It’s International Star Wars Day again !

International star wars day may the fourth Its International Star Wars Day again !

Lifestyle clause, my ass

It’s alleged that a Christian College in Caloundra, Qld, has sacked a kindergarden teacher for falling pregnant out of wedlock.
It’s probably legal for them to employ this hypocritical and laughable “lifestyle clause”, but as the blogger at The Good. The Bad. The Asinine. points out, questions may and should be asked with regards to the basis and justification for the moral high ground that those fine Christians are claiming.

Recommended Reading

Apart from the “Rough Guide to China” (13 days and counting) I have a few books cooking at the moment that I can warmly recommend to everyone. The first is The theory that would not die by Sharon Bertsch Mcgrayne, it’s a fascinating read about the history of Bayes’ Theorem (which wasn’t really by Bayes), and how it was applied to everything from finding U-boats during WWII to establishing a link between smoking and cancer.

The second one is Proofiness by Charles Seife, and it is an important account of how we are being fooled by numbers on a daily basis, and how bogus mathematical arguments shape our political discussions and the media. Highly recommended !

Feel free to leave your own book recommendations in the comments.