colonies and interest groups)
Members 6,000+ collegiate
170,000+ lifetime
Headquarters Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Theta Chi Fraternity (ΘΧ) is an international college fraternity. It was founded on April 10, 1856 as the Theta Chi Society, at Norwich University, Norwich, Vermont, U.S., and was the 21st of the 71 North-American Interfraternity Conference men's fraternities.


[edit] History

[edit] Founding and early years at Norwich

Theta Chi Fraternity was founded on April 10, 1856, at Norwich University in Norwich, Vermont, by two military cadets, Frederick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase. A third man, Egbert Phelps, is considered to be the "assistant founder" for lending his help and advice to Freeman and Chase although he was never an undergraduate member himself (he was a member of the Chi Psi Fraternity). The first initiates after the founders were Edward Bancroft Williston, Frederick Howard Farrar, Ridge Hudson, and Lorenzo Potter. The early history of Theta Chi Fraternity is closely connected with the history of Norwich University. In 1866 a massive fire devastated the university, completely destroying the Old South Barracks. This disaster prompted the university to move from Norwich, Vermont to its present location in Northfield, Vermont. During fall quarter in 1881, Norwich University was reduced to only 15 students and Theta Chi membership was reduced to one undergraduate member, James M. Holland. In November of that year, Phil S. Randall and Henry Hersey approached Holland and insisted that they be allowed to join Theta Chi; Holland agreed, thus saving the Fraternity from extinction.

[edit] Growth

The Fraternity was incorporated in Vermont in 1888, and acquired its first chapter house two years later. However, it remained a single entity for forty-six years until the Beta Chapter was installed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1902. A Grand Chapter was organized in 1908 to direct the fraternity and promote its growth. In 1942, Beta Kappa Fraternity joined Theta Chi Fraternity, bringing 16 undergraduate chapters and over 6,000 undergraduate and alumnus members into the ranks. The Foundation Chapter was established in 1953 as a charity to provide educational scholarships and assistance. In 1965, the Zeta Gamma Chapter was installed at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, making Theta Chi an international fraternity.

[edit] Headquarters

Initially, the Alpha Chapter and Grand Chapter volunteered to maintain all records of the Fraternity until 1923, when the first Executive Office was established in New York City. In 1928, the headquarters was moved to Huntington, West Virginia. In 1932, the headquarters moved again, this time to Trenton, New Jersey. Since 1990, Theta Chi Fraternity's international headquarters have been located at 3330 Founders Rd, Indianapolis, Indiana.

[edit] Ideals, traditions, and symbols

The Alpha Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity was founded here in 1856

The Greek motto of Theta Chi is Θηρόποσα Χείρ, which is translated as "An Assisting Hand."[2] Theta Chi's motto was secret from the founding in 1856 until the 1930s at which time it was made public and incorporated into the fraternity's coat of arms.

When Freeman and Chase founded Theta Chi in 1856 they very clearly spelled out the purpose of the Fraternity in the original Constitution. Article I stated that the objects of Theta Chi were to “bind by closer bonds the members to each other and the mutual assistance of each of its members;” “the advancement and carrying out of any measures at the institution in which it shall be established which shall be of importance to its members,” and “the mutual benefit and improvement of all its members.”

The Fraternity's maxim is "Alma Mater First and Theta Chi for Alma Mater," and refers to one of the founding ideals of the Fraternity: loyalty to one's college or university as well as academic achievement.

The Fraternity's colors are military red and white. Its flower is the red carnation. The national alumni publication is The Rattle, named for the rattlesnake that appears on the fraternity's coat of arms and badge. It has become a Theta Chi tradition to celebrate Founders Day on April 10, usually as an alumni gathering.

[edit] Badge of Theta Chi

The original Theta Chi badge was designed by Egbert Phelps, assistant founder of the Fraternity, sometime before the founding date. The records show that the first badges were ordered by Freeman from a Boston jeweler on April 12, two days after the founding. The members, by vote, decided to wear the badges in public for the first time on June 9, 1856.[3]

[edit] Coat of Arms

Sometimes mistakenly called the crest, the Fraternity Coat of Arms is described in heraldic phraseology, as: "Or on a bend gules, a nowed serpent between two swords, points downward, pale wise, all of the first. On an Esquire's helmet the crest an eagle displayed Or".[4]

[edit] New Member Button

New Member Button: An insignia worn at appropriate times by men who have joined Theta Chi Fraternity as New Members, having yet to be initiated into the fraternity. The New Member button is a small metal oval, red in color, with a white edge, and crossed diagonally with white stripes forming an "X".[5]

[edit] Recognition Badges

A recognition badge is a small button which is worn on a coat lapel, and comes in three versions. The official recognition button is a small reproduction of the official badge. A second version is a miniature coat of arms, while a third version utilizes the fraternity letters.[6]

[edit] Creed

The Flag of Theta Chi Fraternity

Frank Schrenk (Kappa/Pennsylvania 1915) wrote the Creed of Theta Chi. It is both an affirmation of the founding principles of Theta Chi and a mission statement for the Fraternity:

I believe in Theta Chi, its traditions and its ideals. Born of sturdy manhood, nurtured by resolute men, ennobled by high and sacred purpose, it has taken its place among the educational institutions of America as a promoter of knowledge, an advancer of culture and a builder of character.

It inspires true friendship: teaches Truth, Temperance and Tolerance, extols virtue, exacts harmony, and extends a helping hand to all who seek it.

I believe in the primacy of Alma Mater; in the usefulness of my Fraternity, in its influence and its accomplishments and I shall do all in my power to perpetuate its ideals, thereby serving my God, my country and my fellow-man.

The Creed is traditionally recited by members at chapter meetings, and is often discussed in new member education programs to teach the values and ideals of the Fraternity.

[edit] Monument

The Monument of Theta Chi Fraternity

On August 29, 1931, the day of Theta Chi's 75th Anniversary Convention, a stone monument was dedicated at Norwich, Vermont. The Monument of Theta Chi is a remembrance of the founding of Theta Chi Fraternity:

On a site 200 feet northeast of this monument in the Old South Barracks of Norwich University, Frederick Norton Freeman, '57, and Arthur Chase, '56, founded Theta Chi Fraternity at 9 p.m., April 10, 1856[7]

[edit] Theta Chi today

Theta Chi currently has 130 active chapters[8] , as well as 10 colonies and interest groups across the United States and Canada and has initiated over 170,000 members since its founding. It is a member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. Today, Theta Chi is the 10th largest collegiate male fraternity.

Today, Theta Chi Fraternity's undergraduate members are extremely involved on their respective campuses with a multitude of leadership organizations, including Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), the Order of Omega, Student Government Association (SGA), Phi Beta Kappa, Florida Blue Key, NCAA athletics, and multiple philanthropies, including the Children's Miracle Network, the American Red Cross, Relay for Life, as well as various organizations that support the U.S. military overseas.

[edit] Chapters

[edit] Colonies and interest groups

Some of Theta Chi's colonies and interest groups are at: The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Louisiana State University, American International College, the University of Nebraska, Oklahoma State University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Southern Polytechnic State University and Florida International University.

Recent successful expansion efforts include the University of South Florida (2010), the University of Wisconsin (2011), Georgia College & State University (2011), the University of Rhode Island (2011), the University of Arizona (2011) and the University of Kentucky (2011).

[edit] Notable alumni

[edit] References

  1. ^ | accessdate=2010-03-19}}
  2. ^ "About Theta Chi". Theta Chi Fraternity. Retrieved 2010-03-19. 
  3. ^ "Badge". Theta Chi Fraternity. Retrieved 2008-11-08. 
  4. ^ "Coat Of Arms". Theta Chi Fraternity. Retrieved 2008-11-08. 
  5. ^ "New Member Button". Theta Chi Fraternity. Retrieved 2008-11-09. 
  6. ^ "Recognition Buttons". Theta Chi Fraternity. Retrieved 2008-11-09. 
  7. ^ Chapman, George W. The Manual of Theta Chi. Ed. Dale A. Slivinske and David L. Westol. 17th ed. The Grand Chapter, 1998. 106-08.
  8. ^ "About Theta Chi". 

[edit] External links

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