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Abbie Smith is a graduate student studying the molecular and biochemical evolution of HIV within patients and within populations. She also studies epigenetic control of ERVs.

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Dawkins coup de grâce in Vegas

Category: Atheism
Posted on: July 18, 2011 10:07 PM, by ERV

When presented with a problem/conundrum/issue, I am a mule.

Put up a wall? *shrug* Ill kick it down.

Its not elegant. Its not pretty. Its brute force. And it gets the job done.

I am intrigued by those who can work smarter. Put up a wall? They look for the brick that looks slightly different from all the others, push it, and find the secret doorway. Things get even more interesting when it turns out the person who put up the wall didnt even know that secret doorway was there, and they are made a fool by the problem solvers ingenuity.

I would have just demolished the whole damn thing and been on my way.

That is why Im intrigued by someone who work smart, like Richard Dawkins. Example: The last time he was in Oklahoma, state legislators were tripping over themselves to determine which of them was the most holiest. Who was chosen by God to protect the good people of Oklahoma from Dawkins Devil-tongue? Who was chosen by God to punish the demons who invited Dawkins to OU, contaminating our Holy Land?

Of all the ways one could deal with this issue, Dawkins was almost *painfully* clever, not only waiving his speaking fee (thus protecting all of the professors and students who invited him to speak from legislative harassment), but adding insult to the politicians injury by donating thousands of dollars to Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education.

It was marvelous.

It also wasnt a fluke.

After Shaftgate, many noticed that Dawkins quit speaking on the issue.

Many put up guesses as to why this happened, and I think the 'why?' is now clear. Dawkins has shown with his actions time, time, time and again, that he is supportive of everyone in science and skepticism. When it became clear that words, discussion, reasoning were useless against what he was up against, he stopped using words, discussion, and reasoning, and kept doing what he do, which is, to 'do':

The dawkins foundation is going to pay for childcare so moms can attend future cons. Feminist cred reestablished, well played
More twetters:
Childcare at future TAM to be sponsored by Dawkins Foundation

ERV translation:

You all keep throwing your bordello parties and pajama parties and getting drunk all the time and acting like overall jackasses in the name of 'supporting women in skepticism'. Im going to actually support everyone, including women, by providing childcare at future TAMs. *flipseveryoneoff*
The non-response this move has gotten, the stunned silence from the True Feminists mirrors that of the duped Evangelicals before. Stricken dumb by being too dumb to understand what just happened. Its hysterical.

I wish I could take an ounce of credit for any of this-- providing childcare at meetings is something I have been talking up and down since the Texas Freethought Convention last year. Camp Quest provided 'day camp' for the kids of attendees. That was such a weight off of so many parents, especially single parents, including single moms, shoulders. Furthermore, having low-stress, kid-friendly activities has helped the OKC Atheists grow exponentially-- picnics, trips to zoos and museums, meet-ups at a pizza place instead of a bar, etc. Weve gotten so big we actually had to make a break-off 'secular parenting' group (though all are still welcome if they are doing something cool and you want to tag along).

You want more members?

Have more low-intimidation, social meet-ups. Not every skeptic group has to meet in a pub. Not every meeting needs to be a lecture. Yes, karaoke nights at a bar are my favorite, but something as small as a few 'kid friendly' events, or day-care for day-long events goes a fuckovalong way to generating a warm, welcoming group.

Anyway, I rant all over the place about this, including to Dawkins very recently, but I cant take any credit. Apparently this move has been in the works for a long time, with Camp Quest. Apparently before Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum and demanded everyone kiss her invisible boo-boo.

She made her move. A rash decision.

Dawkins made his. Carefully planned for some time.


You are free to write this post off as mindless-fan-boy-ism if your brain cant comprehend what just happened, but the fact of the matter is, this is simply a warrior appreciating another warriors superior skills.

An honest and sincere 'touche', Professor Dawkins.

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Dawkins never fails to be the most brilliant person ever.

I'm so happy we read from one of his books as the 'reading' at my wedding.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 18, 2011 11:36 PM


Touche', not tousche, right?
Good post, nice analysis, and fuckofallthings, what's wrong with fan-boy-ism? have they even tried to co-opt that??

Posted by: pornonymous | July 18, 2011 11:39 PM


I'd be more impressed if RD avoided the issue completely. His comments on the issue were kind of out of no where to begin with, to the point that many wondered if it was an impersonator.

That being said, his follow up was as best as could be expected....IE, shut up. A rare skill. One that I'm definitely lacking.

Posted by: AbnormalWrench | July 19, 2011 12:05 AM


You just know he's getting all those kids together to hold them ransom. He is evil after all. I read it somewhere.

Remember, Rebecca Watson has said that her little coterie of sycophants do more for women than Richard Dawkins has ever done, which is why I'm completely unsurprised that Rebecca Watson thought of doing this. =^_^=

Excellent post, Abbie. If you weren't a gender traitor, I'd probably try to like or something.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 12:14 AM


Good for Richard, I'm glad he did that. But you do realize that this was not a "follow up" to Rebeccapocalypse, having been planned for a very long time in advance.

Of course, I hear he has access to a tardis, so maybe ...

Posted by: Greg Laden | July 19, 2011 12:17 AM


Greg, she knows. She said as much. That's what makes this even better - it's not a response for PR damage control. It just shows that despite what that camp is saying of him, this is just one of the many things he does that actually support making events open to women.

In other words, "While you people are over there having a pity party and deciding who you like better, I've been busy effecting change and equality by doing things. Tootles, idiots."

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 12:25 AM


The first Richard Dawkins book that I read was The God Delusion, but I was an atheist long before then. I kind of figured it out on my own when I was about 12- it was pretty obvious that all religion was a load of crap. Thing is, very rarely would you find anyone on British television saying as much. We had Songs of Praise- a Sunday afternoon staple in which the BBC would broadcast various church choirs around the country; we had "Thought of the Day" on BBC Radio, in which a member of the clergy would relate some asinine biblical parable, which, I suppose, was meant to sound poignant and make us relate our everyday lives to that of scripture. But no-one when I was growing up, it seemed, would publicly renounce all of that crap and speak up for those of us who didn't believe a fucking word of it. No-one, that is, apart from Richard Dawkins.

I never knew his name, or what he did, or who he was, really, but as I was growing up in the 90s I would occasionally catch glimpse of this guy on the telly talking smack about religion. It really was very exciting- whenever I saw this rather handsome grey-haired chap on the box I would immediately stop what I was doing and pay full attention to the TV: "there's that guy again! The one who makes my hair stand on end by saying exactly what my still-developing teenage mind is thinking! The guy who sits on panels on Saturday afternoon talk shows and tells the mild-mannered bishop that his religion is a load of complete wank. On television!" I never really knew who Dawkins was before The God Delusion came out, but he was, for a long time, the only guy on British TV who you could trust to badmouth religion, and for that he was already a hero of mine, even if only for those short, intermittent bursts when he would occasionally be invited on-air.

Dawkins has been a tireless campaigner for rational thought for many decades, and it has been frustrating in the extreme to watch so many so-called fellow rationalists absolutely berating him over the past month or so- really having a go at him- and all because he doesn't think that asking a girl for coffee is the Crime of the Century. As ERV has pointed out, actions speak louder than words, and Dawkins has done more to help women achieve equality than all of the petty excuses for feminists that have been on his case put together.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 12:42 AM


I hate to say this, but reading this bit from above, "Check-mate" is creepy. It's late at night and there's no one else here on my computer your blog article, just your blog article. I've spent all day lecturing about how I don't like be gambitulized in this fashion, and here you are doing it. A word to the wise, female bloggers named Abbie on, don't do that.

You better be on the look out for a youtube video I'm going to sneak this into.

Richard Dawkins, I dare you to say something stupid here to minimize my pain of being gambitulized. Chess nerds the world over will disown you if you make light of this simply because I'm not facing Bobby Fischer.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 12:45 AM


I remember seeing Prof. Dawkins back in "the day": he used to give The Christmas Lectures in Great Britain, on that television they have over there. Yeah, that´s right, Christmas day, the family fully coma´d, not yet time for The Great Escape, and there´s this gent giving some interesting chat to a room full of folk. Met him briefly years later... front line of the culture wars and still a lovely chap.

Must say, I´ve been enjoying your blog; as others have pointed out, this Twatson-malarkey has at least helped me find some great read, sorting the wheat from the Twat... if you´ll permit.

Posted by: Munkhaus | July 19, 2011 1:10 AM


*slow clap* @ R.D.

Posted by: ErkLR | July 19, 2011 1:12 AM


Jusicar, thanks for speaking up for ERV. But my "follow-up" comment was responding to Mr Wrench. (Or Ms. Wrench as the case may be). I was probably a bit unclear.

Richard has a mixed relationship with feminism which I think comes from a little problem with the whole priv thing. Not occurred to him that there were female science authors that could have been included in his anthology, etc. His comments on PZ's blog were unconscionable. But I don't think anyone "on that side" (give me a break please) vilifies him, and he deserves credit for having his foundation cover day care. If you'll remember the coup that happened on his site a year or so ago, he does have a track record of spewing out unconsidered prose that bites him later. Maybe he should try blogging for a while.

And, frankly, Rebecca deserves a little more respect. Adults can respectfully disagree and use a person's name in unmangled fashion.

Posted by: Greg Laden | July 19, 2011 1:19 AM


"Twatson?" Really? Are you 12?

Posted by: DameTrot | July 19, 2011 1:29 AM


Your comment "The non-response this move has gotten, the stunned silence from the True Feminists mirrors that of the duped Evangelicals before. Stricken dumb by being too dumb to understand what just happened. Its hysterical." is completely insincere. I was the first person to tweet how happy I was when Dawkins made that announcement. And Ashley F. Miller (whose tweet you used) was one of those "True Feminists" (your words, not ours) who was very critical of Dawkins too.

Not to mention after the announcement, I personally went up to him during the Speaker's reception, shook his hand, and told him how thankful I was about the funding. We had a very friendly conversation. And I'm including it in my post about TAM, which isn't done yet because I spent today recovering from my sleep deprivation and, you know, going back to work.

Please don't take a good thing and use it to spit in our faces. It's immature.

Posted by: Jen | July 19, 2011 1:40 AM


I think some of the less-travelled science-blogs are milking the Twatson Affair for hits.
It's always good to read a bit more commonsense, though, after all the rambling and incoherent pro-Twatson illogic about rape and so forth.

Like #7, Dawkins was someone I was aware of, but didn't know much about because, frankly, I'm not interested in childish mythology one way or another. When the God Delusion came out, I decided to find out what Dawkins had to say so I put in requests to the library for every book he's written over the years and I read them all. [All but one. Despite having bought many copies of the God Delusion, the library was unable to provide me with one - apparently the christians kept nicking it so others couldn't read it. Hilarious.]
Anyway, Dawkins has written a lot of books where he repetitively addresses the same ideas over and over again with the occasional bit of freshness added in. And it's all on subjects that most teenagers have figured out for themselves so long as they've chosen a few science electives in High School.
What's depressing is that the world actually needs Dawkins to tell it this stuff.

Posted by: Vince whirlwind | July 19, 2011 1:53 AM


Like #3 AbnormalWrench said, I too wondered was it the REAL Richard Dawkins having a go at "Whining Muslima"? Does he really not know his audience and remember that his mission statement is "to alleviate human suffering"? He simply wouldn't recognize "Whining Muslima's" function of being vulnerable...whether on the blog, in the elevator, or behind the burka in Saudi Arabia.

It sounded like the kind of thing blurted when one is irritable and over-reactive. Maybe when he comes back from vacationing in Jackson Hole we can have the old Dawkins back? He's a hero of mine too but even being a genius doesn't preclude one being impulsive, naiive or plain wrong.

Posted by: AnthropicConstance | July 19, 2011 3:25 AM


Greg said "Jusicar, thanks for speaking up for ERV. But my "follow-up" comment was responding to Mr Wrench. (Or Ms. Wrench as the case may be). I was probably a bit unclear. "

Ah, I didn't realize that was addressed to me either.

I wasn't commenting on the child care thing. I agree, it doesn't really have anything to do with this. I was more commenting on the initial comments that kicked it all off.

RD has always supported various feminist initiatives, and I see nothing "new" here, nor do I expect anything to change in the future. This questioning of his deep seated rage against women is laughably stupid no matter how you measure it.

Posted by: AbnormalWrench | July 19, 2011 3:33 AM


Richard Dawkins is a big name, and quite frankly, I think he has done more concrete things in support of gender equality than Rebecca Watson is even capable of doing (this isn't a slight on Rebecca Watson, Dawkins simply has an enormous audience).

So ERV is absolutely correct, when RadFem ideological purists delight in deliberately misunderstanding and misconstruing Dawkin's words, he simply. Stops. And acts.

After all, what did Dawkin's actually say that the purity zealots have attacked?

Well, in a thread where people were taking an event that Watson practically shrugged off as (to paraphrase), hey, that was a bit much, could you not? and 'elevating' it to she was violated, almost raped, rapey behavior, extreme misogyny, Dawkins dropped a typically rhetorically brilliant (again, to paraphrase) "get some fucking perspective, stop belittling actual misogyny, every act that makes you uncomfortable isn't rape" to the let's be honest - nuttier, members of Pharangula and elsewhere.

His detractors have of course pretended he was saying the exact opposite of what he was saying by pretending it was written in response to Watson (and Watson of course ate up the opportunity to pretend the same) to stop her whining, with him being set up as the privileged not who isn't even trying to empathise, of course, ignoring the fact that Dawkins has been the victim of sexual abuse).

I am a Dawkin's fanboy, for very good reason. He makes sense, the other side comes across as petty, wrong, character assassins.

Well played, Professor!

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 3:50 AM


You had me until you started ranting about "True Feminists" and ended the post with a most spectacular display of hostility. We can do without that sort of stuff.

Posted by: Tony Sidaway | July 19, 2011 4:32 AM


Thanks to linking to my blog with the word 'Awesome'. :)

Posted by: Podblack | July 19, 2011 4:35 AM


Hats off to Dawkins. Hats off to the rational people commenting on this blog. Brilliant.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 4:42 AM


This is good news, but I really wish you hadn't used it to reheat a pot of shit

Posted by: insignificant | July 19, 2011 5:15 AM


No problem, Greg. I didn't recognize the comment as being directed to wrench. Imagine that? A miscommunication happened in the comment section of a blog - the end is nigh!

If you're honestly representing that what Dawkins wrote on Pharyngula is "unconscionable", then that word has immediately become useless. To suggest telling someone to stop whining over an absolute non-event somehow breaches an ethical levy designed to hold back evils better left unspecified is preposterous. Further, your claim that "that side" isn't vilifying Dawkins is counterfactual; it is not a statement that is congruent with reality. Saying he's not a humanist, that he hates women (that's what misogyny means incidentally), and that he's contributed so little to the cause of atheism, philanthropy, humanism, feminism that he's easily dismissed because Rebecca Watson and her coterie of people have outshone him? This isn't vilifying and nullifying him?

One of us seems to be quite loose with our words this morning. I do hope I am not he who is doing it.

He deserves credit for a great deal more than the daycare bit. Dawkins has unfailingly served in his station for the whole of his public, academic life. He is a tireless advocate for justice, peace, equality, rationality, education, compassion and genorosity. At a time in his life where he could well take his millions and have a quiet, leisurely life and look back fully comfortable dropping dead knowing he's contributed more to the cause of bettering the human condition than most people who've ever lived, what's he doing instead? More.

Why? Because the work needs to be done and he knows he has the ability to greatly contribute to it.

While the silly ones were sitting patting Rebecca Watson on the back and coddling her for her harrowing tale of walking out of an elevator and then trying to impugn a man who's done more for the world than Watson can hope to do in ten lifetimes, he was, again, busy working to arrange the world in a way that is slightly more compassionate, slightly more manageable, slightly better and more conducive to helping people flourish and remove obstacles to their ability to share ideas. During the whole of the "Dear Dick" campaign (which I note you aren't calling Rebecca out on the carpet over, but my calling her Twatson somehow warrants admonishment), he was busy doing something to help actual people. Rebecca has made no effort to hide how much she loves the attention and (of course) the money this has generated for her. She refers to it as a "score" on her facebook page.

What does Dawkins consider a success? When someone who isn't named Richard Dawkins is liberated from those who would oppress them. His idea of success is improving other people's station in life. Her idea of a successful event is to get Richard Dawkins to "say something stupid" to her for the attention (and of course money) she can bilk out of it. And you dare to fucking remotely imply that you should be given a break or taken seriously when you call what he did "unconscionable"?

You have a very fucking low threshold for what it takes to meet that - it must be a very privileged world in which you live where someone's "stop bitching" reply to a nattering halfwit's crying about being invited out to coffee is cause for moral outrage.

Blow it out of your ass, sir.

What was Rebecca Watson doing all that while? Writing pithy posts about how he's the past, a relic of a bygone era she was happy to have left behind combating gum-chewers in elevators.

The only mistake that I can see Dawkins has made with respect to her is to give her the privilege of sharing a panel with him. In a world where one rises to his position through sheer force of intellect, rhetorical wit and consistent advance up the meritocracy, she's severely out of place. Let's hope she's in her declining seconds of her 15 minutes of fame.

To deal with your last point. No, maybe Dawkins shouldn't try blogging for a while. Maybe Dawkins should try doing what he likes doing - imagine, letting someone decide his own course and all that. Maybe Dawkins should continue actually making a net positive advance on your behalf and mine (and Rebecca's too) towards the goals we all have in common. Yes, I think I'm quite comfortable exchanging a chance to read a brilliant man's daily blog knowing that the time he's not spending searching google for a good picture he's out setting up infrastructure to help bring an end to the petty matter of the stoning to death of a woman somewhere for the great crime of being raped. Or, helping to introduce freedom of speech to Turkey. Or writing another book that brings science and rationality and elegance to people for whom it would otherwise remain a mysterious idea beyond their grasp. Or arranging talks and discussions with the greatest scientists alive to help bring some of the work they do to the reaches of the unwashed masses the Rebecca Watsons of the world see as backs to stand upon for attention and money.

But remember, Richard Dawkins doesn't understand the issues because he's privileged. It's maniacally important that we know he's privileged. And white. And male. And old. And stupid. And educated. And in an ivory tower. And British. And on and on and on.

Thankfully, he's really inept and keeps accidentally addressing issues in a way that reduces their severity. Lord knows he couldn't do it on purpose - it's just too complex for him to understand.

Fear not - Jennifer McCreight (rhymes with wrong) and Rebecca Watson I'm sure will take him under the wing and educate him.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 5:41 AM


Greg @10: "And, frankly, Rebecca deserves a little more respect. Adults can respectfully disagree and use a person's name in unmangled fashion. "

Not really, she doesn't. In what way would she deserve anything but contempt? She' famous for, well, being famous. There's nothing to her, appart from her ability to repeat what more prominent and educated figures of the skeptic movement have said. She deserves as much respect as a televangelist. Person's name unmangled? I don't see you defending DaveTard, Unibrow Luskin or Bill Dumbsky. Is it, like, double standards?

Jen @12"Your comment "The non-response this move has gotten, the stunned silence from the True Feminists mirrors that of the duped Evangelicals before. Stricken dumb by being too dumb to understand what just happened. Its hysterical." is completely insincere. I was the first person to tweet how happy I was when Dawkins made that announcement. And Ashley F. Miller (whose tweet you used) was one of those "True Feminists" (your words, not ours) who was very critical of Dawkins too.

Not to mention after the announcement, I personally went up to him during the Speaker's reception, shook his hand, and told him how thankful I was about the funding. We had a very friendly conversation. And I'm including it in my post about TAM, which isn't done yet because I spent today recovering from my sleep deprivation and, you know, going back to work.

Please don't take a good thing and use it to spit in our faces. It's immature."

Because it's all about you. And Ashley. I can't even start to comprehend how you managed to have a friendly chat with that disgusting mysoginist pig, rich old white priviledged man. Must have been hell for you!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 5:43 AM


So.. Dawkins gets on with making a difference and bringing people to the movement, while the Watson shameless self-promotion train presses on - no matter how many good people she drives away from skepticism.

I'm not surprised Greg Laden and Jen are here squirming and trying to rationalise their positions. The illiberal and divisive bullshit they've produced lately is starting to look a little weak, when viewed from outside of the clique.

Posted by: Spence | July 19, 2011 6:05 AM


Dawkins is a class act really. Sure, he's a privileged eminent white heterosexual rich male, and that's terrible. But what I admire is that he did not apologise just to stop people calling him names. Instead, he ignored all the rubbish and put his critics to shame by performing an act that actually helps. Like his 'Muslima' comment; puts everything in perspective!

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 6:22 AM


"Adults can respectfully disagree and use a person's name in unmangled fashion. "

Adults can.

So since Rebecca, Jen, you and PZ have not managed this, this means you aren't adult.

Also on the "She's famous for being famous", can anyone else see the joins from RW to Megan Fox, and those other women famous for being famous?

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 6:26 AM


>mfw the Twatsonites are going to have to throw their rationalization hamsters back into full gear after Dawkins fucks their narrative right in the ass and stretches it wide a goatse.

Posted by: TylerD | July 19, 2011 6:26 AM


This whole episode has been enormously illuminating for me and, I suspect, many others. Dawkins comments on Pharyngula have had the result of giving a huge shake-up to the whole skeptical movement. The immediate consequence was what it revealed about many of the 'leaders' of modern skepticism. Many of them let the mask slip and the faces revealed were far from pretty. Far too little skepticism was in evidence but plenty of faith. What it revealed was that the skeptical community may pride itself on critical thinking and actions based on solid empirical facts but it contains many individuals who seem to be hanging on the coat-tails of the true skeptics. These hanger-ons are content to look at the "pretty pictures" while ignoring the message - if that message doesn't fit their own agenda.
It has shown us that a hierarchy is in place, and we must accept it on faith. Any dissent against the important ones and threats of excommunication are sure to follow (gender traitors!)
Well I was never that good with a pitchfork and torch, I'll leave that to the pharyngulites, skepchicks and bandwagon jumpers like Laden and his gang.

Posted by: Sigmund | July 19, 2011 6:33 AM


A cheap ad hominem like changing the name of someone you disagree with from Watson to "Twatson", and supportive comments from the likes of Justicar, who makes lunatics like WW look like a sane intellectual, are making me think that I should take ERV off my bookmarks.

I can't even start to comprehend how you managed to have a friendly chat with that disgusting mysoginist pig, rich old white priviledged man.

Do you really want to be on the side of that guy, Abbie ?

Posted by: Rorschach | July 19, 2011 6:38 AM


"Do you really want to be on the side of that guy, Abbie ?"


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 6:52 AM


Sorry, but I can't take anyone seriously who thinks that calling one's opponent "Twatson" is the height of witty repartée. Or who is so insistent on wilfully misunderstanding the issues underlying "Elevatorgate", and strawmanning (or strawwomanning) those on the other side of the debate.

This whole fiasco has strengthened my lack of interest in the organized "atheist movement". I was pissed off already that much of the "atheist movement" still seems to take Sam Harris seriously, despite the fact that he's an apologist for torture and imperialist warfare with a long history of hate-driven inflammatory rhetoric against Muslims and Islam. (And extremist Islamophobes like Pat Condell, who are even worse than Harris, are still treated as though they were intellectually respectable in some atheist circles.) Dawkins and Hitchens, though not as bad as Harris, are also guilty of contributing to anti-Muslim prejudice. Given that Muslims are an intensely-oppressed and marginalized minority in both Western Europe and the US, and a favourite target of the far right (who use anti-Islam rhetoric as a convenient cover for their anti-Asian racism and xenophobia) it should be obvious that when privileged white male atheists, a la Harris, make stupid comments like "Western civilization is at war with Islam", they're making things worse, not better.

In the wake of Elevatorgate, it also seems that parts of the atheist blogosphere (with the honourable exceptions, thankfully, of Pharyngula and Greta Christina) are intent on defending Dawkins' idiotic sexist comments to the hilt. The amount of casual contempt for Ms Watson's feelings and experiences (and those of other women who have experienced harassment or unwelcome/creepy advances) is breathtaking. The attitude in some circles seems to be "But we can't be sexists! We're enlightened progressive atheists who reject religious patriarchy!" News flash: sexism isn't just a product of religion, and the absence of religion doesn't mean sexism will magically disappear from a community. Sexism is much more deeply ingrained in our culture than that, and atheists are just as capable of being sexist idiots as religious people are.

I'm an atheist, because I don't see any convincing reason to believe in any gods. But my atheism isn't all that important to me, any more than my lack of belief in fairies or astrology is important to me. On the other hand, social justice and gender equality are important to me; and blog posts like this are working against those goals.

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 6:59 AM


Mao was an atheist. Do you really want to be on the side of that guy?

One notes that for all the bravado tossed my way, not a single argument I've presented has had even the mildest of challenges from anyone on the side opposite. I'm being a dick. Yes. Factoring in that I'm an asshole on this subject, where is the fatal flaw in my reasoning?

If you can find it, or send someone over my way who can, not only will you have shut me down on this topic, you'll have changed my mind and won a convert.

Oh, you should really refrain from invoking logical fallacies you clearly do not understand. I do not base a single argument on my calling her Twatson. It is not a mechanism serving to address the truth or falsity of a single claim she's made. It is an insult that independent of everything else, but coincides only temporally with what else I've said - things that have notably gone undisturbed.

Incidentally, what you have done here does meet the actual criteria of an argumentum ad hominem fallacy: I'm a dick, and because of that, people should ignore my argument(s).

That Abbie and I happen to agree on some particular set of issues doesn't remotely implicate her by association in the slightest degree with respect to how I choose to address the situation. She is no doubt well-aware of this.

Isaac Newton was a crackpot religionist and alchemist. Do you therefore abandon Newtonian Mechanics to avoid suffering the taint of being associated with a man who believed in a bunch of stupid shit? Your attempts at emotional blackmail are transparent, and poorly executed. Call up Rebecca Watson; she can probably help you along.

All that stands between you and a reformed convert is air, opportunity and intellectual wherewithal. Ball's in your court, sport.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 7:01 AM

Not really, she doesn't. In what way would she deserve anything but contempt? She' famous for, well, being famous. There's nothing to her, appart from her ability to repeat what more prominent and educated figures of the skeptic movement have said

It's morons with an axe to grind like you who make me give up on this blog recently, that and the fact that Abbie doesn't seem to mind to have dimwitted fools like yourself speak for her. Rebecca Watson deserves nothing but contempt ? O rly ? Because some random internet loser says so on a blog ? Does anyone really deserve "nothing but contempt"? Well, I disagree, I think we can have different opinions,and god knows the atheist and skeptic community is champion in that, but we should at least be able to listen to each other's arguments without making "nothing but contempt" statements.

Posted by: Rorschach | July 19, 2011 7:02 AM


"What it revealed was that the skeptical community may pride itself on critical thinking and actions based on solid empirical facts but it contains many individuals who seem to be hanging on the coat-tails of the true skeptics."

You must be referring to those who have made such an idol out of Dawkins that they can't recognize what a dick he's been in this sorry elevatorgate business.

Posted by: csrster | July 19, 2011 7:02 AM

Mao was an atheist. Do you really want to be on the side of that guy?

You're clearly just as dimwitted as Phil Giordana.

Posted by: Rorschach | July 19, 2011 7:06 AM


the careful reader will note that I do not consider calling her Twatson to be the height of anything except for my contempt for her. Indeed, I've said that inasmuch as she's going to be so base in her approach, I'll sink to her level for equality. I'm generous that way. You're welcome.

You may well claim I am willfully misunderstanding the situation, but that doesn't make it the case. I realize that not having an argument of any variety, you're kind of limited in how you address those whom your attempts at emotional exploitation haven't convinced, but implying that I'm willfully stupid does no work in making your case. It's just desperate. No one in your camp has put forth a single coherent chain of reasoning to disturb anything I've argued or to even suggest your claim is provisionally not erroneous.

You and your ilk are quite big on identifying potential problems, ascribing to people attributes unsupported by evidence, but you're noticeably absent of an argument. Why is one not put forth? If the problem is so easily remedied, one is confused as to why an argument teasing out the obvious hasn't been leaping off the tongues of all of you "in the know". I don't mind being insulted, mind you. But it seems to be the exclusive ammunition in your arsenal. At some point, one would hope an argument would be adduced. Alas, I will not hold my breath.

Other than you, no one here has suggested in the slightest that sexism is a.) the province of the religious, or b.) non-existent. It's entirely possible, and indeed probable, that sexism does in fact exist. Further, it is simultaneously entirely possible and probable that given it does exist, this was still, nevertheless, not a subject of that predicate. And no one on your side has put forth the slightest argument to putatively suggest it is.

Note: emotional appeals aren't arguments; they're exploitation and manipulation.

Yes, a blog article in which we're celebrating the actions of someone who's providing a level playing field for all people so that having children doesn't debar *anyone* from being able to freely attend all that they possibly can at a conference of ideas is, naturally, working to preclude gender equality. You're fucking brilliant.

Your contribution, such as it was, here is unimpressive. Do better.
Your contribution here was unimpressive. Do better.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 7:15 AM


I think he's best addressed by you as Mr. Schroedinger's Dog. One doesn't want to be too familiar out of the gate as it's presumptuous.

Yes, I'm dimwitted. Notably though, I rose to the height of that insult by using precisely the same "logic" with you that you used with Abbie. It's nice to see that the student so easily matched his master here. Thank you for noticing that I've always been the precocious disciple.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 7:18 AM


Not that this needs to be said because the implication is stupid, but I'll make it patent. I don't speak for Abbie. Or anyone else. I speak for myself. You're just pissed because unlike where you like to hangout, Abbie doesn't believe in excluding people from conversations because what they say is unpopular.

It's a little something one should like to think the Enlightenment is notable for having made crystal clear. But I understand that you're a protagonist of censorship. I am sad this is true, but I am unsurprised given the company you keep.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 7:21 AM

You're just pissed because unlike where you like to hangout, Abbie doesn't believe in excluding people from conversations because what they say is unpopular.

You're obviously delusional. Where exactly is it that I like to hang out, pray tell ?

But I understand that you're a protagonist of censorship. I am sad this is true, but I am unsurprised given the company you keep.

Mate, please take your meds, and I hope your mum grounds you while you're unstable like this.

Posted by: Rorschach | July 19, 2011 7:27 AM


A lovely act by Richard, one made even more admirable because it was in the works well before the elevator brouhaha. Childcare is a really important aspect of meetings, and something we repeatedly deal with (and try to find money for) at the evolution meetings.

Posted by: Jerry Coyne | July 19, 2011 7:31 AM


When presented with a problem/conundrum/issue, I am a mule. Put up a wall? *shrug* Ill kick it down. Its not elegant. Its not pretty. Its brute force. And it gets the job done.

I do this, too! True for problem solving, and also when it comes to communicating. Try my best to precisely and accurately express my intended meaning. Sometimes people don't accept that I said what I meant; they assume I'm actually being extra super subtle with subtle sauce and sneaky sprinkles (which is a total waste of time and energy, but whatever). People can be really weird.

It is inspiring to see people be Jedi Masters of communication, as is the case with RD. So very much can be said by such a straight forward and unambiguous action. In summary: Dawkins, FTW!

Posted by: Shirah | July 19, 2011 7:32 AM



Dawkins' idiotic sexist comments

Maybe I'm dimwitted, but I still don't understand how Dawkins' comments were even slightly sexist. You may disagree with him that RW's complaint was "bad", rather than "zero-bad" but that still doesn't make what Dawkins said "sexist".

I agree with you that social justice and related issues are all very important, but I'm uncomfortable with saying that the 'skeptical community' should ally itself to a set of political doctrines. For instance, I believe that socialism is a worthy goal for society, but I wouldn't wish to exclude Shermer, Penn and others because they do not share that view. I might exclude them from some political organisation I belong to, but to distort the goals of the skeptical movement by marrying it to certain other beliefs I feel strongly about just seems like a hijacking.

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 7:33 AM

You may well claim I am willfully misunderstanding the situation, but that doesn't make it the case. I realize that not having an argument of any variety, you're kind of limited in how you address those whom your attempts at emotional exploitation haven't convinced, but implying that I'm willfully stupid does no work in making your case. It's just desperate. No one in your camp has put forth a single coherent chain of reasoning to disturb anything I've argued or to even suggest your claim is provisionally not erroneous.

*sigh* I should be doing something useful (like writing my thesis), but fine, I'll waste my time arguing with a troll instead.

As has been pointed out time and time again by those who are actually familiar with the facts of the situation, Watson didn't do anything wrong. She didn't "over-react". She simply pointed out, by way of helpful advice, that making unsolicited sexual advances towards a (married) woman who doesn't know you, at 4am in an elevator when she's already said she's tired and wants to go to bed, is a creepy and annoying thing to do, and that it made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't attack him personally; she didn't name him or give any identifying details; she simply informed people, for future reference, that sexual propositions in elevators at 4am are not welcome.

This wasn't an "over-reaction". It was a perfectly rational reaction. We live in a society in which sexual assault and harassment are depressingly common. Watson didn't know the man in question, and she had absolutely no way of telling in advance what his intentions were. As it turns out, he seems to have been harmless; but she had no way of knowing that in advance, and his initial intentions were creepy and made her feel uncomfortable. In those circumstances, it was perfectly reasonable for her to explain to people, politely, that she finds it uncomfortable to be approached sexually in those kinds of circumstances, and that she'd rather people didn't do so. That's all she said.

For making this sensible and measured statement, she's been met with a barrage of hatred from the privileged-d00d blogosphere, been accused of being a "hysterical feminist" who's "over-reacting", and been accused of calling all men rapists (when she said absolutely nothing of the kind). And Dawkins waded in and made the stupid argument that, because women in Muslim theocracies are more oppressed, Watson shouldn't be complaining about receiving unwanted sexual advances. (Really, Richard? So we shouldn't be worrying about the erosion of religious freedom and the ascendancy of the Christian Right in the US? After all, atheists in Saudi Arabia have it much worse than atheists in America do, so by the same standard you espoused, Western atheists should just stop complaining.)

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 7:39 AM

Maybe I'm dimwitted, but I still don't understand how Dawkins' comments were even slightly sexist. You may disagree with him that RW's complaint was "bad", rather than "zero-bad" but that still doesn't make what Dawkins said "sexist".

It was sexist because he is speaking from a position of male privilege and of ignorance about women's lives and experiences; and because he decided to arrogate to himself the right to dictate to a woman how she "should" feel about being approached sexually by a stranger in an elevator at 4am.

We live in a society where women are, statistically, substantially more likely to be sexually assaulted than men are (except in prisons). Of course we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that men get sexually assaulted too. Nonetheless, it's a statistical fact that women are, in general, much more at risk. (And don't forget that, in our sexist culture, women who are victims of sexual assault are often blamed and shamed by those around them for not doing enough to "protect" themselves, for "asking for it", etc.)

With this in mind, Dawkins, being a man, is not entitled to tell a woman that she is "over-reacting" by feeling uncomfortable in that kind of situation. It's incredibly arrogant, and it stems from a position of clueless privilege. Not to mention that he also went on to diminish and trivialize women's experience of sexism in Western societies, by effectively saying "you should stop complaining because Muslim women have it worse". It was sexist idiocy from start to finish.

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 7:50 AM


So Dr. Dawkins failed to address his commenting contretemps directly, but instead threw a wad of money at a semi-related problem?

Nice move, yes - but a failure on a verbal and intellectual level, and on a political level little more than an exercise in privilege.

One could imagine worse resolutions - but one can also imagine responses we might fairly call actual resolutions.

Posted by: Pierce R. Butler | July 19, 2011 7:50 AM

I agree with you that social justice and related issues are all very important, but I'm uncomfortable with saying that the 'skeptical community' should ally itself to a set of political doctrines.

All people, sceptics and otherwise, have a moral responsibility to refrain from perpetuating sexism (and racism, and homophobia, and xenophobia and so forth). Any "community" which welcomes sexists, racists or xenophobes with open arms is not a community in which I wish to participate.

For instance, I believe that socialism is a worthy goal for society, but I wouldn't wish to exclude Shermer, Penn and others because they do not share that view.

There's a big difference between disagreements over economic policy, and disagreements over fundamental principles of equality. I used to be a libertarian myself, I'm friends with plenty of libertarians, and I have no issue with allying myself with libertarians on issues of shared concern - as long as they share my support for gender equality, LGBT rights, anti-racism, open-borders immigration, and other important issues of social justice. There are some issues about which reasonable people can disagree, and others which are absolutely non-negotiable.

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 7:53 AM


This wasn't an "over-reaction". It was a perfectly rational reaction.
The over-reaction wasn't Rebecca's video, but what followed - her attack on others, and the illiberal bullshit on Laden's and PZ's blog. That is what Dawkins was reacting to, not Watson's video in isolation. If you don't even understand what Dawkins was reacting to, how on earth can you have reasonably evaluated his comments objectively?

Watson didn't know the man in question, and she had absolutely no way of telling in advance what his intentions were.
That's true EVERY TIME TWO STRANGERS MEET. So fucking what? Do we need an blogospheric bullshit explosion every time two people in the world talk to each other for the first time?

We have a simple, elegant rule. No means no. It is a good rule, because it is simple to understand, and draws a clear line which doesn't bar people talking to each other, but also prevents harrassment. That line was not breached.

Your line "people shouldn't talk to each other if they are creepy" is a fucking stupid rule. It is virtually impossible to apply in any real world situation.

Really, Richard? So we shouldn't be worrying about the erosion of religious freedom and the ascendancy of the Christian Right in the US?
Oh, FFS. Is this what it boils down to? The lens through which you see the world means we must be precious about Muslims and the Watson's of this world, and Richard Dawkins biggest failing here is to use an example from Islam instead of Christianity? Basically - he picked an example that offends you because you can only see the whole world through the distorting lens of western imperialism.

Bearing in mind that Dawkins has been one the greatest and most effective critics of the Religious stranglehold in the US.

Utterly, utterly pathetic.

Posted by: Spence | July 19, 2011 8:03 AM

The over-reaction wasn't Rebecca's video, but what followed - her attack on others, and the illiberal bullshit on Laden's and PZ's blog. That is what Dawkins was reacting to, not Watson's video in isolation. If you don't even understand what Dawkins was reacting to, how on earth can you have reasonably evaluated his comments objectively?

What "illiberal bullshit"? There was nothing "illiberal" about the Pharyngula blogpost to which Dawkins was reacting. Indeed, PZ (with whom I've often disagreed on other issues) hit the nail on the head perfectly. (I won't comment on Laden because I don't read his blog.)

Oh, FFS. Is this what it boils down to? The lens through which you see the world means we must be precious about Muslims and the Watson's of this world, and Richard Dawkins biggest failing here is to use an example from Islam instead of Christianity? Basically - he picked an example that offends you because you can only see the whole world through the distorting lens of western imperialism.

Oh, FFS. I can only assume either that you failed to read my comment properly, or that you lack reading comprehension skills.

My point was that there is no difference between these two arguments:

1: "You Western feminists should shut up and stop complaining, because women in the Muslim world have it so much worse."

2: "You Western atheists should shut up and stop complaining, because atheists in the Muslim world have it so much worse."

Dawkins and his fellow-travellers would obviously - rightly - regard argument 2 as fatuous and stupid. Why, then, did he think that argument 1 was a compelling argument?

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 8:10 AM


I am merely suggesting some friendly advice to black people late at night. They just shouldn't walk behind white people because some white people are afeared. It's not racist or anything - just friendly advice.

Incidentally, I am as familiar with the facts as you are familiar with the facts. And by facts, of course, I mean what Rebecca Watson has said.

Fact: she said she was invited to coffee.
Supposition: she was actually propositioned for sex.

Fact: she said there was a man in the elevator with her.
Supposition: there actually was a man in the elevator with her.

Fact: she was in no actual danger at all. The probability that she would have been raped is 0 because she was in fact not raped. That she experienced some fear or apprehension was irrational since she was, in fact, never in any danger. The scenario she imagined in her head that happened that caused her these emotions are by definition irrational as they are not congruent with reality. This irrationality on her part does not provide a license to her to advise something like 3.5 billion people on when they may or may not speak to someone.

Fact: Rebecca Watson claims she declined the offer to have coffee with the supposed man, and he took no for an answer.
Fact: that is the precise outcome that should happen - he went all the way up to taking no for an answer.

Fact: she says that was the first time they had spoken to one another.
Supposition: he heard her talk at the conference.
Supposition: he was within earshot of her in the bar.

Having listened to her speak, I can understand why people find it difficult to believe anyone would actually invite her to prolong a conversation, but the alleged guy had been drinking. So, she might have come off smarter than normal to him (if he even existed).

You are free to continue arguing your suppositions as facts, but those of us who are skeptical are highly likely to dismiss them. There isn't a single piece of evidence yet presented that bears out your claim she was being sexually propositioned. There isn't a single piece of evidence that exists that indicates anyone else was in that elevator with Rebecca Watson, let alone spoke to her, let alone invited her to coffee.

To say otherwise is nothing more than rank speculation on no evidence of any import.

Telling someone to stop whining because absolutely nothing has happened to her isn't sexist. Sexism deals with discrimination against a person because of their gender. I see nothing in this scenario, if true, that indicates this. Sexism deals with devaluing a person on account of their gender. An invitation to coffee or conversation does not seem to diminish anyone, let alone because of gender. Even if it had been a sexual proposition, that alone doesn't devalue someone on account of their gender.

Xenophobia is listed as a deal breaking concern for you.

Xenophobia defined: hatred or *fear* of foreigners or *strangers* or of their politics or culture

Rebecca Watson exhibited fear of this gentleman on account of his gender incident to, and I'll quote you, "our sexist culture, women who are victims of sexual assault are often blamed and shamed by those around them for not doing enough to "protect" themselves, for "asking for it"

I expect you will now be distancing yourself from Rebecca Watson because xenophobia is welcome in her organization. Indeed, she exhibits it herself.

And you dare to call me a troll?

Your inability to rub two thoughts together and present a coherent argument shoring up your conclusions doesn't, alas, make a troll for either a.) noticing, or b.) pointing it out.

Try harder you must.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 8:16 AM

Your line "people shouldn't talk to each other if they are creepy" is a fucking stupid rule. It is virtually impossible to apply in any real world situation.

If I had actually said "people shouldn't talk to each other if they are creepy", you'd have a point. However, as anyone with a modicum of reading comprehension would be able to tell, I didn't say anything of the kind.

What I am arguing is that making a sexual advance towards a woman (a married woman, incidentally), who doesn't know you, in an elevator at 4am when she is alone, is a creepy and inappropriate thing to do. At best, it's irritating for her. At worst, it's likely to make her feel threatened and uncomfortable.

Context is important in social interactions. There are times and places in which it's perfectly appropriate to approach someone and to introduce yourself. (FFS, Watson had been in the bar for several hours beforehand, and Elevator Guy had plenty of time to converse with her then if he had wanted to do so.) However, approaching an exhausted woman in an elevator at 4am is not one of those appropriate times or places; especially when the only content of one's conversation is to make a thinly-veiled sexual proposition.

Maybe Elevator Guy, and some other people who frequent atheist conferences, are socially-clueless enough that they genuinely didn't realize this. Fine. Which is why Watson, reasonably and politely, explained that she doesn't want to be approached in those circumstances. It wasn't an attack; it was friendly advice on how to behave towards others in a social situation.

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 8:17 AM

It was sexist because he is speaking from a position of male privilege and of ignorance about women's lives and experiences

The trouble with this is that it is a simple ad hominem. If one makes a point, that point should stand regardless of the position that the person making the point finds themselves in. After all, the person making the point is contingent - somebody else in an entirely different position might have made the exact same point.

Suppose I say "fossil X is good evidence for evolution". Somebody might reply (truthfully) "you're speaking from a position of being a non-scientist and of ignorance regarding evolution". So, even though they correctly identified certain traits I have related to the issue at hand, it does not mean that fossil X is not good evidence for evolution. That is, in a nutshell why arguing ad hominem is ineffective.

With this in mind, Dawkins, being a man, is not entitled to tell a woman that she is "over-reacting" by feeling uncomfortable in that kind of situation.

You put the words "over-reacting" in quotes, but he never actually used those words. Actually I don't think he did tell her what to feel or anything like that. I get the feeling that he was responding to the disproportionate brouhaha created as a result of the initial complaint.

I don't agree that because he is a man he loses any special rights about what he can say to anybody else. I wonder if whether I (or another man) made the same complaint about a woman and PZ wrote two posts on the matter Dawkins would have made the same comments. If not, then his action was sexist. However, I strongly suggest he would have done, perhaps with even more punch.

Sexism is discrimination on the basis of gender, not "telling a woman what to feel". If you say "you cannot tell a woman what to feel because you're a man", then that is sexist!

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 8:17 AM


I don't have time to really get into it right now, but I gotta say this: Walton's making a lot of sense here.

Those who want to get further along than drawing lines and flinging turds at those outside their own little circles would do better to read his comments twice than to post uninformed slurs once.

Posted by: Pierce R. Butler | July 19, 2011 8:19 AM


I love this shit. Dawkins actually DOES something real, that will help gobs of people who couldn't have attended a TAM before. He actually did something. Where the fuck has watson been on this? She's so goddamned famous, she could have been leading this charge. Oh wait, right, she's too busy collectiing speaker's checks, hosting cutsie game shows, and belittling those who disagree with her from her podium to, you know, actually DO something other than be the Skeptic's "movement" version of a New Media Douchebag.

(yep. Just checked skepchicks. as of 7:48 eastern, not a fucking word from Watson on this. But "The Privilege Delusion" is still up. Of course, Watson's backed her ass into a bit of a corner. She's personally boycotting Dawkins until he properly "apologizes" for his misogynist ways, so she kind of CAN'T comment about this. Oh Morton's Fork, how your barbed tangs DP us without mercy)


Richard has a mixed relationship with feminism which I think comes from a little problem with the whole priv thing. Not occurred to him that there were female science authors that could have been included in his anthology, etc. His comments on PZ's blog were unconscionable.

yeah. What a horrible mixed relationship. He treats women like functional grown-assed adults instead of helpless children too delicate to be on the SAME SIDE OF THE STREET AS A MAN! OMG! VAPORS! His comments were only "unconscionable" if you have your head so far up Watson's ass that you have to move her uvula out of the way to see daylight. Rather a lot of us realized the point he was trying to make, namely, a clumsy approach in a elevator may be slightly creepy, but it is NOT some kind of fucking assault or EEEEBUL OBJECTIMACASHUN.

But when you invest all your time in treating women as helpless, well, I guess you have to think the way you do.

But I don't think anyone "on that side" (give me a break please) vilifies him, and he deserves credit for having his foundation cover day care. If you'll remember the coup that happened on his site a year or so ago, he does have a track record of spewing out unconsidered prose that bites him later. Maybe he should try blogging for a while.

Bullshit Greg. You, watson, jen, PZ, and all the rest vilified the living shit out of him. You created a vilification MACHINE. You took time, you crafted fucking massive amounts of prose for your little blogerati lynch mobs, and he just ignored the fucking lot of you, and showed that he could give a fuck about blogging, he's more interested in actually doing something. That's called actual "activism", not that slactivistic bullshit you practice.


"I'm funding day care at TAM so more parents can participate"



Please don't take a good thing and use it to spit in our faces. It's immature.

No one, even you, on the "let's get Dawkins" crowd, has the *slightest* moral high ground to accuse anyone over the age of two of immaturity. You have all acted like a pack of raging loons with regard to Dawkins over the last few days/weeks, and quite frankly, have earned all the virtual mocking you're getting after what Dawkins did.

Enjoy it. You earned it.


A cheap ad hominem like changing the name of someone you disagree with from Watson to "Twatson", and supportive comments from the likes of Justicar, who makes lunatics like WW look like a sane intellectual, are making me think that I should take ERV off my bookmarks.

Of course, the relentless ad hominems against Dawkins or really, EVERYONE who doesn't march lockstep with the PZ/Watson view of feminism, THAT shit's okay. Because it's only bad when YOUR ox gets gored.

What a whiny fucker you are.

It's so funny to watch such a huge chunk of the "skeptical' movement play the same fucking game of "no true scotsman" with feminism that they cheerfully and gleefully savage the creationists for doing. Congratulations: you've moved another step closer to that which you hate.


In the wake of Elevatorgate, it also seems that parts of the atheist blogosphere (with the honourable exceptions, thankfully, of Pharyngula and Greta Christina) are intent on defending Dawkins' idiotic sexist comments to the hilt. The amount of casual contempt for Ms Watson's feelings and experiences (and those of other women who have experienced harassment or unwelcome/creepy advances) is breathtaking. The attitude in some circles seems to be "But we can't be sexists! We're enlightened progressive atheists who reject religious patriarchy!" News flash: sexism isn't just a product of religion, and the absence of religion doesn't mean sexism will magically disappear from a community. Sexism is much more deeply ingrained in our culture than that, and atheists are just as capable of being sexist idiots as religious people are.

Wow, for someone so upset about people misinterpreting poor widdle watson, you sure as shit don't have a problem doing it yourself.

Here's a hint: Feminism is not like physics. It's not math. There's no one right answer, no one correct way to interpret data. In theory, it is entirely possible for people with the same general goal to have radically different ways of getting there.

Even those of us who think the "women as helpless children" meme that you, laden, pz, watson, et al are pushing SO hard is naught but a bunch of crap. You'd be amazed at how many people disagreeing with watson's actions and general assitude aren't saying "she had no right to feel creeped out". But then, you'd have to pay attention to people who disagree with you, so right away, we know THAT's not happening. If watson came away from EG feeling creeped out, she has a perfect right to feel that way, and she's not wrong to feel that way.

What we ARE saying is that EVERYTHING IS NOT THE FUCKING SAME. A clumsy pass/invitation to coffee is not the same as fucking RAPE. A man not crossing the street when he sees a single woman on the same side of the street as him is NOT the same as ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. Schrodinger's Rapist is a load of shit, (for one, it's incorrectly defined. What they're talking about isn't "all men are rapists, we just don't know if they're going to rape me too", but rather Schrodinger's Male: we can't easily tell if a given man is going to tr to assault someone or not."

Also, it is YOUR side of things that has been spewing precious bon mots like:

"Being assaulted/raped as a child doesn't count, you don't live with that fear every day, because it happened so long ago"
"Men can't be raped"
"Men can't be raped by women"
"It's only rape if it involves penetration by a human male penis"

That's the kind of bullshit and vitriol *your* side has been pushing, and only on one site have I seen the site owner take action against it. The rest of you, and i'm including you *specifically* have been happy to play the game of "You don't agree with us, you are against us, you are the "other" so none of the rules we apply to you in how you treat us have any validity in how we treat you"

So spare me the handwaving, you're just as down in the muck as you think we are.


Rebecca Watson deserves nothing but contempt ? O rly ? Because some random internet loser says so on a blog ? Does anyone really deserve "nothing but contempt"? Well, I disagree, I think we can have different opinions,and god knows the atheist and skeptic community is champion in that, but we should at least be able to listen to each other's arguments without making "nothing but contempt" statements. mean the way that PZ ensures that all commenters, even the ones who disagree with him are treated with respect? Or Laden? Come on, you're punking here. No one, NO ONE can be that self-unaware and be able to BREATHE correctly. The treatment by watson, PZ, laden et al of anyone who DARES to disagree with them has been pretty much an online lynch mob, and you, who evidently think that's just fuckin' dandy, sit there and call ANYONE out about being meany-faced poopyheads?

You have to be an atheist. No one who's afraid of a hell of any kind could pull that shit.


You must be referring to those who have made such an idol out of Dawkins that they can't recognize what a dick he's been in this sorry elevatorgate business.

Yeah. How DARE Dawkins not agree that Watson was lucky to have escaped with her life from that hellmouth of an elevator.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 19, 2011 8:24 AM

Fact: she said she was invited to coffee. Supposition: she was actually propositioned for sex.

Maybe you're stupid enough to believe that "do you want to come to my hotel room for coffee?", at 4am, is something other than a sexual advance. But the rest of us aren't quite so stupid. Even on the remote offchance that he didn't intend it as a sexual advance, it shouldn't be surprising to any reasonable person, conversant with ordinary social interaction, that she interpreted it that way.

Fact: she said there was a man in the elevator with her. Supposition: there actually was a man in the elevator with her.

Fact: she was in no actual danger at all. The probability that she would have been raped is 0 because she was in fact not raped. That she experienced some fear or apprehension was irrational since she was, in fact, never in any danger. The scenario she imagined in her head that happened that caused her these emotions are by definition irrational as they are not congruent with reality. This irrationality on her part does not provide a license to her to advise something like 3.5 billion people on when they may or may not speak to someone.

Fact: Rebecca Watson claims she declined the offer to have coffee with the supposed man, and he took no for an answer.
Fact: that is the precise outcome that should happen - he went all the way up to taking no for an answer.

Did you even bother to read my post? Yes, Elevator Guy turned out to be harmless. No one has claimed otherwise. But at the start of the conversation, Watson had no way of knowing that. She knew nothing whatsoever about this man, other than the fact that he'd just made a thinly-veiled sexual proposition to her. She had no way of telling what his intentions were, or whether he would take "no" for an answer. Considering that we live in a society in which a staggeringly high proportion of women are sexually assaulted and/or harassed in their lifetimes, and that she was alone with a stranger in a hotel elevator at 4am, it was perfectly reasonable for her to be initially apprehensive and uncomfortable in those circumstances. And it was perfectly reasonable for her to point out, subsequently, that being approached in those circumstances made her uncomfortable, and that she'd prefer it if people didn't do so in future.

(If she had been sexually assaulted by a stranger in an elevator, I have no doubt that the misogynist brigade would have blamed her for not being "careful enough" around strange men. That's what happens in our sexist society; the victims get blamed.)

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 8:25 AM


Jen-- If you leave a link to your Twitterings, I will happily add it to the post. I just linked to the sparse mentions of this this issue I found, two of which were Twitters. Though this post is not directed towards Twitter personalities, I am very glad that Miller now has the sense to call a spade a spade.

This post was directed towards bloggers who lead/contributed to a lynch mob. Which you were a part of.

I fully recognize that you at least had the guts to post, plainly, "Dawkins is not a misogynist". Others have lacked that ability.

But considering the speed at which you got the "old white dude" post up, it would have been nice to mention this topic in a more prominent fashion than in a mega-TAM post. *shrug*

And I wouldnt bring up 'work' to me. Youre going to get a lecture if you keep going down that road, and Im not your mom.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 8:28 AM


If I had actually said "people shouldn't talk to each other if they are creepy", you'd have a point. However, as anyone with a modicum of reading comprehension would be able to tell
This is ironic when you utterly failed to understand Dawkin's point.

But then you reinforce my point by drivelling on about how that situation was awkward and creepy for Rebecca. Fine, I don't doubt that. It wouldn't be awkward and creepy to other people (including women). No line was crossed, so there is nothing to do.

Which was absolutely not the suggestion at Laden's or PZ's blog. Which was the main point of my post, the reaction was NOT to the incident itself, or Watson's youtube video, but the bullshit on Pharyngula and other places. I notice once again you somehow completely missed that in your response. Huh, I guess you can have reading comprehension failures, too.

Posted by: Spence | July 19, 2011 8:29 AM

This post was directed towards bloggers who lead/contributed to a lynch mob.

Oh, yes. What an excellent choice of metaphor. Because, of course, we all know that criticizing someone's comments on the Internet is just like dragging someone forcibly from his home and brutally murdering him in public as an example to others. (I didn't know you were taking lessons from Ben Stein in the art of over-the-top rhetoric.)

Posted by: Walton | July 19, 2011 8:35 AM


>sexual advance on a chick who parties and drinks until 4AM
>something that isn't expected to happen

Pick one.

BTW, the "potential rapist" angle is just a cute little bit of feminist twaddle. It just sounds a lot better and a lot less politically incorrect than "he was an autismal beta dweeb and I found him revolting."

Posted by: TylerD | July 19, 2011 8:35 AM


"A cheap ad hominem like changing the name of someone you disagree with from Watson to "Twatson""

Or, indeed, calling someone who doesn't agree with them a dick and editing their posts before banning them because it's your blog (Greg) is worse than calling RW Twatson. Except that you did that, so it's not childish. Apparently.

Then again, saying "You don't understand because you're a male" is an ad hom. But again that too isn't the same.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 8:35 AM


You can see that Walton wants to mix his unique political concerns with a movement that has nothing to do with either area. These appear to be a brand of gender feminism, pro-islamism and open-border immigration. But don't worry guys, these are "social justice" issues rather than overtly political ones. Only economics is counted as politics.

All of his arguments are identity politics at their finest (i.e. your logic and premises are automatically invalid because you aren't the right type of gender, race, class, etc). If in trouble, just go to the post-modern lexicon and use terms like "privilege".

Posted by: Dalek | July 19, 2011 8:37 AM


In regards John C. Welch above:
"She's so goddamned famous, she could have been leading this charge."
Abbie, I believe you have the appropriate link to the kind of charge in question . . . humor me.

You are working very hard not to read the words on the screen.

Fact: she claims he asked her to coffee.
Supposition: he propositioned her for sex.

You may call me all of the names you want. That, however, does not change the fact that you are pretending to know things you cannot know. You dismiss that you don't need evidence because you just "know" what happened. You do not, and to pretend otherwise is dishonest. You are asserting on no evidence at all that x happened. You know there is no evidence. You are not being honest.

I see you weren't even able to dismiss Watson's xenophobia. Who knew that being dishonest in general would manifest itself in you as being a hypocrite too.

It is not "reasonable" to be scared of people because of xenophobia. She is perfectly entitled to feel that way. She's perfectly entitled to be as irrational and xenophobic as she wants. It just isn't reasonable. Understandable, but unreasonable.

More people were killed or seriously injured in a car crash this week than have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last year. More children will have died from poverty by the time you've read to this point in my post than have ever been raped or sexually assaulted in an elevator.

Her fears were misplaced - they were entirely phantasms of her sexism and xenophobia.

You know what else happens in our society? People on your side blame people who've committed no crime for potentially committing a crime.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 8:45 AM


"at 4am, is something other than a sexual advance. But the rest of us aren't quite so stupid."

Nope, we take it as you assuming that a request for coffee was a request for sex.

If EG exists, heard RW say she didn't like being propositioned like that, then EG could easily have really meant "do you want a coffee". After all, RW was already up and talking into the early hours. Why not longer?

PS how do you ask your mum if she wants to have a coffee?

"Because, of course, we all know that criticizing someone's comments on the Internet is just like dragging someone forcibly from his home"

Just like asking someone for coffee is JUST like demanding sex from someone...?

"it shouldn't be surprising to any reasonable person, conversant with ordinary social interaction, that she interpreted it that way."

And so what? She can interpret that way if she wants. She can't say her interpretation was right, though.

And her interpretation made her feel sexualised. If she doesn't like being sexualised, one way is to stop interpreting any verbal intercourse as sexual.

That would have a 100% success rate.

"Yes, Elevator Guy turned out to be harmless. No one has claimed otherwise."

However, they demand that EG sexualised RW. They claim that fear over EG is correct because EG is a rapist (and not a rapist, but oddly enough the "not a rapist" bit doesn't seem to have any effect on the fear so is apparently the null set).

And if EG was harmless, then the entire incidence becomes "So what?".

"he'd just made a thinly-veiled sexual proposition to her."

Uh, you earlier said that it was only inferred to be a proposition. Now you're claiming the inference was actually the fact.

Logic fail.

Which is one problem with Real Sceptics (tm): we don't like logical fallacies.

"Considering that we live in a society in which a staggeringly high proportion of women are sexually assaulted and/or harassed in their lifetimes"

EG is being harrassed. Stef was being harassed by another woman. Does that mean that we should fear feminists and that feminists must change their ways to reduce the scare of them?

"it was perfectly reasonable for her to be initially apprehensive and uncomfortable in those circumstances."

And it was perfectly reasonable to ask if she wanted to talk.

And after her apprehension when the "No" answer was accepted, then there is no reason for any apprehension at all.

So why the big drama?

"If she had been sexually assaulted by a stranger in an elevator, I have no doubt that the misogynist brigade would have blamed her for not being "careful enough" around strange men."

Yes, this is how you tell if they're misogynist.

However, there's been no rape, so there's no reason to assume anyone who doesn't see any problem as being a misogynist. Yet you still do.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 8:48 AM



For making this sensible and measured statement, she's been met with a barrage of hatred from the privileged-d00d blogosphere, been accused of being a "hysterical feminist" who's "over-reacting", and been accused of calling all men rapists (when she said absolutely nothing of the kind). And Dawkins waded in and made the stupid argument that, because women in Muslim theocracies are more oppressed, Watson shouldn't be complaining about receiving unwanted sexual advances. (Really, Richard? So we shouldn't be worrying about the erosion of religious freedom and the ascendancy of the Christian Right in the US? After all, atheists in Saudi Arabia have it much worse than atheists in America do, so by the same standard you espoused, Western atheists should just stop complaining.)

Actually, no. People have pointed out she could have been misinterpreting EG's intentions, but really, very few people didn't think she had a "right" to feel creepy. Where she went off the rails is when people disagreed with her takeaway, she called them misogynists, and anti-feminist. Where people got pissed is when she abused her power as a speaker to fuck with Stef M. and BY NAME call her a misogynist/sexist supporter and anti-woman.

Where people really got pissed is when the "ALL MEN ARE DANGEROUS AND ALL WOMEN ARE HELPLESS" morons came crawling out and started with the "IF YOU DISAGREE WITH RW OR ANY OF US, JOO ARE MEESOGINIZT 2!!!!" shit. When they started saying men couldn't be raped, or childhood rape doesn't count, and RW et al agreed with them either specifically or via inaction.

When Laden and that lot start calling out men who don't cross the street to avoid women as being bad people, that made it worse.

There were quite a few of us who got what RD meant: everything is not the same. A clumsy pass at 4am is not attempted assault. Someone, for whatever reason, (I know this is hard for RW to grok, but maybe, just maybe, she's not the center of everyone's world. not even everyone at a bar), someone who may have not been hanging on her every word, and said something stupid that went against what she had just been talking about is not on the same level as actual rape, mutilation, and actual misogyny. Maybe when we elevate somewhat minor problems to the same level as truly major problems, it trivializes the major problems, and that trivialization of real, bad, evil shit is a little more concerning than a clumsy, even creepy pass at 4 in the morning in an elevator in Ireland.

But no, all men are rapists, it's just that most of us haven't had our "rape switch" triggered yet. (yeah, that's another bit of clever from your lot.)


With this in mind, Dawkins, being a man, is not entitled to tell a woman that she is "over-reacting" by feeling uncomfortable in that kind of situation. It's incredibly arrogant, and it stems from a position of clueless privilege. Not to mention that he also went on to diminish and trivialize women's experience of sexism in Western societies, by effectively saying "you should stop complaining because Muslim women have it worse". It was sexist idiocy from start to finish.

Dawkins, being a human, has the right to say any goddamned thing he chooses. You, as a human, have the right to (dis)agree as you see fit. But no, you'd rather silence any who don't march in lockstep with your views.


So Dr. Dawkins failed to address his commenting contretemps directly, but instead threw a wad of money at a semi-related problem?

Nice move, yes - but a failure on a verbal and intellectual level, and on a political level little more than an exercise in privilege.

Or maybe he doesn't take you seriously enough to care what the fuck you think, and instead, focused on something that is a longer term, larger problem, the solution for which will have huge importance for many. Also, said solution was in the works long before elevatorgate.

Good job there.


All people, sceptics and otherwise, have a moral responsibility to refrain from perpetuating sexism (and racism, and homophobia, and xenophobia and so forth). Any "community" which welcomes sexists, racists or xenophobes with open arms is not a community in which I wish to participate.

"However, any who approach issues of sexism, racism et al in a way that is different than mine are wrong, sexist and racist"

That's what this is really about: one group screaming "OUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" and the others going "what the FUCK are you on about?"


My point was that there is no difference between these two arguments:

1: "You Western feminists should shut up and stop complaining, because women in the Muslim world have it so much worse."

2: "You Western atheists should shut up and stop complaining, because atheists in the Muslim world have it so much worse."

Dawkins and his fellow-travellers would obviously - rightly - regard argument 2 as fatuous and stupid. Why, then, did he think that argument 1 was a compelling argument?

Because maybe that's not what a lot of us saw Dawkins' argument as? Maybe we agreed that creepy or not, EG respected the rule of "no means no". Maybe we see RD's argument as being "Not everything is the same, stop trivializing major issues in your attempt to promote what is a minor encounter". Maybe had RW not taken her steps to call any who disagree with her "anti-woman", and attack an audience member from the podium, a lot of this wouldn't have happened.

Why does any- and everything RW does get such a fucking pass from your lot? What exactly would she have to do to merit even the slightest criticism?


What I am arguing is that making a sexual advance towards a woman (a married woman, incidentally), who doesn't know you, in an elevator at 4am when she is alone, is a creepy and inappropriate thing to do. At best, it's irritating for her. At worst, it's likely to make her feel threatened and uncomfortable.

actually, i do think she's divorced, or damned near. She appears to talk about it from time to time. also, no, it's not always creepy. It's sometimes creepy. HOw can you tell? you can't. So you either hope in your case it's not, or never, ever talk to a single woman (single as in "one" not marital status) on an elevator, even if it's just innocuous shit like "do you have the time? I left my cell in my room" or if you're Laden, i suppose you never allow yourself to be on an elevator/street/anywhere with a single woman. "creepy" is so subjective as to be singularly useless. A different woman in the same situation may not have seen it as creepy at all. Is she wrong? According to your lot, she must be.

Context is important in social interactions. There are times and places in which it's perfectly appropriate to approach someone and to introduce yourself. (FFS, Watson had been in the bar for several hours beforehand, and Elevator Guy had plenty of time to converse with her then if he had wanted to do so.) However, approaching an exhausted woman in an elevator at 4am is not one of those appropriate times or places; especially when the only content of one's conversation is to make a thinly-veiled sexual proposition.

and the reasons why that may not have happened are legion, so there's no point in reiterating them, especially when you don't actually care anyway.

Maybe Elevator Guy, and some other people who frequent atheist conferences, are socially-clueless enough that they genuinely didn't realize this. Fine. Which is why Watson, reasonably and politely, explained that she doesn't want to be approached in those circumstances. It wasn't an attack; it was friendly advice on how to behave towards others in a social situation.

And again, you miss the real problem people have with her. But then, you can't imagine that as being a legitimate possibility.


I don't have time to really get into it right now, but I gotta say this: Walton's making a lot of sense here.

Those who want to get further along than drawing lines and flinging turds at those outside their own little circles would do better to read his comments twice than to post uninformed slurs once.

He's making sense if you agree with his central tenants: men have no rights to criticize women, women are helpless, and so on.

If you disagree with how he views the world and women in general, he's making a lot of bulldookey on the rug.

Once again, we see that independent thought and disagreement is only acceptable if you disagree just like the popular kids do.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 19, 2011 8:55 AM



Fact: she claims he asked her to coffee.
Supposition: he propositioned her for sex.

Unless you claim Rebecca is lying, these are also facts:

1. EG was in the group during Rebecca's socialisation after her talk.
2. The venue at which this occurred served coffee (presumably better than the sachets found in hotel rooms).
3. EG did not speak to Rebecca during said socialisation at that venue.
4. Rebecca announced she was tired and was going to sleep.
5. EG followed Rebecca into the elevator after her withdrawal from said socialising.
6. The elevator contained no-one other than Rebecca and EG.
7. EG stated he'd enjoyed her talk (about the problems women face) and wanted to speak further to her, and invited her to his room for coffee.
8. Rebecca turned this offer down, and made her exit at her floor.
9. Rebecca later raised this as an anecdote of something that she found creepy.

So: You're seriously arguing this was not a proposition for sexintimacy?

Posted by: John Morales | July 19, 2011 9:02 AM


John Morales:
I see your reading skills have not improved since last time we met.

1. EG was in the group during Rebecca's socialisation after her talk.
3. EG did not speak to Rebecca during said socialisation at that venue.
4. Rebecca announced she was tired and was going to sleep.
These were answered explicitly just below the section you quoted. Excellent work stopping midway. (or quotemining - take your pick).
I said: "Fact: she says that was the first time they had spoken to one another.
Supposition: he heard her talk at the conference.
Supposition: he was within earshot of her in the bar."

Moving on to point
7. EG stated he'd enjoyed her talk (about the problems women face) and wanted to speak further to her, and invited her to his room for coffee.
Her actual words: "Don't take this the wrong way, but I find you very interesting."
This doesn't imply he heard her talk at the conference, or any specific conversation in the bar later on. To say that it does is to speculate beyond what the information (if accepted as true in the first place) can possibly support.

2. The venue at which this occurred served coffee (presumably better than the sachets found in hotel rooms).
This is interesting. I was dealing with facts, not what you imagine to be the case. I decline to overwrite reality with your fantasy. It is also irrelevant to his intent. That there's a Starbucks near me doesn't mean inviting someone to my house to have coffee and conversation is an invitation for some ass.

5. EG followed Rebecca into the elevator after her withdrawal from said socialising.
Her actual words: "And a man got on the elevator with me."
This doesn't imply he "followed her".

I am neither arguing that it is or is not. I am arguing that you do not know, and to say that it is a proposition for sex is complete speculation not supported by any evidence. Nor is it even entailed by Rebecca Watson's video, assuming you accept her story as true.

Going on what Watson has said, and accepting for the sake argument that it's a true accounting of the events, the only thing entailed by what she's said is that she was indeed invited to coffee. Nothing suggests otherwise, and I thus decline to magic into existence all these extra imaginary facts you seem to have no troubles conjuring up for the sake of a narrative.

Then again, one of us is a skeptic - the kind of person whose claims are constrained by what is demonstrably the case. The other person is named John Morales.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:20 AM


John Morales:

Unless you claim Rebecca is lying or mistaken, these are also facts:

[My correction in bold]

Perhaps he said "Hey, I find you very interesting and would like to talk more. Would you like to grab a coffee to talk about it?" and Watson responds "Ugh! Get away creep!" [Runs away]. EG: "No, I meant tomorrow mor... oh never mind, she's gone." RW mistakenly believes that he meant in his hotel room that night, and so (as it is difficult to remember what someone said word-for-word) she inserts "hotel room" in her YouTube video to reflect this mistake in her memory. Or she might have been paraphrasing - it doesn't matter. Am I saying this is what happened? No. But it is just as plausible, if not more plausible than the official story. Why more plausible? Because coffee is typically a morning drink. It was 4am apparently, and so clearly bedtime. A perfect time to arrange a meetup next morning.

Otherwise, your 9 points are ok to deduce from the official story. Although 7 is a bit iffy. Actually what her video states is "I find you very interesting and would like to talk more". That does not at all refer to her talk about women's issues. Furthermore, it casts some doubt about the alleged fact that he was a total stranger. "Talk more". Surely he should have just said "talk"?

Remember - a skeptic should always take testimonies with a pinch of salt.

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 9:30 AM


Excuse me, "Twatson"?

That's really not the way to convince people that you're super rational.

I mean, Dawkins' day care proposal is great and he deserves credit, bully for him, yada yada.



Posted by: SallyStrange | July 19, 2011 9:33 AM


Being completely rational didn't seem to get people to think she was being rational either. So, it's not a great loss that people will continue to discredit her as they did when she made a perfectly rational post.

Move along. Nothing to see here, nothing to see here, people!

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:38 AM


"Unless you claim Rebecca is lying, these are also facts"

Love the fact that John is now engaged in shifting the burden of proof from the person making the claim to us. Anecdotes and recollections are now "also facts". Real "skeptical" of you.

Posted by: Dalek | July 19, 2011 9:39 AM

Remember - a skeptic should always take testimonies with a pinch of salt.

Especially the testimony of a well-respected woman who's speaking about a personal experience, that relates to a subject about which she was specifically asked to speak about by the organizing committee of a skeptics' conference. I mean, if we start just believing women willy-nilly, without a Spanish inquisition anytime she relates some personal experience regarding a sexually charged interaction, terrible things might happen! Misogynist men might start feeling a tad embarrassed about their utter lack of empathy for women! Oh, who am I kidding. That will never happen.

Posted by: SallyStrange | July 19, 2011 9:40 AM


"well-respected woman"

Really? An internet troll, banned from the jref forums for socketpuppetry, that is famous for being famous? The same person that merely thrives on attention and controversy?

It is an insult to well-respected women every where to put Rebecca Watson in the same class. You know, women with real professional and academic accomplishments.

Posted by: Dalek | July 19, 2011 9:45 AM


Misogyny: that word. You keep using it. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Not a single person has argued she's not entitled to feel anything she wants. For any reason. Or no reason. Or a bad reason. Or a good reason.

Feeling a thing, however, doesn't imply the feelings are at all related to actual events unfolding.

Being irrationally scared for no reason is not a warrant to go around advising half of the world's population when they are allowed to speak, and when they are prohibited from speaking. And to whom. And where.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:45 AM


The most pertinent issue in this entire affair, for me, is the disgusting manner in which Watson "called out" Stef McGraw during her keynote speech at the CFI Student Leadership Conference, without Stef having any way in which to adequately respond. Watson has come out of this looking very bad in a number of ways.

Forget Elevator Gate- it is a side-show. I am a fairly shy sort of fellow in person and I sometimes have difficulty in approaching women in a romantic or sexual context, and I can't even imagine asking a girl to my room for coffee without having beforehand struck up some sort of conversation. I wish that I had the balls to do so! I wish that I was one of those guys who just "went for it", and brass-necked their way through life, asking girls for "coffee" without a second's thought. If anything I think that this dude should be commended for having the gumption to do something about his sexual attraction to a girl, instead of doing what I, and many other men would do in a similar situation: staring at the floor wishing that we had the courage to talk to a girl.

Like I said- Elevator Gate is a side-show. The real issue for me is Watson's behaviour with regards to Stef McGraw, and her comments about Dawkins. She was a total prick for attempting to humiliate Stef McGraw, and she was a total prick for her arrogant dismissal of Dawkins as a privileged misogynist who has nothing left to contribute to the humanist movement.

Now, a whole cavalcade of other, less than laudatory snippets of information concerning Watson's past are beginning to emerge. Some posters are taking issue with the epithet "Twatson". I would argue that this is not simply a base example of school-ground name-calling; it is in fact a true reflection on her character. Getting herself banned from the JREF forums for sock-puppetry and banning members that she simply didn't like; hijacking panels at atheist meetings in order to further her own off-topic agendas; using her position of power to humiliate students at atheist meetings and waxing hysterical about how Richard Dawkins is a misogynist because he doesn't think that asking a girl for coffee in an elevator is that big of a deal. Taking all of this into consideration, I'm sorry: she comes across as a total fucking twat.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 9:51 AM


SallyStrange: I make no claims about Watson as a person - I am talking about testimonies in general and my skepticism with regards to what she said could be applied to a being of any gender, race or species.

A very dear relative of mine witnessed a miracle. He is very trustworthy and would never lie. He is also fully in command of his faculties. Therefore, miracles.

No I don't believe it, not because he is a man and I'm a misandrist but because testimonies are unreliable!

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 9:53 AM


Walton how can you say what you do at 46 after previously discounting what people say because of their presumed gender and privileged status (using a misandric slur, no less)?

Posted by: JohnV | July 19, 2011 9:59 AM



You want more members?
Have more low-intimidation, social meet-ups. Not every skeptic group has to meet in a pub. Not every meeting needs to be a lecture.

This is an ambition I fully endorse.
For a fair while now I've been concerned by the necessity of having any sceptic/rationalist meeting (that couldn't be comfortably held in a taxi) on licensed premises.
The only alternative being tortured to insanity, by rubbish furniture, in some dusty, antiseptic-whiffing public hall.
Don't take this the wrong way, but ..
I, like all my social circle, would be considered serious drinkers even by the standards of fellow brits
(the apparent Animal House-lite shenanigans attending the conferences are, however, mystifying. Fuckin' students [/Paul Calf]).
And I can think of nothing more intimidating, or rather, repellent to people than being forced to watch these alleged Valiant-For-The-Truths getting slowly rat-arsed and incoherent in public when they themselves don't want to join in mashing their brains like these amateur drinkers.
Save it for the weekend, and the full-time whistle.

Thing is, where I live (a tiny place, called Abroad) the most inquisitive minds tend to come from immigrants, and either they, or more usually their parents have been beamed down from, effectively, prehistory.
Illiterate, violent, patriarchal, rural shitholes, which would have embarrassed even the pioneering founders of Catal Huyuk and the like, I imagine. Places where religion really does run the show.

And there are a hell of a lot of them, from all over the shop.
Not wishing them to endure a life of baffled misery on our bone-chillingly wet, gloomy, smelly, and above all, godless skerry, it's only fair to cut them in on the deal, into our heads and culture. Because that's the kind of guy I am.
They can take it or leave it, up to them. Don't much care either way. As long as they can get to have a good old butcher's, and hold off deciding till then between the deranged god/ghosts/magic bollocks, and a bit of self-respect.
And abandoning one imbecility does not require the adoption of another, just to fit in. They're non-drinkers mostly, Africans, East and South Asians, whatever. People from hot places. Very sensible. Very economical!

I can think of nothing more calculated to drive them shuddering, back into the darkness and perpetual downpour, than rich posh people swilling overpriced alcohol, and jiggling acres of less-than-hygienic, hairy, blancmange-like flab at them. Tramp-stamps optional.

People got to think outside the box again, it seems.
Like Abbie and the picnics. ( Not an option here, ever :( Those that didn't die of hypothermia would drown )

Posted by: dustbubble | July 19, 2011 10:00 AM


Notung, yeah, (7) is iffy. Happy to retract it, since I'm not about to do a search to substantiate it and it's hardly essential to the case.


Justicar, here I quote Rebecca on the points you dispute.
(2) "There is a small chance that this man meant nothing sexual in his comment, despite the fact that I had clearly indicated my wish to go to bed (alone) and the fact that the bar had coffee and therefore there was absolutely zero reason to go to anyone’s hotel room to have it. Sure. There’s a chance."

(5) There’s a chance EG going into the elevator with her at 4am was not following her, much like there's a chance his proposition was purely coincidental. :)

Posted by: John Morales | July 19, 2011 10:00 AM


Noting that men don't understand sexism as well as women do is not ad hominem, it's a fact. Everyone has their filters. Men don't get to experience sexism directly for the most part. White people don't experience racism. Cis people don't experience transphobia. Etc.

@ Notung

Of course testimonies are unreliable. However, nobody has presented evidence for the proposition that a.) RW personally is extra-unreliable or b.) unwelcome sexual advances by men towards women are uncommon events at atheist conferences.

If you could present compelling evidence for either A or B being true, then endlessly rehashing the possible ways in which RW was wrong or lying about the incident would not be completely useless.

Posted by: SallyStrange | July 19, 2011 10:03 AM

"Twatson". I would argue that this is not simply a base example of school-ground name-calling; it is in fact a true reflection on her character.

Its a reflection of her character? Her character is that of female genitalia, which is a Bad Thing because, um, female genitalia are bad?

Keep digging, guys.

Posted by: SallyStrange | July 19, 2011 10:06 AM


Me: "Unless you claim Rebecca is lying, these are also facts"

Notung corrects me (rather pedantically, but fairly): "Unless you claim Rebecca is lying or mistaken, these are also facts"

Dalek tries to correct me: "Love the fact that John is now engaged in shifting the burden of proof from the person making the claim to us. Anecdotes and recollections are now "also facts"."


Yes, Dalek: it is a fact that this is Rebecca's claim, and that unless she is lying or mistaken said claim is fact; and it is "shifting the burden of proof" to claim so.

(Sigh. I am out of here)

Posted by: John Morales | July 19, 2011 10:07 AM


Hi, Sally. I come from a place called Scotland, where nick-names for genitalia are generally applied to people to whom we believe have flaws in their character. I have friends who are twats. I have friends who are dicks, pricks, cocks and cunts. In relation to the four specific examples that I outlined in my previous post, Rebecca Watson comes out of each of them looking like a bit of a twat. Hence the epithet "Twatson" seems to me to be particularly apt, and pretty darn funny into the bargain.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 10:13 AM


White people don't experience racism.
Heh. The first year I lived in this apartment, I would regularly get pulled over by the cops. Why? Cause white girls are in The Black Part Of Town for two reasons: Drugs and/or prostitution.

Thanks for diminishing the hurt and embarrassment I felt on a regular basis (and I anticipate at any moment when a new cop gets assigned to my neighborhood) by saying I cant actually experience racism, though.

Re: Twatson
Its a trip-wire, alerting me to the presence of stupid people. See, Ive found that all you have to do is lay down a funny alliteration, and stupid people fall over themselves on that point, ignoring everything else. They literally lose the ability to read and write, not to mention make cognizant points. Its not an effective teaching tool, its just funny. I do it to Creationists. I do it to HIV Deniers. I do it to anti-vaxers. And I did it here. You fell for it. *enthusiastic-clapping*

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 10:17 AM

Of course testimonies are unreliable. However, nobody has presented evidence for the proposition that a.) RW personally is extra-unreliable or b.) unwelcome sexual advances by men towards women are uncommon events at atheist conferences.

The point about skepticism is that you wait for the side making the claim to produce evidence - evidence of greater value than a single testimony. Otherwise I could say "well prove to me that my relative who witnessed the miracle is unreliable! You can't! Therefore miracles."

Even if RW is neither a liar nor an amnesiac, if would not mean that we cannot be skeptical with regards to her claims. It is disingenuous to say to a skeptic who just applied the method they believe in to a position you hold: "What right do you have to be skeptical about this?"

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 10:18 AM


I like how discounting what half the population says or might have to say about an issue because of their presumed gender is not sexism. But discounting what the other half of the population has to say or might have to say about an issue because of their presumed gender is sexism.

Posted by: JohnV | July 19, 2011 10:19 AM


The bit about her clearly indicating her wish to go sleep is already handled readily by the second of the two suppositions I posted earlier. There is no reason to think this man, if he existed, heard her say that. That she said it doesn't imply he was in a position to hear it. I realize that reiteration is one of the ways you people function, but the statement carries no more weight, becomes no more true by repetition. So, we'll just toss that off to the side as being rank speculation on your part.

Further, nothing you've posted disturbs what I wrote:
"This is interesting. I was dealing with facts, not what you imagine to be the case. I decline to overwrite reality with your fantasy."
Are you going to claim this changes the part that you admit is rank conjecture: whether bar coffee is superior to coffee someone might have in his room?

"It is also irrelevant to his intent."
Do you propose based on that that this is now relevant to his intent?

"That there's a Starbucks near me doesn't mean inviting someone to my house to have coffee and conversation is an invitation for some ass."

That coffee is available in another spot doesn't imply an invitation to my home for coffee is an invitation to have sex.

Further, the claim becomes no less speculative because you're quoting Rebecca Watson's rank speculation. "There's a small chance." She has no way to determine that. Just because she walks around under the belief that every man in the world wants to fuck her (god knows she can't give a single speech without mentioning how much e-mail she gets from men explaining how they just all can't wait to fuck her) doesn't mean, as a matter of fact, that any random person who invites her to coffee is actually speaking in code.

Indeed, whenever I've invited anyone to coffee it's been to have coffee, even if it's at odd hours of the night. Granted, I don't speak for all men. But if I'd said that in the elevator, the story would be the same. Except that it would definitely not be an invitation for sex.

You are free to believe whatever you'd like. But when your claims aren't shored up by the slightest bit of evidence, I'm going to decline the invitation to join in your imaginary universe.

Yes, there is a chance. Indeed, it happens quite a lot that people wind up in elevators with one another. It's almost like a commonplace kind of thing that billions of people have been subjected to. About 10 of them have been sexually assaulted. These are scary odds.

Again, you're free to imagine whatever you'd like, and imply and suggest. You're still just full of shit and making it up as you go along. You have no information that indicates a single word of what you're smiley-face implying is true.

But don't let facts get in the way of an otherwise vacuous story.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 10:20 AM


I am dismayed. Richard Dawkins did a genuinely commendable thing, something that deserves high praise, and you've tainted it by using it to launch an unwarranted and scurrilous attack on a skeptical activist woman and to give a forum to the raging misogynists you've fostered here.

This was not a decision to sneer at Rebecca Watson, who is someone who has also favored more child support at conferences. This was a serious decision and commitment to invest in the long-term success of atheist conferences, and you've managed to trivialize it into a petty slight. This is not some kind of game where Richard Dawkins chose to get even with Rebecca Watson. If you'd care to browse, you'd find that affordable childcare has long been one of the causes they advocate.

That Dawkins has chosen to support a feminist cause is not a victory for the anti-feminists.

It is also not the case that feminists were "stricken dumb" by the announcement. Those tweets that let you know about the support? Most of those were from feminists. The people who are going to be implementing the child care are the supporters of Camp Quest...a pro-family, feminist organization (including my wife, who is on the Minnesota board). The reason the blogs aren't saying a whole lot about it right now is that all we have is a brief statement from Richard Dawkins at TAM9 -- we're waiting for the official online statement at the RDF or JREF to praise it to the skies.

All this petty sniping at Watson is incomprehensible, and beneath you. She is a talented and eloquent activist for skepticism: she has been writing and speaking on this subject for a long time, and has been a catalyst for events and online activism. She's not a do-nothing or someone who's only famous for being famous, as some idiots have claimed -- she has put a lot of work into this movement. When you demean her, you demean Abbie Smith, who is just a woman with a blog; you demean Richard Dawkins, who is just a guy who wrote some books.

In particular, this -- "Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum and demanded everyone kiss her invisible boo-boo" -- is inexcusable and dishonest. Everyone has seen her "tantrum", since it's on youtube, and all it was was a woman calmly asking that guys don't hit on her. No tantrum. No demands. No hysteria. It was actually a reasonable request in a reasonable context. And all the people raging over it are indicting themselves, not Rebecca Watson.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 10:23 AM

Notung corrects me (rather pedantically, but fairly): "Unless you claim Rebecca is lying or mistaken

It is a little pedantic, but it is mainly to show that if I question RW's claim it doesn't mean I think she's a liar. I think it is important to recognise that, both for my sake and for RW's.

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 10:23 AM


That's fine sally, but just admit you aren't logically consistent and you definitely aren't a skeptic. It's fine, gender feminism is your form of religion.

To call a argument invalid merely on the basis of the person's gender, class or race is a fallacious, period. We evaluate the arguments, not the people. Not to mention, you are completely wrong about racism, sexism, etc. Places where whites are in the minority absolutely have racist cultures of their own. In Japan, there were restaurants that had cards reading "Japanese Only". Imagine that in America.

Also: How is calling a writing campaign "dear dick" hilarious and funny, but "twatson" the end of the world?

Posted by: Dalek | July 19, 2011 10:24 AM


If we're expected to believe -

Dawkins was replying to Watson directly and saying she isn't allowed to feel how she felt

rather than

Responding to the posters in Pharyngula and saying their treating the minor event of Watson's encounter as tantamount to rape (people who said that it wasn't a big deal were called rape-apologists after-all) was trivialising real physical misogyny

then why didn't Dawkins reply on Watson's space, or his own space, rather than on the comments thread at Pharyngula?

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 10:29 AM


Like PZ Myers above just trivialised misogyny by calling us all woman haters / dislikers, when this is obviously untrue and quite stupid.

You think this helps gender equality?

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 10:32 AM


PZ-- You have shown exactly *zero* interest in learning my perspective on this issue. You had an opportunity to ask/discuss this with me in a private conversation weeks ago and you didnt care. You dont care. You dont care why I hold the opinion I hold. All you care is that Im 'wrong'.


But you, like everyone else, are more than welcome to comment here.

Since the thread is closed at your place.

Really is a shame about NatGeo censoring commentors, huh? Oh wait, they arent, nor are they asking us to, and you actually are.


Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 10:35 AM


As you well know, the scienceblogs software can't cope with long threads very well -- I have to close threads that reach 700-1000 comments or the load drags the whole site down. As it is, I had multiple uncensored threads on this subject with over 4,000 comments, which means there was far more open discussion on the subject at Pharyngula than there has been here.

As for a private conversation: I read your blog every day. What would you tell me in email that would be different or more persuasive than what you've written on ERV?

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 10:44 AM


Let's Recap that, PZ:
You advise Abbie to read skepchick on one subject, and then demonstrate a perfect ignorance of another that's on the "most popular" list there.

For instance, that Richard Dawkins should know better because he's aware of the rape e-mails she gets. That is in proportion to being asked out to coffee? No demands? "Do not do that" doesn't exactly have the tone of a request. Indeed, it's classed as an imperative statement, which requires/demands the specific action be undertaken. I recall studying these under Mrs. Watson (I shit you not, really her name) in the first fucking grade.

Dear Dick campaign. Reasonable.

His books are no longer worth recommending to anyone to read even though they're as true today as they were a week ago. Reasonable.

He's the past who has done so little for feminism, and humanism. Reasonable.

PZ, on this topic, you're a fucking joke. And a hypocrite.

A "talented" advocate for skepticism would presumably not entail a person who cries foul when people are dubious to his/her claims which are by definition entirely speculative.

So, Dawins' public announcement by voice is somehow not sufficient for your ilk to take notice, preferring instead to wait until it's officially announced (which obviously just his saying it doesn't count - who does he think he is anyway?) on his website, but his writing in the comment section on your blog and not on his website was a sufficiently official statement for many cans of proverbial whoopass to be opened on the spot.

Looking on his website, I see he has still failed to officially announce he wrote on your blog and that it's true he said it. Why are you being inconsistent?

Nevermind. Hypocrite. Forgot. It's because your claims aren't rooted in facts, and therefore can't be disturbed by the inconvenience of them.

Raging? I think most of us are largely laughing *at* you guys/gals over there.

The only person who's actually entitled to be full on rage-y over this is Stef McGraw. She's handled the situation with great poise, without a great deal of notice from your camp at all. Indeed, you actively supported tearing her down in public like that.

And lastly, failing to adopt your myopic sect of extremism doesn't make people "anti-feminists". It's keeps us where we were before this started: anti-bullshit. And you're covered in it.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 10:45 AM


Taking the closure of a too-long thread and painting it as censorship?

That's utterly pathetic.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 10:48 AM


"Her character is that of female genitalia, which is a Bad Thing because, um, female genitalia are bad?"

As I've said about the "You're a dick": It's a state of mind, not a parts list.

See Wikipedia:

The word twat has various functions. It is a vulgar synonym for the human vulva, vagina, or clitoris, but is more widely used as a derogatory epithet, especially in British English. The word may originate from Old Norse þveit meaning cut, slit, or forest clearing

See also "dick"


dick (countable and uncountable; plural dicks)

1. (countable, obsolete) A male person.
2. (countable, UK, US, colloquial, vulgar) The penis.

He wore a condom over his dick.

3. (countable, UK, US, colloquial, vulgar, pejorative) A highly contemptible person.

That person is such a dick.

4. (uncountable, US, Canada, colloquial) absolutely nothing.

Last weekend I did dick.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 10:49 AM


First you crow over Dawkins' funding of a childcare center as if its sole purpose was to "checkmate" RW, rather than take care of children. Then you admit that the idea predated the RW dispute by a long time. Then you "translate" a direct assertion that Dawkins did what he did purely as a response to his "True Feminist" critics, even though you've already admitted that's not the case. Calm down and make up your mind already.

I agree Dawkins did the right thing here, but the rightness of his actions has nothing to do with RW; and your linking of the two implies you care more more about bashing RW than you do about childcare.

Then you attack the lifestyle of your "enemies" with that refreence to "your bordello parties and pajama parties and getting drunk all the time and acting like overall jackasses in the name of 'supporting women in skepticism'." Which is kinda similar to how women tend to be treated when they complain of sexual assault, harassment, or inappropriate behavior.

What would you have said if RW had contributed to this childcare program?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 10:50 AM


@PZ: "Everyone has seen her "tantrum", since it's on youtube, and all it was was a woman calmly asking that guys don't hit on her. No tantrum. No demands. No hysteria. It was actually a reasonable request in a reasonable context. And all the people raging over it are indicting themselves, not Rebecca Watson."

PZ, come to to fuck. No-one is raging about Watson's "guy's, don't do that" line. That's fair enough in my mind. She's entitled to her opinion. But she certainly did throw an unjustified tantrum when she wrote a long, snarling screed against Dawkins, calling him, pathetically, a misogynist because he doesn't happen to be convinced that some dude asking a girl back to his room is that big of a deal. She went mental, and effectively called on people to boycott his books. You don't think that there was anything wrong with this behaviour? You think that this is the sort of thing that we want to see from one of the most prominent members of the atheist community?

And then there was the knee-jerk wankery from the majority of your Pharyngulites about Dawkins being a "has-been": all the jargon about him being a sad, privileged old white rich guy who doesn't "get it", and who should just "fuck off". That's the message that your lot have been sending out- if you don't agree with us 100% that Elevator Guy is a douche then you can all just fuck off. We don't want your kind here, or at atheist conventions either, for that matter. You don't think that that sort of talk from your blog was a bit of an overreaction?

And your dismissal of any wrongdoing on Watson's part with regards to the Stef McGraw affair is what I find really deeply disappointing. That was the most interesting issue to come out of all of this, and your blasé dismissal of there even being a hint of wrongdoing on Watson's part was just facepalmingly ridiculous.

Oh yeah, and your constant references to anyone who dares to call out Watson on her bullshit as being a "misogynist" is just fucking contemptible. I like your blog and I will continue to read it because I'm not a "one-issue" kind of guy, but it really is rather sad that you so consistently call dissenters to The Party Line "misogynists". Your flagrant misuse of the term is extremely hard for me to get my head around.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 10:51 AM


Sally, that too long thread?

Would that be one of the ones that's closed with 0 comments allowed on it, directing people to go elsewhere to talk about it?

Or is that one special and covered because there are other currently closed threads that had quite a bit of "conversation" in them?

Pretending that one with 0 comments allowed, directing people to go elsewhere to have a conversation isn't there is utterly pathetic.

0/10 for that one.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 10:51 AM


Seriously, if I had clowns like Justicar batting for my team, I'd rather cancel the match.

Posted by: Rorschach | July 19, 2011 10:51 AM

PZ-- You have shown exactly *zero* interest in learning my perspective on this issue. You had an opportunity to ask/discuss this with me in a private conversation weeks ago and you didnt care. You dont care. You dont care why I hold the opinion I hold. All you care is that Im 'wrong'.

This would seem to be an admission that your posts on this blog do not represent your perspective on the issue ? Why would that be do you think ? Can you not write well enough ? Or are you just trying to get a rise out of people to feed your need to feel important ? Or are you just a bit stupid ?

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 10:52 AM



the threads with zero comments on them are evidence of censorship? Even as multiple other threads continue to grow with the ongoing discussion?

Pathetic and reaching.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 10:53 AM


Raging Bee:
no. He was doing it all along. That is to say that his credentials in this area are rock solid no matter what a few loud, simpering dimwits might choose to call him. They have accusations. He has demonstrable results in advancing the cause they decry him for retarding. So, checkmate. Accusations

Further, how does how some women victims of sexual assault being treated serve as an example of "supporting women in skepticism"? How is it similar? That paragraph is full of floating opposites joined by no chain of reasoning.

Hrm. How would I react if Watson contributed? Well, I guess I'll never know since she's never bothered to try. Why is anyone supposed to imagine how they'd react to an action Watson doesn't seem interested in partaking in? She had all the opportunity in the world to organize this, or try to. I see no action on her part towards that end.

Again, she writes about what dreams should be the case. Richard Dawkins gets shit done. Checkmate.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 10:57 AM


PZ Myers@#88

"I am dismayed. Richard Dawkins did a genuinely commendable thing, something that deserves high praise, and you've tainted it by using it to launch an unwarranted and scurrilous attack on a skeptical activist woman and to give a forum to the raging misogynists you've fostered here."

If period in the first sentence was swapped with the comma in the second, it might just be the first honest thing you have written in weeks.

In other words you think you have a right to offer a combination of backpedaling and a spanking to an outspoken atheist woman in science because you are old, male and have a bigger hit count.

You are a tiresome back stabbing coward and your deliberate promotion of under qualified uneducated jugglers as the face of the skeptical feminism is merely so that you can continue to enjoy the privilege of being their defender and control their message.

It is how you maintain delusions of some sort of politically progressive pertinence and personal grandeur.

You are the most revoltingly disloyal and morally cheap sort of a person.

Your words and the thought of you make me physically ill. Do crawl back to your palace of hit counts won't you? Or do you intend to branch out and muzzle dissenting opinion here as well?

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 10:59 AM


Sally, where's that link to the current open thread that's been growing before now? They all seem to be locked. Which one have I missed?

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:00 AM


1. I *do not care* about Watson and Elevator Guy.

2. I dont air all my personal business and my life history on my blog.

I also stated quite plainly, to you, that I had not voiced all of my personal issues or reasoning on this particular incident to *anyone*. I said that. To you. Directly. So why would you think you could get that information from my blog?

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 11:00 AM

to give a forum to the raging misogynists you've fostered here

Harsh and unjustifiable. This, for me is the problem. If you disagree on this issue, you're a misogynist. Why can we not discuss this issue in the spirit in which we discuss other things?

The point about skeptical inquiry is that nothing is sacred. When we are forbidden from questioning something, it becomes dogma. Dogma only needs to be dogma because it cannot survive robust skeptical inquiry.

Everyone has seen her "tantrum", since it's on youtube, and all it was was a woman calmly asking that guys don't hit on her.

Agreed. However, when Abbie said "tantrum" I assumed she was referring to "The Privilege Delusion" which really did seem to me to be a tantrum (bringing up Dawkins' wealth, race, sexuality, age, announcing a boycott of his lectures and books, saying humanists and feminists should turn to new, 'better' voices, and saying that Dawkins is 'the past').

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 11:00 AM


"There is a small chance that this man meant nothing sexual in his comment,..."

Reminds me of Kev Wilson's Courting Song.

I guess that Ms RW considers it always a requirement to fuck on first dates.

Maybe she sees courting as sexist.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 11:00 AM

No-one is raging about Watson's "guy's, don't do that" line.

That's obviously not true. Plenty of people have raged, and continue to rage, about that specific thing.

That's fair enough in my mind. She's entitled to her opinion.

You're so generous!

But she certainly did throw an unjustified tantrum when she wrote a long, snarling screed against Dawkins, calling him, pathetically, a misogynist because he doesn't happen to be convinced that some dude asking a girl back to his room is that big of a deal.

Oh wait, not so generous. So, it's okay to complain about unwanted sexual advances, but not okay to respond when a semi-famous guy tells you that ZERO BAD things happened to you when you received an unwanted sexual advance. Thanks for clearing up the rule-book about what it's acceptable and unacceptable for women to complain about.

She went mental,

Accusing uppity feminists of mental illness? Now there's a novel approach. Good thing it hasn't been used over and over again for about a century by people who opposed women's rights, otherwise someone might think you were unsympathetic to women's rights. Oh wait...

and effectively called on people to boycott his books. You don't think that there was anything wrong with this behaviour?

Yes, clearly Richard Dawkins is entitled to every atheist's discretionary income. How outrageous to suggest that people buy by, say, Sikivu Hutchinson instead.

You think that this is the sort of thing that we want to see from one of the most prominent members of the atheist community?

It's exactly what I expect to see from prominent members of the atheist community: reasonable criticism. Response, more criticism. I don't see why noting that Dawkins has a problem with understanding feminism and concluding that feminists and those who support them could perhaps better spend their money on authors who are better aligned with the cause is so fucking horrible, that you'd characterize it as someone "going mental." It's definitely not worth pulling out idiotic insults like "Twatson" over.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 11:01 AM

Sally, where's that link to the current open thread that's been growing before now? They all seem to be locked. Which one have I missed?

Do you have problems with your eyesight, or are you just a lazy fucker ?

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 11:02 AM


It makes sense. PZ's whole career is based on constructing straw-men and violently insulting people that have disagreements. People that disagree, especially on political matters, are not only wrong but somehow malicious in intent. For some bizarre reason, he thinks insults are the best method to dealing with intellectual disagreements. There is being strident in opposition to an idea and then there is petty, "get fucked" nastiest that goes on Pharguyuala.

Because his career certainly isn't based on publications, professional reputation, or discoveries in biology. He's an ideologue first and foremost.

Posted by: Dalek | July 19, 2011 11:03 AM


I see ERV has just admitted she is simply using her blog to troll.

Why do some people take her seriously ?

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 11:05 AM


"Plenty of people have raged, and continue to rage, about that specific thing."

Rather, it's I'm raging about how I MUST change because RW was creeped out.

But 99% of the rage is about the aftermath of that video, NOT the video itself.

If you contest otherwise, please provide evidence.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 11:08 AM

This, for me is the problem. If you disagree on this issue, you're a misogynist. Why can we not discuss this issue in the spirit in which we discuss other things?

Recognizing that you, or your hero, may have said or done something misogynist is not the end of the world. It's just an indication that you, or your hero, is a product of your culture. It's impossible to fix unless you recognize there's a problem. It's important to recognize that just like non-KKK members can and do make racist statements or act on racist assumptions, people who don't actively hate women can still make sexist statements or act out of male privilege.

Holding back from identifying sexism out of misplaced concerns for the delicate feelings of well-meaning but ignorant men (or women) isn't going to help anyone.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 11:08 AM


Why are you being misogynistic to ERV?
Why aren't you listening to women's opinions, Matt?

Oh wait - that line of questions only goes in one direction. Forgot!

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:08 AM


Your Mrs Watson didn't do a good job of teaching you the difference between a demand and a polite request. When a woman tells you "no", do you get angry at her demanding ways?

I do not support any campaign against Dawkins; it's silly for you to berate me for agreeing with every last little thing that Rebecca Watson has done, when I don't. But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome.

There is nothing dubious about Rebecca Watson's claims. Do you really think it so incredibly unlikely that a woman would be asked to come to a man's hotel room? Weird.

It is in the nature of a blog post that you typically want something that you can link to. Richard Dawkins' comments on my blog were linkable; their source was also verifiable, and I refrained from saying anything until I confirmed them (there were also several posts from people pretending to be Richard Dawkins that I had to delete). His word at the conference was sufficient to believe him, but it was brief--I'm waiting for more details. When there's information about how organizers can apply for aid, I'll publish it. Do you seriously believe I'm unhappy about something I've thought was a great idea for years? Dawkins is making a great contribution to the community with this plan.

I've had no problem with Stef McGraw, and have even said so: I encourage her to express her opinions. As for "tearing her down"...nonsense. Her opinions were discussed, and some agreed with her, and some disagreed. Speaking of dubious claims without evidence -- what exactly did Watson say about McGraw that was so horrible? There's a terrible dearth of substance in your hysterical claims of opression.

And finally, I've been accused of censoring opinions on my blog. Counter-evidence: Justicar is not banned, despite being one of the most idiotic, shrill, dishonest, contemptible scumbag liars on this subject anywhere on the interwebs.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 11:09 AM


PZ: I've had my disagreements with you before, and will probably disagree with you on some other issue sometime in the future; but on this subject I gotta say you're spot-the-fuck-on. RW made a perfectly reasonable complaint -- a complaint I've heard from numerous women, not all of them "feminist," in casual conversation -- and Dawkins reacted by putting both feet in his mouth on an incident he didn't even have to talk about at all (it's not like RW had blamed Dawkins himself for the EG incident). And from then on, Dawkins' more partisan supporters (and some concern-trolls from the special-ed branch of the Men's Movement) have gone into full freakout mode trying to excuse him and bash whoever seemed to criticize him. It's a pretty safe bet, IMHO, that if Dawkins had said nothing, there'd be no controversy at all over RW's actions.

Dawkins actions re: funding for childcare are the right thing to do. His supporters using this to bash "women of loose morals" within their own movement is reminiscent of the woman-bashing we hear from the right-wing "family values" crowd.

Dawkins has given some money to support childcare centers. Now would be the time for his supporters to stop acting like children.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 11:10 AM


Penfold, you typed all that but didn't include the evidence?

I suspect you're the lazy fucker, but with just enough energy to insult someone because you feel that's worth the effort.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 11:10 AM


Mr. DNA @ #81
You forgot bawbag, ya fanny.

[(note for americans) A Joke ]

Posted by: dustbubble | July 19, 2011 11:12 AM

You are a tiresome back stabbing coward and your deliberate promotion of under qualified uneducated jugglers as the face of the skeptical feminism is merely so that you can continue to enjoy the privilege of being their defender and control their message.

It is how you maintain delusions of some sort of politically progressive pertinence and personal grandeur.

You are the most revoltingly disloyal and morally cheap sort of a person.

Your words and the thought of you make me physically ill. Do crawl back to your palace of hit counts won't you? Or do you intend to branch out and muzzle dissenting opinion here as well?

Abbie, I only know you spuriously, but do you really want to be associated with a hating dimwit like Prometheus, or stupid people like Justicar ? At some point a blog owner has to take a stand, I think. What's it going to be ?

Posted by: Rorschach | July 19, 2011 11:15 AM


I *do not care* about Watson and Elevator Guy.

Then why did you go so far out of your way to mention her?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 11:17 AM


ERV... Spiking the ball was unnecessary, in my opinion.

Posted by: mk | July 19, 2011 11:18 AM


"RW made a perfectly reasonable complaint "

Complaint is fine.

But when someone says "So what?" she goes apeshit.

And that's when ERV blogged: about the bit where RW went apeshit.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 11:18 AM

Penfold, you typed all that but didn't include the evidence?

I had assumed people were capable of reading what ERV has said. Clearly in your case I overestimated your intelligence. Sorry about that. It will not happen again.

Just in case you missed it:

1. I *do not care* about Watson and Elevator Guy.

2. I dont air all my personal business and my life history on my blog.

I also stated quite plainly, to you, that I had not voiced all of my personal issues or reasoning on this particular incident to *anyone*. I said that. To you. Directly. So why would you think you could get that information from my blog?

In otherwords this blog does not reflect her opinions on the matter. However she still chose to blog, and do so in a provocative manner. She could have said nothing. That would have been a better option, since it would not have made her look dishonest and it would give cretins like yourself the chance to show the world how stupid you are.

Now please, try to keep up. If you cannot be bothered to read, or want to lie, you can fuck off.

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 11:19 AM


But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome.

Did you stop to think for half of a fucking second that maybe, just maybe, *I* had ACTUALLY been in a situation where I could have been raped ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS and *I* thought Watson (or anyone) comparing her absolutely BENIGN encounter on the same level as the HELL I went though one of THE MOST DISGUSTING things I have ever personally witnessed? AND THEN she goes on to attack a student. AND THEN she goes on to attack one of THE BEST proponents of EVERYONE in science and skepticism, EVER.

Did you ever stop and THINK why *I* would be so pissed off about this?



End of fucking story!

There was no discussion about this. There was NEVER any discussion.


Everybody just MOVE ALONG.

No ones personal lives or experiences matter if they dont agree with you.




hurp derp-- Then why did you go so far out of your way to mention her?
Why dont you try reading the posts Ive written on the topic you stupid fuck.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 11:21 AM

No-one is raging about Watson's "guy's, don't do that" line.

Demonstrably false. The whole affair of Dawkins' comment and Watson's anger over it emerged in what, the second or third post I had on the subject, after thousands of comments.

In other words you think you have a right to offer a combination of backpedaling and a spanking to an outspoken atheist woman in science because you are old, male and have a bigger hit count.

Say what? I have neither backpedaled, nor have I spanked anyone, nor have I cited age, sex, or blog traffic as evidence of authority. I don't think any of that is important.

I also stated quite plainly, to you, that I had not voiced all of my personal issues or reasoning on this particular incident to *anyone*.

This is not a personal issue. I'm engaging in your public discussion of the subject. If it's confidential and not to be made public, it's irrelevant to this whole debate.

I also have some personal, private information about some of the participants in the argument, facts about some of the people on the anti-Watson side, that make their comments look self-serving and prejudicial to me. They're personal and private, though, so they are irrelevant, and I'm not going to take the cheap shot of revealing them.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 11:22 AM


Ah matt penfold... here, there and everywhere, always telling people to "fuck off." Don't you have any new material?

Posted by: mk | July 19, 2011 11:24 AM


In otherwords this blog does not reflect her opinions on the matter. However she still chose to blog, and do so in a provocative manner. She could have said nothing. That would have been a better option, since it would not have made her look dishonest and it would give cretins like yourself the chance to show the world how stupid you are.

So if someone doesn't blog everything they feel about a topic, if they blog most of what they feel, but don't want to make all their thoughts public, they're dishonest?

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 11:25 AM

Abbie, I only know you spuriously, but do you really want to be associated with a hating dimwit like Prometheus, or stupid people like Justicar ? At some point a blog owner has to take a stand, I think. What's it going to be ?

>Subject: Could you have a little chat with the imbeciles.....
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 15:48:15 +0000
> Hi Abbie,
> Am ignoring both ignoramouses but would love you to read the riot act to both Dustin and windy and maybe, just maybe suspend Dustin's posting privileges too. If he were to carry on in the manner he has over at PT, then I think he'd be asked to leave ASAP.
> Thanks,
> John Kwok

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 11:26 AM


Let's be perfectly clear here on what you've just said.
1.) imperative statements are not imperative
2.) that I'm angry.
3.) that anger is a natural consequence of the word "no"
4.) you've ignored the difference between a declarative no and an imperative no.

That's a lot of spin in such a short space, PZ.

I am not berating you for "agreeing with" everything Watson has done or said. I did, however, point out that you are scolding ERV for her not reading a section of skepchick in the same breath you're demonstrating a perfect ignorance of a featured article there. These are not the same logical spaces, and I'll thank you kindly to do better in that field in the future.

Yes, rape threats are. It's a good thing that Dawkins didn't mock actual threats of rape. That makes this line of non-reasoning irrelevant here (except for being able to loosely knit rape with Watson's shindig so as to craft a nice blunt instrument to whack people with).

What is unlikely for a hypothetical person out of a hypothetical set of people doesn't bear on a particular person from a particular set of people. This is elementary set theory here. Further, no one has made the claim that men do not invite women to their hotel rooms. Until you typed those words, that has never before been suggested in any discussions here or on any other blog about this topic I've followed. Excellent strawman there.

I have not implied that you are unhappy about this eventuality. Why do you pretend that I have said as much when it's not even fairly entailed in what I wrote? Why the chicanery?

The point I made was that a.) you claimed his posting on his website was what something official, b.) his saying it in public, in person was insufficient to justify mention being made by "feminists" of the variety mentioned by Abbie here, c.) a comment that was left on your blog for which no one was entirely sure was made by him curiously was a sufficient reason for the better part of your fan club to tear into him. All without a single comment from you. Not even so much as "hey, hold up, let me verify it on his website before you guys go crazy, because that makes it official."

Or even a "hey, I e-mailed him to see if it's him. Wait until I can confirm before you sharpen your knives."

Not a word of caution or anything.

But you guys have been nothing but reasonable.

"what exactly did Watson say about McGraw that was so horrible? There's a terrible dearth of substance in your hysterical claims of opression[sic]."
That her non-agreement with what Watson said was actually anti-woman, and endangered women and thoughts along those lines.

But you're focusing on content of what was said irrespective of the many times you've been told the issue in that incident was the abuse of The Speaker position to take to task someone who would have no way to respond, but had to sit there and just take it. Remember, even Rebecca Watson said (on her panel with Dawkins) that the Q&A; isn't long enough to address her issue with Paula Kirby, which was, after all, not an indictment on Watson. But Watson's indictment on McGraw somehow could be fully handled in the 60 second time limit during the Q&A.; I guess Watson's issues are just more important than McGraw's.

Further, you may call me a liar, and stupid and vile, what you cannot do is support that I've been remotely dishonest at any step along the way, or that my argument fails. You've had every opportunity, as has everyone else. Not a single argument that isn't contingent on emotional exploitation has sprung forth. You think I'm vile. Fair enough. At the very least I'm not implicating half of the world's population with going around committing potential crimes at every turn. That's a feature unique to your side of the discussion.

Err, your side of the dogma.

I see here on my twitter, which is what I did say after all, that I'm unable to follow your posts. Either you closed your account, or blocked me from being able to read what you write on there.

Being called shrill from you doesn't exactly count for much as it's a trait you seem to hold high esteem. As do you seem to hold dogma, and dishonesty in high regard.

I love the tone of this post here though - you've got that persecuted victim bit down pat. Those poor strawmen - they never deserved that kind of abuse.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:29 AM


Well done, that man(or should one use the term potential rapist?).

To ERV, the gender traitor, thank you for highlighting the issue.

PZ, the fact tha MS Watson "has also favored more child support at conferences" means that she has done what exactly to bring it about?

There is talk, which is easy, then there is doing something, which is generally considered more useful.

And once again, the world watches the Americans in disbelief.

Posted by: MacTurk | July 19, 2011 11:29 AM

So if someone doesn't blog everything they feel about a topic, if they blog most of what they feel, but don't want to make all their thoughts public, they're dishonest?

There is no evidence ERVs comments are anything but trolling. Also when one is privy to relevant information that you cannot reveal the honest thing to do is say. ERV did not say so in the original post.

So yes, she was less than honest. Not as dishonest as those she is allowing to comment in support of her though. One would have thought having the likes of Justicar, Wow, Mr DNA and others being your most vocal supporters would give someone cause to think. None of them are honest, all of them are sexist pigs. If ERV wants their company that is up to her. But she should know it will reflect poorly on her.

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 11:31 AM


"Then why did you go so far out of your way to mention her?"

Well, my inference from her writings, the answer goes like this:

Watson: She's making demands and denunciations. Abbie doesn't agree with them. She has to mention Watson to get at the demands and denunciations that she DOES care about in order to specify them.

EG: The denunciations and demands all result from the actions of this person. Therefore to argue against the demands and denunciations that Abbie does care about, the incident has to be mentioned and that includes mentioning the object: EG.

It would be rather hard to argue against the demands without mentioning the name of the person making the demands, wouldn't it?

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 11:34 AM

Did you stop to think for half of a fucking second that maybe, just maybe, *I* had ACTUALLY been in a situation where I could have been raped ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS and *I* thought Watson (or anyone) comparing her absolutely BENIGN encounter on the same level as the HELL I went though one of THE MOST DISGUSTING things I have ever personally witnessed?

One of the themes you'll find many of the women on the feminist side of the argument saying over and over again is that this is a thoroughly common experience -- I've recommended reading Shrodinger's Rapist as a well-written explanation. So you've got it backwards: I take it for granted that many women have had these experiences. My wife has talked to me about instances where she's been frightened by such possibilities.

The problem here is this bizarrely exaggerated claim that Rebecca Watson equated, as you say, benign encounter with being threatened with rape.

She did not. Anywhere. At any time. Her reaction was mild annoyance, which she expressed, and polite rejection, which she expressed, and a public discussion of courtesy to women at atheist meetings. There were no rape whistles, no screams, no police called, no temper tantrums. And this measured and entirely appropriate response launched a howling mob on her, and that's the greatest concern: that even the mildest of suggestions about a minor event can get such a condemning reaction from the atheist community is a worry.

It's obvious that this event has touched one of your triggers. I suggest, though, that your rightful anger is misdirected, and it shouldn't be aimed at a woman who made a mild complaint about a minor incident, but at the hate-mongers who are so incensed that a woman spoke up at all.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 11:37 AM


"Abbie, I only know you spuriously, but do you really want to be associated with a hating dimwit like Prometheus, or stupid people like Justicar ?"

I'm fine with being traded for Rorschach.

He is apparently a wit (Who knows you falsely? Out of wedlock? He knows you like a deceptive plant part????)

plus, he is filled with love (and cholesterol).

I suggest however that you keep Justicar, he is crass but far funnier than I.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 11:43 AM


"One of the themes you'll find many of the women on the feminist side of the argument saying over and over again is that this is a thoroughly common experience -- I've recommended reading Shrodinger's Rapist as a well-written explanation. So you've got it backwards: I take it for granted that many women have had these experiences. My wife has talked to me about instances where she's been frightened by such possibilities."

One of the themes you'll find is that because of the people I know, your experiences and reactions aren't worth hearing. Thank you for considering that I gave a fuck, but I don't.

"It's obvious that this event has touched one of your triggers. I suggest, though, that your rightful anger is misdirected, and it shouldn't be aimed at a woman who made a mild complaint about a minor incident, but at the hate-mongers who are so incensed that a woman spoke up at all."

There, there. Stop being such an emotional chick. Now, get a hold of yourself and direct your "rightful anger" where it belongs; that is to say, towards the people I tell you deserve it. Stop thinking for yourself there, darlin' - just listen to me and I'll learn you good.

"The problem here is this bizarrely exaggerated claim that Rebecca Watson equated, as you say, benign encounter with being threatened with rape.

She did not. Anywhere. At any time."

And because none of this is in the conversation, I have a reading recommendation for you that is completely unrelated to this. Please check out Schrodinger's Rapist. No connection to this or anything. Don't read into that.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:46 AM


"It's obvious that this event has touched one of your triggers."


You are being hysterical.


Old fat white guy.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 11:47 AM



Did you stop to think for half of a fucking second that maybe, just maybe, *I* had ACTUALLY been in a situation where I could have been raped ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS and *I* thought Watson (or anyone) comparing her absolutely BENIGN encounter on the same level as the HELL I went though one of THE MOST DISGUSTING things I have ever personally witnessed?

Except that it's patently obvious that Watson did no such thing. She said, "Guys don't do that," and that triggered a bunch of whiny, angry posts from a bunch of men saying "WHHHYYYYY CAN'T I DO THAT IT IT IS SO UNFAIR TO ASK ME NOT TO DO THAT!" Feminists, attempting to answer the question of "why" it's good not to do that, brought up the risk of rape that informs many women's decisions about where to go and at what time, etc. If you're pissed at someone for making this about the risk of sexual assault, be pissed at the whining angry dudes who simply couldn't accept a reasonable request from a woman about confining their propositioning to venues where such activities are appropriate, without demanding reasons, data, justifications, etc. Ask them why they couldn't just hear RW say, 'Please don't do that,' and just respond with, "Well, okay," or, "I honestly don't see why but it doesn't cost me anything so whatever."

AND THEN she goes on to attack a student. AND THEN she goes on to attack one of THE BEST proponents of EVERYONE in science and skepticism, EVER.

Yeah, nobody's really been able to explain why this is so fucking horrible. McGraf and Dawkins engage in public discourse because they don't want to be responded to? They can't handle it? Watson is this horrible unthinkable monster who crushes all in her path? What the fuck is going on here?

Did you ever stop and THINK why *I* would be so pissed off about this?

Well, even if I had, I would not have been able to envision any of the train of thought you detailed in the post I quoted above, because none of it makes any sense. First off, your facts are wrong, and second, the things you think flow from those facts actually don't.

It sucks that you were raped. I was sexually assaulted. It sucks. But for some reason I didn't take RW's reasonable request about men avoiding making unwanted sexual advances as trivializing my experiences or the experiences of any other survivors. I'm sorry you see it that way, but it's my opinion that your perception is off-base for whatever reason.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 11:49 AM


The problem here is this bizarrely exaggerated claim that Rebecca Watson equated, as you say, benign encounter with being threatened with rape.

Actually, the problem I have is the same as Dawkins, who responded to some of the more colourful comments on your blog with the Dear Muslima comment, a call for those colourful commentators to get some perspective and recognise that their exaggeration and conflation of minor events does no justice to what misogyny really is, and belittles the term and experience of women who really physically suffer.

That's why he responded in the comments thread. Why else would he not just respond directly to Watson, unless he intended the reply to be to the commentators?

Then Watson pretended that Dawkin's comment was directed at her belittling her experience because other women suffer more. It's almost the opposite of what he said when you look at where and who he responded to instead of pretending he responded to Watson on his own website or hers.

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 11:49 AM


I tried being polite and rational at the outset. The response to my saying it didn't make sense to me could someone explain it resulting in, essentially, lawl, you're retarded you fucking retarded retard woman-hating, misogynistic (why those have be put side by side is curious since one is the definition of the other. Well, it used to be. Now it just means "person who doesn't agree with me") retardy fuckwitted lying douche who knows goddamned good and well what it is but wants to pretend he doesn't because of privilege.

That might be an exact quote, but I'm not sure.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:51 AM

PZ Myers: "But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome."

I thought RD commented on coffee/sex invitations not rape threats. I think the whole point of his comment was that RW did in fact not receive a rape threat in that elevator.

John Morales: "8. Rebecca turned this offer down, and made her exit at her floor."

In the video I saw there is no statement about what happened next. Which is a shame because that conversation might have illuminated EG's view on this.

Rorschach: "Abbie, I only know you spuriously, but do you really want to be associated with a hating dimwit like Prometheus, or stupid people like Justicar ?"

Reminds me of that guy that was arguing over twitter that NatGeo must dissociate themselves from PZ Myers.

Posted by: Michael | July 19, 2011 11:54 AM


"The problem here is this bizarrely exaggerated claim that Rebecca Watson equated, as you say, benign encounter with being threatened with rape."

Sorry, where was she threatened with rape, PZ?

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 11:58 AM


"and a public discussion of courtesy to women at atheist meetings."

No, it was a public request of how men should act from her. Which then became demands. Which then became threats of accusations of rape if you didn't obey these demands. A progression you've been snout-deep in getting out there.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:01 PM


Wow, you're kind of thick.

Rebecca Watson was not threatened with rape.

She did not claim to be threatened with rape.

It is a bizarrely exaggerated claim to suggest that she equated a relatively benign encounter with being threatened by rape.

Do I need to use littler words? Shorter sentences? Mime?

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 12:02 PM

"The problem here is this bizarrely exaggerated claim that Rebecca Watson equated, as you say, benign encounter with being threatened with rape."
Sorry, where was she threatened with rape, PZ?

When illiterates attack! Next on Fox...

Posted by: AJ Milne | July 19, 2011 12:04 PM

Did you stop to think for half of a fucking second that maybe, just maybe, *I* had ACTUALLY been in a situation where I could have been raped ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS and *I* thought Watson (or anyone) comparing her absolutely BENIGN encounter on the same level as the HELL I went though one of THE MOST DISGUSTING things I have ever personally witnessed?

The serious experience that you've had, and those like it, are made more socially acceptable if all of those more minor experiences are let go without comment. It's the exact same argument as moderate religion providing a cover for the extremists. Let all of the minor stuff go and the Overton window moves a bit more to the side, and the extremists see an awful lot of justification for what (in their minds) is pretty much the same thing they're doing, and then nobody takes it seriously as it slides further and further over. The reason to nip these things in the bud is to try and make it more socially unacceptable to do the worse things, not just to nitpick.

Posted by: Carlie | July 19, 2011 12:04 PM



Posted by: mo | July 19, 2011 12:04 PM


"but at the hate-mongers who are so incensed that a woman spoke up at all."

Yeah like that one that came on here and called Abbie a "gender traitor" for speaking up.

Posted by: JohnV | July 19, 2011 12:07 PM

Do I need to use littler words? Shorter sentences? Mime?

Those will only work if a person is thick but wants to learn. Wow has decided not bother letting facts get in the way. The only think know to work in such cases is the insertion of a dead porcupine into a body orifice.

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 12:07 PM


And here's Carlie to draw the direct parallel between coffee and rape. Congratulations.
"if all of those more minor experiences are let go without comment."
"Let all of the minor stuff go and the Overton window moves a bit more to the side, and the extremists see an awful lot of justification for what (in their minds) is pretty much the same thing they're doing, and then nobody takes it seriously as it slides further and further over"

There is some direct pathway from thinking that the elevator incident is a non-event to it fosters a rape culture, and climate by providing rapists with cover.

So, is rape on the table or not? If not, why do people keep bringing it up (to include Watson)? You may not have be both ways, people.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 12:12 PM


"you're kind of thick."

PZ, you ARE thick.

"Rebecca Watson was not threatened with rape."

Then why did you say:

"But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome."


RD never said anything about other indicents. He just talked about the one where RW wasn't raped, nor even threatened with rape.

I think you're really too fixated on rape, PZ. I would suggest a little bit of reflection on where this obsession comes from.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:12 PM

I thought RD commented on coffee/sex invitations not rape threats. I think the whole point of his comment was that RW did in fact not receive a rape threat in that elevator.

Yes. Which is what annoyed so many people. RW did not receive a rape threat, she did not claim to receive a rape threat, she received a much lesser insult, that her requests to be left alone would be so blindly what Dawkins was essentially doing was dismissing her and telling her to shut up until she'd actually been threatened with rape.

Which would have been appropriate if RW had had Elevator Guy arrested for rape, or some other hysterical over-reaction.

Do I have to say this again? She didn't. The entire foundation of the angry reaction from the angry men is built on exaggeration and lies, where now even a measured response to a minor infraction becomes a great crime.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 12:14 PM

The serious experience that you've had, and those like it, are made more socially acceptable if all of those more minor experiences are let go without comment.
No, the serious experiences I had were complicated due to little girls and boys crying "WOLF!" with sexual violence. That is not a hypothetical maybe, THAT HAPPENED. There was no criminal prosecution of one of my perps because the cop said 'So what?' He assumed I was pulling a 'OMFG HE ASKED ME OUT AND HE WAS UGLY!!! OMG WHAT IF HE RAPES ME??? OMG I WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!!' and he closed the file.

But again, my experiences dont matter. Im WRONG.

You all are the experts, here.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 12:14 PM


"Those will only work if a person is thick but wants to learn. Wow has decided not bother letting facts get in the way."

Learn what? That you are asking mom for sex when you invite her round for a coffee and a chat with her son?

After all, you've made no assertion that this is anything other than a demand for sex. And on a first date, too.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:14 PM


PZ: you don't need to use littler words. But using honest ones would be a decent change of pace.

You said:
"Rebecca Watson was not threatened with rape.

She did not claim to be threatened with rape."

And Watson said about the incident, and in direct response to Dawkins' comment on your blog:

"This is especially interesting since Richard Dawkins sat next to me in Dublin and heard me talk about the threats of rape I get. "

So, yes, she is indeed linking being threatened with rape and elevator guy.

Why should I expect that mere facts would stand in your way this late in the game? They haven't played a function yet for you.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 12:16 PM


*munching popcorn*

Posted by: Rhology | July 19, 2011 12:17 PM


Wow, you're getting thicker and thicker.

Then why did you say:
"But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome."

Because Abbie told us about her personal experiences with rape threats. I do not trivialize those. I agree that those are far more serious than what Watson experienced.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 12:18 PM


"she received a much lesser insult, that her requests to be left alone would be so blindly ignored"

Well, why should I care?

I'll never see her.

99.9999999% of the world will never see her.

And if I do, I'll not touch her with someone else's 10' pole.

But I also see no reason why I should go along with her demands to act as she demands for ANY OTHER WOMAN.

I.e. you and she are going from "Don't proposition ME like that" to "Don't proposition ANYONE like that".

Sorry, she's not allowed to demand how I act with other humans, neither is she allowed to demand that other humans react the same way as she did.

So if her demands are that SHE not be propositioned like that, So what? I'll never meet her and wouldn't want to get to know her better, never mind have sex with her. If her demands are that OTHER WOMEN should not be propositioned like that, then she's got to answer the question "Why should we listen?" and have her demands summarily ignored.

After all, we ignore the idea that there IS a god until someone gets something to verify such a beings existence.

We do that will penny-ante stuff like "I feel creeped out" far more readily.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:20 PM

Learn what? That you are asking mom for sex when you invite her round for a coffee and a chat with her son?

After all, you've made no assertion that this is anything other than a demand for sex. And on a first date, too.

What are you on about ? Stop babbling.

Posted by: Matt Penfold | July 19, 2011 12:20 PM


I agree that those are far more serious than what Watson experienced.



Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 12:21 PM


My goodness, the brainstem has left the building for you some time ago, PZ.

" "But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome."

Because Abbie told us about her personal experiences with rape threats."

Sorry, when did Dawkins trivialise Abbie's story? The only ones trivialising Abbies story are the ones trying to tell Abbie that she's wrong and RW is right. There's an entire thread on it, the first one Abbie made on the subject where she recounts her tale, so you've definitely read it. Did you not read any of the other entries?

Stop faking concern so you can get more muffdiving in, PZ, it's rather manipulative of you.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:23 PM

No, the serious experiences I had were complicated due to little girls and boys crying "WOLF!" with sexual violence.

Again, Rebecca Watson did not cry wolf.

It's all on youtube. You can see for yourself exactly what she said. Her actions are a matter of record.

I agree with you that if there had been a shrieking over-reaction, it would have been a disservice to women who have had real traumatic sexual encounters. But the only hysterical over-reaction was from people who repeatedly scream about what a horrible thing Watson did, and who have to exaggerate it to make it worth complaining about.

"Guys, don't do that" is not a false accusation of rape. Women being cautious in many otherwise innocuous situations because they have had threats of rape is not a false accusation of rape.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 12:25 PM


I agree that those are far more serious than what Watson experienced.

Not only is this precisely what Dawkins was saying with the Dear Muslima thing, but also, assuming Watson bothered to read where and what it was in response to, she knew that, and then pretended Dear Muslima was in response to her encounter anyway.

Is Watsons anger faked?

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 12:28 PM

*munching popcorn*

And spilling it as the groundstrokes and volleys alternate.

Posted by: Onkel Bob | July 19, 2011 12:31 PM


"Again, Rebecca Watson did not cry wolf."

When she cries about Shroedinger's Rapist, she cries wolf.

It's all on her blog. The complaints are not about the Youtube message (except as an example of how RW wasn't really all that worried about the event and couldn't have been afraid EG was a rapist). The complaints are about your blogs on the matter. The complaints are about the way you're building it up as some sort of failure on the part of EVERYONE ELSE for not being anywhere near feminist enough.

""Guys, don't do that" is not a false accusation of rape."

Nobody has said it was.

And "Do you want a coffee" is not a demand for sex. And accepting "no" means there's no harm, hence no foul.

But for committing the crime of wondering what the fuss about "Guys, don't do that" is, RD got pilloried, Abbie called a gender traitor and Stef called a rape apologist.

It's you who started the rape thing.

You're obsessed. And it's a little creepy how much you obsess over it.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:31 PM


"Women being cautious in many otherwise innocuous situations because they have had threats of rape is not a false accusation of rape."

It is also not a license to dictate to the rest of the world that we have to tiptoe around one's emotional problems. Because Rebecca Watson is uncomfortable for reasons that fail to make many women uncomfortable (some of whom have been actually raped incidentally) gives her no warrant to tell me to do fuck all about anything. Let alone whom I may greet, or the contours of the conversation another person and myself might have.

Hey, black guys: I have some friendly advice about approaching white people at night - "don't do that". Just a word to the wise so you blacks will know how to make us whites feel more at ease.

If it fails in that situation, it fails in Rebecca's. It is not "polite advice" to admonish a group to vicariously wear the transgressions of other people. I won't be dictated to in that tone by anyone, male, female, white, black, gay, straight, christian, atheist, republican, democrat, none of it. No one has the right to tell one set of people with whom they may and may not communicate, how that communication should go, under what circumstances, at what times of the day and in what locations. She is not entitled to give advice on behalf of anyone but herself.

Particularly when there are women telling her to knock off trying to speak for them; they're big grown ups now and seem to be perfectly capable of representing their own thoughts. But that makes them gender traitors in these parts it seems.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 12:33 PM

I agree that those are far more serious than what Watson experienced.

You know, this is more of that weird exaggeration. Bitching out Dawkins? Where? I think his comments on my site were wrong, but I think we can disagree with each other sometimes, right?

What he said was dismissive, and exactly like your experience with the police saying "so what?" to your complaints. Oh, you were threatened with rape? 'Go away, little girl, I know people who were actually raped. I know people who lied about rape.'

Rebecca Watson experienced something mildly annoying, and she made a polite request that people stop doing it. To which Richard Dawkins effectively said, 'Well, I know people who had their genitals mutilated, so your complaint is too trivial to bother with.'

I should think you'd identify more with Watson here. This is another woman whose complaints were dismissed because others brought up more serious issues to trivialize her.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 12:35 PM


** Rebecca Watson experienced something mildly annoying, and ** she made a polite request that people stop doing it. To
** which Richard Dawkins effectively said, 'Well, I know
** people who had their genitals mutilated, so your complaint ** is too trivial to bother with.'

I thought Dawkins was responding regarding the righteousness of calling out students in speeches in a blog post you wrote on that topic.

Posted by: TR | July 19, 2011 12:44 PM


"You know, this is more of that weird exaggeration. Bitching out Dawkins? Where?"

You may have heard of the site. Maybe even read a bit of it.

But, obviously, not a lot.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 12:44 PM


@PZ: "Demonstrably false. The whole affair of Dawkins' comment and Watson's anger over it emerged in what, the second or third post I had on the subject, after thousands of comments."

I'll concede that point. I can't speak for anybody else, but it is of course silly for anyone to become hysterical in their berating of RW for simply saying that she felt uncomfortable in the elevator. I can understand her discomfort. I don't have any problem whatsoever with her voicing her displeasure. It's all of the other stuff that has put me right off her- her arrogant calling out of Stef McGraw without Stef having an equal platform to respond; her hysterical "Privilege Delusion" post and the subsequent shit-storm that that caused, with thousands of RW supporters berating Dawkins as being a woman-hating misogynist. It was all very silly, and all a direct result of Rebecca Watson wildly overreacting.

For me the issue isn't "guy's, don't do that", and I'm disappointed that it is an issue for some people. But the subsequent idiocy from Watson, and the silence from the likes of yourself over the daft things that she went on to do, are what, I think, has riled the vast majority of the dissenters here. I don't think that anyone here is too bothered about the "guys, don't do that" stuff. It's the McGraw and Dawkins lynching that has really riled us. And attempting to say so on your blog, in a calm and clear manner, results in Caine, Fleur de Mal et al. calling us all "misogynists" and telling us all to "fuck off"!

I'm just some random anonymous guy on the internet who doesn't even have a blog- but Russell Blackford sums up what I've just been talking about here, and does it better than I can:

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 12:52 PM


Oh. So "bitching out" translates to "disagreeing with and explaining why." Good to know. Kinda tells me a lot about you.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 12:53 PM


We can treat both your own and Watson's experiences seriously without pretending that they are equally serious. One of them can be dealt with via a video and internet debate, and the other one, clearly not.

I am very sorry that you had such a terrible experience made worse by an unsympathetic police officer. I'm not sure that anyone is to blame for that, other than the police officer. You deserved to be taken seriously no matter what anyone else had said or done.

Elevator Guy wasn't a rapist, but he was creepy and some people didn't understand why. The issue of rape and sexual violence was discussed, often specifically to try to educate commentators who couldn't understand why women - generally, and not just Watson - might have a heightened sensitivity to such threats. The fuckwits commenting here don't seem to understand that. They see the threat of rape and violence as so remote that its mention can be used as an indicator for poor arguments by their opponents.

Posted by: Bernard Bumner | July 19, 2011 12:54 PM


"I also have some personal, private information about some of the participants in the argument, facts about some of the people on the anti-Watson side, that make their comments look self-serving and prejudicial to me. They're personal and private, though, so they are irrelevant, and I'm not going to take the cheap shot of revealing them."
Veiled threats?
Who was it that said always name names?

Posted by: Sigmund | July 19, 2011 12:59 PM


To which Richard Dawkins effectively said, 'Well, I know people who had their genitals mutilated, so your complaint is too trivial to bother with.'

It's important to note that Dawkins thereby injected himself into a conversation that didn't concern him at all. Up to then, no one was questioning Dawkins' priorities, belittling his work, or blaming Dawkins for any part of the EG incident. It was a completely gratuitous swipe at someone who had not (AFAIK at least) previously crossed him before.

Furthermore, I'm guessing RW never intended for any of her words to become this big an issue. She tossed a minor complaint into a speech that was otherwise full of positive comments, and probably expected everyone to just laugh a little at the idea of asking for a date in an elevator at 4am. It was Dawkins, and ONLY Dawkins, who made this thing such a ridiculous pile-on. If he really thought that female genital mutilation deserved more attention than RW's complaints, then he bloody well shouldn't have paid (and directed) so much attention to RW's complaints. For Dawkins to do what he did, and then blame others for responding to his actions, is childish and irresponsible.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 12:59 PM


"Elevator Guy wasn't a rapist, but he was creepy and some people didn't understand why"

I understand why RW may have found him creepy.

Some have posited the idea that RW found him creepy because he wasn't hawt, too.

We (I) understand WHY.

We (I) don't understand why we should give a damn.

"why women might have a heightened sensitivity to such threats. The fuckwits commenting here don't seem to understand that."

No, we understand that too.

But we don't understand why we should care in RW's case on the elevator: EG accepted "no" as the answer.

Does RW not accept EG accepting no as the correct response?

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 1:00 PM


Scroll down a little further on that B&W; post, Mr DNA, to comment #105, where I point out the rhetorical game Blackford played in that comment you liked.

Claiming that it is the McGraw/Dawkins lynching that has raised hackles is simply a lie, a barefaced, dishonest revision of history. McGraw was not in any way lynched; Dawkins was raked over the coals, that's for sure, but only after he made a painfully unaware comment. Most of the sturm and drang occurred over Watson's youtube video, which you now desperately struggle to ignore in order to pretend her angry reaction was unjustified. I can't fault people for telling you apologists for sexism, you hysterical serial exaggerators, you dishonest rationalizers to fuck off. You do realize that you can lie calmly and clearly, too, and it doesn't make it any prettier?

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 1:03 PM


"I can't speak for anybody else, but it is of course silly for anyone to become hysterical in their berating of RW for simply saying that she felt uncomfortable in the elevator."

However, PZ seems to be able to speak for everyone else by saying that this has happened.

I don't see anyone here saying RW is hysterical for simply saying she felt uncomfortable.

I don't see RD doing it.

Nor Abbie.

Nor EG.


So who IS saying she's hysterical for saying she's uncomfortable in that situation?

Nobody, nowhere?

"Furthermore, I'm guessing RW never intended for any of her words to become this big an issue."

I think her words SUBSEQUENT to that Youtube vid WERE intended to make it a big issue.

I could accept an assertion that the Youtube original wasn't, but I believe that it WAS considered just a good way to have a dig at homely men talking to her and show off her fem cred.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 1:05 PM


It was all very silly, and all a direct result of Rebecca Watson wildly overreacting.

What about Dawkins' wild overreaction to her initial comments? Or are only chicks guilty of "wildly overreacting?"

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 1:05 PM


"For me the issue isn't "guy's, don't do that", and I'm disappointed that it is an issue for some people."

To whom IS it an issue? It would be rather off to accept the blame on someone else's behalf, don't you think?

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 1:07 PM


PZM at 115 and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome
PZM at 151 RW did not receive a rape threat

Which one now PZ? Either RW got a rape threat and Dawkins is wrong making fun of her, or she didn't, and he's right. You're starting to sound like your average apologist trying to reconcile Judas's death descriptions.

Posted by: Mu | July 19, 2011 1:07 PM


I don't see anyone here saying RW is hysterical for simply saying she felt uncomfortable...

That's probably because you're not looking.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 1:08 PM


"What about Dawkins' wild overreaction to her initial comments?"

What over-reaction?

"There are worse things out there" is no over-reaction. The complaints against him have been that he's not reacting ENOUGH.

"If you can explain without swearwords where the problem is, I'll listen" is not an over-reaction either.

Bafflement is not an over-reaction.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 1:09 PM


"That's probably because you're not looking."

There's 181 posts on this thread alone.

If you already know one, then it's pretty easy to post its location, isn't it?

On here, most of the statements with hysterical in them are from those complaining that RW is being vilified.

Posted by: Wow | July 19, 2011 1:12 PM


@ SallyStrange: "Accusing uppity feminists of mental illness? Now there's a novel approach. Good thing it hasn't been used over and over again for about a century by people who opposed women's rights, otherwise someone might think you were unsympathetic to women's rights. Oh wait..."

I don't really want to pull the Scottish card twice in the one thread, although that's exactly what I'm about to do. ;)

In my neck of the woods saying that someone "went mental" does not constitute a serious accusation of mental frailty: simply that the person overreacted. That's what I was saying, that she overreacted. Also, your posts crack me up. ;)

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 1:14 PM


For the record, Watson and other women have every right to feel creeped out if the wrong guy comes on to them. As someone who had the experience of being frequently hit on by a (much) older woman while I was a high school student, I can sympathize. Let's not forget that RD's comments came in the context of PZ BAAAAAWING unmanly tears on Watson's behalf after she posted the video. RD rightly saw it as an overreaction. Then the shit hit the fan as femtwats everywhere started BAAAAAWING about how RD was a huge misogynist, playing the "privilege" card (which is basically the academic version of drawing on stereotypes to make your argument), and generally being a bunch of uptight fuckheads.

Posted by: TylerD | July 19, 2011 1:15 PM


I haven't seen anyone take umbrage with the fact Watson said "Dude was creepy, and I was uncomfortable".
Indeed, I've yet to see a single person say that she's not entitled to think he's creepy and to feel uncomfortable. Like anyone else, she's perfectly entitled to what she feels.

The problems start to arise when someone says x makes me uncomfortable, therefore x makes everyone of my gender uncomfortable, and thus, this other gender may not do x.

My issue came incident to my asking why is her discomfort any sort of argument for me to do fuck all about anything. It is entirely possible to question whether her emotions were congruent with what was *actually* happening without saying that she's not entitled to feel them even though there was no *actual* reason to feel them. She was never in any danger.

Why this warranted an admonishment to men in general that they may not speak to women in general under some set of circumstances isn't obvious. I see no reason to think her feelings trump the ability of free men and women to decide on their own terms what conversations they'll enter into, with whom, and under what constraints.

And then all hell broke loose.

Not agreeing immediately that she was actually aggrieved (which she wasn't as a matter of fact) is to be labeled a misogynist, sexist, rape-enabler, rapist-in-waiting blah blah blah. Yeah, I'm not going to treat people with any degree of seriousness when that's the disposition they have out of the gate.

It's why I'm not religious; you and your ilk don't get a veto on when I may or may not *speak* to another human. And failing to take your authority to govern my life doesn't actually make me a misogynist. Labeling it as such immediately makes the word obsolete.

My response is appropriate to the histrionics: ridicule. It deserves little more.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 1:21 PM

Elevator Guy wasn't a rapist, but he was creepy and some people didn't understand why. The issue of rape and sexual violence was discussed, often specifically to try to educate commentators who couldn't understand why women - generally, and not just Watson - might have a heightened sensitivity to such threats.

Yes, exactly. The only reason that rape ever came up at all was because of so many guys saying "Well I wouldn't ever mind a woman coming on to me in a tight space har har har!" Then it was brought up that statistically speaking, women have a lot potentially at stake in such a situation, including the possibility of rape, which like it or not we have drummed into our heads from the first time we get anti-rape "tips" in middle school. ("Just follow these 30 simple rules of never being anywhere alone ever or wearing anything other than a burqa modest clothes and you won't get raped!")

And again, I'm very sorry about what you went through. But do you think the police officer's attitude was entirely due to false accusations, or also because he didn't think that attention from a guy was a big deal at all regardless of the circumstances or what it did to you? Playing "someone else has it worse than you" is an assurance that very, very few people get taken seriously, as you yourself saw.

Posted by: Carlie | July 19, 2011 1:29 PM


My response is appropriate to the histrionics...

Do you have a resonse that's appropriate to the FACTS as PZ and I have stated tham, without dispute, over and over in several threads now? Didn't think so. Just another moron ignoring the basic facts, crying about the horrible burden of having to listen to other people's concerns, and then accusing others of "histrionics." Hey, you really don't have to listen to us. Just like we don't have to listen to you.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 1:30 PM


@PZ: "Scroll down a little further on that B&W; post, Mr DNA, to comment #105, where I point out the rhetorical game Blackford played in that comment you liked."

Hmmm- I was linked to Russell'spost from someone else,a nd I have been remiss in my not reading the rest of the commets. This is the first time that I ahae seen yours.

"Claiming that it is the McGraw/Dawkins lynching that has raised hackles is simply a lie, a barefaced, dishonest revision of history. McGraw was not in any way lynched; Dawkins was raked over the coals, that's for sure, but only after he made a painfully unaware comment. Most of the sturm and drang occurred over Watson's youtube video, which you now desperately struggle to ignore in order to pretend her angry reaction was unjustified. I can't fault people for telling you apologists for sexism, you hysterical serial exaggerators, you dishonest rationalizers to fuck off. You do realize that you can lie calmly and clearly, too, and it doesn't make it any prettier?"

I can absolutely assure you that it is the McGraw/Dawkins "lynching" that has raised my hackles. When I first saw Watson's video, when you linked to it on your blog, my reaction was "fair enough- I can see why that might have been a bit weird". If there was an instant negative reaction to her initial video then I wasn't paying sufficient attention because I didn't notice it. In gact, I can remember the reaction to the video in ypour blog being overwhelmingly in favour of her psoition, because when I read Dawkins's post minutews sfter he has posted it I can rmeember thinking, "whoa- this is definitely going against what most of the punters are saying!" I found it pretty funny to be honest. "Jesus- Dawkins is in for a bit of a hammering here!" was my initial reaction.

From your post at B&W; I am prepared to concede (again) another point: that since I wasn't at the CIF Student Leader Conference, I can't therefore say with certainty whether or not Watson was being unfair to McGraw. After reading ERV's post and reading the thoughts of the likes of Steve Zara, Jerry Coyne and Russel Blackford, I was convinced that it was "bad form" on Watson's part. I still can't imagine that speaking ill of a young member iof your audience when she doesn't have a chance to respond in a meaningful way can be considered to be a smart and professional way in which to act. But yeah, I am prepared to coincede that I wasn;t there and tehrefore I don;y really know shit.

But the "Pribilege Delusion" craziness was definitely very, very foolhardy and it led to sa whole barrage of grossly unfair treatment from RW's supporters.

I also must say that your continued accusations of people who have a different opinion to your own as being "apologists for sexism" "hysterical serial exaggerators and you dishonest rationalizers

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 1:32 PM


*slaps forehead*

I have just posted a response to PZ that I was in the middle of writing and which had not been edited in any way whatsoever. It therefore reads like a load of misspelt, rambling nonsense. I won't bother editing it now. I'll just leave it as it is and you see the crazed inner-workings of my pea-sized brain at work.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 1:35 PM


"Do you have a resonse that's appropriate to the FACTS as PZ and I have stated tham,"

Um, I don't follow this question. It's kind of stupid to ask me a question and then answer it as though I failed to answer it when I haven't had occasion to do so. /clap

Which facts, do you suppose anyway, have remained unchallenged that directly bear on this issue?

"Just another moron ignoring the basic facts, crying about the horrible burden of having to listen to other people's concerns, and then accusing others of "histrionics."

You'll find calling me a moron is fairly useless. Indeed, all it does is point out how poor your ability to make an argument is. It's not like this is garnish to an argument; it's your primary style: name call, name call, name call, PWNED BITCH!

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 1:39 PM


RW was perturbed. She used a publicly funded format that purported to be for the advancement of women and skepticism to complain.

That was wasteful and most of what she does.

When someone pointed this out online, she hijacked a public lecture and put their observations in the same context as rape threats.

Dawkins pointed out the absurdity of implying moral equivalence when perturbed and "disagreed with" in two nations where women have legal standing versus what happens in the many countries in which women have no legal rights.

That is not the same as saying:

'Well, I know people who had their genitals mutilated, so your complaint is too trivial to bother with.'

That is saying: You are drawing attention away from literal life and death matters at the confluence of skeptical and feminist concerns.

Do your self professed job or get out of the way and let someone with global perspective do it for you.

A good example of what would happen if RW stepped out of the spotlight is, DAY CARE, as opposed to keg parties, 'impromptu' weddings, celebrity party pics and game-shows at TAM.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 1:40 PM


And so the mostly mean-spirited, and now essentially pointless, comments continue...

Let it go, people.

Posted by: oldebabe | July 19, 2011 1:41 PM

PZ Myers: Yes. Which is what annoyed so many people. RW did not receive a rape threat, she did not claim to receive a rape threat, she received a much lesser insult, that her requests to be left alone would be so blindly what Dawkins was essentially doing was dismissing her and telling her to shut up until she'd actually been threatened with rape.

Her video is not just about the fact that she was hit on despite asking to be left alone. She highlighted that she was alone in the elevator late at night. She implied being afraid of rape. This is what a large part of the discussion has been about, including in the thread on which RD commented. It is obvious, at least to me, that RD's comment is about the large number of people who were arguing about rape in the context of RD's elevator ride.

Which would have been appropriate if RW had had Elevator Guy arrested for rape, or some other hysterical over-reaction.

Do I have to say this again? She didn't. The entire foundation of the angry reaction from the angry men is built on exaggeration and lies, where now even a measured response to a minor infraction becomes a great crime.

I think RD is better described as "strident", rather than "angry man".

This is the type of discussion to which RD replied:

#21 Posted by: David Marjanović | July 2, 2011 10:10 AM
Juju, you're misquoting Dawkins. It's "the Great Juju on the Mountain".
a pretty minor faux pas in a private situation. The guy who "propositioned" her did so in what sounds like a clumsy but not-particularly-awful way

He asked her into his room, in an elevator, that late at night? If that's not creepy, I don't know what is. That guy could as well have worn a sign saying "I am Schrödinger's Rapist" around his neck.
FFS! Have you never been bullied? Do you know fear at all?
ERV, this has to be dragged out in public. Otherwise, it'll never stop. Perhaps that one person would stop if directly confronted, but the next 20 wouldn't.

This is how people understood RW's video, from the same thread:

#165 Posted by: 'Tis Himself, Designated Economist | July 2, 2011 12:16 PM
It's obvious to me that Rebecca was concerned about rape. That's something that happens to women a lot. Yet you don't seem to understand this concept and so ask a pointless question. Rape is probably the ultimate misogynist act. Elevator Guy was playing rapist wannabee so strongly that even normally clueless me recognized it. So in answer to your question, it is an example of inherent misogyny.

Your view that the important message from that video was about her asking to be left alone is clearly lost on many of the posters.

Posted by: Michael | July 19, 2011 1:42 PM


PZ, you keep saying over and over and over that you 'disagree' with Dawkins. Dawkins is 'wrong'. But you have the exact same opinion as him.

Elevator Guy massively less than Other Shit.

Elevator Guy does not equal rape.

But when *you* say it, its 'calm and reasoned', and when *Dawkins* says it, hes 'painfully unaware', and when *anyone else* says it they are misogynists and gender traitors, as their gender warrants.


But yeah, I am prepared to coincede that I wasn;t there and tehrefore I don;y really know shit.
Why? We have Stefs account of the events. We have other students accounts of the events (not only the nameless faceless 'lurkers' Watson referred to who liek TOATLLY supported her behavior).

I dont have to be in the elevator to know Watson felt creeped out. She said as much.

I dont have to be at the CFI conference to know that Stef was shocked and hurt, and that her conference mates were *PISSED OFF* at Watson. They said as much.

Once again, however, Watson gets to glide on the lube of entitlement and everyone else needs to STFU because they are WRONG.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 1:43 PM


Um, I don't follow this question.

Um, that's precisely my point.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 1:43 PM


ERV, here's my tweet:

And you're right, it does deserve its own post. I hadn't decided how I was going to break things up yet. But now it at least deserves it's own post so I can point out how we shouldn't be using this awesome development as ammo to continue belittling people we don't agree with.

Posted by: Jen | July 19, 2011 1:44 PM


Im not belittling anyone, Jen.

Im calling the True Feminists involved in this fiasco dumb, bad role models, and full of hot-air, composed of literally no substance outside their own self interests. This is especially noticeable when compared to someone who is intelligent, an excellent role model, and not content with words when actions are necessary.

Please be precise.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 1:48 PM


Raging Bee:
The reason I don't follow the question is because it's a bad question. It's poorly written, and has a premise that doesn't entail any particular set of supposed facts.

It's overly vague, and useless.

No, I don't dispute the "fact" PZ mentioned Richard Dawkins posted on PZ's blog.

No, I don't dispute the fact that the elevator incident happened in Ireland.

There are a lot of facts I don't dispute. Which ones relevant to our conversation here do you think have not been adequately addressed. By me even? I'll be happy to address them again, or anew if I've otherwise neglected to address them.

See how this works? You make a claim. I ask for a clarification. You call me an idiot. I state the reason your question is stupid, and ask for clarification. I can only imagine what the follow-on from that will be.

No, Jen, we should only belittle people who do something you don't like, just to be fair. Retard.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 1:53 PM


PZ Myers said:

"But the only hysterical over-reaction was from people who repeatedly scream about what a horrible thing Watson did, and who have to exaggerate it to make it worth complaining about."

That is either self-delusion of the first water, or simply an out-and-out lie.

On your own blog's comment threads, as well as's posts (do you think Mindy's anti-Dawkins screed and associated letter is not an hysterical over-reaction?) and comment threads, and other pro-feminist blogs both the anti-Watson crowd and the pro-Watson crowd have overloaded the comment threads with "hysterical over-reaction".

I find it very hard to believe you are blind to the black and white fact that a majority of folks on both sides of this coin are over-reacting.

If you honestly are unable to perceive the "hysterical over-reaction" coming from both sides of the argument, then you are indeed suffering some kind of self-delusion or a rather extreme instance of self-confirmation bias (if I understand that term correctly).

As to most of your commentary here, such outright disingenuosness, word-manipulation, and blatant distortions of what people have actually been saying are extremely disturbing to see coming from a supposedly respected academic. It's very much the kind of rhetorical trickery one expects from the theist lunatics you constantly rage about.

You have played a primary role in fanning the fire of this mess, and to claim otherwise is dishonest and beneath the pale.

Posted by: John Greg | July 19, 2011 1:56 PM


"You have played a primary role in fanning the fire of this mess, and to claim otherwise is dishonest and beneath the pale."
Please, for the love of Dog, do not bring his race into this!

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 2:01 PM


Or his bucket.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 19, 2011 2:05 PM

PZ, you keep saying over and over and over that you 'disagree' with Dawkins. Dawkins is 'wrong'. But you have the exact same opinion as him.
Elevator Guy massively less than Other Shit.
Elevator Guy does not equal rape.
But when *you* say it, its 'calm and reasoned', and when *Dawkins* says it, hes 'painfully unaware', and when *anyone else* says it they are misogynists and gender traitors, as their gender warrants.

Because there's another claim that you omitted. Dawkins said that Watson's problem was "zero bad". This is not true. Just because there are greater problems in the universe does not mean that small ones should be ignored completely.

Female genital mutilation: huge problem. We need laws and campaigns, we need to go to the UN, we need to protest at every opportunity.

Inadequate daycare at conferences: Tiny problem compared to FGM, but not nonexistent. We need good people to step up and contribute help.

Sexual harassment at meetings: even smaller problem, but still there. Maybe it would help if women spoke up about their concerns.

We should not complain if people take small steps appropriate to small problems. Rebecca Watson took a very small step and got told that her problem was nonexistent. As is now clear from the many women who have stepped up to say that they are tired of having their concerns ignored, it was not a "zero bad" problem.

And anyone who tells a woman to shut up when her entire investment in addressing a problem is 30 seconds of commentary on a youtube video actually is being a misogynist. And simultaneously complaining that she isn't doing anything and never has done anything to advance skepticism is genuinely moronic.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 2:06 PM


I have been on the opposite side of the Watsonites for weeks. I'm going to the Texas Freethinkers Convention in October and questioning whether or not I want to stay to listen to PZ. I am just sick of this shit already. I'm 100% with you on this, ERV. I was appalled when I read the "Dear Dick" letters, and even stated in response that "This sexual assault victim sides with Dawkins." If that makes me a gender-traitor, then fine by me.

Posted by: Bee | July 19, 2011 2:08 PM


@ERV "Why? We have Stefs account of the events. We have other students accounts of the events (not only the nameless faceless 'lurkers' Watson referred to who liek TOATLLY supported her behavior)."

Well when you put it like that...

PZ uses the Paula Kirby situation as an analogy for the way in which Stef McGraw was treated, but I think that the two situations are really quite different. No only is Kirby far more experienced than McGraw, she was an invited guest who was able to speak on a panel and explain her position at length. In this context I don't see anything wrong with Watson taking issue with some of the things that Kirby said- that seems pretty fair to me.

McGraw, however, did not have a chance to speak, and if I have understood the context correctly McGraw's blog post comments were thrown in with the comments from a bunch of folk on YouTube, who Watson explained had been sending her threats. The implication was that McGraw's remarks were not wholly dissimilar to those of the YouTube crack-pots. I can absolutely imagine that it would have been horrifying to have to sit there and have the person who you have come to hear talk berate you as being a "part of the problem". I can also imagine, although I have no evidence to support it, that Watson would probably have been a mite more respectful and tactful towards Kirby, than she was with McGraw. I REALLY wish we had the Watson/McGraw speech on tape!

But, as you say, all of Watson's friends vouched for the unfriendly and unconstructive nature of Watson's attack, and wrote erudite and impassioned blog posts saying just that.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 2:14 PM


PZ: Did you get to discuss this with Dawkins, and are you going to blog about that? I'd be interested in reading about it.

Posted by: ErkLR | July 19, 2011 2:15 PM


The funny thing is that I, too, started out this Elevatorgate conversation thinking that many of the feminists in the atheist movement were overreacting to a lot of things.

But now I'm hearing people say things like, "Men have the right to hit on women in any circumstance," and "Women don't have the right to not be offended," and "She was only nervous because she's a misandrist who thinks all men are rapists," and "Men do creepy things to me all the time and I don't complain, so she shouldn't either," and "How she felt about his actions isn't important because discomfort is temporary," and "If you can't convince me that you have a good reason to feel creeped out, then I'm going to just keep doing it and you need to stop being creeped out," and I'm suddenly nervous. I don't want to be in an elevator with anyone who wants to have sex with me but doesn't think my feelings are important. I don't want to be in a community that thinks that men have the right to attempt to initiate sex without caring about my feelings.

Most of the women I've seen post about this say that they would be creeped out by being propositioned in an elevator at 4am in a foreign country by someone they didn't know well, even if they also think Watson overreacted. I haven't seen anyone say that elevators are their area of choice when being propositioned. And yet, for some reason that I cannot comprehend, this is not a sufficient reason to conclude that it was a bad move. Strangely, the fact that most women are saying that it would have the exact opposite effect of what the man says he intends (she is creeped out, he says his intention was some manner of romantic interaction) doesn't seem to manner.

So, I'd like to ask: if most women are telling an individual that approaching them in an elevator/et al would make them less interested in the individual, why is anyone arguing that the individual should approach women in elevators/et al? If the goal is romantic involvement, why is it important to seek romantic involvement in a manner that is less likely to work?

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 2:16 PM


I'm done. People aren't listening, and are still straining to justify the noise of the last few weeks. I'll leave it to women to speak, and recommend this one comment.

Posted by: PZ Myers | July 19, 2011 2:20 PM


Mr. DNA @ 183

.. saying that someone "went mental" does not constitute a serious accusation of mental frailty: simply that the person overreacted.
Since I have no qualms about coming over as a tiresome tartan mee-mee, this is indeed the case.
Thus neatly reverting to the problem that possibly underlies this whole (hypnotically incomprehensible, yet astoundingly funny) episode.
"Different words mean different things in different countries".
If s/o is gauged as having "gone pure radio rental", it has absolutely no gender bias. If anything, it's a male (ned's) characteristic. YMT ya bass.

Please, in the name of the wee man, stop it! Oh no, wait, don't!
I think a little bit of wee came out, when the Very Serious Flying Monkey Squad arrived on the thread this morning. People are looking at me and frowning.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 19, 2011 2:25 PM


Hi, Lyra. As most of the commenters here have been saying, the Elevator Guy stuff isn't the real issue. The real issue is Watson's treatment of Stef McGraw and Richard Dawkins. PZ thinks that we're all just lying about that, and that our real beef is that we just don't want the wimmenz to be able to speak their mind. But that's just crap. Fuck Elevator Gate- it's beside the point. The point is that RW treated McGraw and Dawkins very, very badly and we think that this makes her a poor skeptic, and a poor front for the skeptic movement.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 2:28 PM

PZ Myers: Sexual harassment at meetings: even smaller problem, but still there. Maybe it would help if women spoke up about their concerns.

We should not complain if people take small steps appropriate to small problems. Rebecca Watson took a very small step and got told that her problem was nonexistent. As is now clear from the many women who have stepped up to say that they are tired of having their concerns ignored, it was not a "zero bad" problem.

RW was sexually harassed in the elevator? Or why do you bring up sexual harassment?

I'm done. People aren't listening, and are still straining to justify the noise of the last few weeks. I'll leave it to women to speak, and recommend this one comment.

Such a polite way of saying: you just don't get it.

Posted by: Michael | July 19, 2011 2:31 PM


yech! It's happening to me now. Waa. See what you made me do.
should read "Words mean different things in different countries".

Posted by: dustbubble | July 19, 2011 2:33 PM


"But now I'm hearing people say things like, "Men have the right to hit on women in any circumstance," and "Women don't have the right to not be offended,"
Please show me a single post by anyone which says Rebecca Watson is not entitled to feel however she feels. I'll pack a lunch as this one will take a long, long time to find.

Or this: ""If you can't convince me that you have a good reason to feel creeped out, then I'm going to just keep doing it and you need to stop being creeped out,""

Or: "Men have the right to hit on women in any circumstance,"
We're talking coffee he. The hitting on bit is a contrivance not in evidence.

You make claims. You're asked to support them. You walk away from doing so. I hope when a student asks you for support, you don't walk out of class grumbling like you do here.

You have a group of people before you, many of us willing to change our minds if a sufficient reason comes along. The only thing stopping that is your complete inability to make a rational argument that isn't emotional exploitation, or a caricature of what people are saying.

You were all up in my shit with accusations. The moment I do a point by point rebuttal showing how your logical faculties are on hiatus, and asking the scantest piece of evidence to support even a single of your personal attacks on me, what do you do? Suddenly, you lack the ability to type.

And then go right back to just labeling everyone who disagrees with you as a misogynist. You are saying the simple fact that you lack the intellectual wherewithal to adduce even a single rational argument by definition makes us misogynists. You are saying not being susceptible to your logical fallacies and emotional appeals by itself means that we hate women.

That's stupid. And that is dishonest.

"And anyone who tells a woman to shut up when her entire investment in addressing a problem is 30 seconds of commentary on a youtube video actually is being a misogynist."
No one has said she's required not to speak. This an outright fabrication. The response is "uh, so what? Some dude asked you to coffee and took no for an answer. Where's the harm?"


She's free to say. We're free to laugh at her for whining about having to experience the horror of being spoken to without her express consent.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 2:34 PM


Haw dustbubble, haud yer wheesht ya bampot. Wur tryin' tae huv a serious discussion n that n yoor jist bammmin me up!


Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 2:35 PM

Strangely, the fact that most women are saying that it would have the exact opposite effect of what the man says he intends (she is creeped out, he says his intention was some manner of romantic interaction) doesn't seem to manner.
So, I'd like to ask: if most women are telling an individual that approaching them in an elevator/et al would make them less interested in the individual, why is anyone arguing that the individual should approach women in elevators/et al? If the goal is romantic involvement, why is it important to seek romantic involvement in a manner that is less likely to work?

Exactly so.

Whether EG's motives were sexual or simply social in nature, it doesn't matter. His choice of venue and his manner of proposing further interaction with RW lowered the chances of his actually achieving his goal, whatever that was.

Similarly, men in the atheist community who would like to be assured that it's okay to proposition a woman for some casual sex, or coffee, or whatever, now know that choosing an elevator, and choosing to do it at 4 am, is going to lower their chances of actually achieving a happy, casual, consensual sexual encounter. Or coffee. Whichever.

If the real issue here were really, "How can I talk to ladies and get dates without creeping them out?" then there would be no issue at all. Atheist dudes would just be like, "Gosh thanks Rebecca, for those handy tips! Now I know not to waste my time trying to hit on women in elevators."

Since this is not happening, I am left to conclude that the real issue here is male privilege and a bunch of atheist men who've never had to confront these issues suddenly realizing that they may have to *gasp* change their behavior, unless they really want atheist conferences to continue to be sausage-fests.

Well, do you want atheist conferences to be sausage-fests or not? So far the answer from a lot (certainly not all, thank goodness) of atheist dudes is a resounding "YES!"

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 2:37 PM


@212 It's on another forum. You still want it?

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 2:37 PM


I didn't know Rush Limbaugh was a grad studet studying molecular biology. Any how, I think I'll be avoiding ERV from now on. Fox News doesn't have a place here.

Posted by: James McKaskle | July 19, 2011 2:38 PM


Sally: that's daft.
Only people on your side are insisting this is a chance for a hookup. There is no reason to suppose it was.

As such, we have no reason to entertain the idea, despite Greta's fucking retarded article, that talking to other people is about getting laid.

You people insist it had to be sex. Nothing says it was that. nothing implies that. It's just a guess on your part.

So, no, it isn't about getting laid. It's about talking to people without being labeled a rapist.

And all that other histrionics bullshit you bring along.

The one thing I've learned from this is that apparently quite a large number of women are incapable of navigating their way through the world with a roving wall of heavily armed guys lest every random guy in the vicinity try to rape her. That demanding of women that they suffer the indignity of being spoken to is far too great a burden for many of them to bear.

How you people ever leave home is beyond me.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 2:42 PM


PZ-- Go fuck yourself.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 2:43 PM


PZ Myers at 207:

"I'm done. People aren't listening, and are still straining to justify the noise of the last few weeks. I'll leave it to women to speak, and recommend one comment."

Oh my. What a pompous overpuffed hypocrite.

And that "one comment" he linked to is a good example of the kind of rhetorical trickery and over-reaction we've seen all over the 'net where the Angry Poster™ is misrepresenting and distorting the words of another poster to make their argument.

Query: Should any True Feminist® listen to anything Myers says? Isn't he just another privileged old white male academic who simply cannot understand a woman's experience in the world? Oh well, at least he can rest easy knowing he's neither British nor filthy rich.

Posted by: John Greg | July 19, 2011 2:53 PM


@212: Found one of them (it took a wee bit of digging as I've been skimming lots of places about this issue). Now let's see if I can figure out how to put the URL in:

Here we go!

He has the right to hit on anyone he wants under any circumstances.

In other words, you picked one that I came pretty darned close to quoting word for word, which I must admit kind of amazes me considering that I was doing it from memory.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 2:54 PM


Is it just me, or is it a fact that PZ does not agree that Dawkins' comments were to the hysterical, pitchfork-wielding crowd and not Watson? That seems to be the real bone of contention, and I wonder if PZ did bring this up to Dawkins at the conference? Or has there been confirmation (one way or the other) by Dawkins. I have to admit that I have avoided this whole brouhaha once the issue moved away from the imbalance of power issue to the sexism one, and have no desire to troll the cesspool of comments (from both sides) to try and track down that one point. I am not even sure it was addressed (as opposed to PZ trying to tell Dawkins why his comments were inappropriate - which sidesteps the whole issue of to whom the comments were directed). I do not want to trouble others, so please don't do the work for me, but if it is quick - has this issue been resolved?

Re: the imbalance of power, I read (from Stef's post and Ophelia's) that Dawkins and others have responded (ie, "called out" like some juvenile street gang or Macho Western) to people in speeches, but the analogy fails in my mind since they had different origins. When Dawkins speaks out against McGrath, for example, McGrath has already put his arguments out into the public sphere though books, talks, etc, and it is appropriate to use the same venue to respond. An equal sharing. Since it isn't a discussion where people are side by side and can hash the issue out, it is traditional that someone makes his (or her) case in a speech, and someone else used their own speech to respond, and so forth, until maybe there is a debate (or better, an actual discussion). If I wrote a blog post about something, and the person involved took offense (or just noticed it), then I would expect them to respond in the same manner - a blog post, with links, detailing the discussion for all to follow. To respond in the way Watson did (especially to lump Stef in with the sick-bastard-would-be-rapists...not cool, not professional, just not done. There are reasons (other than tradition) for doing things this way - not the least of which is an equal opportunity for discussion or debate. To me the lack of professionalism is sad. The hysterical rants by both sides has been disgusting, made more so by the lack of even an attempt at discussion.

That's my two cents (three in this economy, but I'm giving it away today for free). Take it as you will.

Posted by: Badger3k | July 19, 2011 2:57 PM


PZ seems to be missing his Syncophant, OM supporters.

Posted by: Mu | July 19, 2011 2:57 PM



Hello, Mr. DNA! I can't speak very much on Watson's treatment of either McGraw or Dawkins, as I don't follow her, so I don't know what she's doing much. I do know that she called out McGraw for some statement publically (which I think wasn't nice, as we're all on the same side and McGraw didn't have an equal ability to respond) and I do know that she called for a boycott of Dawkins (which I don't agree with, as I think Dawkins has a pretty good track record on this kind of thing), but other than that, I'm pretty much in the dark. If she's being awful about something, then I think it's fine to criticism her for it. It's just that most of the posts I've been reading haven't been centered in on her behavior towards Dawkins or McGraw, they've been focused in on the Elevator thing.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 2:59 PM


Hey Lyra- are you talking about ERV's site, or have the preponderance of comments about Elevator Guy been on other blogs? I think that folk here have been largely ignoring the EG stuff. ;)

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 3:06 PM


What does OM mean? It seems like the folks with that royal title tend to be the most vicious and petty of the phargulayoids.

I also like PZ is now denying he has censored anything. The guy is the Lenin of scienceblogs, by far the biggest censor. He even keeps a bizarre list of banned people with commentary about their offenses. He takes great pleasure in the "power" being a blog celebratory bring him.

Contrast this to ERV or Orac- in which I have yet to see a ban. In Orac's case, this is despite have a number of out-of-control anti-vaccine activists. But he lets them speak because he hosts an open blog. Crank, echo chambers tend to do the opposite.

Posted by: DAlek | July 19, 2011 3:07 PM


@Mr. DNA

I'm talking about the comments I've seen as whole over all the blogs that I've seen dealing with it. :)

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 3:10 PM


ERV, it sounds like you're saying that it's the fault of people doing the kinds of things that Rebecca did that you didn't get taken seriously when you went to the police. Is that your contention? Are you making a line between complaining about being hit on to police not believing women who complain about harassment?

Posted by: Carlie | July 19, 2011 3:10 PM

Only people on your side are insisting this is a chance for a hookup. There is no reason to suppose it was.

That's incorrect - many people who are not on that 'side' admit there's a good probability (but not necessarily a certainty) that it was a sexual or romantic advance. Rather, there is little reason to conclude that he wanted nothing but sex, instead of "let's see where this leads", and even less reason to conclude it was "sexual harassment".

Posted by: windy | July 19, 2011 3:13 PM


Abbie @218:

I think we all lost view of something important: we are seing and reacting to all this primarily through our internet personas. I strongly disagree with PZ, to the point where I find his comments here quite hypocritical and tainted. yet, I know for a fact that he is in real life a kind, gentle, smart and critical person (never met him myself, but saw videos, and lots of comments confirming this).

I myself can sound like a fucking asshole in these parts, yet I'm a strong feminist, a gentleman in every situations, and on general concensus quite a kind and generous person (although I do say so myself. And my friends. And people I meet for the first time. And the thousands of fans I've met face to face. Still I could be a tinsy bit biased. After all, I'm talking about me, and let's face it, I love me).

To try and make an analogy regarding Stef/Rebecca and the power imbalance: I think it would be horribly unfair and quite a fuck-move of me to be on stage, in front of the thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) attending one of my concerts, and use this platform to point to a guy in the audience that mocked my band's name on the web and that I know is right there, in the front row. Mind you, if I had to point out everyone that mocks my band name ( It's Fairyland, FFS!), the average concert would last about 3 years. I think it's just wrong to do so, and this is my main problem with PZ's take on that particular issue.

My point? None. I haven't lost any respect for anyone involved in this discussion, because in the end I'm convinced this would go a totaly different way if everybody was speaking face to face.

I would be very happy to take Rebecca out for a coffee IRL. I think she must be a very nice and intelligent person. Her internet alter-ego, though? Not much.

My 2 cents (and auto-promotion, because I AM an attention whore. It's a full part of my job decription).

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 3:16 PM

I'm done. People aren't listening, and are still straining to justify the noise of the last few weeks. I'll leave it to women to speak, and recommend this one comment.

Ahh, the refreshing sanctimony of the defeated opponent. On such a hot day, it is a welcome rejoinder.

PZ-- Go fuck yourself.

You're too kind Abbie, you should have added something about a bottle brush and steel wool.

Posted by: Onkel Bob | July 19, 2011 3:29 PM


ERV @#218

"PZ-- Go fuck yourself."

Moral equivalence.

Pink Microscopes=Molestation=Rape=Mutilation=Murder="Will you please like me?"

Gravity is assigned by your geographical and or ideological proximity to PZ Meyers and pals.

Told you he was an asshole.

What a dirty and disgusting little angle for men and women of first world privilege to use in shirking their ethical responsibilities to fellow humans being decimated by systematized theistic misogynistic murder and neglect.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 3:30 PM


@ Mr DNA #213:

Ach, ye didnae jist go thur! Mon then, ye choob! Summon hoad ma coat!

/sorry, couldn't resist joining in.

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 19, 2011 3:32 PM


Marco @232
Gonnae no dae that!

Posted by: bhoytony | July 19, 2011 3:38 PM


Damn, I missed all the excitement. And PZ weighing in like an arrogant asshole and the running away when being asked difficult questions, as well. Bloody real life getting in the way again.

Let's have a life at PZ's continuous fail:

Just because there are greater problems in the universe does not mean that small ones should be ignored completely.
Dawkins first post could be misinterpreted this way, but he made it abundantly clear in the second post that he was not making this claim. Since you must have read both, why do you persist with this obvious strawman that was never Dawkin's point in the first place?

Sexual harassment at meetings: even smaller problem, but still there. Maybe it would help if women spoke up about their concerns.
Harassment was defined for TAM. It was defined as continued unwanted behaviour. The word "continued" is important here, and is the distinction between what happened to Watson ("zero bad") and genuine harassment (which is, in my book, a real problem warranting ejection from the event). Watson said No, EG took it. Zero bad.

Of course, Watson is entitled to politely ask that men don't do that to her. But when illiberal requests appear on Pharyngula and Laden's blog demanding some bizarre and ad hoc change of behaviour based on Watson's wishes, the drooling white knights deserved calling out, which is what happened. That is what Dawkins was responding to. You made your strawman that it was just about Watson and ran away because your position is untenable.

Posted by: Spence | July 19, 2011 3:43 PM


Phil Giordana:

I'm convinced this would go a totaly different way if everybody was speaking face to face.

I completely agree with this. The internet makes everybody hate each other. If this was a panel discussion we'd be having a more productive and amiable exchange of ideas. Sometimes its easy to forget that behind some comment that I think is insane or immoral is somebody that I may get on with very well in real life!

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 3:43 PM


Phil, Notung-- Curiously enough, that is the exact sentiment of the original 'Dont Be A Dick' speech given by Wil Wheaton. His advice for gamers was to act online the same way you would act in real life. I absolutely do. Others dont.


Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 3:50 PM


PZ thought the argument was something else, but if I go and collect all the comments that Dawkins was replying to making Watson's encounter into something much larger than Watson thought it was at the time, will PZ change his mind?

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 3:53 PM

Gravity is assigned by your geographical and or ideological proximity to PZ Meyers and pals.

Being within a certain distance from them could be plausibly argued to constitute rape. Proximity rape is widespread and unreported.

>implying that this isn't what feminists actually believe.

Posted by: TylerD | July 19, 2011 3:58 PM


As a male atheist who has paid occasional attention to the larger Skeptics' movement, I have to say that this whole "Elevatorgate" fiasco has made both sides come out looking absolutely fucking miserable. Why would I want to get involved with a movement where people treat each other this badly?

And while I'm sure that "Twatson" is not the worst epithet that's been thrown in this debate, it does make me pretty much lose all respect for you-- and for anyone else who resorts to playground-level name calling in what could actually be a fairly enlightening debate. I don't care what you've been called-- in what is supposed to be a rational debate among rational people, there's no excuse for it. And "they did it first" is the sort of excuse used by third-graders and politicians.

There are personal exceptions, but both sides seem far more interested in constructing strawmen and tearing them down to demonstrate how awesomely right they are than they are in actually coming to an understanding with the other side. In that sense, a lot of atheists and skeptics are really no better than the religious nuts who are supposedly the actual enemy. Anyone want to join me in starting a skeptical movement with people who are ACTUALLY INTERESTED in treating other people like actual fucking human beings?

Posted by: Andrew | July 19, 2011 3:59 PM


Abbie said:
PZ-- Go fuck yourself.
Onkel Bob added:
You're too kind Abbie, you should have added something about a bottle brush and steel wool.
I like the Kelly version. "Go fuck yourself with something hard and sandpapery"

Posted by: Spence | July 19, 2011 4:00 PM


@bhoytony 233:

Hoow? ;)

@ Spence 240

Since I'm going full-on Scot in my posts so far, I find I much prefer the Scottish phrase, "Geddit up ye'z"


Full disclosure, I was actually born in England, but there's Scottish in my heritage somewhere, and a bit of French. Thus, I have the worst traits of all three nationalities... :P

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 19, 2011 4:08 PM


ERV: Same advice back to you. You could have talked about a really decent and useful thing Dawkins did, but instead you used it to fling shit at RW, and, predictably, left both Dawkins' good work and your own blog visibly stained with the same shit. "Checkmate?" Really? Judging by your other recent titles, I'm guessing this is an unusually pathetic and embarrassing post here. I hope for your sake I'm right about that.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 4:09 PM


Oh, and Justicar?

You have a group of people before you, many of us willing to change our minds if a sufficient reason comes along.

Sufficient reasons were repeatedly explained in numerous threads about this EG incident. The fact that you're still demanding "sufficient reason" while ignoring the reasons already given, on both PZ's and Greg's blog at least, only proves you're not really looking, or listening, at all. And since you're not listening to us, there's no reason why we should waste any more time listening to you.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 4:15 PM

It seems like the folks with that royal title tend to be the most vicious and petty of the phargulayoids.

Er... thanks, I guess! :)

Posted by: windy | July 19, 2011 4:17 PM


Raging Bee @242:

Can't you give Abbie a break and admit that, like every other single actor in this fuckfest, she is pissed off and irritated?

Do you want me to link to that specific comment on her own blog where she was called a "gender traitor"?

"Gender traitor"! If that's not one of the worst exemples of despicable millitant terms ever, than color me fuckpink*!

*I wonder what that would look like. Quick, Google!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 4:17 PM


I'm just waiting for Greg to come up with something else that's inexplicably misogynistic now to complete the thread. Maybe sweating without stepping 20 paces back, because sweaty men look dangerous.

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 4:23 PM


Seeing this rant by ERV, and the previous ones on the topic, makes me regret that Greg was too nice to resort to "calling her a [rest of sentence deleted because I don't feel like lowering myself to that level at the moment ... perhaps some other time] so she gets the point". Mule, indeed.

Posted by: Irene | July 19, 2011 4:23 PM



I'm really, really, really bad at discerning when a person is flirting with/hitting on another person. Really bad. I miss it with incredible frequency. I'll interact with a guy, walk off, my friends will start giggling about how he was flirting with me, and I'll go, "Pfwah?" Men flirt with me, sometimes for hours, and it all just flies over my head.

But even I can see that the coffee thing was a statement about wanting to have sex. If the guy didn't mean it that way, then he was saying something he didn't mean and needs to be educated about how people will hear "Let's have sex" in his words. It's like my female friend who told me that she was 'friends with benefits' with some guy, and when I said, "You're having sex?!" she responded, "How can you ask me that?!" I replied, "I wasn't asking you anything, I was just repeating what you were saying; that's what 'friends with benefits' means!" Is it possible that he didn't mean sex? Sure. But that's not what most people will hear.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 4:27 PM


Kay. I've kinda been watching the whole shitstorm at a distance, but here's what I've dredged out of the mess:

RW is at a convention, and Some Guy approaches her in a way that applies uncomfortble pressure of which Some Guy is probably blissfully unaware. He's never had to deal with it, has no concept of it, honest mistake. RW points out that confined spaces with timers really can apply uncomfortable pressure, various people say various things about it, some agreeing with her, some(probably also from people who have no experience with that sort of situation) decidedly unkind about it.

RD says something about it which is likely meant just to point out that the problem RW was pointing out was relatively minor, compared to what a great many of the world's women face, but he does so in a way that comes across as kind of rude and insensitive. To be fair, he is famous for being very rude when he thinks it will get his point across well. For an example, just ask him how he feels about the Pope.

And then we get blog posts like this, which start out quite well, but degenerate sadly in to name-calling and are more likely to serve as examples of How Not To Be Helpful than of anything else.

On the bright side, it does nicely point out that RD, although he may not be *good* at feminism, is in favour of alleviating issues that affect primarily women. He might not be great at spotting them, but he isn't shy about using his resources to say in clear terms that he wishes to be counted on the same side as RW. It's as subtle as a sldgehammer, but that's kind of his thing.

(Personally, I like leading people who hold logically unsustainable views into looking at two parts of their view that clash horribly either with eachother or reality and enjoying the ensuing uncomfortable silence. I'm a bit of a jerk sometimes.)

TL:DR version: Just because someone else has a worse problem, does not mean that the person with the lesser problem does not actually have a problem. Dude who lost his thumb in a freak stapler accident is not perfectly fine just because there are people who have lost both legs to landmines. Thumbless dude just can't say his problems are worse than those of the person with no legs.

And RW is not wallowing in pity. She pointed out a problem, and then for some reason a sewage main was vented through a jet turbine.

Posted by: Dav-Larr | July 19, 2011 4:29 PM


So wait...we are excited that an apparently intelligent person gave a bunch of money to something instead of apologizing or discussing the issue? Are we also okay with the Catholic church's response to molesting children now? Shouldn't we rational folk expect rational reactions instead of clever, underhanded ones?

Posted by: Leslie Anderson | July 19, 2011 4:30 PM


So, Lyra, how would a guy go about asking if you want to continue a conversation over coffee?

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 4:31 PM


BTW, it's funny to see how Jerry Coyne, who's generally not a fan of swearing and immaturity, chiming in here wisely in support of ERV... Especially since he (strategically?) avoided commenting to loud on the issue on his own blog. Better let the hatchet-bearers do the dirty job, heh?

Posted by: Irene | July 19, 2011 4:32 PM



"I'd like to have coffee with you sometime. Would you be interested in going to a coffee shop with me tomorrow?"

"I'd like to have coffee with you sometime. Here is my phone number. If you're interested, call me before [insert some time] and we can go out."

Or, if it is a time that coffee shops would be open and/or she hasn't indicated she's going to bed

"Would you like to go out somewhere for coffee?"

To me, it's the "would you like to go back to my hotel room at 4am that sets off "sexual intent" flashing lights, not the coffee. He could have asked if she'd like to go back to his hotel room at 4am and watch TV or inspect his book collection and it would still have the same connotations.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 4:47 PM


"Twatson", seriously? Resorting to name calling diminishes the argument that you're making here. It's nice that the Dawkins foundation has the funds to support childcare at atheist events but I fail to see how this makes him a better person then Rebecca Watson for doing it. Unlike Dawkins, Rebecca doesn't have a whole foundation to donate to such causes. It's another example of his privilege showing. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a wonderful thing, donating to child care. The comments he made, however, about Rebecca's encounter in the elevator got me down, he's too smart to be that dumb and you are too.

Posted by: Susan Ferguson | July 19, 2011 4:48 PM


Shoot, I meant that last comment at 251. Not sure what happened there. Oops.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 4:48 PM



Don't worry about it, and thanks for the reply.

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 5:00 PM


How exactly is Jerry Coyne "chiming in here wisely in support of ERV"? He only comments that it was a lovely act by Dawkins and that childcare at these conferences is important.There is no mention of Abby,never mind support.
Please don't let the facts get in the way of your snide commentary.

Posted by: bhoytony | July 19, 2011 5:00 PM

So, Lyra, how would a guy go about asking if you want to continue a conversation over coffee?

Yeah, we're told over and over again that this is The Most Important Thing: that men should never feel reticent, ever, about the appropriateness of asking for coffee/sex/whatever.

As Lyra points out, it's the IN MY HOTEL ROOM AT 4 AM part that says, "This is a deliberately ambiguous invitation for sex."

A genuine request for "just coffee" would not entail entering a stranger's hotel room at 4 am.

I dunno, maybe I'm crazy, but that's what I would think if someone asked me that.

Here's a better way:

"I'd love to continue this conversation later, can I buy you coffee in the cafe tomorrow?"

"Your talk was fascinating, here's my number, if you'd be willing to speak further about it I'd be delighted. Can I buy you coffee sometime?"

And again, I must point out, if the TRUE GOAL is to find the proper way of asking a lady to join you for coffee, then y'all should be absolutely chuffed to be treated to such a helpful explanation of why cold propositions in elevators are likely to be a waste of your time.

Since a large contingent of men have reacted by being the opposite of chuffed, I am forced to wonder what's really at stake for them. If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it is not about achieving a consensual social and/or sexual interaction, then what is it about?

Any answers? Guys? Beuller? Beuller?

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 5:03 PM



I think the other point is that he wasn't continuing a conversation. This was the social equivalent of a telemarketing cold call.

Posted by: Leslie | July 19, 2011 5:05 PM



Marco, va te faire foutre :)

Hopefully Phil will appreciate that one.

Posted by: Spence | July 19, 2011 5:08 PM


Good for you, Sally.

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 5:10 PM



ah, the great bearded git finally peeks out from behind his fans.

I am dismayed. Richard Dawkins did a genuinely commendable thing, something that deserves high praise, and you've tainted it by using it to launch an unwarranted and scurrilous attack on a skeptical activist woman and to give a forum to the raging misogynists you've fostered here.

You are a twat with a raging case of internet balls who is brave as shit when you have a room full of people to do your heavy lifting. who the FUCK made you the deciderer of what is misogyny? Your fans? You know, the people you allow to rampantly abuse people on your blog, only stepping in when the victims of that abuse have the fucking TEMERITY to fight back? THEN you get uppity as hell, so as to slap down any and all dissent.

and if it deserves such high fucking praise, why haven't you praised it yet? Or watson? Or Laden? Oh wait, you all backed yourselves into corners when you had your little blogerati lynch mob with dawkins as the main attraction, and then he has the poor taste to show that the entire time you were stringing him up, he was actually doing something that actually helps people.

This was not a decision to sneer at Rebecca Watson, who is someone who has also favored more child support at conferences. This was a serious decision and commitment to invest in the long-term success of atheist conferences, and you've managed to trivialize it into a petty slight. This is not some kind of game where Richard Dawkins chose to get even with Rebecca Watson. If you'd care to browse, you'd find that affordable childcare has long been one of the causes they advocate.

She favored it so much she did everything up to and including *nothing*. When has she organized or helped fund something like that? I bet the number approaches zero. She, and you, are all about the slactivism. I POSTED ON MY BLOG, I DID SOMETHING.

no, you did not. but it is easier than doing something, isn't it.

That Dawkins has chosen to support a feminist cause is not a victory for the anti-feminists.

No one here is anti-feminist. We just disagree with your "women as helpless children who must be protected from eeebul men" shit. We disagree with your insistence that anyone who doesn't march lockstep with your views on feminism is a misogynist. And it's not a feminist cause you prat, it's a HUMAN cause. I've been to events with a small child both married and as a single parent without handy babysitting. You end up not going to certain things because they aren't appropriate for a small child who gets bored easily or for things where a small child isn't appropriate. Events that took even the SLIGHTEST steps to help got as much support as I could give, because it made life so much easier on all the attendees.

Helping remove a real problem to people showing up isn't just helping women. But then, you appear to think that men who aren't you don't help with kids. You're full of shit, but hey, you're PZ Fuckin' Myers, and you're never wrong.

It is also not the case that feminists were "stricken dumb" by the announcement. Those tweets that let you know about the support? Most of those were from feminists. The people who are going to be implementing the child care are the supporters of Camp Quest...a pro-family, feminist organization (including my wife, who is on the Minnesota board). The reason the blogs aren't saying a whole lot about it right now is that all we have is a brief statement from Richard Dawkins at TAM9 -- we're waiting for the official online statement at the RDF or JREF to praise it to the skies.

Oh please. The "it's not official yet, so we aren't mentioning it" dodge? Lame. Dawkins said it, you could at least mention that. But that would require you to praise a man you just got done swinging from a virtual tree. Can't do that, so you have to wait for an organization to do it. That way, you're not praising DAWKINS, you're praising a FOUNDATION.

Cowardly. That's what that is. Cowardly.

All this petty sniping at Watson is incomprehensible, and beneath you. She is a talented and eloquent activist for skepticism: she has been writing and speaking on this subject for a long time, and has been a catalyst for events and online activism. She's not a do-nothing or someone who's only famous for being famous, as some idiots have claimed -- she has put a lot of work into this movement. When you demean her, you demean Abbie Smith, who is just a woman with a blog; you demean Richard Dawkins, who is just a guy who wrote some books.

Do you actually read your own fatuous prose? Watson is the skeptic version of a new media douchebag, who gets paid because she attracts attention to herself. She is no different than prats like Robert Scoble, except Scoble is more self-aware and admits that what he does is talk about other people actually doing something. She blogs. Big fucking deal. So do I, and I've been doing it a lot longer than most. about a year less than you, I started in 2003. Big fucking deal. Blogging and talking isn't important. It's what you have to say that counts.

Demeaning Watson for being a prat isn't demeaning Abbie, because Abbie's not a prat. They're different people. It's a difficult concept, but one i'm sure you can eventually understand.

In particular, this -- "Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum and demanded everyone kiss her invisible boo-boo" -- is inexcusable and dishonest. Everyone has seen her "tantrum", since it's on youtube, and all it was was a woman calmly asking that guys don't hit on her. No tantrum. No demands. No hysteria. It was actually a reasonable request in a reasonable context. And all the people raging over it are indicting themselves, not Rebecca Watson.

You, of all people, YOU, with that hostile cesspit of blogerati violence and vitriol you call a blog calling anyone out over language is the living height of hypocrisy. Your fanbois aren't "blunt" and "straightforward", they are mean, cruel, abusive, and none of them would ever say that shit to anyone in person. I cannot understand the lack of self-awareness required for you to even PONDER calling anyone out for 'not treating people right on a blog'. You're the fucking poster child for abusive blog behavior.


(more from the bearded wonder)

As you well know, the scienceblogs software can't cope with long threads very well -- I have to close threads that reach 700-1000 comments or the load drags the whole site down. As it is, I had multiple uncensored threads on this subject with over 4,000 comments, which means there was far more open discussion on the subject at Pharyngula than there has been here.

You had no such thing. In fact, you specifically killed off someone's access because they weren't agreeing with you, even after you "warned them" that they were trolling. Your site is anything but uncensored. Denial, you are in it.


Of course PZ et al have to make sure they misrepresent what we're pissed about, because otherwise, they can't label us as misogynists and the like. If they start actually listening, then we might have valid opinions too, even though we disagree. Can't have that.


I see ERV has just admitted she is simply using her blog to troll.

Why do some people take her seriously ?

Thanks for dismissing her just because she disagrees with you. Way to encourage diversity there, sport.


Recognizing that you, or your hero, may have said or done something misogynist is not the end of the world. It's just an indication that you, or your hero, is a product of your culture. It's impossible to fix unless you recognize there's a problem. It's important to recognize that just like non-KKK members can and do make racist statements or act on racist assumptions, people who don't actively hate women can still make sexist statements or act out of male privilege.

Thank GOD we have Sally & PZ to tell us what is misogynist and what is not. Otherwise, we might form differing opinions and viewpoints on the subject, and WE CAN'T BLOODY HAVE THAT.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 19, 2011 5:11 PM


Actually, I was specifically asking someone who was a bit clueless with noticing flirting, sorry, there isn't any further implication, I'm sure I'm unintentionally sexist reasonably often though, if that helps.

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 5:12 PM


Susan Ferguson@#254

Yes, yes that epithet makes me cringe as well.

But wait, you said something dumb after that...

"Unlike Dawkins, Rebecca doesn't have a whole foundation to donate to such causes.

Yes, she just gets spent on keg parties, game shows and glasses that only seem to correct for the lack of another pair of glasses.

It isn't like the foundation fairy left Dawkins the RDF under his pillow.

Nothing is stopping RW from writing eleven books, dozens of popular articles, around fifty academic articles and generally garnering respect by improving the human condition through the promotion of science and critical thinking.

Well, nothing but a demonstrable lack of intellectual capacity and old fashioned indolence.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 5:13 PM


Spence @241:

Oh oui, et il y en a pleins d'autres si besoin :)

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 5:16 PM

Good for you, Sally.

Heey, fuck you too Peter. Got an answer for my question? Namely:

If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it is not about achieving a consensual social and/or sexual interaction, then what is it about?

As for Mr. Welch:

Thank GOD we have Sally & PZ to tell us what is misogynist and what is not. Otherwise, we might form differing opinions and viewpoints on the subject, and WE CAN'T BLOODY HAVE THAT.

Your ability to form opinions, about whatever, seems quite robust and unhampered to me. Care to explain how being disagreed with by one moderately famous biology professor and one completely un-famous internet commenter impedes your ability to form an opinion about what is misogynist and what is not?

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 5:16 PM


Oh, you're one of those, and a hearty fuck you to, and I won't be answering any of your questions, because you're silly, buh-bye.

Posted by: Peter | July 19, 2011 5:19 PM


And then we get blog posts like this, which start out quite well, but degenerate sadly in to name-calling...

Are you kidding? This post was a blatant invitation to name-calling from its very TITLE, which referred to a decent action by Dawkins as a "coup de grace" aginst RW. That's not my idea of a post that "starts out quite well."

I wonder how many of these screamers and mansplainers we'll find in that childcare center Dawkins is funding. I hope he writes the contract carefully to make sure the money is spent on real kids, not the overgrown kind.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 5:19 PM



Thanks, and you're welcome! ^_^

Could be. I believe he was present when she was having a conversation with smallish a group in a pub-ish place, but not participating a lot (although I'm not sure), and I think he was at her presentation, so he could still have been legitimately interested in her based on things she had said. And I don't think non-sexual cold calls are necessarily a bad thing; I think that a cold call of something along the lines of what SallyStrange said ("Your talk was fascinating, here's my number, if you'd be willing to speak further about it I'd be delighted. Can I buy you coffee sometime?") is perfectly fine.

That being said, I do think cold calls for sex are pretty creepy, but that might be influenced by the fact that I'm not a real fan of stranger sex. So, yes, that would make it additionally creepy in my eyes.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 5:19 PM


@Spence 260:

Touche, sir, touche. Is it wrong that despite forgetting virtually ALL of the French I learned at school, THAT phrase remains burned indelibly into my mind?

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 19, 2011 5:20 PM


Personally, I'm not at all opposed to cold-calls for sex, but when I'm looking for that, I go to a sex club. Not an atheist conference.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 5:26 PM


PZ-- Go fuck yourself.
Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 2:43 PM

PZ Myers at 207:
"I'm done. People aren't listening, and are still straining to justify the noise of the last few weeks. I'll leave it to women to speak, and recommend one comment."

Oh my. What a pompous overpuffed hypocrite.

PZ seems to be missing his Syncophant, OM supporters.

Posted by: Mu | July 19, 2011 2:57 PM

Three things right there all worth saying at least once more.

My personal thanks to ERV, Justicar, MR. DNA, John Greg, Prometheus, wow and everyone else on here who is still in posession of their critical faculties.

This one is from me to PZ, just in case he is still lurking.

Please, go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious, hypocritical, cowardly, retarded gobshite.

Posted by: Skepcheck | July 19, 2011 5:30 PM


You are a twat with a raging case of internet balls who is brave as shit when you have a room full of people to do your heavy lifting. who the FUCK made you the deciderer of what is misogyny? Your fans? You know, the people you allow to rampantly abuse people on your blog, only stepping in when the victims of that abuse have the fucking TEMERITY to fight back? THEN you get uppity as hell, so as to slap down any and all dissent.

Coming from the guy who left a bloody ginormous comment that was nothing but a re-paste of the entire thread, this sort of asinine, content-free hate-fest is...

...not at all surprising, really.

and if it deserves such high fucking praise, why haven't you praised it yet?

He DID praise it, you moron. And you quoted that praise at the very beginning of your comment!

Since this thread has now been taken over by blustering halfwits like John C. Welch, I think we can safely conclude that the argument is over.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 19, 2011 5:31 PM


I also see that Mooney has Watson on his execrable podcast - not sure if I'll do the usual practice of deleting his episodes unheard, or actually keep it. I'm sure it will be a full-on double-facepalm kind of show.

Posted by: Badger3k | July 19, 2011 5:50 PM


Damn you people for bringing this shit up again. Even if reading all this is incredibly lulzy (the phrase 'u mad?' has never seemed more appropriate), its depressing seeing intelligent people stoop to making bad arguments. But since I'm here...

As far as I can see it, Watson has every right to feel threatened by a stranger in an elevator. Just as I have the right to be terrified when a black person sits near me on a bus (I'm not, but I think its a fitting parallel). In both cases, we have beliefs about what sort of threat the other person potentially represents, and our discomfort is based on both those beliefs & the way we perceive the nature & actions of the other person (EG was perceived as 'creepy', the black person could be seen as thuggish or something).

But... there is nothing wrong with the way Stef responded on her blog. Agree with her or not, Stef voiced her opinion in an honest & straightforward manner.

Watson's reaction to Stef's dissent, on the other hand, was shocking. I hope there is little argument on that point: what RW did (solely in regards to the CFI conference) was unprofessional at best & downright deplorable at worst. For the way she handled that situation, I think RW is a bitch, or at least, was acting in a way which makes her look like one.

Next up: Dawkins! First off, I'll admit I am a huge fan of his, even if I take issue with some of the things he says.

I don't know exactly what sort of context Dawkin's wrote his comments in, but I don't see how they're so shocking to some. He voiced his opinion, which I interpreted as essentially thus:

Depicting yourself as a victim due to you experiencing feelings of fear when encountering a guy making a clumsy pick-up attempt is overreacting. And to those who are actual victims of rape & sexual assault (a club which Dawkins himself belongs), it may be seen as a stupid move which belittles their own horrific experiences.

He didn't endorse EG's behavior, he didn't tell Watson to shut up & not to comment on how she felt. From what I saw, he told her to stop acting like a drama queen.

And for that, he's labeled a misogynistic, privileged old jackass. Bit of an overreaction, I think.

Also: I don't know how much RW has been opposing Dawkins (I'd rather not give her blog traffic after this incident), but if she is actually telling people not to read Dawkin's books... she is a total cunt. The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, and Unweaving the Rainbow are some of my favorite books, and anyone speaking ill of them had better have some damn good reasons to dissuade others from enjoying them as much as I did.

Posted by: Phil | July 19, 2011 6:08 PM


I don't think Dawkins's support of childcare had anything to do with this whole mess. I think this post is misguided for suggesting that it was part of his clever scheme to beat the other side. I think he did it b/c he's a pretty decent guy who thought it was the right thing to do.

On a side note, man, the shit is still flying fast and furious in every direction. This is quite the schism! I love the drama. It's like spectator politics, but in atheist-blog form.

Posted by: matt | July 19, 2011 6:12 PM

I do not support any campaign against Dawkins; it's silly for you to berate me for agreeing with every last little thing that Rebecca Watson has done, when I don't. But I also understand how Watson can be personally very angry with Dawkins for trivializing the concerns of some women -- and yes, rape threats are genuinely demeaning and worrisome.

Indeed they are. At what point was EG an actual rape THREAT? not just a socially awkward-bordering-on-creepy dude with a really craptacular sense of timing and appropriate location. but an actual rape threat? Even RW never called it that. That's been what you and your band of prats has been doing.

There is nothing dubious about Rebecca Watson's claims. Do you really think it so incredibly unlikely that a woman would be asked to come to a man's hotel room? Weird.

Isn't one of the hallmarks of science to acknowledge that testimonials aren't as reliable as actual data? Any cop on the planet can tell you how astoundingly bad human memory is in terms of reliability, especially after a long night of drinking. If they can't, a good defense attorney can.

That said, I, and rather a lot of others have no doubt that she's being honest both about the incident, and her feelings on it, no matter what your lot think. It is her behavior towards stef and the constant pounding of ALL DISAGREEMENT WITH RW ON THIS = MISOGYNY that is pissing a lot of people off, along with the more idiotic statements about how rape and violence don't ever affect men, and the disgusting dismissal of Dawkins' personal experience with it as "not counting, since it happened when he was a child".

But do go ahead thinking we are saying RW has no right to feel what she felt. Why let the truth ruin your narrative?

It is in the nature of a blog post that you typically want something that you can link to. Richard Dawkins' comments on my blog were linkable; their source was also verifiable, and I refrained from saying anything until I confirmed them (there were also several posts from people pretending to be Richard Dawkins that I had to delete). His word at the conference was sufficient to believe him, but it was brief--I'm waiting for more details. When there's information about how organizers can apply for aid, I'll publish it. Do you seriously believe I'm unhappy about something I've thought was a great idea for years? Dawkins is making a great contribution to the community with this plan.

and yet you can't bring yourself to say that on your blog. You have to wait for the details. Bollocks. It takes five minutes if that to say "What Dawkins talked about, regarding the RDF helping fund child care at future TAMs is amazing, and welcome. I for one congratulate him on this action which will be a huge benefit to all attendees, and really help expand the potential audience for TAM. We don't have details yet, but as soon as the RDF and JREF release them, I'll be sure to post them here."

A fucking paragraph man. I just wrote it for you. How hard is that? Is your pride and ego really that important that you have to wait for organizational details?

I've had no problem with Stef McGraw, and have even said so: I encourage her to express her opinions. As for "tearing her down"...nonsense. Her opinions were discussed, and some agreed with her, and some disagreed. Speaking of dubious claims without evidence -- what exactly did Watson say about McGraw that was so horrible? There's a terrible dearth of substance in your hysterical claims of opression.

Bullshit. You've either read the details about what people think about watson's stunt, in which case you're lying about the dearth of substance, or you haven't read anyone's opinion but the ones that agree with you, in which case you're talking out of your ass.

Given that you say you read ERV, and abbie was *very* specific about the problem people have with how Watson treated Stef, your ability to claim ignorance on the subject is low. So, you're just lying about the dearth of substance, because you don't want to think about it, that maybe RW was, in that instance, way the fuck out of line.

And finally, I've been accused of censoring opinions on my blog. Counter-evidence: Justicar is not banned, despite being one of the most idiotic, shrill, dishonest, contemptible scumbag liars on this subject anywhere on the interwebs.

I will pay airfare for you, me, and justicar to be in the same place so I can record you saying those precise words to him on camera for the fucking world to see, you bloviated fatuous coward.


I also have some personal, private information about some of the participants in the argument, facts about some of the people on the anti-Watson side, that make their comments look self-serving and prejudicial to me. They're personal and private, though, so they are irrelevant, and I'm not going to take the cheap shot of revealing them.

Nameless threats? Really? "I know things that would embarass people" with the implication being we better STFU?


Here, try the original:

"I have in my hand a list of names of members of the communist party"

McCarthy did it better. To which, I will reply with the words of my (probable) distant relation:

"You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"


One of the themes you'll find many of the women on the feminist side of the argument saying over and over again is that this is a thoroughly common experience -- I've recommended reading Shrodinger's Rapist as a well-written explanation. So you've got it backwards: I take it for granted that many women have had these experiences. My wife has talked to me about instances where she's been frightened by such possibilities.

Golly thanks unca PZ for telling ERV about her own experiences and how she should face them. How rude of her to not take your recommendation to spend her days quailing in fear and berating men for not making her feel safe. How NAIVE she was to take her safety into her own hands and through sweat, pain, and probably some blood, (I'll go with my assumption that I've a tad more actual experience in what her kind of training involves than you do), pulled muscles and days when you can barely goddamned walk home ensured she will never, ever feel helpless again.

How stupid of her to actually do something instead of standing on the sidelines thrusting victimology tracts at people.


Do I have to say this again? She didn't. The entire foundation of the angry reaction from the angry men is built on exaggeration and lies, where now even a measured response to a minor infraction becomes a great crime.

Bullshit, and stop trying to tell me what I think, you're not qualified. The foundation of MY reaction is her abuse of the power of the podium, and the requirement by you and others that any disagreement with your views of feminism equal misogyny, and your hypocritical crying about how mean other people on other blogs are, when yours is such a fucking cesspool.

Being told men can't be raped, don't have to fear rape, it's only rape if a man's penis penetrates a woman's orifice et al is just precious fucking icing on this cake.


Again, Rebecca Watson did not cry wolf.

It's all on youtube. You can see for yourself exactly what she said. Her actions are a matter of record.

Watson's initial post and video aren't what we're pissed about. There, was that simple enough for you, or should I use "littler" words?

But then, you've spent a lot of time telling us what we're thinking. So why stop now?


Rebecca Watson experienced something mildly annoying, and she made a polite request that people stop doing it. To which Richard Dawkins effectively said, 'Well, I know people who had their genitals mutilated, so your complaint is too trivial to bother with.'

except he wasn't really talking to watson as much as to you and the other alarmists.

But hey, you're always right, you're PZ Fuckin' Myers


Oh. So "bitching out" translates to "disagreeing with and explaining why." Good to know. Kinda tells me a lot about you.

"Rashomon". You should see it some time, it may teach you something about human nature. Even if you are PZ Fuckin' Myers.


Elevator Guy wasn't a rapist, but he was creepy and some people didn't understand why. The issue of rape and sexual violence was discussed, often specifically to try to educate commentators who couldn't understand why women - generally, and not just Watson - might have a heightened sensitivity to such threats. The fuckwits commenting here don't seem to understand that. They see the threat of rape and violence as so remote that its mention can be used as an indicator for poor arguments by their opponents.

Actually, we can both see and understand why RW and other women might feel creepy, ill at ease, or even frightened by that. What *your* side is dismissing are the women who disagree with RW's premise that such a situation is ALWAYS creepy, and ALWAYS inappropriate. It is not, and it is foolish to imply that. For RW and many others, it is always creepy and inappropriate. For, from what I can tell, just as many other women, it is not.

Neither side is exclusively right in how they see that situation.


Furthermore, I'm guessing RW never intended for any of her words to become this big an issue. She tossed a minor complaint into a speech that was otherwise full of positive comments, and probably expected everyone to just laugh a little at the idea of asking for a date in an elevator at 4am. It was Dawkins, and ONLY Dawkins, who made this thing such a ridiculous pile-on. If he really thought that female genital mutilation deserved more attention than RW's complaints, then he bloody well shouldn't have paid (and directed) so much attention to RW's complaints. For Dawkins to do what he did, and then blame others for responding to his actions, is childish and irresponsible.

Actually, it seems to be RW's bullshit attack on Stef, and her behavior in that incident that were the flashpoint. It's just that you are dismissing Stef's reaction because she disagrees with RW, so fuck the little gender-traitor bitch, right?


Claiming that it is the McGraw/Dawkins lynching that has raised hackles is simply a lie, a barefaced, dishonest revision of history. McGraw was not in any way lynched;

So now you're not only a biologist, you're the world authority on how people see a situation? I could give a fuck less about EG, or how RW saw him. Not my farm, not my pig. But RW's behavior and attacking of Stef McGraw from the podium is something that comes very close to something I've been doing for some years now, and THAT did in fact raise my hackles.

Funny how a lynching doesn't look that bad when you're not the one swinging in the breeze. Even if you allow for it not being a virtual lynching, it was a bullshit attack on someone powerless, in that moment, to fully respond. The fact you refuse to even CONSIDER that viewpoint, *even if you don't agree*, shows how little you value any viewpoints but your own.


The problems start to arise when someone says x makes me uncomfortable, therefore x makes everyone of my gender uncomfortable, and thus, this other gender may not do x.

Bingo. RW does not represent all women. She represents herself, and maybe the women who agree with her, as long as they choose to allow her to. The arrogance of making her the spokesperson for all women, or even all feminists boggles the mind.


And anyone who tells a woman to shut up when her entire investment in addressing a problem is 30 seconds of commentary on a youtube video actually is being a misogynist. And simultaneously complaining that she isn't doing anything and never has done anything to advance skepticism is genuinely moronic.

Thanks for mansplaining that PZ. You're wrong of course, because you ignore her attack on stef. But hey, fuck facts, you got a goddamned narrative to fucking push.

Just remember folks, if you disagree with PZ, ever, you're wrong. Isn't life simpler now?


So, I'd like to ask: if most women are telling an individual that approaching them in an elevator/et al would make them less interested in the individual, why is anyone arguing that the individual should approach women in elevators/et al? If the goal is romantic involvement, why is it important to seek romantic involvement in a manner that is less likely to work?

Because it's not "most women"? It's "some women". The difference is important. Now, if you refine it to "women who are fans of PZ, Laden, Jen and Watson" and therfore DRASTICALLY reduce and refine your sample, biasing the hell out of it, then yes, for that set of women, "most" applies.

That assumption that the women who agree with watson and comment as such on blogs are "most women" is simply unprovable. It's the result of a highly biased sample set.

But if you say that, no matter how, you're a misogynist, and wrong.


If the real issue here were really, "How can I talk to ladies and get dates without creeping them out?" then there would be no issue at all. Atheist dudes would just be like, "Gosh thanks Rebecca, for those handy tips! Now I know not to waste my time trying to hit on women in elevators."

Since this is not happening, I am left to conclude that the real issue here is male privilege and a bunch of atheist men who've never had to confront these issues suddenly realizing that they may have to *gasp* change their behavior, unless they really want atheist conferences to continue to be sausage-fests.

you're so very sure that 100% of women agree with you. No proof, but damn, you just know it to be true.


Since a large contingent of men have reacted by being the opposite of chuffed, I am forced to wonder what's really at stake for them. If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it is not about achieving a consensual social and/or sexual interaction, then what is it about?

My recommendation would have been that he ask her to meet him for coffee the next day, 4am is a bit late. But, I can very easily see how he could have been asking just to sit around and shoot the shit without a gob of people around. The "Don't take this the wrong way" could have meant "I know this sounds like I'm trying to get in your pants, but i'm really not"

The idea that he MUST have been hanging on her every word, or even been able to easily hear her at all in that environment, (as someone with a jet-induced hearing loss, it's really easy to not hear a lot of things in that environment even when you are trying to listen) is an assumption that i wouldn't rely on overmuch without better supporting data.

Also, having been in a situation where someone you wanted to talk to was really busy, I can even see why he might have waited the way he did.

If you stop assuming intent, the legitimate possibilities expand rather a lot.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 19, 2011 6:25 PM


Dude, you're acting a troll and are fueling a fire only trolls want. I came here for some proper information about Dawkins' comments on the whole thing, but see now that you've... misrepresented it.

I only now realized that you're not actually a chauvinist man, which makes this only more bizarre.

Feminism has it's place, so has skepticism. I don't think anyone is trying to turn one into the other but maybe arguing that the [skeptic] movement could benefit from some [feminism]. If you could moderate your hatred for feminism some it would be nice, it's not very flattering.

For you this may be a flame war, but there are those of us out here who actually care about the development of the skeptic movement in society, and while this whole thing maybe was a long time coming, it's nothing to be spiteful about. Don't drag us down with how you're tainting your own name with petty, reeking rants.

Posted by: Carl-Johan Sveningsson | July 19, 2011 6:38 PM


Good grief.

Elevator guy was rude and showed a lack of perspective.
Dawkins was rude and showed a lack of perspective.
Rebecca was rude and showed a lack of perspective.
Everyone else except for Stef and Rose were rude and showed a lack of perspective, including me.

The rape threats, unrelated to Elevator Guy, were misogynistic. The word "misogynist" should never be used unless the conduct warrants it. Using it inappropriately nullifies the term and weakens an argument. No one but those making rape threats has been misogynistic.

There is a simple rule. It's the best we can come up with. "No means no." That means one person has to ask the question, and the other person gets to answer. If the no is accepted, that should be the end.

In respect to the elevator, no harassment or objectification occurred on the facts at hand, just a lack of tact.

In respect to Stef, she was called a rape enabler and accused of parroting misogynistic thought, in public, at a time when she couldn't respond. This was unprofessional.

In respect to Dawkins, he has spent his life working for human rights, and didn't deserve the attack he got. But then, he asked for it.

The only sexism I've seen has been by men dismissing female minority points of view as irrelevant and cruelly ganging up on us. Also, men telling other men how to treat women; we can speak for ourselves.

No one should bash others, in argument or otherwise, it isn't effective. Ridicule isn't effective for the exact same reason, and I think we've seen that principle in action here.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 6:40 PM


@277/ John C. Welch

You seem not to have read my post. I said most women that I've seen write about this think it was creepy even if they think Watson over reacted. Even if they do NOT praise Watson, even if they are NOT on her side, they still think it was creepy. I've seen a pretty good chunk of women who think Watson shouldn't have said anything, who say that men do creepy things to them all the time and they don't raise a fuss, who think this man wasn't a danger or malicious, but they still think it was creepy. Maybe it's different in this thread (which I have only skimmed). Maybe there are lots of women saying they would love to be propositioned at 4am in an elevator in a foreign country by a man they don't know well. But if there are, I haven't seen them, so I can't draw any conclusions about them.

So, if I am wrong, if there are lots of women saying this is how they want to be approached, point me at them. I'd be interested in seeing what they have to say about the conversation, and what reasons (if any other than personal preference) they have for such a location.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 6:58 PM


I am a woman and that can be confirmed through others. I wouldn't mind such a proposition. In fact, on leaving a bar, I'd probably expect it. No, that's not the location I'd choose, and I don't recommend it to anyone, but I wouldn't really care about it, either. I'd forget before I got to my room. It doesn't seem extraordinary or the least bit creepy to me.

But I am aware that many women don't feel this way, and men should consider their feelings if they want to be respectful.

And yes, I've been raped, by someone I know -- when I was very, very drunk.

Disclaimer: everything I say is my opinion. My thoughts are not facts.

Let the bashing begin.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 7:08 PM


Lyra: why was it creepy?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 7:09 PM



I'm so sorry that happened to you! "That sucks" seems like too weak of a statement, but I'm not sure there is a strong enough one. :(

And I'm going to add an addendum to my last post as I didn't seem to include it, although I meant to: I have in fact seen a chunk of women who say they don't care/wouldn't be bothered. But if the majority of women fall into the categories of "doesn't care" and "creeped out," and very few to none saying "preference for," then utility of nothing else seem indicate that it would be a good idea to choose another location and/or time. Engaging in actions that are likely to either offend your target audience or have no positive effect on your target audience should probably be abandoned in favor of actions that are more likely to please and not offend those you wish to pursue.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 7:16 PM


I fully agree with that, Lyra. There really doesn't seem to be much to argue about. Do men have a right to do this? Yes. Should they? Not if they want a chance of being successful.

I just wish we'd stop demonizing each other and actually look at the facts.

I took issue with this situation when I noticed vicious personal attacks, and skeptics not being the least bit skeptical. Also, there are many types of feminism. You can't choose one person's idea of it and apply it to the whole atheist/skeptic community. That's not fair and it won't work.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 7:22 PM



I don't know. Some people have been saying that it has to do with rape, and I do think that it might have to do with the fact that women associate being alone and enclosed being vulnerable. But I don't know for sure.

However, I also don't think it really matters; I think what matters is that it does make women uncomfortable. When I was in college, a man came up behind me, reached around me, and shoved a tarantula in my face. I was completely unphased; I'm not afraid of tarantulas, and anyway he held it so close to my face that I couldn't see what it was until he removed it. However, even though I was not even a little uncomfortable by what he did, I did think he was kind of an asshole. Why? Because most women would have freaked out. Now, let's say that this guy did this to another girl and she did, in fact, freak out. Would it be fair to say that she needs to be in some kind of concrete, clear cut danger from the tarantula in order to be upset, and that if such danger is absent, then what he did was perfectly fine? Because if that is the case, then she's going to be stuck; tarantula bites aren't deadly to humans, and the spider is more likely to bite the guy holding the tarantula than to bite her. Or would we day, "People have a fear of spiders and you need to respect that, whether or not you think it is reasonable for them to be afraid of spiders."? Because I'm going with the latter. I think that even if there is absolutely no good reason for women to be nervous in elevators with unknown men at 4am in a foreign country, that doesn't mean people should be insensitive if they are.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 7:28 PM


@Lyra: That's exactly the right approach to this issue. Not calling some unknown guy a "creep" or "creepy." We weren't there. We don't know. Calling people names may be somewhat gratifying, but it's dumb.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 7:31 PM


Personally, I think "Twatson" is funny as hell. Fuck the tone trolls.

Posted by: 0verlord | July 19, 2011 7:32 PM


Lyra @285: "I don't know."

Thank you for that. One of the very rare skeptic answers I've seen about this question. You get a thousand internets from me, and these are well deserved.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 19, 2011 7:38 PM


They're all discussing this thread at Pharyngula by the way. I just commented defending the last comment I left here as someone called it "ludicrous" (it was a slur against the commenters at Pharyngula apparently).

I'd never commented there before, but I have to say it was an experience. A bit like walking into a pub, seeing an old, drunk guy asleep in the corner, saying "hello" politely to which he yells "fuckcuntbuggershitoffyoustupididiot" and falls back asleep.

It's quaint, but I'm a philosophy student and so it's not for me.

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 7:52 PM


ERV, I think I love you. Can I say that?!

Posted by: TrulyBewildered | July 19, 2011 7:54 PM


They're all discussing this thread at Pharyngula by the way.
Of course. People advocating censorship are always afraid to leave their nests, lest they themselves be censored.

I also love the comments here from people who have never commented on ERV ever, in the past 5 years. Care about evilution? NOOOOOO! Care about HIV-1 research? NOOOOOOOOO! Care about cancer research? NOOOOOOOO! Care about vaccine design? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Care about dogs? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

But by god, say Watson made some mega-bitch moves and Dawkins isnt a misogynist, and suddenly the spirit moves them to tell me how much they hate my blog.

Its cute.

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 8:03 PM


Hey, ERV, I've never posted here before and not once did I say that I hated your blog! I've tried to read your sciencey posts, but as a mere high school English teacher I'm afraid that it all just flies straight over my head. Now Watson's bitch-moves and Dawkins being the victim of a witch hunt? That's more my sort of gig!

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 8:16 PM


Lyra, I now bow before you and fully admit and confess my error.
Ladies, and gentlemen, and various invited transgendered species:
Lyra has shut down.

I asked her to find, among other things, one example of someone saying that someone may hit on another under any circumstances. Particular, men on women as is relevant here.

Lyra has found in this whole discussion exactly one person who said as much.
"He has the right to hit on anyone he wants under any circumstances. This is not a violation of women's rights nor is it an attempt to demean anyone. The only way you could think it was is if you view male sexual interest as something inherently evil and harmful."

Now, how this plays into the sexism misogyny thing is baffling to me since the quote says he may hit on anyone with respect to the person's gender. So, if he hits on me in that elevator, he's a fucking misandrist.

Thank you for the research, Lyra. I will file away that in this entire conversation you sleuthed out one, and only one, person who argues that men may hit on men or women anywhere they want under all circumstances without it violating someone's inherent rights UNLESS YOU THINK that in and of itself the act of hitting on someone is evil and harmful. I'm going to hire you onto the Justicar Team of Crack(baby) Private I's.

to be frank, the elevator thing isn't a Big Deal, except that whenever we start trying to discuss what happened after it, someone on the other side whips out potential rape / why do you hate women so much that you want them to be raped card. Usually in the same breath that say rape has nothing to do with any of this since Twatson didn't accuse anyone of anything. Like we saw PZ doing here. They want it on the table when it's convenient, and forgotten otherwise. It's difficult to discuss something when that's the level of people opposite one's position.

Just look at the comments since PZ left. Until one of the Pharyngulites showed up, not a single mention of the rape connection. Radfems shows up, "are you saying it wasn't harassment?"

Otherwise, I see it get brought up here largely facetiously: Oh my god! He has coffee! RAPPPPPPPE! Because that's how the other side plays it. Every. Time.

There's a difference between admitting it very possibly was, and insisting it had to be sexual. He might well have been trying to get in her pants - no one knows. Any assertion beyond "it's possible" is rank speculation on no evidence whatever.

that's your own fault for not have two faces. I'm afraid you'll never make anywhere in the world being yourself wherever we find you. Silly, girl - watch how the men do it and then just copy that.

I get tired of the "you wouldn't say that to my face" shit. Look, just because you're a coward doesn't mean I am; if you walk up to me and say this to me in real life, there's a sample of my response. Don't like it? Not my problem - I'm a WYSIWYG kinda guy. Err, gay.

"I don't care what you've been called-- in what is supposed to be a rational debate among rational people, there's no excuse for it."
Sorry. You've obviously mistaken this for a different conversation. Rationality went out the window with the "potential rape" trump card that was played. Fuck her. She's being a twat, dick, ass, taint, whatever.

Raging BEE@243:
"Sufficient reasons were repeatedly explained in numerous threads about this EG incident"
Nonsense. If there were sufficient reasons given, I would have changed my mind. Note, emotional blackmail is never a sufficient reason.

Merely claiming you've made an argument doesn't actually make an argument appear. In fact, looking back at what you've said here, you've just made assertions and answered precisely no question head on. You're a hack. And not a particularly good one.

Actually, putting in that context. I think I might have to switch sides here. I just hate sweaty people. There should be laws. Look out for my "throw away" phrase in an unrelated youtube video about it.

"So wait...we are excited that an apparently intelligent person gave a bunch of money to something instead of apologizing or discussing the issue?"
Yes, I am glad that an intelligent person wisely spent money to alleviate an *actual* problem that *really* exists. One notes that nowhere along the way did his doing that stop anyone from talking. Your question, and implication, is thus stupid. Try harder.

He stopped participating in the discussion online because 1.) he rarely says much online, 2.) while we're sitting here bitching back and forth over whether he's an evil fucking Dick, he's busy out in the world doing something to reduce the suffering people experience.

Oh, and apparently combating gum-chewers in elevators on the side.

"Unlike Dawkins, Rebecca doesn't have a whole foundation to donate to such causes."
Unlike Dawkins, Rebecca hasn't contributed a great amount of anything to anything except letting it be known her name is Rebecca Watson. Is Dawkins a better person? I don't know. I've never met her. Is his throughput orders of magnitude superior to hers? Yes. We could lose all of the skepchick people and not miss much of anything. Dawkins single-handedly did more to make events open to all people in one move than Watson has done in her entire life.

Better? No clue. More valuable? Absolutely. There are people who talk. And there are people who get shit done. It's easy to tell which is which. Unlike Dawkins, Rebecca Watson pockets every penny that comes her way from these things. Unlike Dawkins, Watson is a complete and utter hack. Unlike Dawkins, Watson hasn't applied international pressure to get free speech advanced on places like, say, Turkey - an event that raises the floor for every single person there. Unlike Dawkins, if you say her name in public people don't ask "who?".

Sallystrange is distorting reality again.
I can assure you when I ask a woman out to coffee - irrespective of time, place or geometry - it means coffee. But even having no possible sexual interest in a woman, both you and PZ have directed me to Schrodinger's Rapist. Fuck you. I won't be treated as though I'm a potential rapist for asking someone to have a conversation over coffee. Curiously enough, I can't recall ever having been turned down for the asking either. This includes outside of bars in downtown Seattle. I guess our women here are just slightly more adept at understanding other people exist, and that sometimes our women here are treated like adults. Just like everyone else.

Here, let me adjust your parasol so you don't burn in the sun on the way back to the boutique.

John C. Welch@262:
Preach it sister!
If I saw someone had a chip-in widget on, say, her website for helping to fund childcare at our events, I'd have donated.

I have donated to the ACA, NCSE, Richard's Organization, and a few others not relevant here. In light of events of the past year or so, Richard's is the only place I still consider making donations to. He's imperfect and makes missteps here and there. He sometimes does things I really don't like. But at the end of it all, Richard Dawkins has a singularly commendable ability to get shit done.

All without even a trace of whining about how difficult it is, or how he's not being treated fairly. He says, in short, look, I'm going to do this important thing here - with or without you. I'd rather have you with me, but if your underwear is crammed that far up your ass you can't keep up with my 70 year old ass, I'll catch you another time because I have work to do and your crying is only holding me up.

Then guess what happens? Shit gets done. If you think I'm going to let some issue of mine override my support for a man who has unfailingly served this community for longer than I've been alive, you're fucking stupid. We can lose Rebecca Watson and be none the poorer for it. Richard Dawkins will one day be the past. He will die. Right now, Richard Dawkins is the heavy lifter in this community.

Don't like it? Out-compete him. That's a win for everyone.

Raging Bee: John C. Welch may be a blustering idiot. He might blind, deaf and dumb for all I know. Now having said all of that about him, I note that not a single point he has brought up were you able to respond to. If he fits the definition for idiot, I am hard-pressed to see what definition you'd fit. An idiot he might be, but he still manages to recognize the difference between hating women for existing, and thinking a particular woman is a drama-seeking attention whore for its own sake. Sounds like one crafty idiot to me.

I appreciate being in the same sentence with those find people, but for their sake, I should be left off that list. I say mean things about people who are saying stupid shit. Occasionally, I stumble over an accidental half-worthwhile point.

No, it didn't. And that's the point. Despite all of the naysayery about him, and decrying him as a sexist monster lurking to lash out and oppress any helpless damsel he can find, he's remained undisturbed in what he does: getting shit done. Yes, he talks tough and is biting in his language. So is everyone else in this ordeal - he manages to do it without needing to use fuck every sentence and insult people's parentage and upbringing. We all have this feature in common.

What's different? We're talking, and then occasionally doing something. Richard is doing something and occasionally talking. He's a fucking beast of a workhorse. And I have never heard him lodge a single whine about the way he's treated.

And that's the point. He's going to get shit done with or without some henpecking halfwit's approval. And even continue unabated getting shit done when she's actively opposing him.

He Dawk-slapped her and kept on keeping on. And hey, look! Single parents (some of whom are women I'm told) now have ONE LESS obstacle to deal with. These assclowns were able to rally a huge "Dear Dick" response at the speed of gossip for his remarks on PZ's blog. None of them has yet to blog about the a truly great thing that helps out women (and some men too) until it shows up on his website - that gives them distance from him while still being able to support what he did. It's cowardice.

Back to John C. Welch:
That, in a nutshell, is pretty the whole bit.

go fuck yourself. This isn't a petty game of internet flame-warring. These matters are actually important. Real people are being hurt right this second because of issues under consideration here. Somewhere in the world this very moment a woman is being held down and raped. And when the rape is over, she has no legal recourse. If she's even more unfortunate by geography, the justice coming her way is to be stoned to death for the capital offense of being held down and raped. There is actual misogyny (which PZ's clan seems to forget means HATRED OF WOMEN, not DISAGREEMENT WITH MY KIND OF FEMINISTS) happening in this world. Right now. There are little girls who will grow up to be dumb women because the sexism in hatred of them in their native lands is such that it's a crime for them to learn to read.

Internet flame-war? No, you fuckwit. One of the reasons some of us are pissed off is that there is a stand-up attention whore crying foul about being asked to coffee and wearing it like she's some kind of fucking victim of something. Meanwhile, in the real world, some young girl's clitoris has just been cut out. If she's a lucky one, she won't bleed to death or die of infection from unclean knives used to mutilate her. And maybe, just maybe if she's really lucky, after being impregnated from a rape, she'll survive the birthing process (complicated by having that particular canal needlessly narrowed, thus increasing trauma, blood loss, infection etc), she'll have the pleasure of taking care of her rapist's child.

Internet flame-war? Not even close, motherfucker.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 8:20 PM



My apologies if this has been covered already, as I have to head out and I've only read to 171 so far.

Point 1) The fact that Dawkin's purported comment was 'linkable' is completely immaterial. I can make an account on most, if not all, of your comment services and throw in as my website, and I'll pretty much guarantee, as an IT guy myself, that it won't be checked. IF this is the only checking you did, then while it might very well have been RD, you've actually done nothing whatsoever to confirm it. Please elaborate on what further steps you've taken. Also, please note that I'm politely asking you this, and not bitching at you.

Point 2) Has ANYONE spoken with RD directly? That is, through a confirmed email, or by phone, or in person? Anyone? Seriously, if this hasn't been really confirmed, then we/PZ/RW are lambasting him for nothing. NOTHING.

Point 3) I would note, as others have, that we don't know for sure whether he was directly replying to RW or not. Has anyone directly asked him? Did Rebecca, or was she simply assuming it was directed at her? Honestly, there were PLENTY of postings he could have been replying to, and the person posting as RD quite definitely isn't that good w/ commenting, as of yet.

Point 4) EVERYONE. Yes, people really have jumped RW JUST for the "don't do that" comment, but they've been relatively few. PZ, so far as people straight-out calling other misogynists and such, HAVE YOU ACTUALLY READ THROUGH YOUR COMMENT SECTION RECENTLY????? Do names like Ms. Daisy Cutter or WMDKitty ring a bell? THERE ARE MANY LIKE THEM, AND THEY HAVE STRAIGHT-UP CALLED PEOPLE MISOGYNISTS/SEXISTS/SHITWHISTLES (or something similar). Have you kept up w/ Greta's or Jen's comments at all? It's RAMPANT. Have you noticed yourself directly referring to people as misogynists? You've done it IN THIS SPECIFIC COMMENT THREAD. For that matter, arguments in the VEIN of RD's alleged postings have been applied to:
Richard Dawkins being molested (not as bad, he's a dude)
Other women being raped
Other men being raped

But, somehow, it's not as bad as what happened to RW. Yes, I'm getting sick of the arguing. I'm even more sick of the fact that 'spirited debate' has turned into 'arguing on the internet'.

I'm sorry, but you helped facilitate this.

Posted by: James Emery | July 19, 2011 8:21 PM


Mr. DNA-- Contributing to the discussion when you can is fully encouraged (and ask questions on the science posts if they are over your head!).

Im referring to individuals leaving fly-by comments ;)

Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 8:23 PM


Incidentally, when all the heat and fury has gone from this matter, I have no doubt that, when you exclude the band of ideologues like PZ and Laden, Watson's credibility will prove to have been hugely damaged.

Posted by: TrulyBewildered | July 19, 2011 8:27 PM



Oh, I see. So when you said, I thought when you asked for "a single post" you meant one, but now you're saying "the exact post of all the quotes that I referenced." No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to do that. I found you one of the posts I was referencing. If that's not enough, well, it's not enough. I was looking for another one (which was on Greta Christina's blog, although I'm having difficulty finding it now), but I'm really not interested in playing this game with you.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 8:29 PM

People advocating censorship are always afraid to leave their nests, lest they themselves be censored.

I also love the comments here from people who have never commented on ERV ever, in the past 5 years.

Surely those two sentences contradict each other? Do people never leave their own blogs or do they sometimes occasionally do so when the topic is of interest to them?

Posted by: Carlie | July 19, 2011 8:36 PM



Umm... I have no idea what you're trying to argue. If someone put a tarantula in my face, with or without warning, someone is getting a punch to the face.

A person with a tarantula (visibly displayed for all to see no less) is an oddity, when they bring it into close proximity to you, it is only reasonable to have concern (big hairy spiders are, as you said, dangerous).

I'll go further: if some person shoves anything in my face, unannounced & unexpected, I'll still give them a beating. That is an act which would be interpreted by almost any standard as hostile. And at the very least, respect my personal bubble. Don't touch me unless I indicate that I want you to.

Having a guy hit on you in an elevator at 4am? After leaving the hotel bar, no less? Unpleasant though it may be, it isn't all that threatening in & of itself. Especially when it was answered with a simple "No", and that was the end of it.

True, the guy could have had a tarantula in his pocket, but we don't know. And since nothing actually happened, I personally think RW overreacted to a situation with many women likely encounter every day.

I'll admit, I'm a guy with confidence in my ability to defend myself. But I don't think that my 'privilege' prevents me from feeling empathy, or the ability to look at this from RW's perspective. It sucks when creepy people hit on you, but it isn't harassment.

Posted by: Phil | July 19, 2011 8:38 PM


Also, if a request to chat in a hotel room over coffee in the middle of the night must mean it's a request for sex, then "creepy" must mean he's unattractive.

Stereotyping and baseless assumptions work both ways. It's a shame people can't see that.

By the way, I really like PZ Myers, regardless of this mess. He gives good science talks and his blog is lots of fun. I have no desire to comment there, though. I bet it would be similar to my experience with Laden's. Don't read anything, don't listen to anything, she disagrees? Misogynist. Privilege (this one is a riot). Idiot. Attack!

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 8:49 PM


No. There's a difference between 'afraid to leave their nests' and 'never leave their own blogs', and the set of people who have never commented on ERV is not identical to 'people advocating censorship'.

Posted by: Spartan | July 19, 2011 8:51 PM


Spartan - ok thanks, it wasn't clear.

Posted by: Carlie | July 19, 2011 8:52 PM



But big, hairy spiders (tarantulas) aren't dangerous; no tarantula is known to have a bite that is deadly to humans. I have never even heard of anyone being seriously injured by a tarantula. More people undoubtedly die from dog bites than are seriously impacted by tarantula bites. At the absolute worst, I would have gotten a somewhat painful bite, and I wasn't really danger of that (although he might have been). Also, at no point did he touch me. There was no indication that he meant to harm me at all, and I am absolutely sure I was in no danger. I never thought he was threatening me. I'm sure he just thought it would be funny to scare me in a way that ultimately wouldn't hurt me. But that's the point: he did something to me that would have upset most people (including you) even though it wasn't dangerous. And we don't care that it wasn't dangerous. It was still a bad thing to do, a thing so bad that you would have physically assaulted him (I think I just settled on glaring at him).

Ultimately, I don't think what Watson said in her video was an overreaction (although she may have overreacted since; I don't know). All she basically said (in the video) was "That was creepy, I didn't like it, don't it."

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 8:54 PM


Oh, I knew what you were referring to- I was trying to be facetious and failed miserably. :/

Talking about fly-by comments, I couldn't resist making a few, very, very polite ones of my own over there at Pharyngula. I've just read a fair few of the comments there, and the amount of vitriol being spouted, with regards to us ERV commenters being a bunch of fucking ingrates (my term, but it does sum up the general feeling nicely), is very unfortunate. Surely we're all the same? Atheists and freethinkers and humanists and skeptics and feminists alike, who happen to disagree over a few things here and there? I do hope all of this nastiness calms down- people should be able to agree to disagree without resorting to totally dismissing the other side as "idiots".

I dunno- one thing that I have learned over there in the past twenty minutes: don't call anyone a "twat". Even if it's yourself that you're referring to!

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 8:54 PM


Abbie, I am sad to say I didn't know of your blog before all of this. I wish I had. And I got a answer to a biology vaccine question that was confusing me from one of the commenters on another recent thread of yours. The one about engineering a super-vaccine and how it doesn't work. (I'm not a biologist. I took the required courses, but it never went into anything in depth like that, so my knowledge is whatever one learns in 2 introductory courses). Mostly on those, I read, follow links and read, then get lost in researching some curious something not related to what was originally posted. Meh. So, like everyone who writes an education blog, thanks for sharing your knowledge with the world. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that particular issue was a.) an issue b.) being mishandled publicly and c.) how it really works.

I asked you for one citation where it's stated that a man is entitled to hit on a woman under any circumstances. Women are a subset of people, granted. But the example you cited was that a man may hit on anyone he wants. That would include other men. How that relates to the topics here (sexism or misogyny) is not immediately obvious. I grant that it at least addresses the hitting on bit, but I fail to see how it shores up any particular point with regards to what we're discussing.

The post literally translates into it's not inherently evil or wrong to hit on anyone. It's not sexist because it would hold true irrespective of whether Watson was male or female. This is not in line with sexism and misogyny, which are two primary topics we're discussing. /shrug

I understand your point that women aren't saying "please, please hit on me in elevators". But there is a non-trivial set of women who are saying it is not an issue at all. Why should those who have an issue with it have expectations which preclude others from being involved in things they're perfectly happy to be involved in? It's terribly Victorian.

Further, "some" women associate being alone with being vulnerable. So do some men. They are entitled to feel that way. That doesn't in turn give them a platform to tell the rest of the world we're constrained by their likes and dislikes, or other emotional issues.

That's the rub of living with other humans: your feelings don't trump everyone else's. Watson's discomfort or even fear for that matter do not burden anyone else to do fuck all about anything with regards to other people. She's fine to say "I was creeped the fuck. out. Ugh. I wish people wouldn't do that TO ME." Speaking in the stead of all women as though she has some right to do so? Fuck her.

Note how Abbie has responded: "I would do ____" She doesn't say "Because of my perspective, all other women should do ____". That's what it means to represent one's thoughts on something. I don't like x. I don't do x. Don't do x to me. These are worlds apart from 'because I don't like x, no one else does either. I don't do x, so you can't either. Don't x to anyone because I don't like it done to me.' Those might *sound* polite, but they are the height of arrogance.

No one has the right to tell me in advance when, where, how and with whom I may have a conversation. Nor does anyone else have the right to deprive me of the possibility of having a conversation with someone I would want to but just didn't know about yet. She is not on my payroll to determine what messages from which people I get to read or hear.

This very simple proposition got me immediately labeled a misogynist, a rape-apologist, sexist, vile, a liar, scum. And those are just the nicer things PZ has said about me. For him to say there's no censorship on his blog because I'm not blocked there is stupid. First I said he blocked me on twitter. Second, not blocking me isn't the limit of inquiry as to whether censorship is happening anymore than not beating one's slaves indicates one isn't oppressing an entire people. I am not the universe of people; it's perfectly conceivable that I'm not censored on something while potentially millions of other people are.

China comes to mind.

Look at bluharmony's post here.
Who is going to tell her that her being raped doesn't count? No one here will. But on PZ's blog, she will be dismissed as a gender-traitor and a threat to women. Her position is perfectly reasonable, and not because I think it's the right disposition either. It's perfectly reasonable because it stops at "for me" and "I think __ about ___ as something for myself."

And I find it repugnant that a woman feels compelled to announce she's been raped just to have the feeling that SHE MIGHT THEREFORE NOT BE IMMEDIATELY DISMISSED AS BEING A GENDER-TRAITOR AND RAPE-APOLOGIST, even though she still will be.

Once Abbie posted up about RD having been sexually assaulted, it was immediately dismissed as not counting because it happened long enough ago. Or that because it was a child and he doesn't understand adult sexual assault. Fuck them. A child was actually sexually assaulted by an authority figure, a child suffered at the hands of an abuse of power disparity. But he can't understand because he's done well for himself EVEN THOUGH he was a victim of sexual abuse?

Remember though, I'm the vile one here. I'm the scumbag and liar. I'm the dishonest scourge of the interwebz.

If my revulsion to dismissing actual victims of real sexual abuse as not being worth hearing without labeling them as a rape-apologist gets me labeled misogynistic and sexist and scum and dishonest, then I'm happy to be all of those things. Belonging to the group of morally upstanding people opposite isn't worth compromising the values I've held my entire life. Just to fit in and be accepted? No. Sorry.

Fuck that. I'd rather be drawn and quartered than to be a morally bankrupt shell of a person.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 8:57 PM


you should know by now that PZ and his group are not a hegemony, there is desent even amongst the "regulars".

Posted by: Oberweiss | July 19, 2011 9:02 PM


Lyra, I have written a parable on exactly the spider issue. It's a short read and explains a bit of what you're addressing.

In short, our fear of spiders is an artifact of our evolutionary heritage. It was useful for our ancestors to fear creepy crawlies. We can't shake off that emotion that's built into us. But we have another evolutionary heritage to compensate for it: it's called rationality. We can still experience our emotions while simultaneously resisting a natural, base instinct to be afraid by evaluating things in light of what's actually happening.

It's perfectly natural to be shocked and scared by a spider. But you don't turn around and blame the spider for your emotions. You don't turn around and advise spiders to stop being spiders because you don't like spiders. You use your intellect and rational faculties to overcome your base instincts.

And it must be ingrained. Children are almost universally scared of spiders without being told to be. I've yet to see a single child automatically fear an electrical socket, a hot eye on a stove or a gun or knife. We have to teach concern and caution over those latter ones, and then take actions to physically prevent children from being hurt by them because the warnings aren't sufficient.

I've never once had to tell a single one of my children to be wary of a snake or a spider.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:05 PM


In respect to the spider, it's a legal assault. "Generally, the essential elements of assault consist of an act intended to cause an apprehension of harmful or offensive contact that causes apprehension of such contact in the victim."

In the case of the awkward coffee request, it's inconsiderate and tactless, so the acts aren't comparable.

So that's the key difference.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 9:12 PM


@Oberweiss: Actually, the first time that I really had a go at reading the comments at Pharyngula was in the now-infamous thread that Dawkins posted in. I am somewhat of a newbie when it comes to the Science Blogs comments sections.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 9:12 PM



What she said in her video wasn't particularly bad. If it ended there, I wouldn't care.

The issue is how she responded to Stef. That she put Stef's response to her situation in the same context as rape threats & genuinely misogynistic material.

She used a minor case of awkward sexual advances to crucify a fellow skeptic who happened to disagree with her.

Watson is not the victim in this situation. Stef & Dawkins are, for being labeled as anti-women & misogynists simply because they expressed an opposing opinion (and yes, perhaps Dawkins wasn't as gentle as he could have been. Does not excuse the reaction).

Posted by: Phil | July 19, 2011 9:13 PM

I asked you for one citation where it's stated that a man is entitled to hit on a woman under any circumstances. Women are a subset of people, granted. But the example you cited was that a man may hit on anyone he wants. That would include other men. How that relates to the topics here (sexism or misogyny) is not immediately obvious.

??? Oh, you're just typing for shits and giggles now, right?

Posted by: Carlie | July 19, 2011 9:18 PM


@Justicar I'm talking about respecting people's boundries. I don't think the statement is made better by the fact that it could also be used to refer to men. However, I've not seen men saying they would object to being approached in a similar situation, so it's not a problem I'm addressing. If men said that they felt uncomfortable being approached in a certain way, I think "She has the right to hit on anyone in any circumstance!" would be a terrible response. It's just that this particular instance isn't one that men seem to have a problem with (and I think that's a good chunk of where all the discussion is coming from).

Furthermore, people do get to tell you in advance how to conduct yourself, although you certainly don't have to listen. I remember a long time ago my father didn't understand why blacks didn't want to be called "Negroes." As far as he was concerned, "Negro" was the preferable name: it was more 'correct' than the alternative (all people are 'colored', black people brown, not black, they don't all come from Africa, etc etc) it's what they had been called for years, it was just a word, there wasn't some kind of universal agreement on the issue, and he thought he shouldn't have to change what he was doing. For a long time he didn't listen, as was his legal right. But do you know what? Eventually enough people kept saying, "Don't do that, don't do that, don't do that" that he changed. It cost him incredibly little to change (just a little effort to use a different word) and benefited his interactions with other people.

And the minority gets to set the stage because I can't see any reason for them not to. If we have 10 women in the room, and 4 of them will be creeped out if a man approaches them in the elevator but 6 of them won't care either way (I'm given giving the not-carers the majority!), if his goal is to initiate a romantic encounter with one of these women, his best bet is to pick somewhere other than an elevator. If he goes with the elevator option, the best thing that could happen is she doesn't care. The worst thing is that he has lowered his chances with her. Why would anyone pick an elevator if there was somewhere else that didn't run this risk? It doesn't cost anyone that much to pick a different place (just a little effort to approach her in a different place) and it will benefit one's interaction with people. The only way it would make sense to pick the elevator anyway is if there was an equal or greater number of women who were more receptive in elevators, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 9:19 PM


Carlie, the adults are speaking now. Raise your and wait your turn.

Yes, I'm typing for shits and giggles. That's it.

In a conversation about sexism and misogyny, I asked for a single quotation to support it in the form that any man may ask any woman out [as that relates to our discussion about sexism and misogyny - I wasn't aware that I had to end each thought with a reminder of the topics on the table for others to follow along].

She quotes someone who says that anyone can hit on anyone else and unless you're prepared to argue that hitting on other people is inherently sexist or whatever, then there doesn't seem to a problem with it. So, asking for a quotation to shore up the antecedent claim on which we were then discussing, she quote-mines a guy (or gal) and reverses what the person actually says, and tries to shoehorn that as fitting my request.

It was said a man may hit on anyone (male or female). That right there excludes it from the realm of misogyny and sexism. It seems to be on its face a statement of perfect equality.

How that's is relevant in this conversation on sexism and misogyny isn't immediately obvious.

But I'm only writing for shits and giggles; it's not like I'm putting any thought into this or anything. After all, if I started doing that, I wouldn't be on the same footing as many people from pharyngula.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:28 PM


@Justicar I don't think saying to a man, "Don't hit on me in an elevator, it makes me uncomfortable," is the same as saying, "Stop being a spider/man." I haven't seen anyone say they want men to stop being men, only that they want men to stop engaging in some specific behaviors. Many people never, ever, ever become comfortable with spiders. It may be the same with being approached in an elevator. Fortunately for men, approaching or not approaching a woman in an elevator is something they can control.

@Phil I'm actually significantly less familiar with what happened after the video, as I don't follow her blog and made a special effort to watch the video. If someone is saying, "She shouldn't have called Stef out during her presentation" or "She shouldn't have called for people to boycott Dawkins" or if she's done some other thing that I'm unaware of, then I don't really have a problem with it.

@bluharmony But there was no "harmful or offensive contact." He didn't touch me, not with his body and not with the spider.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 9:31 PM


If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it is not about achieving a consensual social and/or sexual interaction, then what is it about?

Posted by: SallyStrange | July 19, 2011 9:32 PM

Contributing to the discussion when you can is fully encouraged (and ask questions on the science posts if they are over your head!).

I like the cut o' yer jib! [bookmarked]

Posted by: Notung | July 19, 2011 9:33 PM


A good chunk is coming from men. That leaves another good chunk coming from women. Lots and lots of women are saying they haven't the slightest problem with it. But those women are categorically dismissed. Why? They're just wrong. Why are they wrong? The Right Feminists say so. QED.

Some men, as it happens, do have a problem with it. And have said they'd find it creepy themselves were the subject of the coffee invitation. They rightly stopped at saying that all men feel that way.

Do not confuse the issues. This is about a man *speaking* to a woman. With words. It's not about actions. It's about conversation. So, your whole "conduct yourself" bit isn't relevant. People have a right to tell me in advance there are certain methods of conducting myself that I'm not permitted. Raping people, for instance. Murder. Flashing. Kicking puppies.

But we aren't talking about "conducting" as that entails more than our conversation. We're talking about talking. No one has the right to tell me in advance with whom I may speak, where I may speak to them, on what set of topics, and under what set of circumstances.

Or, if you think otherwise, to whom would you grant the power and right to decide for you, on your own behalf, what you're allowed to say and hear? Who do you trust enough to dictate to you what conversations you may have?

If you under the unfounded assumption that his reason was to get some pussy, then you might have a point. Unlike many in these conversations, I myself am not gifted with psychic powers. I have to constrain myself with non-magical ways of learning and understanding things. There is no evidence that remotely implies he was asking her for sex. He invited her to coffee. Anything you say after that IS ENTIRELY A FABRICATION IN YOUR OWN MIND as it's born out by not a single fact.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:35 PM


@Lyra: I agree with your reasoning, though I can see why this guy would choose the elevator - so he wouldn't have to face public rejection. Little did he know...

@Phil: "Watson is not the victim in this situation. Stef & Dawkins are, for being labeled as anti-women & misogynists simply because they expressed an opposing opinion (and yes, perhaps Dawkins wasn't as gentle as he could have been. Does not excuse the reaction)."

Yes. And, in reality, Stef had the correct analysis. But on the bright side, no harm done to Dawkins. Stef actually earned the respect of her peers, and even D.J. Grothe chimed in to say that he agreed with her. Rebecca, on the other hand, once again showed the world just how cruel she can be. She actually tweeted that she was happy about Dawkins' comments because she got more followers. So if what he said made her happy, it means that she's a misogynist too (under her definition of the term.) It's an insult to actual rape victims and trivializes real complaints.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 9:35 PM


I'm not saying it's wrong for a women to be fine with being hit on in an elevator. I think if she is fine with being hit on in an elevator, that's great. I don't want people to be unhappy. But I think that just because she is fine with it doesn't mean all other women should be or are fine with it, just like I don't think the fact that I was unafraid of the spider being shoved in my face is an indicator of anyone else's fear level.

I see no reason for you to dismiss my conducting example: calling someone a "Negro" is just words, too.

And I already explained the coffee/sex thing in another post. If you want, I can find it and repost it.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 9:42 PM


Sorry, if being talked to in an elevator causes *you* emotional problems, that's your issue. It's not mine. You can well state that the simple solution for men is to just not do that. Ok. Fine.

Of course, those who have elevator fears could just not take elevators. I have a fear of skydiving. I don't skydive, but you're more than welcome to it.

Or, more on point, let's have this example:
Eating with niggers really makes me uncomfortable. Can we make them stay in the kitchen like in the good old days? Oh, and one of them touched my water fountain the other day. And in the laundromat, the coloreds and the whites went into the same machine!

All they'd have to do is just not eat in my restaurants, drink from my water fountains or use the wrong machines to do their laundry. Is that really asking so much? It's a small request. It would take almost no effort for them to eat in the kitchen so I don't have to see them. Why, my comfort comes at the very low cost of their dignity and status as being human beings equally deserving of being able to be in public and talk to people.

Yes, I've seen where your reasoning leads a society. If you want to live in a world like that, you're welcome to it. As for me, I like sitting in places with people who are different from me. I'm not afraid one jot of a black teenager's footsteps behind me. Or a white one's. Or Asian, or anything like that. But if I were, you know what? That's my own problem and I would strongly encourage everyone to tell me to take my emotional crippled self and get fucked trying to ask the rest of the world to accommodate my irrationality.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:42 PM



"If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it is not about achieving a consensual social and/or sexual interaction, then what is it about?"

The elusive joy in creeping out an opportunistically sensitive wannabe?

I'll bet the Germans have a word for it.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 9:43 PM


Just a quick response to Lyra - I'm way behind on this thread. (But you guys are so amazing, so logical, and it's lovely to see radfem cultist creeps like PZ run away! I want to be best friends with everyone. :))

I like the idea of an elevator as a place to hit on someone. You're alone, so there's no public embarrassment for either party if the answer is "no". When you exit the elevator you can walk away or you can hang out with them. As mentioned on another thread, I'm not scared of other people in close situations but I am scared that elevators might fall or stop, so if someone's there to keep my mind of it, that's super. :)

Disclaimer: I've been hit on in an elevator before. (For the past decade or so I've lived in apartment blocks and hotels, I tend to travel a lot and I'm in elevators every day.) Never took up an offer - I'm married - but I did go out for a 'friendly' breakfast in one case. And learned a lot about Vikings, so it was totally worth it.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 19, 2011 9:43 PM


I ignored your "negro" comment because no one has the right to tell him in advance he can't use that word. Or can't call me a faggot. Or a nigger. Or a kike. Or a cunt.

But the glorious thing about this whole process is that when I see it happen, I get to say what's on my mind too.

Funny how that works? I'm willing to judge people on what they actually do and say instead of what I imagine in my head they might do or say.

It's almost like my response might in someway be constrained by reality and not an imaginary world.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 9:45 PM


@Justicar: It's closer to going up to someone, unprovoked, and telling them, "You're ugly." Except that would be universally offensive, and if it happened in an elevator, man to woman, much more threatening. So it's not the words he said. The imaginary threat was there with words or without. That's the thing. The threat is imaginary and the words are irrelevant. The problem, as far as I can see it, is Elevator Guy's right to be in the elevator at all. And Greg Laden has a thread saying that all mean are beasts, all women are afraid of them, and men shouldn't ride elevators or walk on the same side of the street with women.

While it should be obvious to any thinking person why his suggestion is logistically impossible, asking men to do that is a threat to the equal rights we've long been fighting for. Also, it's a useless because it doesn't make anyone safer. Most men aren't rapists and shouldn't be treated as such. Just the notion of Shrodinger's rapist is offensive to me. It's vicarious blame and just as morally repugnant as vicarious redemption.

Gender traitor & misogynist.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 9:49 PM


@Justicar If you are trying to interact with a woman with the intent of having any kind of friendly social interaction with her at all (even a non-romantic one), then her reaction is your issue. I can't fathom how anyone who was really interested in having some kind of friendly interaction with a person could be disinterested in how the interaction was going to impact the person.

And I notice that despite your "we're talking about words, not actions!" statement earlier, you've now switched to actions. Furthermore, a white person who doesn't want a black person to eat in the Restaurant (*sigh*) isn't interested in having some kind of friendly interaction with the black person. A woman who doesn't want a man to hit on her in an elevator has no such baggage. Women who don't want to be hit on in elevators are still perfectly capable of wanting to be friends with men, have sex with men, get married to men, live with men, have male children, interact with male family members, etc etc etc.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 9:52 PM


For assault, you don't need actual contact, all you need is reasonable apprehension of harmful contact, which you certainly had. If there is contact, then that's battery. I a lawyer. Or I was.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 9:58 PM



But Watson was acting after the fact. She did wait until this had actually been done to say "don't do it." Or are you saying that this should only ever be an individual-to-individual thing? That a black person isn't allowed to say, in a youtube video, "The other day, a white person called me a Negro; white people, please don't call black people Negroes," because he is only allowed to address individuals?

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 10:00 PM


@Lyra 312

The worst thing is that he has lowered his chances with her. Why would anyone pick an elevator if there was somewhere else that didn't run this risk?

RW is a speaker at the conference and presumably very busy. And in the off-times she is surrounded by lots of people. If EG wants to ask her in private the options were probably limited.

It doesn't cost anyone that much to pick a different place (just a little effort to approach her in a different place) and it will benefit one's interaction with people.

The cost is that he misses the opportunity to ask because the conference is over.

The only way it would make sense to pick the elevator anyway is if there was an equal or greater number of women who were more receptive in elevators, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

No, the obvious reason is that this was a rare opportunity for a private chat.

Posted by: Michael | July 19, 2011 10:00 PM



Of all of the theories regarding EG, I have been toying with the idea of a clever guy who has spent 8 hours listing to some pasty American nitwit describe herself as the skeptic movement's answer to Helen of Troy who is so exhausted by all her admirers that she now "Vants to be alone."

How do you not mess with her?

Ladies and gentlemen RW may have unknowingly met her greatest celebrity....

the legendary Irish Troll King.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 10:02 PM


@Lyra There's nothing to indicate that he heard. Watson can't speak to that fact; she's not him. Also, there's nothing in the world to prevent you from asking someone to hang out after they say they're tired. Haven't you done that before? It's a very different thing from asking a question and getting a definitive "no." If he persisted after that, it would could have been potential harassment. As it stands, it's not.

We operate by certain laws in this society and they set the minimum standard of conduct. Beyond that, it's about tact and social grace.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 10:07 PM


Furthermore, a white person who doesn't want a black person to eat in the Restaurant (*sigh*) isn't interested in having some kind of friendly interaction with the black person.


...actually, you don't know that. My folks have often discussed encountering people signs up on their windows with the traditional "No Niggers, No Irish," who were able to be perfectly friendly to them in circumstances that didn't involve Doing Business With Them. I think the black/white analogy is very appropriate.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 19, 2011 10:08 PM



I really have a hard time believing I could have called the cops and have had him charged with assault. I'm certainly no legal expert, but I worked at a Domestic Violence shelter for a couple of years, and it was really hard to get assault charges to go anywhere, to say nothing of trying to file for assault on someone who hadn't actually touched you. *Maybe* you could get them on something like terroristic threats if what they were threatening was serious or maybe harassment if they didn't stop after you told them to, but assault? Maybe things are just different here . . .

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 10:09 PM


You know, if we're to the point where saying, "Hitting on women in elevators is likely to make a chunk of women uncomfortable, so you shouldn't do it," it getting equated to saying, "Black people eating in a Restaurant is going to make a chunk of white people uncomfortable, so black people shouldn't do it," I'm done, at least for the night.

Goodnight, all.

Posted by: Lyra | July 19, 2011 10:13 PM


@Lyra: You couldn't have if nothing happened to you as a result. You could, however, if you were actually harmed by the perceived threat (you fell) or you had PTSD, and this caused extreme emotional distress, etc. Also, that's the tort law definition of assault. Criminal assault is a different matter, varies from state to state, and is defined by statute.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 10:15 PM


Hi, ERV, et al...

I came to your blog a little over a week ago following various links associated with this craziness.

One point I've only ever seen posted in one other place that completely resonated with me: "Men do this kind of stuff to other men all the time."

I had to think about it because it's so benign, but there's a great deal of truth to that. I was in the Army 12 years and have worked professionally in an office environment that requires me to attend various technical conferences throughout the year. Now that I think on it, I've both been approached by and have approached other men in similar situations to continue a conversation in their room.

Never once had I ever thought or felt it was a proposition in any way. In fact, it always ends up going to their room/coming to my room and...talking.

Sure, sometimes I feign being tired just because I'm fairly introverted and I like my alone time, but I've never done so because I felt hinky about anything.

I think this may be the point of view many men are taking on this issue. WTF is the problem? He just wanted to have coffee and talk? Had he wanted sex, he would have clearly made it more obvious in both speech and mannerisms.

Which, brings me to my second point. It's the Watson crowd that will cry the loudest that they ONLY want men to treat women equally. Approaching men and women equally over coffee and conversation seems pretty equal to me, no?

But, when we approach women on an equal level, the Watson crowd goes ape-shit crazy. 'Cause, we aren't supposed to treat them equally; 'cause their women, and women are scared, and weak.

I'm truly not being disingenuous, here. I see this as a problem.

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 19, 2011 10:29 PM

Phil I'm actually significantly less familiar with what happened after the video, as I don't follow her blog and made a special effort to watch the video. If someone is saying, "She shouldn't have called Stef out during her presentation" or "She shouldn't have called for people to boycott Dawkins" or if she's done some other thing that I'm unaware of, then I don't really have a problem with it.

I first encountered this whole mess when I read:

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 19, 2011 10:37 PM


I see it as a problem as well. I don't want men to perceive us as having irrational threats, and elevator rape is pretty far out there. We face so many real threats on a daily basis, why on earth would I be concerned about this? And if I did see it as a problem, I'd do something about it, because it's the man's right to be on the elevator, and my irrational fear that's preventing him. I don't consider myself weaker. Why do some feminists have to tell me that I do? It's insulting. I've never seen this problem in law school or anywhere. Women were just treated as equals -- not this paternalistic nonsense.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 10:38 PM

The elusive joy in creeping out an opportunistically sensitive wannabe?

I'll bet the Germans have a word for it.

That's just called "being an asshole."

But thanks for boiling this down to its bare essentials. Sadistic pleasure at having an opportunity to put an uppity bitch in her place. At least that's what it's about for Prometheus.

Posted by: SallyStrange | July 19, 2011 11:00 PM



If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it is not about achieving a consensual social and/or sexual interaction, then what is it about?

Well since it involves people interacting with other people, it HAS to be a social interaction. the question isn't IF it's social, but what KIND of social.

So in the interest of getting data, i've been asking the women I know, including my wife about this. (Yes, it is clearly a redonkulously small sample size, and biased. People who talk to me regularly probably aren't all that different from me. dunno about y'all, i avoid talking to people whom obviously dislike me.)

I ask them:

"you're in a scary foreign country, where the natives don't speak english, and have ways and customs far different from our own, like oh, Ireland. (Yes, i think playing the scary foreign country card with IRELAND when you're an AMERICAN is in fact stupid. Sue Me.)

You're at a bar until 4am, talking and having a good time with people. You say "lawdy, it's late, and Ima go to bed" and split. A guy who is kind of on the periphery but not really a part of things follows you into the elevator and says "Hi, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're very interesting, and was wondering if you'd like to go back to my room for some coffee."

The first comment from all of them is: "Is he Irish?" for two reasons:

1) Ireland is very similar to the US in many ways, but there are little sociological differences in terms of appropriateness.

2) "If he's even vaguely cute and hits me with that accent, fuck the room, I'm jumping his knob right there in the elevator." My wife was also part of this contingent. (I can't disagree, I was turned from a 39-year old man into a ten-year-old with a crush by a stunningly attractive Irish woman working a hotel front desk. She thought it was terribly funny how I kept forgetting minor things. My name. Where my wallet was. Where I was. that kind of thing. That accent is fookin' magical.)

Second question is "Well, if I say no, does he push it or not? If so, creepy. If not, not creepy"

so on and so forth. Basically a lot of "it depends" and "well, if he wasn't giving off a creepy vibe, I'd probably say no, but invite him for coffee in the morning/lunch the next day/coffee in the bar tomorrow night". that last one was my wife, who simply doesn't drink alcohol. Never saw the point in anything that requires "acquiring a taste". ("It tasted like shit the first time I tried it. Why would I drink it until it stopped? Tasting like shit means I don't drink it again. You drinkers are kind of stupid about that. When you find something that tastes good the first time, I'll drink that.")

The point here seems to be: It Depends.

There's no one right answer, no one right viewpoint, not even for women.

Since it's easier to ask her, I refined the question a few times for my wife. If she'd been talking about how she hates getting hit on, ("I don't hate getting hit on if there's some skill involved. Clumsy shit just gets ignored and is mildly annoying. A well-thought out pass is ALWAYS welcome. I won't say yes, but I won't feel bad about it"), and EG encounter happens?

"I don't know. I can't see spending hours bitching about it. I'm a fantasy artist, I make my living sexualizing people in Painter and Photoshop. They mostly have penises, because well, I'm straight and like the penis, but I can't see a problem with that per se. So I can't actually wrap my head around disliking sexualization of people. Without it, I wouldn't get work."

Fair enough and an interesting POV.

"So, does the behavior of men at tech conferences bother you?"

"Hmm...personally, no, but I think the fact I only go to tech conferences with you, and people are somewhat...hesitant to annoy you unless they know you well may affect that. But, I can see that a few days of OMG, A GIRL would get old. But it's the same kind of "that shit gets old" you get after listening to the same song over and over again. It's not BAD, it's just...old."

Her answers, and the answers I got from the other women I know are nuanced. There's no bright shiny true answer here, and that, dear readers is why a lot of this bothers me.

It is NOT about the initial encounter or RW's reaction. People have the right to disagree with her takeaway, but almost no one is saying she's NOT ALLOWED to feel the way she does. (Okay, there may be a few, but they're kind of idiots). It is her behavior AFTERWARDS, and the behavior of others that is pissing me off, and I don't think I'm alone here. I read the initial dawkins comment, and while it was not as well-written as it could have been, I always got the sense it was directed at all the people who are NOT watson doing all the hand-waving about schrodinger's rapist and OMG MISOGYNY.

Dawkins comment, to me, said "Look, a clumsy attempt at social interaction is no more misogyny than someone chewing gum in an elevator is an assault on my sensibilities. At worst, they are minor annoyances. If you want to bitch about misogyny, there are real, serious examples of it, and can we maybe focus on that shit more than someone getting hit on in an elevator in Ireland?"

He was being dismissive of the overreaction on all sides to this thing, at least that was my takeaway.

It is her behavior towards dawkins, her personal attacks, and her dismissal of his disagreement with other people who aren't her that pissed me off, and the rest of her sycophantic lot running around like Limbaughian dittoheads that pissed me off even more.

It is the pushing of THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO VIEW THIS AND IF YOU DISAGREE YOU ARE A MISOGYNIST AND A GENDER TRAITOR that is disgusting to me. It is the reduction of women to helpless infants by Laden and his lot that I find HIGHLY offensive, especially knowing what it takes for a woman OR a man to not be helpless when attacked. Laden's bullshit particularly pisses me off, because it is at best, a dismissal of an entire gender's capabilities, and at worst, ASTOUNDINGLY misogynistic. What is worse? Disagreeing with one woman's interpretation of a clumsy pass, or saying ALL women are SO HELPLESS that the mere presence of a man in a fucking elevator with them, or walking on the same side of the street reduces them all to frightened, trembling, huddled masses?

And yet, I'm clearly missing the point that many women think of themselves that way, because instead of saying "Yeah, greg, appreciate the thought but really, we're kind of not that afraid of, you know, LIFE", they're like "ROCK ON BROTHER, MEN ARE SCARY AND FRIGHTENING AND WE ARE HELPLESS AGAINST THAT!"

You want misogyny? The wildly supported idea that women are, and always shall be helpless against EEEEEEEBUL MENZORZ is far, FAR worse than anything Dawkins, Abbie, Justicar, or I have said.

I'm not always the most sensitive guy, but it never occurs to me to default to treating 60% of the world's population like they are helpless infants just because they were born not crested but cloven.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 19, 2011 11:01 PM


Wow folks- that was mental. I've just spent the past two hours in the comments section at Pharungula, talking about the word "twat". They're not a fan of the term, so I've learned, and apparently I'm a bit of a sexist for saying that I use it amongst friends, although I didn't use it over there as that's teh rulez. And Caine called me a "cupcake", so I can go to sleep happy. Don't stay up too late. ;)

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 19, 2011 11:01 PM


I encourage everyone to check out the thread Mr. DNA is referring to. He got his ass handed to him, quite rationally and logically. You'll also learn a lot, even if he didn't.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 11:06 PM


I would also like to take a moment to reitierate that if ever given the chance, I'll go see Abbie talk about anything from viral stuff that I'll not understand most of, to the joys of teh puppehz, and the first round, be it beer, sammiches, or puppeh treatz is on me.

(ESPECIALLY if she's up for trading defense tips. That shit is fascinating.)

and if I EVER get the chance to actually be, you know, on a panel with her about any goddamned thing, I'll be more than overjoyed to do so. Abbie is an outspoken, independent awesome motherfucker and a half. I only wish she was in IT so I could berate people into paying her redonkulously large sums of money to work for them.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 19, 2011 11:09 PM


*irrational fears... that was supposed to say, not irrational threats.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 11:11 PM


Pharyngula: Where fucking someone sideways with a rusty knife is 'calm, rational discussion', and using the word 'twat' is tantamount to treason.

Its like a blog full of goldfish.


Posted by: ERV | July 19, 2011 11:12 PM


Not a rusty knife. A rusty, decaying porcupine.

Posted by: SallyStrange, Spawn of Cthulhu | July 19, 2011 11:17 PM


How dare you imply that when I ask those dirty stinking black people to eat in the kitchen that I don't want to have friendly conversations with them? I would love to, just not where the other whites are. I want to have friendly conversations with them in the kitchen, where I know they'll be waiting since they're courteous and obliging my discomfort with having them eat with me like a human being would be able to.

Gosh, it's almost like you're implying that this is racism or something! It's just a simple request to make me comfortable. But I totally respect them as equals and love to have chats with them. For instance, I love swapping recipes for some greens. You know those blacks just know how to cook up some good greens, right?

Just because I don't want blacks eating with me in public doesn't mean that I'm still not interested in owning a few of them. Or talking to them. Or having sex with them. Or whatever. It's just a tiny request on my part - please, eat in the kitchen because you're black.

Please, don't talk to me in this room because you're male. Wait until you're where you're supposed to be and then I'll let you talk to me.

There is no feature between this and men should avoid talking to women in elevators that is distinguishable.

And no, a person's irrational fear isn't actually my problem. And, not to put too fine a point on it, if my saying "coffee" to someone gets me put in the same realm as a rapist, I don't want to have a friendly a conversation with that person. I want to mock that person's stupidity, and ridicule that person.

That's one of the things one does to bigots. One mocks them because they deserve little else than derision.

Think about it for a moment. This "polite" suggestion is to delineate half of the human species as being categorically not capable of talking to the other half of the human species based on the former's gender and the geometry of the room they're in.

This is stupid.

No, *a* black person is not entitled to speak for all black people. My halfrican friend loves the term halfrican. Many people do not. Does their dislike of the trump his like of it? They may certainly ask someone not to call them that, but no one is a spokesperson for all black people, or all women, or all men.

I don't mind being called a faggot. Some of my friends would practically scratch your eyes out for it and they lecture me as to why I should take offense like they do. I tell them to blow it out their ass and leave me out of the emotional dramas. Their silliness isn't a constraint on my rationality - only theirs. They are free to tell whomever they'd like "do not call me a faggot." They are not free to speak in my stead by saying, "You may not call him a faggot."

I'm all growed up these days. I know how to use my indoor and outdoor voice to speak for myself. I don't need some scared ass pussies invoking my name against my consent to bolster a point I find stupid.

I am not a victim despite how much they think they are. I am not in need of someone to protect me from hearing words I might not like. I do not need someone to advocate on my behalf against my will when they think their idea of how I should live my life has priority over my idea of how I should live my life. They do not get a veto over my happiness. They do not have a warrant to drag me into their contrived despair.

Do you know how I handle it? A big fuck you, do it again and I'll mess up your hair usually does the trick. Do you know how a woman should handle being invited to someone's hotel room for coffee if she doesn't like it?

Neither do I. But I'm fairly confident that even if I had what I thought was a good idea, it would be a bad idea. Why? Because they're fucking human being equally capable of hearing words and evaluating the content before responding. They don't need me to intercede on their behalf and tell other people what women want. How about if we leave that pesky business of making decisions for one's self to, you now, the individual people.

Abbie has suggested how she would handle it. Fine by me. Other women have noted other courses of action. Fine by me. Of the ones to whom I'm listening, not a single among them has told the other women that they're doing it wrong. No, these stupid, defenseless walking rape victims/vaginas somehow managed to workout that other stupid, defenseless walking vaginas don't need to be treat that way. Instead, they have accidentally happened upon a unique and unheard of position: treating each other as equals, and giving one another respect for making the decisions that best suit one's own needs and desires.

In other words, it doesn't matter what I think you should do when invited out. What matters is what you think you should do. Interested? Accept it. Not interested? Decline it. Seems fairly straight forward to me.

Not interested and declined and someone's trying overpower you for not accepting their invitation? Well, if I happened to be in the area, your clothes are going to get pretty fucking bloody because blowback's a bitch when someone gets shot in close quarters.

I have no tolerance at all for people who actual abuse other people. If I walked in on a rape, there'd be one dead motherfucker.

Fortunately, this conversation is about having coffee though. I rarely find it necessary to shoot someone over a coffee invitation.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:19 PM


"But Watson was acting after the fact. She did wait until this had actually been done to say "don't do it."
That's not what she said though. She admonished on behalf of all the women of the world to all of the men of the world to not do that.

"please don't do that *to me*" is perfectly reasonable. "please don't do that to some women who wrongly think they'd be ok with it." Not ok. Especially when there are women telling her to stop talking for them; they don't appreciate it.

But those are the rape-apologist women, the gender traitors, the turncoats. They dare think they have a say in what decisions are made about their lives. Why, what were they thinking when we have a perfectly fine set of women over here prepared to do all their thinking for them. How impolite to decline such a generous offer.

Fuck that.

Posted by: Justicar | July 19, 2011 11:33 PM


I can't believe this is still being discussed. I can't believe this is what the "rational" community talks about. Wow.

Is this mostly an American issue, do you think, and that's why Dawkins reacted the way he did? Not that he was wrong in substance, mind you.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 19, 2011 11:39 PM



"Sadistic pleasure at having an opportunity to put an uppity bitch in her place. At least that's what it's about for Prometheus."

It is called kidding Sally. I thought your point was well made.

For the record, I don't like Watson because she has no background in the areas she presumes to and actively usurps authority from, to the detriment of women who deserve that authority(merit). If she did she wouldn't use unfalsifiable anecdotes (flapdoodle) to dictate behavior (religion).

I don't know and can't what happened in that elevator. You don't know and can't.

In a skeptic context it is a de facto non-event.

Allow it to be anything other than a non event and Penn Jillette can then run out in the lobby at TAM10 with a story about how a burning bush on the third floor said everybody is in a shitload of trouble.

The whole thing is a successfully engineered social implosion which indicates the skeptical movement she is part of is, res ipsa loquitur, a cult.

Now that is a good basis for a case of the creeps.

A competent feminist skeptic can make the point, as you did, in your post, for what is and is not appropriate behavior, without resorting to a talking snake.

Again I am sorry for pissing you off, I think I already admitted Justicar was better at being funny.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 19, 2011 11:43 PM



Is this mostly an American issue, do you think, and that's why Dawkins reacted the way he did?

I think that is a fair appraisal. Female genital mutilation happens to over a thousand little girls in the UK every year with no prosecution because his government does not wish to be accused of religious intolerance.

The stuff he wrote about was literally next door.

It is also a little weird to accuse a direct descendant of Edward Plantagenet of not getting the concepts of privilege and a power differential.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 20, 2011 12:00 AM

Not a rusty knife. A rusty, decaying porcupine.

It used to be a rusty knife. :P (long story)

No but seriously, the reason why we look down upon the use of twat is that it carries some serious gender implications.

Posted by: Gyeong Hwa Pak | July 20, 2011 12:02 AM


I have a friend who insists she thoroughly enjoys the use of her twat. Just sayin'.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 12:06 AM


I think we all agree with Sally's last point, it's why we're still talking about this nonevent that's at issue. And the implications of what a lot of us are feeling/thinking are scary. I always said that religion wasn't to blame for the world's problems; it's human nature. And this, along with other secular movements, seems to prove it. Power corrupts, be it secular or religious. Time after time, after time.

The best chance we had was equality, and people want to toss it away, and to right past wrongs by inflicting new ones.

I have women who are too uncomfortable to speak emailing me, asking me if we're supposed to walk around being afraid of rape now. Because, as far as I know, most of us aren't thinking about that, we're living our lives. Of course, those who are being abused need assistance immediately, but instead we're talking about this...Rebecca's invitation to coffee.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 20, 2011 12:12 AM


I'm late to this discussion, but I'm curious about one thing. Who exactly is RW complaining to? Shouldn't she have addressed RD directly and told him how uncomfortable she was with his request? Isn't that what a strong feminist would've done? What does complaining on the world wide web accomplish?

Posted by: Slowdive | July 20, 2011 12:14 AM


Publicity. Attention. Twitter followers. Website hits. Money. Dawkins wasn't talking to her, anyway. But yes, the responsible thing to do would have been to address him directly or to write a fair account of what happened. But people always need someone to vilify. In a sense, we're doing the same, we're vilifying her.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 20, 2011 12:19 AM


@ blueharmony 353

The best chance we had was equality, and people want to toss it away, and to right past wrongs by inflicting new ones.

That's probably the most sensible thing I've heard said about the whole gender debate, ever. Much kudos!

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 20, 2011 12:19 AM


I've been lurking on this and a few blogs for awhile, but I'm starting to think this all a stealth publicity campaign for RW's new "Skeptifemme" book, come soon to Border's everywhere.

Posted by: T | July 20, 2011 12:28 AM


FGM is a violation of basic human rights. Made to feel creepy by a guy in an elevator isn't. Brining feminism up in skeptic/atheist forum your right. Anyone else agreeing or even being interested isn't.

Posted by: Luther70 | July 20, 2011 12:34 AM


Anybody else remember Abbie's Talking Head thing, or whatever it was, with PZ a few years ago? I dunno if anybody else cares about post 218, but it breaks my heart. That had to suck, Abbie. I don't envy you having to make that choice.

Posted by: dinkum | July 20, 2011 12:35 AM


Bluharmony, I agree with most of what you've said today.

However, some of us aren't just doing this blog thing. It's important that we hammer this shit out. While I'm busy trying to talk some sense into people, or have some talked into me, I can rest slightly easy knowing that some of the money I donate to RDF is being put to use to work on problems that are otherwise too overwhelming for me to address without being crushed in despair. It's guilt money in a way. But I also make sure that I donate to places where "shit gets done" as I've so often described what RD does.

It's why I'm helping plug an upcoming MSF charity event, of which PZ is a part incidentally. Of course, don't tell him I'm involved - fucker might boycott it out of spite because I'm so vile and all that jazz.

I'm doing nothing, but I also realize that I can't do what RD is doing. He has the platform, the money and persuasion to do more than I could do if I tried to have a go at it right now. So, I give money to him trusting that he'll bring it to bear to help ease the burden of some people somewhere whom I couldn't otherwise dare imagine helping.

Now if he's just stop wasting money on women, I'd really donate! I jest.

I needn't vilify Rebecca Watson. What she does in life kind of handles that on its own.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 12:38 AM


I'm not doing nothing is how that should have read!

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 12:47 AM


How did I miss Mr. Deity's take on the whole thing? Now I can go to bed and not be in a bad mood.

Posted by: T | July 20, 2011 12:49 AM


I could put my two cents into this whole debacle, but everything that could be said has been said ad nauseum.

Instead, I just want to throw my support behind Abbie. Although I thoroughly enjoy your everyday posts, it's your unique points of view on hot-button issues like this and Pepsigate that make you stand out as someone worth reading. Parrots area a dime a dozen.

Posted by: Jeremy | July 20, 2011 12:53 AM

FGM is a violation of basic human rights. Made to feel creepy by a guy in an elevator isn't.
No said it was. But it's telling that you're willing to violate someone else sense of security for your own sake.

And it doesn't negate the fact that many of the men saying it was okay are just defending their privilege.

Brining feminism up in skeptic/atheist forum your right. Anyone else agreeing or even being interested isn't.

Word salad.

Posted by: Gyeong Hwa Pak | July 20, 2011 12:59 AM


How can porcupines rust? WHAT IS HAPPENING??!

Posted by: cthellis | July 20, 2011 1:10 AM

Of course, don't tell him I'm involved - fucker might boycott it out of spite because I'm so vile and all that jazz.

No, it's because you're an idiotic, shrill, dishonest, contemptible scumbag liar.

Get it straight, dumbshit.

Posted by: cthellis | July 20, 2011 1:16 AM


The privilege argument is so awesome. Someone disagreeing with you? Privilege! Now you don't have to know or care what they say, you've just dismissed them.

Man, that's some serious privilege, being able to do that.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 1:21 AM


I'm a long time Scinceblogs lurker, very rare commenter. Just chiming in to say thank you to ERV for the great posts. Only just noticed this whole nontroversy yesterday, and after wading through piles and piles of posts with a mixture of curiosity, horror and outright belly-aching laughter I think I'd really like to meet Justicar, Prometheus and John C. Welsh for a beer...or perhaps a coffee :P

Also thanks to Richard Dawkins for getting things done.

Posted by: Sab | July 20, 2011 1:33 AM


Don't worry about sally or bee. They don't know the meaning of the words logic, reason, and intellectual honesty. They are the kinds of people that will read between the nonexistent lines of your argument to throw straw back at you.

As for PZ, it is really interesting seeing him run in circles trying to defend RD here while not bothering to defend him on his own blog. Perhaps I'm being optimistic, but I think he will eventually come around and see just how fucking nonsensical his horde is and the arguments he is trying to defend. Seriously? He is the arbiter of how to behave on blogs now? "BE NICE YOU GUYS!" Such hypocrisy not to mention the blatant censorship.

As for those arguing about this on his blog, cowards the lot of them.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 2:16 AM



FGM is a violation of basic human rights. Made to feel creepy by a guy in an elevator isn't.
No said it was. But it's telling that you're willing to violate someone else sense of security

There are an infinite number of irrational and rational fears out there, and thus an infinite number of ways to potentially "violate" someone's sense of security. How would you avoid them all?

Posted by: nsib | July 20, 2011 2:33 AM


Are the pharyngulites still over here being tone trolls and complaining about not being polite enough? ROFLMAO. Introspection much lately?

Some are even introducing post hoc rationalisations of why the rudeness on pharyngula is acceptable, but on here it isn't. Are they all really so insular that they don't understand different people have different views on what is considered rude and what isn't? Why do they think their take on it is the be all and end all? They couldn't do a better imitation of religious fundamentalism if they tried.

No said it was. But it's telling that you're willing to violate someone else sense of security.
You're violating my sense of security by posting on teh internetz. STOP POSTING ON TEH INTERNETZ YOU MISANDRIST!!11!!!1!eleventy!

Hey, looky! I can be an ideologue, too! This game is *fun*. And stupid. But mainly fun.

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 4:59 AM


jesus pz, your comments are really hard to read... Why are you purposefully misrepresenting what is going on here... Sure there are some people who outright dismiss RW's claims asking her to shut up, but that is not the only thing that people have against that video. I myself don't understand why everyone assumes what the intent of EG was, even RW herself said he was "sexualizing her" which is an odd assumption, and what is up with all this rape talk. Rape didn't occur, what does this have to do with rape? Priviledge, etc. give me a break. Calling everyone who doesn't agree with you mysogynists and liars, you have lost a lot of respect from rational skeptics.

Posted by: dave_uh | July 20, 2011 5:52 AM

Caine called me a "cupcake"


Pharyngula: Where fucking someone sideways with a rusty knife is 'calm, rational discussion', and using the word 'twat' is tantamount to treason.

I think on Pharyngula there should be a warning in the comments before you post: "If you're coming here for a rational discussion, this place is NOT for you. Go away."

It would save real skeptics from wasting their time.

Posted by: Notung | July 20, 2011 6:10 AM


"The only reason that rape ever came up at all was because of so many guys saying "Well I wouldn't ever mind a woman coming on to me in a tight space har har har!""

And the reason why that came up is because the females were saying "So would YOU feel OK if it happened to you???".

And as others have said, there are several who said "yes". Just like several women said "Yes" and many said "No" to the question "Was this a scary thing to do?".

Your point?

There is less difference between men and women than men believe. And there are fewer differences between women and men than women hope.

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 6:14 AM


You lot (esp. The Justicar) keep shooting it in the head, but it's not working. Looks like that's not a critical area of its functioning.

Even though, until I spotted it in a sidebar feed on Martin Rundquist's blog, I had no idea who they were, apart from Myers and Dawkins, or that these aristocratic orgies, where something important/unimportant may/may not have happened, were even a tiny part of being an atheist.
Well played kids. Becca the Tar Baby. And bloody Myers and Dawkins, her enthusiastic enablers.

None of this would matter a toss, if it wasn't for the fact that the idiots have noticed, and are laughing and pointing.
and it's going to spread like knotweed now.

And that means that I'm going to get beclowned-by-association with these infantile numpties and their internecine power plays. In Real Life. My life. What a bag of wank.

So this has got to get sorted, no matter how long it takes.

Am I just going to have to bury the next pair of Witnesses in the garden, when they start sniggering on the doorstep?
And refrain from mentioning atheism in public ever again?

Abbie, are you, Bluharmony, and Stef and Paula by default I suppose, the only Real Men in this bumper edition of a Vicky Pollard sketch?
Nails, y'are, nails.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 20, 2011 6:20 AM


"Because there's another claim that you omitted. Dawkins said that Watson's problem was "zero bad". This is not true."

So you say.

I disagree. Many others do, but lets go with me.

Why is it not zero bad?

She was creeped out. Is that the non-zero bad? If so, why is the creeping out of the Westboro Baptist Church by gays being seen on the streets not a non-zero bad?

"Just because there are greater problems in the universe does not mean that small ones should be ignored completely."

Indeed true.

However, this is not even a small problem. It's zero problem.

"Sexual harassment at meetings: even smaller problem, but still there."

Asking someone once for a date isn't sexual harassment. Asking after "No" and asking again is harassment.

So, again true but not applicable.

"Rebecca Watson took a very small step and got told that her problem was nonexistent."

Say, rather, that her problem is not our problem. We don't care that the WBC are scared of gays in the military. That's THEIR problem.

"As is now clear from the many women who have stepped up to say that they are tired of having their concerns ignored, it was not a "zero bad" problem. "

And there are many christians who are afraid of god killing people to punish them for allowing gays to live. Does the number of people believing that mean that gays are not a zero bad problem?

"And anyone who tells a woman to shut up when her entire investment in addressing a problem is 30 seconds of commentary on a youtube video"

Since the shut up never happened, why are you worried about (yet more) brain-created imaginary problems?

And for example, Abbie told RW to shut up about doing what RW did to Stef. Which, oddly enough for your bile-filled ravings, was basically RW telling Steff to shut up, despite it not being even a 30 second youtube video.

Look in the mirror much, tubs?

"And simultaneously complaining that she isn't doing anything and never has done anything to advance skepticism is genuinely moronic."

It would be. If that were what was being said. But just like any xtian fundie, you hear what you believe you should hear, not what's being said.

And someone who is complaining that feminism needs to be helped but then doesn't decry the damage RW and your attacks on men is a moron too.

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 6:30 AM


"But now I'm hearing people say things like, "Men have the right to hit on women in any circumstance," "

Do you have any links to that statement, Lyra?

I've seen a lot of "Men have the right to ask women for a date". I've seen a lot of "When are men allowed to ask, then?" but I've never seen ANYONE say men had a RIGHT to hit on women.

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 6:33 AM


"So, I'd like to ask: if most women are telling an individual that approaching them in an elevator/et al would make them less interested in the individual, why is anyone arguing that the individual should approach women in elevators/et al?"

I'd like to answer:

If that were the case, nobody is saying they should.

If that isn't the case, then are men allowed to approach a woman in an elevator?

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 6:36 AM


"In other words, you picked one that I came pretty darned close to quoting word for word, which I must admit kind of amazes me considering that I was doing it from memory."

OK, and in that context it seemed like it was a response to the demand that women have a RIGHT not to be creeped out by men, ever.

So on the same level of "rights" they are equal, surely: the women has the EXPECTATION to feel secure, but there is no RIGHT to not be creeped out. As so many artists drawing Mohammed said: you don't have the right not to be offended.

But when Muslims/Women insist on the RIGHT "to have their religion respected"/"their feeling of comfort expected", both have been responded to with "and I have the right to draw what I want"/"and I have the right to hit on women".

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 6:44 AM


I found this hilarious, Lyra. YMMV, mind:

"But even I can see that the coffee thing was a statement about wanting to have sex. If the guy didn't mean it that way, then he was saying something he didn't mean"

So EG *says* "How about a coffee".

YOU say "It means 'lets have sex'"

Me: "It doesn't mean that, it means 'lets have a coffee'"

YOU: "Then he should say what he means then!"



IF he said what he meant if he meant "lets have sex", he'd have said "lets have sex!".

I have walked women back home. Their home. And that's all I did. When I asked "Shall I walk you home?" (the route was on the way to my home, very little deviation from the path I'd take anyway), was I asking for sex? If so, was the woman disappointed and frustrated when I walked on after seeing her home? If so, how should I have said it "I don't want to fuck you, I just want to walk you home"?

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 6:53 AM


"If the ability to ask women for coffee/sex in elevators at 4 am without facing any criticism for it "

The criticism got was: "No". That's all that's necessary. There was also "he creeped me out" which is a critisism and also accepted.

However "you cannot hit on women in elevators at 4am" isn't criticism. It's a demand.

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 7:12 AM


"I've just spent the past two hours in the comments section at Pharungula, talking about the word "twat"."

It's also commonly used in place of "hit".

"He deserves a twatting" == "He deserves a hard smack in the mouth"

It's also (quite possibly from the same roots) called "twitting", but in that case is more the light strike also called a "cuff".

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 7:25 AM

I've just spent the past two hours in the comments section at Pharungula, talking about the word "twat".

You SO were not talking to that pit of PCP'd-out baboons. You may have been ducking feces and baboon semen, while trying to be heard over the screeching, but that's not talkin.

Kind of masochistic actually.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 10:10 AM


Still nothing from PZ, Skepchicks or Laden on Dawkins' announcement at TAM.

scentednectar talks about it after hearing it from here. (That's not a knock on them by the way, but internet sourcing is a hobby of mine.)

Blaghag finally has it up: a href=""> but with this little bit of funny.

Now, we *know* Jen read this post. We know this because she commented here about it. Comment #13 in fact. Read her comment about "not using a good thing to spit in our faces". Now, as she read this post, she must have read this bit:

Anyway, I rant all over the place about this, including to Dawkins very recently, but I cant take any credit. Apparently this move has been in the works for a long time, with Camp Quest. Apparently before Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum and demanded everyone kiss her invisible boo-boo.

Let's be clear here: Abbie is pointing out that Dawkins was working on this BEFORE "elevatorgate". This is even reflected in the comments BEFORE Jen, comment #5 in fact, written by one of her "correct" feminist compatriots, Greg-Fucking-Laden.

So what does Jen say in the face of actual evidence that this move predates "elevatorgate"?

Now, the motivation behind it? I can only speculate, since I can't read minds. I suspect this is a very clever way of saying "Look how much I support women, now can we shush about this stupid elevator thing?" I know some people were upset that he didn't give a direct apology, but for purely Machiavellian reasons, I don't really care at this point. I'm glad something is actually getting done, instead of potentially throwing gasoline on the fire again.

Way to fucking go Jen. Way to do the EXACT thing you rant about not doing in the next two paragraphs:

Of course some are already seeing this as a victory against those Evil True Feminists who apparently crucified Dawkins. Apparently I didn't blog about it quickly enough, because obviously writing a long post is my first priority, over catching up with sleep, work, and SSA business. Of course, I can't take those arguments seriously when their only ammo is immature name bending like "Twatson."

But can we please not use this positive development to shun feminists or those who disagree with us about what Dawkins said? Because Dawkins surely isn't. When he appeared at the speaker's reception, we happily waved at each other and proceeded to have an incredibly friendly chat about his upcoming book, and I thanked him for the childcare announcement (which was apparently Liz Cornwell's idea, so I went over and thanked her too).

Self-awareness and fact fail. Way to go Jen. Awesome attention to detail. Just ignore those pesky facts. Christ, is she even trying?

Hemant (of course) mentioned it in in the liveblogging section on his site: (Serious guy love for Hemant at this point)

and of course podblack:

finally, a mention in the jref forums:

So yeah. most of the OMG DAWKINS MISOGYNIST assholes are still ignoring this, except for Jen, who said "don't make this about you", because, evidently, that would get in the way of making it about HER.


Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 10:37 AM


The people who are calling the author out for saying "Twatson" are themselves guilty of ad hominem, and are fucking idiots; here is why. Ad hominem is attacking the person INSTEAD of the argument, which is exactly what you dumbfucks are doing; "OMG U GUIZE SHE SAID A BAD WORD SHE IS SO IMMATURE" Calling someone Twatson, dumbfuck, shithead, cockface, is not ad hom UNLESS it is used instead of an argument or to say "Don't listen to them, they're a shithead!"

Posted by: Danny Wuvs Kittens | July 20, 2011 10:52 AM


The conclusion i must draw from this thread of insanity is that Abbie truly wants to be propositioned in elevators at 4am for 'coffee'. I suspect that will be happening a lot given the bizarre crowd that she's aligned herself with here. Perhaps Abbie is jealous of the attention Rebecca got from such mild words.

PZ and SallyStrange had incredible patience here. Its a shame Abbie chose to ignore and dodge there points, always chosing anger over reason. Given Abbies experiences, as PZ indicated, it really is strange that she disagrees with Rebecca. She is just determined to hate.

i like Abbie's blogging because it so fanatically attacks blind idiots, but Abbie is choosing to be blind this time

Posted by: Ken | July 20, 2011 11:12 AM


Yeah Ken, how weird that Abbie doesn't choose to make anyone but herself responsible for her own safety. How stupid of her to have a different opinion about getting chatted up in an elevator.

Clearly, she should take PZ's example, and be all sweetness and light in person, while telling people to fuck themselves with a rusty knife/porcupine on her blog.

That's SO much better.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 11:19 AM

PZ seems to be missing his Syncophant, OM supporters.

I suspect that at least a few of them are PZ sock puppets.

Posted by: Someone | July 20, 2011 11:35 AM


@384 Danny
Calling Rebecca 'Twatson' isn't an ad hominen; it's someone's assessment of her character. Rebecca abused her position as a speaker to embarrass Stef. Is that twattish behaviour? Well, if the tampon fits...

Posted by: frank habets | July 20, 2011 11:37 AM


re 384, it's rude. But unless someone says "Don't listen to her, she's nicknamed "twatson"", there is no ad hom.

Please check the meaning of the term.

re 386:
"The conclusion i must draw from this thread of insanity is that Abbie truly wants to be propositioned in elevators at 4am for 'coffee'."

That's rather odd.

All that was said was that Abbie didn't find it scary.

If you don't find (for example) spiders scary, does that mean it's OK to put a few hundred in your desk drawer?

Posted by: Wow | July 20, 2011 12:21 PM


Stoooopid lurker question: If a boy preferences his propositions to me in the future with, "Don't take this the wrong way, but....," should I always default the rest of his proposition in my head to, "this boy wants to have sex with me?"

Posted by: EP | July 20, 2011 12:29 PM



Precisely. If I call you a moron, that's not ad hominem, that's being an asshole. If I say, "you're a moron, and solely because i think you're a moron, you have nothing of value to say", THAT is ad hominem. Which would be pretty much what PZ does regularly.


you certainly can, but you'll be disappointed, rather often. Some of us actually like talking to people :-P

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 12:54 PM



Technically, I think Justicar started "twatson". So he should get the primary credit for it. I just think she's an overhyped stupid bint who's too cheap for proper hair care.

(yes, it's important. I don't fucking care how much it costs, I will give up FOOD before I give up my quarterly Green Peridot visits for a de-graying of the beard and sideburns and trim. (salt and pepper at 44 is okay. Full-on total gray is not, and yes, I am in fact vain about it. Best $70 I spend.)

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 12:58 PM


Lyra did sort of provide a link. To the quote. It's somewhere before s/he rage quit. Anyway, the quote s/he actually got was that it's ok for men to hit on anyone (male or female), which is where it kind of stopped being relevant here. It isn't sexist to say that it's a rule that applies everywhere to all people with equal privilege. But if that's the best s/he can do, it's the s/he can do.

And the little shit never did get back to me if it's ok I ask black people to go back into the kitchen to eat so long as I promise to treat them equally, with respect, have conversations with them and stuff.

Drats. I guess I'll just have to wait to see how the market goes before I buy me some blacks. Hey, are Canadians in season? I bet with the exchange rate and all, I could pick up a couple extra ones for the summer.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 1:17 PM


I hate to correct John C. Welch (but since he's an idiot as I learned yesterday, I must):
"You SO were not talking to that pit of PCP'd-out baboons. You may have been ducking feces and baboon semen, while trying to be heard over the screeching, but that's not talkin.

Kind of masochistic actually."

Misogynistic, not masochistic. Gosh, sir, work on your victimology.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 1:22 PM


Still nothing from PZ, Skepchicks or Laden on Dawkins' announcement at TAM.

First you blurt out a ridiculous, babyish, irrelevant name-calling tirade against PZ; now you're demanding he praise Dawkins when you want him to? That really shows what an infantile, sycophantic personality-cult Dawkins' fans have become.

And that's pretty clearly the heart of this dispute: the only reason so many people are even bothering with RW at all, is because they're following Dawkins' lead. Does anyone really think so many people would care about RW's offhand comments if Dawkins hadn't declared her an enemy?

Way to go, Dawks, you directed a shit load of attention to someone -- by declaring she wasn't worth so much attention. Where did you get your leadership and communication skills -- George W. Bush?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 1:28 PM



Dude, if you voluntarily go over to Pharyngula and disagree with the Minnesota Doughboy, you're totally fucking maso.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 1:28 PM


ken @ 386:
Yeah, sometimes we let Abbie leave the house all by herself. But not before coating her in nasty tasting poisons and micetraps.

Yes, some women will be hit on in elevators. Abbie might be among them. So long as the answer is taken as settling the issue, you're talking about a fairly civilized society at that point.

If Abbie says no and dude (or dudette - depends on where you live!) refuses to accept that as the answer, I hope Abbie leaves the fucker a crying, bloody mess on the floor of the elevator before stopping off for an espresso to blog about it.

You fuckers over there are really getting up in arms about two people having an exchange of words that half of them MAY or MAY NOT find awkward.

I must be one heartless fucker. I worry about things that are ACTUALLY happening where the people to whom it's happening are ALWAYS "awkward" about its having happened to them. I don't need to go around imagining up victims of fairytale crimes so egregious that not even the magical spell of "no thanks" is strong enough to stop you fucking loons from adopting it as a religion.

Fuck me* running.

(not an actual invitation for sex, since I know some people can't tell the difference between thing)

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 1:31 PM


Raging Bee @396:

Did you really mean to imply that how we treat PZ limits his ability in how he treats others? What other powers of PZ do you confess we ultimately control? I like composite functions. This one must be solved. =^_^=

Yes, Dawkins is the George W. Bush of the atheist communicators. You nailed that one the head.

*points and laughs at you*

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 1:40 PM


@396 And that's pretty clearly the heart of this dispute: the only reason so many people are even bothering with RW at all, is because they're following Dawkins' lead. Does anyone really think so many people would care about RW's offhand comments if Dawkins hadn't declared her an enemy?

Nope. For the nth time: The whole anti-Rebecca backlash flared up big time before Dawkins commented. It started when she attacked Step from the podium, where Stef was in no position to reply.
For all I care, Watson's bitch move could have been motivated by a blog post on reckless driving. Elevator guy is a separate issue, and not the reason per se that Watson got deservedly ridiculed.
The chain of 'logic/events' that followed:
People disapproved of Watson for her unprofessional performance. Watson is a feminist. Dissing Watson means you're anti-feminist and a misogynist.

Posted by: frank habets | July 20, 2011 1:52 PM

You SO were not talking to that pit of PCP'd-out baboons. You may have been ducking feces and baboon semen, while trying to be heard over the screeching, but that's not talkin. Kind of masochistic actually.

A minority of the posters there did actually try to talk to me in a civilised manner, although it wasn't long before the "are you really that fucking dense?" and "just fuck off" comments popped up. You're really not allowed to have an opinion which differs from that of the regulars over there, and if you do you're quickly dismissed as a "misogynist" and a "cupcake". I thought I did fairly well to remain calm whilst the insults were being thrown.

(yes, it's important. I don't fucking care how much it costs, I will give up FOOD before I give up my quarterly Green Peridot visits for a de-graying of the beard and sideburns and trim. (salt and pepper at 44 is okay. Full-on total gray is not, and yes, I am in fact vain about it. Best $70 I spend.)

When I was at school, one of my friends decided to experiment with his mother's hair dye. He was a touch hesitant at first, but I managed to convince him that it would look awesome. So he snagged some of his Mum's Clairol and we went to work. It said "warm brown" on the box, but we must not have done it right because his jet-black hair ended up a sort of weird, purpley-copper colour. It was absolutely disgusting, and he got properly ripped on in school for about two weeks afterwards. It was brillant. Whenever I see Rebecca Watson with her mental-looking, damaged purple hair it always reminds me of that incident.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 1:52 PM


Fuck off bee. You are nothing but a goddamn troll.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 1:56 PM


The whole anti-Rebecca backlash flared up big time before Dawkins commented. It started when she attacked Step from the podium, where Stef was in no position to reply.

But that's not what Dawkins was talking about. Nor does it change the fact that it was Dawkins' words that brought so much attention to the matter.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 2:05 PM


EP asks:
Stoooopid lurker question: If a boy preferences his propositions to me in the future with, "Don't take this the wrong way, but....," should I always default the rest of his proposition in my head to, "this boy wants to have sex with me?"
Simple. You just need to remember to bring your tape measure, and use it to see how large his male privilege is.

If he has a tiny male privilege, he probably just wants to chat over coffee.

If he has a HUGE male privilege, he probably wants to whisk you away somewhere private and take you up the wrong 'un.

This message has been endorsed by the PZ Myers privilege edumacayshunal forum. I hope it has been of some help to you.

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 2:09 PM


I'd love to see Abbie interviewed on "Point of Inquiry" as a counterpoint to the Rebecca Watson interview on the last ep. Of course, that's unlikely to happen with Mooney, at least. Either that, or a bloggingheads chat between Rebecca and Abbie would be cool.

Posted by: Strider | July 20, 2011 2:12 PM


Ken says:
"The conclusion i must draw from this thread of insanity is that Abbie truly wants to be propositioned in elevators at 4am for 'coffee'."
Does anyone else find Ken's belief that he knows what Abbie is thinking a little Patriarchal and ... well ... kind of creepy?

"PZ and SallyStrange had incredible patience here."
PZ, Sally and Raging Bee have managed incredible something, but it isn't patience. They deserve a medal for ignoring the elephant in the room, even after it crapped on the floor next to them.

This is about more than just the elevator incident and the youtube video. It is about the ridiculous, divisive and illiberal follow ups. That is what Dawkins was getting at. That is the elephant in the room that you are all so desperately pretending isn't there. It is a sad day for critical thinking.

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 2:19 PM


What a complete and utter clusterfuck! I seriously doubt that this one will ever be settled. There are 10 different entry points into this mess and consequently a thousand different ways to either look or actually be disingenuous.

PZ uses technical constraints to excuse his thread killing. Four words, 'Part Two' and 'Endless Thread'. Just closing a thread is one thing, closing it with inflammatory jibes is another.

The one thing that stands out for me is the way that PZ has Caine and co's backs, regardless of the pseudoscientific black-and-white thinking they use to fit opponents to a template and then dismiss them. Privilege, for instance, can be a bit of a nebuluous concept and very subjective. In any given circumstance you can calculate privilege using a whole range of dynamics and assumptions about magnitude of privilege based on broad criteria like gender are just that, assumptions. Picking just one, for instance strength, because it suits your argument is dishonest. Besides, it's only a privilege in a fight and in this instance there was no fight. You can't even say there was any implied threat of physical violence. How about if you pick confidence, or emotional state? Maybe in actuality RW had the privilege. Who the fuck knows. But no, if you don't recognise that you are in fact a privileged, anti-woman bigot compromised by the all-encompassing tentacles of the Patriarchy, you are a very, very NAUGHTY LITTLE BOY who feels entitled to unfettered access to womens' bodies. If you insult RW it has to be because she's an UPPITY WOMAN, not because you don't think her a suitable public representative of skepticism. Doesn't seem to occur to these knuckleheads that the real reason you are so fucking steamed at being labeled a misogynist is that real misogyny is offensive to you. You can usually pick them out by the 'ironic' username like 'Florence, Shrinking Violet of Mass Destruction'.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 20, 2011 2:19 PM


I don't know about a Bloggingheads chat between Abby and RW. I'd prefer something more like the cage fight in Mad Max.

Posted by: bhoytony | July 20, 2011 2:25 PM


The whole spider thing seems odd to me.... I am not afraid of spiders, but I am hyper aware of how many men around me could overpower me easily. I am aware that I am the last defense of my physical person and there are dangers - personal, social, and health - to sex which I will bear alone. Women are aware of this all the time. It comes up in what we wear, who we talk to, where we go, and when we go. Our mothers and boyfriends worry if we are out too late, not because there are people with spiders in their pockets, but because of real danger. I live with this danger all the time, and I want the men in my life to be aware that the women they want to speak to may live with that too. Elevator guy acted in a way that did not take this into account, and a blogger politely mentioned it. Being aware of that gives you a better chance to get laid. Respecting it makes you a better person.

Posted by: Leslie | July 20, 2011 2:33 PM


All of this talk of wanting to watch people fight it out is entirely inappropriate. Do not turn into a mass of assholes out for blood. I was under the fucking impression we wanted rationality to break out, not violence.

Do not turn into the next fucking Pharyngula where herd mentality is what rules - reason be fucked.

Or, if you're headed that route, count me out.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 2:34 PM


ERV replied to PZ,
"Did you stop to think for half of a fucking second that maybe, just maybe, *I* had ACTUALLY been in a situation where I could have been raped ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS and *I* thought Watson (or anyone) comparing her absolutely BENIGN encounter on the same level as the HELL I went though"

Sadly, you lowered yourself to their level here by implicitly agreeing with them that a female's emotional experiences trump all logic. Your "argument" is that PZ should shut the fuck up (he's only a man after all) because you have a personal emotional experience and a vagina.

That's exactly the logic that their side uses.

Yes I realise it's a great slap in his face because you're using his own bigoted "logic" against him to shut him up but the danger is you end up promoting / endorsing that which you oppose,

(1) if you are really for equality you don't need to shut them up -- its them who tries to win by censorship; our side doesn't need to. We have truth.

(2) you have facts and reason on your side, so why would you grab up this other tool of emotional (and sexist) blackmail?

BTW the answer to the strict question asked is that by opposing feminism you cease to be a woman as far as the feminists are concerned and therefore your emotional anecdotes don't count -- just as any emotions of men never count. You become a non-woman.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 2:46 PM


;) JC & Spence.

I find it hard to believe basic comprehension of the english language wasn't enough for a girl to understand that elevator guy wasn't propositioning her for sex b/c he said, "Don't take this the wrong way...".

Principle of parsimony apply here? And wouldn't a front person for skepticism use their skeptifu before making this into something or getting emotional? Wouldn't a worthy feminist do the same?


Nevermind....I'm stuck on the elevator encounter, trying to figure out why a female would even bring attention to this...and then attempt to speak for other females. I must have lost touch with the feminist movement, as well. My Nana would bitch-slap some of these "helpless feminists."

Honestly, I see what "twatson" is doing. And yes, I'm a girl and called her "twatson." Twat is an awesome word. I use it for boys and girls...b/c it's not the genitalia attached to the word. It's the behavior. Kinda like "dick"...boys and girls can both be dicks.

'Tis a sad time for the true skeptical movement. How that movement can stand by a girl who didn't use logic (from the time she entered an elevator to the blog postings on her site), let alone comprehend a single basic phrase, is disappointing, entertaining, but most disappointing.

Thanks ERV and like minded peeps! I thought for a's just nice to see people thinking...clearly.

Posted by: EP | July 20, 2011 2:48 PM


"Apparently before Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum and demanded everyone kiss her invisible boo-boo."


You are rude, and classless. Don't pretend to be an intellectual until you apologize (publicly) to Rebecca Watson for this childish insult.

Posted by: Steve Thoms | July 20, 2011 2:51 PM


Are you the same DavidByron who used to post on that idiotic, now thankfully defunct Stand Down Blog? If so, you're no more coherent now than you were then.

And no, ERV's arguments, valid or not, were not even close to "agreeing with them that a female's emotional experiences trump all logic." I don't agree with what she said, but she did say a lot more than that; and her experiences were offered to inform logic, not trump it.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 2:55 PM

I'm a girl and called her "twatson."

Yeah. You're, what, 12? So you have an excuse for being an ignorant immature tone-deaf jerk.
Abbie's a woman, not a girl--I can tell because she's fond of posting pics of herself--and should know better.

Posted by: ChasCPeterson | July 20, 2011 3:09 PM


Steve Thoms,

And what is your opinion of the insult 'gender traitor'? It's far more rude and classless than 'Twat'-anything. Have you demanded that Watson apologize and also not pretend to be an intellectual?

Posted by: Spartan | July 20, 2011 3:09 PM


Honestly I had just assumed PZ censors messages criticising his feminism over at his blog because all feminists do. Still I just attempted to post a test comment there and I didn't seem to be banned by IP so (for a feminist) that's good.

I say "for a feminist" because he's obviously ridiculously bad for a skeptic. A skeptic welcomes (even demands) a fair hearing from alternative and critical view points. A skeptic doesn't attack critics, try to dismiss them, drive them off, or personally insult them. Of course don't forget the next step - a skeptic then considers the arguments and seeks to refute them honestly.

But for a feminist since PZ doesn't (yet) have me banned by IP, I would say he's doing well.

I note we have to have the conversation over PZ's censorship off his blog.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 3:09 PM


Did anyone listen to the Point of Inquiry episode? I think I'm probably going to skip over it, not sure why PoI is still on my itunes podcast list. The show has become painful without D.J.- Price is quite frankly an irresponsible and sometimes crazy biblical scholar, Chris Mooney is decent interviewer but clearly has some non-skeptical agendas, and Karen Stollznow is kinda boring.

Posted by: Sockpuppet | July 20, 2011 3:16 PM


@415: Should I grab some sticks and stones? 'Cuz you seemed to have missed the distinction of semantics.

Posted by: EP | July 20, 2011 3:21 PM


Honestly I had just assumed PZ censors messages criticising his feminism over at his blog because all feminists do.

You made an assumption about one guy based on a wild over-generalization about an unspecified group of totally different people? Dude, you're really not in a position to lecture others about how skeptics are supposed to act.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 3:25 PM


"Being aware of that gives you a better chance to get laid."

No, please don't. Don't make me say, "WOW, sexist much?"

Because men wouldn't bother listening to women otherwise, right?

It's this kind of shit that hurts the cause of these "feminists." Why would we bother listening to what you have to say if you are already so ready to stereotype and be sexist? Something that these "feminists" proclaim to be against.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 3:30 PM


420: "You made an assumption about one guy based on a wild over-generalization about an unspecified group of totally different people? Dude, you're really not in a position to lecture others about how skeptics are supposed to act."

Is that a FUCKING joke?!?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 20, 2011 3:32 PM


"I don't see anyone here saying RW is hysterical for simply saying she felt uncomfortable."

Very few people (I am one) even think she was wrong (ie sexist) to make that statement. I think its sexist of her for the same reason I would oppose her if she had said disabled people or gay people make her feel icky.

I would not call her message hysterical. Hysterical? No. Sexist? yes. Even so I wouldn't make a big deal of it. It's the sort of sexism that is so common against men that it is the air we breath. Sometimes it is worth pointing out such sexism. Most of the time there's far worse sexism (against men) going on to be bothered with the little stuff.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 3:33 PM


Yeah. You're, what, 12? So you have an excuse for being an ignorant immature tone-deaf jerk.
Hey, another content-free post by a tone troll who also posts at Pharyngula.

Do these people really have this little self-awareness?

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 3:35 PM


Well, I think the RD Foundation has had ample time to explain themselves here and has failed to do so, so I'd like to reproduce what they posted on Jen's blog to clear things up here:

I'd like to set the record straight. Dr. Andy Thomson and I (Elisabeth Cornwell) gave a talk at the AA conference in DEs Moines, IA about religion and women and why, despite religious oppression, women were more likely to be religious than men. We specifically pointed out the social support issues and that religious organizations were far better than atheists organizations in providing women with family support. We are well aware of the issues. Many, nearly ALL of the Q&A; noted the need of child care facilities for young children During conferences (Camp Quest has done an EXCELLENT job at providing care for older children), RDFRS wants to expand it to include younger children.

RDFRS has routinely supported other secular, humanist, and atheist organizations since it's inception. It is discouraging, given the efforts RDFRS has made to support this movement to suddenly suggest that our motivations are less than sincere.

It has been a privilege to work with so many incredible people through RDFRS, and look forward to continuing efforts to rid the world of the intolerance and ignorance promoted by religion.

R.. Elisabeth Cornwell
Executive Director
The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science

Please note the bolded part (my doing). So, according to the RD Foundation, this much needed and sure to be welcomed commitment to childcare by the RDF for some atheist conferences has nothing to do with the things Richard Dawkins said to and about Rebecca Watson or how he feels about Rebecca Watson.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 3:36 PM


Raging Bee,
"You made an assumption about one guy based on a wild over-generalization about an unspecified group of totally different people? Dude, you're really not in a position to lecture others about how skeptics are supposed to act."

That's foolish talk. Everyone makes generalisations based on prior evidence. It's an efficient mental process. The fact is that my very wide experience of feminist blogs is that they all censor critics. Now I don't mean 99% do either. (Although about 1% close down to avoid both critics and censorship per se) At any rate it is a very well attested correlation.

Nevertheless I didn't only make an assumption. I made an assumption and then tested its validity by trying to post at PZ's board.

And yes. Yes I am in a position to lecture others on what skepticism is.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 3:39 PM


@424: Situational awareness, too.

Posted by: EP | July 20, 2011 3:39 PM


I think its sexist of her for the same reason I would oppose her if she had said disabled people or gay people make her feel icky.

You really thnk it's "sexist" for a woman to judge a man by his specific behavior toward her? And you really think that's just as unfair as prejudice against gay or disabled people? Once again, the special-ed branch of the Men's Movement rears its petulant head.

It's the sort of sexism that is so common against men that it is the air we breath.

Women thinking you're creepy and a potential threat are as common to you as the air you breathe? Sounds like you need to take a good look at how you're acting. How often do you bathe?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 3:45 PM


Please note the bolded part (my doing). So, according to the RD Foundation, this much needed and sure to be welcomed commitment to childcare by the RDF for some atheist conferences has nothing to do with the things Richard Dawkins said to and about Rebecca Watson or how he feels about Rebecca Watson.
Thanks, Aratina! I dont have Dawkins phone number or anything, I was just basing my assumptions of 'this had to have been planned for a really long time' based off my own organizational experiences, and knowing about the CampQuest/TX/Dawkins connection for some time now.

So, again, while Watson and Jen and everyone under the sun was calling Dawkins a sexist pig, he and his organization were orchestrating all of this.


Posted by: ERV | July 20, 2011 3:47 PM



Why would RDF post here? Abbie makes it very clear in her post that this act was in the pipeline long before elevatorgate. From the post above:
"Anyway, I rant all over the place about this, including to Dawkins very recently, but I cant take any credit. Apparently this move has been in the works for a long time, with Camp Quest."

Jen, on the other hand, said otherwise; from her blog,
I suspect this is a very clever way of saying "Look how much I support women, now can we shush about this stupid elevator thing?"

So I can see exactly why RDF would post at Jen's, but not here.

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 3:50 PM


Ok! I'm back and I just wanted to say that I finally had a break-through. I'm slower than many people, particularly on emotional affairs.

But there's something that's been grating my nerves from the word go here. Well, from the words "don't do that". PZ has done it. All the misandrists on his site have done it. And it's spilled over to here, and cluttered up my inbox, and now it's following on me on youtube. But I finally figured out what is bothering me about it.
The following message holds the key:
"She never told anybody what to do or think. Saying "don't do that" is not some order from on high. It's a suggestion. But if we want more women to attend atheist conventions it is best to discourage creepy behaviour. She was not merely invited for coffee. She was followed onto an elevator so that he could invite her to his room at 4 am after she had publicly stated she was tired. This is creepy behaviour."

If you can't figure it out, go read my blog post about it. =p

Aratina Cage:
no one here has been questioning RD's motivation for doing this. But Jen has said she doesn't want to speculate.

Abbie recognized speculation isn't necessary. John C. Welch figured out it wasn't necessary. I figured it out. Many people figured it out.

This was planned before Twatson (I suppose I will take credit for that one!) happened. Twatson happening didn't stop him from doing what he does: getting shit done.

Only some of the people on your side of this issue have felt it necessary to imply anything about it at all. Surprised I am not.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 3:50 PM


I made an assumption and then tested its validity by trying to post at PZ's board.

And I've tested it's validity too, by observing that there are indeed dissenting comments that don't get censored. So your "assumption" fails.

The fact is that my very wide experience of feminist blogs is that they all censor critics.

Examples, please?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 3:51 PM



Good point, that comment could be construed as sexist. I apologize. I wanted only to highlight that men may not be aware that women are highly sensitive to situations that could be even potentially dangerous. In addition, there is a suggestion in this thread that men can never hit on women. I do not think that is true, but situation awareness is key. I would also assume the end result of hitting on them is sex. I was trying to address those comments, but I should have been more specific.

Posted by: Leslie | July 20, 2011 3:55 PM


You are welcome ERV.

So, again, while Watson and Jen and everyone under the sun was calling Dawkins a sexist pig, he and his organization were orchestrating all of this.

The point is that the two issues are not related. The intention of the RD Foundation does not appear to be to score points in this battle (contrary to how you managed to depict it on your post here at the end).


Why would RDF post here? Abbie makes it very clear in her post that this act was in the pipeline long before elevatorgate.

Not so. If you go further to the end of the post, ERV portrays this as a counter move to the uproar over his comments at Pharyngula, but it was not such a move. That's why I thought it ought to be said here, too.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 4:01 PM


"I see it as a problem as well. I don't want men to perceive us as having irrational threats, and elevator rape is pretty far out there. We face so many real threats on a daily basis"

No. You. Don't.

This is an example feminist hysteria and sexism. Sure, it's not as ridiculously obvious as the all men are rapists stuff, but still. Women are the safest demographic. That's especially true in public places, meeting strangers. Whenever you say this rubbish you just label yourselves as fearful children that big strong men have to protect (while also avoiding because fearful child women might think they are rapists).

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 4:03 PM



Oh here we fucking go.

Still nothing from PZ, Skepchicks or Laden on Dawkins' announcement at TAM.

First you blurt out a ridiculous, babyish, irrelevant name-calling tirade against PZ; now you're demanding he praise Dawkins when you want him to? That really shows what an infantile, sycophantic personality-cult Dawkins' fans have become.

Yeah. It's called "doing the right thing". If you're all balls-out man enough to call someone a fucking misogynist and full of male privilege and all the rest when you think they are wrong, then when they do something right, you put your fucking big boy pants on and praise them for it. He doesn't have to agree with Dawkins' comments to do this. He can even still think Dawkins is a misogynist asshole. But yeah, if you're going to kick someone in the teeth for being wrong, you fucking pat them on the back when they're right.

I have, on my site, numerous times called out various teams at Adobe for things I thought were really stupid, most notably the installer, acrobat and flash teams. Yet, when the Flash team fixed a long-standing complaint?

I put my fucking grownup pants on and thanked them for it, just as publicly as I have excoriated them for their fuckups, because that's how I fucking roll ya nimrod.

And that's pretty clearly the heart of this dispute: the only reason so many people are even bothering with RW at all, is because they're following Dawkins' lead. Does anyone really think so many people would care about RW's offhand comments if Dawkins hadn't declared her an enemy?

Hey snapperhead, stop telling me what I think, you're no more qualified than PZ. My annoyance and anger with this dates to RW's fucking stunt wherein she publicly abused Stef M., and so technically, I'm following ERV's lead here, not Dawkins. But hey, why bother to find out what someone thinks when you know me so fucking well, right?

Way to go, Dawks, you directed a shit load of attention to someone -- by declaring she wasn't worth so much attention. Where did you get your leadership and communication skills -- George W. Bush?

Way to go on misinterpreting Dawkins words. But then, you've decided, you know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THIS. If you're such a fuckin' mind reader, why are you wasting time on blogs? You should be shagging supermodels in your diamond space plane.


But that's not what Dawkins was talking about. Nor does it change the fact that it was Dawkins' words that brought so much attention to the matter.

Maybe for *you*, but for many, if not most of us, it was Watson's attack on Stef M, and ERV's post on said attack, followed by PZ's moronic "always name names" (unless you're PZ, and then just darkly insinuate that you have unnamed dirt on 'some people', because you're a fucking douchenugget coward) that got our ire, and the ire of many, many other people up. Dawkins's comments increased it, yes, but STOP TELLING US WHAT WE THINK.



You are rude, and classless. Don't pretend to be an intellectual until you apologize (publicly) to Rebecca Watson for this childish insult.

Nice ad hominem there nimrod. I love how, on your site, you blithely dismiss attacking Stef McGraw as having no import whatsoever, and then go on to say that if we don't agree with you, PZ, RW and the rest that clearly, we haven't thought about it enough.

Here, your words:

I'm not suggesting that if you disagree with Rebecca, Jen, Phil, Matt, Stephanie, Barbara, PZ, Greg, or myself, that you haven't thought of it enough. I'm simply asking you to think about it a great deal more.

How about you stop telling people who disagree with you thye're wrong, and haven't given the matter enough thought? Maybe we have given it as much, if not MORE thought than you, and we disagree with y'all? No, THAT CAN'T HAPPEN. Fucknut. In fact, you're a condescending little cockmonkey every step of the way in that execrable article, aren't you. Once again:

As I said in yesterday's post, understand the historical and cultural context of a feminist question first, then question. Dawkins (and his numerous supporters) asked the question without first understanding the context.

Could you be more patronizing? I don't see how.

The worst, most intellectually dishonest thing anyone can do is to reject an entire discussion, as I see being done now, and in the recent past.

"...the way I shall do so because they used a juvenile pejorative based on someone's name." There, fixed that for you, and look, you managed to be MORE patronizing. You're like a superhero with mutant patronizing powers.

I want to give Dawkins the benefit of the doubt here: he is a highly intelligent, eloquent, and educated academic, one who understands ethics better then most. Will he take this moment to truly reflect on what he said, and what others have been saying, or will he soldier on like a smug, privileged British intellectual, completely removed from society? Hopefully, time will tell.

"If you disagree with me, you're a smug, privileged asshole, completely removed from society"

Aren't you just fucking precious. How DID we survive without your shining logic.

And as for Joey, and the numerous other people that have been turned off because of this whole affair: Please come back, and please don't hold what we're doing against us. I understand why you're taking a break, and don't blame you: this has gotten nasty, exhausting, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. But it is going somewhere positive, I promise. I also hope you understand why we fight: the consequences of not standing up for feminism at this moment are too severe.

"Please don't let the misogynists, defined as "everyone who doesn't agree with my views of feminism" scare you away"

How about the people your patronizing binary highlanderistic bullshit is driving away? Wait, they don't count, they disagree with you.


You made an assumption about one guy based on a wild over-generalization about an unspecified group of totally different people? Dude, you're really not in a position to lecture others about how skeptics are supposed to act.

yeah, that's YOUR JOB.


and of course, Jen's response:

Thank you for clarifying this, Liz. I wish some sort of clarification as to when this idea started would have been read with his statement to preemptively dissuade speculation. I know everyone at the conference - regardless of what "side" they were on - thought this was a political move of some sort. People couldn't stop talking about what it meant. I hope you're leaving this same message on the blogs of your supporters like ERV, who are trying to portray this move as Richard giving the middle finger to those who disagree with him.

Evidently, the clarification in Abbie's post, and Laden's comment, which she must have read were lies, or didn't count.

Christ, that's some fucking braindead sophistry there.

Jen, your bad behavior is your own. No one else's. Yours. Abbie posting "DAWKINS MADE WATSON EAT A BAG OF DICKS" wouldn't excuse your own pathetically poor behavior in doing the EXACT THING YOU CALLED ABBIE OUT OVER. She does the exact.same.thing, and it's okay, up until she gets called out on it, and then she's all "IF OOOONLY THIS HAD BEEN SAID BEFORE, THEN THOSE OTHER BAD PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAVE POLITICIZED IT!"

You Jen. You did it as much as anyone, and trying to deflect your bad behavior on anyone but you is pathetice and wouldn't be tolerated from a seven-year-old, much less a (theoretically) grown-assed adult.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 4:03 PM


Wow, Byron, you're even dumber now than you were on Stand Down.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 4:08 PM


I’m disappointed.

Yes, Dawkins’ move to support childcare is admirable, and I’m sure very welcome. But I fail to see how that can be viewed as a “warrior’s response”, much less than a response, at all.

Dawkins’ responses on the Pharyngula thread had the effect of establishing a continuum of sexist behavior. Furthermore, they implied that there is a point on the continuum where sexist behavior is allowable/acceptable.

Which begs the question – where is that point?

Until a coherent argument is presented that clearly defines exactly what elements of sexism are acceptable, and how to identify said elements, I’m going to continue to assert that NO sexism is acceptable. That ALL people, of either gender, regardless of their opposite-sex/same-sex attractions, deserve the same general respect we expect for ourselves.

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 4:08 PM


Raging Bee,
"You really thnk it's "sexist" for a woman to judge a man by his specific behavior toward her?"

The comments by other feminist, later endorsed by RW, were to the effect that it was not any specific behaviour but the mere fact of being male which was the crime here. The problem they identified was that any man might be a rapist, simply by virtue of being born male. ie they gender profiled.

Bee again,
"Examples, please? [of feminist sites that censor]"

What part of the word "all" did you not understand? Name me some sites and I bet they already have me banned. The NOW web site was taken down because they didn't want to explicitly ban me per se - so maybe that one was an exception. That was back when Grendee was vice pres. One other did the same thing.

Obviously I have not attempted to post on ever feminist web site. Nor have I seen every blade of grass yet I feel confident in saying the remainder are green.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 4:09 PM



So, again, while Watson and Jen and everyone under the sun was calling Dawkins a sexist pig, he and his organization were orchestrating all of this. Beautiful.
The point is that the two issues are not related. The intention of the RD Foundation does not appear to be to score points in this battle (contrary to how you managed to depict it on your post here at the end).

I see it as less making the RDF out to score points, and more like "So while all these people were setting up their little virtual lynch mobs, RD ignored them and did his thing. In this case, it happens to be something made of pure coincidental win, and showed the difference between slactivism and activism"


Why would RDF post here? Abbie makes it very clear in her post that this act was in the pipeline long before elevatorgate.

Not so. If you go further to the end of the post, ERV portrays this as a counter move to the uproar over his comments at Pharyngula, but it was not such a move. That's why I thought it ought to be said here, too.

Possibly. Or it could be one of those "Watson stuck her neck out, without thinking about what might happen, and some stuff Dawkins had been working on for a long time got announced and kind of made her look like a tool."

I have no doubt that Dawkins did not time this just to make Watson look the fool. He didn't have to, she's done that well enough herself. Nor do I, or anyone else (i hope) think that he hadn't always planned to announce this during TAM. It's the best possible place and time TO announce it. Again, Watson't big fucking New Media Douchebag move just made it more special, albeit completely unintentionally. Had she not been such a raging cock towards RD, then she'd not look so goddamned stupid right now.

Having said that, I would not doubt for a second that Dr. Dawkins, if only for a fleeting second, enjoyed just a LITTLE schadenfreude as he made his announcement. $DEITY knows he certainly earned it.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 4:13 PM


Aratina Cage@#434

"ERV portrays this as a counter move to the uproar over his comments at Pharyngula, but it was not such a move. That's why I thought it ought to be said here, too."

I agree with you. ERV totally dropped the ball on this one.

Dawkins has demonstrated himself to be a person of sufficient moral fiber that he need not prove his detractors to be empty self serving opportunistic bullshit artists.

They take care of that, in time, by mere comparison.

Or was that not the point you, Jen McCreight and assorted empty self serving opportunistic bullshit artists were trying to make?

Just trying to help.

I'm a helper.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 20, 2011 4:15 PM


Aratina Cage:
I know you're slow on the uptake. The reason this is a thumb in their eye is that even though they were actively opposing him, he still kept on doing what he does: getting shit taken care of.

While you fine people were hellbent on relegating him to the dustbin of history as a fallen and useless "leader" and servant of our overall goals, he kept on doing his thing showing what it is that got him where he is today.

The reason Twatson is a hack, PZ can't get a paper published and all that jazz is because unlike all of his detractors, Dawkins gets shit done. Occasionally, he slows down long enough to talk to people, but then gets right back to work.

In response to Twatson saying his books were no longer worthy to be plugged, recommended or even bought, I went out and bought a copy each of all of his books to randomly give out to friends and family. Even if they already have that book.

He pulls in the cash, yes. He spends the cash on noble causes - noticeably not doing this is Twatson who for all of her audience hasn't put forth a single effort to coordinate for even this kind of thing. She has the audience. She could fundraise for it. She accepts money from them. Where does it go? Her pocket.

That's fine. She's free to make all the money she wants. She's free to keep it all for herself.

So are you. So am I. So is Dawkins. Knowing that, he's still out there getting shit done while Rebecca Twatson is saying he's little more useful than to be left in the elevator fighting off gum-chewers. Presumably, she has in the works a masterplan to outshine Dawkins and establish herself as the rightful face and leader of this whole thing, right?

No. She's too busy being proud of herself for being more well known now than a month ago for being, well, known.

You can back the lame horse in the race if you want. I tend to back the one that has won every match he's raced in for longer than I've been alive.

It's not my fault you picked a loser and I declined to come along for the (very, very slow) ride.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 4:15 PM


... How could I think that this was in the works for a while, AND think that this was in response to Twatson and the Bitch Brigade?

The intriguing move was to stop engaging them in their stupidity and just keep doing what he always does: doing.

When it became clear that words, discussion, reasoning were useless against what he was up against, he stopped using words, discussion, and reasoning, and kept doing what he do, which is, to 'do'

mccullrd-- I fail to see how that can be viewed as a “warrior’s response”

Posted by: ERV | July 20, 2011 4:15 PM



I thought that was what you were saying, but wanted to be sure, so thank you for the additional clarification.

I do disagree with you though; I read Abbie's post differently to how you did. But I appreciate misunderstandings do happen in the written word on the internet.

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 4:21 PM


The problem they identified was that any man might be a rapist, simply by virtue of being born male. ie they gender profiled.

This has already been discussed at length, and you're just another petulant latecomer who hasn't kept up. They were merely being cautious of men in specific situations where sexual assault is known to be more likely. If you can't understand that simple concept, and fail to take time to read the explanations of others, it's no wonder so many blogs banned you. Who the hell wants to hear you making the same accusations over and over and ignoring the responses?

What part of the word "all" did you not understand?

What part of "I need examples to back up your wild accusations, otherwise I can't take them seriously" did you not understand?

The NOW web site was taken down because they didn't want to explicitly ban me per se...

The NOW took down a Web site because they didn't want to ban you? Dude, you're so self-inflating it's downright funny. You actually think that statement even sounds plausible?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 4:24 PM


Can't discuss anything with a True-Believer Gender Warrior of any stripe without total compliance. The usefulness of academic disciplines dedicated to victim manufacture eludes me.Whole fucking affair depresses me. Overton Windows, xe, babble babble babble until it descends to personal hygiene comments. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck.

And if anybody 'notes my concern' they can note my lack of concern at their noting my concern and fuck off. Go count your dead porcupine stocks, Cupcake.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 20, 2011 4:25 PM


Seriously, you guys, don't feed the troll known as ragingbee.

"Once again, the special-ed branch of the Men's Movement rears its petulant head."

Seriously, he thinks special-ed is an insult. I hope I don't have to explain why that is bad...

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 4:30 PM


DavidByron @417 wrote...

Honestly I had just assumed PZ censors messages criticising his feminism over at his blog because all feminists do. Still I just attempted to post a test comment there and I didn't seem to be banned by IP so (for a feminist) that's good.

I say "for a feminist" because he's obviously ridiculously bad for a skeptic. A skeptic welcomes (even demands) a fair hearing from alternative and critical view points. A skeptic doesn't attack critics, try to dismiss them, drive them off, or personally insult them. Of course don't forget the next step - a skeptic then considers the arguments and seeks to refute them honestly.
Considering what you wrote in the first paragraph about "what all feminists do", is it safe to assume from your second paragraph that you don't consider yourself a skeptic?

Because, you know, I'd hate to think that you're a hypocrite.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 20, 2011 4:30 PM


Look, cupcake is my nickname. Stop giving it out to other people. It creeps me out.


You don't understand how it's a warrior's response? Abbie had it right "lol".

Yes, I suppose you don't understand. Instead of sitting around and bickering in the comments section on blogs, Dawkins has shit to do. So, he kept on doing shit. Out of all the shit he gets up to, one thing was planning out the logistics of the daycare bit. By sheer fortunate timing, it happened to have dropped WHILE Twatson, PZ and some of the other ladies were decrying him as a sexist, woman-hating relic who deserved to be run out of town so they could take over and show him how it's really done.

Fine, they're free to do that. In the meantime, Dawkins is busy doing shit while they're busy bitching about not being treated in the same way as the dude who's doing the power-lifting they complained no one has done. If they *did* something a quarter as often as they bitched about something not being done, you know, something might *actually* get done.

But don't worry. Dawkins is busy doing that so they can continue sitting around bitching about the world.

Yeah, Dawkins should get a fucking bumper sticker that reads, "Twatson, how taste my peepee?"

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 4:34 PM


Blockquote fail. Tag should have been closed after the word "honestly". Damn, I wish comments had an edit function.

Anyway, correct blockquote...

Honestly I had just assumed PZ censors messages criticising his feminism over at his blog because all feminists do. Still I just attempted to post a test comment there and I didn't seem to be banned by IP so (for a feminist) that's good.

I say "for a feminist" because he's obviously ridiculously bad for a skeptic. A skeptic welcomes (even demands) a fair hearing from alternative and critical view points. A skeptic doesn't attack critics, try to dismiss them, drive them off, or personally insult them. Of course don't forget the next step - a skeptic then considers the arguments and seeks to refute them honestly.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 20, 2011 4:35 PM


Tabby Lavalamp (awesome name incidentally):
there is an edit function. It's called preview.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 4:38 PM


Abbie is going to become rich off the traffic going to these elevatorgate threads...LOL.

Posted by: Agent Smith | July 20, 2011 4:41 PM


Raging Bee,
"They were merely being cautious of men in specific situations where sexual assault is known to be more likely."

Rape is known to be less likely in an elevator. But even if it were in a situation where it was more likely, it would still be gender profiling and a sex stereotyping of all men as "potential rapists".

Raging Bee,
"The NOW took down a Web site because they didn't want to ban you? Dude, you're so self-inflating it's downright funny. You actually think that statement even sounds plausible?"

I don't see how that makes me look better or worse. Believe it or don't. You asked for an example and I gave you one. To elaborate:

Kim Grandee was the VP and she had a thing at the time for expanding their internet presence or something. Their comments forum was a mess of fighting so I guess she decided to take it down (she said that was the reason explicitly though she didn't name me by name and others were involved I was probably her highest issue). They reworked their web site and placed the forum beyond a pay screen or membership screen. I think she then became president of NOW or something. We all moved to the Ms boards. Feminsits and non. They reacted by changing their board rules to a formula closely followed by most feminist boards in later decades, namely they said critics of feminism were not welcome to post.

You seem unaware of the history of your own movement. Many are.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 4:46 PM

Please note the bolded part (my doing). So, according to the RD Foundation, this much needed and sure to be welcomed commitment to childcare by the RDF for some atheist conferences has nothing to do with the things Richard Dawkins said to and about Rebecca Watson or how he feels about Rebecca Watson.
Mmm. Note of caution here, if I may intrude. Nowhere that I can see has Dawkins acknowledged, far less 'fessed up to being the source of the "Muslimah" epistles. Until he states that yes, that was me guv'nor, gotta put me 'ands up, bang to rights, a more profitable line of enquiry might be pursued in determining the *exact* mechanism by which such a chain of communication might be, er, spoofed, I believe the vernacular has it. (/Jeeves)

Now I'm not for one minute saying it wasn't him, in a sort of deny all contact way. Tone and content bang on the nail. Very slick impression if it ain't. One-hundred-and-eighty!

It's just that if people think some character has been in the habit of sitting at High Table in an Oxford College for forty-odd years, he's a political ingenue, well .. don't drink their sherry, if you've just picked a fight with them ..

Posted by: dustbubble | July 20, 2011 4:46 PM


@John C. Welch

I see it as less making the RDF out to score points, and more like "So while all these people were setting up their little virtual lynch mobs, RD ignored them and did his thing. In this case, it happens to be something made of pure coincidental win, and showed the difference between slactivism and activism"

I agree that was a valid possible reading, but it wasn't clear enough given the way the post ends. Now that the RDF has spoken, that is all that is left.

I guess it is a little ironic, but I'm completely used to this phenomenon since I often complain bitterly about the way I and my fellow LGBTs are treated in the USA and then watch as the oppressors gallantly extend us partial rights and freedoms little by little and make a big ado about it and then expect our support which we have little choice but to ultimately give. I've had to eat my words about President Obama several times already, but we are still nowhere near where I can feel safe and sound about my life in the USA at this point. I suppose that is life for humans where a few people hoard most of the money, fame, and power (and that doesn't mean they didn't earn it by being good at something popular or profitable) which they get to use to influence things however they see fit.

Having said that, I would not doubt for a second that Dr. Dawkins, if only for a fleeting second, enjoyed just a LITTLE schadenfreude as he made his announcement. $DEITY knows he certainly earned it.

Hmm, personally I doubt it unless I hear that from him. Dawkins doesn't seem to me to be the kind of person who enjoys schadenfreude much.


Or was that not the point you, Jen McCreight and assorted empty self serving opportunistic bullshit artists were trying to make?

Jen McCreight is not such a thing, not at all. Why would you ever think that about her? For fuck's sake!

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 4:47 PM


Agent Smith-- Actually, yes. Shaftgate has surpassed Crackergate, Mooneygate, and Pepsigate as far as July drama traffic goes.

So, I have money to buy a pizza instead of Ramen, and lost a friend. Awesome.

Posted by: ERV | July 20, 2011 4:47 PM


Ms Magazine boards that is.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 4:48 PM


Justicar, thank you for the reply. However, it appears I actually tagged it correctly and there was a bug. When I was doing the quote the second time, even though the closing tag was at the end it did the same thing the first couple of previews.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 20, 2011 4:49 PM

I guess it is a little ironic, but I'm completely used to this phenomenon since I often complain bitterly about the way I and my fellow LGBTs are treated in the USA and then watch as the oppressors gallantly extend us partial rights and freedoms little by little and make a big ado about it and then expect our support which we have little choice but to ultimately give.

Dawkins and the RDF are 'the oppressor' now? *facepalm*

Posted by: windy | July 20, 2011 4:55 PM


But even if it were in a situation where it was more likely, it would still be gender profiling and a sex stereotyping of all men as "potential rapists".

Again, this stupid-assed accusation has already been dealt with. Short answer (because even that is more than you're worth): simple threat-assessment and routine precautions are NOT "stereotyping" or "sexism." (Besides, outside of prison, the overwhelming majority of rapes are indeed committed by men; so being more cautious of men is not at all unfair.)

So far at least, Byron, all of your "points" have already been more than adequately addressed on several threads. whatever else you have to say, chances are it's already been addressed, and repeating the answers for someone who didn't get it the first ten times is simply a waste of time.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 4:57 PM


It really is amazing how "feminists" fall into the same logical fallacies that are used against us by creationists.

Tone trolling, "OMG TWATSON!!"
Emotional Appeals, "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!" (Women being the children in this case.)
Complete disregard for another persons point of view, "MEN AREN'T VICTIMS OF SEXISM!!" (Indeed, I had an argument where one went so far to say that women being suspicious of men is completely justified regardless of circumstance. Also, blacks being suspicious of whites isn't racism by the same logic [the "feminist" said this]. Racism and sexism only occurs when a white male does it.)
Complete disregard for another persons emotions, "WE ARE CALLING YOU A RAVING MISOGYNIST ASSHOLE FOR DISAGREEING WITH US BUT YOU NEED TO FEEL EMPATHY FOR US!!" (Seriously... on PZ's blog... nuff said...)

Shit, I wish I were so privileged to not bother with reason or logic when putting forth an argument as these "feminists" do. AWW I fucked up, privilege is only something rich, heterosexual, white males have. I'm not white! Nor rich! Does that count?! Am I only half privileged now?! Is there such a thing?!

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 4:58 PM



... How could I think that this was in the works for a while, AND think that this was in response to [Watson] and the Bitch Brigade?

You seemed to suggest that it was deliberately timed to roll out as a response to people who are displeased with how he behaved on Pharyngula, that's how. Basically, none of the following narration is true--it doesn't reflect the reality of the situation:

She made her move. A rash decision.
Dawkins made his. Carefully planned for some time.
You are free to write this post off as mindless-fan-boy-ism if your brain cant comprehend what just happened, but the fact of the matter is, this is simply a warrior appreciating another warriors superior skills.
An honest and sincere 'touche', Professor Dawkins.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 4:58 PM


Spartan, you said,

"And what is your opinion of the insult 'gender traitor'? It's far more rude and classless than 'Twat'-anything. Have you demanded that Watson apologize and also not pretend to be an intellectual?"

I'll not be draw into a game declaring which terms/insults are more degrading/damaging to the discourse then which. Curious that you'd ask me my opinion of the severity of 'gender traitor' and then promptly declare your opinions on the issue, and that I must act on them.

But since you asked, Rebecca Watson did not call anyone a gender traitor. As near as I can tell, not even once.

If you can provide evidence otherwise, I'd be more then happy to review it.

Posted by: Steve Thoms | July 20, 2011 4:58 PM


How old are you Raging Bee? Perhaps these events happened before you were born? At any rate I regret mentioning them now. It was a long time ago and my memory is not good but the substantial events did take place. Sometimes odd things happen, when they do they involve people, I was one of those people. It is nothing, but I guess you are right that it sounds pretty funny.

The point is that feminist sites quickly realised they needed to exclude critics from making comments or they would not survive. This is the same conclusion that other hate web sites such as the white supremacist ones came to. This is an important point in the development of the internets because way back in the day it was feared that such groups would use the internet to recruit and become more powerful. In fact the freedom of the web led to their destruction and they all had to respond by becoming insular and xenophobic.

The site "HateWatch" closed down because it concluded it was not needed any more. This was and is the dynamic that played out in the early years of the internet.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 4:59 PM


Their comments forum was a mess of fighting so I guess she decided to take it down (she said that was the reason explicitly though she didn't name me by name and others were involved I was probably her highest issue).

Right...the comments were a mess, but you're still certain you were the biggest threat, and you were the one who made the feminazis panic and shut down their forums. What a self-important twit. As if the nonsense you've posted here is unique in the annals of anti-feminist rhetoric.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 5:02 PM


The point is that feminist sites quickly realised they needed to exclude critics from making comments or they would not survive.

That could be because they were deluged with huge numbers of useless hateful spam as they became more nationally known. That would be a perfectly valid reason for at least filtering comments, and many blogs of all stripes do this. Comments and feedback are good, but too many comments from uneducated people simply make a blog useless. Salon is well past that point, and PZ is rapidly getting there. Trust me, it's not about you -- you're not that special.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 20, 2011 5:07 PM

Leslie #409 The whole spider thing seems odd to me.... I am not afraid of spiders, but I am hyper aware of how many men around me could overpower me easily. I am aware that I am the last defense of my physical person and there are dangers - personal, social, and health - to sex which I will bear alone. Women are aware of this all the time. It comes up in what we wear, who we talk to, where we go, and when we go.

You assert that women in general live in the permanent state of anxiety and paranoia. This is a rather extraordinary claim, can you provide evidence for that? There are numerous women here saying that this does not apply to them. That's lots of conflicting personal anecdotes, and little useful evidence.

Our mothers and boyfriends worry if we are out too late, not because there are people with spiders in their pockets, but because of real danger. I live with this danger all the time, and I want the men in my life to be aware that the women they want to speak to may live with that too.

Where I live they are more concerned about friends female or male getting killed while drunk driving from a club.

In any case no amount of awareness by the "men in your life" will change anything. You have indicated above that all men, inside and outside elevators are evaluated by you first on whether they could assault you.

Elevator guy acted in a way that did not take this into account, and a blogger politely mentioned it. Being aware of that gives you a better chance to get laid.

RW said that EG was "sexualizing" her. RW introduced EG as having missed the point of her talk, which was about sexism and misogyny in the atheist community. The implication is that EG's actions are an example of sexism and misogny. RW was issuing rules to define what behavior is sexist and thus anti-social, not what is best for getting laid.

Respecting it makes you a better person.

When people lecture others what they must do to become a "better person" that makes me cringe. Please stop doing that, it will make you a better person.

Posted by: Michael | July 20, 2011 5:08 PM


Raging Bee,
"simple threat-assessment and routine precautions are NOT "stereotyping" or "sexism." (Besides, outside of prison, the overwhelming majority of rapes are indeed committed by men; so being more cautious of men is not at all unfair.)"

You are making a conservative argument. I am a liberal. I believe in equality. I agree that what you are saying here makes sense from your anti-equality view point. Do you understand WHY profiling is wrong to begin with?

I bet you do not, because you are really a conservative pretending to be a liberal (like Obama). Please explain to me why profiling is wrong. Just humour me here. If you are really a liberal it should be easy enough.

Hint: what you said above in no way justifies profiling. If it did then nobody would have any issue with Arizona's racist law. What you said as an argument is just what conservative racists say in support of that law.

If you like to make it easier for you then please explain why it is wrong to say, "Mexicans are the majority of illegal immigrants in Arizona. Simple threat assessment and routine precautions are not racism." Or if you prefer please tell me what is different between your argument for sexism against men, and the racist argument for Arizona's immigration law.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 5:09 PM



Dawkins and the RDF are 'the oppressor' now? *facepalm*

Dawkins himself or the RDF itself, no. I was thinking bigger, in terms of classes that Dawkins falls into, when I wrote that. And to clarify, I said nothing and meant nothing about the RD Foundation there.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 5:10 PM


Raging Bee you are making two contradictory arguments in response to my accusation that feminists always censor. This self-contradiction is typical of feminists because they are irrational (when on topic). I simply point it out to you in case you can refute.

You firstly claimed what I said was false. Now you claim that it is true but that it is a good thing. Which is true? They both can't be. Pick one and go with it please :)

Or don't. Either works for me.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 5:15 PM



Ive noticed that the scienceblogs html parser tends to end a blockquote on a carriage return. It seems not entirely consistent, but it is common enough. At this point, if Im quoting multiple paragraphs, I take the precaution of replacing the carriage returns with BR tags. Dunno if that was your problem or not, but thought Id mention it.

Posted by: Dave | July 20, 2011 5:15 PM


458: "Justicar, thank you for the reply. However, it appears I actually tagged it correctly and there was a bug. When I was doing the quote the second time, even though the closing tag was at the end it did the same thing the first couple of previews."

Ah! Bitches and the internet! Am I rite boyz? Right? No one?

This lame attempt at general atmosphere-relaxing college humor was brought to you by the See-If-I-Give-A-Fuck foundation.


The More You Know

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 20, 2011 5:19 PM


"So, I have money to buy a pizza instead of Ramen, and lost a friend. Awesome."

That's really just the kind of "community" we're part of. No one is your "friend" forever. That's why I've largely stopped participating.

Posted by: TylerD | July 20, 2011 5:20 PM

Dawkins himself or the RDF itself, no. I was thinking bigger, in terms of classes that Dawkins falls into, when I wrote that. And to clarify, I said nothing and meant nothing about the RD Foundation there.

Then what did you mean? You said "this phenomenon", which would seem to imply that what you describe is similar to what RD/RDF did.

Posted by: windy | July 20, 2011 5:27 PM


In regards Aratina Cage saying, "I guess it is a little ironic, but I'm completely used to this phenomenon since I often complain bitterly about the way I and my fellow LGBTs are treated in the USA"

Do not fucking include me in your goddamned pity party. Go play the victim for yourself and leave me out of it.

Things are not perfect in the States. The gay rights movement of which I am a part, instead of being a bitter whiner online, has enjoyed a rate of progress unknown to blacks and to women when they were struggling for equality. I am perfectly happy to see the rate at which we're making progress. Go whine all you want, but those of us who can step outside of our own provincial concerns and evaluate things on a scale can see that in the span of time less than a full generation the progress has been tremendous.

Thus, I decline to be grouped in with people whose recourse is complain that things are Goldilocks yet.

And how does this at all relate to Richard Dawkins? Is he the evil state oppressing people or something?

Pull your head out of your ass, take your heart off your sleeve and use your fucking reasoning faculties to evaluate things. Social progress is not a snap your fucking fingers and it's solved. It takes time. A lot of time. And a lot of pain, which the gay movement has had to experience a lot, lot less of. Cry in your own beer, leave me out of it.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 5:38 PM



Then what did you mean? You said "this phenomenon", which would seem to imply that what you describe is similar to what RD/RDF did.

I thought John C. Welch was making the point that there is still irony in this situation even though the events are not connected. In terms of the classes Watson and Dawkins fall into, then I agree there is irony there and feel that I have experienced it myself. And it's not like I haven't been happy when straight people finally got around to doing the right thing that decreased the amount of oppression for LGBT people while what I did counted for virtually nothing.

But on the other hand, Watson's activism (or slacktivism or whatever you want to call it--her blogging and speaking) had nothing whatever to do with the RDF offering to fund or provide childcare services at atheist conferences if we are to believe their spokesperson on this matter, R. Elisabeth Cornwell, which I do. So there really isn't any irony here considering the two individuals primarily involved in this aspect of the squabble.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 5:45 PM



You seemed to suggest that it was deliberately timed to roll out as a response to people who are displeased with how he behaved on Pharyngula, that's how.

That isn't how I read the post at all. My interpretation (and mine may be different again from Abbie's) was not that this roll out was anything to do with ElevatorGate.

I think the surprise was that after weighing in on a contentious topic, Dawkins went quiet. No defending his position, no smoothing ruffled feathers, no apology.

The suggestion is not that the childcare thing was a calculated act. It was more that Dawkins had no need to smooth ruffled feathers, because his actions would always speak louder than everybody else's words.

I think Abbie's other point was that in this respect, Dawkins probably acted in a classier way than she would have done (or me, or any of us, for that matter) and gave him respect for that.

Unfortunately many have read other things into this post, which has often been quite unfair on Abbie. That's teh internetz for you, sadly.

**Disclaimer: these are my interpretations of this post, which may differ from what was actually intended**

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 5:47 PM


I'll thank you not to imply that I'm any less a friend to my friends because they're in the same community I'm in. My friends are all very dear to me, and carefully chosen over the course of many, many years of proving themselves worthy of this level of my attention and concern.

I have lost only one friend in my life because I couldn't travel down his road of drugs and self-destruction with him and thus, I was dismissed. I am hopeful that he will come out the other side and we'll sit down and talk about it one day. But until the needles aren't hanging out of his arm, I can't go there with him.

I don't know Abbie's selection criteria for her friends, but if she's anything like anyone else I've ever met, the loss of a friend is not a trivial event. Unfortunately, no matter how much one loves one's friends, one must remain true to one's ideals.

In an ideal world, a real friend would bother to ask question, "How does this make you feel?" instead of "if you wanted me to know, you could have written on your blog." That is cold and dismissive.

Plus, the suggestion that Abbie is in this for money is quite evidently not true. There are examples of people here who are in this for the money. They're fairly easy to spot: say, tweeting about the attention and money that's coming in anew because of it might be one way to do that.

Abbie says what Abbie thinks. Abbie thinks what she does because of reasoning it out. If the cost of being true to her ethics and what is right and just comes at the expense of a friend, it is amazing that she'll pay that price. Few people would. Money? Not even close.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 5:48 PM


Thank you, Dave @471, that appears to be exactly what happened.

But now onto (sigh) DavidByron.

The point is that feminist sites quickly realised they needed to exclude critics from making comments or they would not survive. This is the same conclusion that other hate web sites such as the white supremacist ones came to.
Nice use of "other hate web sites" there to equate feminists with white supremacists. I will still try to engage you, but I suspect it's pointless. I agree with you about excluding critics or otherwise not surviving, but not in the way you mean that. I'm fairly active on a couple of feminist websites, one that is pretty heavily moderated (but not to the extent you claim "all" feminist websites are) and one that that is lightly enough moderated that it takes a lot to get a ban. The differences in the comments are night and day as the anti-feminist trolls in the latter take over pretty much every conversation. Believe it or not, it's nice to engage in conversation without constantly hearing about "man-hating bitches" and such. Without containing that, a site operator runs the risk of losing people who don't want to put up with it, thus the site not surviving.
You are making a conservative argument. I am a liberal. I believe in equality. I agree that what you are saying here makes sense from your anti-equality view point. Do you understand WHY profiling is wrong to begin with?
I bet you do not, because you are really a conservative pretending to be a liberal (like Obama). Please explain to me why profiling is wrong. Just humour me here. If you are really a liberal it should be easy enough.
Ah. Raging Bee is not a True Scotsman. Good to know.
aging Bee you are making two contradictory arguments in response to my accusation that feminists always censor. This self-contradiction is typical of feminists because they are irrational (when on topic).
Sigh. "Always." "Typical."

As we've seen, by your own words you are not a skeptic.

A skeptic doesn't attack critics, try to dismiss them, drive them off, or personally insult them. Of course don't forget the next step - a skeptic then considers the arguments and seeks to refute them honestly.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 20, 2011 5:49 PM



Again, this stupid-assed accusation has already been dealt with. Short answer (because even that is more than you're worth): simple threat-assessment and routine precautions are NOT "stereotyping" or "sexism." (Besides, outside of prison, the overwhelming majority of rapes are indeed committed by men; so being more cautious of men is not at all unfair.)

And yet, when someone else applies your *specific* example to any other group, such as my case, growing up in Miami in the 70s and 80s, where, especially after 1980, the perpetrator of a violent crime in that city was, in the majority of cases, Cuban, you then scream NO, IT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, IT ONLY APPLIES TO MEN.

Well, bullshit, you can't have it both ways. If you're in a location where the majority of violent crime is committed by men, you're perfectly fucking fine with treating all men like potentially violent criminals, but if you refine that, even with backing-fucking-data, to say "well, actually, in this case, it's not "men" it's "men of (racial/ethnic group)"", oh shit no, then it's just all racist to hell and gone.

So let's simplify Bee's staggering hypocrisy: Treating all men, everywhere like potential criminals and things to be feared? Good.

Treating ANY OTHER GROUP that way, regardless of supporting data justifying that treatment? Bad.

What a fucking precious idiot Bee is.


So, I have money to buy a pizza instead of Ramen, and lost a friend. Awesome.

Sadly, I think PZ stopped being a friend to anyone he perceives as "less powerful" than he unless they were properly sycophantic some time ago, yet anyone he perceives as having equal or more influence than he, gets treated well regardless of behavior.

The concept is called "Kick Down, Kiss Up" and is talked about at length in "The No Asshole Rule" by Bob Sutton, excellent book BTW. (PZ et al hit SO many markers in that book.) Not that having possible theories on why PZ has become what he has makes things any easier or nicer, but at least it can remove some uncertainty, and that's a bit of a help, sometimes.



The More You Know

"Knowing is half the battle!

The other half is not staring at Scarlett's tits"

G.I. Joe sexual harrasment intervention training

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 5:52 PM



I think Abbie's other point was that in this respect, Dawkins probably acted in a classier way than she would have done (or me, or any of us, for that matter) and gave him respect for that.

Ah, OK. That had not come to my mind, but it does make sense when taken that way.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 20, 2011 5:54 PM


I'm only about halfway through the comments but can I just say that I am a woman and have absolutely no problem with "Twatson". I have on many occasion called people of various genders twats, cunts, dicks, wankers and warthog-faced buffoons when they deserved it (no offense to warthogs).

Can I also say, that as a woman, I am fucking insulted at the idea that women are so weak and powerless that they have to rely on the big, strong men to protect them. If a women is walking on a street with a strange man, why should he have to walk to the other side? Is she so incapable of crossing the street herself? Why do some women expect men to be responsible for women's safety? Because that to me is sexism. Shouldn't women be responsible for their own safety?

Posted by: Sophie | July 20, 2011 6:04 PM


@Tabby Lavalamp:
I'm not ignoring you but I didn't see anything worth replying to in what you said. Your use of "No True Scotsman" was inappropriate, your accusation of hypocrisy invalid.

I do want to recognise that you made a good effort to contribute though. But I am just not interested in responding to personal attacks. If you want to hate me I just don't care. If you respond to the argument then I'd be interested in that.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 6:09 PM


"If a women is walking on a street with a strange man, why should he have to walk to the other side? Is she so incapable of crossing the street herself? Why do some women expect men to be responsible for women's safety? Because that to me is sexism."

Yeah, mention that on PZ's blog and you will have all manner of nasty mean things said at you, gender-traitor being one of them.

Thanks for that.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 6:13 PM


Aratina, thanks for the courteous reply. It is heartening to know that it is still possible to have a reasonable and thoughtful discussion in what has become a very heated debate. Sincerely, thank you for that.

Posted by: Spence | July 20, 2011 6:15 PM


Why should either person take the risk of crossing the street? Being hit by a car is a far greater likelihood than being sexually assaulted and all.

Why is being aware and "concerned" not enough? Why must we think that people are in outright fear at every turn? Which women are like this? Why aren't they taking medication?

Or am I just the brave little soul who manages to get from point a to point b without thinking I've survived some harrowing story culminating in my escape from a sneak-attack coffee invitation of death or something?

I'm starting to get scared that I'm not scared to walk outside. Apparently, it's a combat zone out there and I haven't noticed the mortars exploding off camera before the stray body parts zip behind my clueless head. FUCK!

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 6:18 PM



Posted by: windy | July 20, 2011 6:23 PM


The creation of myths portraying the targeted "out group" as dangerous, and the "in group" as victims, is a hallmark of hate groups. It's certainly not just feminism that creates such myths. Whether it's the Jewish Global Conspiracy or just the War on Christmas it seems that it is pretty normal behaviour for such groups.

As to why, I assume it is functional for creating and increasing tribal feeling among the in group. Fear of the outsider leads to a reinforcement of loyalties.

In short terrifying women is good business for feminism.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 6:32 PM


In reply to Thoms at post #463.

I seem to recall there have been some links and/or quotes with Watson specifically using the term "gender traitor" in regards to Stef McGraw, but I have been unable to trace them. Perhaps it was just the Phlaming Pharyngulites™ that used that term, or perhaps some of the other Skepchick aplogists.

However, following the Watson quote below is a link to Watson's post wherein she quite clearly, specifically, and directly associated McGraw, and McGraw's comments, with rape apologists, mysogynists, and other forms of anti-feminists. OK, OK, so she didn't specifically say McGraw was a "gender traitor" -- phew. Rather, McGraw is a rape apologist, a mysoginist, and an anti-feminst. Well, gosh, that's OK then. No harm done. Nothing nasty there. Thank the FSM she didn't say gender traitor! Luck luckity luck luck lucky!

Watson said:

"... but when ancient anti-woman rhetoric like the above is repeated verbatim by a young woman online, it validates that misogyny in a way that goes above and beyond the validation those men get from one another. It also negatively affects the women who are nervous about being in similar situations. Some of them have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted, and some just don’t want to be put in that position. And they read these posts and watch these videos and they think, “If something were to happen to me and these women won’t stand up for me, who will?”

Link: (

Also, Thoms, your demand for an apology for the minorly insulting sobriquet of "Twatson" is nothing short of laughable. When did you become such a chickenshit apologist for all things Watson and/or all things Skepchick? Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?

Note to ERV: I too cannot get the blockquote HTML to work properly. It keeps double quoting me.

Posted by: John Greg | July 20, 2011 6:40 PM


"Why should either person take the risk of crossing the street? Being hit by a car is a far greater likelihood than being sexually assaulted and all."

I actually do agree with you, I was just making the point that if a person is so afraid to the point of not wanting to be on the same side as another person, why is the onus on the other person to do something about it? Shouldn't we as individuals be responsible for our own safety?

I absolutely agree with you that being aware and concerned should be enough. Of course you should be vigilant and know the risks, but you should be able to factor those risks into your daily life without them running your life. The concept known as risk assessment does seem to be lost on a lot of people.

Posted by: Sophie | July 20, 2011 6:43 PM



If thinking that as women, we should be able to take care of ourselves without needing men's help makes me a "gender traitor", then so be it. Give me a fucking badge, I'll wear it with honour.

Posted by: Sophie | July 20, 2011 6:46 PM


Srsly, Twatson? You decry those who want to add fuel to the fire and then you pull some immature passive aggressive BS like that? Your point would have been well taken without the high school editorializing.
Well played.

Posted by: JC | July 20, 2011 6:48 PM



I'm only about halfway through the comments but can I just say that I am a woman and have absolutely no problem with "Twatson". I have on many occasion called people of various genders twats, cunts, dicks, wankers and warthog-faced buffoons when they deserved it (no offense to warthogs).

Oh for fuck's sake! Here's another gender-traitor, ignorant of the social and cultural history of words like "twat" and "cunt", and how they denigrate women. Do you not realise that using terms which signify female genitalia to insult people is preventing women from achieving equality? You're basically saying that there's something wrong with vaginas, and that to be labelled as one is a tremendous insult. Get a brain, cupcake.

Look, as everyone knows, all of the True Feminists hang out over at Pharyngula, and this is what one of their Freedom Fighters had to say on the matter a mere 24 hours ago:

A lot of women, especially young women, are so immersed in the sexist status quo they often think in sexist ways and use sexist language. That does not mean it isn't harmful or toxic.

See? Even if you're a woman using those kinds of words it's still sexist: you're simply perpetuating the sexist status quo of our society! Get with the program, cupcake.

Can I also say, that as a woman, I am fucking insulted at the idea that women are so weak and powerless that they have to rely on the big, strong men to protect them. If a women is walking on a street with a strange man, why should he have to walk to the other side? Is she so incapable of crossing the street herself? Why do some women expect men to be responsible for women's safety? Because that to me is sexism. Shouldn't women be responsible for their own safety?

You really are fucking dense, aren't you? Just fuck off.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 6:52 PM


In reply to JC at #491

Deliberately, directly, and with forethought calling someone an only very slightly insulting name is "immature passive aggressive BS"?

Wow. Coulda fooled me.

Posted by: John Greg | July 20, 2011 6:52 PM


In reply to Mr. DNA at #492.

Um, that's sardonic irony, or sarcasm, or something? Yes?

Posted by: John Greg | July 20, 2011 6:54 PM


DavidBryon, I only accused you of hypocrisy if you consider yourself a skeptic. If you don't, then you're not. However, all I've seen from you for the arguments that you want addressed are broad generalizations about feminism, comparisons of feminism to anti-Semitism and white supremacism, and some anecdotes about how you were banned from a couple of feminist sites (bannings I can understand if you spend your time trying to explain to them why they're "hate groups").
Your view of feminists is so tainted (and so unrecognizable to me as a feminist who has known, been around, and talked to other feminists) that I wouldn't even know where to start with trying to address your arguments?
Do you want me to show you feminist websites that don't censor and ban critics? (Reclusive Leftist would be a good start, and I should qualify that with "reasonable critics", because that's important for any website.)

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 20, 2011 6:55 PM


Some might consider this pedantic, but insults and derogatory language in general do not alone ad hominem make, whereas positing that the use of such language invalidates an argument or discredits the speaker or writer of them is ad hominem.

Ad hominem is when an insult is your argument, not when it accompanies one.

I've been seeing the term misused a lot, lately, and just thought that maybe some relevant people might see this and be reminded.

That is all.

Posted by: Saerain | July 20, 2011 6:57 PM


@John Greg: Sorry, I should have put a disclaimer at the bottom there or something. If my earlier posts are anything to by then, of course, those are not my own views on the matter. If you read the first 100 or so posts of ther current "Endless Thread" over at Pharyngula you'll see those arguments having been trotted out against me when I popped over to their place last night for a friendly chat.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 6:58 PM


Sophie @489: ""Why should either person take the risk of crossing the street? Being hit by a car is a far greater likelihood than being sexually assaulted and all."

I actually do agree with you, I was just making the point that if a person is so afraid to the point of not wanting to be on the same side as another person, why is the onus on the other person to do something about it? Shouldn't we as individuals be responsible for our own safety?"

I most often take the big step of crossing the street when I see a group on the same sidewalk as mine which look threatening (drunk guys/violent girls (yes, we have girls gangs here that can be fucking violent)/anything you personally find threatening. I Will never expect them to go out of their way to accomodate my rational/irrational fears.

In other words, you are totaly correct.

JC @491: Tone trolling is not for here, it's for Pharyngula (or Room 12b)...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 20, 2011 6:58 PM


@Mr. DNA,

mmmm. cupcakes. nom

Posted by: Sophie | July 20, 2011 6:58 PM


Mr. DNA is definitely sarcastic and is throwing out some "feminist" arguments at her to show her some of the bullshit that we have put up with as of late.

Tabby, David is making generalizations about "feminism" of the pharyngula/skepchick flare. As far as I can tell, I agree with his assessment. They are definitely a tribal movement that hates all out-group members and will circle around RW to defend her. Then they will stomp their feet and stick their heads in the dirt to prevent all reason from seeping in, regardless of their so-called skeptic label.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 7:05 PM


I wouldn't want to dismiss the idea that the use of certain words was a significant source of prejudice in itself. Instead my criticism of feminism on that issue would be that it is inconsistent and biased. There's no real theory that applies fairly to men and women both, coming from the feminists.

As an example in this and the other threads on "elevatorgate" there was a lot of use of the word "creepy".

"Creepy" is used in that context as a sexual slur against men. Compare it with "slut" for example. "Creepy" is a word applied to men who perform poorly as judged by gender role expectations placed upon men but not women.

A man's role is to approach women. A lot. And get rejected a lot. So the man is in a double bind. He has to do the "shit work" of cold approaches and constant rejection. If he doesn't then he is a "wimp" or "fag". And at the same time if he performs badly by female demands then he is "creepy".

So the use of "creepy" in this context is a sexual slam against men to contain them in their tightly restrictive gender role.

If feminists genuinely cared about the sexist use of language in our society they would make such an analysis. On the contrary we find them employing such sexist language against men to preserve their female privilege. That clear hypocrisy is why I never take seriously any feminist on the subject of how words can denigrate women.

Again it's not because the subject matter itself is trivial necessarily. It might be in some cases, and others not. But with a feminist its always insincere because its inconsistent and biased.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 7:06 PM


Tabby Lavalamp:
"Do you want me to show you feminist websites that don't censor and ban critics? (Reclusive Leftist would be a good start,"

I'm banned from there.

Actually she more than banned me, she blocked me from even SEEING the web site. Now that is pretty extreme. In fact I can't think of another case off hand though I think there were one or two.

In addition let me quote from Reclusive Leftist's comment policy.... oh wait I can't can I? Banned from accessing the web site. But (from memory) if you were to go and have a look at it then it explicitly says critics are not welcome. I'm not sure now about that as I couldn't find it under the Google cache so I may be confusing hers with another site.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 7:15 PM


David @501:

I'm still not entirely sure where you are coming from. But just for funnsies, ask that one question to the Watsonites:

"Why was it creepy?"

It can be fun, sometimes...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 20, 2011 7:15 PM


I have no use for unsourced assumptions as to social group dynamics. Indeed, I have no use for wild assumptions on any particular matter.

If you have carefully reasoned, supported analysis on what you propose, I'll look at it. Otherwise, you might as well tell me you assume that voodoo practitioners prefer drinking AB- blood to O+. It is just as useful an expenditure of your time with respect to imparting to me any information. Idle speculation is something I'll leave for less discerning minds. Thanks for the protip though.

Sophie @ 489:
I get and take your point. I was more just throwing a balloon up about the issue. I see this crossing the street thing get mentioned and it pisses me off. I don't know any people who are that afraid of the outdoors who aren't taking medication for it.

I agree with you completely, and I've said many times: someone else's irrational fears are their problem to deal with, not mine.

It reminds me of a letter I saw on the internet about 10 years ago. The letter came from someone who lived in suburbia. Their fair neighborhood had been infiltrated by a vile, immoral, disgusting gay couple. This caused quite the consternation on the part of the letter-writer who wanted to know what could be done to remove the problem.

The response was perfect:
"You could move."

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 7:16 PM


Jc @ 491:
I see nothing passive aggressive in calling someone a name. Aggressive? Sure. Immature? Absolutely. Passive aggressive? Not by a long shot, asshole.

Now, I added asshole at the end. With respect to the points I made, where does the argument fail? Oh yeah, it doesn't. And you're still an asshole.

Saerain @ 496:
I'll do you one better. Even if the "insult" is your argument, it's still not necessarily an argumentum ad hominem. That fallacy only occurs when the attack on the character of the person replaces an argument by calling out an *unrelated* characteristic of the person to discredit their argument not relevant to that feature.

If I'm talking to Kent Hovind about, say, tax law and my only response is "convicted tax evader and fraud", it's not a fallacy. His conviction bears directly on the credibility of his argument.

How's that for pedantry? =P

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 7:24 PM


It's not my job to educate you, so don't be so arrogant. I used to have a web site. Other web sites are out there. Google is your friend. I won't spoon feed you like a baby.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 20, 2011 7:26 PM


Davidbyron @ 506:
I appreciate the attempt at condescending to me; it's special.

I don't need to do research, particularly of the google variety, to know you were making shit up.

The "I assume" bit clued me in on that straight away.

You're free to assume whatever you'd like, of course. I just have no interest in someone's imaginary reasons as to why groups behave in a given way. I prefer evidence, studies, data, analysis. But if imagination is the best you can do, it's the best you can do.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 7:28 PM


"As an example in this and the other threads on "elevatorgate" there was a lot of use of the word "creepy".

"Creepy" is used in that context as a sexual slur against men. Compare it with "slut" for example. "Creepy" is a word applied to men who perform poorly as judged by gender role expectations placed upon men but not women.

A man's role is to approach women. A lot. And get rejected a lot. So the man is in a double bind. He has to do the "shit work" of cold approaches and constant rejection. If he doesn't then he is a "wimp" or "fag". And at the same time if he performs badly by female demands then he is "creepy".

So the use of "creepy" in this context is a sexual slam against men to contain them in their tightly restrictive gender role.

If feminists genuinely cared about the sexist use of language in our society they would make such an analysis. On the contrary we find them employing such sexist language against men to preserve their female privilege. That clear hypocrisy is why I never take seriously any feminist on the subject of how words can denigrate women."


Yes, the complete lack of equality has shown me what these "feminists" are really all about.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 7:30 PM


@David Bryson: I've never really thought about the subtle hypocrisy at work here, whereby some women will bemoan the use of the word "twat", yet are perfectly happy to throw out terms such as "creepy" to describe socially-awkward guys who aren't any good at talking to girls. It's a valid point, although even though you have made me aware of what's going on here when women call guys "creepy", I would not be able to live with myself if I started calling for the term to be abandoned, and chastising those who continue to use it.

On reflection, I actually think there's a good case that could be made for arguing that the term "creepy" is far more insulting and derogatory and demeaning than the word "twat". When people use the word "twat" they are more than likely not using it to demean women. Far more often than not the term is simply one of many stock insults, along the same lines as "idiot" or "jerk". There is no sexist intent in the vast majority of the cases in which it is used. I'd be willing to argue that in the majority of the cases in which women use the term "creepy" to describe men, they are invariably referring to some poor sap's inability to function normally whilst talking to women. So the term "creepy", it could be argued, has far stronger sexist connotations than the term "twat".

Someone needs to head over to Pharyngula and tell them that!

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 7:31 PM


Sigh, it gets worse. This from Jennifer Oulette, and according to The Bearded Wonder: "Read her four-point manifesto for change. If you can't see the value of it, you are the problem."

it's not all bad.

Point 1 is something I tell women and minorities to do all the time: show the fuck up. You want change, don't wait for anyone to do it for you, make it happen. Show up. Sit in the front row.

Point 2: Yes and no. Yes, just because it happened to someone else doesn't make it not valid, however, something not being a problem for you because it hasn't happened to you yet is not an invalid thought process. I also get irate at overuse of twee phrases like "sisters in feminism". It also implies that disagreement is bad and diminishes one side. Well, no. It just means person a and person b don't see things the same way. For example, I disagree with Abbie about Mountain Dew. She thinks it's the most awesome shit ever, to me, other than the rare appearance of Pitch Black, it's carbonated urine. I'm not "diminishing" her by disagreeing with her unless I say "Liking Mountain Dew means Abbie's a stupid bitch" or what have you. Her viewpoint on soda is just as valid as mine, us disagreeing on Mt. Dew doesn't diminish either of us unless we use that disagreement to justify actual actions, verbal or otherwise, that are attempts to diminish the other. tl;dr No, disagreement is not bad.

Point 3: I completely agree. The tone, and standards of behavior have to be clearly articulated by the conference organizers. It doesn't always have to be some mission statement, it can be be done via clear, consistent action. But yes, it does have to happen at the top.

Point 4: eeee...see, here's where it gets sticky. Because now, we're asking people to get inside of someone's head. I'd rather see this point be about "look, you're in a public setting, perhaps "TITS OR GTFO" isn't what anyone should be yelling." If she kind of stopped early on in this point, i'd be more comfortable with her, but by the end of it, she clearly establishes her belief that any comment a woman makes to a man is always correct and disagreement with it means you're wrong:

If a woman calls you out on your behavior, instead of getting angry and defensive, just say, “Wow, I never thought of it like that. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It wasn’t intentional.” Cop to the behavior, and we can all move on. Or just be like that anonymous guy at Watson’s TAM9 quiz show event; as Watson took the stage, he shouted, “WE RESPECT WOMEN’S VOICES SO HARD!”

But what if she's wrong? What if she's misinterpreting his actions? What if she didn't hear something right or misread his body language? What if she's assuming maliciousness when the right answer is unintentional stupidity?

Jennifer's manifesto makes no allowances for that. The man must be the one who's at fault. The man must then apologize. The man must change his behavior.

I read Jennifer's column regularly and enjoy it, but I think she's wrong on that. The first action shouldn't be "calling you out" the first action should be "Hey, did you mean (interpretation) by that? Because if so, (why that came across badly)." Maybe the answer from the man is "Oh, you missed (important pertinent part)" and then both learn to be better about communication. Maybe it wasn't even directed at her, but the person behind her whom the guy knows really well and is speaking to in a manner appropriate for their relationship. (I've a very good friend, going on two decades now, and our terms for each other is "WHERE'S MY BITCHES AT" (from her) and "BITCH, WHADDUP!" (from me). Usually screamed across crowded rooms, followed by much squeeing and hugging. Now, if you're between me and her, I could easily see why that might take you aback, but if you tried "calling me out on it", my response would be some form of "um...talking to HER, not you", with the "polish" on it based on how you approached me.)

Perhaps, rather than saying "if you're called out, you're wrong" she might say "If someone says/does something that you interpret as 'bad', you might ask them about it and make sure they actually meant it that way. If they did, then explain why it's not a good thing to do *with you* and why they might be more careful about (action) in the future with people they don't know."

It's not as fun or pithy, but in the long run, better, at least I think so. I just really dislike it when someone says or implies "if a woman takes something a man does/says in a way she doesn't like, he's always wrong".

Of course, that's probably why PZ likes it.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 7:36 PM


@Justicar: I have no evidence or graphs or data or statistics, but DavidByron's "out-group/in-group" theory sounds to me like being a fairy sensible assumption. I'm not entirely sure why you were so aggressive in your response. Sure, it might be a load of shite, but it does at least sound plausible.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 7:39 PM


John Greg:
" to Watson's post wherein she quite clearly, specifically, and directly associated McGraw, and McGraw's comments, with rape apologists, mysogynists [sic], and other forms of anti-feminists. OK, OK, so she didn't specifically say McGraw was a "gender traitor" -- phew. Rather, McGraw is a rape apologist, a mysoginist [sic], and an anti-feminst."

Those are your words, and the conflated words of numerous other commenters in that thread. Not of Rebecca Watson herself.

Misogyny is not an insult. It is an undesirable character trait that may be insulting, but the two are not necessarily equivalent.

You also said
"When did you become such a chickenshit apologist for all things Watson and/or all things Skepchick? Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?"

You are rude, and you are childish. Do not confuse this with "tone trolling" on my behalf. I simply will not engage with seventh graders.

Good day.

Posted by: Steve Thoms | July 20, 2011 7:43 PM


Mr. DNA:
when we're dealing with the safety of people and how societies function, "plausible" just doesn't seem to quite good enough. Particularly when the "plausible" argument relegates half of the human species as being something.

If plausible is the metric, then it's entirely "plausible" that EG really was thinking about raping Twatson. It is entirely plausible that Twatson was lying. It's entirely plausible, Richard Dawkins paid her to make it up for him to respond to give PR to his daycare bit.

See where this gets us? Nowhere. Plus, he said it from the outset "I assume". Just translate that in your head to "I just made this up in my head, and I'm guessing that it's correct".

Plausible: Skilled at producing persuasive arguments, esp. ones intended to deceive.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 7:43 PM


John C. Welch @510:
I just wrote an article on that - someone sent me a quote from it and wanted to know my thoughts on it.

I also added in how I would handle the "hand on the knee" bit in her article.

But her not being treated as an equal there? Well, um, she's working alongside the greatest minds in physics alive today. She's not on equal footing with them despite having her unspecified level of a "graduate degree" in science communication. That's code for didn't manage to get a PhD.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 7:48 PM


@John C. Welch: Thanks for the summary- I couldn't even get to her four points because before she listed them she did what everyone and their dog seems to be doing and completely misrepresented the whole Rebecca Watson fiasco. She made the claim that men everywhere went mental because Watson said that a guy made her feel uncomfortable. Since we know that it was her subsequent twattish behaviour towards Stef McGraw and Richard Dawkins that made us all go mental I couldn't stand to read any more of her twaddle.

So yeah, men everywhere are unconsciously demeaning women and creeping them out, and women should speak up and tell us when they think we're being dicks. I'm actually all for it. If it means that women everywhere start embarrassing themselves like in the scenario that you describe above it would be worth it for teh lulz alone.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 7:52 PM


he stopped using words, discussion, and reasoning, and kept doing what he do, which is, to 'do'

mccullrd-- I fail to see how that can be viewed as a “warrior’s response”


Seriously? lol?

By your reasoning, refusing to engage criticism and continuing to do what you're doing is an awesome response.

So I guess Bush (and Obama), Bachmann, Palin, O'reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Foxx New, - are all really awesome in their response to criticism?

That constitutes super warrior skills?

Does that also include minimizing, or even ignoring similar "doing" on the part of those you disagree with, even if they can't match the scale of your superior warrior?

I recognize that Dawkins is generally in tune with the wider skeptical community, but this action in no way constitutes a response to the criticism leveled toward him. Exactly how does funding childcare address criticism pointing to his male privilege showing? I think suggesting that is itself sexist - it implies it benefits primarily women, as though men aren't concerned with childcare while trying to attend skeptic events.

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 7:53 PM


I'm already on it, Mr. DNA. Thus far, I only have "that isn't a sexist slur!" and dictionary definitions. Eh. Unremarkable, now I'm just trolling for fun just to see how far the rabbit hole goes.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 7:56 PM



Those are your words, and the conflated words of numerous other commenters in that thread. Not of Rebecca Watson herself.

No, you canucklehead, watson said that. She said that McGraw was "parroting misogynistic thought" and was "espousing anti-woman sentiment". Watson said that. About Stef. With her in the room.

Misogyny is not an insult. It is an undesirable character trait that may be insulting, but the two are not necessarily equivalent.

When the word is used to hurt, demean, and belittle people, it is an insult. When it is used as the basis for ad hominem dismissal of not only someone's argument, but of that PERSON, it is an insult. You're really bad at sophistry. You should stop trying to use it. Really. You suck at it. Like a dyson in a black hole.

You also said "When did you become such a chickenshit apologist for all things Watson and/or all things Skepchick? Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?"

You are rude, and you are childish. Do not confuse this with "tone trolling" on my behalf. I simply will not engage with seventh graders.

No, you'll just act like the patronizing cockknocker you are, and think "THERE! I TOLD THE INTERNET!"

Good day.


Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 7:57 PM


mcdullard @ 516:
When I read, it's for comprehension. This was put in the works long before the Twatson ordeal. Dawkins responded, asked for an argument where he wasn't understanding the issue, and none came forth.

There was no reason for him to sit around addressing baseless insults and criticism with people who have no intention of arguing honestly. So, he didn't hang around with the idiots; he got back to doing what he does: improving people's lives, and not hanging around on Pharyngula watching people try to emotionally blackmail others and lob baseless insults.

His offer apparently still stands. I note I've not seen from you an argument headed to Dawkins explaining where he went astray. Why are you here bitching instead of writing out a well-crafted argument to change his mind?

Oh, you're not interested in that. You just want something to bitch about.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 7:59 PM


In reply to Thoms #512.

Ha,ha. Sorry for the spelling mistakes. Good call. Being such a pedant I am always grateful, if embarrassed, when being caught out on my slip ups. Now, on to brass tacks....

Thoms, the quote I quoted were Watson's words. If you are incapable of seeing the not only tacit and implicit but blatant and direct association and accusation between her words -- accusations of mysogyny, anti-feminism, and rape apology -- with McGraw, then you have remarkably poor reading comprehension.

Or you have been taken in by, or are a supporter of rhetorical trickery -- Watson and Myers are experts in rhetorical trickery that gives them plausible, but false deniability. In a word they prevaricate. Expertly.

Or, perhaps, you are simply a hypocrite and a Watson apologist. Like it or not.

Thoms, as you may recall, I have been aware of your posting at, at your own blog, and at the Skeptic North blog for some time now. It is my experience and opinion, rude or not, from myriad posts by you that you are almost certainly generally a Skepchick apologist and specifically a Watson apologist.

You are also deeply uncomfortable with dissent and disagreement and are a supporter of not only banning and moderating of dissent and disagreement, you are also a supporter and enactor of actual censorship of comments to change and weaken their argument.

Sorry Thoms, you are simply not a credible commentor, nor a credible skeptic.

Posted by: John Greg | July 20, 2011 8:00 PM


Hey John. You said, "Sorry Thoms, you are simply not a credible commentor [sic], nor a credible skeptic."

Remember when you said, "Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?"


I. Said. Good. Day.

Posted by: Steve Thoms | July 20, 2011 8:11 PM


@Justicar: Is there perhaps some sort of history here with DavidByron that I'm not aware of, with my only having popped up in the whole atheist blogosphere a few days ago? I see what you're saying, and making baseless assumptions will indeed get us nowhere, but it seemed to me that DavidByron was making a tentative claim that essentially supports what we've arguing in favour of. *shrug*

@Phyraxus: Keep up the sterling work! I'd join you, but I was over there for a good two and half hours last night, and it really was like talking to a brick fucking wall. Let us know when the first accusation of your being a "cupcake" lands.

@Steve Thoms: What a pathetic, snivelling waste of a post that was. If you're going to stroll in and post then at least try to engage with the arguments that we're making, instead of trolling about the langauge that we're using, and then hitting us with a patronising "Good day". Good grief.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 20, 2011 8:11 PM


ZOMG!!! Why has nobody pointed out the real reason for Dawkins Daycare Inc.?? Its a tacit endorsement of the women are baby factories patriarchy!!!!eleven!! How could you be so naive ERV, Gender Traitor.

Posted by: tas121790 | July 20, 2011 8:11 PM


Mr. DNA:
I have no interaction before this thread. I don't know him from Adam.

But when someone comes up to me present a putative explanation about something and start off with "I assume" and then tell me the conclusion, I immediately dismiss them from the conversation. They might be right, but if so it's only going to be by accident. I don't like those odds, so I decline to accept the conclusion on someone's assumption.

Yes, in science and math we make assumptions. Those assumptions are not the conclusion of a problem. They come at the beginning as a place to start from, the thing to test.

If I assume x to be the case, what can I do to test x to see how it holds it? Ok, I assume x is wrong, what data suggests this? How can I get those data? How can I can control a problem to only see if x plays a role?

It doesn't go, "I assume x is the case. QED."

tas121790 @ 524:
I chuckled.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 8:22 PM


Justicar @ 520

Lovely job.

First, congratulations on the “mcdullard” thing. I’m sure you came up with that in no more than 30 seconds. It refutes nothing.

>> This was put in the works long before the Twatson ordeal. Dawkins responded, asked for an argument where he wasn't understanding the issue, and none came forth.

Exactly. In other words, it is NOT a response to criticism directed toward him.

>>. I note I've not seen from you an argument headed to Dawkins explaining where he went astray. Why are you here bitching instead of writing out a well-crafted argument to change his mind?

I’m not addressing Dawkins and his comments. And others have already done so. PZ, Plait, Greta, Jen McCrieght, and others. As you are already aware.

I’m addressing the assertion by erv that Dawkins’ statement that his foundation will fund childcare at skeptical events somehow constitutes a “warrior’s” response to the criticism directed toward him. Which I contend does not.

And you apparently agree - >> This was put in the works long before the Twatson ordeal.

Do try to keep up.

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 8:24 PM


Caine, the notorious cupcake thrower just walked in. Oh wait, it already happened by slignot #137. HAH that didn't take long.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 20, 2011 8:27 PM


Re: 'creepy', 'gay', 'twat' and the like.

I agree that if one of those is sexist (or some other prejudice/stereotype) then the others are too.

However, I've always had taken issue with the idea that such and such a word is homophobic, sexist or whatever. I tend to go along with philosopher H.P. Grice and interpret linguistic meaning in terms of speaker's intention.

It's perfectly possible for somebody to hear the word 'gay' with the meaning bad and adopt the word with the same meaning. It doesn't 'make it homophobic' when they use it, so long as the intention with which they wish to communicate is in no way homophobic.

Even for those who disagree, it is not sufficient to simply say "no - I'm just saying the word is homophobic, not the phrase or the person" without defending this particular theory of meaning. If they do not, then the point is moot. Sorry for spouting philosophy on a science blog.

Posted by: Notung | July 20, 2011 8:29 PM



Remember when you said, "Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?"


I. Said. Good. Day.



Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 8:30 PM



Just to be clear, as I don't think it would be unless you have read the whole thread; Mr.DNA was not disagreeing with you in post #492, the comment was totally tongue in cheek. Sorry if you already got that, but the thread got a little confusing there for a while I think.

Posted by: Skepcheck | July 20, 2011 8:38 PM


I had help. Here at Justicar Labs Inc. I have an entire team of people working on these important issues.

I don't recall having made an argument that my calling you Mcdullard refuted anything. One notes that you failed to differentiate an insult from an argument. Thank you for raising my confidence in paying Team Justicar for their work.

Let's say we have a group of people who are doing an anti-rain dance claiming that is why it's not raining. But the weather, being unrelated to what we do on that scale, blows in a storm during the their dance and it starts raining.

No one planned it. It was going to happen. By happenstance, it arose during a time in which people were claiming they had done something to cause it to not happen.

Though there's no intent by nature to make them look the fool, they have still been made to be the fool for all to see.

Watson was claiming that Dawkins is a sexist, misogynist, and a relic who's relegated to being useless and a nobody, a man whose efforts never really did anything really anyway when compared against what she and her coterie of idiots had done to advance women.

And by happenstance, his latest project is completed and rolled out. By sheer happenstance, her assertions that he's a useless old tired hasbeen are immediately pushed aside by his doing what he always does: accomplishing things while the talking heads talk.

That makes her look stupid, and shows that she's wrong.

He didn't even have to specifically try to shut her down, and show her and those other people what morons they are. Just by doing what he does every day she was shown to be an idiot. Without any extra effort at all. All while she was campaigning actively against him and declaring victory over him.

She got Dawky Punched. And it took no extra effort at all to do it. Essentially, he held out his fist for her to run into, really, really hard. Like a good pet monkey, she pleasingly obliged and ran full into this Dawkslap.

Game. Set. Match.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 8:40 PM


Just someone else piling on Raging Bee:

Again, this stupid-assed accusation has already been dealt with. Short answer (because even that is more than you're worth): simple threat-assessment and routine precautions are NOT "stereotyping" or "sexism." (Besides, outside of prison, the overwhelming majority of rapes are indeed committed by men; so being more cautious of men is not at all unfair.)

So, if I'm hiring people for work, I should assume all brown people might be illegal aliens and not hire them because they are more likely to be illegal aliens? I could lose money if I hire illegal aliens and the state inspects my business, so it's just simple "threat-assessment" and "routine precaution".

It's not that this is necessarily an illegitimate position so long as one doesn't believe in the egalitarian ideal, but it is rank hypocrisy to proclaim that one type of stereotyping is risk management while the other is racism. That is, if one is consistent about one's commitment to equality.

But from a rational perspective, these positions could be "risk management" or discrimination depending on one's point of view, and the line is not always clear between the two. Discrimination can sometimes be born from naivete, sometimes from particular dangers being exaggerated to the level of paranoia, sometimes from fears that are grounded in reality to some degree, but it's all still discrimination in a sense. The question is whether our discriminatory point of view is justified in light of the evidence or not. We can use data, but people oftentimes misinterpret data and use it to prop up unjustified stereotypes that don't exist in reality. My own guess is that some of these sexist and racist smatterings of nonsense come about by the abuse and misappropriation of both good and bad statistics.

It might be interesting to analyze the elevator situation again from a different perspective so as to see some of the inconsistencies brought about by contrast, so I'll change the situation a bit (someone else mentioned something similar before): After an atheist conference a white guy and a black guy get into an elevator at 4AM after the white guy announced he was going back to his room to go to sleep. The black guy says "Do you have any change on you? My friends and I are going to play poker in my room and I was wondering if you would like to join." The white guy refuses the offer and starts fearing the black guy might rob him. He then makes a video explaining in a very mild way that it makes him nervous for a black guy to talk to him about that sort of thing in an elevator at 4 in the morning.

How is this situation different? How would it be treated if the white guy considered himself a leader in the skeptical movement? Would we then see defenses of the leader, and how that otherwise innocent offer couldn't be anything but an enticement to coax the white guy into the black guy's room so he and his friends could rob the white guy? Somehow I don't think so. An interesting question brought about by the contrast is this: at what point does "risk assessment" become unjustified paranoia (and, by extension, racism in this hypothetical case)? When feminists say to people who believe that such fear in this situation is unjustified that they are supporters of rape, is that justified "risk assessment" of the people in question or an exaggeration of reality? I suppose my question is whether calling Dawkins and others rape apologists (and similar names) a legitimate extension of the concept of "rape" or not.

My own opinion is that the whole situation is a good example of how a commitment to rationality and a commitment to equality (and our separate series of justifications and extrapolations for both non-rational ideals) can conflict with one another. An otherwise boring non-issue is blown out of proportion, and real issues about Watson's appropriateness as speaker fade to the background. I can count myself as someone who continues puffing up this pointless nonsense even now, but, as a train-wreck, it's too interesting for myself and apparently many others to pass up. It is yet another entry in the long line of modern GENDER WARS issues that do nothing and mean less than nothing.

Posted by: anonymouroboros | July 20, 2011 8:44 PM



I’m addressing the assertion by erv that Dawkins’ statement that his foundation will fund childcare at skeptical events somehow constitutes a “warrior’s” response to the criticism directed toward him. Which I contend does not.

Look Mcdillard's, (see what I did there? A funny, i made one. Oooo, i crack me up), it actually is a warrior's response. Dawkins has specific and various goals for himself and his organization. While he acknowledges some of the silliness going on around him, he does not allow it to distract him from his primary purposes, nor the timetable in achieving those goals.

That is warrior 101, or to use a SEAL bon mot: plan your dive and dive your plan. If your goal is to take hill 102, you do not allow the problem on hill 110 to fuck up your program unless it actually might. You acknowledge the problem on 110, but that's not your farm, not your pig. You take motherfucking hill 102, because that's your goal. In fact, if you're lucky, your opponents get distracted by hill 110, making it easier for you to take 102 due to that distraction.

That's pretty much what Dawkins did. He had his goal: funding childcare at future TAMs. The shit going on with Watson interested him somewhat, but he realized, quickly, that it was a bunch of stupid yanks having yet another round of OMG, and quickly left them to it after dipping his toe in. He didn't focus on it because:

a) the whole thing is really quite trivial to him
b) he had plans and operations in movement that were far too important to even come close to delaying just because a bunch of oversensitive yanks have sandy arses.

That's a warrior's response. If I'm fighting a guy with a knife, I don't give a fuck what he's calling me, or anything else than dealing with the knife. My goal is to not get cut or stabbed. Everything not directly involved in that goal is to be ignored, because it is not important to me at the moment. Someone asking me where the bathroom is will either get ignored, or possibly flung at KnifeBoy, but either way, I really don't give a fuck about them or their lavatorial issues, because there's a guy wanting to fucking cut and stab me.

If you can't see how Dawkins had an excellent warrior's response to the situation, you need to read up on the concept.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 8:44 PM



She got Dawky Punched. And it took no extra effort at all to do it. Essentially, he held out his fist for her to run into, really, really hard. Like a good pet monkey, she pleasingly obliged and ran full into this Dawkslap

I see what you did there.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 8:49 PM


Justicar @ 532

Ah, insult. So useful in making your point.

>>Watson was claiming that Dawkins is a sexist, misogynist, and a relic who's relegated to being useless and a nobody, a man whose efforts never really did anything really anyway when compared against what she and her coterie of idiots had done to advance women.

She made no such allegation. She, and others pointed out he was responding from privilege. No one has denied he has been immensely influential.

Admittedly, she initially took the position that she would no longer support him by buying his books, or what not, but she has since backed away from that (with some reservations, true).

Essentially, you’re attempting to rewrite what has actually occurred to somehow fulfill your fantasy version of events.

Good luck at Justicar Labs. You’ll need it.

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 8:55 PM




Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 8:57 PM


She made no such accusation? One wonder if you and I read the same internet.
"Every time I mention, however delicately, a possible issue of misogyny or objectification in our community, the response I get shows me that the problem is much worse than I thought, and so I grow angrier."

She talks about morphing into a Captain Planet style superhero to fight these things, and that day has nearly arrived . . .
"You may recall that I related an incident in which I was propositioned, and I said, “Guys, don’t do that.” Really, that’s what I said. I didn’t call for an end to sex. I didn’t accuse the man in my story of rape. I didn’t say all men are monsters. I said, “Guys, don’t do that.” Cue Richard Dawkins‘ response:"

Then she elaborates:
"This weekend when I read Dawkins’ comments, I was, briefly, without hope. I had already seen the future of this movement dismissing these concerns, and now I was seeing the present do the same."
Embedded in there, in describing Dawkins, is a link to another post of hers where she said of Stef McGraw:
"I was pretty frustrated, seeing a young woman who I’m sure is intelligent be so incredibly dismissive of my experience and that of other women in this community, and so uneducated about the fundamentals of feminist though"
Which she then further clarifies by saying:
"I hear a lot of misogyny from skeptics and atheists, but when ancient anti-woman rhetoric like the above is repeated verbatim by a young woman online, it validates that misogyny in a way that goes above and beyond the validation those men get from one another."

How that isn't calling him a misogynist or a sexist isn't immediately obvious. Or is it your position that to call someone something, you have to write a sentence that "Y person's name is a misogynist and a sexist"?

"Richard Dawkins believes I should be a good girl and just shut up about being sexually objectified because it doesn’t bother him."

It's disingenuous to say she didn't call him that when she's describing him as a person who exhibits all of the features she says defines misogyny and sexism. I mean, I'm not saying you're a racist, you just hate people of the wrong skin color and try to oppress them. There, you're not a racist in title; you just exhibit all of the features necessary and sufficient to be called the title.

Well, that was productive.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 9:11 PM


Over at Greg Laden's blog, they are still stumbling through the meaning of ad hominem....

ERV, nice job of addressing Laden's position. He is under the sway of his next wave svengali's, and their need for paternalism cloaked as feminist rhetoric.

Rebecca's been Dawkslapped....very funny

Posted by: pornonymous | July 20, 2011 9:16 PM



Oh don't worry, I got it! :)

Posted by: Sophie | July 20, 2011 9:46 PM



Shame on you now and forever, ERV. You've forfeited your right to be listened to on this issue when you use this kind of obscene and vile sexist language.

Posted by: Adam Lee | July 20, 2011 9:55 PM


I also commented over at the Scientific American blog. I encourage others to do so as well since the tone seems to be going in the direction of the "all men are potential monsters" and "all women are scared of sexual assault" trope.

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 20, 2011 9:56 PM


There's a couple of problems. One being, to give the benefit of the doubt, that Dawkins may actually have been embarrassed at the way his words came across and people's reaction to them. So to rebuild his reputation, he understated his part when something good he was planning went through. If that's the case, his intentions have been trashed.

Another problem being that a man giving women a generous gesture that's impossible to refuse following a public patronizing, silencing, and belittling lecture can have ugly implications. When it's announced with more patronizing, silencing, and belittling language, the writing gets a lot larger. When there's actually gloating, the whole thing is tainted.

Finally: you want to say this is good for women when you're attacking a woman (and feminists) with language that insults all women? Um, I'm not sure you're getting the idea here.

I've been thinking about what an ugly post this was all day, unfortunately. I'll remember to avoid your blog after this. (Note: buying me something nice to make up for it will not work.)

Posted by: kelian | July 20, 2011 9:56 PM



Um. no. Sorry motherfucker, no. That is bullshit. I don't play that game, that's for scriptkiddies and anonymous bullshit.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 9:58 PM


Blame me for the Twatson thing. I'm a well-known bad influence. I come with a surgeon general's warning and all.

Hey, Adam Lee, I noticed you aren't over at skepchick bitching and complaining and calling them down and telling them they've forfeited their right to be listened on this issue incident to the "Dear Dick" campaign.

I'll hypocrisy for $2,000, Alex. Oh, the Daily Double on feigned moral outrage - sweet! I'm a pro at this category!

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 9:58 PM


Not even pizza?

When did the announcement come out with gloating? How patronizing was Richard Dawkins when made the announcement. How was he silencing people (at any point in his life?) Who was belittled by Richard Dawkins when he made the announcement?

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 10:02 PM


LOL, Benson and her readers no likey this post. The level of melodrama in the comments is staggering.

Posted by: TylerD | July 20, 2011 10:03 PM


Aratina Cage@#455


'Or was that not the point you, Jen McCreight and assorted empty self serving opportunistic bullshit artists were trying to make?'

Jen McCreight is not such a thing, not at all. Why would you ever think that about her? For fuck's sake!"

Oh lord.

That is why I distinguished you both instead of writing:

'Or was that not the point you, Jen McCreight and ALL THE OTHER assorted empty self serving opportunistic bullshit artists were trying to make?'

i.e. You and Jen are making a bad point that is also being made by bad people i.e. opportunistic bullshit artists.



I give.

I just want to know about it before we prohibit unisex elevators in universities and federal buildings so I can buy some stock in Otis.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 20, 2011 10:06 PM


Speaking of that post (and the subsequent comments) it really is amazing how so much of the Twatsonian position is based on the notion that women in the atheist/skeptic movement represent a valid cross-section of women in general, rather than just the entitled and stuck up ones.

Posted by: TylerD | July 20, 2011 10:09 PM


Sorry, my fucking head just exploded. Greg Laden just accused me of committing, literally, a federal crime. I'm not fucking kidding. From -/2011/07/updates_on_rebeccapocalypse_an.php:

(John is also famous for an ill fated botched attempt at a primitive sort of denial of service attack on my blog, which is funny because as an IT professional that makes him bot unethical and incompetent. Oh and his book is kind of lame too. I much prefer this one.)

I don't care what he personally thinks of me. Not a whit. he's entitled to whatever opinion he wants. But when he accuses me of something that can literally land me in a jail, line, crossed it he has.

Note, I still don't actually want revenge. I want an apology.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 10:09 PM


I tell you what! That Philip Legge has a hard-on for me.

I'm like his internet pet or something. But he never leaves me any food on my keyboard. The little shit.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 10:11 PM



No, thank you.

He wasn't when he announced it. That's... the point. If you missed the lecture, I'm referring to the whole "Dear Muslima" mess.

Posted by: kelian | July 20, 2011 10:12 PM



Sue that fuck for libel. I don't exactly know the details of the situation but based on Laden's past behavior I wouldn't exactly put complete fabrication past him.

Posted by: TylerD | July 20, 2011 10:16 PM


If you're going to click John's link, redact his colon in the end and it'll work. =P

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 10:16 PM


I wasn't offering. Just asking. There your side goes again just assuming what people are thinking. Asshole.

So, it didn't deal with the announcement he made, but you wrote, "When it's announced with more patronizing, silencing, and belittling language, the writing gets a lot larger. When there's actually gloating, the whole thing is tainted."

I guess the comment section of a blog answering a question is what we're calling his announcement of daycare. Boy howdy, you really can read between the lines.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 10:19 PM



Nice. You take elements of her posts and try to reposition them in time. Her response to Stef came BEFORE Dawkins weighed in. And, in fact, it had nothing to do with her response to Dawkins. It was merely a point of reference and background.

But, interestingly, I see I’ve allowed you to divert the issue. The issue I was commenting on was whether Dawkins’ announcement of funding childcare at skeptic events constitutes a response to the criticism against him – which you have yet to address.

I judge you little more than a troll. Throwing out uninspired insults, yelling and pointing to fires elsewhere on the internet, while attempting to twist ostensibly factual information around to try and fit your own prejudices.

Address the issue at hand. Show how Dawkins announcement that his foundation will fund childcare at future events is an anyway an intentional response to the criticisms leveled at him.

You’ve already shot yourself in the foot on that topic, so I’ll be interested to see how you try to twist it around.

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 10:21 PM


You're not every smart, Mcdullard.

I'm aware that her comments to Stef came before her comments to Dawkins, which is why I put that parenthetical in her response to Dawkins noting it linked back to what she said to Stef.

See, when I write my blog and link to something, it's saying, "here's information that bears on what I'm saying". I don't just link to things for the practice in linking.

So, she linked to it. That means it's relevant to what she's saying. She used that section to explain what she was saying. She went from that explanation with that link to a new paragraph still talking about Dawkins.

Logic is hard, huh?

You're a fucking moron.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 10:26 PM


Sorry justicar, I didn't realize it would include the colon in the link. Christ, is this some kind of fucking joke? is this how a "respected scientist" behaves when someone won't kowtow to them?

The...cowardice of such a statement is mind-boggling.

Longer form reaction:

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 20, 2011 10:33 PM



And again, you fail to address the topic of this post, and the issue I contested. Show how Dawkins' announcement that his foundation will fund childcare at future events is an any way an intentional response to the criticisms leveled at him.

I believe the relevant word is - dense.

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 10:42 PM


John C. Welch@557

I can't say it surprises me much.

First you have P.Z. Myer's slimy "I'm not going to name names, but I have names that you should be aware of, because if you were aware of them, you would totally be on my side, cause I know stuff about certain people that you should know."

I'm not being hyperbolic, here. That is one of the most intellectually dishonest, slimy, vile, and pusillanimous rhetorical tactics I've ever seen someone attempt. I can't believe he isn't being jumped on more because of it.

That Greg Laden is pulling something like this seems pretty par for the course for people so disengaged with the concept of being a decent human being.

They're just throwing stuff out there now to see what sticks. Fuck anyone who actually gets hurt. It's just words, right?

Fucking cowards.

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 20, 2011 10:43 PM


Testing. I have a comment in moderation.

Posted by: TylerD | July 20, 2011 10:52 PM



"Show how Dawkins' announcement that his foundation will fund childcare at future events is an any way an intentional response to the criticisms leveled at him.

I believe the relevant word is - dense."

I'll do it.
Demonstration in one word - Timing.

I don't like arguments from subjective motive but it looks a hell of a lot better than yours.

If Justicar is dense you are as thick as a whale sandwich

Posted by: Prometheus | July 20, 2011 10:52 PM



Posted by: ERV | July 20, 2011 10:57 PM



Per Justicar:

>>This was put in the works long before the Twatson ordeal.

So, you’re suggesting that even though this was in planning long before elevatorgate, he decided to time his announcement as an answer to the criticism, because otherwise he’d have waited another few months?

That’s your argument?

So now you’re painting Dawkins, a man who has made a career of carefully argued answers to criticisms to this point, as suddenly acting as an opportunistic politician? And this is a brilliant political move?

Posted by: mccullrd | July 20, 2011 11:02 PM


This was in the works for a long while.

It was planned to be announced at TAM.

Twatson happened.

Twatson cried that Dawkins is the past, is useless, is a hasbeen, does so little for atheism and feminism and blah blah blah.

Dawkins made his announcement at TAM.

Remove the bit about Twatson and the sequence remains the same.

The fact that Twatson was also advocating against Dawkins while this was all happening anyway only shows how fucking stupid she is. Serendipity is cruel that way. Irony's a bitch.

And your time is up.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 11:08 PM


I realize that there are many comments here and I realize it is hard to search for responses when your handle is baing mangled, but this has already been covered in my post and a couple of times in comments, mccullrd.

Posted by: ERV | July 20, 2011 11:08 PM


I posted a long comment over at Ouellette's blog thing (as per John C Welch's #527).

It's URLed as comment 39, but shows up as comment 24. I did not see John C Welch's comment (URLed as 24?).

Maybe some folks are being disallowed for being dissentors. If my comment gets removed, I'll post it here.

Posted by: John Greg | July 20, 2011 11:14 PM


John Greg:
When I went over there earlier, there were only 9 comments of 25. 16 were in the moderation queue; I'm guessing she moderates each one individually.

Can't have people not agreeing publicly like that, ya dig?

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 11:16 PM


John Greg:
I saw your comment, but John C. Welch's is not showing up. She very well could be moderating the comments.

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 20, 2011 11:25 PM


"So now you’re painting Dawkins, a man who has made a career of carefully argued answers to criticisms to this point, as suddenly acting as an opportunistic politician? And this is a brilliant political move?"

I personally think Dawkins' announcement was just Dawkins being Dawkins, to wit considerate and generous.

The humor in pulling the wind out of the sails of a collection of nitwits accusing you of re-raping them with an internet remark might prove irresistible to his demonstrable impish nature.

It is particularly appealing if it was an announcement you were going to make anyway on the RDF site when TAM10's dates were announced and you had worked out the details with JREF.

Again I don't buy it but..

If, for you, motive, opportunity, proximity and means, constitutes a bad argument then I stand by the previous statement.

You are a bit of a thickie.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 20, 2011 11:26 PM


Nice comment, John Greg.

You wasted your time, but good post.

Meanwhile, Aratina Cage is letting the world know he doesn't care what I say or think and ignoring and blocking me!

I now have to go around to all of the blogs and point out that people who don't care what I think probably don't go around to all the blogs leaving remarks to tell everyone they don't care what I think.

Like my nutsack, he just can't keep my name out of his mouth.

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 11:33 PM


Thanks justicar


And, yes, I amost certainly wasted my time, and regretably I've noticed some logic errors which will probably be jumped on. But I tried damn it, I tried.

You gotta love this comment from Ouellette's post:

"If a woman calls you out on your behavior, instead of getting angry and defensive, just say, 'Wow, I never thought of it like that. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It wasn’t intentional.' Cop to the behavior, and we can all move on."

Yes, oh of course, and why didn't I see it before? I mean there's no chance in Vector Hell that the woman calling you out on your behaviour might be Andrea Dworkin? Right?

Posted by: John Greg | July 20, 2011 11:42 PM



Anyone here good at graphic design? If so, I have a great idea for a tshirt, with all proceeds going to the RD people.

Get a ticket looking thing, have it say something like "Big Daddy Dawkins Daycare - admits one whiny asshole" or something along those lines. If you're the graphic artist kind of person, feel free to play around with it.

"Dear Dick Daycare - admits one sucker"

Meh, play with it, and raise some money. Send it to the Dawkins!

Posted by: Justicar | July 20, 2011 11:53 PM


@kelian, post 543:

"Finally: you want to say this is good for women when you're attacking a woman (and feminists) with language that insults all women? Um, I'm not sure you're getting the idea here."

HOW MANY TIMES. "All women" are not insulted by Twatson. There are women who are not offended by the word twat, or cunt, or for that matter dick or cock or wanker. I am one of them. Some does not equal all. Please stop speaking for "all women". It's pathetic.

Posted by: Sophie | July 20, 2011 11:56 PM


Sophie, shh.

We men are deciding what you'll think about an issue. Just give us a minute to get your opinion ready for you so you can tell people what it is, ok?

Sheesh, all having her own thoughts and shit. Where'd she get a crazy idea she could do something like that from?!

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 12:04 AM


(dies laughing)

So if Raging Bee is to BEE BEE-LIEVED, you know what my "DOS ATTACK" was? Long comments.

No really, here's his/her comment on my site, in its entirety:

Posting an unusually large comment that contains absolutely nothing of substance -- just a re-paste of the entire thread really -- does kind of go toward DOS territory. Also, at least one commenter complained of slow loading of the page due to said spam comment of yours. So yes, your spam-dump kinda did what DOS attacks are known to do. As someone who calls himself a "tech geek," you should know better than to do something like this, intentionally or not. IANAE, but I think Greg can stand by his words here, and safely ignore your defensive bluster. You're either an idiot or a childish sore spammer.



I now know EXACTLY how Abbie et al feel when some creotard or Chopralite mangles scientific concepts that have actual, real meanings to try to win a point. I used to only empathize, but now I really know.

I almost hope that's NOT what Laden is talking about, because if it is, well, I may know more about anthropology than he does about IT. Folks, that's not a DOS attack. That's just a well-known shitty comment CGI. Movable Type has ALWAYS had problems with mt-comments, and SB is no different.

My site got fireballed once, (kind of like getting slashdotted, only by John Gruber fans from, and I had to kill the comment cgi for about a week while I moved things to disqus, and my site gets fuck-nothing for traffic compared to SB. (I don't know why SB hasn't moved to Disqus, it's pretty goddamned awesome in terms of featureset, scalability, and robustness.)

That's not a DOS attack, that's a shittily programmed CGI barfing because I'm a verbose motherfucker. Christ on a perforated cracker, if your comment system can handle naught but twitter, that's SO not my fault.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 12:48 AM


Could you not use so many "haha"s in your comments?

It's really slowing down my broadband, dude. The extra time it took to load that much data almost overloaded the network. Why are you such a hacker, bro? Asshole.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 1:08 AM


I've been lurking here for awhile, so please forgive me if this is a little off-topic. Why do I feel like the people here on this side of the debate seem like they'd be a hell of a lot more fun to hang out with than those in the pro-Watson camp?

Posted by: MrYellovich | July 21, 2011 1:56 AM


Because we're all alcoholics over here.

Except the one outcast over there in the corner.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 2:28 AM



Except the one outcast over there in the corner.

And that would be me! :P

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 21, 2011 2:39 AM


I think accusing people of "hacking them" may be a sign they're getting tired of wailing about "Twatson". Anything to cling to...

In a hilarious side-note, my husband came out of his workplace today with a funny look on his face. Apparently a random stranger was flirting with him in the elevator. Maybe elevator flirting is a thing now?

Posted by: Rayshul | July 21, 2011 2:43 AM


JCW, DoS attacks are often made possible by shitty programming if you know how to exploit it. That said, the question of malevolence on your part has everything to do with intention. Raging Bee's pompous lecturing shows just how much of an ignorant shitheel he is.

Why are you such a hacker, bro? Asshole.
As an unapologetic freetard, this is where I begin a long-winded lecture on the difference between hackers and crackers, and why you should not refer to security breakers as hackers. ;)

Posted by: 0verlord | July 21, 2011 2:54 AM


I'll believe it when I see a youtube video and Richard Dawkins calling him a pansy, and PZ breaking her neck to run and coddle him. Oh wait, PZ's equality towards the sexes only moves in one direction. Sorry, he's on his own this time around!

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 2:56 AM



582, I refuse to call him a "cracker"; that's racist and god knows we don't need to find out that racism is also running rampant in the community.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 2:58 AM


Alcoholics?! Do you realize how male alcohol drinking harms and affects women?!

You should be ashamed of yourselfs.

I mean, let's just start with the fact that your sperm count is decreased--meaning that you might dump more sperm on helpless victims of "after hours sex"

I am so mad right now...

Posted by: pornonymous | July 21, 2011 3:05 AM


In a hilarious side-note, my husband came out of his workplace today with a funny look on his face. Apparently a random stranger was flirting with him in the elevator. Maybe elevator flirting is a thing now?

That "funny look" was an expression of fear. After all, he could have been raped. And what did you do? You laughed about it! How could you trivialize the suffering he most certainly endured? Don' yo

Posted by: 0verlord | July 21, 2011 3:08 AM



Shame on you now and forever, ERV. You've forfeited your right to be listened to on this issue when you use this kind of obscene and vile sexist language.

I love this kind of stuff, PZ Myers says a whole bunch of people are misogynists, and all men potential rapists, men are compared to dogs that need their noses smacked with newspapers (by the way, please don't hit dogs on the nose with newspapers). ERV is a gender traitor because she doesn't buy the bullshit, and quite frankly, extremely sexist dogma. I don't want to live in the society the ideological purists want to create, I'm too liberal for that.

Twatson though, that's going a bit far?

See, I'm a believer in gender equality, and you know, I don't think it's okay when it comes from either gender, directed at either gender. (Or even less common gender, sexuality's whatever)

Twatson is really, really tame though. I mean, look up what twat means (remember, words can have more than one meaning, I use the phrase black comedy, and I'm not a racist). ERV changed someone's name into something silly and quite tame for comedic effect.

Get some perspective, or as Dawkin's said, Dear Muslima ... (Yes, I'm stealing Dear Muslima, yes, I'm using it how Dawkins was in a get some perspective way).

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 4:02 AM


Pretend I italicised that right, and it extended all the way to 'vile sexist language'

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 4:04 AM


Oh Peter, you can dismiss them out of hand since they're perfectly fine with the "Dear Dick" campaign (which is why I started the Twatson thing). Of course, I'm vile and all that jazz - Twatson et al are just being clever.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 4:20 AM


I'm not sure how serious you're being, you can't honestly think people's whole problem with the Dear Dick campaign was to to do with the fact it was calling Dawkins a dick? And not, you know, the whole 'you can't respond anyway because you're a man, and we're rape victims' thing?

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 4:25 AM


Actually, I think I just read you wrong there, my apologies if so.

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 4:36 AM


Uh. Twat. Dick. Make the connection.

Using twatson = sexism and misogyny.

Dear Dick = perfectly fine.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 4:37 AM


You gotta give justicar the credit for twatson tho. He coined the phrase.

Yeah, fucking amazing, tone trolling, that is what they are resorting to know. Jesus fucking Christ, the creationists called and they want their tactics back.

He-who-shall-not-be-named actually responded to my trolling, gave me some bullshit that a woman astronaut wearing a diaper is creepy therefore it isn't sexist. Seriously? Cuz I call my male friends cunts, twats, and bitches all the time therefore, they aren't sexist words either. WTF?

Then he disregarded my actual point and said I bought into the whole men are supposed to hit on women and all that shit then told me to grow up. I replied in non-troll form, he didn't bother responding but did post again on the thread. What a fucking coward.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 21, 2011 4:45 AM


Having looked at a few of the links provided to sites on the other 'side' of this, erm, whatever the hell it is, the main points that leap out at me are:

1. I really hope those people never have to suffer the indignity of living in or visiting Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Wales, most parts of Canada, Australia, or New Zealand.

You know, English-speaking places where the vast majority of the population stop getting puritanical about language around the age of 8.

2. I also hope they don't ever have to meet any oil and gas workers, police, soldiers, mechanics, grad students, taxi drivers, farmers, foresters, miners, heavy equipment engineers, council workers, fishermen, labourers, bartenders, comedians/comediens, etc.

You know, people who work in jobs where casual swearing is generally for a laugh between friends.

Seriously, 'skeptics' thinking "Twatson" is a big deal? Fuck off.

P.S. Please keep linking to the sites full of folks getting offended over this, its fucking hilarious.

P.P.S. ERV, you rock.

Posted by: Sab | July 21, 2011 4:50 AM


I hate to tone troll (ok, that’s a damnable lie), but I really have to take issue with the use of “coup de grace”.

Unforced opportunities to reference WarGames are rare, but this was clearly a Winning Move by Prof Dawkins.




Posted by: Aj | July 21, 2011 5:08 AM



I do check out your blog regularly because I enjoy your reporting on various issues (research, skepticism, etc).

And congratulations on your attempt at creating a blog discussion with comments in the "PZ Myers" range. In a few years, you may be getting the readership numbers that he has.


However, I will also offer some advice to you and your readers.

(1) Name-calling needs to be clever and rarely used to be effective. Otherwise it just doesn't work. Changing Rebecca Watson's last name into "Twatson" isn't that clever. Outside of the self-reinforcing "echo chamber" of one's blog commenters, you come off looking petty and childish.

(2) Assume good will until proven otherwise. Instead of assuming that Richard Dawkins' conference child care gesture was done as a jerkish "gotcha" in response to "elevatorgate," I would assume that he is a decent person who is trying to make the world better and this is just an example of this. Until there is evidence to the contrary, I will assume that his motives are decent and he is not a jerk.

And ... with any luck, the number of comments here will break 600.


Posted by: Steve Caldwell | July 21, 2011 6:13 AM


Jumping in late without even reading most of these comments yet, due to this lashing out thing that PZ wrote:

PZ wrote: "I also have some personal, private information about some of the participants in the argument, facts about some of the people on the anti-Watson side, that make their comments look self-serving and prejudicial to me. They're personal and private, though, so they are irrelevant, and I'm not going to take the cheap shot of revealing them."

No, you'll just take the cheap shot of a partly-veiled threat to make the other people do as you tell them. They should pretend they agree and suppress their actual thoughts in order to take on your party line. I would paraphrase the above quote as "if you keep disagreeing with me and expecting me to explain myself, I'm going to show private info of yours, which I think will make people think you're of bad character. So, shut up and listen to me, a man who has determined what's best for ALL women, or, or, or, or else I'm telling."

PZ, I'm revoking your honourary vulva membership card. You're not entitled anymore. And about that article you ordered people on twitter to read "Now!", the 'chilly' one, well, what do ACTUAL contact assault/harassment and classism (from established high ranking scientists towards an undergrad) have to do with the non-event that Watson experienced? You know the one I mean, don't you? The one where the guy did exactly what us women WANT them to do: treated us like adults who don't go 'eek' at a polite sex offer, and ACCEPTED "NO" FOR THE "NO" IT IS. This is a bad thing??????????

Or is it the offer itself that's bad? Ahhhh, we're getting closer to the non-reality based assumption that an offer of sex is bad, oppressive, sinful, dirty, demeaning, a put down, "objectification", "sexualizing", etc. Why is it bad if no force, coercion or insult happens? Seriously, why is it an offensive thing to be thought attractive and invited for sex?

Is there an automatic assumption of "waaa, you ONLY want my body and are ignoring my brain, waaaa"? Shall we change society from the imbalance of not noticing our brains over to the imbalance of not noticing our sexuality? That's switching one imbalance for another.

EG was appreciating both it seems, and there's nothing wrong with that. If Watson has become in recent years, uncomfortable with polite sex offers and men thinking she's attractive, then why doesn't she just ugly herself up a bit more. She's given it a good start with the thick glasses look and all. Just do a little more. I've known women who dislike being attractive and who do this successfully.

Oh wait a minute, maybe she has the same attitude as what McCreight wrote about a while back. Something about hating if men who are old or ugly are attracted to her, but that she'd be just fine about it if there were only a couple of them and they were really good looking. Yeah, ok... huh?

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 21, 2011 7:30 AM


Nectar @597:

To be fair, I didn't see PZ's claims of having damning personnal infos about some frome the "other side" as thinly veiled threats. After all, he DID say he wasn't going to release them.

No, it's bit more pernicious. It effectively says that some on the "other side" have very dark secrets. Who? No one knows. Could be anybody. ANYBODY. You, me, Abbie, Justicar, John, the other John... No one knows, so let's assume any "opponent" has a dark secret and dismiss anything they say. Clever.

Also, Steve @596: very nice way of being patronizing and condescending to Abbie. That borders on sexism, you know? Also, your smileys have a long nose, so I will assume you have a long nose. You know what they say about men with long noses? They say they're ugly.

(That last part about the nose stuff was extremely petty and childish on my part. And the sad thing is I almost giggled. Almost...)

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 7:52 AM




JCW, DoS attacks are often made possible by shitty programming if you know how to exploit it. That said, the question of malevolence on your part has everything to do with intention. Raging Bee's pompous lecturing shows just how much of an ignorant shitheel he is.

Oh I know that bit. It's just...well when you say DoS/DOS to someone in IT, it's a pretty specific thing. I've had to deal with them, both deliberate, and inadvertant. (fireballing/slashdotting can become inadvertant DoS'ing.) It's just hilarious that someone would classify a long comment as one. And seriously, a "multi-megabyte" comment? I have 80-PAGE text files that are only 281K. For someone who fancies themselves some kind of tech maven, Laden...he's a good anthropologist.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 7:59 AM


@Phil Giordana Hmm, maybe both? If there really is someone he has in mind, then it was a threat or he wouldn't have mentioned it at all. On the other hand, by not naming names, you're right, might make everyone think "uh oh, is he talking about me regarding_____?".

Either way, totally fucking passive aggressive, the very trait he recently said he doesn't like.

Has he ever fallen off the pedestal I seem to have had him on once. Got fooled by how logical he is in everything else. But when it comes to fundie-feminism's ideological claims, he's just a common faith-head.

Ah well, that'll teach me to think too highly of someone. It led to my assumption that his good intellectual traits must surely extend to other topics too.

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 21, 2011 8:07 AM


@Steve Caldwell:

(2) Assume good will until proven otherwise. Instead of assuming that Richard Dawkins' conference child care gesture was done as a jerkish "gotcha" in response to "elevatorgate," I would assume that he is a decent person who is trying to make the world better and this is just an example of this. Until there is evidence to the contrary, I will assume that his motives are decent and he is not a jerk.

Steve, if you read ERV's OP then you cannot fail to notice that ERV did not assume "that Richard Dawkins' conference child care gesture was done as a jerkish "gotcha" in response to elevatorgate". Indeed, she makes it absolutely plain that the childcare funding had been in the works long before Elevator Gate, and that it was simply an ironic and awesome coincidence that Dawkins was able to ram it right up the cretinous morons who have been slandering him over the past month. Your little ramble there sounds every bit as disingenuous as when Jen McCreight posted the following on her blag in response to the RDFRS calling her out for suggesting that this was a cynical, political ploy from Dawkins:

I hope you're leaving this same message on the blogs of your supporters like ERV, who are trying to portray this move as Richard giving the middle finger to those who disagree with him.

ERV did indeed gloat, and quite rightly too, about how awesome it is that whilst BlagHag and Twatson and all of the other True Feminists were shrieking with outrage on the intarwebz, Dawkins decided to leave the fucking idiots to it and actually do something useful for the world. The pertinent point here, however, is that this was not a cynical move from Dawkins, trying to save face- it had been in the works for a long time beforehand and the timing was incidental. Do try to improve your reading comprehension skillz, you cretinous twat.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 8:07 AM


Shit, we need objective measures. This discussion has been going on forever and still no agreement in sight.

Posted by: Lotharloo | July 21, 2011 8:27 AM


This is one of the things that pisses me off with the appologetics side of this argument - you aren't actually honest. At. All.

Okay so what happened? RW found something creepy, and pointed out that being creepy (using the elevator guy as an example) isn't going to get you laid.

She got some flack for this and some other women pointed out that they also found the behaviour creepy and raised their own reasons for it (including the bit about "Well its kind of rapey").

And so you have a bunch of morons responding that RW likened an unwelcome come-on to rape - because quite frankly they can't criticise the original point and are too dishonest to accept it might be valid.

And you have another bunch of morons arguing that Watson said that hitting on women is verboten forever, because she doesn't want to be propositioned in that manner.

You know if you can't think of a different time to 4am in an elevator after a woman has just given a talk on how she doesn't want to be sexually objectified to aks for sex, do the world a favour and just stay out of the fucking gene pool.

Intelligence may or may not be genetic, but you wouldn't be doing any potential kids any favours.

Anyway she got pissed off eventually when someone of very high profile (And its funny how the cultist claim is being bleated against people who are essentially not agreeing with the high profile name btw) basically joined in.

All of this was basically sexist because all of it was just excuses to not pay any attention to the woman when she talked about how being hit on in that specific circumstance was a turn-off.

She was and still is getting vilified for shit she never actually said - because that is so much more convenient than actually not being creepy at conferences.


Posted by: Bruce Gorton | July 21, 2011 8:34 AM



It's hardly surprising that Dawkins is capable of great generosity and sensitivity, as well as rare stupidity.

But casting his action as scoring points, while mashing up a woman's name with "twat", throws both gasoline and shit on the flames.

Posted by: Paul Havlak | July 21, 2011 8:35 AM


Lotharloo-- I dont want to agree. I want the right to have a dissenting opinion.

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 8:37 AM



Dude, has it still not occurred to you that there are people pissed off at watson NOT because of the initial EG incident and NOT because somehow, we think Dawkins told us to be pissed off at her?

That there may be, just maybe, *other reasons* at play here?

What the FUCK is it with people telling people who AREN'T THEM what they're THINKING? What, have you all gone psychic?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 8:40 AM


Oh, and Wow

Schrodinger's Rapist was actually by a romance novelist calling herself Phaedra Starling. Not RW.

Posted by: Bruce Gorton | July 21, 2011 8:41 AM



I was hoping for a scinecy way of getting to a consensus, an agreement born out of logic, reason, and objective evaluation of facts and statements rather than coercion, intimidation, or name calling. I should not have entered this discussion because it gives me nightmares at this point but I do enjoy reading your blog and your sciency posts.

Posted by: Lotharloo | July 21, 2011 8:49 AM


Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 8:40 AM

Its not mind reading if it is in text.

Posted by: Bruce Gorton | July 21, 2011 8:49 AM


Shame on you now and forever, ERV. You've forfeited your right to be listened to on this issue when you use this kind of obscene and vile sexist language.

Somebody call the fucking waaaaahmbulance.

Posted by: 0verlord | July 21, 2011 9:07 AM


I was ambivalent about the whole thing... big deal. RW was uncomfortable... But using the word twat? You might as well use cunt. Is this what you really think of me or any other woman who dares to put herself out in the world? For shame. You can disagree with someone all you want, but slurs? Really? Let's compare.... If I called a black person n-------, would that be over the top? What about all the other ethnic slurs? What about the slurs against the GLBT community? Are those all okay now too?

Posted by: chris | July 21, 2011 9:16 AM


Don't worry everyone: PZ's latest post explains the REAL problem at work behind all of this. The problem is gamers. You see, gamers are largely clueless man-children. Their brains are poisoned by testosterone. This has the effect of making them sexist. I mean, someone was called a fag while playing an MMO. STOP THE PRESSES!

I wasn't aware that testosterone was so dangerous. But apparently it's what causes sexism. PZ is, after all, a biologist. He would know. Well, I'm off to go get castrated. I'm not sure what can be done for the women who disagree with PZ, though...

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 21, 2011 9:41 AM


Don't worry everyone: PZ's latest post explains the REAL problem at work behind all of this. The problem is gamers. You see, gamers are largely clueless man-children. Their brains are poisoned by testosterone. This has the effect of making them sexist. I mean, someone was called a fag while playing an MMO. STOP THE PRESSES!

I wasn't aware that testosterone was so dangerous. But apparently it's what causes sexism. PZ is, after all, a biologist. He would know. Well, I'm off to go get castrated. I'm not sure what can be done for the women who disagree with PZ, though...

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 21, 2011 9:41 AM


@chris Considering that the femtards routinely call men (derogatorily) 'dicks' 'd00dz' and 'Menz™' as a matter of routine, 'twatson' is nothing worse than the sexist insults the other side tosses. Usually tossed at the same time they are ordering men to shove a dead porcupine up their asses, which I suppose isn't technically a rape joke as long as they are forcing you to do it to yourself? "Your Honour, I didn't touch him. I forced him to do it himself, so even though he didn't consent, so what, doesn't count, right?".

The femtard faction is the only place I'm seeing sexism pushing itself on the community. Names like 'twatson' are merely a little taste for them, of the same shit they do, and so they have NO grounds to complain on that one.

What's good for the gander is good for the goose too. No one way streets should be there, even if it does give them warm and fuzzy feelings from the indulged victimhood and resulting sympathy.

Forgot to mention in my first comment, that what I found gave me an "are you fucking kidding me?" moment, was seeing that when PZ posted the link to the 'chilly' article, he embedded a comic where the good feminist man rushes in to save the poor little weak girlies from bad men who flirt with them over the internet. Cuz we get all scared and need protecting or we'll waaaa. It's not as if any woman can actually respond herself, using her own agency and decisions. We're so emotionally fragile. Except that we're not! Not unless we indulge in it because it gets us attention from people wanting to be our superhero, who we can sic on other people who are just nonharmfully being themselves.

Mighty Myers Mouse Theme Song:
"Here I come to save the day......!"

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 21, 2011 9:45 AM


>>Well, I'm off to go get castrated.

No loss to the genepool.

Posted by: Myrna | July 21, 2011 9:49 AM


chris, what a privilege and an honor it must be to speak on behalf of all women, all black people, and all gays. Please speak for me as well.

It is a matter of urgent importance to police the speech and tone of others. As we both know, substantial conversations can only be had if the tone is neutral and inoffensive to everyone. The American Revolution would never have happened if we had been offensive to the King, and we wouldn't have freedom today. If abolitionists and feminists had ruffled feathers and called people nasty names, we would still have slavery and women wouldn't have the right to vote.

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it. I simply lack the spine and conviction, so I'm glad you're there to speak up for me. Keep fighting the good fight.

Posted by: 0verlord | July 21, 2011 9:52 AM


Apologies for the double post. It wasn't anything I did, as far as I can tell. I hit "post" and my internet connection went haywire. When it was back to normal, the comment had been sent twice somehow.

Anyway, PZ's insinuation that the problem might be the influence of gamers because he's played an MMO and people were mean there seems similar to the assertion earlier that people making rude comments on YouTube was indicative of anything. I mean, I don't think it's indicative of anything, anyway. There's never been a law restricting morons from using the internet. It's not like seeing or hearing bad/stupid comments MUST MEAN SOMETHING.

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 21, 2011 9:52 AM


Scented Nectar-- I even told everyone it was a tripwire for stupid people, and they all took the bait hook, line, and sinker anyway. Heh. Stupid people.

Its also a matter of precedent. I have said and will say worse things than 'Twatson'. Long-time readers of ERV know that is rather tame for me. I dish it out, and I take it, completely and totally without apology.

I also have no problem with people who prefer to keep things civil, and behave civilly in turn. However if that is your feeling, you will certainly wince reading ERV now and then.

The problem, is when people say out one side their mouths "DICK!" "FUCKER!" "FUCK YOU SIDEWAYS WITH A RUSTY KNIFE!!!", then turn around and get the vapors at 'Twatson'.


Those people should not feel welcome here on ERV.

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 9:55 AM


So touching to see that all you manly whingers have found a mighty warrior-princess to nurse the thousand little hurts that those awful femtards have inflicted on your tender souls. Just stay here, ok?

Posted by: Myrna | July 21, 2011 9:58 AM


Scented Nectar@614:

was seeing that when PZ posted the link to the 'chilly' article, he embedded a comic where the good feminist man rushes in to save the poor little weak girlies from bad men who flirt with them over the internet.

I think you are misinterpreting the XKCD comic. "Hat Guy" (who elsewhere describes himself as a classhole -- a classy asshole) is not a likely candidate for "the good feminist man" and call me old fashioned, but I dont think, "OMG, a girl on the Internet. Tits or GTFO" is generally flirting. Shrug. PZ may be misinterpreting the comic just as you describe, as a XKCD fan though, I think thats a misinterpretation.

Posted by: Dave | July 21, 2011 10:09 AM


DavidByron @503

But (from memory) if you were to go and have a look at it then it explicitly says critics are not welcome. I'm not sure now about that as I couldn't find it under the Google cache so I may be confusing hers with another site.

Ask and ye shall received.

Comments are welcome, unless you’re a twit.
Also, you have to pass the stick test, originally conceived by Chris Clarke:
I really think Twisty ought to get a stick, post it at the entrance to her blog at about 4 foot 6 inches off the ground, like at the carnival rides, and post a sign saying “You must be smarter than this stick to comment here.”
I am not sure if Twisty Faster ever installed said metaphorical stick at her own blog, but I sure as hell did at mine.

Granted, "twit" is entirely subjective. But considering how you equate feminists with white supremacists, I can see how you may have been granted that status. I've seen critics post comments there and not get banned, even if they and Dr. Socks disagreed vehemently. But a self-described "liberal" who claims NOW is the same thing as Stormfront? Yeah, I can see how she could tolerate that for only so long.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 10:32 AM


@ERV The vapors, in their case, just means they want to avoid the actual points by crying "tone!". I prefer real talk than politeness any day. It's the point made that counts, not the package it's in.

@Dave You're right that that's not flirting, and also I'm not familiar with the comic character from other strips, but I think PZ is using the comic to represent a real life situation that WAS a harmless flirting+invitation. He's made it seem like there was a grave injustice done. Meanwhile, there wasn't even a mild insult along the lines of what the cartoon had. He has turned any and every expressed sexual interest into harassment. It looks like there's no difference in his view. It's ALL "tits or GTFO", even when it's not.

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 21, 2011 10:49 AM

No loss to the genepool.

Your rapier wit has maimed me. Alas, I cannot strike back with a barb of my own as all this testosterone has poisoned my brain!

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 21, 2011 10:49 AM



I dont want to agree. I want the right to have a dissenting opinion.

Thank you for expressing so concisely my problem with the reflexive groupthink surrounding this issue. The demands for orthodox thought on the subject come across as almost, well, religious.

Posted by: Samizdat | July 21, 2011 10:51 AM


"I appreciate the attempt at condescending to me; it's special."

Your welcome.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 11:06 AM


"plausible just doesn't seem to quite good enough"

You should stick with the implausible, and above all don't research the topic as I have. Facts are not your friend I sense. Fats tend to be all "plausible" and stuff. Or how about this? Insult randomly people who've done the work of research even as you admit you yourself are clueless?

Sounds good.

I however will stick with an alternative concept which I like to think of as giving due regard to people who have knowledge and trying to learn everything I can from them while slamming bloviators.

I suggest you start again with me if you want anything from me.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 11:14 AM


@Tabby lavalamp
"I've seen critics post comments there and not get banned, even if they and Dr. Socks disagreed vehemently. But a self-described "liberal" who claims NOW is the same thing as Stormfront? Yeah, I can see how she could tolerate that for only so long."

Well as I said -- this seems to be misunderstood by people so I'll go over it explicitly -- I sometimes post stuff that tends to show I am wrong. OK? because I'm weirdly honest. When I do so you don't get to yell "gotcha" as if I was hiding it and you discovered it by yourself or something.

Well it doesn't seem weird to me but apparently its so weird other people feel i can't really have intended it and therefore give them self credit for the "discovery".

So, yes I was wrong in my memory about that site's comment policy - confused with another site maybe. I did try to check the facts but as I'm banned from even viewing that site I was only able to get the Google cache which I admitted ran against me. I said that,

Anyway -- to get back on point we have reached an agreement which is that we both agree feminists censor and they pretty much have to. So that's good right? We substantially agree on a point you initially assumed I was wrong on.

Now can we get back to why you think that profiling on the basis of race is wrong, but profiling against men is a good idea? (eg "OOoooh he might be a rapist so I should respond to him as if he was dangerous") You keep saying that this point has been replied to on other boards but I have never seen any such reply. To me it is all the same. Negative stereotyping for mere administrative convenience is prejudicial.

In fact the practical advantage of stereotyping all Mexican-looking people in Nevada is far greater than women's advantage to thinking all men are rapists. The former arguably might help enforcement of immigration (it doesn't) but the later just fucks up the women having such terrifying and prejudicial thoughts and actually probably makes them LESS SAFE if anything.

Beyond the ethics this is a point in law as discrimination is outlawed under the 14th amendment and decades of legal decisions have framed when exactly something is profiling and when it is not. Obviously they consider only actions by the government and government contractors not individuals. There's no law against being racist or sexist. But sexist is the correct word to describe prejudicial stereotyping of men as a group in the way you advocate.

Once again if there really is an answering argument from the feminists I have yet to see it and I would LOVE to hear it. Please please PLEASE tell me what it is.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 11:39 AM



Bruce, if you're telling me I'm only in this because of Dawkins, or because of the initial EG encounter, then yeah, you're trying to read my mind, and doing it badly.


So touching to see that all you manly whingers have found a mighty warrior-princess to nurse the thousand little hurts that those awful femtards have inflicted on your tender souls. Just stay here, ok?

no more "touching" than how awesome it is of you to venture out without PZ and Laden to protect you. Be careful, you might see a man on the same side of the street as you.

Isn't condescension fun!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 11:43 AM

I was hoping for a scinecy way of getting to a consensus, an agreement born out of logic, reason, and objective evaluation of facts and statements rather than coercion, intimidation, or name calling. I should not have entered this discussion because it gives me nightmares at this point but I do enjoy reading your blog and your sciency posts.

You are obviously not following. It's all about DA PRIVILEGE, which can very sciencily be proven absolutely and totally to always belong to the man. This is done by constructing the scenario of a talking polar bear and a dumb equatorial blindworm stuck in a room fighting over the air conditioning control, thereby creating an uncontrived and subjective yardstick of privilege. It follows from this that you can just shut the fuck if you disgree with the His Royal Bearded Rightness and jesters.

Don't worry everyone: PZ's latest post explains the REAL problem at work behind all of this. The problem is gamers. You see, gamers are largely clueless man-children. Their brains are poisoned by testosterone. This has the effect of making them sexist. I mean, someone was called a fag while playing an MMO. STOP THE PRESSES!

It was obviously right from the off that PZ and company were arguing with caricatures in their heads. Did you not notice that crap about predatory frat-boy types and their wing-men in his preachy post about how to behave at events?

I still respect the man's intellect but I think that he will manage to alienate just about anyone when he eventually gets dogmatic about one of their hot buttons.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 21, 2011 11:47 AM


...Once again if there really is an answering argument from the feminists I have yet to see it and I would LOVE to hear it. Please please PLEASE tell me what it is.

Why don't you go back and actually read the feminists' explanations on the several blog posts, particularly PZ and Greg Laden, which have already been written to provide the very answers you pretend you'd love to see, but seem strangely reluctant to actually examine? Greg even provided a list of links in one such post, so there should be plenty of information to answer your questions.

The fact that you haven't even tried to read any of the information you claim you'd LOVE to see, once again proves what a closed-minded, self-centered, lazy wanker you really are. And don't start crying about being banned again -- you can still read what's already there. But that's not really what you go to blogs for in the first place, is it?

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 21, 2011 12:18 PM



Well as I said -- this seems to be misunderstood by people so I'll go over it explicitly -- I sometimes post stuff that tends to show I am wrong. OK? because I'm weirdly honest. When I do so you don't get to yell "gotcha" as if I was hiding it and you discovered it by yourself or something.

Responding to a possibly misremembered policy with a quote of policy is yelling "gotcha" all of a sudden? Did I type "Nyah nyah nyah you were wrong!" and forget that I wrote that? You said you weren't sure if you could remember it and can't access it, so I quoted it for you. Perhaps you're getting your definition of "Gotcha!" from a certain former governor.

Anyway -- to get back on point we have reached an agreement which is that we both agree feminists censor and they pretty much have to.
No, we don't agree. You said "all feminists", and I agree "some feminists". Some MRAs, some liberals, some conservatives, some religionists, some atheists, some of any group censor, but no matter how much I disagree with someone, I would never argue that everyone from a particular group does that. I can also see why some members of a group would do so, particularly if they want to create safe spaces for others of that group. I disagree vehemently with Christians, but never in my life have I gone to a Christian site to tell them why I think they're wrong, and if I was to do so repeatedly and get myself banned, I would not be crying "Censorship!"
Now can we get back to why you think that profiling on the basis of race is wrong, but profiling against men is a good idea? (eg "OOoooh he might be a rapist so I should respond to him as if he was dangerous") You keep saying that this point has been replied to on other boards but I have never seen any such reply. To me it is all the same. Negative stereotyping for mere administrative convenience is prejudicial.
Please note this is not a "Gotcha!" statement as I can understand how this confusion came about based on how our conversation started - You're confusing me with someone else you were talking to earlier in this thread. We were never discussing that point. But we can if you'd like...
In fact the practical advantage of stereotyping all Mexican-looking people in Nevada is far greater than women's advantage to thinking all men are rapists.
One thing to be very careful of is not conflating women being concerned about strange men being potential rapists with the police pulling over a car because the driver is black or Arizona passing the Papers Please law. Such comparisons are disingenuous. A fair comparison is Joe Whiteaccountant worried about the black man coming towards him in the street. Is it wrong for him to be concerned? I don't know. Has he been mugged by a black man before? Does he have reasonable concerns about mugging? What are the comparative statistics for black man on white man crime vs. man on woman crime?
Beyond the ethics this is a point in law as discrimination is outlawed under the 14th amendment and decades of legal decisions have framed when exactly something is profiling and when it is not.
What does that have to do with anything? You even agree that this is only a constraint on governments and that nobody is suggesting laws that profile men.
There's no law against being racist or sexist. But sexist is the correct word to describe prejudicial stereotyping of men as a group in the way you advocate.
Here's the difference... You can't say virtually all muggings are committed by a particularly race. You can't say virtually all home invasions are committed by a particular race. You can't say virtually all car jackings are committed by a particular race. You can, however, say that virtually all rapes on women are committed by men, and the vast majority of rape is committed by men.

Now that's not to say that all men are potential rapists. What that does say though is that a potential rapist is likely a man.

If you're worried about about the sexism of a lone woman on a street concerned that the strange man approaching her is a potential rapist, instead of decrying her for being a sexist profiler, perhaps the better approach would be to get rapists to stop raping. Do you know what else would help? Instead of putting so much energy into accusing women of being sexist for being concerned about strange men (and frankly, I do think that gets too much emphasis considering how many rapes are committed by someone known to the victim), some of that energy could be put into changing a culture that blames rape victims.
It's a can't win situation. Worried about a man being a potential rapist? Sexist! Got raped? Should have known better than to put yourself in that situation!
I'm not saying you agree with that latter part, but it happens and needs to be taken into consideration.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 12:37 PM


So touching to see that all you manly whingers have found a mighty warrior-princess to nurse the thousand little hurts that those awful femtards have inflicted on your tender souls. Just stay here, ok?

... manly whingers have found a mighty warrior-princess to nurse the thousand little hurts that those awful femtards...

... mighty warrior-princess...


Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 12:39 PM


So touching to see that all you manly whingers have found a mighty warrior-princess to nurse the thousand little hurts that those awful femtards have inflicted on your tender souls. Just stay here, ok?

Why do I always get the impression that feminists can be the most misogynistic and sexist peeps in the world when they face dissent from females?

Posted by: TylerD | July 21, 2011 12:51 PM


I'm starting to believe that thing about being psychically connected...

Posted by: TylerD | July 21, 2011 12:53 PM


@403 (Raging Bee)
I said: The whole anti-Rebecca backlash flared up big time before Dawkins commented. It started when she attacked Step from the podium, where Stef was in no position to reply.

To which you replied: But that's not what Dawkins was talking about. Nor does it change the fact that it was Dawkins' words that brought so much attention to the matter.

Er, no. ERV's posts criticizing Watson pre-date the Dawkins comment. That is when the vituperating of Watson began big time (at ERV and elsewhere). And the Watsonophiles responded with accusations of misogyny to those who dared call out Watson for being petty and abusive. And all these people going rapeshit deflected the conversation back to Mr. Coffee.
And it was only at that point that Dawkins commented, adding lubricating oil to the cuntflagration.

Posted by: frank habets | July 21, 2011 12:55 PM


Raging Bee:
"Why don't you go back and actually read the feminists' explanations on the several blog posts"

I already did that. No such answer exists does it? You feminists have nothing to say in response to the charge that you are advocating gender profiling.

Raging Bee:
"Here's the difference... You can't say virtually all muggings are committed by a particularly race."

You already tried that line and I pointed out that almost all illegal immigrants in Nevada are Mexican looking. So yes, you have the exact same argument as other conservatives who are prejudiced on race. Congratulations. Also: you cannot recall that you've already made the same argument. What do you have fluff between your ears?

You have nothing else to add do you?

Good grief.

"Waah waah waah, but men are so HORRID that's why its DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT."

It isn't different. You are a sexist.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 12:56 PM


Why do I always get the impression that feminists can be the most misogynistic and sexist peeps in the world when they face dissent from females?
Oh definitely. I got some doozies from adult females, from their *work* email addresses, containing some of the most arrogant, dismissive, sexist language I have *ever* experienced. *No one* in science addresses me that manner. *No one*.

And when I didnt respond 'favorably' to them, they emailed Jerry Coyne (?????) in the hopes that he would 'get me in line'. Because going to a socially superior male and demanding he control a lower female is SUPER FEMINIST. (I have no idea where the Jerry thing came from, but True Feminists regularly go to *him* about my behavior. It creeps both of us out. Im assuming its because I was obviously just parroting PZ before, and because a female cant have her own opinions, Jerry must be the dominant male I follow now. SUPER FEMINIST!!!!)

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 1:00 PM


"Why do I always get the impression that feminists can be the most misogynistic and sexist peeps in the world when they face dissent from females?"

That isn't sexism exactly. Yes, feminists hate men as the "out group". Now let me be clear that I mean "hate" the political term not the emotion. The KKK don't hate black people as an emotion. The actual emotion involved would be better described as "contempt", but politically we call it "hate".

It's sexism (or racism etc) when they hate their out group, but when they attack perceived traitors to the cause, that's really just simple tribalism. The defector, the turncoat, the tribal betrayer is always more of a threat to the tribe and always gets worse attacks. So yes feminists often brutally attack women as individuals and also often attack whole groups of women who are perceived as behaving against the interests of the tribe, but that is not sexist hate in the sense they hate men.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 1:02 PM


Abbie wrote:

I also have no problem with people who prefer to keep things civil, and behave civilly in turn. However if that is your feeling, you will certainly wince reading ERV now and then.

The problem, is when people say out one side their mouths "DICK!" "FUCKER!" "FUCK YOU SIDEWAYS WITH A RUSTY KNIFE!!!", then turn around and get the vapors at 'Twatson'.


You're conflating two different concerns. Personally, I have no problem with colorful language. Having spent over 20 years serving the military, I can use the word "fuck" in the pluperfect subjunctive.

Fuck, dick, shit, twat, cunt, and other words were not what I was commenting about.

I was commenting that you can say what you want to say without engaging in namecalling. It has nothing to do with cuss words.

One can say "fuck" when the situation demands it (e.g. "my fucking car won't start") and that's not the same as a personal attack or namecalling (e.g. "he's a motherfucking asshole").

This is just an observation for the "echo chamber" participants on your blog. If the text on the screen comes off sounding like it's face-turning-red veins-popping angry, it's entirely possible that you've left the realm of the rational for the irrational.

If the only "response" that you have here is namecalling and anger, maybe you don't anything to say here and perhaps it's time to move on to another topic like evolutionary biology, anti-vaccine foolishness, etc.

Posted by: Steve Caldwell | July 21, 2011 1:02 PM

Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum...
Alliteration. I am a poet. The 4chan version of Maya Angelou.

Not my fault you dont like it, and Im not interested in post-hoc justifying tone trolling.

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 1:08 PM



I'm thinking more about the fact that they use they same kind of language that they consider awful and hateful toward women when an individual woman isn't on their side. It's hypocritical so act like such language is universally contemptible and then use it, on women, when they refuse to conform. It's much like blacks calling dissenters "house negroes" and "watermellon sucking Uncle Toms", in that it's equally hypocritical.

Posted by: TylerD | July 21, 2011 1:16 PM

The demands for orthodox thought on the subject come across as almost, well, religious.

Here's what I've seen...

Someone once made the innocent suggestion that more w00mynz (h/t ERV) ought to be represented in the atheist movement, that maybe we should be thinking about that. Phil Plait once made the innocent suggestion that maybe aggressive tactics may do more harm than good, that maybe we should be thinking about that. What happens instead? People lost their damn heads, split into factions, and started lobbing spears at each other over stupid bullshit. I criticize PZ for his non-trivial role in enabling such bad behavior.

I can't help but marvel at the stupidity of it all, and wonder how many more innocent suggestions our movement can handle.

Posted by: 0verlord | July 21, 2011 1:17 PM


"If the only "response" that you have here is namecalling and anger, maybe you don't anything to say here and perhaps it's time to move on to another topic like evolutionary biology, anti-vaccine foolishness, etc."

Well, quite. Did you read the series of posts about this on ERV? If you are under the impression that the only thing ERV had to say on the matter was namecalling and anger then you probably need to take a deep breath and read the actual articles again.

Posted by: Sab | July 21, 2011 1:20 PM



Add steel-worker to that list, I did my work experience in the steelworks my dad worked at, when I was 16, and bloody hell, was it an eye-opener. You've not lived till you've heard one guy use 17 sweary words in one sentence, AND THEY'RE ALL DIFFERENT...


Never mind winning the internet, you've won my heart. :P


AWESOMEZ!! I was wondering how long it would be before SOMEONE blamed gamers, what with us being THE go-to social pariahs, nowadays.


I dish it out, and I take it, completely and totally without apology.

I am declaring you an honorary Englishman, because of that!

So yeah. I love it! We've got us a self-perpetuating lulzstorm! We've reached critical lulz!

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 21, 2011 1:24 PM


Can we stop pretending that Gerg Ldaen has made the rational feminist argument?

Gerg has been arguing that men should cross the road from unaccompanied women because of their gender.

That isn't equality, it's segregation.

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 1:25 PM


>...And it was only at that point that Dawkins commented, adding lubricating oil to the cuntflagration.

Dawkins' comments said absolutely nothing about any lapse of etiquette on RW's part. He said nothing about anyone's behavior; his comments were nothing but attacks on RW's feelings, concerns and priorities -- not on her manners. Your quibbles about timing don't change that fact. If RW's manners were the problem, why didn't Dawkins mention her manners?

Yes, feminists hate men as the "out group".

WHICH feminists, you stupid asshole? Names and quotes or admit you're full of shit. And don't mention Andrea Dworkin -- she's been dead for years, never represented the majority of feminists when she was alive, and had an unusually miserable life, which would, if you cared enough to listen, go a long way toward explaining her extremism.

This thread has become even more of a cesspool of unhinged misogyny than I ever thought possible. Shame on ERV for turning a good deed by Dawkins into fodder for an inexcusable hate-fest.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 21, 2011 1:27 PM


"I'm thinking more about the fact that they use they same kind of language that they consider awful and hateful toward women when an individual woman isn't on their side. It's hypocritical"

Yes and no. In my opinion they don't really care about women being called cunt or whatever. So I'd say they were lying when they made the claim that such name calling is sexist. That's why they use the same words so easily when attacking.

Is this hypocrisy?

My own view is that feminists are conservatives. by that I mean they fundamentally don't respect liberal concepts of reason and equality. To them tribalist "values" are key. The tribalist has a morality which says "anything I do, or a member of the tribe does, is good, anything an outsider does is bad even if it is the same thing."

For example many pro-life women get abortions. When asked to explain the apparent hypocrisy they explain "I'm not a slut like those women"

This ok for me, but not for ye attitude (ie inequality as a moral principle) is the hallmark of conservatism. Conservatives will say ANYTHING to win an argument because they have no actual moral principles save for one: loyalty to the tribe.

They will often even state contradictory arguments and be happy about it. The conclusion justifies the argument to a conservative (the ends justify the means). They fundamentally don't believe in making sense or being consistent or honest. Not when the tribe's identity is challenged. Loyalty trumps EVERYTHING else.

So it's not a mistake or moral flaw to them to argue against X and simultaneously do X. For a liberal such behaviour is a moral failing ("hypocrisy"). To a conservative? Just business as usual.

If you press them their answer always comes down to saying "THAT'S DIFFERENT"

And why? Why is it different? because when they do it, its always assumed to be for the good, for the best of motivations, and for the good of the tribe. When an outsider does it then their motivations are always potentially the very worst.

This is the heart of tribalism. It is the polar opposite of liberal equality.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 1:35 PM



Raging Bee:
"Why don't you go back and actually read the feminists' explanations on the several blog posts"

I already did that. No such answer exists does it? You feminists have nothing to say in response to the charge that you are advocating gender profiling.
You not agreeing with an answer isn't the same thing as the person not giving an answer. (Please note: You addressed this to Raging Bee but this response is mine.)

Raging Bee: "Here's the difference... You can't say virtually all muggings are committed by a particularly race."
(Please note: You addressed this to Raging Bee but quoted me.)
You already tried that line and I pointed out that almost all illegal immigrants in Nevada are Mexican looking. So yes, you have the exact same argument as other conservatives who are prejudiced on race.
Raging Bee may have "already tried that line" but in this case she's not the one to use it. Also, conservatives are trying to get the force of law behind them. That's vastly different than a woman being nervous around a strange man. If the conservatives are merely saying they feel nervous around a strange illegal immigrant and would cross the street to avoid them but leave it at that, then you would have a valid argument. Also also, "other conservatives". I see what you did there, and would again say you are using the "No True Scotsman" argument that you denied earlier (in a reply to a post I made, not Raging Bee (just in case)). You are arguing that a woman who feels that it's okay to take precautions around strange men is a sexist, therefore is a conservative and not a liberal. You are using the No True Scotsman argument whether you want to admit it or not as long as you keep claiming that the only true liberals are those who agree with you on this subject and anyone else is a conservative.
Congratulations. Also: you cannot recall that you've already made the same argument. What do you have fluff between your ears?
Perhaps it's because there are two different people you're conversing with here and one can not be expected to recall that the other has already made the same argument. What do you have fluff between your ears? Or is that righteous indignation clouding your eyes, making it difficult to read names?
"Waah waah waah, but men are so HORRID that's why its DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT."

It isn't different. You are a sexist.

I guess this is one way to go about it when you don't have an effective argument about the fact that most rapists are men and nobody said that most men are rapists.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 1:43 PM

Twatson fell down and threw a temper tantrum...

Twatson took to tantrum throwing, insolently insisting innocent interaction indicates injurious intentions?

I write software by trade, but wordsmithing is my true calling. ;p

Posted by: 0verlord | July 21, 2011 1:44 PM



First of all, for the record, I like and admire you. I hate this post, really hate it, but I like you.

But also for the record, since you brought it up:

And when I didnt respond 'favorably' to them, they emailed Jerry Coyne (?????) in the hopes that he would 'get me in line'. Because going to a socially superior male and demanding he control a lower female is SUPER FEMINIST. (I have no idea where the Jerry thing came from, but True Feminists regularly go to *him* about my behavior. It creeps both of us out. Im assuming its because I was obviously just parroting PZ before, and because a female cant have her own opinions, Jerry must be the dominant male I follow now. SUPER FEMINIST!!!!)

Maybe so, but that's not the only direction the SUPER FEMINIST advice and pressure has been going. As you know, because I told you, Jerry Coyne also emailed me to scold me very aggressively for not responding harshly enough to a comment by a third party on my blog about you and Miranda. I responded sarcastically and he ejected me from his universe. What about that? Is that SUPER FEMINIST?

The comment in question didn't call you twats or the Bitch Brigade. It called you morons and gender traitors. I did disagree with it, in a mild way...but I didn't jump up and down on it, and that omission was enough to earn me a dam' good scolding and then termination. Is that SUPER FEMINIST?

[cue the torrent of garbage from the lovely crew here]

Posted by: Ophelia Benson | July 21, 2011 1:53 PM


@Tabby Lavalamp
I apologise for getting you confused with another feminist. You all have identical arguments. But I get confused between people easily I'm afraid. At least it means I concentrate on the debate not the person.

Now you raise the idea that it's OK for feminists to gender profile against men as long as they don't make a law about it. So firstly, thank you for admitting that you are gender profiling against men. Progress. I am not quite clear but it looks like you are (for consistency) saying you support racial profiling too as long as it is not enacted as law? Is that so? And you don't see that as a conservative position on profiling?

Why do we have laws? It's against the law because its immoral. It's immoral when the government does it and it's immoral when an individual does it. The difference is the government has power and so it's a far larger issue practically speaking. As I said above we don't have laws against racism by individuals, but we do have racism laws when the government does it. Why? I say it is because governmental immorality is far more serious. I say racism is still wrong when done by an individual, even though it may be quite legal. Does your view differ? If not I can't see your thinking here. It would seem to make no difference if feminists advocate a law gender profiling men or not.

However in passing I note that feminists HAVE lobbied for gender profiling laws against men, and have seen them pass into law, and those laws have been challenged as unconstitutional discrimination under the 14th amendment, just as with the Arizona law. I take it you'd be against such laws even as you favour profiling by individuals?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 2:02 PM



If you're worried about about the sexism of a lone woman on a street concerned that the strange man approaching her is a potential rapist, instead of decrying her for being a sexist profiler, perhaps the better approach would be to get rapists to stop raping. Do you know what else would help? Instead of putting so much energy into accusing women of being sexist for being concerned about strange men (and frankly, I do think that gets too much emphasis considering how many rapes are committed by someone known to the victim), some of that energy could be put into changing a culture that blames rape victims.

Why would you think we aren't trying to make things better because our opinions on certain things differ from yours? Do you actually think that anyone not seeing this issue *exactly* as you do thinks Rape is a good thing, or not really a problem, or that blaming the victim is good?

It is possible to disagree with your side of things on certain points, and yet agree on what seems to be the vast majority of others. But if you're going to require 100% agreement on life, well, I have bad news for you.


If the only "response" that you have here is namecalling and anger, maybe you don't anything to say here and perhaps it's time to move on to another topic like evolutionary biology, anti-vaccine foolishness, etc.

Steve, can you maybe step about three feet back and see just how astoundingly patronizing it is to explain to a grown-assed adult what you just explained to Abbie?


Maybe so, but that's not the only direction the SUPER FEMINIST advice and pressure has been going. As you know, because I told you, Jerry Coyne also emailed me to scold me very aggressively for not responding harshly enough to a comment by a third party on my blog about you and Miranda. I responded sarcastically and he ejected me from his universe. What about that? Is that SUPER FEMINIST?

Sounds super-DUMB on his part. Why should you be required to (dis)agree with Abbie or anyone else? You're a grownup. If you responded in a way you felt was proper, well, okay? Just like PZ et al shouldn't be dictating behavior to anyone but themselves, neither should Coyne, Abbie, me, or even you. it seems pretty clear to me.

The comment in question didn't call you twats or the Bitch Brigade. It called you morons and gender traitors. I did disagree with it, in a mild way...but I didn't jump up and down on it, and that omission was enough to earn me a dam' good scolding and then termination. Is that SUPER FEMINIST?

"Super Dumb". Why would Abbie need you to defend her in a way you didn't feel appropriate?

[cue the torrent of garbage from the lovely crew here]

Sorry to disappoint you? At least for my part, I'm not seeing why you not reacting the way someone else thought you should is a reason to "cut you off" or whatever. I may or may not disagree, (i've not read the post/comment itself, so I can't say if I would or not), but disagreement shouldn't be that much of a damned crisis.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 2:11 PM

Why should you be required to (dis)agree with Abbie or anyone else?

It wasn't even requiring me to agree in any case; it was requiring me to police people who sharply criticized Abbie at my site. And bizarrely enough, I agree with you on this one point. I shouldn't.

Posted by: Ophelia Benson | July 21, 2011 2:20 PM


@Tabby again:
"You are arguing that a woman who feels that it's okay to take precautions around strange men is a sexist, therefore is a conservative and not a liberal. You are using the No True Scotsman argument"

Well, we haven't really discussed this have we? But since you raise it my own view is that people all have a lot of tribalist and egalitarian tendencies in them, and can express either tendency at different times (I of course am the exception!)

However, the context of my remarks here is that of the feminist movement which I am saying is specifically a conservative / tribalist group. Now any individual feminist may express liberal traits in other areas of life. In fact I am sure they would. Dogmatism is non-functional in many areas of life. You'd be a basket case if you never were able to express liberal traits, especially in a society like ours which unthinkingly assumes liberalism is right and conservatism is wrong on moral issues.

But I am not talking about feminist behaviour in other areas. I am just talking about their behaviour with respect to their movement, gender, gender issues and so on. That is deeply conservative. Again, I am trying to usefully characterise the entire movement (just as feminists do when they claim feminism is for equality).

Making broad characterisations about things is not a logical error. The No True Scotsman thing is a silly comment because you have to basically assume your interlocutor means to make an absolute black and white statement instead of a broad generalisation. It is rude to make an assumption involving the interpretation of someone's words that makes them out to be an idiot, when a simple alternative interpretation is available.

When a hate movement is in its empowered stage (as feminism is currently) people of goodwill can easily become involved with it. In the 1920s in the US the KKK had similar-ish power and politicians competed to be the KKK candidate just as politicians today always want to be seen as pro-woman.

As a former member put it, "all the best people were in the clan". In some respects the clan was quite liberal -- ironically wrt to women in fact. The first woman bishop in the US was a clansman I believe. The Women's KKK was quite "progressive".

Nevertheless I identify the KKK as a conservative hate movement. Does that mean everyone in it was racist? No. it is a description of the movement as a whole. But was being in the KKK a bad sign?

You betcha.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 2:24 PM


To expand on the point just a little, Abbie - you say it creeps both of you out. It is creepy. But it's also creepy when Jerry tries to tell another woman how to respond to comments about you and Miranda on her own blog. You have every right to be creeped out; he doesn't. He acted like an angry protective male, intervening on behalf of two much younger women, as if they were too fragile to do so themselves. He also acted like an angry entitled male, who for reasons that are entirely mysterious to me has a right to tell me how to manage comments on my blog. Does that creep you out too?

It was always my feeling that it probably would if you knew about it. You don't strike me as needing or wanting Jerry's help to defend your corner. His intervention struck me as somewhat insulting to you as well as to me.

I also don't know of any blogging rule that says we have to defend the friends of friends. It's too much trouble to keep track of all our friends' friends...and in any case it would be a stupid rule: it's ok to be rude to non-friends but we have to be super-polite to our friends and our friends' friends even unto the third, I don't think so.

I don't call anyone by sexist (or racial etc) epithets. Beyond that...the rules are ad hoc.

Posted by: Ophelia Benson | July 21, 2011 2:25 PM


Oh dear Tabby Lavalamp @ 648, you could not be more wrong with this;

‘nobody said that most men are rapists’

Yes they did. Frequently. This is the most egregious lie that I think many are rejecting from the militant and extreme misandryst position; it is just not true that all men are dangerous/potential rapists/sexual attackers. And hence your prejudice that they are is deeply irrational (not supported by the evidence).

See, some examples;

Danarra on skepchick blog;

‘The good guys don’t realize they’re a threat and the bad guys do an awfully good job of looking like good guys until they attack.’

She received much praise for her post.

Phil Plait on his own blog;

‘This was a potential sexual assault.

So you may not think anything bad happened to Rebecca on that elevator, but something bad did indeed happen. He didn’t have to physically assault her for the situation to be bad. The atmosphere in there was enough to make it bad. And Rebecca was absolutely right to talk about it and raise awareness of it.'

Jen McCreight on her own blog;

‘You don't have people constantly explaining that you're subhuman, or have the intellect of an animal. You don't have people saying you shouldn't have rights. You don't have people constantly sexually harassing you. You don't live in fear of rape, knowing that one wrong misinterpretation of a couple words could lead down that road.

You don't, because you have fucking privilege.’

Tabby, please don’t tell me I’m lying when it is obvious I’m not; that doesn’t make any point you have more palatable or believable. Everyone who does not immediately accept the misandryst position you espouse is labelled as part of ‘the problem’ and that is just not true. We are constantly told that all men are potential rapists when that is just not true. You told us that nobody is labelling all men as rapists and there are plenty of quotes out there that do indeed say that; you are wrong I’m afraid.

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 2:34 PM


And one more point - I wouldn't have gone public with this (although I'm not really sure why, since I certainly never asked for Jerry's advice on how to manage comments on my blog), but your "It creeps both of us out" and "SUPER FEMINIST!!!!" struck me as deeply unfair when I knew you knew (because I told you, and anyway I was pretty sure Jerry had also told you) about his attempt to bully me on your behalf. Saying women emailing Jerry about you creeps you out without mentioning his bullying of me looks hypocritical. So I went public with it.

Posted by: Ophelia Benson | July 21, 2011 2:39 PM


It was absolutely unnecessary for Jerry to contact you. I also have no reason to ask you to moderate comments on my behalf-- no one did anything illegal or threatening, etc.

But I scan see how Jerry is friends with you and friends with Miranda and friends with me and he wanted to say something.

I emailed PZ about his commentors reactions to Dawkins. I am friends with PZ, I have had nothing but positive interactions with Dawkins, I wanted to say something, in the hopes PZ would say something to turn down the flames. I didnt *need* to, Dawkins doesnt *need* my existence at all. I just personally felt it was appropriate for me to say something.

I do think that is different than someone who I have never met or interacted with, and someone who Jerry has never met or interacted with, asking Jerry to get me 'in line'. I get this regularly-- though it used to be PZ, for equally baffling reasons-- and that is nothing if not sexist and ageist and sometimes borders on heteronormaitve (they say I just have differing opinions because I want boys attention, and thats why I wont listen to their superior female logic, thus they get a dominant male, who I surely want to fuck, to regurgitate their superior female logic so I will follow along).

I dont 'need' Jerry to say anything, but those situations are very different in my mind.

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 2:40 PM


@Steve Caldwell: So are you going to apologise to ERV for misrepresenting what she wrote in her OP? You said that ERV was insinuating that:

Dawkins's conference child care gesture was done as a jerkish "gotcha" in response to "elevatorgate"

In fact, ERV made it very clear in her OP that the "gotcha" was simply a delicious coincidence, because the child care business had been in the works for a long time before this debacle even began. ERV was not arguing that Dawkins's intention in this matter was to stick it right up the True Feminists- it's just a happy coincidence that this was the case. So you were wrong, as I pointed out to you earlier in this thread. So are you going to apologise or what?

@Ophelia Benson: What is it that you hate about ERV's post? Is it the subject matter, the epithet "Twatson", or both?

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 2:40 PM



I apologise for getting you confused with another feminist. You all have identical arguments. But I get confused between people easily I'm afraid.

That's totally understandable when you have a habit of lumping people into big, uniform blocks instead of approaching them as nuanced individuals. Which is something conservatives happen to do a lot. Ergo, using your logic, you are a conservative and not a liberal.

So firstly, thank you for admitting that you are gender profiling against men.
(sigh) "Most rapists are men, most men are not rapists." You may argue that it's "gender profiling against men" if a woman concerned about being raped takes precautions around strange men, but you can not argue that "most rapists are men, most men are not rapists" is a statement of fact.
I say racism is still wrong when done by an individual, even though it may be quite legal. Does your view differ? If not I can't see your thinking here.
"Most rapists are men, most men are not rapists" is a statement of fact. Now I admit I haven't looked up the numbers, so it's possible that "most muggers are African-American" (but it's definitely true that most African-Americans aren't muggers), but even if it were true? Percentage-wise I'd be willing to bet it's not even close to the percentage of rapists who are men (note: most men are not rapists, only a small percentage).

Oh, and please come back to me when men start getting followed around by security to make sure they don't rape anyone.

Anyway, if we want to look at actual comparisons that matter, we can go back to Joe Whiteaccountant who is worried about that black man approaching him. Is it wrong for him to be so? I'm going to go back to an important word I used earlier - nuance. The nuance here is that context matters.
If we go back to the incident that started all of this, the relevant information isn't that Elevator Guy asked Rebecca Watson for coffee. It was that he didn't ask until she was alone in an elevator at 4am and it was back to his room away from everyone else. If he had asked her while everyone else was around, the story likely would never have come up.
So the context for Joe W. matters. Where is he at what time of day with how many people around and is there a crime problem in that neighbourhood? You can argue that this is classist, but how is the man approaching him dressed? How is he presenting himself? There are countless little details that matter that could make Joe's reaction understandable, silly, or downright ridiculous and wrong.

I take it you'd be against such laws
even as you favour profiling by individuals?
You confuse understanding and accepting with favouring.

What you seem to be is living in a crime-free world where context doesn't matter, where there are no statistics as to who commits the most crime against whom (and going back to Joe Whiteaccountant, statistically speaking based on who commits crimes against whom, he has less to worry about from a black man approaching him than another black man would).

I'd love to live in a world where I could walk down any street alone at any time of day or night. I'd love to live in a world where a man asking me to his hotel room alone at 4am for coffee only meant that he'd love to have me join him for coffee and would have no other possible outcome or subtext (and I'm not even talking necessarily about rape here, but about even merely sexual advances where he takes no for an answer).

You argue that means I'm not a liberal. That's bull. I'm a liberal, but one who lives in the real world where sadly people have to be careful about what they do, where they go, and whom they go with.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 2:42 PM


Ophelia, you are braver than me. And more patient. Still trying to reason with someone who acts on her blog like a playground bully, surrounded by her clique... Because, really, ERV? Sexist slurs *that play on people's names*? This screams "stuck at ten years old and proud of it". Only, in adults who inhabit teh Internetz, that's called a troll.

Posted by: Irene Delse | July 21, 2011 2:42 PM



Posted by: JohnV | July 21, 2011 2:46 PM


@Irene Dense: See hwo your name makes for a good epithet?. LOLZ. Now scurry along, dear.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 2:47 PM


I'm astonished at the length of this debate when it seems pretty clear that there is no debate. Rebecca Watson should understand that she is not famous and thus 99.999999% of the world's population will never receive her plea to leave her alone. Thus, logically the onus is on her to create a proper solution to her dilemma.

It seems to me the only way she can truly ensure that situations like these do not occur again is to stay out of public spaces. Otherwise her only option is to learn to deal with situations as they come and accept them as a normal part of living in the world with other human beings who will express interest in others from time to time.

In so far as her objections to Richard Dawkins' comments go. What is there to complain about exactly? Surely Watson does not feel that her uneasiness with being politely propositioned is on par with the plight of other women being seriously oppressed throughout the world. And from my reading of it, that is all he was trying to say.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 2:48 PM



Why would you think we aren't trying to make things better because our opinions on certain things differ from yours? Do you actually think that anyone not seeing this issue *exactly* as you do thinks Rape is a good thing, or not really a problem, or that blaming the victim is good?

It is possible to disagree with your side of things on certain points, and yet agree on what seems to be the vast majority of others. But if you're going to require 100% agreement on life, well, I have bad news for you.
We don't need to agree on everything, but arguing that women who are careful around strange men are "sexist" and "gender profiling", and saying that liberal women who are careful are actually conservative isn't making a positive contribution (and yes, I know it's not you who made this argument, it's David Byron).
Rapists don't walk around with RAPIST tattooed on their foreheads. They don't wear smelly, tattered trench coats with their faces frozen in perpetual leers.

Which brings me to a question for David Byron - you keep saying what women shouldn't do to protect ourselves from rape (no "gender profiling"). So what is acceptable in your eyes that we should do? What methods to lessen our chances of being sexually assaulted are acceptable to you?

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 2:50 PM


I apologise for getting you confused with another feminist. You all have identical arguments. But I get confused between people easily I'm afraid.

You couldn't back up your bogus assertion about "all" feminist sites banning you, so you backpedaled and said you have a hard time remembering stuff from so long ago. Now you're making similar excuses of mental inadequacy when confronted with your inability to distinguish different people here. It's starting to look like you really don't have the facts or faculties to back up any of your moronic claims, and you're no longer able to hide your ignorance, even in this sorry crowd.

At least it means I concentrate on the debate not the person.

No, it means you concentrate on your pathological bigotry and not the reality.

And are you really trying to equate a woman's daily attempts to assess, anticipate and avoid threats to her personal safety with racial discrimination? The most charitable response I can offer to that, without being dishonest, is HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW! Seriously? So what, chicks need Federal judges to rule on the constitutionality of their personal safety precautions?

By all the Gods that live, boy, you're every bit as stupid, uncaring, hateful, phony, and morally retarded as you were on Stand Down.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 21, 2011 2:51 PM


Rebecca Watson should understand that she is not famous and thus 99.999999% of the world's population will never receive her plea to leave her alone. Thus, logically the onus is on her to create a proper solution to her dilemma.

Dawkins trashed her, his idiotic supporters followed his lead, ERV is now using Dawkins' latest good deed to continue the vindictive pile-on, and now the men's rights crowd are adding their own vindictive chorus of mindless unhinged hate...but it's Watson's job to fix things? That's your idea of "logic?" Sounds like mindless victim-blaming to me.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 21, 2011 2:57 PM


Raging Bee @ 646:

Not to put too fine a point on it, but have you checked up on WMDKitty or Ms. Daisy Cutter? They seem to fit that concept very well. I'll note here only that I see where some of the crap on the male side is coming from. They've definitely got their counterparts, though :P

Posted by: James Emery | July 21, 2011 2:58 PM


Allan, I think the problem is how you're looking at the word "potential". As I stated (and is pretty much explained in one of your quotes), rapists don't go around advertising themselves as such. When good men are seen as "potential rapists", it doesn't mean that they actually have the potential for rape, but that a woman looking at that man doesn't know if he's a rapist or not.


When a hate movement is in its empowered stage (as feminism is currently) people of goodwill can easily become involved with it.

This is why I don't know why I'm wasting my time with you considering that you see feminism as a hate movement.
Please be honest with me here, do you see the men's right movement as a hate movement as well?

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 2:58 PM


@ Irene Delse, 661:

This screams "stuck at ten years old and proud of it".


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

-C.S. Lewis

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 21, 2011 3:11 PM


@ 669

It's not 'my' problem, Tabby, of how I'm looking at potential but yours I'm afraid. The misandryst position is very clearly that all men are potential rapists. That is patently untrue. Now if you wish to live your life under the irrational assumption that every man you meet is absolutely a potential rapist then I can only conclude that you are deluded (because that belief is in fact not true) and that your behaviour will be unnecessarily fearful. I feel sorry that you have a wholly irrational view of reality but refuse to accept that the solution is for me to collude in your delusion in some way. I'm more than happy to discuss many possible ways to ensure that society is in fact safer for women (an objective dear to me) but please don't ask me to feed your delusion. You need help to be more rational and see the world for what it is; almost wholly inhabited by men who will in fact do you no harm whatsoever and might even provide some joy and frioendship to you (no, not in a sexual way unless you indicate that it is welcome) and if you cannot see that simple fact you are 'the problem' I'm sorry to say.

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 3:11 PM


"I get this regularly-- though it used to be PZ, for equally baffling reasons-- and that is nothing if not sexist and ageist and sometimes borders on heteronormaitve"

I don't think so. This is simply an appeal to an authority figure to keep a member of the tribe in line. If either of the men in question had been women it would have gone the same way. If you had been male it would have been different perhaps because men are not considered true members of the feminist tribe and therefore don't need to be attacked as traitors the same way. Instead, you'd be dismissed as a privileged white male. If the feminist movement was male dominated instead of female dominated maybe the attacks would have been direct instead of indirect. But I see this behaviour on feminist boards all over the place. In fact on so-called progressive blogs too.

I see no reason to suspect (their) sex or age is involved. The implication of what you're saying is that you are younger than the two men? I would have guessed the opposite actually. You seem to have your act together much more.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 3:12 PM


Just for what it's worth, I would like to distance myself from DavidByron. Feminism is NOT a hate movement. SOME feminists might be man-haters, but that's not even remotely close to the feminist movement's stance. There's a bunch of other things he said I don't agree with.

Won't elaborate unless REALLY needed.

Too lazy.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 3:15 PM


Dawkins trashed her, his idiotic supporters followed his lead, ERV is now using Dawkins' latest good deed to continue the vindictive pile-on, and now the men's rights crowd are adding their own vindictive chorus of mindless unhinged hate...but it's Watson's job to fix things? That's your idea of "logic?" Sounds like mindless victim-blaming to me.

I did indeed see him rebuke her for complaining, essentially saying in a perhaps a not so eloquent way, "You have nothing to complain about relative to these other women." I would hardly call that trashing, but perhaps we have different definitions of the word.

Indeed it is the job of the person who feels uncomfortable in social situations to be in control of their lives and learn methods to handle those situations so that they can co-exist with the others on the planet happily and peacefully. There is no victim here as there is no crime. The complaint by Rebecca is an internal response to a situation. Only she can learn to deal with that emotion and spin it into a positive outcome.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 3:16 PM


@670: Well played sir.

Posted by: Sab | July 21, 2011 3:20 PM

And are you really trying to equate a woman's daily attempts to assess, anticipate and avoid threats to her personal safety with racial discrimination? The most charitable response I can offer to that, without being dishonest, is HAW HAW HA

I personally have to go out of my way to avoid potential violence from black people for very real reasons. Almost anyone in this city can tell you a story about relatives suffering anything from burglary to torture and rape. During a short period living in one neighbourhood, our house was burgled, my brother mugged, a women living opposite held up with a rifle and the house cased in a blatant way in broad daylight. You could hear the Nigerian pimps down the road beating up their 'employees' at night. At the retirement complex where my mother lives an 80 year old woman was tortured by a gang of burglars and only escaped alive because the idiots pressed the alarm button while trying to get her car out of the garage to abduct her. A woman was shot by a stranger while getting into her car near the complex FOR NO REASON. Pensioners in a nearby complex have been murdered. I once was going to move to community just out of town with a couple I know but scrapped that idea when they were hit by a brick thrown from the bushes while driving out there. If my friend had lost control of the bike they would almost certainly have died a horrible death. Upon investigation we discovered that this was not an isolated incident. All of these things were done by blacks.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 21, 2011 3:21 PM


Mr. DNA wrote:

So are you going to apologise to ERV for misrepresenting what she wrote in her OP? You said that ERV was insinuating that:

Dawkins's conference child care gesture was done as a jerkish "gotcha" in response to "elevatorgate"

Well ... here's how Abbie interpreted Richard Dawkins' very generous gesture:

ERV translation:
You all keep throwing your bordello parties and pajama parties and getting drunk all the time and acting like overall jackasses in the name of 'supporting women in skepticism'. Im going to actually support everyone, including women, by providing childcare at future TAMs. *flipseveryoneoff*

If these are Abbie words and assuming that no one has hacked her blog account, it looks like she is implying that Richard Dawkins was more Machiavellian than generous with this gesture.

Personally, I would assume good will until proven otherwise and that means I would assume that Richard Dawkins was not engaging in some sort of "flipseveryoneoff" response to recent events.

Speaking of generosity, I did read this on PZ Myers blog this morning in the comments (comment author is PZ himself):

... there is an organization that does fundraising to help skeptical women go to these conferences; I met several women at TAM9 who were there because this mysterious organization helped out. It was Skepchick, led by Rebecca Watson. You know, those worthless feminists who just sit around and bitch and never actually do anything to help the movement.

Posted by: Steve Caldwell | July 21, 2011 3:22 PM


Allan, seeing as you didn't read what I said about what "potential" means in this context and then started throwing in words like "absolutely" that I have never used in this conversation, I see no point in continuing with you.

But I'm feeling kind today, so I will spell it out for you a little more clearly and for the last time.

When it's said in the context that you quoted (this is important, because context matters) that "all men are potential rapists", it just means that rapists don't wear big flashing signs so it's impossible to know if any given man is a rapist or not until he commits the crime. It doesn't mean that all men have the potential to be rapists, it just means that it's impossible to know and without mind reading capabilities, I'm not going to go to a secluded location with a strange man because I have no idea what his true intentions are.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 3:26 PM


All of these things were done by blacks.

All of those things were also presumably done by humans.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 3:28 PM


Steve Caldwell-- Do you read anything here? My post(s)? Other commentors? Or are you just bored and commenting for the fuck of it?

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 3:31 PM


And to further my clarification, I agree that if someone sees all men as actual potential actual rapists, that they are all potentially capable of committing the crime, that person is misandrist.
But that's different from the "potential rapists" discussed here in the context of not know who is a rapist and who isn't.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 3:32 PM

And are you really trying to equate a woman's daily attempts to assess, anticipate and avoid threats to her personal safety with racial discrimination? The most charitable response I can offer to that, without being dishonest, is HAW HAW HA

I personally have to go out of my way to avoid potential violence from black people for very real reasons. Almost anyone in this city can tell you a story about relatives suffering anything from burglary to torture and rape. During a short period living in one neighbourhood, our house was burgled, my brother mugged, a women living opposite held up with a rifle and the house cased in a blatant way in broad daylight. You could hear the Nigerian pimps down the road beating up their 'employees' at night. At the retirement complex where my mother lives an 80 year old woman was tortured by a gang of burglars and only escaped alive because the idiots pressed the alarm button while trying to get her car out of the garage to abduct her. A woman was shot by a stranger while getting into her car near the complex FOR NO REASON. Pensioners in a nearby complex have been murdered. I once was going to move to a community just out of town with a couple I know but scrapped that idea when they were hit by a brick thrown from the bushes while driving out there. If my friend had lost control of the bike they would almost certainly have died a horrible death. Upon investigation we discovered that this was not an isolated incident. All of these things were done by blacks. A lot of this violence is racially motivated. Male on male rape of whites by blacks is also common, although very under-reported due to the shame and stigma. You won't find a true represtation in the crime stats because the courts and police are experts at losing documentation.

Must blacks now avoid getting into lifts with me, must they cross the road for me, can they walk down my street at night? Wouldn't be fair to expect them to, would it. Now explain to me why your fear of rape trumps my fear for my life.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 21, 2011 3:33 PM


"Most rapists are men, most men are not rapists."

So what? Racists can say, "Most illegal immigrants are Mexicans, most Mexicans are not illegal immigrants"

But you don't ACT as if "most men are not rapists". You ACT as if they were.

"You confuse understanding and accepting with favouring."

I understand why bigots do what they do and I repudiate it. You appear to be advocating it, but perhaps that's too strong. Certainly you are seeking to justify prejudicial behaviour here.

Maybe I asked Bee before but I also sense you don't really "get it" as to why profiling is wrong. It's wrong because it is discrimination. You are treating one group negatively for no good reason - discrimination. You are advocating (or defending) discrimination against men. ie treating them -- but not women -- as if they were potential rapists or criminals. You admit it makes no sense to do so as the vast majority of both men and women are NOT rapists. But you are OK treating the two groups entirely differently.

We keep coming back to WHY and you have no answer beyond what is equally true of the Arizona law. You've failed to differentiate the two cases.

"This is why I don't know why I'm wasting my time with you considering that you see feminism as a hate movement.
Please be honest with me here, do you see the men's right movement as a hate movement as well?"

Of course you're wasting your time. You're arguing with someone on the internet. If you don't like doing that why would you be doing it? Are you supposed to be working?

The men's movement -- in as much as it exists at all -- is dissimilarly situated (duh). It isn't sexist and it has no power. eg it doesn't enact laws discriminating against women. They are fighting for a genuinely disadvantaged minority group, not a majority group that is empowered and uses its power to pretend to be the victim, and pretend to be a minority when its over half the population.

Now hypothetically if they succeed beyond their wildest dreams and are as "successful" as the feminists then maybe they could become corrupt and sexist in the future but I doubt it. Why?

(1) Feminism was corrupt from the start. From the Seneca Falls meeting they characterised the relationship between men and women as a war of the sexes where men had to be defeated by women. An astoundingly sexist metaphor.

(2) Feminism is a conservative (in the sense of preserving the social status quo) movement, whereas rights for men is a radical movement. Feminism is establishment and men's rights is very dangerous to the establishment.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 3:34 PM


@ 678

Hehe please be careful that you don't trip over as you backtrack hurriedly and do be mindful of the door as you leave. Thanks and bye.

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 3:34 PM


"All men are potential rapists."

"That doesn't mean that all men have the potential to be rapists."


Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 21, 2011 3:35 PM



It wasn't even requiring me to agree in any case; it was requiring me to police people who sharply criticized Abbie at my site. And bizarrely enough, I agree with you on this one point. I shouldn't.

Why is it bizarre to agree with anyone? Must we agree on everything to agree on anything?


We don't need to agree on everything, but arguing that women who are careful around strange men are "sexist" and "gender profiling", and saying that liberal women who are careful are actually conservative isn't making a positive contribution (and yes, I know it's not you who made this argument, it's David Byron). Rapists don't walk around with RAPIST tattooed on their foreheads. They don't wear smelly, tattered trench coats with their faces frozen in perpetual leers.

But they are acting in a sexist manner and they are gender profiling. They have, or think they have good reason to do so, but that is what they're doing. the reasons for it being good or not don't change the action. If someone attacks me in my home, and I end up, in the course of defending my family, killing them, I've killed someone. I may be legally justified, but I still took a life. The reasons don't negate or change the act, they explain and/or justify it. That may be what's causing some problems here. You're using the reasons to say "no, that's not happening" and a lot of people are saying, "no, you may think you're not, and you may have good reasons to do so, but that is what you're doing."


When good men are seen as "potential rapists", it doesn't mean that they actually have the potential for rape, but that a woman looking at that man doesn't know if he's a rapist or not.

That may not be what YOU mean, but it is most definitely how it comes across: all men have the potential for rape. We are all potential rapists, it's just a minority of us who choose to do so, but we are all just one mental tick away from being a rapist. Can you maybe see how calling someone that might just make them not wish to listen to you?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 3:35 PM


@Tabby again:
Nevertheless I am (in theory) opposed to the men's right's movement as a gender specific movement, because of the inherent dangers. Even though I can see men are hard pressed these days not women, still I think the only way forward is a genuine movement for equality regardless of gender. In practise they are so powerless it hardly matters either way.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 3:36 PM


Raging Bee:
"you're stupid, uncaring, hateful, phony, and morally retarded"

Aww you got me pegged so well!
You've been talking to my mom haven't you?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 3:39 PM


I'm really disappointed in the level of discussion here. Where is the reason and rationality? Why is the word rape even entering into this discussion? This seems a desperate attempt to defend an untenable position.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 3:46 PM


"you keep saying what women shouldn't do to protect ourselves from rape (no "gender profiling"). So what is acceptable in your eyes that we should do?"

(1) I'm not addressing women's actions but the support of those actions by feminists. People do stupid prejudiced shit all day, OK? It's human nature. What I am more concerned about is that this unthinking naive sexist action is being thoughtfully defended by smart people who PRETEND to be against sexism, and who PRETEND to want to challenge sexist behaviour that has become a norm for less thoughtful people.

So quit pretending this is a criticism of women (it is of some, but only tangentially) when it is a criticism of feminists (of either sex).

(2) Being terrified of all men is (duh) NOT HELPING anyone to stop themselves being raped. In fact I asserted that if anything it makes rape more likely because the vast majority of men are very PROTECTIVE of women but if women reject those men they will not get assistance in the very rare chance they need it.

As for what to do to avoid being raped, just don't be a man. Men are the victims of assault more than women.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 3:47 PM


All aircraft have the potential to crash. Some people have an irrational fear of flying due to the fact that 0.0000001% of airplanes crash.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 3:49 PM

You are advocating (or defending) discrimination against men. ie treating them -- but not women -- as if they were potential rapists or criminals.
Kindly stop throwing words in there. For potential criminals period, things start getting more balanced. We're not talking about potential criminals as a whole. We're talking about potential rapists. Take few dozen random people off the street, equal numbers of men and women. Which of those two groups is more likely to contain at least one rapist? This is simple facts and statistics. If I wanted to start a campaign to get skateboarders to wear helmets, I'd be targeting young men. Not because there aren't female skateboarders but because statistically speaking, most skateboarders are young men and they're also more likely to take risks (though I'd be willing to bet that the male/female ratio here is closer than the ratio when it comes to rapists).
You admit it makes no sense to do so as the vast majority of both men and women are NOT rapists.
I've admitted no such thing. I have admitted that most men are not rapists, but I've also said that there is no way of telling who the rapists are until they're actually committing the crime. And there are ways to avoid that happening, such as not making it easier for them to do so. This also includes not going with strange but likely innocent men back to their hotel rooms alone.
The men's movement -- in as much as it exists at all -- is dissimilarly situated (duh). It isn't sexist and it has no power.
I agree that the MRM as it is right now doesn't have much power, but not sexist?

Oh boy, could I point you to more than a few "entitled bitches" and "mangina" comments, and those are the mild ones!

They are fighting for a genuinely disadvantaged minority group, not a majority group that is empowered and uses its power to pretend to be the victim, and pretend to be a minority when its over half the population.

And here we are, down to the crux of the matter. Men are the genuinely disadvantaged minority group despite their over-representation in positions of authority in government, business, religion, etc.

You accused me earlier of going for a "Gotcha" moment when all I did was quote something you admitted you couldn't remember. No, this is my "Gotcha" moment. Now I know where you stand and just how tainted your world view is.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 3:53 PM



... there is an organization that does fundraising to help skeptical women go to these conferences; I met several women at TAM9 who were there because this mysterious organization helped out. It was Skepchick, led by Rebecca Watson. You know, those worthless feminists who just sit around and bitch and never actually do anything to help the movement.

If they do indeed do that, then I'm happy to be incorrect about them being naught but a bunch of slacktivists.

See what I did there? You provided better data, I changed my opinion. Funny how that can work.


When it's said in the context that you quoted (this is important, because context matters) that "all men are potential rapists", it just means that rapists don't wear big flashing signs so it's impossible to know if any given man is a rapist or not until he commits the crime. It doesn't mean that all men have the potential to be rapists, it just means that it's impossible to know and without mind reading capabilities, I'm not going to go to a secluded location with a strange man because I have no idea what his true intentions are.

Okay you can't have it both ways at once. You can't say "all men are potential rapists, but that doesn't mean all men are potential rapists." Words MEAN things. If you mean, "no, all men are not potential rapists, but you can't read minds, you can't KNOW if the next one that walks by you on a street or gets on an elevator with you is a rapist or not. You can only deduce it after he doesn't rape you."

Those two things are different, and you have to stop with the "all men are potential rapists" if that's not what you MEAN. If I say "all women are potential sluts" and then justify it with, "well, i mean you don't know if a woman is a slut or not until you offer to stick it in her, and she says yes or know". "Schrodinger's Slut" would not be a terribly appreciated meme, for the same reasons men dislike "Schrodinger's Rapist".

You can't continually go back and forth on this. Say what you MEAN, not just what's convenient.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 3:55 PM


@Steve Caldwell: You're either deliberately dodging the issue that I raised in post #659 or you're just really, really stupid. If you can't read post #659 and work out why ERV was not in fact arguing that Dawkins's intention in this matter was to stick it right up the True Feminists who lambasted him as a "has-been", but that this was merely a happy coincidence due to the fact that the child care allocation scheme had been in the works long before Elevator Gate, then it is clearly the latter.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 4:00 PM


@Tabby #665

Which brings me to a question for David Byron - you keep saying what women shouldn't do to protect ourselves from rape (no "gender profiling"). So what is acceptable in your eyes that we should do? What methods to lessen our chances of being sexually assaulted are acceptable to you?

If David can not provide you with an answer that does not validate the profiling approach.

RW was in the capital of a developed Western European country in a 4 star hotel with a 24h lobby. The guy she talked to was a registered hotel guest and a registered participant of the conference. They are riding an elevator for a few dozen seconds (the building has only 4 floors) of which the guy had already spent a large chunk asking her with distinctly polite words to join her for coffee/depraved sex. But because of RW's profiling she only sees 'a man has cornered me in an elevator'. How is that even remotely an effective method at risk assessment when virtually everything is a false positive?

If I wanted to start a campaign to get skateboarders to wear helmets, I'd be targeting young men.
I guess the 25% of skateboarders that are female do not need helmets.

Posted by: Michael | July 21, 2011 4:05 PM

@Tabby again: Nevertheless I am (in theory) opposed to the men's right's movement as a gender specific movement, because of the inherent dangers. Even though I can see men are hard pressed these days not women, still I think the only way forward is a genuine movement for equality regardless of gender. In practise they are so powerless it hardly matters either way.

There are still some bastions of male power such as major financial institutions. Don't forget that the institutional sexism of religions is still very much in evidence. There has been a shift away from heavy industry and manufacturing in some parts of the West which has disproportionately reduced opportunities for men and the avoidance of competition in schools has negatively affected boys. Both sexes have valid grievances. I believe that in some states in the US a women can lie to a man about contraception, deliberately get pregnant and then even years later legally get child support from the man. We hear about a woman's right to choose on the abortion issue, which I think is reasonable, yet in the scenario outlined above the response to the man from the hardliners is sometimes 'you play, you pay'. It's as if there's only room for one set of victims in town.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 21, 2011 4:05 PM


John, I'm not the one who came up with "potential rapists". I'm just explaining the context in which its being used. I do agree it's a problematic choice of words because of the very problem it's created in coming to a mutual understanding.

David, I missed this and I apologize...

We keep coming back to WHY and you have no answer beyond what is equally true of the Arizona law. You've failed to differentiate the two cases.

You've already differentiated it, and I will do so again. One is about individual women doing what they think is best for their own safety and has no real effect on men other than making it more difficult to get strange women to go somewhere with them. The other is the force of law that has wide-ranging effects and it can and will hamper the daily lives of those it affects.

Slowdive, statisically speaking, that's a bad analogy. If as many people died in airplanes as there who have been sexually assaulted, air travel as we know it would cease to exist because the safety rates would be atrociously bad.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 4:13 PM


Steve Caldwell

Well, if PZ Myers said it, it must be true, and no evidence should ever be requested in support of it.

But SkepChick is quite divisive. She can be vicious and drive people away from the community. Her treatment of Stef is one example, and noblecaboose (link here) is another.

Noblecaboose is a radical feminist as well, a natural ally of the likes of Rebecca, but she had the temerity to question skepchick, and the horde drove her away. Well, we can't have anyone suggesting Rebecca and friends might do something wrong. After all, skepchick cannot err on matters of faith.

It wouldn't surprise me if Rebecca did bring some people to the skeptical community, but it will not be a diverse group, but part of the wagon circling clique that ultimately damages the skeptical movement more than it helps. The community would benefit more from one freethinker like Stef or Abbie than it would from one hundred Watsons. Of course, the little clique blow smoke up PZ's butt so don't expect him to complain.

Posted by: Spence | July 21, 2011 4:17 PM



I guess the 25% of skateboarders that are female do not need helmets.

Here's what you quoted from me...

If I wanted to start a campaign to get skateboarders to wear helmets, I'd be targeting young men.

Here's the full quote of what I said...

If I wanted to start a campaign to get skateboarders to wear helmets, I'd be targeting young men. Not because there aren't female skateboarders but because statistically speaking, most skateboarders are young men and they're also more likely to take risks (though I'd be willing to bet that the male/female ratio here is closer than the ratio when it comes to rapists).

While I see what you were trying to do by quote mining me, thank you for providing some numbers to show that not only was I right that most skateboarders are male (75% does count as most, and by quite a large margin, correct?) but I would have also have won my hypothetical bet because 3:1 is a far closer ratio than the ratio of men vs. women rapists (49:1).

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 4:23 PM


Slowdive, statisically speaking, that's a bad analogy. If as many people died in airplanes as there who have been sexually assaulted, air travel as we know it would cease to exist because the safety rates would be atrociously bad.
The problem you have, statistically speaking, is that sexual assault is very rare by strangers, and much more common by people known to the victims.

So the most rational fear of sexual assault is from people who are known to the victims. "Stranger danger" is much less common, and a well known irrational fear, which you are busily stoking, and for which something like road traffic accidents are indeed a greater risk.

Posted by: Spence | July 21, 2011 4:25 PM


@ 697 Tabby Lavalamp

Oh dear. Again with the erroneous opinions asserted as fact.

'statisically speaking, that's a bad analogy. If as many people died in airplanes as there who have been sexually assaulted, air travel as we know it would cease to exist because the safety rates would be atrociously bad.'

Please be prepared to support that very detailed statement, Tabby. Now I'm not saying that deaths in airplane crashes is in any way a corrolary for sexual attacks (I presume upon women) but you are making statements from a statistical point of view that require evidence or we can ignore them.

Please be so good as to lay out your freely-chosen, best, most persuasive arguments for your 'statistical' views. Remember that the airplane statistics don't just observe the positive data points where flights encounter problems or crash but instead exhibit as much of a lack of bias as possible by expressing them as a percentage of the possible events. That's most important as it is a far more genuine and rational perspective of the risks of aiplane crashes in the phase space of possibilities. Because I'm sure you remember that it is potential or possibilities we're talking about here, aren't we? So please outline the compelling statistics that prove it is rational for all women to treat every man they encounter in public as a rapist in potentia. Thanks.

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 4:28 PM


There's one thing I can't understand. If you say "guys, don't do that", all the "normal" guys will stop "doing that". Won't change the fact that the fucking rapists and mysoginist pigs will NOT.

Human nature.

Everyone start being scared of everyone else! NOW!!! I can't wait to see the society we'll have in 20 years.

This is why I most prefer the stance of Abbie et all. "Do something about it, because your potential rapist won't do anything about it". And why would he/she/it?

The advice I got when I was a kid was "don't talk to strangers". Didn't work, got raped. In a rainbow-unicorn-loveydovey world, the premises work. in the real world? Not so much. Want to change the mentality of all of humanity? Good luck with that!

But I agree whole heartedly that we should try and respect each others sensibilities in the Atheist/Skeptic world. Won't stop the problem a bit, though, even in our microsphere...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 4:28 PM


"Take few dozen random people off the street, equal numbers of men and women. Which of those two groups is more likely to contain at least one rapist?"

How many times do you have to put forward the same flawed argument? That is EXACTLY what racist conservatives say in support of the Arizona law. You have no ability to refute what I am saying there.

Let me try a different way to make you see it. Women are the majority of child abusers. That's a fact as you put it. So should everyone go around assuming all women are "potential child abusers" in our society? Would that make sense to you? We should take children away from female single parents? Ban women as teachers and as creche attendants maybe?


I'm sorry to be the one to say this Tabby, but as a woman you don't know what discrimination is. These men in the MRA are often victims who can get quite angry and bigots opposed to them. Anger at injustice is NOT sexism and is NOT inappropriate.

Now I do agree (from what I've seen which is no more than you I expect) there are a lot of angry guys -- justifiably. And many blame all women, instead of just feminists. What do you expect when they've suffered under decades of indoctrinated sexist hatred of men?

Once again: show me the discriminatory laws passed by MRAs and then you have a case.

As for your riotous view that women in the US are disadvantaged please name me just ONE are where they are. Most feminist cannot name even ONE. Here's some where men are:

(1) over 90% of prison population - and 99% of executions
(2) life expectancy years shorter
(3) one third the money spent on male specific health as women
(4) women have 60% higher chance of attending college
(5) women account for 80% of consumer spending (men have to earn the money women spend)
(6) no reproductive rights
(7) almost no family rights
(8) 90% of workplace fatalities

And you KNOW I could go on and on all day but you got nothing except dome big fat lie about women being paid less which as adults we both know is bullshit because it compares women and men in dissimilar circumstances and passes it off as "equal work".

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 4:29 PM


"One is about individual women doing what they think is best for their own safety and has no real effect on men other than making it more difficult to get strange women to go somewhere with them. The other is the force of law that has wide-ranging effects and it can and will hamper the daily lives of those it affects."

No effect on men? Jesus Christ you are privileged. You really don't know. Fine but you'll have to ask others not me.

What I already said here was that while I agree governemnt action is worse in degree, nevertheless this argument in no way suggests that the action of individuals is not immoral too.

Do you disagree then? You think its good for a woman to profile but bad if a governemnt does it? Or you agree its bad when a woman does it but its no big deal?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 4:36 PM


I'm sorry to be the one to say this Tabby, but as a woman you don't know what discrimination is.

I have no problem being the one to say this, Byron: you're a pathetic, laughable, moronic crybaby; and you're too stupid to understand the true nature of the injustices men face. For starters, those injustices are not caused by women, they're caused (directly and indirectly) by other, more powerful men, with women often being forced into the roles of both victims and tools. And you, too, are both victim and tool, when you cover for the real oppressors by scapegoating women, and refuse to sharpen your mind enough to get a better grip on reality. Byron, you're a sad, pathetic disgrace.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 21, 2011 4:42 PM


@ThreeFanged Jarvis:
"There are still some bastions of male power"

That's the Frontman fallacy. This is a feminist myth that states when the 0.001% people at the top are mostly men then the other 99.999% of men are empowered. That's bullshit and if anything the reverse is true. When men are in charge they tend to kick down other men and pander to women. Men in charge means a worse deal for the vast majority of men not in charge.

For example a female judge is far less sexist (against men) than a male judge, although still quite bad enough. This probably stems from men being naturally sexual competitors with each other. And for that part, women are "natural enemies" of each other too.

Feminism's gender war metaphor stands this obvious evolutionary fact on its head and pretends all men are best buddies who conspire to screw over all women. They also pathetically pretend all women are on the same page as each other. It's an incredibly sexist myth which has come to dominate our society's thinking on gender. But it is entirely FALSE.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 4:45 PM

While I see what you were trying to do by quote mining me, thank you for providing some numbers to show that not only was I right that most skateboarders are male (75% does count as most, and by quite a large margin, correct?)

My point was that profiling does not work. The point was not that your numerical basis for profiling men as Schrödinger's skateboarders is false.

The article says 23% of the young demographic are skaters (8% of them are regulars, but lets take the big number).

So 77% of your resources are wasted while at the same time you are missing 26% of your target. Your use of resources is thus ineffective and your strategy needs revising.

but I would have also have won my hypothetical bet because 3:1 is a far closer ratio than the ratio of men vs. women rapists (49:1).

As a side not I disregard any statistical claim on the internet that doesn't come with a link to a source. Luckily in this case my point is not whether there is a statistical basis to use for profiling, the point is whether profiling is effective.

Posted by: Michael | July 21, 2011 4:48 PM


Stay classy Raging Bee! :)
Love ya!

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 4:49 PM


I think this is priceless..From Meyers

"Oh, and hey SallyStrange in #220: there is an organization that does fundraising to help skeptical women go to these conferences; I met several women at TAM9 who were there because this mysterious organization helped out.

It was Skepchick, led by Rebecca Watson. You know, those worthless feminists who just sit around and bitch and never actually do anything to help the movement."

Zam! pow! In your face haterz! I'll bet he giggled a bit as he wrote that zinger.

Let's have a look:

Sell beardy guys nudie calenders, tasteless craft items and novelty T-Shirts.

Sponsor TAM attendees who will help sell beardy guys nudie calenders, clumsy craft items and novelty T-Shirts.

Rake off top.

Pay for divorce lawyer, "Respect Tits" themed keg party, order Juicy Couture Hipster two tone resin glasses and think about paying Mom and Dad back on that last loan.....nyah....definitely on the glasses though.


Why didn't somebody tell me Emmeline Pankhurst and Robin Hood had a daughter?!?!

Posted by: Prometheus | July 21, 2011 4:49 PM



You've already differentiated it, and I will do so again. One is about individual women doing what they think is best for their own safety and has no real effect on men other than making it more difficult to get strange women to go somewhere with them.

The Duke Lacrosse team would like to have a chat with you about that. Aside from the accusation being proven false, during the runup to, you know, the actual TRIAL, with all the theoretical "innocent until proven guilty" shit in the constitution, those guys were hung out to dry.

The only fact anyone needed was "A woman accused them of raping her, they have to be guilty". Yes, all too often, legitimate accusations are ignored for stupid reasons, and that HAS to end, but let us not forget the other dirty side of this:

If a man is accused of rape, he's screwed. His chances of not being found guilty in the public before the state even decides if there's enough evidence to try him? Zero.

that is also wrong. It is not justified by other wrongs, no wrong is. It is wrong. It is wrong to not take accusations seriously, but it is ALSO wrong, just as wrong, to ignore the fact that without evidence, you don't know if that accusation is true.

It's even worse with kids. You know why there are so few male childcare workers? Because a man would have to be an idiot to be in that field. Even the SLIGHTEST accusation is a call to string him up. If you're seen as too affectionate, you're fired for being a "potential" risk. On and on.

Do not even TRY to tell me the "potential rapist" attitude has no adverse effect on men. That is provably false.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 4:54 PM



Let me try a different way to make you see it. Women are the majority of child abusers. That's a fact as you put it. So should everyone go around assuming all women are "potential child abusers" in our society?

In the same manner I've discussed here about men being "potential rapists"? Yes. But please go back and read carefully my explanation there. As long as we can agree with how I explained it, then yes.
Child abusers don't go around advertising the fact. It's impossible to know if a woman is going to be a child abuser until she abuses the child. The big difference here? It's impossible for a child to choose for themselves whether they want to be alone with their mother or not.
But seeing as I've never advocated for laws keep men away from women, I also don't advocate for laws keeping children away from mothers.

Would that make sense to you? We should take children away from female single parents? Ban women as teachers and as creche attendants maybe?
See above.
(1) over 90% of prison population - and 99% of executions (2) life expectancy years shorter (3) one third the money spent on male specific health as women (4) women have 60% higher chance of attending college (5) women account for 80% of consumer spending (men have to earn the money women spend) (6) no reproductive rights (7) almost no family rights (8) 90% of workplace fatalities
Seeing as I don't think there aren't issues facing men (I just laughed at the idea that they are the truly oppressed minority), let's take a look at these...

1) A truly serious problem that needs to be addressed. It's not easy, as there are many factors beyond sexism against men in sentencing (which happens and is grossly unjust).

2) Again many factors. Any biological factors aren't sexist, but those such as stress put on men due to unfair expectations? Need to be addressed.

3) Needs to be fixed.

4) Again, factors that need to be addressed. Anti-intellectualism is a big issue in society for a start.

5) And how much of that consumer spending is directed towards family shopping? That number looks bad without considering context and what that spending is on. Also? Women's clothing generally costs more even in similar items such as jeans. Dry cleaning costs more even for similar items such as trousers. Hair styling costs more even with similar lengths and cuts.

6) Bullshit. Want a say in reproduction? Wear a condom and use spermicide. Want a child but she doesn't? Break up and find a mate who has the same family desires as you.

7) There are imbalances that need to be worked on, including what is expected from fathers and mothers. It's an issue that stay-at-home dads are looked down on, and husbands are expected to work more and make more than wives.

8) A problem that can be addressed on more than one front - more women in dangerous jobs, and safety precautions not being seen as less than manly are two ways to start.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 4:56 PM


Wow... it really exploded here over the last few days, didn't it? Here I'm off studying for a chemistry exam, and you just go on without me. I don't have the time or the inclination to go into a detailed review of the nearly 700 posts on this comment thread, but I've a few things to say on the larger points here:

1) PZ really showed his true colors, didn't he? ERV, don't feel bad about losing a friend. That's not what happened. You just spotted someone pretending to be a friend who really never gave a shit about you. I'm not sure if that's more or less painful, though... sorry.

2) Dawkins for the fucking win. The only thing that could have made it better is if his parting words were, "fuck off, bitches, I got shit to do."

3) More than ever, I find I want a T-shirt that says "Schrodinger's Rapist" across the front. It'll help me quickly sort out the useless shits who actually buy into that nonsense. Moreover, I'm thinking of taking up elevators as the only place I approach unknown women. Some will sya yes, and some will say no, and more will likely say no than otherwise, but approximately 100% of the people who say no because I made the first move in an elevator are people I don't want in my life anyway. It's a good sorting method, I think.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 5:00 PM


Oh, I forgot one.

4) "Twatson" is great, and anyone who thinks it invalidates an argument entirely to use it is hopeless. Another good way to sort people.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 5:04 PM


Tabby I see you are one of the classic pro-choice for women, no choice for men people. Very common. Still you agreed with most of the items. But I didn't list those issues for men so you could try and prove you weren't a complete asshole towards men. I was demonstrating how easy it is to list multiple and serious issues men face. Now can you please name EVEN ONE issue women face that are comparably important?

It was easy for me. Most feminist can't name even one.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 5:14 PM


Slowdive, statisically speaking, that's a bad analogy. If as many people died in airplanes as there who have been sexually assaulted, air travel as we know it would cease to exist because the safety rates would be atrociously bad.

It depends on how you look at the statistics. How many human interactions do you imagine happen per day throughout the world? It's safe to conservatively suggest something on the order of 20 billion. And how many of those interactions result in one individual raping another? Statistics show that to be around 684 per day. That works out to about a 0.00000003% chance of being raped during a human interaction. Whereas flying in an aircraft will give you a 0.00001% chance of dying every hour of flight.

So I suggest they are roughly equivalent. To live in constant fear of either of these events is irrational.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 5:20 PM



6) Bullshit. Want a say in reproduction? Wear a condom and use spermicide. Want a child but she doesn't? Break up and find a mate who has the same family desires as you.

In cases where it's all consensual, sure, i agree. However, there are cases, and not just a few, where the woman has actually saved the condom, and used the semen in it to impregnate herself? Guess what? Guy doesn't even have the option to not fork over 18 years worth of cash. he's just as responsible as if he took no precautions at all.

The problem is, there is NO good answer to "what happens when the guy DOES do all the right things, and the woman misleads him or pulls shit like that"

Sure, he can try to get custody. Good luck with that. Single male getting custody from the biological mother? pretty rare. It's not the kid's fault OR THE GUY'S that she's got no ethics. But it happens. Woman poking holes in condoms. Happens.

But again, you *automatically* assume that the woman can do no wrong there, and it's always the guy's fault if anything goes wrong.

That is kind of the problem.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 5:23 PM


"Women's clothing generally costs more"

Yes. Rich people's clothing generally cost more than poor people's too. The rich are so oppressed.

Actually this reminds me of a piece of literature from medieval England where some wag made the same comment about how typical it is to see the wife dressed in finery and the husband dressed in plain clothes.

At least the rich pay their own bills. Women -- as feminists keep reminding us all day long -- do not and cannot pay for themselves because men earn all the money.

But is it better to earn it, or spend it?

OK, ok, I didn't want to get sidetracked but it's funny that I recalled this story about a man saying the same thing about women spending all the family's money on expensive clothes for themselves from centuries ago.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 5:24 PM


Thank you Slowdive @ 715. Assuming your figures are in the right ballpark, you have saved Tabby from hours of work.

And the conclusion is correct; to base your behaviour on fear of a potential action that remote in probability is indeed irrational. Now tell me again why your view of this issue is more correct than mine and why again I should pander to your feelings about it, please?

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 5:33 PM


John Welch: "Want a child but she doesn't? Break up and find a mate who has the same family desires as you."

Don't forget those other options that men have, and some women try to foil, while maintaining the same options for themselves; options like keeping the one you are with, and making the baby elsewhere, in a co-parenting situation with an agreeable woman, and adoption.

Posted by: pornonymous | July 21, 2011 5:33 PM


I confirm: I definitely don't want to be bunched with David!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 5:36 PM


Yes, all men are potential rapists. In the exact same sense as all women are potential false rape accusers and paternity fraud perpetrators.

Posted by: TylerD | July 21, 2011 5:37 PM


"Women's clothing generally costs more even in similar items such as jeans."

That has nothing to do with patriarchal oppression, btw, it's just supply and demand. Women are more discriminating in their sartorial choices than men, buy far more items than the latter, and are willing to spend more on brand names. Men tend to make far more utilitarian choices in that category.

Posted by: TylerD | July 21, 2011 5:50 PM


Scented, I haven't caught up yet, but you're cracking me up today. She's a deconverted radical feminist. Apparently, she stumbled upon the idea that thinking for one's self isn't actually the crime we've all been led to believe it is.

And she cracks me up. The Mighty Myers shit is off the chain.

Anyway, I'm going to get some coffee before I write anything else today.

I hope all of you are having almost-prurient thoughts of that coffee percolating, and me dipping my spoon into the sugar bowl, pulling out of it, and then swirling my spoon around my mug before dropping a payload of sugar in there because I'm sweet like that. Then, you know, dropping a little creamer in there before the joi de vive comes to the fore, splashing and hot and flowing in there to make a milky, tasty treat.

Damn, I am now afraid that I have to convert to Twatson's side - clearly, coffee is dirty, and dehumanizing, and base and sexist. Asshole coffee inventors making us all complicit!

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 5:57 PM


Abbie @ 658

It was absolutely unnecessary for Jerry to contact you. I also have no reason to ask you to moderate comments on my behalf-- no one did anything illegal or threatening, etc.

But I scan see how Jerry is friends with you and friends with Miranda and friends with me and he wanted to say something.

I emailed PZ about his commentors reactions to Dawkins. I am friends with PZ, I have had nothing but positive interactions with Dawkins, I wanted to say something, in the hopes PZ would say something to turn down the flames. I didnt *need* to, Dawkins doesnt *need* my existence at all. I just personally felt it was appropriate for me to say something.

Yes, but it wasn't a matter of saying something; it was scolding me as if I were the scullery maid. And you use the present tense - you say "Jerry is friends with you" when you know he very forcefully said the opposite in an email to undisclosed recipients which he forwarded to me. You know Jerry isn't friends with me now - because (apparently because) I failed to apologize for not protecting you and Miranda strongly enough from a single criticism on my blog.

So it's not the same as what you describe yourself as doing with respect to PZ - although maybe you in fact did scold him as opposed to saying something; I don't know.

At any rate I think both of you are a good deal too selective in what you're creeped out by.

Posted by: Ophelia Benson | July 21, 2011 6:01 PM


And the conclusion is correct; to base your behaviour on fear of a potential action that remote in probability is indeed irrational. Now tell me again why your view of this issue is more correct than mine and why again I should pander to your feelings about it, please?

I'm sorry, but I'm not certain what you're asking, however I have posted a couple of thoughts I've had on the subject and would welcome a counter argument so long as it is devoid of the vitriol all too prevalent on this page.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 6:03 PM


Lawl. 625 from Davidbyron:

'I appreciate the attempt at condescending to me; it's special.'

Your welcome."
His response is two words, the rest of it is copy and pasted from what I wrote earlier, plus a salutation. A two word reply tripped him up.

Ok, I'll play. My welcome?

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 6:08 PM


Oh yes, before I forget... don't worry about PZ's dark secrets about unknown persons on the other side and their unknown dark dealings that only he knows of. It's me. I had truck with evil beings from between worlds, crack my eggs on the narrow end, openly suggested discussion and beverages with Twatson in the wee hours in a foreign country (New York), faked my own death on three separate occasions, sold weapons to Koreans, smuggled seal skin, hit my girlfriend, and wipe my ass with my right hand and drink with my left.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 6:09 PM

Now can you please name EVEN ONE issue women face that are comparably important?
Sticking to the western developed world, of course...

The Republican war on reproductive rights. Cry that men don't have as much say in reproduction, the drive to remove choice from women is reprehensible.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 6:09 PM


"I suggest you start again with me if you want anything from me."
After prattling on for a while you end with this little nugget of stupid. What part of I have no interest in your guesses indicated there was something from you that I wanted?

How could I make it more plain that I have absolutely no fucking interest to the slightest degree of interest possible in what it is you just imagine in your head and then state as a model of the world?

I want nothing from you. Why? You have nothing to offer but what goes on inside your head. And it's not a particularly good bit of fiction either. So, I wouldn't buy the book, or see the movie.

If you want my interest (which you apparently do considering, you know, how much you're trying to get it and impress me), either make the fiction really extravagant and detailed so as to inspire awe by your superlative literary imagery skills, or do some research and write a technical paper.

Having left grade school, my interest in reading first draft of badly thought out fiction is not what it once was.

Tootles, pumpkin.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 6:22 PM


"Sticking to the western developed world, of course..."

Sticking to something you know about? Yes.

"The Republican war on reproductive rights. Cry that men don't have as much say in reproduction, the drive to remove choice from women is reprehensible."

Maybe you didn't get the idea. I am looking for an area where women are worse off. You just gave an area where women are far FAR better off than men. Are you really trying to say women are oppressed because they are far better off than men, but haven't yet reached utter fucking perfection?

Women have a right that no man has -- the right to decide form themselves when they are ready to become a parent. Fuck. You don't even think men OUGHT to have that equal right with women. And you dare try and bitch to me that women have it worse on reproductive rights???

Strike one.
Do try again.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 6:44 PM


When RDF confirmed that the child care sponsorship was in the works long before shaftgate, Jen went full retard:

Never go full retard.

Posted by: Oleander | July 21, 2011 6:48 PM


Again, for emphasis: DavidByron's thoughts--->my thoughts: NO.

I know nobody said it is (yet), but I just want to be clear for any further references...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 6:51 PM


@ Slowdive 725

My apologies for being unclear; the second part of my previous post was intended as a continuation of a discussion I'm having with Tabby Lavalamp and was not directed at you.

Sorry 'bout that but while I have your attention, thanks for the airplane crash metaphor. I've been avoiding metaphors and similies like the plague (intended irony) on this issue because they normally only provide yet another point of divergence for people determined not to address particular points that have been made; I'm sure you're familiar with that dishonest tactic as it has appeared frequently on this page. Ophelia does a great sidestep for example by getting all flustered about Abbie's deliberate verbiage trap.

Nevertheless, as far as parallels go, it is as apposite as I've come across recently. My main point being that the basis of Twatsons 'guys, don't do that' exhortation, extreme misandrysts' 'all men are rapists/potential rapists' trope and apologists like PZ and Phil Plait's 'you are the problem' stance is that it is deeply and provably irrational and untrue. Based upon a mistaken view of the real world. As such it deserves the same response as any other phobic illness.

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 6:53 PM


Want to make Schroedinger's Rapist about how women are cautious and it make it not a slight on a man's innocent behaviour without explaining context?

Simple, instead of calling all men potential rapists talk about how we all are cautious when we encounter other people in less than ideal situations and we make risk judgements. Women do this a little more due to sexual dimorphism.

Men do have a sense of empathy, but articles like Schroedinger's Rapist are incendiary.

Same with the stupid article going about saying men are like dogs who need to be smacked with a newspaper. The article doesn't say that when you get into it, but at that point, why the fuck would anyone pay any attention to the rest of the article?

Imagine an article about men complaining about being put into more dangerous work positions and being told to man-up about it, but the article also contained a section about "gold-diggin' bitches" or the like. How would you react?

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 6:56 PM


lol@ERV's. "Alliteration. I am a poet. The 4chan version of Maya Angelou."

Why this isn't a bumper sticker I do not know.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 7:02 PM


Oleander-- The reality that organizations dont change their plans based on your blog posts must be very difficult for a self-centered individual to accept.

Justicar-- I know why the caged bird sings. And, how to triforce.

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 7:08 PM

"The Republican war on reproductive rights. Cry that men don't have as much say in reproduction, the drive to remove choice from women is reprehensible."

Maybe you didn't get the idea. I am looking for an area where women are worse off. You just gave an area where women are far FAR better off than men. Are you really trying to say women are oppressed because they are far better off than men, but haven't yet reached utter fucking perfection?

Women have a right that no man has -- the right to decide form themselves when they are ready to become a parent. Fuck. You don't even think men OUGHT to have that equal right with women. And you dare try and bitch to me that women have it worse on reproductive rights???

And there it is, you are arguing in bad faith. You asked me to name a comparatively important issue women are facing today, and I did. The right to reproductive choice was fought hard for and won, and now in the United States the GOP is doing their damned best to take it away through such things as defunding Planned Parenthood, restrictive waiting periods, banning private insurance companies from paying for abortion procedures, obligatory ultrasounds, mandatory counseling, trying to redefine rape as "forcible rape" to skirt rape exemptions - this list goes on and on.

So men are less equal when it comes to reproduction (blame biology, friend, I will support full equality when it's possible for men to carry babies to term (and yeah, I know what a shitstorm this sentence is going to cause)). If you think that's reason enough to force women to stay pregnant, then you are too far gone, far too bitter to have a reasonable conversation with.

John Welch...

In cases where it's all consensual, sure, i agree. However, there are cases, and not just a few, where the woman has actually saved the condom, and used the semen in it to impregnate herself... But it happens. Woman poking holes in condoms. Happens.

And the women who do that are sick.

So here are two ways to counter that...
1) "Gender profiling". If you don't know whether or not a particular woman is the kind of nutcase that would do that, don't have sex with her!

2) Chain of custody. Provide your own condom, and take full responsibility of it once you're done. Take it off yourself and immediately go flush it, and if that's not a possibility, tie a knot in it and keep ahold of it until you can dispose of it. If she touches you on your encased penis while you're in the act, stop, remove it, and replace it with a fresh one.

There is a third option if you never want to have kids ever, and that's a vasectomy, but that's only if you never want to have kids.

Posted by: Tabby Lavalamp | July 21, 2011 7:15 PM


Ophelia Benson @ 650:
Jerry Coyne banned you from his blog for not agreeing with him?

If that is the case, then it is as egregious a breech of the importance of dissent as it is when Greta does it, when PZ does it, when Blaghag does it, when Skepchick does it as when you do it.

Also, I must say that I am surprised, but pleased to find that despite your commentariat's request that you censor my responses to some of what they said about me on your blog you resisted doing so. Particularly in light of your nudging to Miranda Celeste Hale that I should be, um, unwelcome and disallowed at her place.

Censorship of dissent is sickly and repugnant no matter who does it. Anyone who does it, in my estimation, should be ashamed of himself or herself.

And if he did it, you should point out more publicly than in a comment section that because you failed to agree with him, you've been excluded from the conversation on his blog.

Of course, I'm sure my support for your right to advocate your position as publicly, and as on equal terms with those who think otherwise will be completely ignored. Nevertheless, I find censorship absolutely abhorrent to human dignity for two reasons:

1.) it says that someone is entitle in advance to tell others what they may and may not say on a given topic, and
2.) that same person has appointed him/herself to decide for me what I am allowed to hear and read on a given topic.

I do not grant anyone the right to decide on my behalf what arrangements of words are more than I can bear.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 7:16 PM


Abbie @736: That is pure gold.

And Triforce? Make it platinium!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 7:17 PM


From Jen's post:

"I find it hard to believe that you could plan an announcement about something relating to women's issues without even contemplating how that will sound following weeks of controversy."


Posted by: TylerD | July 21, 2011 7:18 PM

Those two things are different, and you have to stop with the "all men are potential rapists" if that's not what you MEAN.

Maybe we can distinguish "weak" and "strong" versions of the (misnamed) Schrödinger's rapist argument (like with the anthropic principle). Weak version: obviously we can never know for sure that a person isn't a rapist, but this doesn't in itself tell us how to act. The "strong" version is suspicious because it assumes a particular conclusion.

Posted by: windy | July 21, 2011 7:22 PM


Tabby - your big proof that women are really worse off than men is to bitch and moan they have their legal right to not have to be forced into parenthood somewhat partially under attack -- while you admit men have no such right, that you oppose them having such a right?

It's like Michelle Bachman telling me white slave owners were worse off than actual slaves because their freedom and liberty was under assault from people wanting to make them pay taxes (taxes slaves didn't have to pay!!)

Is that the very best example of oppression of women you can think of? Because if it is I don't think I have to say any more on that topic. Your answer speaks for itself.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 21, 2011 7:23 PM


Phil @ 673:
When you say that you are granting tacit acceptance of and status to the fallacious guilt by association. No one is required to distance himself/herself from a position they have not endorsed, claimed to accept, and what have you.

You are, of course, always free to attack a position you don't hold, but you are not required to do so, nor are you required to distance yourself from someone to avoid an association others choose to fallaciously claim you have.

For instance, I have never publicly (nor even privately now that I think about it) distanced myself from, say, cold fusion. It does not therefore follow that I accept, endorse or anything in that realm that cold fusion is true, potentially true, remotely viably true or anything. The very worst that can be said about me on that subject is that I have a publicly unverifiable opinion on it one way or another. For all anyone knew before I wrote this, I might not even have been aware of its existence.

Certainly, I have no need to go around with a list of things to tell people I don't agree with, am not associated with, don't endorse, despise, and so on. Until one has commented on a given topic, no one else is in a position to say in any direction what that person thinks of the topic.

I can understand the emotional want to not be associated with a given thing. But that's what makes the guilt by association thing fallacious: it's an exploitation of emotion, and not a position of rationality.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 7:30 PM



Thanks for clearing up my confusion.:) I do agree with the other comments in your reply and yes I know exactly what you're talking about in regards to the use of metaphors. It's unfortunate, because they can prove so useful for putting things into perspective. It's also really sad to lose that tool because of fear of derailment, but I completely understand.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 7:39 PM


"All aircraft have the potential to crash. Some people have an irrational fear of flying due to the fact that 0.0000001% of airplanes crash."

Well, this is patently not true. I've yet to hear of a person who is afraid of a non-airborne aircraft crashing. Parked aircraft have no potential for crashing, though they could potentially be run into.

It is not the case that all men have the potential to commit rape. Some men are invalids, some are impotent, some are elderly, some chemically castrated, some are asexual, some are . . . this list can go on for a long, long while without exhaustion.

Some men are potentially rapists. Out of that set, some actually are rapists.

You might as well say that all women are potential fake rape accusers, or gold diggers. It's equally stupid. Some women potentially are. Out of that set, some in fact are. Martha Stewart is a potential gold digger? No. Not possible. No potential there at all. Why? She's one of the richest people on the planet. Fake rape accuser? No one gets close to Martha without going through security who surround her 24/7.

These categorical claims some people love to make fail under the slightest bit of scrutiny.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 7:44 PM


Justicar @743:

yes, I know and agree. But I'm simultanously reading the Ouellette thread over at Pharyngula, and don't want anyone to associate my views about feminism with what David is saying. That's just not me. In other words, I don't want to have David's arguments used to be pointed at me in a HARHAR kind of way anytime in the future to counter a point I made.

I'm just trying to make things clear.

And I've noticed there are some very well-thought arguments and reasonings over there, but I can't bring myself to getting behind such a bunch of fucktwatcuntbitch cupcakes when I see the way they adress even newcomers.

I like your PZ, I don't like your PZers comes to mind...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 21, 2011 7:46 PM


Does anyone else think that Tabby Lavalamp and DavidByron should just get a room?

That way they could both stop boring us with their mindless drivel.

That is all. I shall be back after another few hundred comments.

Posted by: Skepcheck | July 21, 2011 7:46 PM



And the women who do that are sick.

as are the men who rape. That's a given.

So here are two ways to counter that... 1) "Gender profiling". If you don't know whether or not a particular woman is the kind of nutcase that would do that, don't have sex with her!

Oh, that's so pithy, and so awesome. Unless you're 19 or in your early 20s, and you don't know how to tell. Or you believe, for whatever reason, that this girl likes you, loves you, cares about you. So you don't pay attention, because you trust her. Then surprise.

2) Chain of custody. Provide your own condom, and take full responsibility of it once you're done. Take it off yourself and immediately go flush it, and if that's not a possibility, tie a knot in it and keep ahold of it until you can dispose of it. If she touches you on your encased penis while you're in the act, stop, remove it, and replace it with a fresh one.

"Oh honey, lay here, hold me, let's not move and just fall asleep in each other's arms"

you're taught to listen to women, ESPECIALLY after sex. That's a huge message. "Cuddle. Hold her." They seem to forget the "But first, dispose of the condom, because she's Shrodinger's Crazy Bitch, and may try to inseminate herself on the fly, in which case, you're fucked" parts. Oh yeah, because if you tried to make THAT warning a standard part of proper post-coital behavior, the screams from every woman on the planet would change the earth's orbit.

They'd be RIGHT to be pissed about such an assholish assumption.

You don't seem to like it when in your eyes, someone who isn't a woman blithely waves away all of the problems women face, and yet you do the same thing for the problems men face.

You have no clue as to what it's like to be a man, yet you're sure you have the perfect answer to our problems. Yet, i'm pretty sure you get real mad when it happens the other way.


There is a third option if you never want to have kids ever, and that's a vasectomy, but that's only if you never want to have kids.

"If you don't ever want an unwanted pregnancies, get a hysterectomy, but that's only if you never want to have kids"

I think if I seriously suggested that to a group of women protesting for their reproductive rights, they'd beat me to death with my femurs, and, they'd be right to.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 7:47 PM


I'm about to cry. I got up to comment #fivehundredsomething & thought I was near the end. I am bleary-eyed, having been reading this thread for 20 hours now. As gratified as I am to see people making the arguments I would make (@Sophie is one) and as annoyed as I am by the bullshit & slagging off that others are contributing (what PZ Meyers did reminds me of my cat: he'll bitchslap my other cat & then run out of the room like a... well, like what he is, I guess).
I've only started reading ERV since the Elevatorgate nonsense, and she really impresses the hell out of me.
But I am floored by @Justicar. You, sir, never give up. No matter how much stupid gets thrown around, no matter how many times it's the same stupid, you always address it, and break it down rationally. I gave up reading this after just over half the comments; you are still RESPONDING to the idiots. My hat is off. Kudos.

Posted by: AllStevie | July 21, 2011 7:52 PM


@Skepcheck: Yeah, really: Dave and Tabby- can't you, like, exchange email addresses or something? I don't think that anyone apart from you two are interested in this little spat any more.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 7:53 PM


Justicar has also very kindly not cussed me out, even though I've misunderstood him a bunch of times.

Posted by: Peter | July 21, 2011 7:55 PM


Oh dear Tabby Lavalamp @ 648, you could not be more wrong with this;

‘nobody said that most men are rapists’

Yes they did. Frequently. This is the most egregious lie that I think many are rejecting from the militant and extreme misandryst position; it is just not true that all men are dangerous/potential rapists/sexual attackers. And hence your prejudice that they are is deeply irrational (not supported by the evidence).

See, some examples;

Danarra on skepchick blog;

‘The good guys don’t realize they’re a threat and the bad guys do an awfully good job of looking like good guys until they attack.’

She received much praise for her post.

Phil Plait on his own blog;

‘This was a potential sexual assault.

So you may not think anything bad happened to Rebecca on that elevator, but something bad did indeed happen. He didn’t have to physically assault her for the situation to be bad. The atmosphere in there was enough to make it bad. And Rebecca was absolutely right to talk about it and raise awareness of it.'

Jen McCreight on her own blog;

‘You don't have people constantly explaining that you're subhuman, or have the intellect of an animal. You don't have people saying you shouldn't have rights. You don't have people constantly sexually harassing you. You don't live in fear of rape, knowing that one wrong misinterpretation of a couple words could lead down that road.

You don't, because you have fucking privilege.’

Tabby, please don’t tell me I’m lying when it is obvious I’m not; that doesn’t make any point you have more palatable or believable. Everyone who does not immediately accept the misandryst position you espouse is labelled as part of ‘the problem’ and that is just not true. We are constantly told that all men are potential rapists when that is just not true. You told us that nobody is labelling all men as rapists and there are plenty of quotes out there that do indeed say that; you are wrong I’m afraid.

Posted by: AllanW | July 21, 2011 7:58 PM


Tabby @ 697:
"Slowdive, statisically speaking, that's a bad analogy. If as many people died in airplanes as there who have been sexually assaulted, air travel as we know it would cease to exist because the safety rates would be atrociously bad."
Absolute bullshit.

I have made this point several times, and on this very discussion. Read my blog as it's addressed there. Watch my youtube videos on forensic crash analysis as I go over it there as well.

More than 50 million people will die or be seriously injured in car crashes this year. Alone. More people have died and been seriously injured in car crashes just this week than will be raped in the next few years.

This is not considered an outrageous rate of death/injury. It is not considered a high rate of death/injury.
That's .7% of the world's population every single year being killed or seriously injured in crashes. And this is orders of magnitude higher than the number of people (men, women and children) who are raped/sexually assaulted a year.

If planes fell out of the sky at the same proportion that people are raped/sexually assaulted, we'd look at ways to tighten up on maintenance schedules, sleep arrangements, pilot training and load distributions.

That's roughly approximate to saying, hey, um, know where you are, know where the exits are, don't leave your drink lying around, and be aware of the people around you.

It is not to say that this is a life changing, crippling reason to avoid planes/men even KNOWING that for some people that will be the case.

The risk is not zero and some people will suffer as a statistical necessity. It's shitty, but it has to happen to someone, somewhere because it happens at all.

When you say there are alarmingly high statistics for something, you aren't talking about roughly a half to three quarters of one percent of people experiencing it.

Hell, a 5% mortality rate on the operating table wouldn't be considered outrageous. It would certainly not be the set of odds anyone would like to choose. But just living has consequences, one of which is that some of us are going to murdered, raped, beating, mugged, stolen from, called mean things, make poor decisions, suffer and what not. You do not live in a risk free world. Pretending the risk of orders of magnitude greater than it is is completely irrational.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 8:04 PM


Justicar, I must respectfully disagree with you. Acting as if the risk is several orders of magnitude higher than you know it to be is, in a vacuum, irrational. Pretending that it is higher than it is, well, that's a different ball of wax altogether. That is, in fact, a reasoned, calculated lie designed to create a specific, wanted reaction. It is extremely rational. It is rational and preying on the irrationality of others. Like all cons. The trick is figuring out if you're dealing with a con-artist or just another dupe unwilling to face the fact that they've been conned.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 8:16 PM


@ Skepcheck & Mr. DNA:

Yup, I've run out of cherry tomatoes (can't eat popcorn) to eat as watch the floor sho- erm, heated spiritual debate, that's the one...

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 21, 2011 8:18 PM



When RDF confirmed that the child care sponsorship was in the works long before shaftgate, Jen went full retard:

Full retard doesn't even begin to describe it. "Full Arrogant Asshole" comes closer. Fucking hell, what's she want, a deposition?

I also love Steve Caldwell scolding Abbie for "not assuming good", yet having ZERO problems with Jen's assumption that the announcement was designed to deflect criticism from Dawkins.

I guess it's only bad when THEY do it.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 21, 2011 8:24 PM


In reply to justicar #752.

justicar said:

"... this is orders of magnitude higher than the number of people (men, women and children) who are raped/sexually assaulted a year."

With all due respect, how do you/we know that? I was under the impression that rape stats (never mind for the moment including sexual assault stats), whether world wide, American, or wherever, are notoriously unreliable for a variety of reasons. Is that not true?

Also, would you be able to link to some sort of reliable rape stats site, document, or something?

Posted by: John Greg | July 21, 2011 8:33 PM


Behold: the powers of modern pharmaceuticals! A little coffee (not just for the irony) goes a long way with me. I tell people all the time: will think for coffee. I will totally whore my mind out for good coffee. I might even give up one of my kids (though which one I'd part with changes day to day) for great coffee.

I was told I'm just playing in a flame-war. That might be true, but this isn't just a flame-war. Many of the issues here are actually important, and it's a conversation that's been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years in one form or another.

I never retreat from stupidity, even when it's all around me.

Thanks though. =^_^=

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 8:37 PM


John, we don't have numbers that we can rely on, but you can be sure that if the numbers were anything like the numbers for vehicle deaths, we'd all know it. It's only by lumping together a bunch of different ailments as "heart disease" that anything can claim to kill as many people as vehicle collisions, and that's only counting deaths, not the staggering number of nonfatal, but still quite serious, injuries caused in this way.

Watch the morning news in any city on any channel you like and count how many crashes are reported every day, then realize that this is actually a tiny fraction of what's actually happening, because they only bother to report the ones that have a significant effect on traffic on major roads during peak hours.

Even the most dramatic and hyped-up numbers claimed by the "all men are rapists just waiting for something to flip their switch" faction don't come close to being in the same league as this... even they know it would be insane to try to claim that.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 8:44 PM


It is not the case that all men have the potential to commit rape. Some men are invalids, some are impotent, some are elderly, some chemically castrated, some are asexual, some are . . . this list can go on for a long, long while without exhaustion.

Some men are potentially rapists. Out of that set, some actually are rapists.

Of course the vast majority of men are simply not capable of committing rape (although I think making that point is superfluous). That's why the chance of being raped during a random encounter with a man is infinitesimally small. I don't see what your objection is to my line of reasoning.

In my opinion, using hard facts and statistics is the best way to combat irrational fears.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 9:05 PM

John, we don't have numbers that we can rely on, but you can be sure that if the numbers were anything like the numbers for vehicle deaths, we'd all know it.

According to Wikipedia, there were 89,000 reported cases of rape in the US during 2009. Thats reported rape. For the same year, there were 33,000 traffic fatalities according to the NHTSA. Now, we can argue over what proportion of rapes are falsely reported as well as what the under reporting rate is. However, it does seem that the numbers are something like the numbers for vehicle deaths, at least in this country.

Posted by: Dave | July 21, 2011 9:08 PM


I stand corrected. /tipo'thehat

John Greg:
Yes, rape statistics are notoriously bad. No one has a good set of them. However, we can roughly put upper bounds on the figures that do exist. It's not likely that we're under-reporting by a factor greater than 3. It's possible we are, but I'm dubious that the error would be that great.

With respect to how I chose which samples to include, I included them all since it wouldn't be useful to stick with US statistics here as many people in the conversation aren't subject to those trends, living in other countries as they are. So, I aggregated it all as a function of the world's estimated population.

This selection has problems of its own to be sure. For instance, there are countries where women are raped at far, far higher rates and we know severely under-report it because being raped can carry the death penalty. There, the error may be a full order of magnitude or greater. The parity there, fortunately, is that motor vehicle collisions also are more prominent, and more severe than other places, though by a lower proportion to the scale.

There are other problems with the model as well. For instance, in the United States, the number of sex crimes exceed the number of fatal collisions alone. But not the number of fatal/serious collisions. Let alone the fact that I've excluded from consideration even moderately bad crashes which don't include serious injuries.

Other problems exist in this model still, in that car crashes are equally likely across all demographics whereas sex assaults are not. Car accidents don't have a particular bias for the target, rapists do.

Also, how does one define a "serious" injury? It's not a uniform definition, though it has some generally agreed upon features. However, those features weigh more in some countries than others because of the level of medical care available, and the social support infrastructure available.

But none of that was on point, so a coarse model was sufficient to refute the claim to which I responded.

Namely, that if airplanes crashed as often as people are raped, it would be a rate so high that air travel would stop. Even if planes crashed as often as cars crash by proportion, it would not end air travel. A lot of people die and are severely injured in car crashes every year. It's unfortunate. No one is arguing that this rate is egregiously high. Hell, people aren't even arguing that it's very high, or slightly high, or a major concern. It is a problem that requires addressing, but it's not high on a priority list anywhere.

Why? It's only offing/harming about 50 million people a year. Only 1.2 million a year are actually dying, which alone exceeds the number of people sexually assaulted a year based on the murky data we have. Yes, the statistical reporting of sex crimes is not an accurate picture of the number of them that happen. But we have to start somewhere, and I prefer starting from what we know is at a minimum true and building from that.

The UN keeps stats, and it's a pain to weed through.
These stats have numerous problems. For instance, they rely on conviction rates, which aren't correlated to incidents of actual rape. Only the number of people convicted - the utility of that metric is entirely vulnerable to the quality of the judicial system in place in a given country.

This is a non-trivial source of error.

It's not even really possible to get great estimates of likely incidents of rape because of the horrible statistics on domestic violence. Take this really shitty report on a super shitty study:

It's stupid. They go in to find out the rates of the domestic violence and come out saying women commit 70%. Sounds scary. Then you find out that excluded from the sampling data are all incidents of serious injury, need for relocation, use of weapons or threats of weapons and choking.

Why exclude those? Is domestic violence only a problem worth studying when no one is really injured? Or isn't all that scared?

Tons of things plague these studies - largely because most of us don't want to know the real numbers. Funding agencies get what funding agencies want in a lot of cases.

Anyway, this is going quite far afield from a.) my field, b.) this discussion.

So, in conclusion, I full accept the model is poor. I argue that it isn't ruinous to the point I used it to make. Raise the number of rates by an order of magnitude if you'd like. It's still an inferior number of people being raped/sexually assaulted than who are killed/seriously injured in crashes, and no one is arguing that this is a high rate of dead/injured people. If that isn't, then rape isn't. And if this isn't shutting down the motor vehicle industry, I see no reason to think it would shut down the airplane industry.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 9:11 PM


Dave, you caught me. That was intended to say deaths and injuries as the rest of the conversation on this subject, and the rest of my post beyond the first half of the second sentence of the first paragraph, was about. However, by leaving out that small phrase, I can see that the entire comment has its meaning changed. All I can say is, shit, I fucked that up a lot with one little error, didn't I? That'll teach me to post without carefully previewing and editing... I would say if I didn't know better from long experience.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 9:18 PM


@John Greg

Here you can find the stats I used to extrapolate the risk per interaction.

Posted by: Slowdive | July 21, 2011 9:18 PM


I have a comment being held in moderation queue which addresses some of the very many problems our rape/sex assault statistics. For the point I was making though, the model needn't be very accurate as we're talking orders of magnitude disparities that would need to be overcome with respect to the point I was making.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 9:19 PM


What it is is a profitable business model.

Divide and conquer. Insult and then injury. Imperialism and white female privilege are inseparable.

Some 320,00 men have brain injuries as a result of Iraq; some estimate Iraqi deaths of men, women and children into the 100s of thousands.

And some people here at home find it more valuable,literally, to discuss one white females fear of an elevator.

I guess it takes a village to raise white womens children--a village full of dead brown people.

Posted by: pornonymous | July 21, 2011 9:23 PM


All right, I've tried to stay out of this whole train wreck as much as possible. My general view is that no good can come out of saying anything in public. That's been the case for some time. I'm not at all sure that my very limited participation in the public debate has been helpful, and I'm reluctant to get involved any further.

But I can't ignore #175. For the record, Paul, I do not play "rhetorical games" and I am not a liar. Over on one (or maybe it was more than one) of Ophelia's threads, I criticised your actions and views relating to this particular issue. I did so in rather mild and impersonal terms, and I did not attack you personally. I'd imagined until I saw your comments here that we were friends, despite having a disagreement on the merits of this particular issue - not *close* friends, granted, since we've only met at a couple of conferences, but still friends.

I believe that what I wrote on Ophelia's site was true. Even if I was mistaken, that does not make me a liar - we all make genuine mistakes. At my end, I think that you're making some serious errors of judgment in this whole debacle, but I haven't accused you of being a liar. You're doubtless calling it as you see it. Well, so am I.

You do "get" that publicly calling someone a liar is a friendship-breaker and a bridge-burner, right? I don't see how I've done anything to deserve that kind of language. Nor do see how I can go on being friends with you after you've said that in public.

Mate, you seriously owe me an apology.

Posted by: Russell Blackford | July 21, 2011 9:27 PM


and by the rationale of firming up our fears, men are more likely to take a rap on a false rape allegation, than a woman being raped--or even hit on-- by an alligator...or whatever.

Posted by: pornonymous | July 21, 2011 9:35 PM


I've been a regular reader and a (very) occasional commenter on Pharyngula for several years. The commenting style there never bothered me, although I don't myself indulge in the sort of invective that's often seen there.

I began to be concerned, however, when I saw the reactions to some discussions of Pharyngula moving to another site, changing format, or being unavailable - some people basically said that the blog was pretty much their life. A few of them were clearly facetious, but some others seemed to be completely serious. And I confess that wierded me out a little.

Folks, if a blog you comment on - any blog - has become the main focus of your life, you need to get some help.

Then this whole Elevator Guy business started. Like many others here, I found Rebecca Watson's original statements to be completely reasonable. But I found her subsequent treatment of Stef McGraw to be completely and totally inappropriate, irrespective of the fact that I completely disagree with McGraw's position regarding the original encounter.

I've been to dozens if not hundreds of conferences on a wide variety of topics, and abuse of the power of the podium is not uncommon. But it's rare for it to be so blatant and obvious - it's usually stuff like failing to yield the floor to someone until the topic has changed and their point is no longer valid, or strictly enforcing time limits on your opposition but not your friends, and so on.

And more to the point, often as not the person at the podium is blissfully unaware of what they are doing - even when it really is pretty blatant. (I rather suspect this was the case with Rebecca Watson.) Really, it's not that different than any other form of privilege.

So when you get called on such things - and all of us commit social gaffes from time to time - the right thing to do is to apologize and move on.

It doesn't even have to be that much of an apology. Unless your behavior had some substantive effect on some outcome, "I understand your feelings were hurt and I'm sorry about that" is usually sufficient.

But of course that didn't happen, and the response to Stef
McGraw aspect of the situation on Pharyngula went past wierd and all the way to deeply disturbing. I believe the term PZ used was "nonsense", and of course any dissenting opinions were shouted down immediately.

But even if you believe that it was nonsensical for her to feel that way, it in no way changes the fact that Stef McGraw did feel denigrated by the treatment she received.

So let me see if I have this straight. Rebecca Watson is "creeped out" by EG talking to her from his position of male privilege, and her feeling in that regard are supposed to be respected by everyone. But when Stef McGraw felt like she was attacked by a person in a privileged position as speaker, her feelings are entirely unworthy of respect. Sure seems like a double standard to me.

But then along came this bogus "if only you knew what I know" thing from PZ. It's bad enough that it is a prime example of anti-skeptical evidence-free posturing, it's also that arguments and justifications like this are tainted the company they keep - and in this case this particular bit of bunkum was repeatedly used by pond scum like Donald Rumsfeld in the leadup to the second Gulf War.

The end result is that Pharyngula is no longer something I want to be associated with in any way. So, while I have enjoyed many of the postings PZ has made over the years, I will no longer read or participate.

Of course I have no delusions that my (in)actions will have any effect on PZ and his many minions. That would be hopelessly naive. (No doubt if anyone even bothers to respond to this, I'll be told not to be a cupcake or something similar.)

All in all it's a truly sad day for the skeptical community, where these events have shown that it is collectively neither skeptical nor a community.

Posted by: BoxNDox | July 21, 2011 9:45 PM


Russell, did you see PZ's response to you over at Ophelia's place in the thread that I linked to earlier on? For the record, not that it should matter to you with my being an anonymous internet non-entity, but the post that I linked to from you earlier on was absolutely spot-on, and reflected my views on the matter very well indeed. It's not the Elevator Guy nonsense that most people here have a problem with- it's the shabby manner in which Watson then went on to treat Stef McGraw and Richard Dawkins, which is largely being swept under the carpet by Watson's defenders.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 9:45 PM



I, for one, agree with you. Well, I disagree in that I think Twatson was being a whiny child and was out of line in directing all men to never do that ever to any woman, but other than that, yeah, you seem to have nailed it. I'd mostly dropped Pharyngula a while back for similar reasons, and I don't miss it. On the occasions when PZ still writes something worth reading, I'll be directed to it by others more willing to slog through his crap than I.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 10:08 PM


I'm thinking of changing my handle on here just to be a pain in the ass to Ophelia's readers: The Latest. It's a code they have over there.

Who's up for being he who can't be named?!

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 10:10 PM


@BoxNDox: I've only ever commented on Pharyngula once, for several hours the other night there, and it was the strangest blog-commenting experience that I have ever had. For two hours and about 200 posts, I was pounced upon by many of what I imagine are their regulars, dismissed as a "cupcake" on numerous occasions (and directed to a handy Pharyngula Wiki so that I could read up on what exactly constitutes being a cupcake), and generally subjected to some very aggressive verbal batterings and quickly dismissed as a nutter for daring to have an opinion which differs from that of the majority.

I found it extraordinarily amusing: it cracked me up that so many people were so instantly on my case, firing links at me to various Pharyngula Wiki articles (1st Rule of Holes/Schrödinger’s Rapist etc), before they seemed to get bored of me, at which point I was told to just "fuck off".

There is no other place on the internet that I have encountered where the participants are so at one with one another in terms of their views, and so viciously dismissive of anyone who dares to chime in with a thought or an idea which doesn't happen to conform to what they have all agreed the right answers should be. I don't want to come across as being hyperbolic, but it really was that mental. From my brief stint over there I can absolutely understand what you are talking about with regards to many of the posters being a touch too invested in the place.

Pharyngula: it's a scary, scary joint.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 10:11 PM


@ #770 - no, I have not read what PZ wrote there. Nor do I especially want to, as it would only make me feel the need to debate the substantive issues further, something that I don't consider especially productive.

The thing is, even if he could demonstrate that my perception of the order of events was totally mistaken - which I very much doubt - that would not make me a liar. There's a difference between lying and making an honest mistake.

As I said, I very doubt that he could do that. I know that I, for one, didn't have a huge problem with what Watson originally said (some problem, yes, but not a huge one; she was entitled to her view, and maybe at the end of the day what she said can all be defended - who knows?). My real problem was with the way Stef McGraw was treated. The fact is that a lot of other people are saying the same thing, and I don't believe we are all liars.

So I don't see how my comment there can have been that of a liar. Even if you grant everything else to PZ, the worst conclusion that you could draw is that I made some kind of honest error in a confusing situation. I am not a liar and I resent the claim that I am.

Posted by: Russell Blackford | July 21, 2011 10:17 PM


@ #774: Well, if it makes you feel any better (of course it won't), I was accused of a "barefaced, dishonest revision of history"! All you did was play a "rhetorical game". Although with my not having any sort of history nor investment in these circles to begin with, I cannot myself feel to have been particularly aggrieved.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 10:28 PM


'Liar', Russell? Pffff. Could be worse. He could have called you a *whispers* twat.

Heres my response to PZ bullshittery on your point.

Posted by: ERV | July 21, 2011 10:30 PM


Mr. DNA:
in keeping with the spirit of these discussions, you don't need to feel aggrieved. I'll take offense on your behalf whether you like it or not.


Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 10:30 PM


Go for it. You be The Latest, and I'll volunteer for Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named... I've used it before, actually. I still own a LiveJournal (I know, shut up) account where I use that as my name, and even had it printed on my nametag way back when I worked at the deli.

Wait... what would it actually require on my end to take on this gig?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 10:34 PM


Sweet, I'll be The Latest, you'll be He Who Can't Be Named, and Abbie will be The Situation.

How's that for triforce, Abbie?!

You're not allowed to ask questions until after you sign the contract. Please refer to page 69 for the rules.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 10:40 PM


ERV, this was funny and made good points. Good on ya!

Now, I'm going to be long-winded:

This thing has been going on a long time, and I think some positions have become too entrenched, and participants have forgotten where they come from.

Let me sum up, and PLEASE correct me anybody if I'm wrong anywhere:

At a conference, RW does a talk about gender issues. She then proceeds to go to the bar section of the hotel most/many attendees are staying at, and socializes until 4AM, at which time she states she is tired and wants to go to bed. To that end, she leaves the bar and enters an elevator. Someone joins her on the elevator, who has not engaged her in conversation before, and who we have no position on whether he was in the bar or not (?). While in the elevator, the man says "Don't take this the wrong way, but I find you interesting. Would you like to get some coffee in my room?" RW declined, and the story ends there. Presumably there was no further conversation, and also presumably RW and EG got off the elevator at their respective floors.

Post conference, RW posted a video stating she felt "objectified" and sexualized, and that she felt the guy was creepy, and that guys "shouldn't do that", i.e. attempt to have sex with women by propositioning them in elevators.

At this point some people found fault with RW for the following reasons: 1, she was assuming he meant sex, when there are some people to whom those words, even as she said them, do not mean sex. 2, it was felt that she was telling all men how to interact with all women. No one except obvious trolls had any comment about her claims of creepiness, because that is of course necessarily subjective, and she has every right to her feelings. However, some people felt that 1 and 2 were unfair of her, and said so. This caused the beginning of the comment shitstorm, with RWs side bringing rape into the equation early on. While RW never directly brought rape into the equation, she also did not come out against equating the two.

Around now, Stef made her comments on her blog.

Then RW spoke at another conference. The subject of the talk was the treatment of women by the religious right. She chose to use her opening remarks to talk about problems within the atheist movement, equating (by all accounts) Stef's reaction as "anti-women" and juxtaposing it alongside the rape threats she's received, explaining that she felt Stef would not be against these threats, nor would Stef support her if she was raped by one of these threateners.

Many people found fault with this behavior, as she "hijacked" a talk on one subject to find fault with an attendee, with claims that I think most can agree were baseless. No one has yet to agree with RWs claim of Stef as "anti-women" that I know of.

In the shitstorm that followed, RD came out to say that he thought this was all an overreaction, that this issue as a whole had been talked about too long, and that it detracted from real, serious problems in the world. He also said that he didn't see why she was so upset in the first place. He invited anyone who could make the argument without being an asshole (paraphrase on my part) to do so and change his mind about her original post.

RW went ballistic. She called for a boycott of his work, and started a letter writing campaign that utilized the same type of gender-problematic language that she would normally be against (dear dick).

The "anti-RW" side now had five subsets of people: those who felt that RWs original comments were a bit much, those who felt the commenters to her original post had gone too far, those who felt she had acted unprofessionally at the talk, those who believed her and her supporters anger at RD was unfair, and those who believed some combination of the above.

I believe that sums up the situation pretty well, again, correct me anybody if I'm wrong on any individual point.

I come at this from the perspective that
1, I take her whole story at face value, except where she is making suppositions. I accept her version of events as "true".

2, However, I believe that "coffee" =/= sex in every circumstance, and from RWs story, I do not believe her supposition is supported by the facts as she presents them. He said "don't take this the wrong way" according to her...can someone explain to me WHY they think he meant "Take this exactly the wrong way" then? Some have said it was not the coffee, per se, but the "my room at 4 AM part" should be noted that A: this was in a foreign country, many people were jetlagged, so time becomes a stranger thing, and B: She was JUST hanging out with a bunch of people, for hours. It's not like she felt 330AM was all that late. I dismiss the 4AM part for the reasons I just listed. So then is the problem the "in my hotel room"? Having been to many events at hotels where whole floors are taken up by people I know that a lot of the time, "my room" doesn't have the same weight as it does when, say, it is truly two individuals.

3, I also do not think it is fair of her to speak for her whole gender, nor to instruct another gender on what they may or may not do.

4. I do not think it fair to bring rape up in this discussion AT ALL, since she never said she felt creeped out AND THREATENED. She only stated, to my knowledge, that she felt creeped out and sexualized. Creeped out is a function of many things (EGs appearance, RWs perspective, etc.), and EG cannot be blamed for that, nor can RW be blamed for her feelings. Sexualized is not, in my opinion, supported by the facts as she presents them, although I acknowledge it as a possibility.

5. If we accept for the sake of argument that he WAS asking for anonymous sex at 4AM in an elevator, I would ask why this incident IN ISOLATION is a bad thing? Several women have posted they wouldn't have a problem with it. Some have said that it "ignores her stated wishes", even though the substance of the euphemism he used (again, giving for the sake of argument that it WAS a euphemism) DIRECTLY addresses it. I don't think anyone really disagrees that, if he was asking for sex, he was awkward and probably shouldn't have done it, however, is there FAULT to be found there? Or is it simply a learning experience for EG? RW seemed to feel that it was NEVER appropriate to hit on a woman in an elevator, which I think we can all agree is patently untrue. If it can't be applied to the general case (since the problem here is not directly the actions, but instead the application of the actions in the circumstance, which will always be a judgement call), then it's essentially meaningless. "Let's all be less socially awkward!" is not particularly useful advice.

6. I note IN ISOLATION above, because I recognize a broader point (that I think, originally, was part of RWs point, before she got lost in the rest of the situation): That women who come to conferences are CONSTANTLY hit on. Each individual circumstance is not bad, nor is it harrassment, however, the cumuulative effect is the same to the individual women as harrassment. It is not a moral failing of any individual male (i.e. is not misogyny), but nonetheless has negative effects.

7. I believe her behavior at the talk where she "called out" Stef was inappropriate. Period. (Though of course I could be convinced otherwise...but it would be an uphill battle for the convincer)

8. I believe that RDs comments were fair. No one has yet pointed out any specific thing that was unfair. Only that his comments, in general, "belittled" her, or somehow belittled rape victims. I would challenge anyone who is mad at RD to give a specific example of a problematic statement.

9. I believe RWs behavior towards RD to be intellectually dishonest. She knows he was talking about the entire shitstorm, not just her original video, and yet is acting as though he were a misogynist. She is hypocritically participating in a discussion that paints his arguments as bad solely because of his sex, and in a campaign that, as noted above, uses the same type of gender-problematic language, that if it were applied to a woman would cause problems (several commenters on here have complained about the use of "twatson" for example).

For these opinions I have been labeled a rape apologist. A misogynist. An idiot. A "mansplainer" (and I could go on pages about THAT little fucking gem of a word). I invite anyone from the "pro-RW" side to calmly bring up points to support their position. Particularly PZ. It has yet to be done.

And on a final note: men have EVERY right to hit on any woman in public any time, provided they aren't harrassing her (repetition after refusal, etc.). Women have the same right. PEOPLE IN PUBLIC DO NOT GET TO DICTATE HOW OR WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY TO THEM. There is a difference between "you're a creepy guy for doing this" and "you don't have the right to do this". PZ, you, and others, act as though men DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT to talk to women unless given permission. (In other words, only talk about things that the woman in question wants to). Some of us, who are fans of freedom of speech, find that repugnant. We may think EG was a dolt for a host of reasons, but that doesn't mean he didn't have the right to talk to her.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 21, 2011 10:41 PM


Mr. DNA (#773): I agree. I'd never really read the comments there, so when I found they were talking something I wrote here (#235), calling it "ludicrous", I skipped across to discuss it politely with them. It seemed to me to be a fairly reasonable, non-partisan point, and the barrage of rabid personal attacks I received from the little gang online at the time was just so surprising on a skeptic website. I don't know whether this issue has caused them to act and think in this manner or whether they've always been like this. Either way, I'll know not to bother trying to reason with them in the future.

Russell Blackford:

My general view is that no good can come out of saying anything in public. That's been the case for some time.

This is sadly true, to the detriment of the community.

Posted by: Notung | July 21, 2011 10:43 PM


Oh, ok, then. *signs*


*reads more*

Oh, ok...

*reads more*

Really? That doesn't make a lot of...

*turns page*

Oh... damn.

Ok, well, I guess I'm committed now, when you asked for my life savings did you want cash, or can I just wire you the money. Also, it's going to take me a couple of days to get my hands on 300 shaved oxen.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 10:47 PM


@Justicar: Well, since you're already taking abuse from all angles I don't see why you can't also double as my own personal bullet-shield and feel aggrieved for me into the bargain. No point in us both going down now, is there?

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 10:47 PM


bladerunner... *sniff* That was fucking beautiful. May I quote you?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 10:53 PM


Cool, I got caught in the filter. Be gentle, Abbie, it's my first time. :P

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 10:59 PM



Thank you.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 21, 2011 11:00 PM


Damn heathens...

Almost creepily up-to-date.

Posted by: cthellis | July 21, 2011 11:00 PM


it wasn't "felt" that she said men can't do that. It's what she actually said. To take as meaning something other than what the words literally meant is to be one taking the "feeling".

Granted, her edicts don't really impose a duty on anyone, but that's not the point. My saying let's all start raping babies doesn't really impose a duty on anyone to start doing as much. The point behind it is the hubris that attends someone who thinks that there's no problem acting as though s/he is in some position to advise at least half of the world's population on how they should act with respect to the other half. She is simultaneously feeling entitled to speak in the stead of all women, against many women's consent, to all men as the arbiter of what men are allowed to say to women (some of whom are perfectly happy to have the event happen).

This is one of the issues on the table, but it's not really the crux of the issue - the saying "don't do that" bit that is. But on that topic, we teach children that "don't do that" means nothing other than "don't do that". No, stop, don't, quit are words that may not be taken to mean anything else - saying no, stop, don't, quit et cetera is the end of it all; it's the law of the land. You hear it, you fucking obey it.

The corollary is that if you say those words, you better fucking mean just that.

Rape came into because Twatson et al put it on the table. She said Dawkins downplayed hers (and other women's) fears of sexual assault/safety/rape/whatever. She put it on the table and has no justification for crying foul when the push-back is "wait a fucking second there - not so fast."

And the Stef McGraw matter has honked off a lot of people, and justifiably so. It's incredibly inappropriate. Add to that her publicly available track record of abusing any slight amount of power she gets to punish those whom she dislikes/disagrees with and, well, she shouldn't be invited to speak on anything except how it is that she's such an asshole who abuses people like that.

Another big part of the problem is how many goddamned psychics have shown up in this discussion. Until I read a fucking headline saying, "psychic wins lottery" and you're that psychic, I am tired of reading all of the shit people are magicking into existence and then claiming to be what other people are thinking.

You're doing it here with respect to saying what Rebecca Twatson should know that RD meant. That she knows x. She may or may not. She could be lying, or not. That she is wrong doesn't imply she's willfully wrong. She just might be that stupid/blinded by her bigotry/whatever.

There exist enough facts on the table to discuss without people hither and tither playing armchair psychic.

The situation with EG seems like a perfectly ordinary interaction. I talk to people in elevators. People talk to me in elevators. When people creep me out, I excuse myself. It's not really a difficult proposition, "Thanks, but no. Have a good day."

If that's where the other person lets it die, then that's the outcome I wanted. If, and only if, after I've said that and the other person fails to take heed that they've been declined for whatever, then we have a problem and a situation that is actually not good instead of one that someone just imagined in her head might possibly turn out not to be good.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 11:03 PM


Mr. DNA:
I'm kind of like Twatson here. I refuse to go down until Dawkins shows up. Not even if you ask me to coffee will I be going down. Waiting on Dear Dick before I go down!

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 11:05 PM


In reply to bladrunner #780.

The only thing in your sum-up that I can immediately note as incorrect is that it was in fact Mindy at Skepchick, and not Watson who began and orchestrated the anti-Dawkins letter writing campaign. Watson of course held no objection to that.

You said:

"... men have EVERY right to hit on any woman in public any time, provided they aren't harrassing her...."

I don't know. I really think that's problematic and just too black and white. Context, circumstance, location, time, there are an awful lot of factors in play that just don't support that "every right" concept whether it's men, women, or octopusses.

In effect you are saying that anyone has the right to cross anyone else's personal space boundry whenever we feel like it regardless of circumstance. I suspect that's not what you mean, but if it is I just cannot support it.

Posted by: John Greg | July 21, 2011 11:10 PM


justicar and Rystefn, if you guys keep on changing names it's gonna be a pain keeping track of the fun.

Posted by: John Greg | July 21, 2011 11:13 PM


Two things, John.

1) Hitting one someone never requires (even if it sometimes takes the form of) crossing a personal space boundary, unless you're talking about metaphorical space, in which case, who gives a crap?

2) I wouldn't be changing my name, just taking on a nickname. As the last breathing, and therefore de facto THE Rystefn, I will not be dropping my identity in the near future.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 21, 2011 11:23 PM



I've never heard of heathen-hub before, but what a delightfully delicious article that was! I particularly enjoyed this snippet:

And all Rebecca Watson could do was wait out Dawkins' lecture in a bar? Jen McCreight sounds very weak when she writes very recently: "As I and others joked, I'm going to stop buying Dawkin's feminist books - but I still respect him for all the other wonderful things he does."
"As I and others joked"? Seriously? It was Rebecca Watson who originally wrote in relation to Dawkins that: "I will no longer recommend his books to others, buy them as presents, or buy them for my own library. I will not attend his lectures or recommend that others do the same", and it was pretty obviously a strong if implicit appeal to others to boycott Dawkins as well. Making a really weak comment like, "As I and others joked", just trivializes the entire issue, and makes it sound like McCreight and others are back-pedalling very fast on the whole thing -- almost as though they realise that there had been far too much overstatement from their side in the first place


Yep, when all is said and done, poor McCreight (rhymes with wrong) sure does come out of all of this looking like a bit of a twat.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 21, 2011 11:25 PM


He's dead to me! He mentions me but doesn't link to my blog. His not linking to me is oppression against me because I'm gay! Make him stop oppressing me!

I mean, it's a decent article.

I am willing to forgive him since he calls me young. *crocks an eyebrow* - this time.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 11:31 PM


Now that I recall, there was an earlier post of his from last week that I liked, too.

He's got a new one up chuckling at someone berating him for being... skeptical.

Posted by: cthellis | July 21, 2011 11:33 PM


Rystefn said:

"Hitting one [sic] someone never requires (even if it sometimes takes the form of) crossing a personal space boundary, unless you're talking about metaphorical space, in which case, who gives a crap?"

OK, I get your point -- ooh! Kudos to ME I GET IT!

... ahem, er, excuse me....

But I am still uncomfortable with this concept of anytime anywhere I can hit on anyone if I feel like it. I know I am offering nothing substantive at the moment, but it just doesn't feel right to me. Seriously. I'll have to think about that for a few days. See if I can spell it out.

And hey! less seriously, if Watson can "feel" things, so can I. Eh?

And so there, ya bunch of sqwalling, creepy, man-hating mysogynistic rapey guys and gals with serious issues who just don't get it.

On a side note, boyo, this blog, and justicar in particular, sure get the group-think slamdown on some of those Only One Correct Way of Thinking blogs.


Posted by: John Greg | July 21, 2011 11:46 PM


there was a good one of that ilk on reddit the other week. Let me go find it if I can.
Ah yes, here it is:
Person 1: Do you think it's possible to ban her from the skeptical movement?
Person 2: As a skeptic, I doubt it.
Person 1: I should have seen that coming.

I have to say, reading his blog posts on this doesn't seem to really capture my essence. I don't seem to be nearly the woman hating rapist-in-waiting some other press has made me out to be. Well, just don't anyone tell him - it'll ruin the surprise.

Posted by: Justicar | July 21, 2011 11:50 PM


John Greg:
I'm not sure how to take that group-think bit. I certainly hope no one is under the impression that I run on a group-think mentality.

I have my own thoughts. They haphazardly coincide with other people's thoughts. When that's the case, we have a common goal. When it's not the case, we don't. I'm not wedded to any of my ideas, and I'm happy to change them provided there's a sufficient reason to do so.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 12:13 AM



Some people have tried to claim that she wasn't dictating how all men should interact with all women. I was explaining that we felt, due to how she said what she said, that she was.

She was not the first one to bring rape into the discussion, her followers were. Then she claimed that RD was minimizing rape victims in his response, which I don't feel could be inferred from his words if someone is being intellecutally honest. She doesn't have to be psychic to read his words and understand them, nor do I claim psychic powers when Is ay I do not beleive that she is being honest in her interpretation of RD.


I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to say she ORCHESTRATED it, just that she was involved (also on skepchick, etc.). If I gave that impression, sorry!

You said: "I don't know. I really think that's problematic and just too black and white."

Look, I don't like the Westboro Baptists. They are abhorrent to me. But they have the right to say what they want. (I am certainly NOT trying to equate anyone here to WB, I'm just trying to use an obviously abhorrent example)

"In effect you are saying that anyone has the right to cross anyone else's personal space boundry"... I didn't say that at all...personal space is totally different from speech. If someone touches you without permission, that's technically battery. If they say something you don't like, it's LIFE. It doesn't mean you have to respond. Nor does it mean it's a good idea. It just means that free speech means the ability to make an ass of yourself.

"But I am still uncomfortable with this concept of anytime anywhere I can hit on anyone if I feel like it. I know I am offering nothing substantive at the moment, but it just doesn't feel right to me. Seriously. I'll have to think about that for a few days. See if I can spell it out." -- You already do this. If you have EVER hit on a woman, then you did it when you wanted to. The rest of the time, you don't want to. For a host of reasons that are all your own.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 22, 2011 12:17 AM


justicar, no, no, no. I did not mean you. I meant the gender feminist blogs who all seem to think almost exactly the same -- or at least appear to because of their censorship / moderating / banning policies, and who for the most part have very harsh things to say about you and ERV.

Not you.

Posted by: John Greg | July 22, 2011 1:01 AM


No. It's not a feeling. "Don't do that" is a command that sets up the one thing we all use to differentiate rape from consensual sex. It's the one type of phrase that turns hanging out/dating from that to harassment/stalking. Consent.

"No", or "stop" or "don't do that" or "quit" and the such like are the defining words that establish the thing which the entire society has agreed on is how we determine when to send another adult to prison for most of their lives for failing to obey - immediately and without question.

We will literally lock someone's ass up for as long as humanly possible and let them rot for not immediately obeying "don't do that".

Rebecca Watson studied communications at some technical college. She should know full well how to say something she means when she means to say it.

To adopt your "feeling" aspect sure does open up a lot of ground. When does a man have to stop treating it as a mere suggestion or a "feeling" and start obeying it? When is no not really no but something that only means anything depending on how the man "feels" about it? No, I won't be talked to that way. No means no. Don't do that means do NOT do that. Stop means stop. Quit means quit. Full. Stop.

"Why didn't you stop when she said no?"

"Oh, I had a feeling she didn't mean it, and she didn't really fight all that hard. I had a feeling she was just playing hard to get."

Fuck that.

And yes, Rebecca Watson brought rape into this from the word go. She mentioned EG was "sexualizing" her "in that way". Stef McGraw dared to not agree. What happened?

For her troubles, her post of non-agreement got thrown in between Twatson's rape-threat letters and misogynistic attitudes that threaten the safety of women.

That's when people started to call her down on the carpet. So, she did in fact bring it out first - right from "Stef McGraw".

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 1:03 AM


John Greg:
I think I'm going to do what overprotective white men have been doing from times untold.

Listen, radfems: say you want about ERV, but leave Justicar out of this!


Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 1:05 AM


In reply to justicar #800 (!).

The Location (did I get that right?) said:

"Rebecca Watson studied communications at some technical college. She should know full well how to say something she means when she means to say it."

Quite right. And that's why I am absolutely convinced that she is fully aware not only that she implicitly and tacitly called for, i.e., both endorsed and encouraged, a boycott of Dawkins, but in her word games with me on that topic she was completely aware that she was playing word games and trying to trip me up in rhetorical traps, and was knowingly skirting the issue.

And furthermore, through playing those word games, and knowing that the majority of her supporters are not quite sharp enough to catch on, she was in a sense setting me up to be a patsy of her condescension and to get slamdunked by her horde of gender feminist fanatics.

In that fashion she can then turn around and claim to have done nothing wrong (I never ad hominemed him; I never called for a Dawkins boycott) and present the appearance of innocence -- so to speak.

Posted by: John Greg | July 22, 2011 1:14 AM



I agree with you. Some people, though, have claimed that she didn't do what we agree she did. I guess I was just using a "weasel word" to try to avoid immediate offense.

"And yes, Rebecca Watson brought rape into this from the word go. She mentioned EG was "sexualizing" her "in that way". Stef McGraw dared to not agree. What happened?"

I disagree she brought rape in "from the word go". She said she felt sexualized and objectified; that does not equate to rape (not that being objectified is good, just that she didn't mention feeling threatened in her video AFAIK). She has claimed disagreement is "anti-women", and I think has tacitly encouraged others to directly equate the situation to one with rape, but I was trying to be fair. If you know of her directly correlating the situation with rape, rather than tryign to claim disagreement is rape apology (granted it's sophistry, but I'm trying to be fair), then I'll stand corrected, I was just trying to be the least offensive; I hold out hope that a certain percentage of us on either side can maintain a reasonable dialogue and come to a consensus, and to that end I was trying to post a summary that didn't immediately get disregarded by the opposing side. I suppose I failed a bit.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 22, 2011 1:38 AM


Yeah, to that extent I think it's a perfectly reasonable chain of inference. She's not outright moronic. But she's also not sophisticated. As I've said on my blog, she's fairly base in how she operates, and it follows the same pattern as the late night preacher people on the tv. All you have to do is pay attention to how puts concepts together and rearrange them by like to see her nonsense.

When I say people are reading her mind with respect to willfully misinterpreting Dawkins, I'm not so sure that was intentional. I have no troubles at all accepting that she really just could not understand the argument being made. Why? Because a lot of people far more sophisticated than she have failed to do so - even ones who were in agreement with Dawkins (so they thought). So, I think a certain level of sophistication is needed to see that the relationship contemplated isn't bad thing versus worse thing rather it was bad stuff happens, this isn't an example of that.

But because it's on an emotionally charged subject, oh, did you just compare this to rape? And that kind of thing. No. I'm saying that there exists actual instances of sexism, sexual abuse, misogyny, oppression, abuse in general. Being invited to coffee does not fit in a single one of those categories.

I really think she genuinely does not and likely cannot understand the distinction.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 1:39 AM


Blackford and Coyne: cool, collected, rational, responding instead of reacting, minimal pre-existing narrative to irrationally defend...yeah, that's the way you do it.

ERV: a younger, sassier, funnier Sam Harris. Is it Oklahoma? Gender? Oh, I don't care I just know I like it. And her

Meyers: probably exposed a bigger personal blind spot and a broader ideological agenda of his than he planned on or, even worse, that he is *aware* of. Oops

Watson: "Where's the beef"? Srsly! Over/under on her being out of the game...18 months.

Jen: jumping to conclusions without waiting for all the facts: doesn't usually end well.

Posted by: petercx | July 22, 2011 1:55 AM


OMG, I found this priceless gem in the reddit comments.

FULL of internet wins

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 22, 2011 2:59 AM


Reading this long argument has helped me to think about this issue more deeply, so I'm grateful to the participants in this thread. My position has evolved somewhat since I last commented about this situation. It seems to me, first, as it has all along, that there was something worthwhile in RW's original complaint about EG, but I now think there was something problematic about her manner of expressing it. A third point is that I continue to think, as I have all along, that RW treated SMcG unfairly.

As to the first point, it seems to me a matter of common courtesy to avoid risking making someone uncomfortable when doing so requires minimal effort on my part and doesn't require me not to ask an appealing person to hang out, merely to choose my timing with a little care.

As to the second point, RW's style of criticism of EG was unduly harsh toward him, not because it criticized him for making her uncomfortable when a bit of foresight and empathy could have avoided it, but because she discussed the incident in a sweepingly judgmental, shaming way that suggests he, and his interest in her, are more broadly problematic in a way that could alienate a lot of people who wouldn't have done what he did. This criticism is a vague and contestable one, but I will try to clarify and justify it in a minute.

Judging by the comments and blog posts I've read, most people don't think both these points are true; they either agree with RW entirely about the EG issue (as I did before reading this thread) or think she's basically completely wrong about it. The problem, it seems to me, is that two opposite things are equally true: in one important sense, what EG did--expressing interest politely--was innocent, and even good, since human connection and taking the risk of expressing interest in others makes life better; and yet the broader context indicates this same behavior could predictably cause emotional harm, and it did cause such harm.

It is this pair of opposing truths that makes it hard to see how RW could have a legitimate point and yet be heard as employing a dogmatic and authoritarian style that actually undermines her own (in my view legitimate) goal of changing this aspect of some men's behavior. To anyone who doesn't agree with both these points, let me propose an alternate commentary RW might have used to articulate her concerns in that original video that I think illustrates their validity.

"Guys, if you do what EG did, some women really will feel fine about it. But you're going to make me and a lot of other women uncomfortable. Some of us will be only mildly bothered, and others, some of whom have had bad experiences in similar settings, will have a lot rougher time. I'm not impugning your intentions. But I think it's good to make informed decisions. So I thought you should know."

To my ears, this would be a true set of things to say, as well as a form of criticism that is honest about her feelings and respectful both to other men and to the range of other women's experiences. It suggests flaws in the argument that any behavior other than outright harassment is categorically unproblematic. To maintain such a view implies, dubiously I think, that the feelings of the many people who would experience the encounter as RW did are unimportant.

To anyone who feels this hypothetical RW commentary would be too polite a response to someone engaged in sexist behavior, this would seem like an opportune time to return to my third point above and note that RW seems to have lost a good deal of support in the community for the way she treated SMcG. There is a pattern here in both cases of going beyond asserting one's feelings and convictions and instead using the power of a podium or of sweeping moral judgments to try to change other people. When one is angry, perhaps for good reasons, this approach may be an understandable inclination, but I submit that it is not generally a good basis for relating to other people, nor a productive one.

I don't condemn RW for her style, though. Nor do I want to stop listening to what she has to say, any more than I assume the worst about EG's motives while I do disapprove of his behavior. We are all learning to relate to each other, and understanding very different perspectives, or even slightly different ones, does not always happen easily.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 22, 2011 3:29 AM



Many people found fault with this behavior, as she "hijacked" a talk on one subject to find fault with an attendee, with claims that I think most can agree were baseless. No one has yet to agree with RWs claim of Stef as "anti-women" that I know of.

Greg Laden and PZ Myers have both argued that Stef's liberal feminist critique of Watson's explanation of her encounter and anyone who agrees with it have done the equivalent of telling Watson to shut-up, and they have both called her a misogynist for doing so, PZ in this here thread, and Laden in the thread before.

Posted by: Peter | July 22, 2011 3:39 AM


#22 the best you can do is conflate watson as a rape-accuser and on your youtube channel integralmath call her "twatson" ? Get a life.

Posted by: Aerik | July 22, 2011 3:42 AM


Sorry, seaside681:
If being invited to *coffee* causes someone actual harm, that means it's a significant emotional event. That person is well past the range of normal emotional wherewithal, and is actually a danger to people around them. They would have absolutely no grasp on reality to be actually harmed by being asked a question.

That person wouldn't have made it across the ocean by airplane as they'd be in either jail or a mental ward. Sorry. No. A person who is actually harmed by "would you like to have coffee" is not living in the same reality the rest of us are.

These aren't "opposing truths". One is a statement of what happened, and the other is a universe happening inside someone's head completely detached from reality. If you want to call that a truth, you're welcome to it. I decline to follow.

And this Twatson person you've conjured up bears no relationship to the one who exists in our reality. She did impute motive. So did many other radical feminists. So did some people on my side. It was wrong for all of them to read more into the situation than the evidence could bear (if you presume that her story is evidence, and that dude actually exists, which I don't as there's no evidence to indicate it's true at all).

To say, "he's probably socially awkward" is to just make shit up. Same thing with saying he was sexualizing her. It's all projections of people's imagination. Even if he exists the only person who knows what he was thinking is him. To the extent we know anything about his thought process, it was that he wanted to talk to her over coffee. In his room even.

He might have been rapist. He might have been a mugger. He might have been Buddhist monk wanting to convert her. No one but he knows.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 3:50 AM


I resent that. You've neglected to note that I've called her a bitch, a cunt, an airhead, a dimwitted pathetic half-step of a public personality, a know-nothing, an attention whoring halfwit whose only claim to fame is standing next to James Randi and avoiding catching Teh Gay. Oh, and a liar. That one too.

Calling her a rape-accuser and Twatson are hardly all I've done. Although, it's worth noting that I haven't called her a rape-accuser. I've said that Schrodinger's Rapist is a fair analogy, then so too is Schrodinger's Fake Rape Victim / Fake Rape-Accuser. Do you not understand Boolean logic?

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 3:58 AM


Justicar, I see PZ and the "chicks" from skepchick, are building a case against the misogynistic behaviour of the gaming community, of which by coincidence you are very much part of. Now isn't that Interesting?

Posted by: John Constantine | July 22, 2011 4:25 AM


Hello Justicar,
A few points come to mind based on your comment. True enough, being asked to coffee, in the abstract, would seem quite harmless (and at times delightful). So leave aside the term "harm" for a moment. Ponder instead that in the moment of an unexpected and unwanted social request, even one not happening on an elevator, the experience can be uncomfortable, or tension-inducing, for many of us. Are these really implausible claims? If not, let me go a step further and observe that some people who have had harassing or worse experiences in dating situations or other situations could actually be upset, later on, if the incident brought painful memories to mind. Of course, this more unhappy and extreme hypothetical would by no means be typical for most people in RW's shoes, but it seems likely that it would occur in some percentage of them. That seems regrettable to me. And it seems easily avoidable.

Finally on this point, if these human reactions, varying from discomfort to pain, imply the person experiencing them has "absolutely no grasp on reality," why do you suppose RW has received widespread sympathy for her criticism of EG's behavior? You might argue that it's a matter of mere ideological solidarity, I guess, and to some extent that could even be true. But that possibility merely begs the question of why concerns about sexual harassment and violence, and about perceived sexual inequality more broadly struck a cord and gained cultural currency in the first place. It seems to me that this happened because a lot of people found that these ideas spoke to their experience, and expressed important points.

I actually agree with you about the ambiguity of EG's motives. I wasn't criticizing those motives; rather, I was emphasizing the consequences of his behavior, which is of course a different matter. I was also suggesting that RW could have been more restrained in her criticism, and that her behavior had negative consequences as well. (For instance, I think her tone suggested no one who disagreed with her could have good intentions. Some men, and some women too, have probably been less inclined to take her feelings seriously because of the way she expressed them, and that means her chosen manner of communication subtly disrespected them and herself at the same time. I think that's too bad.)

Posted by: seaside681 | July 22, 2011 4:37 AM



"Greg Laden and PZ Myers have both argued that Stef's liberal feminist critique of Watson's explanation of her encounter and anyone who agrees with it have done the equivalent of telling Watson to shut-up, and they have both called her a misogynist for doing so, PZ in this here thread, and Laden in the thread before."

If I understand it correctly, Laden also believes men should have to walk on the opposite side of the street from women (someone in this thread mentioned it, I didn't read the other thread at all). That puts him in the troll category to me, a person whose stated opinion makes so little sense that participation in rational dialogue becomes an iffy proposition.

Can you tell me which post PZ said that in? Not trying to be argumentative, I'm sure you're right, but I didn't see it when I read the thread, which almost certainly means I just missed it, and there's a metric crapton of posts to go through now to try to pick it out. The closest I could find was: "And anyone who tells a woman to shut up when her entire investment in addressing a problem is 30 seconds of commentary on a youtube video actually is being a misogynist. And simultaneously complaining that she isn't doing anything and never has done anything to advance skepticism is genuinely moronic." --- This did not seem Stef-specific, nor did it seem a defense of RW's actions at the talk. It seems fairly straw-manny, granted, since I don't think there's anyone who said she needs to "shut up", because that is a totally different thing from a disagreement (just because I think 2+2=4 and you think it equals 3, and you say it equals three and I point out it equals 4, does not mean I think you need to "shut up", only that I believe you are wrong) but that's beside the point.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 22, 2011 4:40 AM


John Constantine @ 812:
it's funny you mention that. I just finished writing and publishing a post on my blog about my gaming experience as contrasted against Mrs. Myers' experience.

Does sexism, racism, and what not exist among gamers? Yes. It exists everywhere. Is it a huge problem? Not on the whole from what I've seen, and it is how I pay the bills.

I have many officers who are female. My senior staff is composed of 4 people just below me. Half are men, half are women. None of them is a delicate flower. They don't take shit off of people, but they're not in need of protection. We have a fairly well behaved group of people. In a given month about 15,000 people will pass through my doors. There are 4 bans in place right now. One of those is for trying to hack the server, and a silly DDOS attack (though I did have to relocate my server to a more protected server on an isolated system as it did cause some damage), another is for a gal who didn't seem to understand the hierarchy.

Even after my oh so polite many ways of informing her that I don't work for her and I don't answer to her, I finally submitted it to the admins who decided to remove her permanently.

The other two are for people who apparently think calling people niggers is acceptable in public.

We have very, very few problems with my group of people. Usually, "hey, knock that fucking shit off" is enough to shut someone down who's being an asshole. Sometimes not, which is why we have an escalation of penalties we select from.

It's usually the gals who do the enforcing I have to say. They try to almost categorically keep any unruly behavior away from my desk because I tolerate the least amount of bullshit of all the admins. I have no patience for assholes. It is at the end of the day a business for me, and if someone wants to be so cavalier with other people's time who are all spending their hard-earned money to play with us, then that person simply has to be disappeared.

Yes, cunt, faggot, twat, gay and dyke and what not come up. As soon as those start getting tossed around, the community is fairly robust in schoolin' whoever being an asshole.

It might be that I see less of it because of my unique position as "the man" who people don't want to pester or something, or it just might not happen a lot. I have no doubts that when I enter a channel and say hey people start acting differently than when I'm not there. But I don't get that many complaints on etiquette, so I'm inclined to think it doesn't happen a great deal. Particularly since I get a lot of complaints over really, really trivial shit.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 5:01 AM


Justicar, I just saw your post on your blog. It seems that you are ruffling a few feathers by constantly calling out their bullshit on all their aligned soap boxes for the bullshit it is.

Posted by: John Constantine | July 22, 2011 5:19 AM


I don't dispute that some interactions that seem perfectly normal to me will not be so for some subset of a population. That's not my argument. You said it "harmed". Discomfort isn't harm. And it's something we all will experience in some social interaction somewhere.

I've written about this elsewhere, but I'll explain a couple of things here that bear on this.

I'm not allergic to paper or crayons in any classical sense. But I can't touch them, smell them or think about it. It makes me teeth start to hurt, my mouth goes dry, chills run up and down my back, my jaw tightens and then I start feeling flush. Why? No clue what the reaction is. But it's related to the texture of paper, smell of newspaper and the smell of crayons (which actually takes my breath away). Wooden toothpicks do it too.

Guess who's problem that is when I stand next to someone who's reading a newspaper? Mine. It's entirely mine. My abnormality there is entirely my own problem to keep under control. I have options available to me. I could stay home to avoid it. Truth be told, I leave my house quite infrequently. But that's not why - I just work from home. Still, there are days I want to go out, but I know that I'm not in the mood to handle paper being around me. So I stay home.

I know in advance that I have an issue with those things, and that sometimes I'm just not in the mood to talk myself into dealing with it to grab coffee or catch a movie or whatever. I could make a stink and tell people not to come around me with crayons in public. Or a newspaper. Or hand me regular paper. I have no right to expect that anyone should. My deal is a one-off. It's not a normal disposition. I have to deal with it all on my own. Except at home.

I've never colored with my children, or sat near them while they've colored. Or held anything they've colored for me. I buy extremely expensive paper because the texture is such that it doesn't cause that reaction and it's refined in a way that it doesn't have that smell.

I also wouldn't lecture in a room with a chalkboard. I can't touch chalk for all of the same reasons. Right now just thinking about it dries my mouth and makes my teeth get that angst-y feeling in them. It is really unpleasant.

Still, I had a job as a police officer which is rife with paperwork. How did I manage? Serving my community was more important to me than my personal discomfort, and I've never whined about it. It's undignified to whine over it. It's certainly the height of arrogance for me to think of telling people that the rest of the population somehow owes it to me adjust their lives to deal with my strange situation.

The same thing with Rebecca Watson. Uncomfortable with people talking to you in public? Deal with it, or don't go in public. Her discomfort with being invited to coffee in an elevator is her own problem - no one else's. The remedy for her situation exists. Perhaps medication can help. But it is certainly not my responsibility to go around accounting for the fact that someone I randomly meet have some weird as social-phobia I should be expected to tiptoe around.

She's free to whine about it all she wants. I'm free to think less of her for it. It's undignified, and arrogant to bitch and then demand special treatment. Hell, and then to demand special treatment on behalf of people who are telling her they don't want it.

"why do you suppose RW has received widespread sympathy for her criticism of EG's behavior?"

Well, one person wrote a very mild blog post saying, in short, she didn't think it was sexism at play.

What happened then? The fucking radical feminists exploded. Abbie calls her out for being unprofessional and is now a gender traitor and rape apologist and who knows what else.

If someone cries out for help, some group of people somewhere are going to care. In this case, the concern is not proportionate to our reality. It's base emotion in service to an ideology.

There isn't anyone I've noticed who is discounting her feelings. Everyone I've seen has said she's perfectly entitled to feel what she feels. We all are. But one's feelings don't translate into public problem requiring a solution. Her emotions simply don't trump the freewill granted to other 7 billion people who have the honor of living on the same planet as she.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 5:22 AM



That is the comment of PZ's I was thinking, and that's how I took it, I don't think it's really that ambiguous. I suppose you'd have to just ask him if that isn't enough, or if someone can direct you to where he's said something more direct to that effect?

Still, if you're still hanging on to the thought of PZ Myers as rational about sexism, just find his posts about shutting up and listening to women, and "mansplaining", and compare that to the way he talked to ERV in this thread.

Posted by: Peter | July 22, 2011 5:39 AM


John Constantine:
Yeah, I'm well-known now. But I'm far from popular. =P

The funny thing is that in the normal course of affairs, I wouldn't use the word twat or cunt. Indeed, I can't recall using them in years.

The paradox here is that Rebecca Twatson and that gang have forced me to move in a direction with which I'm uncomfortable. But like with my protest during Draw Muhammed Day, once someone tells me that I am not free to speak, not free to express an idea, not free to draw a picture, not free to use a word, the only response is to do the thing they're claiming I'm not allowed to do.

I do not grant to anyone the right to decide for me in advance what ideas I might entertain, what language I might need to use, what arrangement words I find necessary. Similarly, I resent anyone who tries to decide for me what ideas I'm allowed to hear, what arrangement of words I'm permitted to bear. No, this won't do.

As I said with respect to DMD, there is but one mechanism by which my antagonists may silence me: death. The people declaring the right to commit murder over a cartoon or drawing will have to follow through on it with me to shut me up. The same is true with this.

I won't be spoken to in that way by anyone. No one will tell me when I may or may not speak to another human being, where I may and may not speak to another human, what geometry precludes me from speaking. Nor will accept the right of anyone to tell me that others are being silenced on my behalf to protect me from having to hear things I may not enjoy.

No. I know what this is. I've seen it before. I don't like this circle, and I won't be ruled by totalitarianism. At. All.

I won't be shouted down. I won't be made to obey someone's rules for thought crime. I won't be accept a punishment for the crime of listening to or speaking to another person.

Fuck them.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 5:40 AM


Hi guys!

Three intertwined points keep rearing their heads:

1. Sexual Harassment or not?

If EG's actions are an instance of sexual harassment, then RS's later comments are, to some extent justifiable.

If not, if they are not see in that way, they seem over-the-top and nonsensical.

Part of the problem, I think, is that it is very difficult to accuse EG of that (at least from RW's original description) and that explains why so much of RW's supporters seem to contradict themselves. (PZ for example)

2. Advice or authority? (Justicar clarified this for me by the way)

If you see RW's first video, she uses an imperative. This would not be a big deal and many here don't seem to think it was a big deal, but only if you take it as friendly advice.

Otherwise, it comes off as an attempt to assert authority that one does not have. I'm not sure but I wonder if this whole thing got started because of a knee-jerk reaction to seeing RW in this light. It's hard for me to see all that has transpired as being motivated by hatred toward women. Assertions of women hatred seem just as knee-jerk to me.

If you accept that is was sexual harassment, then the friendly advice view is predominant. If not, the "she does not speak for me" and "she has no right to tell me what to do" phrasing becomes predominant.

3. Community vs. Individuality:

Growing the community is a big thing on the other side. It doesn't seem to be as important here. Indeed, asserting one's individuality precisely because the other side seems desperate to stress words like community and solidarity is ever present.

So, am I full of shit? Have I completely missed the point? Maybe so, but for now this helps grasp what has been happening in the last few weeks better.

Posted by: Brad | July 22, 2011 7:17 AM


though I keep on this issue (only because it's not quite super trivial) of the "don't do that" thing is because of how RW et al have been talking. On the one hand, they want to make a Big Deal out of privilege. Ok, fine. Let's do that. How is it not a position of supposed privilege to get off telling half of the human population whom they may speak to, and the other half how to react when spoken to? It's hubris.

And it can't be just a suggestion. We write laws on the proposition that "don't do that" means *exactly* that - this action is prohibited. Doing it constitutes a reason to throw your ass in prison.

If she'd said something like "don't do that to me", it would have been silly (she's not really that popular, so very few people would see it), but perfectly fine. She is fully entitled to tell whomever she wants how they may and may not address her. That's a perfectly reasonable position for anyone to hold: here's my comfort level - do not move beyond it. Everyone has that right without question.

But she can't stop at that. Indeed, she has a post talking about reaching some feminism singularity to give her super-hero feminist powers. Like, say, ordering half the population not to talk to the other half during x situations, which means that she's saying the other half is prohibited from having the privilege of deciding for themselves which conversations they're entitled to be engaged in. I cede that right to no one but myself.

I trust no one to decide for me when someone else might start a conversation with me. I can figure out if it's one I want to continue or end all without anyone's help. I even wear training underwear, that's how grown up I've gotten.

But that's just a posturing someone who thinks she's important enough to tell people what to do. It's not the Big Issue. It's not like she can actually enforce it on anyone else's behalf, or that men are going to be rounded up and charged with harassment for telling her to fuck off. It's just the arrogance that goes with thinking one is entitled to even say the words.

The Big Issue is the actual use of power to really diminish someone for committing the crime of disagreeing with her. Namely, how she treated the very, very mature Stef McGraw. She has handled this whole thing with far more respectfulness towards Twatson than Twatson deserved. She has been gracious and graceful. She's never fallen out of equipoise, but has remained quite on kilter even though if she had gone ballistic, very few people would have blamed her. (well, very few people who aren't Real Feminists anyway).

I'm not sure how I'd respond to that, but I can imagine I'd have been standing and saying a couple of words to Twatson then and there. And not just for taking advantage of being The Speaker. But for that plus the outright douchebag way she put Stef McGraw on the dock: sandwiching her blog article between "rape e-mails" and sexual abuse plus saying that to see a young woman adopting the misogynistic attitudes of yesteryear and thereby posing a threat to the safety of women . . .that is outrageous.

Stef McGraw probably chose the best possible course, or at least the most dignified course. She sat there and let RW just slander and slam her without losing her cool. Very adult of her. I don't think I would have been that adult about it.

And there's the way she treated Richard Dawkins - impugning his work on women's rights, humanism in general, implying that his books are somehow now not worth the reading, his lectures aren't worth attending, he has no worth in the community and is a useless fossil of a time best forgotten.

And those are some of the less bad shit she's said about him.

How has he responded? Not a single word of complaint. Not the slightlest kvetch. He went back to doing what he does: working and doing, getting shit accomplished while the lot of the loons were busy humming the death march about him. While they were actively opposing him.

Let's just take a look at one thing Richard Dawkins has done this year. Take the getting his website being unbanned in Turkey. That's a huge thing. He finagled a government to stop a form of oppression by preventing its people from being able to read ideas the government doesn't want them to see.

With 0 violence. Not a single bullet was fired at anyone. Not a single person was beaten in a riot. Not a single embassy was bombed/burned.

And Twatson says he's been left behind to fight gum-chewers in elevators. Yeah. She's so stupid she's not even smart. No good insults for her.

Dawkins really is a first rate force of nature. He's a first rate thinker, and humanist. He operates on a world stage but will talk to anyone who has something to say, and promotes other people for their works while minimizing the publicity and "look at me and what I've done" ego that he could so easily display. And without a single gripe about being treated poorly.

Imply that being asked out to coffee isn't a fucking world crisis and, well, Twatson acts like Dawkins strode across a stage and kicked her right in the cunt. I'm channeling Lisa Lampanelli now.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 8:10 AM


I give you credit for acknowledging RW's feelings. I'm not sure the newspaper-and-crayon analogy works very well. For one thing, it's a much less common reaction than RW's. Thus your average newspaper reader (how quaint!) would have no reason to suspect the presence of the paper was causing you difficulty. For another, a nearby person's reading isn't an act performed toward you, per se, even though it affects you. EG, though, was doing something to RW, which I think gives her more grounds to object than an impersonal behavior would. (And I'm not sure you'd have no reason to ask newspaper readers to alter their behavior in some situations.)

As to your point about men's free will, I'd probably agree with you that the discomfort and pain sometimes prompted by such invitations should be managed by adaptation among the recipients rather than by behavior change on the part of EGs, if the behavior change being sought were terribly large. But not asking a stranger out while on an elevator hardly prevents one from pursuing an active social life, I should think, even with that very person. The adjustment being sought is negligible. And given that one presumably likes the person one is approaching, or is interested in her, one would seem to have additional reason care about her feelings and concerns a little bit.

I wonder if the judgmental tone of RW's approach to the controversy feels more burdensome to you than the actual request she originally made. That's how things seem to me, at any rate, and if we did happen to agree on that reframing, I think we'd have advanced the discussion quite a bit.

I do like the notion that that those harmed or even discomfited in these encounters might attain a more flexible and resilient mode of relating, and learn to take these incidents in stride. But not everyone will have managed such a transition at any given time, or will be inclined to seek it. Caution and more formal social boundaries may seem to make more sense in the context of some people's life experience.

On that point, you mentioned how people exploded at dissent. I don't think people who see this issue differently are thereby badly intentioned, or that they should be excoriated. One reason I think people on both sides of a controversy like this one do tend to fall into that habit is that they don't feel their point of view has been really been attended to respectfully. I'd be surprised if both sides didn't feel that way here.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 22, 2011 8:11 AM


Justicar, I mis-edited the first sentence of the last paragraph. It shouldn't say "On that point." Not sure if you noticed, but I try to be clear, and that sentence reads confusingly.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 22, 2011 8:21 AM



3. Community vs. Individuality:

Growing the community is a big thing on the other side. It doesn't seem to be as important here.

I think I disagree with you here, although the point is nuanced. I think both sides are wanting to build communities, and feel that the community is important. What is different is the type of communities being built.

PZ and RW want to build a critical thinking community that has diversity in gender but a narrow political perspective. PZ spelt it out clearly in his post: if you're not the sort of person who has the social behaviour he admires, then you're not welcome in his community. The social qualities he admires is people who bow to illiberal and authoritarian demands based on the whims of a radical feminist. And dissent on this is not tolerated.

People here want to build a critical thinking community which is diverse in gender and diverse in views where value based issues are concerned. Dissent on value based issues must be acceptable to the community and accommodated. Reasonable adults should be able to disagree on these things.

The differences are that on the side of PZ and RW we see censorship, shutting threads down, telling only half of the story (resulting in an inaccurate representation of the facts by omission), and even delusion about their own actions (PZs comment on closing threads because they were too long being a classic). It is all about preventing dissent. That's the sort of community they want to build - one built on a form of dogma so close to religious fundamentalism it isn't funny.

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 8:25 AM


Oof. Should have proof read my comment (#825 at the moment, July 22 8:25AM) more carefully, there are mistakes. The third line should be in italics as it quotes brad. Also, I presumptiously say "people here want...". Of course, this should be "my impression is that people here want...". I don't speak for others.

Also: evidence that Abbie wants to build a community. She is praising Dawkins' decision to provide childcare to future TAMs, and notes this is something that she has asked for in the past. This is the behaviour of someone who cares about building a diverse community.

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 8:30 AM


You don't know that. In fact, had I not told you, you would probably not know anyone had that. That's what they'd call privilege; it's not something you've ever probably needed to think about.

Same with people who are allergic to perfumes.

The reason most people don't have to think about this kind of stuff is that most of us who have these difficulties don't tell people. Why do we not? Because there's no reason to do it except for pity or something hollow. We all have our crosses to bear. Quite many of us do so with dignity such that no one who's on the outside of our brains will never know. And that's how it should be - the burden is mine. Mine alone. There's no reason at all you should have to think about it because it's rude of me to impose on people some feeling to accommodate an issue that only happens inside me.

I truly have no reason to expect that anyone should forgo reading/carrying a newspaper because it gives me mild discomfort. It doesn't hurt me. It doesn't wound me. It doesn't damage it. I just don't like it. It is MY problem and no one else's.

Of course, I could start telling people that. But that's a dick move.

Look, you keep trying to fucking smuggle in something that's not there. There was ZERO harm done. She experienced ZERO pain. There was ZERO wrong done to her. She didn't like it. It made her uncomfortable. That is it - stop adding into the situation complete fabrications of your imagination. Stop increasing the level of what it was with some emotive terms that have no place at all.

The adjustment of having blacks sit in the back instead of the front is negligible. All they have to do is walk a couple of extra feet. It's a slight request. It just takes a couple of steps and that petty matter of relinquishing human dignity by being told when you're not allowed to associate with someone for only the reason that you're a member of the wrong race or gender. No. If I have a problem with a black kid sitting next to me, then that's just tough shit for me. To make a policy that requires a person to take any action, to curb any freedom or right they have because someone, somewhere, somehow, simply might not like it is a path that I will resist until I'm dead.

It is immoral to tell someone: you belong to this group and therefore when this other group comes by, you must forgo speaking, eating, drinking from the wrong fountain and so on. No matter how "negligible" the burden might seem, it carries a huge price which you would think my country having several extremely bloody wars over would indicate how serious an issue it is.

The goosestep from "just a negligible cessation of group x's rights" to "they're just jews - toss'm on in" is a very short one. Why? Well, once you've admitted that one group is insufficiently valuable to be able to walk around freely and say words out loud without having to beg permission, you've already said that they're not quite human in the way that everyone else is human. What ills they must endure so that these other groups can dismiss them as being fully human aren't too burdensome at all. They can take it.

Yes, I suppose. But history shows that societies willing to grant that one group is more deserving of rights than another group is a society that destined to start killing the undesirable group.

Again, knock of the "harmed" and "pain" shit. If a person is actually injured by the words "do you want to have coffee" that person needs serious psychological help from a team of trained professionals with access to lots and lots of different drugs to try out.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 8:35 AM


[threadjack] @justicar: I have the same problem with newspaper too. We should start a support group. [/threadjack]

@807 Phyraxus:
That cartoon was funny. Funny because it's true!

I've never spent so much time on a blog thread. Mainly lurking, for sure, but I've read all posts, and re-read many. Criminy, I even had a dream about it.
After all this dissecting and vivisecting the issues, I think the one thing we can all agree on is that RW is a joke. A bad, nasty joke.
As for PZ and his gang, I've lost all respect. Naive little me thought skeptics, being rational and all that, would be above acting, er, so irrational .

Posted by: frank habets | July 22, 2011 8:54 AM


I've never met another person who has this. I figured there had to be others (I'm not a special snowflake in any regard after all). It doesn't even work if I wear gloves and breathe through my mouth. :*(

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 9:02 AM


I've got a feeling Franck and The Latest ARE going to start a support group. Good for both of you to have found someone to share your weird (not pejoratively weird, mind) problems with.

I found this to be somewhat related to the topic (the one about mindsets on the subject of sexism, not the irrational aversion to newspapers. Come to think of it, I'm not a big fan of the texture and smell either. The two things that irk me the most are thinkg about chewing newspaper and chewing tin-foil):

I own a cat.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 22, 2011 9:18 AM


Well, if we do start a group, we'll have to hire outside help to record the minutes. I'm sure as hell not doing it.

The things some of the people I run into online read frighten me. I just hope I never have to share an elevator with some of you.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 9:21 AM


From the Cracked article I linked to:

"Well, humankind is pretty good at blowing up small differences displayed by the most extreme people in a group into hyperbolic stereotypes about that group."

I am sorry that Cracked is the closest I have to peer-reviewed. Says a lot about me. But I do agree with the above quote.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 22, 2011 9:45 AM


I don't know if any of you watch my videos, but I did a 7 second video summing up all of this. It's a scene from one of the Addams Family movies.
Perky blonde girl (twatson): i'll be the victim
Mean brunette girl (Abbie): all your life
Camp counselor (Dawkins): jump in, swim out a little ways and start drowning.

I think that covered the essential features. Maybe I should have named Abbie's character just "gender traitor 53".

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 10:05 AM



That's the clearest exposition of yours I've read so far -- probably just missed the others.

But if I'm even remotely right here, I don't see how the other side can accept it. It is individualistic at its core and you can't advance a movement with stuff like that, can you?

That's not a rhetorical question by the way. Maybe you can.


Yes, it is a nuanced thing. You're right, many people want growth, many people want more women, but I also get the feeling that they want the movement to grow up or grow into some kind of progressive political force (this wouldn't bother me, it's the way they are going about it that leaves a bad taste).

It may happen, it may not. But I tend to hear much of what PZ and RW and many others saying is that they want it to happen quickly.

Dissent is a luxury that may not be open to them.

Solidarity first!

I wonder if they aren't just bored and want to do something, you know, real.

And who would run things?

If you see my three points as mutually reinforcing (there could be other factors as well of course), the answer to that question is inevitable.

So are they power hungry usurpers? I don't want to say that but it seems I already have. Power is seductive and it can always be acquired in the name of a higher cause.

The embarrassing thing is that we, all sides (atheists, feminists, humanists, skeptics), are supposed to be the ones most sensitive to that.

One qualification: I still have tremendous respect for PZ and RW, I just think they're a little tipsy at the moment.

Posted by: Brad | July 22, 2011 10:28 AM


Brad @ 834
Which one? My 7 second video?
Or one of the others?

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 10:47 AM


» Greg Laden (#11):
Not occurred to him that there were female science authors that could have been included in his anthology

If you cannot even be bothered to get such a trivial fact right (RD did include female authors), I think you had better get off your moral high horse.

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 22, 2011 10:59 AM


@Bladerunner #780
That was a fair mansplanation.

And I agree.

Posted by: Roger | July 22, 2011 11:10 AM


PZs comment on closing threads because they were too long being a classic

PZ has always always closed down long threads, regardless of whether they are on creationism, sexism, or just chit chat.

Posted by: Lotharloo | July 22, 2011 11:25 AM


You raise provocative points, and this is just a quick note, not a full response, because I'm pressed for time. First, I'm certainly not talking about establishing "policies," and if you go back and read my suggested template for what RW could have said, as opposed to what she did say (and as opposed to what she did to SMcG) (see comment #808, fourth-from-the-last paragraph), you will see that I share some of your concerns.

Rather than policies, I'm talking, more or less, about norms of courtesy. Again, I agree that an overly broad understanding of the term can be oppressive. On the other hand, I'm glad we have the concept, and if no one valued it at all, I think society would be a lot more cruel and for many people it would be less free. No, I don't know off the top of my head where the line ought to be drawn (not as a matter of policy, but even in my own behavior) between attempts to be courteous that are worthwhile and sensitive and those that impinge on freedom of expression in important and dangerous ways. That's one reason, as I also said in that earlier comment, that I value this thread so much. Considering this issue from multiple perspectives is helping me work out what I think more clearly. Because as I've tried to make clear, to me this issue has a lot of different angles.

OK. I'll check in later. Have a good day all.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 22, 2011 11:46 AM


@836, It's the ratio, silly, that's just common sense. Is Professor Dawkins so isolated in his ivory tower that he hasn't heard of diversity quotas??

You said Greg should get off his moral high horse. I disagree, and I happen to think that it's a wonderful thing that in our community, we have so many righteous and morally convicted people who are willing and eager to take upon themselves the heavy responsibility of educating the unwashed masses on the correct way to think, act, and speak.

Posted by: 0verlord | July 22, 2011 11:51 AM


Lotharloo sez:
PZ has always always closed down long threads

What, like this one?

Try using evidence next time. You might fail less. PZ doesn't want dissent. He makes a statement then refuses to discuss it with anyone. (And, hilariously, it's "our fault" that Watson is an angry feminist. Nothing is ever PZ's fault or RW's fault. Everything that has gone wrong in their lives is someone else's fault)

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 11:56 AM


Justicar wrote:

Behold: the powers of modern pharmaceuticals! A little coffee (not just for the irony) goes a long way with me. I tell people all the time: will think for coffee. I will totally whore my mind out for good coffee. I might even give up one of my kids (though which one I'd part with changes day to day) for great coffee.

Here's the best coffee to offer someone in an elevator. It's rich, decadent, and so filled with caffeine that it should be illegal! And if your guest stays long enough, you can both have more in the morning. :D

If you like that coffee though, please don't send me one of your kids. I'm sure they're wonderful ones, but I'm a really lazy type, and them little ones are a lot of work and money. I do have an interesting math thing you may or may not want to give a think to, but I'm not sure if it would be interesting to you. It's a really old web graphic thing I played with years ago that involves math I don't fully understand, but the general concept of which I found interesting when applied to timing in gif graphics.

@Rystefn No, no, I'm pretty sure it's me who has the dark secrets. Mine are so bad that I don't know what they could be, and that means they are so, so, so, bad that I've repressed the memories in psychological shock or something. They should just cart me off to jail and throw away the key. I KNOW it's that bad. :)

Dave wrote:

According to Wikipedia, there were 89,000 reported cases of rape in the US during 2009. Thats reported rape. For the same year, there were 33,000 traffic fatalities according to the NHTSA.
I think to compare those 2 figures, shouldn't it be broken down into 4 numbers?:
-car injuries
-rape without murder or catching HIV along with it
Fatal Injuries
-car deaths
-rape with murder, including when HIV is caught from it (death is slower in HIV, but still counts, I think)

So, the 89,000 number should maybe be broken down into the fatal vs non-fatal rapes, and 33,000 number for car fatalities is fine, but the number is still needed for non-fatal car injuries. I'm no expert, but I think the numbers could only be compared fairly that way.

Mr. DNA wrote:
There is no other place on the internet that I have encountered where the participants are so at one with one another in terms of their views, and so viciously dismissive of anyone who dares to chime in with a thought or an idea which doesn't happen to conform to what they have all agreed the right answers should be. I don't want to come across as being hyperbolic, but it really was that mental.
And that's an understatement! Pharyngula should really be studied as a social anomaly or extreme or something. And the irony that it's in a place professing to have reality and reason and verifiable claims as its basic cores, makes it just jawdropping.

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 22, 2011 12:21 PM

If you accept that is was sexual harassment, then the friendly advice view is predominant.

That doesn't make much sense. If it had been sexual harassment, then clearly the target (or others) would have authority to condemn it without needing to frame it as "friendly advice". One of the problems seems to be that some want to have it both ways (which goes back to your first point, I suppose).

Posted by: windy | July 22, 2011 12:26 PM


Brad, let's see if I can make fewer mistakes in this reply!

but I also get the feeling that they want the movement to grow up or grow into some kind of progressive political force (this wouldn't bother me, it's the way they are going about it that leaves a bad taste).

Politics and science don't mix. History (e.g. eugenics, lysenkoism) shows that science always loses when those two get together.

I don't know for sure, but I suspect critical thinking is the same. If critical thinking and politics mix - especially with a narrow political perspective - I think critical thinking will lose out to ideology. I think we've seen it already here, in this case.

If you want a political movement, start a political movement. If you want a critical thinking movement, then do that instead. If you try and do both together, I think you'll end up with a mess. Just MHO.

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 12:26 PM


So the article on gaming... I think I need to wade back into Pharygula to say something. I know I won't likely reach anyone, but fuck, that is stupid. It's like YouTube comments and schoolyard bullies - they don't care if you're gay, fat, female, whatever. They say whatever they think will hurt. Look, it worked.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 12:46 PM


Scented Nectar - thanks for bringing the risk discussion from earlier in the thread up, I missed the comments from Dave etc. on this.

According to Wikipedia, there were 89,000 reported cases of rape in the US during 2009. Thats reported rape. For the same year, there were 33,000 traffic fatalities according to the NHTSA.
I think I raised traffic accidents earlier as a comparison, because I had figures to hand. In the UK, I found some figures for (I think) 2001 from a website. These figures included some accurate figures and some survey projections, which probably overestimate risk of sexual assault, and official traffic stats.

For the UK, in one year around 200,000 people are sexual assaulted (men+women) and 300,000 people are injured in car crashes. This definition of sexual assault included rape, attempted rape, coercion and unwanted contact.

In terms of rape, just under 11,500 rapes were reported in one year (2001?) and traffic fatalities were around 3,300 mark (although that figure has since fallen to around 3000). Similar ratios to your figures; however, 1 in 8 of the reported rapes were known to the victim; so the actual number of rapes or attempted rape by strangers were around 1,400. Rape by stranger is likely to be reported (rape by people known to the victims are less likely to be reported, by a fairly large margin), and other figures suggest to me that this number (1,400) is probably not a significant underestimate.

So in the UK you are more than twice as likely to be killed in a car crash each year than to be involved in rape or attempted rape by a stranger. That is still too many (on both counts) but gives an idea of the relative risk. You are 50% more likely to be injured than sexually assaulted (including bottom pinching etc.).

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 1:01 PM


Scented Nectar@842
Yes, but on which end do you crack your eggs?

It's not so much that science and politics don't mix... it's that politics doesn't want anything to do with science except to perhaps steal some legitimacy from it. From the science side, the mix might work pretty well: "Let's base our laws and the enforcement thereof solely on proven results rather than just on what makes people feel like things are being done." Bam! That's the end of huge amounts of stupid shit enacted by governments, from the war on drugs to outlawing the sale of spraypaint to minors. It's the other end that fucks up the mix. The political agenda side takes the stuff that supports their side and rejects the rest... then they start taking the stuff that appears to support their side whether it really does or not, twisting to their own end.

Sooner or later, they just start making shit up, and it's the same as if science never got bothered at all.

so, yeah, I guess I do agree with you. My bad.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 1:19 PM


»0verlord (#840):
It's the ratio, silly,

Before you call anybody “silly”, please make sure that you read what they actually wrote, lest you bore your interlocutor silly. Greg Laden said RD didn’t include women in his anthology. That is manifestly false. And it is the only thing I pointed out, nothing to do with ratios whatsoever.

Is Professor Dawkins so isolated in his ivory tower that he hasn't heard of diversity quotas??

That’s a good case in point from you, thank you. This whole brouhaha has been about some people thinking that everybody has to agree that policy X in aid of goal Y is unquestionably perfect and anybody who disagrees with X is subverting Y. And that’s just faulty thinking, no matter how noble a goal Y is. This kind of enforced solidarity not just undermines the specific goal (by diluting it down to meaninglessness), it also undermines critical rationality as such (cf. Popper and his critique of tribal societies, e.g. in Open Society).

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 22, 2011 3:08 PM


@Spence My somewhat short-term memory mind at the moment, didn't quite follow the progression of the stats you showed me, so I'll leave any analyzing of that to others, but the conclusion supports the idea that much sexual assault fear is higher than the actual risk warrants. Not that women should throw all precaution to the wind, mind you, but obvious overboard reaction to a well taken "no" is obvious.

@Rystefn I refuse to take sides on that matter. I crack my eggs right in the middle. Then I throw the squiggly things out and scramble the rest. I use a ratio of 3 egg whites to 4 egg yolks in order to have the most non-rubbery, amazing scrambled eggs in the world. Not quite as fluffy, but soft and amazing flavour, since the yolk has the best of the egg's flavour. They're more yellow than ordinary scrambled eggs too, which maybe takes some getting used to. People always give me surprised looks when they see that.

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 22, 2011 3:22 PM


Peter @848:

It was sarcasm from Overlord...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 22, 2011 3:24 PM


Scented Nectar

Ah, but what about boiled eggs? That's really the crux of the matter here. Also, I can't stand stupid scrambled egg-whites. What is wrong with people? Your method makes a lot more sense.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 4:04 PM


Via HeathenHub: Watsons grandiose demonstration against Dawkins at TAM? She sat in the bar during his talk.

How... expected. How utterly, utterly, expected.

Posted by: ERV | July 22, 2011 4:17 PM


Watson sat in a bar? How could tell it was a demonstration and not, you know, every fucking day?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 4:20 PM


@849, yeah, sorry my presentation wasn't terribly clear. But that was pretty much the point. Note as well that the provided police rape figures include "rape" and "attempted rape". I have no idea what the split between those two was. The raw data are similar to the US figures but there is a bit more detail in terms of splitting out the stranger danger.

@852, Dawkins probably wasn't talking about feminism, so why would she be interested? And I'll bet his science presentations don't have as many pretty pictures as the astronomers produce.

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 4:38 PM


There is no way in hell I'm putting that kind of work into making coffee! That closing shot of the video would make an awesome jigsaw puzzle. One of those 1500 piece ones. The bit right where the sun starts being panned in to view. Yeah, that would be an awesome sauce puzzle.

I don't know shit about computer programming. I am an oddity in that way.

With respect to car crashes / rapes, to the extent that I've several times brought it up, it's just to demonstrate that one is many, many times more likely to suffer a serious injury/fatality just driving across town for groceries than to be raped by a random person in the middle of the night standing in a bad part of town. Why is that relevant? Because, no one is leading the charge ZOMG crash statistics are outrageously high!

Of course you're right - no one should throw caution to the wind and just put on a nice pair of blinders and hope for the best. But you'd think that you'd practically need an armed squad of guys who may not know how to spell vertebrae, but know how to break them to make it to the second floor from the first without being ganged raped nine or ten times.

Some of the talk by people here really makes wonder how they manage to ever leave their houses/psychwards for anything. They are *that* emotionally invested in something that probably won't happen to them.

The way they work statistics, I bet they buy a lottery ticket and then get disappointed not to have won. Because, you know, there was a slight chance they might win, so like on Star Trek, the more unlikely the strange thing is to save the day is the way that you know it's a sure thing.

They might as well fucking start praying. That at least has a predictable rate of return (provided the prayers are mundane).

I read that. Looks like she's really showing Dick who the boss is. I wonder how she took the news that it wasn't her.


Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 4:53 PM


The way they work statistics, I bet they buy a lottery ticket and then get disappointed not to have won.

I read a survey in which they worked out 1 in 4 people win the lottery at some point in their lives, it was in a magazine and everything so it must be true.

And now you've enabled name/url on your blog I should start commenting!

Posted by: Spence | July 22, 2011 5:04 PM


How... expected. How utterly, utterly, expected.

How... obsessive. How utterly, utterly, obsessive.

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 22, 2011 5:09 PM



Sorry, it was #822. You lay everything out clearly there.


[i]Politics and science don't mix. History (e.g. eugenics, lysenkoism) shows that science always loses when those two get together.

I don't know for sure, but I suspect critical thinking is the same. If critical thinking and politics mix - especially with a narrow political perspective - I think critical thinking will lose out to ideology. I think we've seen it already here, in this case.[/i]

Damn, I wish I had said that.


Yeah and isn't that equivocation a point where alarm bells start to go off?

Peter Beattie:

[i]This whole brouhaha has been about some people thinking that everybody has to agree that policy X in aid of goal Y is unquestionably perfect and anybody who disagrees with X is subverting Y. And that’s just faulty thinking, no matter how noble a goal Y is. This kind of enforced solidarity not just undermines the specific goal (by diluting it down to meaninglessness), it also undermines critical rationality as such . . . .[/i]

Yes! Still, what's amazing is that the goal of diminishing sexism in atheist functions has largely been successful. The dialectic if you will is already in place.

Seriously, is there really going to be a guy who doesn't think about this if he's going to hit on a girl in an elevator or anywhere else for that matter?

The people that can be reached in this medium have been reached. And yes, those who disagree have contributed to the diminishing by opposing the promoting. :)

Posted by: Brad | July 22, 2011 5:09 PM


Almost as obsessive as your insistence on ignorance of all things IT bee.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 22, 2011 5:30 PM


There are roughly 120k words and 700k characters in the 850+ comments here. Out of those, 28k words and 150k characters belong to Justicar, spread over 117 comments. Must he care a lot!

Posted by: reņģis | July 22, 2011 5:36 PM


I'm sorry, but I just had to post this. Over at someone posted this comment in a TAM thread:

"When Richard Dawkins announced that there would be child care, he repeated several times that it was so that “mothers” could come to TAM. As a father, having my childcare needs sidelined like this has always been a hot button of mine. Given all the conversation devoted to diversity and awareness, his old-school mindset is almost humorous."

Poor old rich white guys just can't win for losing. I suppose it could be a POE or something like that, but the last sentence makes me think not.

Posted by: John Greg | July 22, 2011 5:42 PM


@848 Peter, what Greg said is that Dawkins could have included women, perhaps actually made them feel like welcome contributors. Dawkins merely tolerated the "contributions" of a a few token females to make himself look good and sell more books. I bet even he felt so entitled as to invite each of them to his house for tea, or worse, coffee.

I can just hear him now in his silly little British accent... "Would you fancy some cream with that?"

Posted by: 0verlord | July 22, 2011 5:50 PM


Raging Bee:
being informed of what's going on isn't obsession. Do keep up.

Sweet, I'm the most important poster here by mass then! Actually, by volume since I've been called dense enough times.

I have several times said that I am participating because I think the topics on point here are important. Imagine that. I think something's important. And then I pay attention to it.

I'm weird.

Like your parsing of how many times I write here, how much I say and various data bearing on those. I'm glad I'm important to you, but no means no - remember that.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 6:06 PM


John Greg @ 861:
Just write there he should stop whining online and start nagging the woman of the house to work harder, for longer to cover daycare and other things he wants/needs.

Tell him to hold out sex and stop making her food the way she likes it.

I bet you get trolled hard.

Oh, and that guy's whiny attitude . . . I think Dawkins was spot on as this dude definitely fits into the category of a "mother".

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 6:17 PM


Since I think John C. Welch was the only one to even mention this, let me pick up on one thing that has been completely buried in this whole thing. “Guys, don’t do that” was not all that Rebecca said in her video—PZ and other people repeating that line ad nauseam sadly doesn’t make it true. RW could have left it there, and everything would have been fine: she felt uncomfortable, the guy should then have apologized, end of story.

But RW didn’t leave the incident there: she explicitly said in her video that it was an example of sexism and “blatant misogyny” (which, just to be clear, means hatred of women). And this is what RD made explicit reference to, saying that to use the word ‘misogyny’ in the context of the elevator incident was seriously demeaning to any actual victims of actual misogyny. You don’t have to agree with that assessment, but at the very least it deserves a fair and open discussion. Why is it that nobody defending RW seems even willing to acknowledge that point?

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 22, 2011 6:39 PM


Peter, lots of people are claiming that it is misogyny. They are also claiming that it's misogyny to say disagree with that assessment. Also, it's misogyny to insist that women are rational people who are, and should be, capable of assessing risk. Oh yes, and it's misogyny to think it's stupid to say that men should have to cross the road to avoid walking near a woman.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 6:49 PM


On Dawkins' anthology not meeting the right quotas:

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 22, 2011 7:21 PM


That's one crack-shot reporter there @ Stephen Bahl.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 7:26 PM


@Rystefn Well, with boiled eggs, I just peel them, rinse to ensure no stray shell bits, and then sprinkle with salt and eat in two bites, using my fingers, and using no manners (according to most people!). The whites must be fully cooked and hard, no snot-like slimy or jiggly stuff, and the yolk should be at least mostly cooked but doesn't need to be fully solid in the middle. I don't know what that will tell you about my world views or even the price of eggs, but that's the way I like my boiled eggs usually. :)

Is the egg white craze part of the yolk cholestrol fear that people have? I should really look into whether it's true about egg yolks being extra bad for that or just hype. I love eggs, but recently got told my cholestrol was a little high.

@Justicar I've made this coffee for so many decades now, it's a habit before my eyes are barely open. Although having a grinder is new. Before last year, I made it only with pre-ground stuff.

I need minimum one large cup in the morning, but I had two today. Alas, I had not invited anyone up to have them with me. I wasn't even in my building's elevator today, much less at 4 this morning. but there will be other chances to offer coffee, other days, other elevators, just NOT at any atheist/skeptic conferences if they come to town. :)

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 22, 2011 7:45 PM


"She sat in the bar during his talk."

Watson is a drunk. She probably wouldn't even remember being there if not for witnesses.

Posted by: TylerD | July 22, 2011 8:02 PM


Nectar: but when you peel them, what end do you start from? :P

Also, apparently I'm a lying racist who just wants to keep being a racist because I insist that words have no intrinsic value, and it is only the idea behind them that can be offensive. No, I don't get it, either, but that might qualify as a dark secret that he has on me.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 8:07 PM


She has a new video out!

With sex advice!

I chose the watermelon option, for the lulz.

Abbie, sorry, you'll never have sex again since there aren't options on the table for abnormal women to get laid. Sorry - price you pay for gender betrayal.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 8:28 PM


Jesus Christ, she is a bitch.

Posted by: ERV | July 22, 2011 8:36 PM


Gosh, Abbie. I'm appalled to see you say nothing but an ad hominem as you've been accused of doing for weeks.

I guess it finally came true - Twaton's my profit [sic] now!

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 8:40 PM


Serendipity! The Situation throws that one out just when PZs idiot squad jumps on the "it's sexist to call people bitch as an insult" argument...

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 8:45 PM


A spade is a spade, and that there chick is a bitch.

I just ignored her for the past few years because I figured she was just a dumber, less popular, less attractive Kelly O'Connor/Kasey Grant-- Not interested.

But holy shit she is a fucking bitch!

Glad I didnt bet on that horse.

Posted by: ERV | July 22, 2011 8:48 PM


I don't think you're allowed to say spade anymore in this PC environment.

Like I said in an earlier post to Aratina Cage @ 442:
"It's not my fault you picked a loser and I declined to come along for the (very, very slow) ride." when discussing that Dawkins is a beast of a workhorse.


Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 8:52 PM


She's not just a bitch, Situation, she's a two-faced lying bitch.

Whatever pays the bills, I guess.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 8:56 PM



First Watson's comment about a guy who reads Spiderman, then PZ's guide to getting laid (apparently we don't bathe enough for him), then his blog post on gamers, and oh my god now this. I guess the football captain and the prom queen just want to educate all us poor nerds. Jesus H. Christ.

Posted by: highjohn | July 22, 2011 9:30 PM


And while I'm probably a tone troll myself and wouldn't call someone a twat, at least Twatson hits a specific target. It's not like it picks random demographics to offend, like say, I don't know, maybe rich white gamers. Do they even think about what they are saying?

Posted by: highjohn | July 22, 2011 9:37 PM


IMO, PZ is as much of a twat as Twatson herself. I'd be just as happy to call them both cockbags or pieces of shit. I'm not very discriminating in that area.

Posted by: TylerD | July 22, 2011 9:40 PM


to answer your question: no - they don't.

This isn't about reason; this is about feeling.

Because my feelings are substantial and profound it follows that so too is my opinion.

It has the smack of religion, minus the offering plate. Well, I suppose most of us have a "donate" button on our sites. So, hrm. Never mind on that point!

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 9:42 PM


Hah! I have no donate button on my site! I wouldn't give people a charity to donate to in my name when I died! Suck on that Mr. The Latest!

Also, how did I miss the whole anti-nerd angle going on lately? Am I going to lose my nerd-cred over this, or do I get extra because it's so ubiquitous that I don't even notice it anymore?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 9:50 PM


Justicar, not only feelings, but their ideology also comes into it. When talking of Dawkins's rich white male privilige, they don't think ok we've already offended men, but we don't have to alienate white people,too. They just say what they say to each other. Because in their circle a bunch of rich white people can bitch about rich white people and no one cracks a smile.

Posted by: highjohn | July 22, 2011 9:58 PM


highjohn, it's all because the rich, white, straight, British, educated, old, grey-haired, published, cisgendered, abled, average height, average build, English-speaking (and understanding), reason-using, logic-understanding, men are keeping us down, don't you know... and if you fit any of those categories, you Just. Don't. Get. It.™

I'd crack a joke about living, or embodied, or human privilege, but I'm sure one of them has used it seriously already.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 10:14 PM


Does Watson even work for a living? Or does she make all her money calling out other women as gender traitors at student atheist/skeptical conferences?

Posted by: Tom | July 22, 2011 10:26 PM


Could be that they think a lot about what they say, but then anything can make sense if you filter reality enough.

The rich white men in their circle-jerk are self-flagellating. Ms Daisy Cutter is a different proposition altogether. I'd be surprised if she wasn't operating on pure bitterness. She tolerates nothing that harshes her hatred of men, especially white men. Vile creature. A spat between her and PZ or RW would be perfect. Anyone devious enough to engineer that?

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 22, 2011 10:43 PM


All I know is, if I could afford to buy as many pairs of glasses as Watson can, then indeed, I might agree that I'm privileged.

What with all of life's other expenses, like dentists, transportation, food, etc., it took me 12 months to save up for my last pair.

Posted by: John Greg | July 22, 2011 10:44 PM


Privilege is an adaptable little beast. It can be tailored to fit.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 22, 2011 10:58 PM


John, have you looked into zenni optical? If you know your prescription and pupilary distance, you can get a pretty good deal. May not be the best glasses, especially if you're into designer stuff, but they let you see straight at a fraction of the cost and last long enough (at least the pairs I got) that you don't wind up paying more to replace them over and over than buying an more expensive set.

TFJ (mind if I abbreviate?), I think I could probably engineer something like that, but given what a circle-jerk love-in they have going, it would be more work than I really feel will be worth my return, especially since, having said this (I'm sure at least someone from over there is reading and passing along what we say), it would be even more difficult now than it would have been before.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 11:03 PM


Just watched the video.

She masks her lack of depth and intelligence with the overused weapon of snark (let's call it quantum snark), coupled with a co-morbidity of an irritating vocal fry while every ending every statement with that God-awful (you will excuse me, of course) high rising terminal. And, her fan base eats it up.

She's a walking cliche.

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 22, 2011 11:04 PM


Wow... PZ came down from his ivory tower to tell me to fuck off back over here to my sewer of machismo. Should I feel special? Nah, probably not. I will, however, laugh long and hard if he bans me for arguing against silencing people by telling them what words they may not say in public.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 11:05 PM


Sorry for the shameless plug here for my blog, but I've done some research on Twatson's suggestions in The Latest on The Situation and here's my personal testimony:

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 11:09 PM


Rystefn. Abbreviate away, the name is arbitrary.Wasn't serious about the Daisy Cutter thing. Besides, there's a big probability that it will take care of itself. PZ may live to regret who he's aligned himself with. He had better tread lightly with the pack he's leading.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 22, 2011 11:15 PM


Why does anyone take the comments section of Youtube seriously, anyway? 99% of it is /b/ without the wit, charm, or intelligence.

Posted by: Jillian | July 22, 2011 11:18 PM


Nah, as long as he plays the "I am ashamed for my race/gender" card at every opportunity and keeps chanting the "privilege, patriarchy, all men should shut up and listen to the women (who agree with me)" mantra, he will be fine. It's a party line that's easy to walk if you have no intellectual honesty, aversion to hypocrisy, or self-worth.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 11:19 PM


Jillian, I think it's important to take this opportunity to state the following. No human being or person of any variety in this world, or any other, takes the comments section of YouTube seriously. Anyone who does may put forward an outward appearance of being one of these things, but they are clearly only putting forward a front, and can be dismissed as the subpeople they actually are.

Sometimes, though, the subpeople to manage to bring up an important topic that is worthy of discussion.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 11:24 PM


Maybe. He might still believe that his commenters are basing their arguments on solid reasoning as he is in agreement. Could be that he just doesn't understand the nature of the beast.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 22, 2011 11:33 PM


Rebecca apparently does.

Personally, I don't get the whole "let's make videos where we talk about stuff" phenomenon. If someone has something to share, I'd rather read it. Makes sourcing and footnoting easier. So I was mostly unaware of the Youtube debate world until recently. But if I were going to put videos on Youtube, I'd probably turn the comments off. Not out of a desire to censor, but because ALL the comments there are a cesspool of substanceless. Constantly. Complaining about it is like complaining that water is wet, or night is dark. The comments are always rude, always sexually insulting, and always misspelled in weird ways. It's not like Rebecca's getting singled out here - most of the videos there have comment sections like that. I'm not saying I approve of it or think it's a good thing, but it is the pervasive reality there.

Posted by: Jillian | July 22, 2011 11:33 PM


If Richard Dawkins had any decency left, he would revile you all for the sewage that you are spewing in his name. He may be a tool, but I hope he would feel embarassed to have you lot as supporters.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 22, 2011 11:40 PM


@Antiochus Epiphanes:

Why u mad bro?

Posted by: TylerD | July 22, 2011 11:48 PM

If Richard Dawkins had any decency left, he would revile you all for the sewage that you are spewing in his name. He may be a tool, but I hope he would feel embarassed to have you lot as supporters

I'm sure the man has a considerable amount of decency left, seeing as he hasn't spent the last week hurling insults and resorting to lazy, intellectually bankrupt caricatures of his opponents.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 22, 2011 11:51 PM


I would hope Richard Dawkins isn't taking advice from someone who's advising him to be embarrassed while simultaneously being unable to spell the word.

Remember, harass has one r; embarrass has two. If you're Pat Buchanan, herass is an acceptable variant.

Let's hope this little exchange has improved you ever so slightly; you're welcome.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 11:52 PM


"she [Twatson] is a fucking bitch!"

:-/ I have commented here before on science posts and on dogs posts too, and also on the bad form post where I tried to argue how criticizing a person's argument is not the same as criticizing the person so I'm not just dropping here randomly to demean you. I stopped commenting on the other post altogether because things like "Wow...dude you didn't fucking read this blog" and "Yeah dude, that was so hardcore of you...Bravo, bravo." kind of put me off, but I see things have degenerated more. In fact, I don't see how it could be worse. There's really nothing worse than "fucking bitch!" in written language as far as I can tell. An optimist would think things can only go better from now on. I certainly hope so.

Posted by: jose | July 22, 2011 11:53 PM


This is the reality of YouTube.

Personally, I'm mostly content to avoid that crap. Let them troll each other and leave regular folks alone. Everybody's happy that way. It's a win-win.

Oh, and I was intentionally attempting to insinuate that, because she thinks that the comments on YouTube are something to take seriously, she is obviously not actually a person. I'm sure that makes me sexist even though I consider the same thing of men in the same situation.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 22, 2011 11:55 PM


Maybe you'd like to be more specific about what you consider sewage, or are you just popping in to scold the little boys?

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 22, 2011 11:58 PM


In reply to Jillian #899.

"I don't get the whole "let's make videos where we talk about stuff" phenomenon."

As a "graduate" of a communications course Watson would have learned that a video is some several hundred percent better at disseminating your message, especially when there is no substantive message, and garnering a following. So, I think it would be quite fair to say Watson is doing it for the ratings, the hype, and furthering her Paris Hiltonesque career.

The other thing about a video is you can get away surprisingly successfully with saying nothing, but if done with the right voice/tone and visual presentation your followers will believe, vigorously believe that you have actually said something of substance -- and, as we know, will then back you to the hilt even when they are literally backing air.

Posted by: John Greg | July 22, 2011 11:59 PM



I was speaking in Richard Dawkins name?
Damn, I guess I was typing R-i-c-h-a-r-d-D-a-w-k-i-n-s every time I typed h-i-g-h-j-o-h-n. Sorry guys, I won't do that anymore.

Posted by: highjohn | July 22, 2011 11:59 PM


>Being surprised that ERV uses politically incorrect language


Posted by: TylerD | July 22, 2011 11:59 PM


it could be worse; you could post here more frequently.
Yes, we use naughty words to insult like upwards of 10 people in the universe. Who are we insulting? The people who are implicating billions of people as either being predators just waiting for a prime moment to strike, or prey who are too stupid to make decisions for themselves and walk around like fully grown fucking adults.

Yes, we're being rude and down right nasty with names. Now that you've properly admonished us for naughty words, I expect to see from you in short order a scathing rebuke of the people implicating billions of people as unethical or incapable of functioning in society.

I'll keep my brown eye on you, but I won't be holding my breath.

Posted by: Justicar | July 22, 2011 11:59 PM

I would hope Richard Dawkins isn't taking advice from someone who's advising him to be embarrassed while simultaneously being unable to spell the word.

No. Clearly, he is much better off receiving praise from you juggalos. Or is it "juggaloes"? I guess I can't spell that either.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 12:00 AM


Uh oh Abbie, Uncle PZ has just expressed his disappointment in you.

I wonder if he'll attempt another less-than-veiled threat as he did previously in this thread. It seems Herr Myers just can't help proselytizing his brand of extreme ideology onto others.

He really isn't much different from a Christian evangelist: he wants everyone to believe as he does, he wants no dissent, he wants conformity to his ideology, he has no sense of loyalty and he's a proven liar and hypocrite that will even resorts to threats.

The man is truly pathetic.

Posted by: JD | July 23, 2011 12:01 AM


you sure do a good impression too. I was totally convinced. Especially when I mentioned that time I got shot in the face with a bazooka and you all told me to quit bitching because there are people right now being offered coffee. Asshole.

John Greg:
That's why I read transcripts. It's so easy to convey much more than is there with just the right stress and tone. And her fake pregnant pauses and the whole "Oh, I just thought of something" shit while she's reading. Mm hmm.

We should all just chip in and get Rebecca a PhD from wherever Hovind got his. Patriot U or something.

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 12:06 AM


"No. Clearly, he is much better off receiving praise from you juggalos. Or is it "juggaloes"? I guess I can't spell that either."


Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 12:07 AM



Who or what are juggalos? Is that a new demographic that can be attacked in the war on coffee?

Posted by: highjohn | July 23, 2011 12:08 AM

There's really nothing worse than "fucking bitch!" in written language as far as I can tell.

jose, you seem to be suffering from a terrible affliction. Your lack of imagination must be painful to you... I know how painful it is to me.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 12:12 AM

Maybe you'd like to be more specific about what you consider sewage...

Around here, its all the stuff from your chin to the floor.

...or are you just popping in to scold the little boys?

I'd assumed adults, but this actually explains a lot.

Who or what are juggalos? Is that a new demographic that can be attacked in the war on coffee?

For your sake, I'm glad you didn't have the sense to google it. I like coffee as much as anyone else. The could be considered an attack in the war on being an asshole woman hater to prop up the merely clueless.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 12:18 AM


Juggalos are those Faygo-drinking, makeup-wearing ICP fans that confuse the Hell out of nearly everyone not them by their mere existence... but far be it from me to say anything about weird fandoms - I willingly listen to Fall Out Boy sometimes.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 12:18 AM


Well I got the old white guy privilege down. I wish I had the rich privilege and the knowledge of Biology privilege.

Posted by: highjohn | July 23, 2011 12:19 AM

If Richard Dawkins had any decency left, he would revile you all for the sewage that you are spewing in his name. He may be a tool, but I hope he would feel embarassed (sic) to have you lot as supporters.

You are a complete moron. No one is speaking for Dawkins and he is certainly anything but a "tool" you unaccomplished pipsqueak, Neither you nor the idjit Myers nor any of the sycophants making up his feces-fling monkey troop will ever contribute as much to the skeptics community as Dawkins has.

Dawkins isn't the one who should apologize; it's the hysterical loonies that exaggerated his comments and started an unjustified boycott of his works including a ridiculously stupid letter writing campaign by rape victims. That was one of the most hysterical displays of stupid ever foisted on the community. A shameful display of dishonesty, hysteria and scapegoating.

The last thing Dawkins should do is apologist to that gang of tards.

Posted by: JD | July 23, 2011 12:21 AM


AE, I would like to point out that, while I am a woman-hater in the strictest sense, it is limited to a highly select group of women, none of whom you have probably heard of... unless you were using it in the sense of "anyone who disagrees with me" like the PZ club do. In which case, I wear that shit like a badge of honor.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 12:22 AM


Rystefn: I have heard of Rebecca Watson, anyway.

The point is that you could disagree with Watson without calling her a bitch or a twat and still not qualify* as a mysogynist. You could even hate her without demeaning all women. RD has at least not gone that far.

People disagree with me all the time. They aren't all woman haters. However, ERV (her gender aside) is participating, nay, luxuriating in mysogyny. As much as I find her opinion morally repelent, I would never accuse her of being a twat. See, my daughter has one of those, and I don't think she ought to be ashamed of it.

Look. ERV's blog to to what she wants with. But she is promoting mysogyny. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

Justicar: spellcheck at will. I didn't bother.

*In the strict sense, all else aside.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 12:46 AM



Re: Your comment-- Too bad for PZ that the Abbie who cared about his opinion ceased to exist July 19, 2011 2:20 PM (Eastern Time).

I get it.

Im just an atheist with a vagina. And they took my vagina license away.

Antiochus-- I'm just calling a spade a spade.
Thats racist.

Posted by: ERV | July 23, 2011 12:50 AM



You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

In fact, this is really beginning to piss me off. Words mean things.

Misogyny means the hatred, dislike or distrust of women. Not the hatred, dislike or distrust of A woman.

Seriously, there ought to be a Goodwin's law relating to this term.

Do people who use the word "dick" or "cock" promote the hatred of men?

No, seriously. Grow the fuck up. You're talking to adults, here. Fucking hell.

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 23, 2011 12:55 AM


Antichode Epididymis:
it's interesting that you're saying what you're saying on a blog run by . . . wait for it . . . a woman. Yes, that's right, children, Abbie is actually still a woman. And she too called Twatson a bitch, and Twatson.

So, your claim that it's an insult to all women is, well, not congruent with reality. Troll harder.

How is that one luxuriates in hate? Oh, I get it; you just use words as they zip through your head. Sometimes they happen to be relevant and useful.

As it happens, none of us here actually hates women. We just profoundly don't like stupidity. And there's a lot of it going around. Some of it seems to be anchoring itself to some women.

The next time a thought passes through your head to write something to me, just let it pass.

Say, I don't see you on Twatson's forum calling her on the carpet for her "Dear Dick" campaign to Richard Dawkins.

Seems as though you may well be calling a spade a spade; you just have trouble identifying a spade.

Anyone know the cladistics on spades to help our dear friend here learn? This is a science blog after all.

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 12:57 AM



Dawkins isn't the one who should apologize...

I didn't demand an apology. I just think he should distance himself from people like you, because you are an embarrassment*.

Oh yeah. Those asshole rape victims. Being that they comprise between 1/4 to 1/10 of women, why on earth would anyone ever listen to them.

*Nail the dismount on that one?

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 12:57 AM


AE, I don't hate Twatson. She's not important enough for all that. Hatred is powerful emotion, not to be wasted on penny-ante asswipes like that one. I could disagree with her without calling her a bitch or a twat, but I choose not to. The words say what I am intending to convey and it rolls off the tongue like silk. Twatson. Say it out loud. Twatson. It's like a song.

I see, you are conflating hatred of women with the use of a word. You got problems, yo. I've lived my life seeing unpleasant people of all varieties being called dicks, assholes, and several otehr body parts I possess. I have never been ashamed to have any of them and cannot understand how a person could become so merely because the same string of sounds in a different context is an insult. The concept is literally alien to me. It's like insisting that because the moon is in the sky, we must have cheese on our burritos, and the only way to not have cheese on our burritos is to shoot down the moon. It hurts my brain trying to understand what the fuck kind of person thinks that makes sense. I mean, the moon is round, burritos are round, some fairy tales have the moon made of cheese, right? Fuck, my brain hurts...

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 12:57 AM


"People disagree with me all the time. They aren't all woman haters. However, ERV (her gender aside) is participating, nay, luxuriating in mysogyny."

[In all seriousness, the best defense against passive-aggressive butthurt blabber is not serious discussion but, rather, snark. Just sayin'.]

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 1:06 AM


ERV: My use of that phrase was to caricature you. Look. I can't draw cartoons for your easy comprehension here. I am limited to text. If I have to explain everything, I'll be here all night.

So, your claim that it's an insult to all women is, well, not congruent with reality.

You're right. It is only an insult to women with vaginas. That Abbie is a woman is entirely beside the point. She is a woman using a mysogynist term to paint another woman.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 1:09 AM



Fuck, my brain hurts...

Then you have nothing to worry about.

Tyler D: So bring the snark. What gives?

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 1:17 AM


Well, that settles, our new interlocutory friend has no problem with RACIST language as long as it's used to "caricature" his opponents.

I'll let that speak for itself, RACIST. Why do you hate black people so much you RACIST?

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 1:18 AM


Abbie, I must know. Where have you lost your vagina? I expect to see on milk cartons in short order: a picture of your vagina reading "LAST SEEN ON JULY 20, 2011, HEADED SOUTH" or something.


Seriously, Abbie, why didn't you tell us? I'll PZ and see if he's using his right now . . .

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 1:20 AM



"I'll let that speak for itself, RACIST. Why do you hate black people so much you RACIST?"

Because he's Hitler!

I love throwing out things just because. Not thinking is easy!

Posted by: Justin M. Stoddard | July 23, 2011 1:22 AM


Tyler D: Really? Are you that stupid? You were all about bringing the snark just a moment ago, and this is what passes in your mind for snark?

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 1:23 AM


Antiochus Epiphanes said:

"It is only an insult to women with vaginas. That Abbie is a woman is entirely beside the point. She is a woman using a mysogynist term to paint another woman."

Jeebles. Now my brain hurts. And I live in Canada.

Posted by: John Greg | July 23, 2011 1:25 AM


George Lincoln Rockwell McHitlerpants wrote:

"Really? Are you that stupid?"

Racist who doesn't realize he's been pwned is racist.

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 1:27 AM


In reply to Rystefn #932.

Stop! Please! I haven't laughed so hard at a blog comment in months. Tears are faallling!

Posted by: John Greg | July 23, 2011 1:29 AM


OH shit. I missed it.

Abbie's vagina might have run away, but she posted a link to a debate she had. *goes to listen to it*

I can't believe no one noticed antichode epididymis. So much for subtlety!

While I'm gone, you guys work on that Richard Dawkins distancing himself from us thing. I mean, you know, other than not posting at all here, how much more distant would you like him to be?

Incidentally, guilty by association is a profoundly stupid emotional exploit. .3/10

Also, I like this: 1/4 -> 1/10
Presumably when you tell childhood stories, you're like, so between the ages of 10 and 4. It's not wrong; it just shows fractions aren't you best friend ever.

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 1:30 AM



Oh yeah. Those asshole rape victims

That was an unjustified smear campaign launched against Dawkins for words and actions he NEVER made. It was disgusting and Myers and Watson after fueling the fires sat back and didn't say a word until they were called on it. For that they deserve zero respect.

Posted by: JD | July 23, 2011 1:33 AM


Will this stupid thread just die already? Every time I go to Scienceblogs, I keep seeing it in the top 5 list. It makes me want to punch my computer!

Posted by: susan ferguson | July 23, 2011 1:33 AM


John Greg: Like I said to Rystefn, you have nothing to worry about.

But on a sadder note, I ashamedly admit that, like ERV, I am a complete racist. Tyler D's snark has utterly defeated my will to read anything else that Tyler D. writes.

ERV: I'll leave her to defend your racism from that master of rhetoric, Tyler D. It's your fucking blog after all. I'd buy a case of Lysol if I were you. Maybe your frineds in the KKK can help you clean this shit-leak up.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 23, 2011 1:34 AM


I'm sorry that the division in the community over some butthurt people slandering and libeling all men and many women is inconvenient for you because it's showing up in the top five list on your monitor.

Everyone, please take note: I am listening to a woman and validating her feelings. Can I be voted off misogyny island now?

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 1:39 AM


Why would you be voted off? I'm a better target; I'm a misogynist, anti-woman, ignorant, and "and idiot," accorduing to pseudo-intellectual radical feminist factions, most notably their men. All because I like coffee invites in elevators, and don't subscribe to rad feminist dogma. I like to think for myself, and there's not enough data to reach even tentative conclusions. Although men and women are physically and hormonally different,and maybe some of these differences should be taken into account. Surely women whould have the choice to be who they want to be. Lots of intimidated women are talking about this topic through me. List to them, listen to the women. Don't just choose the ones you like; listen to all of us; I entreat you.

Posted by: Justical | July 23, 2011 1:49 AM


That last post had NOTHING to do with Justicar, but with me. I was just thinking about something he said, and just got distracted. My bad.

Posted by: Ugh - blucharmony | July 23, 2011 1:51 AM



Everyone, please take note: I am listening to a woman and validating her feelings. Can I be voted off misogyny island now?

Of course not, in her world anyone who disagrees with her is a misogynist even other women.

Posted by: JD | July 23, 2011 1:52 AM


I hope Abbie can compare IP addresses so that she can confirm, if necessary, that I am not spoofing myself.

But it is flattering. =^_^=

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 1:52 AM


Don't do it, folks. It's a ploy. The Fucking Latest here is trying to take the coveted PZ Myers spot for sucking up to stupid people and kowtowing it morons while thinking they are too fragile to handle reality.

It's a trap!

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 1:53 AM

The point is that you could disagree with Watson without calling her a bitch or a twat and still not qualify* as a mysogynist. You could even hate her without demeaning all women. RD has at least not gone that far.

His detractors have gone farther than that in describing him. Funny how you fail to mention that.

However, ERV (her gender aside) is participating, nay, luxuriating in mysogyny.

Gender aside? She's been called a gender traitor for not goose-stepping with Herr Myers on this issue. And BTW, criticizing a woman for attention-whoring, moral-proselytizing and intellectual dishonesty is not misogynist. To suggest otherwise is sexist.

I would never accuse her of being a twat. See, my daughter has one of those, and I don't think she ought to be ashamed of it.

Oh FFS, perhaps you should refrain from reading posts on the internet if something as innocuous as that gives you the vapors. If you read Pharyngula regularly you'd surely faint.

ERV's blog to to what she wants with. But she is promoting mysogyny.

To hell she is. She and others here have made many valid criticisms of Watson and Myers idiotic, hysterical and ridiculous actions concerning the matter. Pointing out that they're assholes doesn't mean the critics have a "hatred or dislike of women", it just means they hate jerks, twats and asshats like Myers and Watson.

Posted by: JD | July 23, 2011 1:55 AM


Also, apparently calling someone a bitch makes me an activist for men's rights as a group exclusive the rights of women... Is that better or worse than a misogynist?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 1:56 AM



ERV: I'll leave her to defend your racism from that master of rhetoric, Tyler D. It's your fucking blog after all. I'd buy a case of Lysol if I were you. Maybe your frineds in the KKK can help you clean this shit-leak up.

Yeah that it, she's a racist and misogynist. Damn the members of Myers traveling monkey troop are so predictable and boring.

Posted by: JD | July 23, 2011 1:58 AM


This is so completely off topic (only related because Abbie linked it here), but I have to say when Mr. Horowitz got a case of the ass that you called him Mr. - I have three doctorates to my name. Oh? What are they in?

"I'll call you Dentist Horowitz."

I love that when asked what his other doctorates were in, he cited a master's degree in something another. I couldn't quite make it out over the laughter.

Ima get all uppity about what honorific you attend me by way of address - I take umbrage that you aren't recognizing my professional degree, fucking academician!

Seriously, you call him mister and he gets nine kinds of butthurt. If you've got your shit down pat, mister, miss, madam, master, doctor, esquire, asshole, whatever doesn't matter. No amount of postnomials add weight to facts.

Were you baiting him, or did it just come out that way? Because if you baited him, then that's fucking comedy platinum there.

Say, didn't Dr. Feynman win a Nobel Prize or something? Did he write a book about some other fellow, a mister so and so, heading to Washington? THAT must be why NO ONE took him seriously - he answered to mister without getting butthurt for not respectin' his authoritie! All his "facts" and "ability" to "relate" those "facts" to the world and "solve" real live "problems" were complete bunkum. He answered to mister!

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 2:20 AM


"Damn the members of Myers traveling monkey troop are so predictable and boring."


Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 2:20 AM


I hadn't seen your "atheist with a vagina" post before. Just wanted to point out that your caveat at the end:

"Note-- WOOMYNZ opinions offered on ERV might differ from your local WOOMYNZ, so please consult and react accordingly."

is one excellent example of how you differ from the Rebecca Watsons of the world. You rock.

Posted by: AllStevie | July 23, 2011 2:47 AM


Hnnng. I can't quite fathom why they don't realise they're wrong. I mean, I understand getting caught up in the whole thing - sometimes nutty mobs look attractive from the outside. And maybe it's hard for people to shift the focus of their skepticism from religious and spiritual dogma to political dogma and far-left ideologies.

But I just can't really believe that all these people think that unprofessionally slamming a young atheist woman in public was a good thing for atheism (or feminism, which appears to be a much abused concept). I can't see that they think it's going to bring more young people and women into the community. I can't see that they think telling victims of sexual assault that they don't know anything because they're a gender traitor/misogynist/privileged or (my favourite) probably-being-triggered is a good thing.

Still. If people are coming here to complain exclusively about bad language and how it's the most evil thing ever - possibly the weakest argument ever made on the internet - maybe that shows they're running out of arguments and can now reflect on the actual issues.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 23, 2011 3:12 AM



I suppose we can hope.

But RW's last video doesn't really offer that, does it?

Face it, once someone feels, not just victimized but betrayed, anything is possible.

On language again. You know, some people have said this feels like the 60s. I don't see that. I see the worst excesses of the PC movement in the late eighties, early nineties.

The reaction was exactly the same then as it is now. Their goals are noble, their strategy is fucked.

Posted by: Brad | July 23, 2011 3:52 AM


True. But while you can get caught up in the heat of the moment - that moment doesn't last. Doesn't have to, at least. I feel there's been a gradual turn in opinion; from the conciliatory posts following RD's announcement (despite it having zero to do with the Twatson affair) to complaining about language. People always get smart in the end. People realise they don't actually live in a world where all men should be considered potential rapists and all women should live in constant fear of rape, at least in the most privileged countries. *In my experience*, an experience that's limited to living in first world countries from Europe to the Antipodes, I think that women and men actually like each other. Most of the time, they respect each other and care about each other. They have children together, they work together, they fight together, and they don't think about rape all the time. People get smart when they see their ideology doesn't fit the real world they live in.

Well, they get smart or sign up to the cult. Either one.

On language, I can see it as a combination of the 90s PC movement and the more recent - I think - introduction of the idea of privilege. People use the privilege argument because it's easy. I've seen the "privilege" concept infiltrate race debate, and have had the same reaction (race traitor! you just don't get it!) when I've had a different opinion. In both cases those privilege/traitor calls effectively cut off the possibility of debate from more than 50% of people who may oppose the opinion. You don't have to be right, you just have to be the first one to call someone a name to dismiss them. Exactly the tactic used by RW in her attack on McGraw and other feminists.

(And now a small disclaimer of my own emotional investment in this argument. I suspect the reason I have been watching this so closely is because use of the "privilege" PC idiocy has, in the past, completely stamped over my right to speak about issues that concern me. Despite being a perfect fit for the "diversity quotas" the PC movement is always talking about, I no longer have any interest in going to atheist conferences because I don't want to get shut down as a traitor. I don't want to get shouted at from a podium because I don't agree with a particular political ideology. And that is very, very clearly a real threat to anyone who doesn't think the way they do.)

Posted by: Rayshul | July 23, 2011 4:31 AM



Ironies abound like wildfires in Southern California.

Posted by: Brad | July 23, 2011 4:53 AM


Interesting blog post re: Ouellette's article.

Posted by: Notung | July 23, 2011 5:27 AM


She is a woman using a mysogynist term to paint another woman.

Her art has been commended as being strongly vaginal.

Posted by: windy | July 23, 2011 5:46 AM


PZ has caused anger and distress in many women (Abbie in particular, but there are quite a few others) who don't agree with his hardcore partyline. He has ignored their feelings and experiences, and berrated them.

I guess PZ is a woman-hater, by his flock's standards...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 6:28 AM


Rebecca Watson and her ilk have revealed their sexism, their arrogance, their immaturity (I won't read his books! nah nah nah!), their privilege (you can't talk about this if you don't have a vagina! you can't talk about this if you're not a victim like I am, you privileged atheist, you!) ... they have sadly set back their own (and all of our) cause. But what is is, and I'm glad that these assholes have exposed themselves for what they are. I'm just don't know how we will move forward from here.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 23, 2011 6:31 AM


Forced to be anonymous:
while I agree in part, I must dissent in part. They simply don't have the clout to do anything more than being mildly inconvenient. We'll suffer no setbacks because of this.

Indeed, that's part of the beauty of the Dawkslap from this past week - they can sit and bitch and moan and complain while he's out making progress. And others are as well, just not on the same level Richard can do it.

She's a joke. Meh

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 6:37 AM


She is a woman using a mysogynist term to paint another woman.

Which just goes to prove that ... well, what exactly does it prove? here's what an intelligent, mature person sees: Watson is being a jerk, and in a way that is all about gender, and her name convenienty starts with a certain three letters, so it's clever and rhymey and fun to call her Twatson. It really doesn't go beyond that; taking it to have significance beyond that -- like ohmygod, women have a history of being victimized and these words play a role in that and ... and ... sputter ... -- no, sorry, that's despicable. One can know that twat is a nasty word that mysogynists use to hurt the women they hate and still cleverly write "Twatson" (Twatson Twatson Twatson!) without hating or hurting women or having anything to do with the mysogynists who do.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 23, 2011 6:54 AM


Many relationships within the community have degraded and we're spending a lot of energy on this fighting amongst ourselves, and a lot of women are drawn into making blanket accusations against men and a lot of men are being drawn into making blanket accusations against women ... those are aspects of a setback. That RD or anyone else is doing positive things doesn't cancel that.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 23, 2011 7:00 AM

But she is promoting mysogyny. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

No, you're just being a moron. Say, is Salty Cu(rre)nt over there at the big P promoting mysogyny for having those letters in her moniker?

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 23, 2011 7:11 AM


It just seems like sometimes people don't understand language.

Two really, really obvious points about language.

Words mean specific things:

Misogyny isn't a blanket term for non agreement.

Words mean specific things, but sometimes, more than one.

Twat also means a stupid person, black also means Bad; evil; ill-omened, religion also means to strongly like to the point of obsession.

Calling Twatson, Twatson (Twatson Twatson Twatson!) can be, but isn't usually misogyny. Saying I don't like black comedy can be, but usually isn't an attack on black stand-up comedy. And saying atheism is my religion is true, but doesn't mean I think atheism is a religion.

Posted by: Peter | July 23, 2011 7:17 AM


"I'm just don't know how we will move forward from here."

If the recent non-impact of Twatson's TAM protest of Dawkins is any indication, the atheist movement hasn't suffered one bit. We just have a clearer picture of who are the intellectual leaders and who are the self-promoting attention whores.

As an aside, I predicted a long time ago that an incident like this would go down once Amanda Marcotte decided to start bandwagoning the movement after years of being among the worst of feminist cyber-lynchers.

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 7:28 AM


Point of information: Rebecca+Twatson gets 53,000 google hits.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 23, 2011 8:01 AM


On Marcotte, from Wikipedia:

"On February 12, 2007, the Catholic League denounced Marcotte's review of the film Children of Men[13] as "anti-Christian".[14] Later that day, Marcotte announced that she had resigned from the Edwards campaign, and accused Donohue of a sexist perspective in the calls for her resignation. The campaign accepted her resignation. She returned to her work on other blogs.[15]"

There seems to be a pattern of crying "sexism" here...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 8:17 AM


Actually, scratch that. Her whole wiki page is a big bag of loon.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 8:19 AM


Point of information: rebecca + twatson reveals The Latest is the top search result. =P

Yeah, Marcotte seems to be a bag of crazy.

I hope Abbie posts here the video of Marcotte leading the charge to something . . .

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 8:41 AM

cue the torrent of garbage from the lovely crew here

Oh, Ophelia, you poor little victim ... you poor little hypocritical and dishonest victim. I'm sure that you have been checking in regularly to see if your expectations have finally been met. What? No? You haven't? Exactly.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 23, 2011 8:53 AM


Does Amanda Marcotte do events with the skepchicks now? The site seems to advertise her speaking gigs, have her on their podcasts, and have her at their "parties", etc.

I think a great litmus test on feminist issues was the duke lacrosse case: If you are someone for social equality, you assumed "innocent until proven guilty" and waited for the evidence to be brought to bear on the case. If you are radical gender feminist with an ideological agenda, you assumed immediately that the men were guilty and slandered the duke students by calling them rape-loving scum.

It is good that the skepchicks, beyond their cast of immature and shallow feminists, have now added a good old fashioned crank named Amanda Marcotte. Just like RW, she is all snark and no wit.

Posted by: TAARGUS TAARGUS | July 23, 2011 9:31 AM

One can know that twat is a nasty word that mysogynists use to hurt the women they hate and still cleverly write "Twatson" (Twatson Twatson Twatson!) without hating or hurting women or having anything to do with the mysogynists who do.

First, your standards for cleverness are very, very low.
Second, well, this is exactly the point under disputation, isn't it?
People who really do feel hurt by the casual use of these (mere) words are arguing that four 'twatsons' in a row does hurt (some) women. You think nobody should be hurt by mere words.
People are arguing that you can't use the same words that misogynists use without 'having something to do with misogynists'.
Even if your use of these mere words is not intended to be misogynistic, these people are arguing, nobody on the internet has the slightest idea of your true intent. Even if 'misogyny' is an egregious misinterpretation of your intent (say, failed cleverness or specifically targeted disparagement) in using these terms, their very use promotes the misogyny that motivates their use my others. According to those who are arguing that.

So, it looks like one side is asking for consideration of (perhaps arguably) valid feelings, and the other side is insisting on the right to say whatever whenever and fuck you if you can't take a joke. Because those feelings aren;t rational.
Hint: no feelings are rational, which is why they're referred to as, y'know, feelings.

You think Abbie Smith is behaving rationally here, or acting on feelings?

Posted by: ChasCPeterson | July 23, 2011 9:36 AM



No, the serious experiences I had were complicated due to little girls and boys crying "WOLF!" with sexual violence. That is not a hypothetical maybe, THAT HAPPENED. There was no criminal prosecution of one of my perps because the cop said 'So what?' He assumed I was pulling a 'OMFG HE ASKED ME OUT AND HE WAS UGLY!!! OMG WHAT IF HE RAPES ME??? OMG I WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!!' and he closed the file.

That's really, really crappy. It's like a shit cone with extra shit topping.

There's something I'm not getting, which is how this connects with Elevatorgate - at least, with this side of Elevatorgate. I mean, yes, you have the "due to little girls and boys crying WOLF! with sexual violence" explanatory part, but ... I don't get it. Probably 'cause I don't know (and don't need to know) the specific background that's alluding to, whatever incidents or debates or accusations. ... But that sort of 'oh, it's all cause he's ugly, if he was Brad Pitt she would have been all 'yes please!' thinking ... in this debate, it's all been coming from one side, the anti-Watson one, and from the most assholish, (and pretty unquestionably misogynistic) participants. Certainly the attempts to explain why 4am/"coffee"/elevator wasn't a good idea escalated pretty fast, and I can see how there could be guys who came away from that going 'women think some guy getting on an elevator with them is the same as rape!' ... but I can't imagine they had that far to fall.

In other words, whatever crying wolf stuff was going on prior to your experience surely couldn't have helped, but ... I think a lot of the blame lies with misogynistic assholes being misogynistic assholes (or at least with a climate of misognynistic assholery), with the idea that women are foolish, crazy bitches who shouldn't be listened to and who, frankly, don't matter?

Posted by: Dan S. | July 23, 2011 9:42 AM


So, it looks like one side is asking for consideration of (perhaps arguably) valid feelings, and the other side is insisting on the right to say whatever whenever and fuck you if you can't take a joke. Because those feelings aren;t rational.
Hint: no feelings are rational, which is why they're referred to as, y'know, feelings.

Bullshit, that side is not asking for consideration and they're soing quite the opposite. That is, trying to beat the other side over the head with nonsensical accusations of misogyny. This cheapens the word. The victim of cheapening words like rape and misogyny, that hurts feminism if anything.

Posted by: Peter | July 23, 2011 9:50 AM


Jiminy Cricket! It's still crawling along blindly, trailing giblets.
Come on people, there's only one rational goal left now. One last push.
23 posts to go. Get typing, you slags!

Posted by: dustbubble | July 23, 2011 10:10 AM



Well, they get smart or sign up to the cult. Either one.

And cult leaders know that. Take Scientology. Scientology Tech is always right, that's drummed into you. If reality doesn't accord then you must have misunderstood something. Don't question the Tech, look for your own 'misunderstood'. It forces you to either blow or disregard natural skepticism. I see parallels with the 'check your privilege thing.
Young women have far more opportunities in the West than they used to and they have the self-confidence to think for themselves. The radfems may be feeling marginalized as a result, hence the extremism.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 23, 2011 10:19 AM


ChasCPeterson @ 972:
I can't use words used by others without adopting some of their traits? Interesting. Near as I can tell, just pissing in the same geometric orientation as misogynists has convicted me of it. You'll need to try much harder to exceed that high bar.

If someone is laboring under the delusion that it's my using 'Twatson' that is promoting misogyny, one has flipped one's lid. I have an idle suggestion, and my evidence is sketchy here so bear with, but it might just possibly, mayhaps be the case that actual hatred of women is what is, you know, spurring on hatred of women. Nah, that'd be crazy, and this is why misogyny didn't exist two weeks BT (before Twatson).

No is denying anyone the right to experience their emotions. That would be a ridiculous thing to try to do in the first place. However, we are saying that experiencing the humiliation of being treated as sufficiently capable of walking from point a to point b without a complete emotional breakdown isn't a sufficient cause to start ordering about half of the world's population, denying the other half the ability to decide for themselves what sentences they'll accept being spoken to them, and, you know, to take advantage of a position of trust and power to orally assault and defame a person for having the temerity to *disagree* with one.

We are fucking unreasonable here I dare say.

We gave up the whole "rational" angle a while back. Now we're just poking fun at a bunch of simpletons. Why did we give up trying the rational angle? Well, their actions/reactions weren't informed by the inconvenience of facts, and thus were forever immune to their presence. Similarly, moderated and reasonable discussion proved impossible.

Oh, and, um, if you take out our "lulz" posting, you'll see that quite a bit of the conversation has been rather rational.

Note: rhetorical flourish layered upon a well-structured argument doesn't negate the fact that the argument is well-structured.

Well, that was easy. If anyone needs me, there's a new elevator opening up downtown that I can't wait to lurk in.

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 10:21 AM


So watson finally, finally talked about RD's child care plan:

Richard Dawkins didn’t come on the SGU to chat, or talk to me at all, or mention the big to-do at all, but he did say he’d give money to set up childcare at future conferences.* This is great news!

But note the asterisk childrens. It's important, because it leads us to this little bit of...bit:

*I heard this second hand (he mentioned it during his talk, which I didn’t see) and I haven’t seen an announcement from the JREF or RDF yet, but I’m assuming there’s something in the works.

What a good little skeptic she is. Hey, you, with the shitty clairol dye job that even Hot Topic stopped supporting a decade ago: maybe if you didn't let your ego run your life, you'd have gone to his talk.

I also note that her commenters are happily saying RD only did this as:

"... We couldn’t figure out if it was a counter-punch or an incredibly lame attempt at an apology, or just something that had been in the works for a while. (He tried to make it sound like the latter.)"

Yeah. But i'm sure that ANY minute, she and the rest of the PZ Truth Squad, along with blaghag, will properly and politely correct buzz's misconception. Because truth is SO very important to them, as is not calling people rude names.

As for the rest of the paragraph:

We’ve been pestering organizations to do this for years, specifically trying to get Camp Quest to work with the JREF to offer a mini-TAM for kids. I even mentioned it at Skepticon back in 2009 to an enthusiastic response. But, we’ve always lacked the money and the manpower to force the issue. So, win!

Da Fuck? How about you donate back some of your speaking fees to help? You can't set up a fucking Paypal account? You have soooo many followers and soooo many fans, and yet all you can do is TALK. That's it. Ooooh, you EVEN MENTIONED IT AT SKEPTICON. TO AN ENTHUSIASTIC RESPONSE! I suppose the obvious freestylin' followup of "Hey, I'm going to set up a paypal account as soon as this talk is over just so you guys can donate money for this. Not just this one time y'all, but for every show. Even if they already provide childcare, we'll throw this money at them so they can have longer hours, or more staff, or better treats/meals/games for the kids"

No, you can't do THAT. That's not in line with the high ideals of slacktivism you hold so dearly. Why, if you did that, you'd have no time to protest misogyny in a fucking BAR.

I agree with Abbie. that girl's a bitch.

On the whole "twatson" thing, i am reminded of the cafe scene from the begging of "Jurassic "Park"


But after looking deeeeep into my iTunes Library, I think, I think I found my ode to her, the song that would tell her just how I truly feel:

Oh yeah, it makes me tear up just a little


There's really nothing worse than "fucking bitch!" in written language as far as I can tell. An optimist would think things can only go better from now on. I certainly hope so.

Oh really?

Because *I* can think of a lot of worse things. Like (the delicate among you should scroll past the next paragraph. Now.):

"That girl is a stupid, ugly, cheap-assed dye job-wearin' hoebag with flapjack tits in a cheap walmart pushup bra, and you know she can't wear skirts because there ain't underwear MADE that can hold in both her big, ugly cauliflower ass and them hoebag, draggin' on the ground, flapping in the breeze, leaking green cheese, scabbed-up, resurfaced pussylips. I bet that girl queefs like the tuba section for the UCLA band every time she exhales too hard, and you just KNOW she ain't had a gag reflex since she got her first dick-suckin' "A" in kindergarten. Just a stupid, wore-out, skankified, cheese-dripping slut, that's all she is."

See? There are MANY worse things to call someone. You just have to use your imagination. Pro tip: if "fucking bitch" is truly the nadir of human communication for you, don't use profanity ever again, it is clear you just don't know what the fuck you're doing. People like you really annoy those of us with some small skillz.


Look. ERV's blog to to what she wants with. But she is promoting mysogyny. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

This ALWAYS translates to:

"I'm a stupid fucking tone troll, but I want to say something that's rude and probably offensive. So in a really bad attempt to misdirect you from my blatant and continual hypocrisy, I'm going to disguise it with "honesty". That way, when you get angry, it's YOUR fault, because I'm just being honest"

Pathetic and one of the worst forms of intellectual dishonesty on the planet.


You're right. It is only an insult to women with vaginas. That Abbie is a woman is entirely beside the point. She is a woman using a mysogynist term to paint another woman.


Also, antiochus incontinentia buttox, you, like jose, seem to suck at profanity. Please stop using tools you aren't qual'd on.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 10:50 AM


Dan S.:

" I think a lot of the blame lies with misogynistic assholes being misogynistic assholes (or at least with a climate of misognynistic assholery), with the idea that women are foolish, crazy bitches who shouldn't be listened to and who, frankly, don't matter?"

There weren't a lot of people saying that. There were a lot of people ACCUSED of saying that. There is a difference. You see, if I say "Your story doesn't seem to bear the interpretation you put on it, and even if it does, it seems a bit much to dictate to others what conversations they might have", and you respond with "OMG YOU ARE SAYING ALL WOMEN ARE CRAZY BITCHES!!!111!", that doesn't mean that is what I said. Just as if RD says "Hey guys, this particular situation seems a mountain out a molehill. I don't understand why this is such a big deal, though I'm willing to listen if someone can explain it rationally", he's not demeaning rape victims.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 23, 2011 10:53 AM


@Rystefn Roll the cooked eggs on the counter a bit, pressing down. Some cracks will form, usually in the middle parts. Yank at those until some shell AND that skin-like layer pulls off, and then peel the rest from there in any and all directions. :)

Antiochus Epiphanes wrote:

I would never accuse her of being a twat. See, my daughter has one of those, and I don't think she ought to be ashamed of it.
If you had a son, would you be against the penis-specific insult names used over at Watson's and PZ's, like 'Dick'? Just wondering.

Just for LOLs...

20701 Anagrams made from the letters: "REBECCAWATSON" I haven't looked at them all but, well, my eyes did land on a funny one or two. :D

I wonder what will happen if I add an extra 'T'?
45153 Anagrams made from the letters: "REBECCATWATSON"

Oh, that's what happens. :)

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 23, 2011 10:53 AM


So, it looks like one side is asking for consideration of (perhaps arguably) valid feelings, and the other side is insisting on the right to say whatever whenever and fuck you if you can't take a joke.
ChasCPeterson, you've had three days to think long and hard about this and that is the best you've got? Ouch. What you've listed there is a complete mess of logic and reason.

Firstly: we all have freedom to write what we want. However, we must bear the consequences of what we write.

Secondly: words have meanings. If you want to be appear credible in what you say, you have to justify it, not just assert it.

For example: Chas, you are a racist cunt. And a homophobe too. See how easy that was? But I can't possibly justify those claims. You've done nothing (that I am aware of, anyway) to justify those statements.

So many here (incl. Abbie) have stated that Rebecca Watsons behaviour on this has been stupid. And we're not just talking about the elevator and youtube video, we're talking about the CFI student leadership conference, PZ, Plait and Laden posts, we're talking about the idiotic response to Dawkins, etc., etc. So the claim has been made, and evidence provided.

In response, we have been accused of misogyny. But when asked to justify it, we get nothing back. We're told we are speaking from privilege. Again, that could be a factor, but nobody has explained why. It is no different from me calling you a racist. My assertion of that doesn't make it so. If I made such an accusation, I would need to justify it with evidence and logic that holds up.

Your posts have been content-free in this regard, other than raising a strawman about the various positions people hold. The closest we've had so far is Raging Bee saying "there are some arguments on the internet, over there, somewhere" (waves hands at several dozen blog posts with thousands of comments). Again, that does not an argument make.

So this is what you need to do, Chas. Go get some evidence that we are wrong about Watson behaving like a twat. And don't just bang on about the elevator incident, Abbie makes much wider points than that. And then go find evidence that we are misogynists. And remember misogynist does not mean "disagrees with Watson, McCreight, PZ, Laden", it means hatred of women. Then present that evidence. And you may have recovered the tiny shred of credibility that is presently missing from anything you have written.

Posted by: Spence | July 23, 2011 10:59 AM



People who really do feel hurt by the casual use of these (mere) words are arguing that four 'twatsons' in a row does hurt (some) women. You think nobody should be hurt by mere words.

YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. Words, in and of themselves hurt no one. As Carlin said, (in reference to the whole "n-word" bullshit) "it's not the word that's the problem, it's the racist asshole using the word that's the problem. How much of a dent has the "n-word" put in racism? The "f-word" in homophobia? The "c-word" in sexism?

Not a fucking bit. So stop fearing words, it's a distraction, so you can feel you've done something.

People are arguing that you can't use the same words that misogynists use without 'having something to do with misogynists'. Even if your use of these mere words is not intended to be misogynistic, these people are arguing, nobody on the internet has the slightest idea of your true intent. Even if 'misogyny' is an egregious misinterpretation of your intent (say, failed cleverness or specifically targeted disparagement) in using these terms, their very use promotes the misogyny that motivates their use my others. According to those who are arguing that.

That's such a load of bullshit. "Their very use promotes the misogyny that motivates their ue [in/by/fucking fix your own shit] others"

Nonsense. A rapist isn't going to be MORE likely to rape because you call someone "twatson" a sexist/misogynist is not going to be MORE justified in their actions because Abbie said "twatson". That's, again, the kind of weak pandering to doing nothing that makes bints like watson so fucking annoying. Work yourself into all the lather you want over "twatson", but when you're done, why not DO something.

you know.

Like Dawkins did.

So, it looks like one side is asking for consideration of (perhaps arguably) valid feelings, and the other side is insisting on the right to say whatever whenever and fuck you if you can't take a joke. Because those feelings aren;t rational. Hint: no feelings are rational, which is why they're referred to as, y'know, feelings.

And yet, Watson's/your side's feelings have a level of validity that the "seriously? 'twatson'? THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM? ARE YOU FIVE?" don't, at least according to you. THanks for 'splainin' the hierarchy there Chas.

And yeah, I think Abbie's being FAR more rational here.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 11:07 AM


Ok, Scented, that shit is hysterical.

I feel so inadequately funny at times when I sit down at my computer and see so much free range hilarity grazing leisurely across my screen.

John C. Welch:
I meant what I said on twitter!

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 11:50 AM


Justicar, that anagram site has given me so many (usually mischievous) giggles since I heard about it a couple of years ago, that I now consider it priceless. Always choose the advanced search and use 'all' instead of the default '1000' results. You can click to have it make a gif animation for you too, where the starting word(s) transform into the ending one(s) of your choice. :)

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 23, 2011 11:58 AM


inb4 #1000.

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 12:00 PM


A new song for Watson! From South Park!

"Twatson is a Stupid Bitch in D Minor"

Oh, the fun you can have with music!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 12:18 PM


I object to the use of "bitch". It's demeaning to female dogs everywhere. Dogs have feelings too, you know?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 12:22 PM


So close to 1,000. Where's PZ to shut down a threat when we need him?

Abbie, you're not oppressive enough!

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 12:25 PM


Ah, quitcherbitchin'

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 12:25 PM


The Latest: I don't know if PZ could shut down a threat, he's not Jack Bauer, yaknow?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 12:31 PM


Shit. I meant thread, not threat. I haven't slept yet - stop being mean to me!

Posted by: Justicar | July 23, 2011 12:35 PM


Oh look, there’s another patronizingly dickish post telling everybody the Correct Interpretation™ of some Bad Words. Where would we be without others telling us what to think (and don’t argue back, thank you very much)? A freer place you say? Don’t be ridiculous. People like you are The Problem™.

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 23, 2011 12:41 PM


Christ, is Laden STILL beating the "DON'T HIRE HIM, HE SAYS BAD THINGS ON A WEB SITE!!!!" shit?

I guess the fact I'm in Santa Monica for an interview with a consulting firm who has definitely read my site, and gets where I'm coming from, (and is somewhat impressed at the real-world results you can get with targeted ranting) will have to console me.

That, and the convertible mini-cooper s they're letting me have as my "get around wheels".

I has such a sad.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 1:12 PM


You know, looking at how I've been a fairly major focus of rather a lot of Laden's bloggery lately, i'm beginning to think the big lug has a crush on me.

I'm rather inexperienced in handling such things, and I don't want to break his big, gay, closeted heart, any one have some tips on this?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 1:19 PM


"I'm rather inexperienced in handling such things, and I don't want to break his big, gay, closeted heart, any one have some tips on this? "

Sure: don't be a Dick. You're a John...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 1:23 PM


I think he is talking about Abbie, John. But who knows. ;>

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 23, 2011 1:25 PM


You know, looking at how I've been a fairly major focus of rather a lot of Laden's bloggery lately, i'm beginning to think the big lug has a crush on me.

I'm rather inexperienced in handling such things, and I don't want to break his big, gay, closeted heart, any one have some tips on this?

In all honesty, and being completely serious here, I'd cut off all contact you can, it has gone beyond the point of healthy a while ago. I mean he's accusing you of illegal crap (libel) and trying to make sure you don't get hired whilst also holding you out as the top misogynist.

Posted by: Peter | July 23, 2011 1:33 PM



Did I get it???

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 1:35 PM



This is officially an omen. The Red Sox are gonna win the WS this year and the Pats are winning the next three SB's. Manly fucking tears. I am not ashamed!

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 1:36 PM


Oh, i'm not going to talk to or at him, but then I rarely did. I think the one post I did that was just too big for him to handle was the first time I ever posted on his site at all.

But I am terribly amused.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 1:51 PM


Just read Greg's latest, it's amazing that's he's managed to stay in "full retard" for this long.

Posted by: Peter | July 23, 2011 1:53 PM


Can't help you, John. I broke his big gay closeted heart. Poor guy lost his shit, to the point of shouting "I never speak in hyperbole!" Which is either the most beautiful and clever use of hyperbole I've ever seen, or he's an idiot and a liar. Sadly, not the former.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 1:55 PM


You know, all snark aside, actively trying to hurt someone's employment prospects over internet drama is one of the most extreme examples of dickishness that I've seen in quite a while...

Posted by: TylerD | July 23, 2011 2:04 PM


Just posted this on Greg's latest (no Justicar, not you!):

"Doug: It's mostly cultural.

here in France, everybody uses "cunt" ("con" or "connasse" for the female form) all the time. And when I say everybody, I mean even the media and the President (who is, in my opinion, un gros con). And "con" has exactly, EXACTLY the same meanings and history as "cunt", all the way to the direct translation (use google translate). Same for "bitch". Here, "chienne" ("bitch") is more frowned upon because it has a highly mysogynist connotation, but well enough, the more radical group of feminists in France is called "les Chiennes de Garde". Lit. The Watch Bitches.

Now, if you guys are over-sensitive to the point where you can't abide rude words like cunt, twat or pussy (hey, why not? But then, what about "pussy feet"?), maybe you can just add a filter to ban these words and only allow "poot".

Also, you can join any puritan organisation. Won't be too unfamiliar.

"Skeptics"? Ha!"

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 2:07 PM


You know what's worse than calling a woman a 'cunt'?

Calling her a misogynist, telling her she hates women, telling her she's like the youtube commenters who want to rape women.

You know, like Watson said to Stef.

Posted by: Peter | July 23, 2011 2:09 PM

That, and the convertible mini-cooper s they're letting me have as my "get around wheels".

If they really liked you, they'd give you a REAL Mini, not THAT thing. THAT is NOT a Mini, in the same way that the film with Mark Wahlberg is NOT The Italian Job.

THAT car is what happens when the Germans get their hands on a Great Britlandish institution!

/quintessential Englishness

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 23, 2011 2:20 PM


I think Doug doesn't get what "cultural", or "meaning" for that matter, means:



Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 2:31 PM

You know, looking at how I've been a fairly major focus of rather a lot of Laden's bloggery lately, i'm beginning to think the big lug has a crush on me.

Well stop trying to haxx0r his boxx0r. He might think you're trying to all the unsent poetry he has saved up.

Calling her a misogynist, telling her she hates women, telling her she's like the youtube commenters who want to rape women.

You could also add to the list accusations of "she just wants to be one of the guys" and a whole host of other comments that have been leveled fast and furious of late (and plenty in the past, too) but apparently aren't bad because even if the implications are scumfucking vile, if it's said by a True Feminist(TM) and doesn't involve one of The Nasty Words You Cannot Ever Say(TM) it loses all ability to be offensive and you can Get Over It(TM) because you Don't Get It(TM).

Posted by: cthellis | July 23, 2011 2:38 PM

I think Doug doesn't get what "cultural", or "meaning" for that matter, means:

This is not particularly unexpected.

Posted by: cthellis | July 23, 2011 2:42 PM


Nothing to do with feminism, just hypocrisy.

"I would support more tanks for the army iff they were immediately dispatched to take out the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the Discovery Institute, Focus on the Family, a few thousand megachurches, and miscellaneous other extremist organizations."
- PZ Myers

Seriously? If any conservative creationist said the exact same thing about science, atheist, or liberal organizations, PZ would lambaste them for being immoral cretins. Never mind about my optimistic post earlier, that he might come around and be reasonable. He seems to be going down even worse into his ideological madness.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 2:52 PM

Seriously? If any conservative creationist said the exact same thing about science, atheist, or liberal organizations, PZ would lambaste them for being immoral cretins.

I think it is pretty clear that he is not seriously advocating that.

Posted by: Michael | July 23, 2011 3:02 PM


cthellis, you really hit the nail on the head there. These people literally, and have directly said as much, believe that it's not the thought that matters, but the outward appearance. Seriously, I'm not paraphrasing, here:

Who the fuck cares whether people are BEING prejudiced. You can BE as prejudiced as you want in the privacy of your own mind.

What's important is what shows on the outside

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 3:04 PM


Phyraxus: that's the only thing I can see as progressive coming from this whole mess. We are getting a mirror image of ourselves, and the reflection is not as pretty as we thought.

I used to laugh in delight at the Pharyngulites shredding a creofuck to pieces, because I thought the creo's ideas deserved so. But then I watch the same bunch that I loved and respected using the same tactics to tear appart fellow skeptics/atheists.

It Hurts.

A lot.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 3:08 PM


But Michael, it doesn't matter if in his own mind he was advocating for it, he said it, and it's what appears on the outside and the specific words you use that matter?

Moreover, do you think for one second that he would accept that same dodge from from a Christian saying it about TAM? "Oh, you read it wrong, I'm not seriously advocating for that." He would not, so he's a fucking hypocrite of the first order.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 3:10 PM



There weren't a lot of people saying that [" women are foolish, crazy bitches who shouldn't be listened to and who, frankly, don't matter"]. There were a lot of people ACCUSED of saying that. There is a difference.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was talking about a cop who'd say "so what?" and not bother any further b/c they assumed that ERV was just "pulling a 'OMFG HE ASKED ME OUT AND HE WAS UGLY!!! OMG WHAT IF HE RAPES ME??? OMG I WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!!'" She seems to be blaming this craptacular behavior at least partly due to " little girls and boys crying "WOLF!" with sexual violence", but the connection isn't as obvious to me. Not knowing anything about it, I just tend to assume that it's because she was dealing with a cop who despised women (to simplify, and while that suggests an individual one bad apple sort of problem, more systematic issues could be pretty likely).

Now, I dunno - maybe the crying wolf bit refers to , eg, a bunch of recent, local sexual-violence cases turning out be pathetically baseless in that kind of way, or something similar (I have no idea, and ERV is obviously under no obligation to enlighten me!) ... but even then, it seems to me that as reprehensible as that would be, the blame still lies mostly with the cop.

I mean, take a genuine false accusation of rape, the whole Duke lacrosse team travesty. (Genuine false...? Well, you know what I mean). Imagine that after the whole thing falls apart a Duke student goes to the cops and says she's been raped, and they're all like, 'so what?', assuming she's lying/wildly unreliable/etc. b/c some little girl cried WOLF! with sexual violence. Whose fault is that? The woman who made the original false accusations? Well, surely that wouldn't help ... but the cops would be to blame here, and if they're going to react in such a manner - if they're that close to descending into dumb-assed misogynistic unprofessionalism - it seems a pretty open question just how they would have treated her before as well, I think.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 23, 2011 3:11 PM


Re: #1006:
omg THANK YOU! After 4 years of school French & 4 actual trips to France, I never learned how to say "cunt" (which is my favorite English word)! This also illuminates some grafitti I took a pic of years ago in Paris. Thank you, not only for the important work of illuminating just how cultural this stuff is, but also for giving me ACTUALLY USEFUL INFORMATION. Yay!

Posted by: AllStevie | July 23, 2011 3:14 PM



I used to laugh in delight at the Pharyngulites shredding a creofuck to pieces, because I thought the creo's ideas deserved so. But then I watch the same bunch that I loved and respected using the same tactics to tear appart fellow skeptics/atheists.

It Hurts.

A lot.

Why would you be surprised that they will turn on their own? You might as well be shocked that sharks in a feeding frenzy will attack other sharks.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 23, 2011 3:17 PM


Dan, the problem with treating every report seriously is that you waste resources. If there aren't a lot of false reports, you do it anyway, but if there are many... well, law enforcements budgets are often strained, and a huge swath of what they get is forced to be spent on drug-related stuff by the lawmakers. Everyone, everyone has a point where they get fed up with wasting their time, energy, and resources and eventually says "I'm done with this stupid shit, and I'm not going to bother anymore."

What's the solution? Well, you can go about campaigning for cops to have infinite money, time, and patience, or you can campaign against people wasting finite resources. Well, there's totally the middle ground, where you work for more of one and less of the other, but that's still calling out bitches for pretending bad things happened when nothing bad happened, isn't it?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 3:20 PM


I know this has been mentioned before, but I think a bit of review/analysis is in order. At Skepchick, Watson said:

"Richard Dawkins didn’t come on the SGU to chat, or talk to me at all, or mention the big to-do at all, but he did say he’d give money to set up childcare at future conferences.* This is great news! We’ve been pestering organizations to do this for years, specifically trying to get Camp Quest to work with the JREF to offer a mini-TAM for kids. I even mentioned it at Skepticon back in 2009 to an enthusiastic response. But, we’ve always lacked the money and the manpower to force the issue. So, win!"

Do you see what she is really doing here? Firstly she is obliquely implying that Dawkins's action is potential dubious, that he only "said" he would dontate, that there may in fact be some question of the veracity of his claims.

But more imortantly, she is trying to align herself with the daycare action, and even worse obliquely implying, through her rhetorical trickery, that she and Skepchick deserve credit for helping to bring this about.

She is, in effect saying, because Skepchick and I pestered, and spoke out about it, an organization that has the funds to do so has now ponied up the money. Because of us. Because of ME! WIN!

The woman is becoming beneath contempt.

Posted by: John Greg | July 23, 2011 3:30 PM


John, you make an important. Taking credit for other people's work is serious, and it's very clear that that's what she's doing here... Of course, she will pretend that we're taking it all wrong, and she never said that, because her followers are all idiots, they and they will believe it. I'd say she thinks we're idiots as well, but that's not actually relevant, she knows she can't convince us, so anything she says to us must actually be for someone else's benefit.

Beneath contempt is high praise considering the way she's been acting this last month or so, and I contend that you speak too highly of her.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 3:35 PM


Eh! I'm in moderation lane over at Greg's. Moreover, for a post where I encourage a newly aware skeptic to stick around for the science posts on Greg's, PZ's, Abbie'Z... blogs.

I may have said something wrong...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 3:36 PM


I'm not so sure about that anymore, Micheal. If he was sarcastic, it didn't very much come through his writing. I mean, he really said, "I meant it sardonically guys! OBVIOUSLY, I'm not fo reelz!"

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 3:39 PM


Sounds a lot like his half assed backpedaling he was doing over here to defend but not exonerate RD.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 3:42 PM


Off of mod at Greg's. There's an interesting dicussion over there. Good points, bad points, but nice and polite nontheless...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 4:21 PM


Synchronicity? or did Jen's reader Jessa see that here? That anagram site is an under-known, underutilized resource of fun. :D

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 23, 2011 4:24 PM


Synchronicity? or did Jen's reader Jessa see that here? That anagram site is an under-known, underutilized resource of fun. :D

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 23, 2011 4:24 PM


PZ either learned something or is condescending:


I've learned something new here. The French say 'con' a lot, but it's perfectly OK, because France is completely free of sexism.

Either that, or if you just use a dismissive, sexist word often enough, it becomes perfectly OK and isn't sexist or dismissive anymore."

I don't know, but here is my answer:

"PZ; you may have just had that right. While France is not devote of sexism, it is less of a big deal on the political front than in the US.

I think not even a fifth of the population here knows what a "con" (as cunt) is. Would it be that we are years in advance regarding language?

Sorry to be on the Abbie side, but it's just cultural. And yes there's a trap in there."

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 23, 2011 4:46 PM


PZ might have taken care to ensure that he included a caveat on his comment (ignoring his inept attempts to count as high as three for one moment), there is no question that PZ has genuine hatred towards those who do not agree with his political opinions. We saw that here, and you can see the hatred coming through in the comment Phyraxus highlights - sardonic or not.

I used to view politics in a similar way... when I was about 17. As I grew up, I spoke to intelligent and thoughtful people from all sides of the political spectrum, and I think most people realise as they mature that politics is just not as black and white as PZ paints it.

Unfortunately PZ's naive, unpleasant and divisive perspective on politics has been on display and central to this shitstorm.

Posted by: Spence | July 23, 2011 4:47 PM


PZ is missing the actual, real answer: it is not possible for a word to be dismissive nor for it to be sexist. Only the idea being expressed can be dismissive or sexist. You can easily express any dismissive or sexist idea you like, no matter which or how many words PZ and his minions try to block from usage, and you can easily use all of the words they'd like to ban to express an idea which is in no way dismissive or sexist. Of they deny this, because they insist that "this coffee is bitchin'!" is sexist and dismissive of women because it's comparing women to coffee... or something... I don't fucking understand them.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 5:06 PM



Well said.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 23, 2011 5:09 PM


Yeah, like my comment about how some women are gold-diggers, bitches, etc. yet I choose not to treat all women as such simply because some are (Schrodinger's Gold-digger/Bitch/False Rape Victim, if you will). I still got shit for it over at pharyngula.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 5:10 PM


bladerunner: Thank you. The most recent post on my blog is actually on the subject of communicating without words and how those assholes who think the words are the message drive me to the fucking brink... It won't make me look very stable, I think.

Phyraxus: I can only imagine the screams of outrage from suggesting that men and women are both members of the same species and fundamentally the same. The idea of, you know, actual equality is fucking anathema over there. Gets in the way of dogma of Man the Villain and Woman the Victim. How they get from there to men must protect the women, I will never understand, but logic has long since fled that place.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 5:19 PM


P.Z. had better not come to the Netherlands then.. we use cunt (kut) pretty much the way you lot use cunt, bitch, damn, fuck or shit, e.g. in every other sentence.


Posted by: Ruhroh | July 23, 2011 5:22 PM


Rystefn, of course you are absolutely correct. But the bullshit being presented by the Pharyngulites is nothing to do with sexism or the word, but the person being criticised.

If anyone called a female creationist a twat, I suspect nobody there would bat an eyelid. But as soon as someone dares to criticise Watson, every reason is pulled out of the drawer, whether it applies or not.

Want evidence? Here is a pharyngulite calling a female creationist a twat. Where is the outrage? Well, I quickly scanned down the page and didn't see it. Apparently, it was different that time.


Posted by: Spence | July 23, 2011 5:22 PM


Funny thing, context. When you ask someone to coffee in an elevator in 4 am, it means sex (regardless of whether or not he was honestly meaning coffee). When you say this is how you rape someone in a video game. Doesn't matter, it is still sexist and misogynistic regardless of context. Seriously?

Actually, in that context, it WAS rape!

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 5:24 PM


Meh. My #1036. On closer reading I realised when Richard referred to "evil twat and son" he wasn't referring to Amy Peters and her son (which the post was about), but about god and Jesus. I should have read more carefully. Several examples on this thread though.

Posted by: Spence | July 23, 2011 5:30 PM


It's cool, Spence. It would be trivial to turn up hundreds, possibly thousands, of cases. They main thing to remember is that they, like all dogmatists, are hypocrites. They've given themselves over, heart and soul, to redfem ideology, and all who disagree are heathens, to be attacked on any front which presents itself. They will, one and all, without hesitation, spew whatever lie comes to mind fastest to support their claims about anyone who disagrees. Let me make this very clear: they have said, en masse and backed by the big man himself, that daring to utter the word "bitch" aloud or in type makes one a men's rights activist.

Also, they seem to have redefined "tone troll" to mean "anyone who disagrees with us" since they level the accusation now at people daring to claim that we should use whatever words we like to express ourselves.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 5:44 PM


Phyraxus, you should know by now that using rape as a metaphor for dominating at a game or sport is one of the most evil things you can do, because rape is a real thing that really happens to people... you should murder instead, because that's fictional.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 6:00 PM


Spence, context doesn't matter. Haven't you learned that yet? TWAT is sexist and misogynistic regardless of context. Just like rape is, even though it my previous video example he was talking about man-on-man rape in video game, doesn't matter!

Damn, with context and privilege, you can make any argument you want! Makes it pretty easy not having to worry about reason or consistency. I almost wish I were a "feminist"... ALMOST...

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 6:03 PM


Phyraxus, I can turn enough of my brain off to enjoy Dumb and Dumber and even sometimes Family Guy, but I just can't turn off enough to join that particular troop of shrieking baboons. Hell, I don't think I could fake it for more than four or five comments if my life depended on it.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 6:11 PM


Phyraxus, I agree with you completely, I'm just trying to gauge the degree of hypocrisy from their side. I think reasonable adults can disagree on things, and even to some degree understand the reasons for the opposite view (even when not agreeing). However, one thing I cannot abide by is when different standards are set depending on whether the person is on your side or on the other side of a debate.

A bit more digging finds that the word twat is used extensively by commenters on pharyngula, both at male and female creationists (and politicians, etc.) On the posts I viewed, I did not once see PZ explicitly call it out. Often, no further comment was made by anyone. Occasionally, someone would comment pointing out the word was demeaning to women, although that would usually be (mildly) rebuked by the horde.

There is one notable exception. Salty Current (SC) was quite consistent, launching a critique of the use of the words "cunt" or "bitch" in attacking Palin, and defending it across many comments. Not because of (potential) offence to Palin, but because of misogyny. Ironically, she suggested "pig-ignorant" instead apparently unaware of the potential insult to Jews, Muslims etc.

So, in summary. Pretty much all of pharyngula is being grossly hypocritical on the use of "twat" in this case, displaying clear double standards when used by pharynguleans. SC is an exception, and I do respect for her consistency on this point, although I am not convinced by her argument, as the points put forward on this blog are far more compelling IMHO.

Posted by: Spence | July 23, 2011 7:18 PM


Well, and don't forget Spence, any word that is used as an epithet using female genitalia to indicate a negative attribute is sexism and misogyny, while a word that is used as an epithet using male genitalia to indicate a negative attribute is totally fine, and it's misogyny to think otherwise. Just ask Greg Laden.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 23, 2011 7:45 PM


Yep, its pure and unadulterated hypocrisy bladerunner. No doubt about it.


Here is where I learned that steph is nothing more than a bitch. Oh yeah, she HATES it if you call her steph. Just if you want to troll her. She seems to think that women in the atheist movement don't get respect. More likely, she and the women she associate with don't get respect because they don't deserve it. Notice how long I was civil and how quick she was to fling shit.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 7:54 PM


PZ Myers has reposted Watson's watermelon video, and the comments have gone literally toxic. I mean seriously, those are some pyschologically unwell, and socially really dangerous people -- well, they would be dangerous if they actually carried their toxic hate into the physical world.

Seriously, I read about 12 or so comments and ran from the place. Really made me fell unwell. Reminds me very, very much of a crowd-crazy lynch mob from days of yore in the deep south.

I am really mystified, gobsmacked that someone like Myers, who, whether we like his politics or not, well, he is not a stupid man. How he can not only condone this kind of Westboro Baptist style hatred on his site but encourage it and inflame it ... well, I'll admit it: I don't get it. I just don't get it.

It's frightening. Honestly, if I had the draw, or pull, or connections, or whatever, if I were a Daniel Loxton or a Phil Plaitt, or even a Shermer, I would be making a very real, very concerted effort to both publically and privately open Myers's eyes to the toxic monster he is building. But I'm a total nobody.

Someone really needs to appeal to his intellect rather than his passive-aggressive deranged emotions and thirst for online power. Someone's going to get hurt if he, and Marcotte, and Watson continue on the way they're going.

Posted by: John Greg | July 23, 2011 8:00 PM


Actually, I was kinda expecting PZ to double down. Hoping he wasn't, but well, his conduct regarding feminism, specifically radical feminism at the expense of mainstream feminism (compare Watson to Stef or Erv for example) has been insane for quite some time now.

Posted by: Peter | July 23, 2011 8:17 PM



PZ is a sentient adult human. He can make his own decisions.

But since you mentioned Marcotte, and PZ is threatening to post one of her videos, I will suggest that PZ post my impression of Marcotte leading a 'feminist' lynch-mob.




Posted by: ERV | July 23, 2011 8:17 PM


Phyraxus, thanks for the tip. I've got a special kind of dislike for Zvan, so knowing a specific nick she hates will be trememndously useful to me in future, I'm sure. I owe you one (since I don't go 'round Greg's place, I wouldn't have ever read that myself).

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 8:20 PM


LoL... Great one Abbie. Every time it comes up, I nearly fall out of my chair.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 8:23 PM


I stand corrected. I am way, way too optimistic.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 23, 2011 8:27 PM


"PZ is a sentient adult human."


I'm not so sure...

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 8:29 PM


I think he might be a sock puppet with RW's arm going up his ass to manipulate him at this point.

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 23, 2011 8:32 PM


You give Twatson too much credit, Phyraxus. She is, to him, a useful tool for stirring up the cult at the moment. First time she says something that he will profit by attacking, he will turn on her. She has dug herself quite the hole with this... If she ever backs down from the insane stance of her supporters, she will lose everything, because all the sane people who have ever been on her side in the past have gone, and only the cult remains. That's how cults operate. She can't leave unless she's willing to leave behind everything she has.

Of course, if she decided to walk away and become a sane, rational person with logical and defensible positions about things, she would be tolerated, and with work, she would be accepted and supported over here. The cult will insist that this is not the case, of course, and even if it were, we are all so evil and hate her and want to victimize her that it would be a terrible idea.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 23, 2011 8:46 PM


Anyone listen to skeptics guide the universe? It was sad to listen to RW complete misrepresent the controversy (the elevator guy thing is a secondary sideshow) and have Dr. Novella just back her up 100 percent.

If anyone is a long time listener, it is clear that since Perry pasted away and was replaced by Rebecca- the show has been in decline. It went from a show of substance to snark, insults and politics. RW completely drags the show down. The only thing that is funny is RW takes over the panel most of the time to tell sex jokes/instult people/act snarky, etc but goes completely silent when the topic moves to the substantive science.

Posted by: TAARGUS TAARGUS | July 23, 2011 8:57 PM


Why did the white liberal feminist professor(s) cross the road when the fearful woman was in his path??

To get to the other side of the street, where there are Waaa-aaaaa-aaayyy more chicks to pick from, dude.

Posted by: Fauxminist Manginas Unite! | July 23, 2011 8:57 PM


PZ said:

"If you don't find this topic interesting, then why are you commenting on it?

If you have a personal dislike of Rebecca Watson, why are you watching the video?

If we have such power to compel you to do things, please put $100 in an envelope and mail it to PZ, 300 College Ave., Morris MN 56267. Now.

You are allowed to complain bitterly and write nasty notes to be included with the cash. I won't mind."

Sorry, I found this genuinely funny.

And isn't it more to our point anyway?

Posted by: Brad | July 23, 2011 9:02 PM


delurking just long enough to say I'm updating browser links - severing ties to both PZ's and Laden's blogs, and replacing them with a link to here. Sampling just a tiny bit of the fawning bullshit on PZ's latest Twatson post was really too much.

Funny thing - I was a feminist, at least until those goofs started abusing the word. I'll have to be happy with "humanist" from now on, I suppose. Thanks for making sense, Abbie, and sticking to it.

Posted by: sasqwatch | July 23, 2011 10:55 PM


PZ needs someone like a Feynman or Sagan to slap some sense into him. He's been blogging almost every day for years, attacking the same aspects of the same people and has set up a kind of feedback loop with his commenters. You'd think he of all people would understand where that leads.

The kind of goading he's engaging in would normally get me mildly riled, but his presumptions are so wide of the mark that it's almost sad. He's pushing non-existent buttons - at least for me.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 23, 2011 11:00 PM



Dan, the problem with treating every report seriously is that you waste resources. If there aren't a lot of false reports, you do it anyway, but if there are many... well, law enforcements budgets are often strained... Everyone, everyone has a point where they get fed up with wasting their time, energy, and resources and eventually says "I'm done with this stupid shit, and I'm not going to bother anymore.

Well ... I guess, but we'd need to be talking many many for that to make any sense. If the local pd was being seriously, chronically flooded with false sexual violence related stuff, to the extent that it became just noise, I suppose - but it's not at all clear that this is what happened. And while I have to admit I'm not ERV's biggest fan right now, I find it hard to imagine that she would be easily and objectively flagged as probably making a delicate, gaspy, wilting flower-style false report, y'know?

What strikes (admitedly ignorant) me as more likely: yes, "...everyone has a point where they get fed up ... and eventually says "I'm done with this stupid shit, and I'm not going to bother anymore," and maybe whatever had been going on pushed the cop past that point - but I'd tend to assume that point was already set pretty low when it came to women and crimes of sexual violence. That he felt little impetus to treat that report seriously b/c, well, it was some little girl, and they really don't need to be taken seriously. I could be wrong, though.

To tie this back to elevatorgate - look, it's become about like, a hundred different issues and the various actions of a whole bunch of people, including countless blog commenters, but at the core of it we do have the whole Watson/Elevator Guy/4am/elevator/offer of "coffee" (Survey Says.... Sex!), Watson's subsequent 'guys? that was creepy. Don't do it, mmmkay?' (esp. in the context of getting women involved in atheist conferences, etc.), and a huge number of comments from women (and men) saying 'yes, creepy! even scary! DO NOT WANT!

I think people can disagree on a lot of the surrounding issues ( without being monsters of misogyny, and as for whatever was going through Elevator Guy's mind, well, only one person knows for certain. And sure, women are not all exactly identical. But specifically in terms of 'don't do that,' there's been a continuum of responses from guys, running from 'Oh man, I never realized that ... geez ... well, know I know!' near one end (along with 'Yeah, don't do that!') through more-or-less honest confusion & debate, all the way over to 'I guess we're just never supposed to hit on a woman anywhere, right? And probably shouldn't ever get on an elevator with one, cause that's just like rape, right? Yeah .. no. That's ridiculous. If EG was hot it would be a whole 'nother story. And I have the right to solicit sex from any woman at any time! Ha ha!' And the guys on that end didn't just become that way due to Watson's actions. Now, they're not nearly as bad a cop refusing to do his job, but I really do see a similarity there (and in some cases, the only difference may be that they didn't happen to be a cop). And look, when it comes to that sort of thing, we're talking cultural transmission. It's like racism - part of the effort to fight that is just getting folks to shift over, where ideally they'd be all like, hey, racism sucks, I'm going to do my best to not be racist, and fight it in my daily life!', but at least you want to try to have the hardcore bigots shut up in public, and get it clear that this isn't supported by the community ... basically, to disrupt as much as possible the transmission of bigotry to kids coming up, and remove reinforcement from more moderate folks, so instead of hearing racist crap they're hearing 'racism is bad!' Changing norms. Certainly not perfect, but ...

To put it another way, that cool, refreshing breeze folks are feeling every time they type "Twatson"? That's the draft from the Overton window ...

Posted by: Dan S. | July 23, 2011 11:40 PM


So Herr Myers posts a another video of Watson whining in the hopes that "it pisses off just to piss off the clueless men" and then comes apart at the seams when someone posts he may be getting too emotionally involved:

#414, Horace
Also if Rebecca Watson "reminds you too much of your daughter" this topic may be getting a bit emotional for you. Try to calm down, relax, have a hot chocolate and work on that next peer reviewed publication of yours.

[ITYM condescending arrogant cockdouche, asshole. I've warned you once, this is the last mention before the banhammer comes down: start citing malignant PUA scumbags like Roissy, and you'll be gone. Don't try to argue

Whoa, seems someone struck a nerve. And here he thought he would piss off others. derp. BTW, Watson that's close to him? Yikes. I hope he doesn't have any "special" calendars.

Posted by: JD | July 24, 2011 12:01 AM



radical feminism at the expense of mainstream feminism (compare Watson to Stef or Erv for example)

The Watson as radical feminist just sounds so bizarre to me, a bit like the whole 'Obama is a crazed socialist' nonsense. I wonder if there's similar factors involved - thinking, specifically, how the lack of an actual left wing in American politics (by ~European standards) makes that sound plausible to anyone; maybe the lack of actual radical feminism in American culture (by recent historical standards) is having a similar effect.

I mean, what things make Watson's feminism "radical"?

Posted by: Dan S. | July 24, 2011 12:25 AM

Whoa, seems someone struck a nerve. And here he thought he would piss off others. derp. BTW, Watson that's close to him? Yikes. I hope he doesn't have any "special" calendars.

Way to quote mine, buddy. He was, in fact, talking about his daughter and Horace misrepresented his quote. Now you are just continuing it. Also, that commenter had been previously warned about his behavior.

Posted by: Hbomb | July 24, 2011 12:26 AM


What makes RW a radfem is saying that EG "sexualized" & "sexually objectified" her by "finding her interesting" & asking to talk to her, then accusing Stef McGraw & others who disagreed with her assessment of "parroting misogynist thought," & when RD rightly pointed out that she was whining about NOTHING, her reply was to bitch about his "privilege" ("thanks, wealthy heterosexual old white man!"). As RW herself said, "it's Feminism 101, people!"

Posted by: AllStevie | July 24, 2011 1:02 AM


Dan S @ 1060:

I don't know what the situation was with the police officer in Abbie's particular case. But in any case where a report is filed and not taken as putatively of merit is unprofessional, and an ethics violation. The police aren't tasked with deciding the merits of what they're legally obliged to do once a report of a potential violation of any law is given to them. They are a fact-finding, intelligence gathering agency with certain police powers to equip them with tools to protect life, safety and property while gathering information.

Even in cases where I was fairly sure that the person telling me something was a kook, I had a legal obligation as well an ethical duty to impartially collect all reasonably available information I could to add to the report. If it happened to bear out the putative claims, so be it. If it failed to do that, so be it. My ethical obligation wasn't to make a report that made anyone happy. My obligation was to collect information and report it.

Any police officer who does anything less than that is a disgrace to the profession.

Even if 99 claims of the same type came in during a week and were all false allegations, the 100th person to report on that genre of crime must be treated the same as the first person - you have to putatively accept that there might be evidence/information that can be found, collected, recorded and reported that will bear on the report. It doesn't matter what it looks like, or whether it will lead to a charging decision by a prosecuting authority. You gather the data, you record the data, you file the report and take whatever intervening steps are necessary with respect to public safety while doing so.

Anything less than that is negligent and deficient performance. It's potentially criminal inasmuch as the police have a legal duty to act.

It's lugubrious that Abbie had to take the efforts she had to take to get someone, somewhere to take her seriously. It's disgusting, and that kind of shit harms all people in a society. The public shouldn't have to beg its defenders to consider them worthy of attention to merit what they're paying to get in the first place.

All of that said, Abbie did exactly what one does when one has an actual cause to be in fear of being harmed: everything under the sun that you can possibly do to make it go away. Don't take being brushed off. Don't take no. Don't let some incompetent, poor imitation of a public servant stand in the way of your rights - even though you shouldn't have to fight for that.

In the instant case, we're dealing with not misogyny, not sexism, not danger, not discrimination. We're dealing with, at the very worst, a guy with no game. Assuming everything is true about him, the very worst he did was choose a bad moment to make a pass at someone. He stopped where we as a society say the line is drawn: at "no". This is the way it is supposed to end.

To then take that as a platform to speak on the behalf of one half of the world's population to dictate to the other half what they are *permitted* to say is a step too far. To then continue on take advantage pf a position of trust and prestige to stifle dissenting opinion by implying dissent is akin to actually paving the way for rape and oppression is miles too far.

What you're here talking about isn't bigotry and oppression. You're talking about "naughty" words. Draw the distinction. Beating someone for the color of their skin or the arrangement of their genitals is bigotry. Preventing someone equal access to society as is available to everyone else is bigotry.

Calling someone a cunt to hurt her feelings for being a whiny melodramatic attention whore isn't bigotry. Calling Richard Dawkins a Dick isn't misandry. Feeling entitled to tell all men all places when they may and may not speak is sexist. It is by definition sexist. The only reason this group is being told something is because they are a member of that group by genital arrangement, and it is used to deny them the right to engage in conversation with people. That is sexism pure and simple.

We all have this built in to some degree or another. I wrote about it today actually - after reading one of Abbie's earlier entries where she let a "nice lady" in without a second thought because the person the "nice lady" asked after is a 6'6" black guy. She didn't think twice about it at the time. Why? He's a 6'6" tall black guy, and of course that somehow means he's supposed to be able to protect himself from just a little nice lady.

Were the situation reversed, almost no one would accept that letting in a 6'6" tall black guy to a "nice lady's" yard/house/pool/whatever would be ok. So, what happened?

The gentleman didn't address the whole of the universe and start making demands on the behalf of all men everywhere as to what all women everywhere must accept. He went and talked to Abbie and said, hey, um, in the future, please don't do that to me - she's fucking crazy.

And Abbie immediately realized that the game afoot was playing with his safety because as a man he's expected to be a certain way, and the woman, as a woman, is expected not to be a certain way. That because he's a tall black guy he is somehow immune from having concern over his safety. That because he's a black guy, she's free to disregard prudent concerns and take chances with his safety he's unwilling to take for himself. That is sexism. That is racism. It's not overt; it's not malicious. It's just imposing a duty on him whether he liked it or not because of his race and gender.

Did Abbie then get up and start making proclamations on anyone's behalf to other groups about how they're supposed to be? No.

She felt like shit and told a story of something she did, how it ended and why it was wrong that it happened. And then she lost sleep over it. And made dude a lot of doggy treats I understand. That is to say that once he said, um, how about in the future if *you* consider not deciding for *me* when people may come in and visit me. And she realized immediately why that was sexist. And dangerous. And she wrote a blog article on it explaining it all.

And you know what? If she hadn't written that, I would have never thought about in those terms. I wouldn't have let someone into someone else's yard because it's not my right to decide for others who may use their toys. But still, I *feel* like the two situations are different, even they are materially not different. They are logically isomorphic. So, that tells me that I have failed to properly intuit my own emotions, my own built in bias. Fortunately, good upbringing prevented me from being in a position for that to have become a problem in that particular context.

But now identifying that deficiency in my ethical awareness, which I would still not be aware of right now if not for Abbie's story, who knows wrong in the future will help to prevent me from doing, even if by sheer "oh, never thought of that - wow!".

Compare this to Twatson. I've learned that some people are more interested in being known than in solving problems. Fuck her. (note, not an invitation to have sex with her - since apparently, she can't give a single talk without droning on about how many hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of men are just waiting to get a piece of her ass).

You tell me who's capable of recognizing sexism, and racism here. And you tell me who in this ordeal actually cares about equality.

But hey, she's just a fucking gender traitor who doesn't deserve her vagina anymore, right?

Sorry, I'm not a doctor, but I can spot a diseased mind when I see one.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 1:06 AM



Sorry. I just read something that cracked me up. The feminism 101 bit @ post 1064.

I'm amused when a person who may or may not have flunked/failed/dropped out of a technical college whereat she putatively studied "communications" uses a phrase like that.

Maybe it's late and I'm tired, but I lost my shit on that one.

Dan S. @1062:
Well, not immediately assenting to her propositions of its tenets, gets one labeled as promoting misogyny and endangering the safety of other women. Not immediately accepting she must be right gets one dismissed out of hand from even belonging to the same gender except as a mere technicality.

You know, in other words, she is the Owner of The Truth.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 1:36 AM


@Dan S.: Justicar said everything I'd want to say (he's pretty consistently smarter than me), but I did want to say this:

That a man technically has the right to hit on a woman at almost any time (barring harassment, real threatening, etc.), is a simple truth (in the US, anyway. It is clearly a civil right in the US. Whether free speech is a human right in general is a whole different argument, but that's not really the debate here).

Stating that does not defend it when someone does it any more than defending the Westboro Idiots' rights to speech defends their ideas. To equate someone who makes a simple statement like that to a police officer ignoring his sworn duty, is fairly offensive. So is calling someone who makes a statement like that a misogynist. Or, as has been done to me before elsewhere, a "rape apologist". It is why your side of the debate is seen as irrational, foolish, and/or hypocritical.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 24, 2011 1:40 AM

Way to quote mine, buddy. He was, in fact, talking about his daughter and Horace misrepresented his quote. Now you are just continuing it. Also, that commenter had been previously warned about his behavior.

Quote mine? That was the entire relevant text. Herr Myers censored his other post. Not surprised since censorship is the hallmark of the ideologue. Along with dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Posted by: JD | July 24, 2011 1:49 AM


@bladerunner (my favorite film) -- Not to mention all the women, me included, who are insulted by the paternalism exhibited. This is not the feminism we fought for. Also, the whole thing with crossing the street is ridiculous. For one, I walk so fast that no man as ever passed me. Granted, that may just be me, but why assume that men, on average, walk faster than women? Pure idiocy.

And the "Listen to the women" rubric? That means listen to all women, not just the ones you happen to be sleeping with or want to sleep with. This whole thing is massively offensive. And, since no one on "that side" seems to know what misogynistic means, let me point out, that your behavior is misogynistic. In other words, treating all women as one voice, shows a hatred or at least a tremendous disrespect for women.

Sexism? We have that too. Assuming that a man wants coffee late at night is an invitation for sex is prejudice. Not all men do. If you want men to stop being sexist toward women, stop being sexist toward men.

Also, you pay taxes, so walk on any street you like and any elevators you like. /End rant.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 2:26 AM


Pain pills are making my English bad. Ugh, forgive.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 2:28 AM



Agreed. Not to mention that "Feminism 101" is a radical feminism blog, representing only a fringe aspect of feminist theory, and ignoring all the rest. Sickening. Feminism is a wide school of thought and theories, including equal rights feminists like me. (Though that would be too narrow a definition, since I also support diversity programs and study of the (obviously evolutionary-based marginalization of women.

Rebbecca and I used to play scrabble all the time, and she always beat me. Few people beat me, and I don't cheat. RW beat me all the time. I'm starting to wonder. Incredible verbal/spacial intelligence? Or something else?

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 2:35 AM


@bluharmony: I know! Isn't it an awesome flick? Poor Sean Young's on Celebrity Rehab now...

Posted by: bladerunner | July 24, 2011 2:38 AM


I've somehow managed to make 30 some odd trips around our local star without ever for a moment thinking myself as "better" than anyone else. I've been accused of it an awful lot in my life. For instance, someone says something to stupid and I vivisect it. "Oh, you think you're better than me?"

No. I just thought you were wrong and here's why. How does this imply our relative "goodness"? But watching this whole thing blow up has answered that question. People are emotionally invested in what they think. Like there's some reason to be attached to a thought or idea to such an extent that someone who dares challenge has insulted your worth as a person.

I do not understand this. All of my views are open to revision. All that's required is a sufficient reason to disabuse me of it. Perhaps I'm naive and subjecting myself to a really, really clever but devious person to sway me into a cult. But it seems to have worked well enough so far that I've been able to resist chicanery and sophistry.

How do I manage? Oh, yeah. The moment someone starts trading on my emotions, or what they presume my emotions are, I stop paying them attention. It's probably why I'm not very politically motivated. I don't place the slightest worth on what feels like a better course of action. The emotions must always yield to rationality.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 3:07 AM


I agree with you, Justicar. I am often wrong, and appreciate people telling me how or why. That's how we learn.

But as to whom I consider "creepy" for no valid reason? Sorry. That's an emotional reaction. It can't be proven wrong anymore than it can be proven right. So tough.

EG's words, however, are quite clear, as is the fact that absolutely nothing other than some pleasant words were exchanged in the elevator. Taking RW's words as true (something I have some reason to doubt), there should be no issue.

But, watch her video again. Her talk about EG is not actually two minutes. It's in the middle of her plug for feminism and serves as the much-needed example to illustrate what she means. This is no accident, and neither is the fact that the incident is ambiguous. That allows for controversy, which, in turn, allows for publicity. She is extremely clever, and not in a good way.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 3:16 AM


@1071 I'm probably not a feminist now that I've admitted that I like Blade Runner. After all, it's a guy-centric movie. I might have my feminist creds revoked by Rebecca. Oh, noes!

(When I say feminism, I really mean humanism, with issues of the marginalized requiring attention, and occasionally remedial action. Further, I believe we all have the choice to be what we want to be. What a travesty, I know!)

And I'm not afraid of men any more than I'm afraid of women. In fact, the worst things in my life have happened at the hands of women (and men who support them no matter what). But that anecdotal experience doesn't mean I blame all women. That would be stupid as Rebeccaism. In fact, we should change the Skepticism to Prejudice 101 blog.

Also, since when does reading a blog make someone become an expert on feminism? How on earth is she qualified to give these lectures? She should stick to whether or not talking to apples makes them smile. Not that, I concede, is her area of expertise.

And like oh so many, I will never again attend a speech where that uneducated & manipulative woman is talking. There's nothing to learn from her (as the majority of those whose comments aren't deleted from Skepchick or Amanda's blog concede.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 3:27 AM


Also, how can anyone help to notice that Justicar is a genius? He may be a touch preoccupied with the RW mess, but it seems totally obvious to someone who's willing to look.

Teach me math; I want to switch careers from law, since I'm no good at public speaking. :(

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 3:32 AM


@Dan S.

"To tie this back to elevatorgate - look, it's become about like, a hundred different issues and the various actions of a whole bunch of people, including countless blog commenters, but at the core of it we do have the whole Watson/Elevator Guy/4am/elevator/offer of "coffee" (Survey Says.... Sex!), Watson's subsequent 'guys? that was creepy. Don't do it, mmmkay?' (esp. in the context of getting women involved in atheist conferences, etc.), and a huge number of comments from women (and men) saying 'yes, creepy! even scary! DO NOT WANT!"

Well, there are tons of things that I don't want, but that doesn't mean they're not going to happen, or that someone doesn't have a constitutional right to make them happen. Second, no one could possibly accuse you of making an argument from popularity. Most people are religious. So I guess that makes religion right.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 3:40 AM


I should like to just qualify one thing for the sake of completeness: I do not deny anyone their emotions. I have them myself. My point is that they are not a pathway to knowledge. Emotional decisions are not convergent, and thus seem to lack utility in determining much of anything. And when they do, it's entirely by accident.

For instance, take our basest instincts. They are functionally useful in survival, but have a high failure rate. We are often startled when there is actually no reason to have been actually scared as there was no threat of danger. But it persists because the false positive is *more* useful in survival than the false negative.

Being scared for an improper reason has a low cost, but some cost. It takes energy. It stresses the organism. Changes in our chemistry happen to prepare us to withstand greater levels of discomfort, and energy exchange is increased to provide muscles with more work ability for either combat or escape. Our minds become more focused, but less efficient. Our perceptions are narrowed, but heightened. These are useful for when there's an actual threat we have to confront.

They are useless when a kid sneaks up on you and goes "booga booga".

But it has to work that way because we need to be scared more often than is necessary to make sure that we're efficiently geared to be scared when it is necessary.

Take the false negative's costs. You're dinner because you weren't in fight or flight mode until it was beyond a point to be useful.

It's clear, then, that inefficient expenditure of energy for the sake of survival had better odds with respect to selection pressure than saving the energy only to be dead.

Yes, we have emotions. We also have the ability to not be subject to them. I prefer to control them rather than have them control me.

(caveat: I'm not a biologist, but I think my general understanding of what happens when we're afeareded for our lives is fairly not controversial. I am happy to be corrected though.)

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 3:50 AM


Tweeted, with emphasis @ 1078.

When I make an edit to blog posts, I put it front and fucking center in highlighted lettering and neon signs pointing out where the error is, what the error was, how I fucked up, what I should have done instead, and what the correct information is.

Why? Because I'm human and I'm going to get something wrong somewhere, somehow, someway.

As an ethical matter - is editing for grammar without notification ethically dubious? I do that occasionally - like I'll leave out an article (part of speech, not a work) and go back and edit it in for flow. Hrm. I'm not sure how to think about that as the information isn't changed; it's only made to "flow" better.


Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 4:55 AM


Dan S:

The Watson as radical feminist just sounds so bizarre to me, a bit like the whole 'Obama is a crazed socialist' nonsense. I wonder if there's similar factors involved - thinking, specifically, how the lack of an actual left wing in American politics (by ~European standards) makes that sound plausible to anyone; maybe the lack of actual radical feminism in American culture (by recent historical standards) is having a similar effect.

I mean, what things make Watson's feminism "radical"?

Well, the definition of radical feminism makes her a radical feminist. Just like liberal feminism, socialist feminism, Marxist feminism, and black feminism, those are just the names of the various schools of thought within feminism. Or at least it was when I studied feminism in college and wikipedia's series on feminism seems to agree (check it out).

To an extent, although I'm a liberal feminist by definition, I have a lot of sympathy with radical feminist thought, just not at the expense of liberal ideas, for example, I oppose the pursuit of absolute ideological purity since I think that'll limit the people who want to identify as feminists (of any kind) or sympathise with the cause of equality.

My misogyny has been greatly exaggerated.

Also, I'm English.

Posted by: Peter | July 24, 2011 5:13 AM


The Latest: when it comes to grammar edit, I don't think there's any ethical fault in correcting without mentioning.

It could piss off the grammar nazis, though, which is always a good thing...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 5:26 AM



Please read if you have the time. It's a great post.

Posted by: Brad | July 24, 2011 5:28 AM


Oops, sorry, it probably should have said re: 1078

Um, has everybody already read that?

Still playing catch up, I guess. :-)

Posted by: Brad | July 24, 2011 5:30 AM


The positive stuff in all this mess is I've discovered new and fascinating blogs such as Integralmath and Buffy.

The negative point is that someone I respect has been trying to school me on French culture and every language. PZ, don't that, it's creepy.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 5:44 AM


So PZ picks up where he left off - a continuation of the Courtier's reply he so loathes in others. He really should have a look this -

Posted by: Breasticle | July 24, 2011 5:45 AM


I still wonder who EG is.

I know he's not this guy:

Um, he died.

I live in Korea by the way.

Just thinkin'. Maybe a new social norm or something. If you see a single woman in an elevator, should we ask if it's okay to join her?

Posted by: Brad | July 24, 2011 6:01 AM


Breasticle (great nick) @1085: Thanks a lot for that. It's excellent. I hope PZ reads it. Yeah, another cool blog!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 6:05 AM


@Justicar or anyone else in the know:

Do you know where on her facebook page Rebecca boasts about making money from Dawkins' "stupid" comments? My 5000 plus facebook friends want to know. Otherwise, they're largely on our side of this non-incident, followed by atrocious behavior (from someone who doesn't even apparently know what it's like to be abused).

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 6:16 AM


This is so weird, this article has over 1080 replies...I was told by a reliable source that "the scienceblogs software can't cope with long threads very well" and that you "have to close threads that reach 700-1000 comments or the load drags the whole site down."

Posted by: bladerunner | July 24, 2011 6:38 AM


The post where she discusses the new following she's gotten happened between July 2 and July 4 (or 5). But I can't be assed to go back and read through her shit again.

Here's my blog post on it with a screen shot though:

It doesn't directly say money, only following. But being in the business she's in, traffic generates revenue.

Reportedly, google has also pulled her adsense account over this (though they pulled mine first, how sexist. Ladies first, google), and she was bemoaning that the hundreds of dollars in that account were to pay for a new server she claims to have bought for skepchick.

So, we'll have to wait to see how her appeal goes. Unlike her, I haven't appealed google's decision. I realized out of the gate that there would be a push back over my chosen style. Here's what adults do: accept the consequences for their actions without playing the victim!

Novel, I know.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 6:59 AM


@1044, bladerunner, yes there are two layers of double standards being applied here. The first being the male / female thing, the second being the difference in how PZ handles attacks on creationists vs. attacks on Watson.

@1062, Dan S, the distinction seems to be between liberal feminism and radical feminism. The latter seeks inequality by demanding men account for some kind of extent advantage ("privilege"), the former might recognise privilege exists, but would rather fight for true equality. True equality would mean, where male and female issues can be directly compared, applying consistency. The language is a good example. Liberal feminists would see no difference between using either male or female genitalia as an insult (dick vs. twat). I would expect consistency (i.e., accept both, or neither). Radical feminists handle these differently, i.e. the "dear dick" campaign is acceptable, but the "twatson" epithet is not acceptable. The justification of this is privilege, part of the vernacular of the radical feminist. Hence, the position presented by Watson here is that of radical feminism, not liberal feminism.

That's my understanding, which as ever is just an opinion.

Posted by: Spence | July 24, 2011 7:00 AM


@Dan S

The wikipedia article is actually very good.

Posted by: Peter | July 24, 2011 7:13 AM


I think someone (Abbie?) should launch a petition or letter, or manifest to show other women's views on all this. All we're seeing now is Watson and her ilk, and any woman who disagrees is tagged a gender traitor and safely ignored. Let's see who among atheist/skeptic women think Watson and Cie are twats. Admitedly, it would launch another shitstorm, but at this point, who cares.

Any volunteer?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 8:46 AM


@Justicar -- I shared you link and some of your thoughts with my 5000+ Facebook readers and almost everyone seems to be in agreement that Radical feminism is NOT consistent with skepticism (and is irrelevant to atheism). It's non-scientific and dogmatic. Please feel free to join me on my FB page -- the address is bluharmony. You might enjoy it there. Although warning, both PZ (whom I love, but won't tiptoe around) and Rebecca (who I don't care about) are currently on my friends list. Join me. I have an open space, and I promote nothing other than discussion and reason. I'm not affiliated with any group. Hope to see you there.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 8:52 AM


My invitation is extended to ERV, too. You're fantastic, and my FB page has a very different focus than your brilliant blog. xo

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 8:53 AM


I'm still reading this thread. Just a little past where PZ ran off.
LOL, he was trolling! Tone trolling!!!
I just wanted to get that off my chest since this is what the pharynguloids say to comments that don't toe the far left-wing ideological line.
Alas, I can't bring myself to use the colorful profanity.
I might have felt uncomfortable if I was invited to coffee in an elevator at 4am. But it would be because I feel a little sad for the guy because he has to deal with the rejection.
Also when I'm tired, I go to bed. I don't stay out to the wee hours of the morning. She put herself in that uncomfortable situation. I'm not blaming the victim, but I don't buy it when she made the decision to be accessible for conversation in those circumstances. Conversation isn't assault. Sorry!
But I am more disgusted by what rw did to that poor student.

Posted by: smitty | July 24, 2011 9:00 AM


I see the misogynist hate fest is still going on… ;>

Well, maybe you’d like to try some McCarthyism light for variety?

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 24, 2011 9:05 AM


@Phil - I agree; I'm tired of being a gender traitor by a bunch of morons when I'm nothing of a sort. Just because I'm concerned about real issues and not coffee invitations, doesn't make me one. This whole thing is immensely offensive. And I happen to be a) raped and b) a far-left liberal. Sheesh. Rad feminism is inconsistent with skepticism and that should be obvious to a first grader.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 9:31 AM


See, bluharmony, that's what confuses me.

Why have a significant portion of the skeptic movement, one of the de-facto leaders of which has argued that liberal politics are part and parcel of being an atheist, (and which I disagree with, despite being a liberal) embraced as its own, of all things, radical feminism, a movement which is divisive and illiberal, criticised by liberal feminists as being "antileft".

Why not liberal feminism. It would make so much more sense. Especially when we're talking about appealing to more people, if you only want to appeal to a small hardcore of radical feminists and their various conspicuously male, white sycophants (read the black feminist criticism of radical feminism if my use of white here bothers you, dear reader, although if it does, it should also bother you when Watson calls Dawkins white, right?), then sure, but a wider appeal? Surely you embrace liberal feminism?

Posted by: Peter | July 24, 2011 9:41 AM


thanks, but I don't do facebook. Not my thing.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 9:41 AM


"Jesus Christ was interviewed for his reaction to elevatorgate, skepchick, and Rebecca Watson and is reported to have said, “ONLY in the atheist community could something so marginal as a [b*llshit] accusation that getting hit on in an elevator is a feminist crisis, be taken seriously as a feminist crisis.” Jesus Christ was asked if his views have been broadened by the blogosphere reaction and responded that he has never been more convinced that feminism is a sexist movement. He now prefers to consider himself a womanist and is currently campaigning for the right of episcopal lesbians to be priests."


Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 10:00 AM


I've finally figured out what the tactics and attitudes espoused by PZ/Watson/Laden et all remind me of:


Posted by: John C. Welch | July 24, 2011 10:02 AM


Oh, John C. Welch, I have implicated you in an internet crime in my latest article: Jumping the Snark, with Greg Laden. You're welcome. Luckily for your career, my impact rating is still negative.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 10:15 AM


So last night, i'm in Swingers in Santa Monica, (Oh STOP it, it's a diner. Awesome diner. Elventy billion kinds of cupcakes), with an ex-fiancee of mine. We're really good friends, prone to longish bouts of beavis and butthead-isms. ("bunghole" is our normal reference for each other. Jen's awesome.)

So we're talking, and because it's really crowded, with a decent amount of background noise and music, you know, like in, oh, a *bar*, I start seeing how easy it is to hear what other people are saying while I talk with jen. To see how easy it is to pay attention to someone else's conversation, while continuing one of your own, but still know if the person in the booth next to you is there or not.

Visual was easy, peripheral vision handles that well. However, unless I tuned Jen out, and actively paid attention to what the people in the next booth were saying, i couldn't even begin to tell you what they were talking about, and they were less than a meter away from me. No obstructions to sight or hearing.

That's what has been bothering me about the meme of "HE WAS IN THE BAR, OMG, HE MUST HAVE HEARD HER". Well, he may have been in the bar, but the idea that he was doing naught but paying attention to her and not talking to anyone else is not only egotistical, but starts getting into territory that *I* find creepy. Creepy Staring Guy is Staring shit.

I think that even a bit of thought about that kind of situation would show that it's quite easy for EG to have been in the bar, yet not really heard much of what Watson was saying, and yet it is a possibility pre-emptively denied by all on her side.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 24, 2011 10:27 AM


John-- Ive said that since Day One, Watson going after McGraw.

You know who thinks younglings are Fair Game?

1) Anakin Skywalker
2) Scientologists
3) Rebecca Watson

Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 10:28 AM




Even luckier for my career, i don't hide what I do online, and when talking to prospective employers, bring it up so they know my side of things, and what the deal is with it. I find that at least an initial attempt to interact with people who might hire me to be highly productive, and makes potential problems go away. It's that whole "Ethics" thing I like to do, it's a real help.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 24, 2011 10:32 AM




But you don't count, you had to turn in your WOMYNZ card.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 24, 2011 10:35 AM


Am I the first to tumble to this? PZ IS the elevator guy!

Posted by: Rev. Bayes | July 24, 2011 11:51 AM


PZ has showed up on Franc's post:

The Latest has answered. PZ didn't comment back. In fact, he didn't even comment on any of the very valid points Franc makes in his post.

Brave Sir PZ ran away?

Rev. Bayes: mmmh, that would explain a lot...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 11:57 AM


I want to add my voice to those who take Abbie's stance on this. I'm a woman and I found RW and her sycophants' response to Stef's dissent to be nauseating.

Oh, and hi, Phil! (hugs)

Posted by: Wolfhhound | July 24, 2011 12:01 PM



One thing I am quite proud of is that none of this mess has spilled over at our other favorite hanging-out place. Out there, some are still fighting the good fight without bothering with these things. And what can be more fun than pissing the shit off of Joetard...


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 12:08 PM



The part of that more hurtful to RW than the correct observation that she has less moral nuance than an adult male alligator is that she has not been a Youngling for a long time.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 12:12 PM


Hey, give PZ a break.

He's waiting for official confirmation on Richard Dawkins' site that people on Franc's site have responded to him. Once he gets that and has something official-like to link to, he'll be able to respond.

Also, he's probably just making sure that not too many people comment because after so many comments, I've heard the whole internet starts to drag.

You guys are so fucking judgmental. Assholes.

Abbie, that's a mean question. You *know* it's Xenu.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 12:12 PM



But, watch her video again. Her talk about EG is not actually two minutes. It's in the middle of her plug for feminism and serves as the much-needed example to illustrate what she means. This is no accident, and neither is the fact that the incident is ambiguous. That allows for controversy, which, in turn, allows for publicity. She is extremely clever, and not in a good way.

That got me to wondering whether the EG incident actually happened. RW has not (AFAIK) identified EG by name yet, and he hasn't come forward to give his side of the story (again, AFAIK). Until now, I've assumed that's most likely because he doesn't want to known forever after as "creepy elevator guy", or because he doesn't have very good social skills (which would seem likely, if the incident happened as RW describes. Maybe even both.

But suppose she made the whole thing up to illustrate her talk? The fact that it happened right then and there is certainly convenient for her. And, to be fair, she probably wouldn't have expected the whole thing to blow up as it did; after that, it would have been too late to back out.

I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's something worth discussing, I think. For now, colour me, well, skeptical. :-)

Posted by: Ron Murray | July 24, 2011 12:13 PM


It think it's highly likely all of the folks at our other place would have the same opinion that we do. 'Cause they're all smart and shit.

Posted by: Wolfhound | July 24, 2011 12:21 PM


Ron @1115:

I'm not sure the fact that it happened or not has any meaning anymore. Could have been a rethorical exemple. And that would have been fine, too. The shit hit the fan with RW's missuse of a position of power to belittle and insult a fellow feminist atheist. Now, of course, the whole incident from point A is being scrutinized, and EG is back in the talk. Which leads some to dissect her first video, and find offensive that she would order half the world's population to not do something because it made her feel uncomfortable. On behalf of every woman in the whole world, ever. That's another part of the main mess.

But wether EG is real or not is quite irrelevant at this point, I think.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 12:26 PM



PZ now has the power to convert skeptics that disagree with him into theists as well as rapists.

"It is people like you who rant and rave about your god-given right to hit on women and make them uncomfortable any time you feel like it, and who express such inflated outrage at a woman calmly mentioning that she was made uncomfortable (nothing more) by one guy."

This observation is made in defense of his god-given-right to stab friends, colleagues and ethical superiors in the back lest he lose his god-given-right to be fawned over and frotted by cheesecake calender models while simultaneously availing himself of his god-given-right to free all-you-can-eat meatball buffets in Vegas.


Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 12:44 PM


Wolfie @1116: Not all, sadly. Messy FB stuff between two of our friends... :(

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 12:47 PM


I'm not sure about that Phil. If it turned out EG was in fact a lie, it would do a great deal, even among some of her following, to show how low she's willing to go to carry forward her ideology. I think it would place a pretty major kink in her credibility amongst such stalwarts as Novella and whoever it is that keeps hiring her to speak at TAM and similar fests.

Posted by: John Greg | July 24, 2011 12:49 PM


Whoops. Phil, my #1120 is referring to your #1117.

Posted by: John Greg | July 24, 2011 12:52 PM



At this point, she'd just duck behind "I WAS MAKING A MORE IMPORTANT POINT ABOUT SEXISM, THE INCIDENT NOT HAPPENING DOESN'T CHANGE THAT", and PZ/Laden/Et Al would bobblehead along.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 24, 2011 12:58 PM


John, true enough. But what makes it relevant now is the whole of the mess that followed Stefgate. Without Stefgate, I think nobody would give a fuck if she jumped out from behind the curtain and said the cake was a lie. Albeit a lie to prove her point.

Ok, wait, I just re-read that paragraph I just wrote. It would still be objectionable, comming from a skeptic. We're not supposed to lie to make our points. Well, it's not a rule carved in stone as it is, but I kind of figure it is one of the skeptic/atheist ethic points.

I therefore stand corrected.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 12:58 PM


Damn! Not you John, the other John at 1120.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 1:01 PM



Yeah, until now I thought the EG episode was irrelevant, and that the real issue was RW and her cronies deciding they'd been authorised to speak on behalf of all women (even those who disagreed with them), and to read the riot act to the rest of us from that pulpit.

Then bluharmony's post got me to thinking about how convenient it was that RW had a ready-made and recent anecdote for her talk. And that led to questioning whether EG did, in fact, exist. We only seem to have RW's word for it, and that word is increasingly looking to be not worth two squirts of dried yak urine.

Before posting, I'd seen the reference somebody posted to the greylining post, but I didn't read it until after pushing the "Post" button. He suggests the same thing, among lots of others: if you haven't read it already, I can recommend it.

Posted by: Ron Murray | July 24, 2011 1:08 PM


Ron @1125: Reading Franc's posts about it all right now :)

The latest (not you Justicar) one about PZ is quite good as well. I really wish PZ would take a few steps back, think about it, and make a public appology for his conduct. It would bring back a bit of the few onces of faith in humanity I have left.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 1:21 PM


John Greg:
do not underestimate the allegiance to dogma.
John C. Welch hit it on the head.

From my blog article:

"But here we have Matt Dillahunty saying it outright. For those who are link-clicking shy, I'll reproduce it here. Matt was asked if he's being rational in determining a conclusion without hearing, at least pro forma, the supposed elevator guy's story, by a user under the name of "hannanibal". Matt responds:


His side of the story is irrelevant. In fact, it doesn't even matter if he exists and this is entirely fictional. "

Once you have The Truth, it's very difficult to admit error. Particularly once you've decided in advance that no set of facts, real or imagined, can disturb the fact that you Know, unlike other people, The Truth.

And Matt is otherwise a fairly rational person (who has some troubles with logic to be sure, but nothing to this extent).

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 1:40 PM


The Latest, check the last TAA video Franc inserted in this post:

Doesn't it remind you of one of your blogposts? Or are you TAA?


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 1:54 PM


I could certainly understand how, if there really is an EG, he might choose to not come forward. At this point, even being homosexual wouldn't be enough to get people to back down from their stance that he was only after sex and was a half-step from raping her.

Of course, it's also entirely possible, as I said quite a while ago, that she made it up as a rhetorical device, which would be fine if she had said as much at the start. Now, it matters, because she made it matter.

Also, The Latest isn't TJ.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 2:23 PM


I doubt that EG is fake. If RW really just wanted an anecdote to roll with, she probably would have made up something a lot better than "some guy asked me back to his hotel room for coffee and then backed off when I said no."

Posted by: TylerD | July 24, 2011 2:39 PM


Better in what way? It serves the purpose of painting innocuous behavior as bad under the assumption that all men are always looking for sex and all women are always terrified of all men because all men are inherently threatening perfectly well. Honestly, it would be extremely difficult to come up with a more effective anecdote for that purpose, really.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 2:43 PM


Alas, no.

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to notice the points I made.

Seriously, if a man had done that to a woman and then on a midday show on network television a bunch of guys started cracking jokes about some random woman whose breasts had been knifed, or whose vagina had been knifed, holy hell would be set loose upon the airwaves.

A woman knifes her husband's dick and chucks in the garbage disposal and, well, that's "fabulous" and "serves him right".

What was his crime that brought this on? He filed for divorce - can't imagine why.

I would say this is the future we can look forward to if Rebecca Twatson's side wins out. But it's the present. Right now. This minute.

It's fucking pathetic that anyone would find anyone taking a knife to the genitals of anyone to be a suitable punchline for a joke.

Sara Gilbert tried to moderate them slightly . . . it's like a "little bit" sexist. It's not quite right. Like cutting off someone woman's breast is just a "little bit" sexist and just not quite right. Fear not. Sharon Osborne explained why it's different: one's floppy and wild. One just sticks up like that so it's easy.


Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 2:51 PM

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to notice the points I made.

I would go further and say that anyone who doesn't come to the same conclusion is utterly insane and unfit to remain a part of society. This isn't a difficult concept - knifing people is fucking wrong. Knifing people for seeking to end a contract is fucking wronger. Laughing about knifing people's genitals is fucking evil.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 3:02 PM


Hi JD,

"Elevatorgate" is not really about feminism or sex at this point. It really started when another female blogger crticised Rebecca for her Utube post. We don't know if the guy in the elevator even intended any more than conversation. R.W. has pissed off others with her indiscreet posts about other non-sex related stuff that happened over beer. Rebecca's friend's want to turn this into "anyone whoe thinks that R has an unpleasant personality is a rapist".

Wierd to see PZ go batshit crazy over this. I think that the constant adulation he gets on his site is unhinging him.

Posted by: horace | July 24, 2011 3:02 PM


In fact, the way PZ and company are constantly saying the disagreement is about the encounter in the elevator when it's about Watson and other radical feminists treatment of people is one of the three main bits of dishonesty on the other side (the other two being nonsensical charges of misogyny, and pretending Dawkins was replying to Watson rather than Pharyngula's commentors)

Posted by: Peter | July 24, 2011 3:11 PM


The issues are discrete, but interconnected. The only reason that EG is at all relevant is because that's what lead to the video and hence Stef McGraw's response.

So, we can't get away from it completely because that's the jumping off point. And we can't talk about Stef McGraw without him being brought up.

The reason I've focused on him more than her is because if that's dealt with, then the McGraw incident would be seen by everyone as wrong. It's not going to happen though.

People are saying loudly and proudly that they don't care if the story is even true. This is the same reason that religion won't die off: people get attached to needing to be right or something I don't understand in any profound way.

It's like trying to debate a creationist - the moment you start cornering them on a position, the game of Three Card Monte begins.


Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 3:26 PM


It's true, These asshole are spectacularly good at dodging an argument and pretending it's about something else than it is. It is something they learned directly from creationists, of that, there can be no doubt. They are doing it deliberately in many cases because, like creationists, they don't actually care about being right, merely about looking right to people too stupid to know better. The rest are just stupidly following along and doing as they are told by the priesthood of their little cult.

How long do you think before they declare that, because we are misogynists and gender-traitors and rape-apologists and whatever else they care to trow out, we are now "fair game"?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 3:36 PM



the debate is endless because it could be about:
-women in the atheist movement
-sexual assault.
-what happened in the elevator.
-how Rebecca dealt with what happened.
-how her critics dealt with her reaction.
-how Rebecca dealt with her critics reaction to her reaction.
-how the critics dealt with Rebecca's reaction to etc, etc....

The debate is now so mixed up that if you suggest that Rebecca should not have discussed the elevator incident on Utube you will be accused of condoning rape/considering women subhumans. The whole business is only interesting as an internet phenomina.

Posted by: horace | July 24, 2011 3:39 PM



Dude, they've been running Fair Game for some time now

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 24, 2011 3:52 PM



I thinking that she would at least have embellished it to undercut the "so what's the big fucking deal" objection that inevitably followed. Could be wrong, tho.

Posted by: TylerD | July 24, 2011 3:57 PM


Well, I want to be reasonably clear here, horace.

I can't think of a single person who has said that Rebecca Watson, or anyone else for that matter, is not entitled to say what they think. It's not about the fact she might happen to think something stupid or silly, or just slightly askew.

It's the means by which she goes about pursuing it. It's not a tone issue, it's not a courtesy issue, it's a tactics issue.

No one is saying she can't get up and call out anyone for being wrong in the abstract, or in general. It is wrong when you have an advantage based on nothing other than bully pulpit and then use that as a means by which to punish someone whom you don't like.

Someone who said something as reasonable as "i don't see it quite that way" gets publicly humiliated by being lumped in with rapists, and misogynists and being explicitly accused of having a mindset that is actually harming real people. She does this for a living; she should bloody well know how to give a talk in a professional way.

Rebecca doesn't work like that. Look at how she outright misstated what Paula Kirby said in a panel unrelated in any fashion to the reason she was given a spot on a panel. She was supposed to be talking about "communicating atheism". What we got, instead, was Rebecca Watson complains about her e-mail, tells the audience about her ringtones, and tries to make the audience uncomfortable for its own sake by way of shock value. And to slander a previous speaker. Her "talk" had nothing to do with what she was invited to speak on.

From Rebecca's side, the debate is about one thing only: promoting Rebecca Watson. These stunts earn her money. And attention. And she pulls them at conferences all the fucking time. Staging a wedding at TAM?

Drunk pajama parties for girls only, which she wouldn't go to so that she could hang out with the big boys without having to compete with all those silly girls for face time.


Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 3:58 PM

Drunk pajama parties for girls only, which she wouldn't go to so that she could hang out with the big boys without having to compete with all those silly girls for face time.

What? You expect her to compete on even footing? Most of what she does can be traced to a desperate need for male sexual attention (and the rest to a desperate need for attention in general). She claims guys always hit on her for the same reason studios pay DJs to play their songs - to fool stupid people into liking something because they think other people like it. To highlight how necessary this kind of is to actually get her the attention she need: the one weekend we met in person, I got drunk enough to let someone draw a pink dick on my face in public, but not drunk enough to hit on Twatson.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 4:11 PM


the debate is endless because it is about personalities instead of skepticism, feminism or science.

It is a natural result of the of the resources garnered by those ideas being wasted on their purported proponents rather than being reinvested in the ideas.

The inertia is a product of the debate being baseless.

Everyone can have an equally valid opinion about a concocted issue.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 4:11 PM


Wait-- Wait, wait.


Did Watson not graduate from college?

Am I misunderstanding some of you?


Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 4:16 PM


Well, I've never heard actually say outright that she has a degree, despite talking about what she studied and what she majored in, so yeah, I'm pretty sure there's no degree and she never graduated.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 4:19 PM


I have better feminist academic credentials than Watson.

Posted by: Peter | July 24, 2011 4:29 PM


Well, can one actually be graduated from a technical school?

Maybe she has a certification. But I've seen nothing to indicate she successfully finished. There's certainly no evidence on ready display of that.

And everything I manage to find indicates she isn't what a the registrar would class as a matriculating student . . .

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 4:32 PM


Are you all kidding me?

Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 4:55 PM


She claims to be a college graduate on her myspace page:

No elaboration of the institution, type (BA, Associates, etc), etc. Could just be a Kaplan piece of paper for all I know.

But then again, she is a pathological liar.

Posted by: Tommy | July 24, 2011 5:03 PM


Boston University
Bachelor of Science, Communication, Creative Advertising
1998 – 2002

Posted by: Tommy | July 24, 2011 5:05 PM



Puts her right up there with Nistard.

Posted by: TylerD | July 24, 2011 5:10 PM


Oh, so she does have a degree, usually saying things like 'have studied' is a euphemism for '... and failed to get'.

Like me with studying a feminism module as part of Sociology at college (English usage, not University, forget the equivalent).

Posted by: Peter | July 24, 2011 5:16 PM


Since when does the communication department offer a bachelor of science (as opposed to arts)degree? I have a communications degree, it was a bunch of BS. I also have degrees is psychology, Russian language, and my JD (Law). Oh, and a masters in legal taxation. A communication degree is the joke of all colleges; it teaches NADA. I'm not saying that my degrees are worth anything, and at the moment, they're really not. But communications? Good grief.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 5:18 PM


You know, I do think that Communication degrees serve an important function: they make other shitty degrees such as "Hospitality" and "Travel and Tourism" look good.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 24, 2011 5:55 PM


Aww, cmon you guys, don't you know that having better data forces us to change our ideas! I would rather live my life thinking that she was a know-nothing without any form of education whatsoever! But now I know she IS educated and STILL acts like a twatson! WTF!

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 24, 2011 5:56 PM


"But now I know she IS educated and STILL acts like a twatson! WTF!"

Dude, she has a Communications degree. You call that educated?!

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 24, 2011 5:59 PM


fucking H.

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 6:00 PM


For some reason, I went to look at the latest screed on skepchick. Before my brains revolted and leeched out of every available exit, I noticed that one of the many tone trolls objected to the word "retard" on Rebecca's video. I can't be bothered setting up a login over there so I'm whining over here.

She quickly noted she had been called a retard; she doesn't use that insult. Probably be unfair of me to point to this post where she uses it to describe Uri Geller. Hey, nothing wrong with that. Her description of Uri Geller is accurate. Oh except for the tone troll hypocrisy. But that's another matter.

Then the master of tone trolling, Ophelia then steps in to provide an object lesson to the others. She points out the word "femtard" is used "a lot" in comments on the latest post here. She posted that on the 24th, so this would be the latest post. So lets check for accuracy.

A quick search shows scented nectar used the term in #614. That's one comment. It is then used in #619 by Mynra... but she is on SkepChick's side. Then it is used in a handful of posts quoting #619. And... that's it. That is how Ophelia views "a lot".

Given that the best argument Watson has is tone trolling, ironic given that Pharyngula is her strongest support, her side can't even get tone trolling right. It's another case of GO! BWAAAAARGGHGHH

(Oh and scented nectar, your post is spot on, as accurate as watson's critique of Uri Geller being retarded. My comment is not intended as an attack on yours)

Posted by: Spence | July 24, 2011 6:01 PM


I got my bachelors in chemistry and biology. I give shit to the bio majors for being memorizing machines (don't even get me started on psych majors). I shouldn't even say anything about communication majors...

Yeah, what can I say, I am a bit elitist when it comes to intellect and education...

I have a nice misogynistic joke about psych majors if anyone wants to hear it =P

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 24, 2011 6:02 PM


I don't want to look like I'm tone trolling or anything, but...

...maybe we should let this edmunucachion thing go? It won't look nice on our Pharyngula résumés (yes, I has accents).

Let's bash her for her bitch moves and such, that's more than plenty enough, I say.

Also, feel free to continue if you feel like it. I'm not one to tell others how to act.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 6:07 PM


1097: "I'm still reading this thread. Just a little past where PZ ran off.
LOL, he was trolling! Tone trolling!!!"

Anyone know the number (approx) where the little gobshite left? I do love to read his squirmings.

1134:"Wierd to see PZ go batshit crazy over this. I think that the constant adulation he gets on his site is unhinging him. "

No shit. The comments sections over there are drowning in Kool Aid. Half of them are physically bloated "social scientists", the rest are ego-bloated postdocs who genuinely believe that Nerd of Redhead has had a fulfilling scientific career.

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 6:07 PM



"Are you all kidding me?"


It's a public relations degree for aspiring field office managers and HR personnel.

If she completed the program, her requirements had less hard science, philosophy and history than the certification recs of the guy who maintains my air conditioners.


I have been saying for weeks that she was under qualified to be publicly lecturing on these subjects.

Did you think I was making it up? She got inside JREF because she ingratiated herself to James Randi doing card tricks and claiming to have been a street performer(before she got kicked off the forums). That is when she started Skepchick and started rung fucking her way up the Skeptics in the Pub ladder.

She really doesn't know anything and can't provide credible precedent or rational argument for anything.

If you brought up half of the feminist theorists of the twentieth century and mixed them up with the names of hip eyeglasses designers she couldn't tell you which was which.

"Valerie Solanas? Oh I would totally wear her!"

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 6:10 PM


"To receive the BS degree from Boston University, students must complete a total of 32 courses. Of these, 17 must be in the liberal arts."

WTF? Over half the courses are liberal arts courses and that makes a BS degree! WTF!?!

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 24, 2011 6:15 PM


"Valerie Solanas? Oh I would totally wear her!"

Wine. Laptop screen. Not a good mix!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 6:15 PM


Hi all. It seems likely to me that the bad intentions imputed to RW's side of the argument in many comments here and elsewhere are by and large unlikely to be true, and are in any case almost impossible to prove. More likely, I'd venture, is a scenario in which, thinking they are right about the original controversy--that is, thinking RW had a legitimate grievance about the elevator incident (a view with which I agree)--they then take the correctness of their view for granted and conflate disagreement with it with the genuine sexism they also encounter in online debates about sex and at times in everyday life. By contrast, it seems clear to me that one can disagree with me and with RW's camp about the original issue without being sexist, but insofar as RW's camp is suggesting otherwise its stance appears to be a result of a kind of sloppy intellectual categorizing, rather than of bad intentions.

If this hypothesis is correct, then it might be useful to engage members of that camp on the criteria they use to distinguish well-intended manifestations of disagreement from those more cleanly reducible to malevolent attitudes. It seems likely that they in many cases will not have a clearly defined set of criteria to allow such discernment, which should give such persons pause. At any rate, if they can be engaged at the level of process, which would also be useful as a more abstract topic for discussion than the emotionally fraught, much-rehearsed elevator issue, there might be room for both sides' coming to feel they were being listened to more than they have felt up to now.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 24, 2011 6:27 PM


Seaside681: Criteria?

You're a male
You're white
You're a female
You're disagreeing with us
You're using naughty words
You're not using the right kind of naughty words
You're french
You're not french
Your dog hates cats

ie, you can't engage them on this subject. Radfem it is.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 6:33 PM



While your interpretation is fatally prolix it may have been jejune as to "thinking RW had a legitimate grievance about the elevator incident" save, RW has now obfuscated her anecdotal impetus with a Laban's gambit.

Tr: your wish could have been granted if Frotson had not changed her story....again.

RW version 2.0.... EG "cornered her" for sex.


We do know that it has not been acceptable to try and win an argument by changing the hypothetical since about 330 b.c..right? Right?

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 6:41 PM



There is no other place on the internet that I have encountered where the participants are so at one with one another in terms of their views, and so viciously dismissive of anyone who dares to chime in with a thought or an idea which doesn't happen to conform to what they have all agreed the right answers should be.

Did you get your ankles nipped by Nerd of Redhead? The "career chemist" who thinks that water is an organic compound, and that "Science" is a magazine? Ignorant, parroting cunt.

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 6:42 PM


FYI, I see nothing wrong with EG's request. It was for coffee, and the only opportunity he had to chat with her alone. I'm sorry, but big fucking deal? What kind of person would make a fuss out of this? Do guys find her attractive so infrequently that she needs to tell us? Anyway, hey guys, ask me for coffee in an elevator any time. I don't mind.

As for RW's subsequent conduct, she has no excuse. Character attacks on Dawkins and Stef were the ugliest behavior I've seen from anyone, short of physical violence.

So what was your point again, because I seriously don't think you had one.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 24, 2011 6:47 PM


Prometheus @1168: Talking of changing the subject...I recently observed an instance on Pharyngula where one of the commenters had a comment altered after posting. It was one of the regulars, and the 2 words altered/added made scientific sense out of a post which read as though written by an intelligent 9-year old. I emailed Myers to ask whether some posters have an edit ability, but haven't yet heard back. Sadly, I don't have a pre-change screen grab, but I am now being more proactive in this area.

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 6:51 PM


Elevatorgate has officially made it to Wikipedia:

Posted by: Chidi Baptiste | July 24, 2011 6:52 PM


Bluharmony @1170:

Since you're quite the hottie (with a reached max friends limit on facebook, such a shame), I wouldn't mind sexualizing and objectifying you in any vertical or horizontal means of transportation, as you see fit.

Or I could ask you for coffee. Along with my girlfriend. Who likes to talk, as I do.

ya know...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 6:54 PM



"I see nothing wrong with EG's request. It was for coffee, and the only opportunity he had to chat with her alone."

That was the version 1.0.

2.0, complete with a Féria Power Red cherry cola dye job and new glasses, is that he "cornered her" for sex.

Gotta keep up with those goal posts.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 6:54 PM



" of the commenters had a comment altered after posting."

There is a way to keep the preview feature open for post posting edits in the rather rusty format used by Scienceblogs (if admin has the registration feature turned on) but I am neither insecure nor invested enough to learn how to use it.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 7:05 PM


"...maybe we should let this edmunucachion thing go?"

I won't deprive other people of it, but I can't really participate. I dropped out of college at the beginning of my junior year and am right now working as a freelance programmer. So, glass house dweller here.

Posted by: TylerD | July 24, 2011 7:08 PM


Rebecca's formal degrees don't matter unless she is misrepresenting what they are as that would indicate a lack of ethics.

But the question is, has she acquired any wisdom through formal education or life experience?

She certainly has acquired media savvy and some knowledge of how to manipulate people's emotional responses. But wisdom, in the sense of having perspective of how her personal needs, wants, and desires aren't representative of all women's, or the world's problems generally? I don't think so.

The rampant demonstrations, by RW and her supporters, of unwillingness to see another's point of view, and the demonization of anyone who disagrees with them, indicates a lack of introspection and empathy, and therefore, wisdom. Instead of actually engaging with the arguments and issues presented, they merely divert attention onto the language used ("Twatson," for instance). But the medium is not the message. RW may understand that, and use it to her advantage; the tone trolls obviously don't.

I'll take an argument of substance, embellished with profanity and ridicule, over an "argument" in civil language which is no more than character assassination, any day. And the character assassination of Stef by RW and the others is what riled me. Have any of you seen anything even remotely resembling a considered, rational, evidence-based argument from the "other side" that answered Stef's original question? I haven't seen one, and I damned well want to. "Neener neener, you don't get it," besides being dismissive and insulting (calling me a twat, but with polite language), is pretty damned lame.

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 24, 2011 7:08 PM


Blog authors can edit comments.

Phil Giordana-- If Mz 'I AM THE FUTURE LEADER OF ATHEISTS! I AM A ROLE MODEL!! RESPECT MEEEEEEEEEAH!' dropped out of college, I was about to freak the fuck out.

Edit (see?)-- Dropping out of college but still pretending one graduated would also be One More Thing Watson has in common with Kasey Grant.

Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 7:11 PM


Abbie: That's Granted (see what I did there?).

The more I learn about Twatson (see my last post above at 1175), the more I feel she should be simply booted out of any public venture in the skeptic/atheist realm. It just seems to me to be little related to the subject at hands. But I recognize I was wrong, and it is kind of a central point into determining her persona, goals, agenda. Just like Tyler, I'm a drop-out. Left school when I was 17 (to play in a band, YEAH! How's that for stereotypes!) and still achieving a somewhat beautiful and happy carrer. So for me degrees don't matter. In general.

But taking a few steps back, I can totaly see how it is relevant to this shitpile.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 7:21 PM


Thanks for the replies @ 1179 and 1176. I doubt that the poster in question has the brains to use 1176's suggestion, and I have no doubt that the blog author in question has the lack of integrity required to cover up one of hir* regular poster's intellectual inadequacies.

*oh fuck, how I hate this word, whose use is increasing amongst Pharyngula's motley collection of housebound, embittered social scientists. You know, those ones whose only social contacts are with the other wimmin at the weekly knit-meet, and whose opinions are formed either there, or else fed to them as a mush at Pharyngula.

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 7:26 PM



"I dropped out of college at the beginning of my junior year and am right now working as a freelance programmer. So, glass house dweller here."

Hardly, most of the philosophical, social and feminist advances of the 20th century rest in the hands of auto didacts but RW blew her opportunity for academic credibility or even self sustenance on a shut-up-dad gut degree and she doesn't anchor opinion to anything other than what mood she is in, anecdote or something she saw on t.v..

Everyone can make make supported referenced and therefore falsifiable observations but a flikr account full of PZ, Bill Nye et al party pics is not the same as notes/brief in support/CV.

Credibility does not rub off the skin of established hard working well read auto-didacts like James Randi no matter how many times RW makes him giggle, humps his leg or dances around in a fake beard.

Just because your cat has kittens in the oven doesn't mean you can call them biscuits.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 24, 2011 7:32 PM


"Just because your cat has kittens in the oven doesn't mean you can call them biscuits."

Well, fuck you very much, kind sir/damzel. Second time I've had to wipe wine off my screen.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 7:47 PM


Abbie on skeptically speaking! NOW!

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 24, 2011 8:00 PM


1184: She just called Retroviruses "wussies"! Got a laugh.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 24, 2011 8:27 PM


I wonder if circumcision reduces the chance of being infected by HIV other than simply reducing the overall surface area during sexual contact. I love how she didn't promote circumcision she was like, "Or.... you could just wear condoms!"

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 24, 2011 8:48 PM


It was a good interview, quite interesting on the retros.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 24, 2011 8:52 PM


Glad you all liked it! It would have been funnier if it was a video, though-- 1) I just got back from the gym and look like it, and 2) I use my hands a LOT talking about populations. If I held glow sticks it would look like this.

Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 8:56 PM


I'm getting righteously sick of the "mansplainin" meme. For a start it is sexist, and for a finish it ain't even a working pun.

I propose the use of "Xplaining", whereby da wimmin's POV is ridiculed by a cleverly punning reference to chromosomes.

I did a quick google and didn't see anything, but apologies if this is an old idea.

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 9:08 PM


@Hoody 1189

Sorry, I beat you to it.

Posted by: frank habets | July 24, 2011 9:15 PM


Well, the funny thing about 'mansplaining' is, it *used* to be a derogatory phrase used by the SciBlogs Short Bus (Isisisis, ZukAIDS, Freeride, PAL, CP, etc). But PZ is too far up his own ass to realize its just as dumb and offensive when *he* uses it.

I mean, we have *had* this argument before, and Isisisisis was bawwing about how 'ERV JUST DOESNT GET IT! SHE NEEDS TO BE RAPED MORE AND THEN SHED GET IT!' and PZ was on 'my' side, but now that Watson is the one with sand in her vagina, alovasudden 'mansplaining' is SUPER CLEVER.

Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 9:17 PM


@1184 to 1188:

Awww, buggery on toast, I missed it! *sadface*

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 24, 2011 9:18 PM


It will be online Friday! Ill post a link then!

Posted by: ERV | July 24, 2011 9:20 PM


Ooh, rock, I shall be 'ere!

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 24, 2011 9:23 PM


While only tangentially related, I ran across this quote semi-randomly (hail Eris!) and thought it would fit in with the topics of logic, consistency, humanities-heavy majors and feminism quite nicely:

[kylev] hahahahaha
[kylev] some girl just came onto our floor
[kylev] and was yelling "sexual favors for anyone who does my sociology paper"
[kylev] i just asked her what the paper was about
[kylev] and she said the accomplishments and growth of feminism
[`Neo] bahahahaha

Posted by: Wild Zontargs | July 24, 2011 9:29 PM


frank habets: I don't get it...?

ERV: thanks for the history. Whodathought Myers would so radically alter one of his staunchly (*cough*) and unswervingly (*splutter*) held opinions?

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 9:31 PM


Ooops, wrong link.
I should have been

Posted by: frank habets | July 24, 2011 9:36 PM


frank: internet screwup #14: careful with the address cut 'n' paste. One day you'll innocently post a link to whatever filthy porn turns you on!!!!

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 9:51 PM


Whew, that was close!

Posted by: frank habets | July 24, 2011 9:55 PM


All, there are some points many folks overlook -

1) This "incident" is nothing new. Both Watson and her tag team partner Greta Christina, have been waging this campaign to brand the atheist and skeptic communities as misogynist rape apologists for some years now. This campaign has been relentless and methodical. I have documented some of the history in my articles. This *is* a crusade - that is not an exaggeration.

2) I wrote this was not even strictly a gender issue way back here and that it is peripheral to the larger disease. The main issue here is that of the hive collective versus the autonomous mammal, and that of crypto-fascism in faux liberal clothing versus actual liberalism. The tools they employ are propagandistic demonisation of the other (those that speak back) by painting them as subhuman, pro-rape brutes, and McCarthyist by painting anyone not in explicit agreement in the same way.

This is beyond simple gender politics - these are people that depend on scapegoating and ritual sacrifice to sustain their own derangement. And these folks represent the public face of atheism and skepticism. How far we have slidden...

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 24, 2011 10:20 PM



(This is off the whole main subject, but I LOVE words...sorry all)

I kind of like "hir", I'm in favor of making the language more gender-neutral, though I think in speech the word is ineffective and as such it should be replaced by something better.

What I hate is "womyn", as though getting rid of "men" in the word is some goal (putting a Y there makes it be pronounced DIFFERENT! Arggh)...

As I understand it (and correct me if I'm wrong, any real linguists out there), "man" was originally a gender-neutral term. There was WOman, for a female, and WEREman, for a male. (hence, WEREwolves, or MANwolves). So they could have rather pushed for man once more being restored to gender neutral (mankind) rather than fucking up spelling. I am bothered by changing a spelling of a word (which usually should fuck up the pronunciation) rather than trying to do research and find a new word, or maybe an old word, that suits.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 24, 2011 10:44 PM


Hmm, what crime did PAL commit to be thrown into the pit with the likes of CP and Zara?

Posted by: Mu | July 24, 2011 10:55 PM


@bladerunner - don't forget ad himinem.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 24, 2011 11:06 PM


Justicar, Ardent Skeptic and several others,

see Robert Conquest's second law of politics.

"(2) any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing"

and there is nothing explicitly left or right wing about atheism.

Posted by: horace | July 24, 2011 11:13 PM


bladerunner #1201: I half agree with your opinion that language should be made gender neutral. For me, that means words such as "chairman" being replaced by "chairperson", and "policeman" being replaced by "police officer". Those are instances where the noun indicates a thing whose sex is not relevant. Do I care whether the person "chairing" a meeting is a woman or a man? No.

But replacing "him/s" and "her" with "hir" is just silly. It's feminism just for the sake of it, and generally only used by the most extreme feminist proponents, thank Cod. There are two sexes, sad as that may make some people. And sometimes it is useful to distinguish between them.

After all, if we were all the same, how would da wimminz courses get University funding?

Posted by: Hoody | July 24, 2011 11:28 PM


@ 1201

" do research and find a new word, or maybe an old word, that suits."

Some info here :

Posted by: jmtz | July 24, 2011 11:30 PM


bladerunner, I am no linguist, but I'm fairly certain that you are correct. Man is gender-neutral in origin, that is why there is no feminine version of fireman, swordsman, and myriad such words - there is no need.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 24, 2011 11:40 PM


Franc Hoggle #1200:

This "incident" is nothing new. Both Watson and her tag team partner Greta Christina, have been waging this campaign to brand the atheist and skeptic communities as misogynist rape apologists for some years now.

And NBC, CNN and ABC have been waging a campaign to brand the Republican Party as a bunch of lunatics, which is why we should trust Fox News.

Posted by: Setar | July 24, 2011 11:43 PM


Watson and others have been trying to make the skeptical movement into a bellwether for left-wing identity politics for a long time. That is a huge problem, as the IP crowd considers any kind of dissent to be an expression of bigotry, oppression, and "privilege" (the latter being the most prominent sin in their catechism). Thus, when the recent fracas broke out, dissenters were misogynist rape apologists, and traitors if they were female. That's why I took Marcotte's participation as a proxy; I knew it was all downhill from there.

Posted by: TylerD | July 24, 2011 11:54 PM


Hrm. Ok. I'm awake now. I missed Abbie on ustream (totally sounds like a new urine collection technique - is it clean catch?)

Thank you for finding her academic credentials on myspace; I have no idea why I didn't think to check myspace for someone's "CV".

As has been noted earlier, the course load for this science degree explicitly requires that more than half of the courses taken not be science, or science related. I guess that means I'll have to start treating cosmetologists as the scientists they are: afrophysicists.

More interesting information from her CV at the academic clearinghouse of Myspace:

(I suppose these are from the personal interest section or special 'skills' section, to give it that "I'm a real person, and not just a clone" feel to it)

"Also, I'd just like to say that I AM NOT A NUDIST. That was the oddest thing I've ever been forced to write on my profile, but there it is. Apparently some fans are nudists and have added me as a friend, leading other nudists to assume we are "friends" not because they are skeptics but because I am a nudist. I don't really mind, but it's getting a bit silly to see dozens of messages from people asking to talk to me about being naked or asking me to join groups for nudists. So please people: I am not a nudist. Thank you. Myspace is so odd. "

"Who I'd like to meet:
People who use their brains for the purposes of good. Or evil, depending on your POV. I'll be more likely to add you if your profile shows you to be the rational sort, or if you list me as one of your heroes."

The current research interest section (clever and hipster-esque vernacular here no doubt) is titled "here's what I'm doing now"

It's blank for some reason.

Grants must be hard to come by in communication sciences - much maligned and misrepresented. I suspect conspiracy.

Well, I guess that resolves one caveat I've been putting in my writing "may or may not have been graduated from some communication school somewhere". Now we know she has a BSc from Boston University, as reported on myspace.

Abbie! is there a recorded version your ustream appearance of tonight?

I have half a mind to write to Boston U and ask them about their science standards.

I know that places sometimes get saddled with history and politics with respect to which college of the university awards what degrees. Like a physics degree from Berkeley is given out through the College of Letters and Science as a BA degree. No clue why.

I have a friend who explained it to me once, and it still made no sense to me. So, I just put that in "just the way it is I guess" category.

Posted by: Justicar | July 24, 2011 11:54 PM


My face when I read #1207:

Posted by: TylerD | July 25, 2011 12:00 AM


Horace @ 1203:
my absolutely poor understanding of politics and political theory or whatever is not exactly a secret.

I have to say that I read on politics and it's complete gibberish to me, in the same way that reading the babble is completely meaningless. I recognize all of the words. It's just their configuration that loses me. And since my intellect is limited and I have only so much time, I tend stay in areas that I have some chance of figuring out, or at least able to read a book on and not go "say waaaaaaaa?"

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 12:03 AM



Please objectify and sexualize me till your heart's content. If I didn't want that to happen, I would've worn a burqa. As for anyone else who wants to add me on FB, send me a PM, I'll delete a Palin fan to make room for you.

P.S. I also walk on streets alone, and don't always lock my front door. Occasionally, I don't even wear my seatbelt. I realize these are crimes against humanity, but they're also my choices. And yes, it's true, I'm afraid of some criminals (I worked in superior court for five years and rode in elevators with them all the time), but not men in general. Sheesh. I have no sympathy for Rebecca whatsoever. She made a huge fuss over nothing, and made money at the expense of people who actually suffered rape and abuse. And that's not to mention what she did to Dawkins and McGraw.

And to stay slightly on topic, RW needs to grow up. Who does she think she is, anyway? Internet fame is fickle and her 15 minutes is almost up.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 12:07 AM



regarding PAL, and this is what caused me to remove him from my RSS reader:

Back during the Great Science Blogs Pornography Wars of 2010, he demonstrated serious age bigotry issues by dismissing out of hand the positions of both Abbie and the guy from "the thoughtful animal" because they aren't old bastards.

Additionally he let loose with a "all porn is basically sexual assault" which is basically as misogynistic a belief as I can imagine, for a few reasons.

He was trying really really hard to get on the popular kids team.

Posted by: JohnV | July 25, 2011 12:08 AM


Tyler, it's not that Marcotte is participating. For instance, Abbie has been wrongly painted as agreeing with some of the shit I say for failing to take me to task, or allowing me to post here. This is a fallacious chain of association.

Abbie, like everyone else, has no need to disassociate herself from a view she hasn't associated herself with. So, it's not Marcotte's appearance that does it in anymore than some child rapist invalidates my opinions on, say, free speech if he also advocates for unfettered expression of thought. This would be a wholly unworkable scheme to adopt - find one child rapist to agree with your opponents and that sweeps them aside?

The problem is that she's being invited and pimped out. And presumably paid for her troubles.

It's why I say Twatson should no longer be an invited speaker, or paid to show up or anything. She's as welcome under the tent as anyone else - just she has to buy a ticket and airfare and a hotel room and all that shit on her own. Just like all the other regular folks.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 12:11 AM


On feminism and elevators -

Posted by: 7yadva | July 25, 2011 12:14 AM


First, your standards for cleverness are very, very low.

Look in the mirror, moron. If you had any sense, you wouldn't make such a stupid off target ad hominem your "first" point.

Second, well, this is exactly the point under disputation, isn't it?

Not by anyone intelligent and intellectually honest.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 12:33 AM


My favorite part of all this (and there are many), is Greta Christina's statement that something good came out of this after all. And what, you may ask? Well, after this was mostly over, Greta was doing some mundane speech somewhere. In the hallway, a (married) member of the audience came up to her and told her that her hair looked so wonderful that she should consider using it as a profile photo on Facebook. A few weeks later, he wrote her a long letter of apology, telling her what an inappropriate thing to say that was.

So there you have it, folks. Thanks to Rebecca and Christina, atheist men will never tell me again that my hair looks nice. Even if I'm not at work. Even if I'm just wandering the hallways somewhere. Even if they're doing it out of professional admiration and suddenly find themselves at a loss for words.

So thank you Rebecca. I'm drowning in gratitude. Because I truly don't know what I'd do with unsolicited hair compliments, since I have no real problems in my life to deal with. (Though if the compliments come from women, they're apparently fine.)

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 12:48 AM


Bullshit, that side is not asking for consideration and they're soing quite the opposite. That is, trying to beat the other side over the head with nonsensical accusations of misogyny.

Exactly. ChasCMoron is a lying piece of shit and he's an idiot too. "Twatson" is, as ERV said, a tripwire ... for those assholes who try to bully people with terms like "misogynist" and "gender traitor" for not sharing their doctrinal views. ChasCCretin writes:

People are arguing that you can't use the same words that misogynists use without 'having something to do with misogynists'.

By this "argument" (it's not one, it's just a claim), lexicographers must also have something to do with misogynists. The makers of the game Boggle, as well as all the people who shake those cubes and have "twat" come up and write it down on their scorecards, must have something to do with misogynists.

"Twatson" is a tripwire ... for the kind of stupid assholes who make that erroneous "argument". It's a fact that neither ERV nor I are misogynists, and no amount of sophistry by these jerks will suffice to change that fact. Hey, ChasCDumbfuck, name this fallacy:

Misogynists say "twat".
ERV says "twat".
Therefore ERV is a misogynist.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 12:51 AM


I can verify what Justicar is saying @1209 by looking at the wall in my office. A bachelor degree in physics from Berkley is a BA, and just to demonstrate that it's not a fluke, the following master from Columbia in the same subject is an MA. Apparently physics is more art than science... or something...

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 1:00 AM


Hey, forced... Don't forget the fact that misogynists say words like "words" and "like" and "you" and "and." You just can't use those words without having something to do with misogynists. At least that actually makes their arguments that everyone they interact with must a misogynist make slightly more sense, right?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 1:04 AM

I would never accuse her of being a twat. See, my daughter has one of those, and I don't think she ought to be ashamed of it.

Hey, asshole, when I call you an asshole am I doing that to make you ashamed of having an asshole? (Well, maybe you are ashamed of having one, considering how generally fucked up you are.) Your bullshit indicates that you are either too stupid to understand the actual intent of that language or you're dishonestly pretending to be. When a woman calls me a prick (yeah, it's happened; shocking), I think even you aren't so stupid as to think that her intent is to make me ashamed of having a penis ... but I do think that you are so dishonest as to not make the corresponding inference.

Here's a clue: Calling RW "Twatson" has nothing to do with her genitals, and certainly nothing to do with your daughter's or anything else about your daughter. If you think otherwise, then you are truly and genuinely stupid.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 1:19 AM


do you have any clue why it's that way?

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 1:22 AM

I wonder what will happen if I add an extra 'T'? 45153 Anagrams made from the letters: "REBECCATWATSON"

Oh, that's what happens. :)

Castrate Web Con ?

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 1:25 AM


Forced to be anonymous, you can take it easy on the rage a bit. Yeah, the dude is an idiot for thinking twatson has anything to do with her literal twat other than her acting like a twat. He is just a tone troll, you MUSTN'T feed the trolls!

Posted by: Phyraxus | July 25, 2011 1:43 AM



So, it looks like one side is asking for consideration of (perhaps arguably) valid feelings, and the other side is insisting on the right to say whatever whenever and fuck you if you can't take a joke. Because those feelings aren;t rational.

By the same criterion, shouldn't we also listen to religious people who say their feelings are hurt when people call their beliefs stupid, wrong-headed, or dangerous? It's not that you're right or wrong about this issue necessarily, but that you need a better criterion to distinguish between acceptable insults and insults beyond the pale.

I'll give you some help. Perhaps you would consider an insult to be completely wrong if it makes use of qualities people can't change about themselves (race, gender, etc.). But I see little outrage about Watson's "Dear Dick" post except from people already predisposed to be against her from the previous elevator incident. In other words, you need a further stipulation for what would constitute an insult as being absolutely off-limits if you aspire to consistency.

The most popular choice has been to use the mental construct of "patriarchy", generalizing a host of differences in power between women and men to one overarching idea of men dominating women. Let's assume it exists in some sense for argument's sake. The argument would go "men shouldn't use gendered insults because they reinforce stereotypes and denigrate femininity. Women can use gendered insults because such large power differences exist between men and women that such insults should be allowed in order to facilitate the empowerment of women by the disempowerment of men."

Even given all of that, I think the argument is a loser. Really, it's not so much an argument as it is a justification of hypocrisy: "we think it's wrong, but you're privileged so we have a right to insult you based on your gender so we can both be equal". Worse arguments have gone "'dick' isn't as bad as 'cunt' because people don't think it's as bad" and variations on the same theme of "it's not as bad because my friends and I wouldn't think it is". They're not bad arguments because what they're saying is untrue, but because they're inconsistent with the idea of gendered insults being a worse class of insults than the more generic kind, therefore gendered insults should not be used at all.

Even if insults somehow worked to "equalize" men and women (a rather dubious proposition), we would only be equal by pulling one another into a tar pit. Is that really how gender parity should be achieved?

Posted by: anonymouroboros | July 25, 2011 1:44 AM


My response to The Latest:
Something to do with bureaucracy, I would think. Somebody filed some document somewhere a hundred years ago and it would too much red tape to change it, so huge swaths of the educational system are screwy. They say it's supposed to represent that a Ba is more broad and a BS is more deep, but comparing the degrees between schools (or within the same school, in cases where both are offered), the difference seems to be miniscule to nonexistent, and varies dramatically from school to school anyway, so I call shenanigans on that.

Short version: Hell if I know.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 1:57 AM


@ anonymouroboros # 1225 - yes. Yet when I started to say the same thing over at Pharyngula, after MrDNA, I was handed my porcupine (decaying) and user instructions.

I'm thinking of having the porcupine mounted.

Posted by: KiwiInOz | July 25, 2011 2:12 AM


you can take it easy on the rage a bit

Don't patronize me, asshole. Here's a clue for you: I'm not a team player. Here's another clue for you: I use a lot of tripwires, and you just smacked yourself in the face.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 2:31 AM


Kiwiln0z: Yeah, I tried to make some very similar points over there myself. It didn't go over well. They fucking love to sexually abuse porcupines over there for some reason. They compete with one another to come up with lamest and least creative variants to use on dissenters, I think. It's the only possible explanation for their actions over there that I could come up with.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 2:37 AM


Busy day, need to sleep, but will try to respond a bit, more or less in order - have left a lot of stuff out:


What makes RW a radfem is saying that EG "sexualized" & "sexually objectified" her by "finding her interesting" & asking to talk to her

Except this leaves out quite a few details, y'know. I'm presuming everybody still reading this is familiar with what's getting left out (if not, the internet is willing to help you!), so hey, whatever, but it still suggests a dismissive viewpoint. Could it even help shape opinion a little bit? I mean, if you keep hearing the whole incident basically described as 'all he did was compliment her and ask to talk to her!', despite knowing there's a whole lot more there, does that some some small influence? I don't know. There is research out there suggesting we're all pretty susceptible to various rhetorical practices and so on...

Justicar -
Thanks for the info re: police, investigation, and professionalism.

To then take that as a platform to speak on the behalf of one half of the world's population to dictate to the other half what they are *permitted* to say is a step too far.

What's fascinating it the different ways we're perceiving this.

To me and a lot of other folks, it's either a "oh, never thought of that - wow!" (as you put it) moment, or a 'well, yes, of course' sort of thing. Also that it seems like helpful advice for the discussion over making more of a place for women in the ~atheist movement, perhaps a bit limited on the very literal level, but also suggesting broader consciousness-raising, let's just think a bit about what we're doing sort of stuff.

To a lot of other people, even just this (regardless of one's views on Watson's later actions) seems to be this horrible or absurd imposition by some radical crazed petty tyrant that they must vigorously oppose.

It's really strange and I think (to jump ahead to seaside681's comment about criteria) may be one thing that's tripping people's sexism alerts.

To make a really rough and oversimplified analogy, imagine RW was a black skeptic named Randolph Watson who talked on a panel about what he saw about as race-related problems in the community (in the context of an ongoing attempt to get more minorities active in the movement), got on an elevator to go to bed, and had a fellow (but white) passenger address him as, 'hey, my n*****!'. (Who knows - maybe EC was kinda drunk, perhaps not all that well-socialized, and - overcome by boozy excitement and stammering admiration for an idol of his - didn't quite get that it probably wouldn't be taken as an expression of camaraderie and brotherhood. It's possible, right?) And then RW makes a youtube video saying, 'look, white people - don't do that.' And lots of people are like, of course!, or 'oh man, good to know!' (presumably this alternate reality is just racially backward enough that it could be a previously unthought-of surprise), or even 'EC's really racist!' .... but some are like, 'NO! You can't dictate what we're permitted to say! Feeling entitled to tell all white people what they can or cannot say - that's the real racism here'

(You can say, well, that's not equivalent to a woman having an unknown man suddenly suggest "coffee" in his hotel room an 4am in an elevator, etc., b/c while lots of women have asserted that would be at least creepy, not every woman agrees. and well, sure - I'm mainly just trying to convey how it comes across at this point ... but if it'll help, feel free to make a scenario with some slur/act/etc. that would be creepy/offensive/etc. to many - but not every single member - of whatever group's involved. (Hey, I'm tired...)

The only reason this group is being told something is because they are a member of that group by genital arrangement
Personally, I'm grossly prejudiced against anyone whose genitals are arranged radially. But anyway, in my clumsy analogy above, this would be "a member of that group by skin color". And hey, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't worry about it.
and it is used to deny them the right to engage in conversation with people
. That is sexism pure and simple
Did Rebecca Watson say, 'hey, guys! Talking to people? Don't do that!"? 'Cause I missed it. I thought she said something about not inviting women you've literally just met back to your room for "coffee" while you're both in a hotel elevator at 4am?

The gentleman didn't address the whole of the universe and start making demands on the behalf of all men everywhere as to what all women everywhere must accept. He went and talked to Abbie and said, hey, um, in the future, please don't do that .... And Abbie immediately realized that the game afoot was playing with his safety because as a man he's expected to be a certain way, and the woman, as a woman, is expected not to be a certain way. That because he's a tall black guy he is somehow immune from having concern over his safety ... Did Abbie then get up and start making proclamations on anyone's behalf to other groups about how they're supposed to be? No.
She felt like shit and told a story of something she did, how it ended and why it was wrong that it happened... And you know what? If she hadn't written that, I would have never thought about in those terms... who knows wrong in the future will help to prevent me from doing, even if by sheer "oh, never thought of that - wow!"...

That's a really great example! A question:

Let's say the guy did make a youtube video saying, er, folks ... this happened to me the other day, and um, don't do that, ok? (especially if he had just been talking at a neighborhood meeting about how he felt that folks were assuming that he was immune from safety concerns as a black man, and treating him accordingly). Would you still be like, "oh, never thought of that - wow!", or would you be all OH HELL NO YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHEN AND WHO I CAN LET INTO YOUR PROPERTY!

And - if Abbie had started getting all proclaim-y? What would you say?

Compare this to [Watson]. I've learned that some people are more interested in being known than in solving problems [etc.]
Why? Why wasn't this a wow! moment too, for you?

Posted by: Dan S. | July 25, 2011 2:49 AM


As Nietzsche said, after reading the last Elevator Guy blogpost from PZ Myers, "Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

The horde have become the very thing that they have battled.

Posted by: KiwiInOz | July 25, 2011 2:50 AM

despite knowing there's a whole lot more there

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Here's the reality: Rebecca Watson sexualized EG by treating his offer of coffee (even in his room, even at 4am) as a sexual advance. And not just a sexual advance, but a threat of rape.

And here's something for you personally to consider: you use a lot of words to say almost nothing.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 3:03 AM


@KiwiInOz: Yeah, I am hesitant at pushing the Nietzschean angles too much as I don't get to see too many days when I'm not accused of being a Nazi as it is. But when it comes to understanding this nonsense, N. is THE MAN. The Watson camp are carbon copy nihilists of the kind that N. wrote about when railing against christianity, and the whole power dynamic here is that of slave morality.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 25, 2011 3:04 AM


a really rough and oversimplified analogy ... 'hey, my n*****!'.

Wait ... so EG called Twatson "Twatson" or "bitch" or something like that ... that's something we would know by looking around the internet? Or are you just as dumb as a sack of rocks?

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 3:10 AM



That a man technically has the right to hit on a woman at almost any time (barring harassment, real threatening, etc.), is a simple truth... Stating that does not defend it when someone does it any more than defending the Westboro Idiots' rights to speech defends their ideas.

a) the guys saying it haven't included that those caveats (harassment, etc.). More to the point,
b) there's a difference between 'as hateful and twisted as we find the Westboro Idiots' (I like that) hate-filled speech, they have a 1st Amendment right to do so, and that's necessary, b/c (etc.) and (simplistic analogy) I HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL YOU AN AIDS-RIDDLED FAGGOT HATED BY GOD - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! And perhaps one could even see how it's not so insanely big a stretch to go from that to a hypothetical cop who maybe's not acting so professional when it comes to crimes against gay people? One might even assume that the speaker might be a bit homophobic ...


Pain pills are making my English bad. Ugh, forgive.

That sucks. Feel better ... (But your English seems quite good)

Also, the whole thing with crossing the street is ridiculous. For one, I walk so fast that no man as ever passed me. Granted, that may just be me, but why assume that men, on average, walk faster than women? Pure idiocy.
Again, stuff is getting left out, even if just through brevity, mistakes or things getting garbled in transmission - Laden specified "a woman walking towards you in the middle of the night on a lonely urban street"

Personally I'm a man, and if I'm walking along a dark, lonely street or through a deserted subway concourse/walkway and notice that I'm right behind/gaining on a woman, I'll specifically slow down, hang back, and otherwise try to indicate 'hey, not a threat!'. And sure, I'm, ah, not the most physically intimidating guy, and in actuality the biggest risk they're facing is if I have my nose stuck in a book and end up tripping into them. But still, y'know, it's kinda the least I can do - based on trying to listen to women, some awareness of rape stats, the fact that it seems every few months around here there's yet another serial rapist terrorizing one neighborhood or other, etc., etc. Do you feel this is sexist?

(Now, if in response to this huge numbers of women across various blogs are all like, 'hey, you don't need to do that!' (or worse, 'it's actually more scary!' or 'it makes me horribly offended and uncomfortable), I'd be all apologetic, and stop ... unless at least some women were also like, no, keep it up, in which case I'd be pretty confused about what to do, but hopefully wouldn't make angry-sounding comments about 'so, guess you're saying I can't walk anywhere a woman might be, is that it? '

Assuming that a man wants coffee late at night is an invitation for sex is prejudice.
It's 4am and a guy she's never met before invites her back to his hotel room for coffee, and making the incredibly standard assumption that this is an invitation for sexyfuntimes is prejudice? I mean, I have the social skills of a elderly potato, and on a number of occasions have taken ludicrously obvious come-ons clueslessly literally (with some pretty amusing results), but this just seems ... *shakes head* (And yes, no doubt there are guys out there would mean that literally - the spiritual descendants of long-ago guys who really were just thinking to share the wonders of art appreciation when they invited women up to see their etchings. .

(And really, it would seem Watson is doing a great favor for confused people of both sexes - coffee-offering guys now know to maybe suggest another venue, and coffee-hopeful women now know to be careful about what might end up an awkward, upsetting - or worse - situation...

If you want men to stop being sexist toward women, stop being sexist toward men.

This sounds a little bit like Stef McGraw's comment (in that original response all those weeks ago) that "If you really want social equality for women, which is what feminism is, why not apply the same standards to men and women, and stop demonizing men for being sexual beings> In addition, it also sounds, to me, incredibly confused. Is the idea that male sexism caused by female "sexism" (scare quotes since I disagree with th examples given). Or that the idea is to break a cycle or retaliation? Uniateral sexism-disarmament will result in gender peace?

(I'd add that sexism also includes men being sexist to men, and women to women, but I guess I'm just a radical ... (if you'd call stuff like "Free to Be You and Me" a radical feminist manifesto ...)

Have to go to sleep. Will try more later.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 25, 2011 3:11 AM


I must confess to only having the garden variety of understanding of Nietzsche, and I hadn't heard of his Master-slave morality discourse. Fascinating stuff - and I will read more. Thanks Franc.

Posted by: KiwiInOz | July 25, 2011 3:12 AM

if it'll help, feel free to make a scenario with some slur/act/etc. that would be creepy/offensive/etc. to many

We've been all over this, moron. See, e.g., #49:

I am merely suggesting some friendly advice to black people late at night. They just shouldn't walk behind white people because some white people are afeared. It's not racist or anything - just friendly advice.

The thing about intellectually dishonest dimwits like you, Dan, is that you selectively look at this sort of thing only in the direction that supports you and never in the direction that challenges you. There are all sorts of acts that are creepy/offensive to many -- like, say, smashing communion wafers -- but that criterion alone doesn't add up to a hill of beans.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 3:21 AM

It's 4am and a guy she's never met before

That may or may not be true; in any case, he was familiar with her and said so.

and making the incredibly standard assumption that this is an invitation for sexyfuntimes is prejudice? I mean, I have the social skills of a elderly potato, and on a number of occasions have taken ludicrously obvious come-ons clueslessly literally (with some pretty amusing results), but this just seems ... *shakes head*

Because, apparently, you are incapable of thinking of women as anything other than walking crotches and so you assume that the same is true of all men.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 3:29 AM


Truthy, is that you ?

Posted by: Rorschach | July 25, 2011 4:01 AM


Ok, a little bit more:


By the same criterion, shouldn't we also listen to religious people who say their feelings are hurt when people call their beliefs stupid, wrong-headed, or dangerous?

Well, yes, and then act accordingly to our values, beliefs and goals. (After all, there's been a bit of a dispute over what exactly we should be doing). Ultimately, that says a lot about how we value those folks, even just on a practical level. Religious people aren't all that welcome in the atheist movement, reasonably enough. To the extent that elevatorgate (and even "twatsongate" , to a much less widespread degree) say to a fair a number of women that women aren't really all that welcome in the atheist movement ...

The argument would go "men shouldn't use gendered insults because they reinforce stereotypes and denigrate femininity. Women can use gendered insults because such large power differences exist between men and women that such insults should be allowed in order to facilitate the empowerment of women by the disempowerment of men."

Having a dick - and by extension, being a man - hasn't in itself been a source of shame and oppression (what, is that too radical? What would you describe how women were treated a century or three back? How they're treated in way too much of the world today? (as Dawkins mentioned). Having a vagina - by extension- being a woman has been. Calling somebody a dick isn't saying all that much about manhood; calling someone a twat/etc. has enormous baggage and way too readily plays into downright misogynistic ideas. Going upstream vs. going downstream, though that's not really clear at all, sorry ...


... Greta Christina's statement that something good came out of this after all. ..., Greta was doing some mundane speech somewhere. In the hallway, a (married) member of the audience came up to her and told her that her hair looked so wonderful that she should consider using it as a profile photo on Facebook. A few weeks later, he wrote her a long letter of apology, telling her what an inappropriate thing to say that was.

And here's part of it:

"And then I did it. Right after all the talk about how women at atheist conferences get sexualized by men, I told you that your hair looked great and you ought to use a picture from the conference as your avatar.

I wasn’t hitting on you, and I hope you knew that. My wife told me later that she thought my comment was inappropriate in that setting, and I agreed with her after a short discussion. I saw you speak at the AA conference later that month but never got a chance to talk to you and apologize in person.

To make a long story short, all the recent discussions of male privilege and sexism ...have further enlightened the feminist I’ve always thought I was and made me remember my faux pas.

So I want to apologize. I want to emphasize that your writing is what first gripped and inspired me. ...

I still think you looked great. But I should have waited until we met again in a more casual environment, say, sitting around a hotel bar, to pay you that compliment...."

forced to be anonymous

I do not think that word [knowing] means what you think it means.

Well, I meant a lot of what you yourself just mentioned - elevator, 4am, coffee. So maybe it does...

Wait ... so EG called Twatson "Twatson" or "bitch" or something like that ... that's something we would know by looking around the internet? Or are you just as dumb as a sack of rocks?
Oh man, if only I had remembered to type "a really rough and oversimplified analogy .." ...
And here's something for you personally to consider: you use a lot of words to say almost nothing.
I do have pretty low idea density, don't I? And given what I've read about relevant research, that kinda suggests I might well be wandering the streets in senile confusion in at best a few more decades - and here I am spending precious minutes arguing with a low-grade Mr. Furious knock-off. Hell, I'm dumber than a sack of rocks.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 25, 2011 4:03 AM


I wrote the blogpost Phil linked to in comment #1175.

I did a great deal of research to come to my own conclusion about the Krauss/Epstein brouhaha which went viral in the skeptic/atheist community at the time. While doing the research, I tried to see if the available facts in the case supported the accusations reported by the media. They didn't. Epstein was accused by the attorneys for the "victims" as being an international child sex trafficker, yet no one in the probable cause statements or the incident reports mentioned lots or ANY young girls with foreign accents doing sexual favors for Epstein or any of his friends. It just didn't add up.

So, here's my question about Elevator Man...

1) Rebecca states that she had never spoken with elevator man before he spoke those, now, infamous words on the elevator.

2) In her video, Rebecca quotes EM as saying the following:

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I find you very interesting and I would like to talk more. Would you like to come to my hotel room for coffee?

If the "words that are used" matter so much to the people making the case for sexism by EM, why don't they question the inconsistency of these two statements? I don't believe that EM would have used the phrase "I would like to talk more" if, in fact, he hadn't spoken to her previously in the bar or there hadn't been more conversation in the elevator before his question about coffee. If what Rebecca stated in her video was the only thing EM ever said to her, I think he would most likely have said, "I would like to talk."

If I've never spoken to someone before I don't use the word "more". I don't think most people would, but perhaps I'm wrong. Still, the word "more" rings alarm bells for me because those two "facts" have a jarring affect when I try to review the "evidence" being presented about EM.

I like evidence. I'm really tired of being told I have to 'mind read' EM and know not just that he wanted to have sex with Rebecca, but to be classified as objectification, his sexual interest was solely because of her female genitalia. And, I find this necessary 'mind reading' leap most especially annoying when the "facts" we have been given don't seem to add up properly. The use of the word "more" implies that he felt a connection of some kind based on something, well, "more". I want to know why I must interpret the word "more" to mean 'solely physical lust because of nothing but this short exchange of words in an elevator'.

Am I over thinking this? I know I have a tendency to go over things again and again until I feel that I have done my best to weigh the evidence carefully before reaching a conclusion. What I perceive to be an inconsistency in the "facts" doesn't seem to be bothering anyone on the Rebecca supporter side of the aisle. Surprising, since they find this "evidence" so convincing as proof of sexism in the atheist community.

"Am I over thinking this?" is a rhetorical question I guess. Elevator Man is a very minor issue in another shameful example of a lack of skepticism by skeptics, and a willingness to crucify those among us who refuse to draw over-reaching conclusions based on gossip (which is all Rebecca's narrative is) and suspicions about EM's intentions based on no concrete evidence. I'm not sure I wish to own the title of 'skeptic' anymore. I was already seriously considering no longer associating with skeptics after the Krauss character assassination. It was extremely hard for me to write about a difficult period in my life in an effort to explain why applying skeptical principles is so important particularly when evaluating emotionally charged issues. I also knew that if I didn't discuss my own history of verbal, physical, and sexual child abuse, I would very likely have been dismissed as a rape apologist. Now, we're right back to casually tossing the word "rape" into a conversation about a non-event like this. It's really disheartening!

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 25, 2011 4:42 AM


Um, radical feminism isn't a left-wing identity politics issue, if it were it would be inclusive.

Now you know how liberals feel.

Dan S:

Bluharmony is talking, shut up and listen. Stop talking, if you're talking you're not listening. Don't mansplain issues to her.

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 4:45 AM


Dan S.:
I have to say that it's not remotely interesting to me in how people are "perceiving" things differently. That's because these "perceptions" aren't "perceptions", they're contrivances of people's imaginations. Making shit up in one's head doesn't give them an "interesting perspective"; it indicates they have an undisciplined imagination.

It's clearly not in the category of "well, yes" because many of us are saying, "um, no." "Well, yes" type of stuff would be a better description of someone looking for their glasses and someone else pointing out they're on top of one's head. "Oh, so they are - obviously".

And it's not an "oh, I didn't think of that" kind of thing either. Quite a lot of us have thought about it and said, "um, no." To smuggle in either one of those requires that the thing to be discussed is indisputably true. This situation is not in that category. Declaring from on high that it must be does no work in making it such.

The "even just this" bit is similarly ill-placed. If you think otherwise, when is it that I can hop on youtube and advise all blacks they are to do _____. Or all women? Or all Mexicans? Or all republicans? Or all Catholics? I suppose I might be *able* to do that at anytime I choose. Almost everyone would correctly label me a bigot for doing so.

I'm an advocate for equality. Equality plus 1 special exception isn't equality; it's preferential treatment for one class to the detriment of another. This is antithetical to equality.

1+1 = 3 is almost equal. One pesky detail there: it isn't equal.

If you can't make up a scenario about racism where you can't write the word nigger in the dialogue that the racist would use towards a black person, you have problems. Racists don't go around saying, you're an n asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk. They say "you're a nigger". If you can't deal with the language, don't expect me to treat you as being available to discuss any serious issues in the subjugation of peoples because of some arbitrary distinction that can be made about what group it is to which they belong.

Racism is a tool to oppress, harm, kill, torture and suppress sentient creatures. Wanting to discuss what it entails but being unable to write the word nigger demonstrates a lack of mature, sophisticated thought, and a mismatch of priorities. Calling people nigger isn't what kills them. It isn't what oppresses them. It isn't what tortures them. Actually doing those things is.

I have many times addressed your particular example here. That the word is offensive to many people gives precisely zero of them the right to take vicarious offense on the behalf of people for whom the word isn't offensive. Further, it is not the province of any person to determine in advance what other free agents may think or say. The very idea of free speech is that I get to say things you dislike. I get to say things the entire world may actually hate. Doing so is at my own expense, and the consequences are mine to bear. But the decision of when and if to undertake those is mine alone.

I do not grant to you, or anyone else the right to either a.) determine on my behalf what thoughts I'm allowed to have, and when I'm allowed (by them) to express them, or b.) to determine in advance on my behalf what words and ideas I'm not allowed to hear. It is a treachery of intellect and dignity to tell someone that you know better than they know what they can handle hearing or thinking.

If you disagree, then please direct me to the person to whom you grant this power to determine for you when you're allowed to speak, to whom, under what conditions, and what you're allowed to hear, by whom and under what conditions. I've yet to meet a single person who is willing to cede that power to another - apparently, none of us trusts others to do our thinking and feeling for us when it's put that way.

Yet, this is the exact consequence of the world countenanced in your example.

I will not submit; I will resist this for however long I live and am able.

Fun fact: there are groups in the United States right this moment who wish to bring about the passage of legislation which would alternately do any or some of the following: deny me equal status to everyone else, have my existence legislated against by way of the death penalty, prevent me working except in fields they've determined in advance I'm allowed to work in. I resist their ideas. I unreservedly support their right to advocate them.

Your world forestalls the human right to be wrong and to learn by presupposing that there exist ideas which can't be spoken and thus will never be challenged and hashed out.

Thank you, no.

As a valedictory, "NO! You can't dictate what we're permitted to say! Feeling entitled to tell all white people what they can or cannot say - that's the real racism here'"

That's precisely the definition of racism. And telling someone they are not possessed of the right to do that is a resistance to tyranny.

You're welcome to argue for that world if you want. I'll stand against it. I wish you the best of luck, but you have an impossible battle before you.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 4:52 AM


Dan S. (again):
I should read more posts before I respond. You said, "Except
a) the guys saying it haven't included that those caveats (harassment, etc.). . ."

Everyone here has made these caveats, most of us explicitly. None of us seems to think that we need include it in each new post. Should append it as a signature line to everything we write?

"Did Rebecca Watson say, 'hey, guys! Talking to people? Don't do that!"? 'Cause I missed it. I thought she said something about not inviting women you've literally just met back to your room for "coffee" while you're both in a hotel elevator at 4am? "

What part of this exactly failed to meet the criteria of "talking to people"?


If it happens to turn out to be the case that Twatson owned the hotel in which this took place, I will eat my fucking words. And I'll donate my entire life savings to skepchick, or an organization of her choosing. (It's a safe bet it'll be hers though)

You are simply not comparing like with like. I am free to debar whomever I choose from my personal property. You are not free to decide who is an exception to that policy. Twatson was in public. Further. She didn't simply say "don't do that *to me*"; she said it for people on whose behalf she is not entitled to speak. Or requested. Indeed, many of those whom she took the liberty to make decisions for have asked her not to do it. She refuses to stop speaking for them - explicitly so.

You need to give this more though.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 5:08 AM


To a lot of other people, even just this (regardless of one's views on Watson's later actions) seems to be this horrible or absurd imposition by some radical crazed petty tyrant that they must vigorously oppose.
I dunno, perhaps you should go ask those people. Most people here have stressed that it is about far more than just the original incident and youtube video. Obviously, it is necessary to discuss these events in context, but it isn't narrowly about what happened at the beginning.

got on an elevator to go to bed, and had a fellow (but white) passenger address him as, 'hey, my n*****!'.
My understanding is that had EG hit on Watson earlier on, in the bar, when she wasn't tired and going to bed, then it would have been more acceptable. Would your analogous situation be fine if it was earlier on and in a more public area, like a bar? No? Then your analogy fails.

If you really think a man politely hitting on a woman is morally equivalent to a white man calling a black man "my nigger", you have some seriously messed up view on reality. Because those two things are in no way equivalent.

Posted by: Spence | July 25, 2011 5:17 AM


@ justic(i)ar #1243

Calling people nigger isn't what kills them. It isn't what oppresses them. It isn't what tortures them. Actually doing those things is.

You are living proof of how words can wind people up. Lynch mobs start with words. Actions start with words. This whole blown up thread is a case in point. EG and Dawkins got a light rap on the knuckles for their lack of consideration. The above shitstorm of tripe is what it is coming to. And there are people here who let this idiocity into their way of thinking. And their way of thinking will lead to their future actions. (Or is it all just hot air on your part?)

I will not submit; I will resist this for however long I live and am able.

Reading your post, I get the impression you are the unfortunate lovechild of Mel Gibson and a soap box.

Posted by: theophontes | July 25, 2011 5:46 AM


@Dan S.

Well, yes, and then act accordingly to our values, beliefs and goals. (After all, there's been a bit of a dispute over what exactly we should be doing). Ultimately, that says a lot about how we value those folks, even just on a practical level. Religious people aren't all that welcome in the atheist movement, reasonably enough. To the extent that elevatorgate (and even "twatsongate" , to a much less widespread degree) say to a fair a number of women that women aren't really all that welcome in the atheist movement ...

Unfortunately, this has little to do with the argument I was addressing. The argument I addressed was "we should listen to a side if their feelings are hurt, even if those feelings do not seem logical". I pointed out that most atheists don't act that way to believers because accuracy is more important than comforting those with religious sentiments. Religion isn't an unchangeable element within a person, so atheists are, to some degree, trying to coax religious people into becoming atheists if we believe that a world with less religion would be a better world.

Perhaps the whole elevator problem has made some women dissociate themselves from the skeptic movement, but one must also ask why it is giving some that specific message about sexism and atheism? It need not be the case that the skeptic movement is actually rife with sexism; it is only necessary that they construe what has happened as such for most to believe it's sexism. The elevator event itself couldn't have reasonably been construed as evidence of sexism within the skeptic movement at large, so it seems that only by the many analyses afterwards that the elevator incident has come to be an act of misogyny, potential rape, etc. In other words, enough people saying "there is sexism in the skeptic movement" leads people to believe it, regardless of whether there actually is sexism.

Having a dick - and by extension, being a man - hasn't in itself been a source of shame and oppression. [...] Having a vagina - by extension- being a woman has been. Calling somebody a dick isn't saying all that much about manhood; calling someone a twat/etc. has enormous baggage and way too readily plays into downright misogynistic ideas. Going upstream vs. going downstream, though that's not really clear at all, sorry ...

No, it's not particularly clear. How does calling someone a dick say less about the particular gender the insult refers to than calling someone a bitch? The word "bitch" is less reductive than the word "dick" is since the latter reduces men to their sexual organs, so, from the standpoint of "one shouldn't insult a person based on things that they can't change about themselves", that argument is a non-starter.

The question is, do most people associate the words with the "enormous baggage of history" in normal usage? I'm not convinced that most people do. They know the insults are associated with a gender and with a particular idea about the gender, but do not use the words to say "I'm going to oppress and shame you because of your genitalia". In other words, power disparity plays little role in the usual day-to-day instances of those who use those insults in English. The analysis thereof is rather detached from usage in real life.

The whole "Twatson" debacle is more a quirk of the name than evidence of wide-spread sexism. If her name were "Rebecca Diot", we would likely be seeing "Rebecc-iDiot" or some similar pleasantry.

Posted by: anonymouroboros | July 25, 2011 5:50 AM


theophontes @ 1246:
I do not dispute that people are irrational. That is never a convincing reason to forgo reason. "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Einstein.

It isn't the words that kill people, genius. It's the ideas the words are used in service of that matter. The word nigger or faggot or cunt or twat or dick or kike have killed precisely no one. I can use other, friendlier sounding words and convey an exactly equivalently deadly ideology. Words alone do not have power; it's how they're used that matters.

Is it hot air on my part? Does it matter if it is? You've failed to identify a single defect in the chain of reasoning. Implying that I might be full of shit, or posturing does no work with respect to diminishing the points I made. These points, one notes, aren't contingent on any ethical failing to which I might be subject in the face of danger, or fear of danger. I should hope that I wouldn't falter, but even if I do, the points stand or fall on their own merits.

Assuming for the moment that Dawkins and EG actually did receive a light knuckle rap, this reality would exist in perfect concordance with, "I get to say things the entire world may actually hate. Doing so is at my own expense, and the consequences are mine to bear. But the decision of when and if to undertake those is mine alone." One notes that Dawkins hasn't complained one jot about any criticism that's gone his way. It would appear that he's fully capable of bearing the consequence and expense of his free speech, with dignity even.

With respect to EG, we have no evidence that such person even exists. We merely have a contrived avatar that may or may not represent an actual person. I decline to speculate as to how an entirely hypothetical person may or may not be reacting to events ascribed to him or her. There is a picture of all the people in the bar just before Twatson left. She could easily point and say "there, that's him". You know, naming names and all that jazz.

But it seems as though only some of us practice what we "preach".

If that's the best you can do, then I guess that's just the best you can do. But it's weak. I'm unimpressed by your acumen. Do better.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 6:13 AM


"Having a dick - and by extension, being a man - hasn't in itself been a source of shame and oppression "

Yes it has.

The Chief gets to have many wives and will beat the crap out of anyone of lesser status who wants to dip the wick.

Coming-of-age rituals usually involve rape or genital mutilation of the boys and failing to succumb to these demands means you don't get any rights to use your dick.

And your statement itself is a source of oppression of all men with a dick. I'm sorry, I've done things that I am sorry for, there's no reason to feel sorry about things I haven't done too.

Posted by: Wow | July 25, 2011 7:21 AM


I'm not convinced that having a penis is a source of oppression, but has it been used to try and shame men?

Fuck yeah.

I keep getting told I need to remain permanently silent, because I'm a man, that I can't discuss equality issues because I'm a man and that would be telling women about their experiences, that I hate women, that I keep women down, that I'm a potential rapist, that explaining something to a woman even using the same words as I would a man is sexist mansplaining.

Radical feminism is anti-liberal, exclusive, bullshit.

I say this as a feminist.

So do most women, you lot realise radical feminism is a movement smaller than liberal feminism right? So listening to women should make you want to reject radical feminism, and being a liberal should make you want to reject radical feminism which says that left politics are 'male' and can be safely ignored. How about supporting the differently gendered, LGBT issues? Then you should reject radical feminism since Queer theorists argue that the radical feminist ideas on gender are essentialist and that many forms of gender identity complicate any absolute opposition between "men" and "women". Want equality? Then you should reject radical feminism because of its commitment to the sex-class paradigm and gender war that's goal is to "defeat men".

PZ Myers should reject it because he's an educator if nothing else. How the fuck are you supposed to be a teacher whilst never explaining anything to a woman?

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 7:52 AM


Thanks for the links and comments re: Ouellette's frankly childish behaviour with regard to linking (and then deleting the link to) my blog. I think that if you can't stand up for what you write, and if you don't possess enough integrity to stick by it (and not secretly edit it!), then you just shouldn't write it.

I don't think Dawkins was wrong in his comment, I do think it's wrong to tack the sexism label on to things that aren't really big issues, and I will stand to that belief even if people like Ouellette try to discredit me by claiming that I've never experienced sexist discrimination, or that I'm brainwashed by my own "cultural baggage"...

Posted by: Jennifer Keane | July 25, 2011 8:06 AM


Jennifer, I thoroughly enjoyed your article on integrity. Alas, it's only worthwhile to those who already care about the concept. So, other than giving me something to read and say "sweet, another person who cares about honesty!", I'm afraid you may well have wasted your time.

But I would never say that to your face because I don't want a Tai Kwon Leap boot to the head. (a dramatic re-enactment for all you Dr. Demento fans out there).

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 8:27 AM


Well, looking for some positives to come out of all of this.

One thing is that I think Rebecca will not be getting hit on at many skeptic conferences in the future. I mean, if you're a guy and your thinking about it, you may weigh up the benefits (sleeping with RW) against the costs (possibly becoming the centre of a blogospheric shitstorm) and perhaps decide that taking up base jumping is less risky.

Then all she has to do is switch off youtube comments and that is pretty much all of the bad things in her life dealt with.

Oh. But wait. She relies on all that bad shit happening to have something to drone on about in her talks.

Perhaps she will leave the youtube comments on, after all.

@1253, Justicar, did that one pop up while you were searching for yiffing videos?

Posted by: Spence | July 25, 2011 9:31 AM


"If RW really just wanted an anecdote to roll with, she probably would have made up something a lot better than "some guy asked me back to his hotel room for coffee and then backed off when I said no.""

Of course, you could say the same about the parable of the Boy who cried Wolf. Or the little boy who put his finger in a dike (careful!).

It could also have been something along those lines with "irrelevant" additional information left out. E.g. how she was flirting with a few blokes there (but not EG). Or how EG was there to begin with, and she got on after him.

Posted by: Wow | July 25, 2011 9:42 AM


not all! It's contained on a CD someone gave me when I was 12. It was titled "Novelty Bits and Pieces from CDs". It's when I was exposed to the genius of Tom Lehrer, the Frantics and quite a few other things. Actually, it was a cassette tape that I had, not a CD. I wish I still had that; no matter, I have the entire thing memorized.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 9:43 AM



You are living proof of how words can wind people up. Lynch mobs start with words. Actions start with words. This whole blown up thread is a case in point. EG and Dawkins got a light rap on the knuckles for their lack of consideration. The above shitstorm of tripe is what it is coming to. And there are people here who let this idiocity into their way of thinking. And their way of thinking will lead to their future actions. (Or is it all just hot air on your part?)

No, they don't. Those things start because there's a bunch of people who want to go lynch a darkie, they just needed a little proddin'. If there hadn't been such a huge concentration of racist assholes in this country, if the powers that be hadn't tacitly approved if it over and over again, you wouldn't have had lynch mobs.

Some schmuck in a living room railing about how that nigger done whistled at a white girl and we done gots to teach him and all the others a lesson doesn't get a lynch mob together if he's the only racist. At that point, they're all like "Really? Here's a better thought. How's 'bout you sit down, shut the fuck up and we explain just how stupid you really are?"

The people in the lynch mob *already wanted to do that*. The words are just an excuse. I think lynch mobs are wrong. you can use "nigger" around me all day long, you're not convincing me to help drag someone out of their home and hang them from a tree. In fact, i'm probably going to let the cops know they should keep a eye on you because you're a damned dangerous fool.

Words don't create racists, they at most help them find their own kind and assist with target selection.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 25, 2011 10:16 AM


Dan S.:

To the extent that elevatorgate (and even "twatsongate" , to a much less widespread degree) say to a fair a number of women that women aren't really all that welcome in the atheist movement

Probably true. At the same time, the reactions to elevatorgate by Watson and her cohorts has also been saying to a fair number of women that they arent really all that welcome in the atheist community either. (See for example, Stef McGraw.) But further, the reactions by many are saying to a fair number of women and men that the atheist community doesnt believe women are equal to men. (Perhaps the most egregious are Laden's suggestions about crossing the street.) So which is the better message? "We will put on our kid gloves because we want you to be with us." Or "Youre welcome to run with us if you pull up your big-boy pants." Neither is entirely unambiguous to the percieved status of women.

Posted by: Dave | July 25, 2011 10:24 AM


forced to be anonymous wrote:

Castrate Web Con ?
That has GOT to be the best anagram of 'Rebecca Twatson' there is, without even needing to see them all. :D

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 25, 2011 10:55 AM


Dave: At the same time, the reactions to elevatorgate by Watson and her cohorts has also been saying to a fair number of women that they arent really all that welcome in the atheist community either.

This is very, very true, and repeated by numerous women. I have a friend in 'Frisco who is a TAM veteran, and she recounts what can only be described as "misogyny" from the Skepchick elite at every turn. I quote her own account -

“I went to introduce myself and I received the coldest response. As if I was in high school and it was as if i dared to talk to one of the popular girls. I even got an “eye roll”. Quite unexpected I might say… I just smiled and pretended I did not receive the response I did. But I watched her, she’s a flirt, a huge flirt with the men (nothing wrong with that, I’m a flirt too), and the women she seems to be nice to, are famous, fellow Skepchicks, and those that can promote her.”

At the same time she noted her male partner who presented some minor talks was fawned all over.

It's just wall-to-wall tales of hypocrisy and double standards from each person I speak with that has ever met Watson and crew.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 25, 2011 11:16 AM


@ justacar # 1244 & #1249 (no order)

Calling people nigger isn't what kills them. It isn't what oppresses them. It isn't what tortures them. Actually doing those things is.
and your next post:
It isn't the words that kill people, genius. It's the ideas the words are used in service of that matter. The word nigger or faggot or cunt or twat or dick or kike have killed precisely no one.

You seem to have a very narrow world view. In Rwanda, quite recently, just calling someone a Tutsi could be enough for their death. The same for calling a Hutu moderate "traitor". In South Africa, it is enough to call someone "makwerekwere" ("cockroach") to get a mob baying for a foreigner's blood. The same is true of calling someone "queer" as an insult.

Your knowledge of other peoples and cultures can be excused. But not your lack of knowledge of your own countries people and its history, which is very telling. Calling someone "nigger" is not acceptable. Do not go and hide behind literature (you are not Mark Twain) or academia. Context does count, don't generalise this to give yourself a free pass to be a bigot.

Words alone do not have power; it's how they're used that matters.
But words do have power. Please, let us take a little walk around Johannesburg and let you call someone "nigger", or "queer" or any single derogatory word. One single word. You will either be arrested, if you are lucky, or wake up with a new arsehole. A small change in context may change your attitude. Don't think that your current, privileged, world-view enjoys universal currency.
One notes that Dawkins hasn't complained one jot about any criticism that's gone his way
I have a very high regard for Dawkins. That does not take away from the fact that he can be wrong. And I do think he has been wrong to suggest that RW's points are somehow invalidated by the suffering of others. (Why does this remind me of Napoleon's Little Drummer Boy?) I trust someone will talk him beyond his blind spot wrt posting on the internet.

Still with justicar.Sorry if I jump around a bit in response:

I have many times addressed your particular example here. That the word is offensive to many people gives precisely zero of them the right to take vicarious offense on the behalf of people for whom the word isn't offensive. Further, it is not the province of any person to determine in advance what other free agents may think or say. The very idea of free speech is that I get to say things you dislike. I get to say things the entire world may actually hate. Doing so is at my own expense, and the consequences are mine to bear. But the decision of when and if to undertake those is mine alone.
My response to this is simple. You say this out of a position of relative strength. It is fine to deride a woman's concerns if you are not a woman? It is fine to refer to a black person as "nigger" if you are white? Well, if you live in a country in which you have the power you do that, I can see why it might appeal to you (it does not appeal to me). If you live in a country with an atrocious human rights record, and you have become acclimatised to your arrogance, there is not much to stop you. Stand on your roof and yell all the words in your ken. But consider that you are actually in a minority. If the world is to become more civilised, there will be less and less places where you can do this.
If you disagree, then please direct me to the person to whom you grant this power to determine for you when you're allowed to speak, to whom, under what conditions, and what you're allowed to hear, by whom and under what conditions.
Well, I've already given you the example of South Africa, where there are severe limitations on when and where you can use any of those words that you so willingly advocate. This is due to a humanist constitution and laws that recognise the equality and legitimate rights of the people. One of these fundamental rights is to live free from discrimination.

Here is a rule of thumb for you if you are ever in the country. If you can legally smoke a cigarette in that place, you are probably allowed to spew your bigotted words there. (Provided there are no other people about.)

Posted by: theophontes | July 25, 2011 11:46 AM


In Rwanda, quite recently, just calling someone a Tutsi could be enough for their death.

Really, no-one has to kill them? Just the words kill them ... really?



Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 11:50 AM


Wait a minute. So on this purely subjective matter of feeling uncomfortable, we are supposed to give more consideration to the views of a professional "blogger" and spectacle modeler (Should call herself specchick) who merely repeats out loud what she reads elsewhere, than to the views of a woman who is actually working in science, endeavouring to create new knowledge and is actually doing something productive???

Ridiculous. People who are secure about their achievements and abilities don't feel the need to play victim and that's the difference between the host of this blog and Internet bloggers whose only output is a rehashing of others' intellectual output.

Posted by: 7yadva | July 25, 2011 11:56 AM


The reason Dawkins wasn't wrong (and my whole life I've criticized him for tone and ridicule, all the while respecting his work) is because nothing happened to Rebecca in the elevator and nothing couldn't. The chances of Rebecca being raped or molested were about as high as lightening striking her right then and there. She saw an opportunity and went for it. If you watch her video again, you'll see that she fits the anecdote in right between a bunch of neo-feminist "women are victims; men are monsters" propaganda. I have never felt victimized by men, even if there were a few bad guys in my life. Men are not criminals. A few are. The rest don't deserve to be treated as such or publicly shamed for NOTHING. (All this, presuming EG exists).

Watson created a rift in the atheist community; she has now unjustly slammed Dunning, Krauss, Dawkins, and even Stef McGraw, just for standing up for what's right. Shame on her. She's no wilting flower, and if she's so scared of elevators, she should've taken the next one. But I know her, I've been around her, and she's not the least bit scared of men as far as I can tell. Or elevators.

Not to mention, why is she attacking men who are most likely to compete for speaking spots with her? Interesting.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 11:59 AM


"nothing could" -- I meant to say

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 12:01 PM


1. RW has the right to feel creep out by EG and to speak about it.
2. EG has the right to operate in the public sphere in what most people would describe as creepy.
3. No one has the right to perform FGM on another person.
4. RW rights were not violated.
5. People that suffer FGM have had their rights violated.
6. What RW experienced is a non- issue when it comes to rights violation.
7. Reducing the bizarre religious practice of FGM will be infinitely more beneficial to women’s rights than reducing the creepiness factor of guys at atheist/skeptics gatherings.

Posted by: luther70 | July 25, 2011 12:13 PM


Jumping into the words debate, there are two truths being put up against each other. Words can direct a general rage, anger, frustration towards a group even though they did not create that anger originally. Then words can direct that anger at a particular individual as a target. Thus, words like "misogynist", "MRA", and "rape apologist" can be used to direct anger towards a perceived group, and then words like "parroting misogynist thought", "anti-woman rhetoric", and "white male privilige" can be used to focus that anger on particular individuals.

Posted by: highjohn | July 25, 2011 12:16 PM



" It is fine to deride a woman's concerns if you are not a woman? It is fine to refer to a black person as "nigger" if you are white?" To A, if the concerns are invalid, then YEP, it is. Now, we can discuss whether they're valid or not, and that's a valid discussion. But it is a stupid argument to try to defend the idea that men can't POSSIBLY disagree with a woman without being a bigot.

And with the n-word, it's not as much a problem that the word is offensive (most agree that the word has been used to oppress, so while it is okay to technically use it in theory, it's understandable if it's offensive), so much as it is that it seems to be okay for one race to use it, but not another. That is pretty much the exact definition of racism, so you can understand why some might have a problem with you for maintaining your racist perspective.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 25, 2011 12:17 PM


This post has more than 1260 comments, isn't it going to crash the inter tubes or something?

Posted by: wildlifer | July 25, 2011 12:25 PM


@ 1269

Yes....and evidently it has survived a few DoS attacks from Mr. Welch as well.

Posted by: jmtz | July 25, 2011 1:09 PM


I'm posting this from my phone, waiting for class to start, so this may be a bit rushed...

Fuck you, theophontes. Pointing out that in other places a person can be murdered or arrested for using certain words isn't an argument that the words are bad, it's an argument that the places are bad. Pointing out that we should fear the evil in other places is not an argument against any point we are making.

You are trying to fight fascism with more different fascism. Fuck you, cunt, I'll have no truck with it.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 1:22 PM


Speaking of being arrested for "words"..

I took my 81 year old, alzheimer, deaf mother out to lunch at a local resturant. I live in a predominatly homosexual community. During a conversation about nothing important, she announces that the "stupid faggots were going to get wet if we didn't hurry home"

YUP...she British..I was not surprised when police cruiser pulled in the driveway...

I spent days following the hundreds of links connected with EG...It seems (at least by my puny search)..that most do not agree with RW. But that's probably my bias...

Posted by: mary | July 25, 2011 1:35 PM


forced [by whom?] to be anonymous @#1217 & 1219:

If you had any sense, you wouldn't make such a stupid off target ad hominem your "first" point.

What? It was my first point, the more important one to me (hence the priority) and it wasn't ad hominem: "Twatson" is stupid and juvenile, not 'clever'. That's why I personally find it offensive; it's second-tier second-grade shit.
My second, less important (to me) point was that people who are offended by its sexism and/or misogyny actually have a valid point. In my opinion.
But of course I also understand you-all's opposing point: nobody--certainly no woman!!--has the right to dictate to YOU what words you may use when!

Second, well, this is exactly the point under disputation, isn't it?
Not by anyone intelligent and intellectually honest.

that side is not asking for consideration and they're soing quite the opposite. That is, trying to beat the other side over the head with nonsensical accusations of misogyny.

Look, please don't lump me in with either "side" here. I am thinking for myself. Also, I have never accused anybody of misogyny. Go ahead and read what I typed; you won't find it. So you can shove your stupid strawman.

ChasCMoron is a lying piece of shit and he's an idiot too...ChasCCretin...ChasCDumbfuck

Guess I better watch out for them tripwires! Your eloquence is most persuasive, though.

It's a fact that neither ERV nor I are misogynists, and no amount of sophistry by these jerks will suffice to change that fact.

I agree with you.
Perhaps you would be interested to know that I have been accused of sexism and misogyny over at Pharyngula many times myself*. And it pissed me off, because, like you, I know damn well I'm not a misogynist. But while the dogmatic parrots were dishing out the bullshit, smarter and more thoughtful people made some points that I thought were worth thinking about.

See, unfortunately, you are missing a crucial nuance of the argument I tried to represent above: the differences among 'being a misogynist', 'behaving misogynistically', and 'behaving in such a way as to perpetuate misogyny'. The first is an assessment of intent, the last two are assessments of effect alone.
But I apologize for venturing into fifth-grade territory here.

name this fallacy: Misogynists say "twat". ERV says "twat". Therefore ERV is a misogynist.

uh...Mr. Straw?

*[FWIW I'm not particularly fond of many of the people over there (I even abdicated a Molly award because I didn't want to be associated with several of the other honorees), and when I think they're full of shit I used to say so; still do, sometimes (a well-populated killfile filters most of the worst out).]

Posted by: ChasCPeterson | July 25, 2011 1:41 PM


Look, please don't lump me in with either "side" here. I am thinking for myself. Also, I have never accused anybody of misogyny. Go ahead and read what I typed; you won't find it. So you can shove your stupid strawman.

There are sides in a debate, you were saying the side with an opposing opinion to mine were simply asking for consideration of their opinions. You were speaking for them, I thought you were misrepresenting them, I corrected you.

I don't see the straw man here.

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 2:00 PM



"Twatson" is stupid and juvenile, not 'clever'. That's why I personally find it offensive; it's second-tier second-grade shit.

Okay, I'll say it again, shall I?


"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

- C.S. Lewis

Seriously, what is this obsession with using big words, just to prove how vast yer brain is? Are you personally affronted (See? I can do it, too!) by laymen's terms? Or is it an allergy to any word wi' less than 93 syllables?

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 25, 2011 2:14 PM


Dan S. "calling someone a twat/etc. has enormous baggage"

Not in dear old Blighty. Just to underline what others have said: twat is simple banter in Britain and elsewhere in the Commonwealth, used by both sexes. It´s only in the puritanical colonies that you´ve attatched to it some "mum-guilt" or somesuch.

Incidently, here in Colombia the word "chimba" is used both for a lady´s sexual organs and for something excellent/exceedingly good. Is that sexist?
You should have a go at the Mexicans... using padre for good and madre for bad... now that´s sexualistic!
Que chimba parce!

Posted by: Munkhaus | July 25, 2011 2:34 PM


You should have a go at the Mexicans... using padre for good and madre for bad... now that´s sexualistic!

That's terrible, it would be like if the English used white to mean good and pure, and black to mean corrupt and dark ;)

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 2:37 PM


Munkhaus @1276:

In Spain they use "Puta Madre" for both good and bad things. Now that's equality!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 2:43 PM


I've tried to raise the point of cultural differences over at Laden's blog. It didn't go well...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 2:56 PM


Incidentally, if you "men's rights" advocates need better arguments than the ones that have already been debunked here, you might get some ideas from another misogynist in Norway, a Breivik something or other. He has a huge manifesto on the Web, and he even killed a few people to get our attention; so you might give his work a look. It can't be worse than the crap you've already dumped here. (Words don't cause actions? Really? What a lame excuse not to take responsibility for what you say. You think we haven't heard that shit before? If you don't want to be responsible for your words, then SHUT THE FUCK UP. Oh, and cut the crap about having a right to hit on women. You also have a right to call your mother a whore -- that doesn't make it the right thing to do.)

At 1270-odd comments, the stupidity of this thread has broken records in both quantity (high) and quality (low).

Posted by: Raging Bee | July 25, 2011 3:03 PM


Raging Bee is the perfect example of why radical feminism is illiberal, divisive nonsense.

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 3:06 PM


Re: Raging Bee
Is this the new Godwin's law. Forget that Hitler stuff,all the cool kids are comparing their opponents to Breivik now.

Posted by: bhoytony | July 25, 2011 3:12 PM


Wait. Did Raging Bee just equated calling Twatson Twatson with the Norway massacre?

That's it! Fuck off RB, FUCK THE HELL OFF! PZ is supporting that kind of asshole? Fuck you as well PZ! All respect lost, forever!

Damn, now I'm pissed off!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 3:13 PM


Hey ragingbee I see you said "SHUT THE FUCK UP" to us. That was directed at a group that included women.

Therefor: why so misogynistic bro?

Posted by: JohnV | July 25, 2011 3:27 PM


On my iPhone at the doctor's office.

I just wanted to confess before you saw it in the news, but I've just killed and maimed dozens of people, a few pets, and some household appliances by magical incantation: faggota kedavra.

Guess I was wrong - words do kill people.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 3:28 PM


@ 1282:

See, this is how my mind works, right... given our nice little Scottish exchange earlier, is it ironic that Raging Bee's website is called "Motherwell"? Is it also wrong that the only reason I can remember Motherwell is because of the football pools on a Saturday afternoon?

Also, Bee, important point, here... how was Breivik a misogynist? Ultra right-wing Islamophobe, yes, granted, but where the chuffing buggery do you get "misogynist" from that? Could it be, in fact, that you are now merely pulling things out of your arse to be a dick?

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 25, 2011 3:34 PM


Marco I believe there is some chatter (presumably supported by his manifesto) that Breivik felt that white women should be producing lots of babies in order to not be over run by brown babies (paraphrasing).

Posted by: JohnV | July 25, 2011 3:39 PM


Wow. At least ChasCPeterson did his best to hide his slippery slope fallacy. It is pretty evident that Raging Bee has given up even pretending to look rational.

Posted by: Spence | July 25, 2011 3:48 PM



but cheque chimba is a bounced/failed cheque

Posted by: horace | July 25, 2011 3:49 PM


Yes, thank you, Bee. Obviously some psycho killed a bunch of people in Norway because I called someone a twat on the internet. It's all so clear now...

You are the most vile person anywhere near this thread. Please think about what you are saying, you ignorant cunt.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 3:51 PM


Marco the Beagle:

how was Breivik a misogynist? Ultra right-wing Islamophobe, yes, granted, but where the chuffing buggery do you get "misogynist" from that?

Posted by: Dan S. | July 25, 2011 3:56 PM

But of course I also understand you-all's opposing point: nobody--certainly no woman!!--has the right to dictate to YOU what words you may use when!

Yeah, I'm calling you out on this, fucko. You want to treat Twatson differently because she's a woman, you go right ahead. We, on the other hand, are not sexist. This was a deliberate, intentional deception. You are pretending to the moral high-ground while sitting neck-deep in bullshit. Kindly go fuck yourself if you can't learn to argue honestly.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 4:04 PM


Oh Bee's just angry because PZ wussies out at a thousand comments, and Abbie just blows NY that without breaking a sweat.

Such petty jealousy. The rest of his idiocy shows the same amount of expertise he brings to technical/IT issues.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 25, 2011 4:06 PM


@ Dan S:

Right, I hadn't read that, but since we're allowed to paste links that support our argument, I'll do that as well:

Sooooooooo, I really have to ask: he hated women more than Muslims? He went onto Utoya island and ONLY shot women? The evidence DOESN'T point to him being against multiculturalism and "cultural Marxism", first and foremost? The fact that he saw himself as a modern day Knight Templar wasn't a clue that he's a complete and total fucknut?

No, it's all about da woomynz, silly me, I forgot...

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 25, 2011 4:19 PM

Incidentally, if you "men's rights" advocates need better arguments than the ones that have already been debunked here, you might get some ideas from another misogynist in Norway, a Breivik something or other. He has a huge manifesto on the Web, and he even killed a few people to get our attention; so you might give his work a look. It can't be worse than the crap you've already dumped here. (Words don't cause actions? Really? What a lame excuse not to take responsibility for what you say. You think we haven't heard that shit before? If you don't want to be responsible for your words, then SHUT THE FUCK UP. Oh, and cut the crap about having a right to hit on women. You also have a right to call your mother a whore -- that doesn't make it the right thing to do.)

At 1270-odd comments, the stupidity of this thread has broken records in both quantity (high) and quality (low).

Obvious Troll is obvious.

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 25, 2011 4:21 PM


Stephen @ 1295,
I am a regular lurker (but I do not post much) over at Brayton's Dispatches, where Raging Bee posts often. He (she?) really is that fucking stupid. If you really want to see some fun, mention libertarianism or the Cato Institute.

Posted by: Daniel Kolle | July 25, 2011 4:28 PM


Hey, have you guys heard of the Cato Institute and Libertarianism? I hear they are valid.

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 4:38 PM


Peter @1296: You need to be a tinsy bit more subtle when using troll bait. Just saying ;)

Also Dimebag Darrel was shot by Nathan Gale because Gale hated women and Darrell had long hair (ie: woman). 9/11 was caused by the statue of liberty being obviously female, and JFK was not the prime target. It was Jackie, because, you know, woman...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 4:54 PM


Breivik was angry about everything including post-modern American radical feminism because he is....nuts.

No real indication that he hates women and since he is equally mad at feminist authors that spent decades at war with each other over issues he takes issue with he is....nuts.

If You produce commercially available nudie calendars and complain about strangers sexualizing you, or equate sarcastic remarks aimed at absurd moral equivalences with being re-raped then are making facile use of antithetical feminist positions and are either an opportunistic malignant narcissist or....nuts.

If you draw moral equivalence between a spree killer and snarky comments about a thoroughly unpleasant nit wit taking a skeptic organization in a shitty self serving direction you are....nuts.

In the historic words of Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe Commander of Division Artillery of the 101st Airborne Division upon being asked to surrender by General Heinrich Diepold Georg Baron von Lüttwitz...."Nuts!"

Posted by: Prometheus | July 25, 2011 4:58 PM


OK. I'm back home from the doctor's office, and medicated. We'll see if my ramblings are more coherent, less coherent, or unaffected as a result.

yes, there are people in the world who are being oppressed. It's always for stupid reasons. This doesn't disturb my point in the slightest. I said that no one is entitled. I did not say no one is able or willing to do as much. Indeed, that people this is true is why we're having this discussion in the first place. If it were physically impossible to do, there'd be no need of a discussion. I'm glad that you're sufficiently broad-minded to account for a little something the rest of us like to call "reality".

I live in a country where people on the whole respect the fact that free agents are able to be disagreeable without suffering death, torture and what not. That is to say I live in a place where we all collectively recognize the difference between ability and entitlement.

We have long reflected through hardship to arrange our society in such a way that we account for the fact that we will not agree on everything and that when there is a disagreement executing people isn't the appropriate solution. This isn't true everywhere, and that is a fundamental treachery against which some of fight. My forebears revolted against a tyrannical government to establish anew a civilization that represented better principles. It had troubles.

We had a civil war to resolve some of those issues. It wasn't a mere disagreement. People were being oppressed, murdered, beaten, and considered as property. Asking the oppressors to knock it off didn't seem to effectively resolve the situation. We had choices: let those who were fortunate enjoy their freedom while relegating the unfortunate to their lot as property. This compromise in values was sufficiently repugnant that it was preferable to kill off those doing the oppressing so that the oppressed might escape their bondage. had I lived in those times, I would have happily joined that cause to liberate my fellow humans from their shackles.

I live in a time and place by the sheerest happenstance of amenable contingencies in which by and large engaging in things is entirely optional. I opted to spend part of my life as a public servant in the form of a police officer. Each day I went to work I knew that return trip home might never come. I was perfectly content to forfeit my life in the service of protecting those who were harmed by the assholes that occasionally prey on people.

No, it's not hotair. That I managed to do that job without being killed is fortunate for me. But I was fully prepared to pay that price if it ever became necessary.

But let's say that I'm a coward and none of this is true. Let's say further that I'm just a lying douche trolling on the internet to get a rise out of people.

What you've still neglected to do address is the substance of my claims; you've not addressed a single issue on its merits. Whether I speak from privilege or power or ignorance or weakness, you have said nothing at all about what I've said - only my character, motivations and presumably my education, intellect and understanding of the world.

You invite me to imagine myself as a minority. I needn't imagine it. Your reading skills need improvement.

Calling me names doesn't affect me in the slightest.

Try harder.

her fears were clearly well-founded then. It could happen!

why is it that Nazi is a term you can use, but nigger isn't? Which word was used to oppress people? Which word stands explicitly for and campaigns directly for the oppression people?

Why is Nazi acceptable and nigger isn't? I see no reason that one word is useable and the other isn't. If there is a difference in the level of offense taken by either, then it would seem the balance of equities would exclude Nazi, but perhaps include nigger. Definitely cunt would be acceptable by any comparison. Or faggot. Or dick. Or twat.

If there's a reason that Nazi should be perfectly acceptable to say or hear anywhere and that faggot or nigger should be disallowed, I'd be happy to hear it.

"Twatson" is stupid and juvenile, not 'clever'"
What you call stupid and juvenile, is what I'm going to call elegant. Without any degree of cleverness at all, these people were able to be unhinged. I wonder what it's like to be so delicate and weak that a mere, thoughtless portmanteau can cause one so much anguish. It's an awfully privileged life one leads where one's homeostasis is so easily disturbed. Meanwhile, back on the farm, grandma is busy fighting off the invaders with a pitchfork and a toothpick.

With respect to the Breivik story of late, one notes that it seems to be the explosion that did the harming of people. Not the words he used. See how that works? Talking didn't seem to do what he wanted of it. For that eventuality, he had to *do* something.

"But of course I also understand you-all's opposing point: nobody--certainly no woman!!--has the right to dictate to YOU what words you may use when!"
Yes, my claim certainly includes women. It certainly includes men. It certainly includes any group you care you care delineate. It's a categorical claim which, of necessity, includes everyone. Lookie there - it applies with perfect equality to everyone. See how easy equality is?

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 4:58 PM


Also Dimebag Darrel was shot by Nathan Gale because Gale hated women and Darrell had long hair (ie: woman).

Oh no you didn't!! ;p

Posted by: 0verlord | July 25, 2011 5:04 PM


John C. Welch:
can you teach me that DDOS thingy? I've been trying to crash this blog since it hit 1k posts. I've written long posts (I was certain this would reproduce your elegant, groundbreaking work), and I even put up the 1300 post (according to PZ, this should have sunk the whole lot).

I'm doing it McWrong.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 5:37 PM


The Latest @1303:

McWrong? MCWRONG?!? Is your little mysogynistic life so empty that you are now trying to alienate even the Scotts? It's KILTS they're wearing, not dresses!

Get your damn facts straight*!

*Ooooh, I kill me sometimes.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 5:57 PM


Rumour has it Breivik also ranted against Richard Dawkins.

If true, where does that leave Raging Bee? (Perhaps in a state of confusion, exactly where he started)

Posted by: Spence | July 25, 2011 5:58 PM


Remember that whole I'm medicated thing? Apparently, it doesn't affect my ability to still produce extremely well-done, mathematically rigorous experiments, and subsequent penetrating, frontier fucking science papers.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 6:06 PM


PZ is so full of shit about not censoring.

I got banned by him within 24 hours. I have the feeling I have been banned before, but I don't recall so when he said he doesn't ban or censor I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Well he banned me almost immediately I started to post there criticising feminism.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 25, 2011 6:25 PM


In a purely technical defense of PZ - if PZ thousands of readers load a thousand comment thread every minute it does put a bit more strain on the servers than the 20 of us refreshing every hour.

Posted by: Mu | July 25, 2011 6:29 PM


There's no feminism except so-called "radical" feminism. That's all there is in the movement. The fact is that when an insane nut case like Valarie Solanas came along and advocating killing all men that was so ordinary and acceptable to the feminist movement of the day that her mad rantings became popular.

And things have only got worse.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 25, 2011 6:30 PM


For your consideration: Raging Bee has a reputation at another blog on SB for arguing in defense of "hate speech" laws and the like. He is likely bringing up the Norway massacre because he thinks it vindicates his desire to squelch the free speech of those of disagree with him.

Posted by: TylerD | July 25, 2011 6:33 PM



I don't think that's quite fair. Christina Hoff Sommers and Wendy McElroy both self-identify as feminists and are pretty sane and on-target individuals, for instance. I generally accept Sommers' distinction between "equity feminism" and "gender feminism", the latter encompassing most of the loony-toonery.

Posted by: TylerD | July 25, 2011 6:37 PM


From a purely what PZ said defense of my offense: he said that the software can't handle threads of a certain length. Clearly, this isn't the case.

Further, he's trying to imply he hasn't been censoring by saying he's had more traffic on his threads than Abbie (he's bigger and more important and has more of a following, so his stopping people from talking isn't a big deal because he gave them enough of a platform - more than Abbie has), and that didn't address the complaint which was raised.

Point 1.)
Abbie does no censoring other than for things spam, threats, and illegal shit
PZ does censor for disagreement, and stops conversations for random reasons.

PZ says he has x number of threads that aren't censored. This says nothing about the number of threads which are censored. But even the ones he was implying he didn't censor, if one reads them then one notes he goes on to explain how he's glad to have had them as it gave him a chance to identify the "misogynists" and get them off his site (banned)

I know you're saying that there are technical limitations to the exchange of data by way of information demand on bandwidth. That wasn't his point. He said the software isn't able to handle it. The software is. The bandwidth might suffer, but that's not a program issue.

Plus, I'm on vicodin and being loopy. Mean, but loopy. (And still honest!)

I thought it was funny; could be the drugs though. I won't know for a couple of weeks until I'm off of them. lawl

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 6:37 PM


I'm not motivated enough to go and scan through the whole mess that Pharyngula comments have become, but AFAIK we have no idea what gender RB is. Could we settle for "it"? Gender neutral, no predisposed ideas...

I like that.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 6:37 PM


"I would say this is the future we can look forward to if Rebecca Twatson's side wins out. But it's the present. Right now. This minute."

Because the feminists won 40 years ago, and they are all "radical".

Posted by: DavidByron | July 25, 2011 6:48 PM


Hey TylerD!

The feminist dissidents you mention have been kicked out of the movement. They are also conservatives not liberals. McElroy had a spot on Fox News for a while. Sommers I think is in one of those conservative women's forums as is Cathy Young.

Donna LaFramboise or Camille Paglia might be better illustrations of your point.

The thing is when these dissidents chirp up the greater movement instantly labels them as anti-feminist. That does not happen to women who eg. say all men should be executed, or say all men are rapists, even if those women (eg Valarie Solanas) then shoot a man.

Face it; the movement is 100% radical.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 25, 2011 6:53 PM



When I last asked Christina Hoff Sommers if she considered herself a feminist (and this was years ago now) she said that it was a label she'd probably avoid using. As for McElroy she calls herself an "iFeminist" and stresses the libertarian side of things.

Honestly it's not just the feminist movement that says they are not feminists. I would say they are not feminists and I'm not even sure they would.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 25, 2011 6:56 PM


Hmm. PZ banned me faster than usual even for a feminist board. I wonder if this comment is what set him off? He seems to be very vulnerable on this question of the dichotomy between his rabid anti-male "mansplaining" hatred on his blog and the way he was so meek in real life with Richard Dawkins.

I wrote in a comment at PZ's place:

Btw I do notice that neither PZ nor Rebecca Watson took the opportunity at TAM to call out Dawkins on his misogyny. Gosh I wonder why, Could it be they didn't want to look like total fools in front of a crowd of real people? I guess the feminism has to get throttled back a good deal for the real world audience, huh?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 25, 2011 7:08 PM


Justicar @1300:

I wasn't trying to argue you COULDN'T use that racial epithet, just that I understand it being found patently offensive, but that I didn't think it anything but racism to consider it "okay" for one race but not another.

Nazi is a bad example, I think. While Naziism as a philosophy was used to oppress, the word itself was not really used as an oppressive tool, while racial epithets were/are used as oppressive tools. "Kike" would be the word from the era, maybe? Anyway, I could understand finding the slur offensive. Not disallowed, just not a part of polite/respectful conversation, like many other cursewords. But for there to be a double standard is flat-out racism.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 25, 2011 7:10 PM

Remember that whole I'm medicated thing? Apparently, it doesn't affect my ability to still produce extremely well-done, mathematically rigorous experiments, and subsequent penetrating, frontier fucking science papers.

It's not misogynist for my immediate thought upon reading this to have been: "Frontier-fucking science papers, huh? Like 'Oh yeah, you like that, don't you, frontier? Yeah, take it like the slut you are...'" because, for all I know, the frontier and the science paper are guys, right?

No, that's no defense... to those people, there are no gay people, otherwise they'd have no metric for deciding whether or not EG actually wanted sex from Twatson...

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 7:24 PM


DavidByron, you're crazy, but you are useful to make a point, this is the thing, misogyny does exist, anti-woman sentiments and people do exist, so do, and I'm not comfortable saying this, but so do man-hating feminists.

As we can also see from this thread though, they are the vanishingly small, but annoyingly vocal minority. Sometimes people look at those who are talking the loudest rather than those who don't add to what's already being addressed simply because someone else (and by someone else, I of course, mean Justicar) has already stated it well enough. The liberal feminists have been ignored, and somewhat vilified from the very beginning of this whole mess, and should not have been.

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 7:26 PM


In France, frontier is female.


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 25, 2011 7:29 PM


I fail to see any feature of one that makes Nazi acceptable but nigger impolite to even just say. You say that the word nigger was/is used as an oppressive tool. It denotes the class of person to be oppressed while Nazi denotes the one doing the oppressing.

I'm not even saying that one has to be called either. People are here saying that just use of the word does the damage. That is to say, the word has some magic properties such that when used as an incantation untold evils spring forth.

I'm not trying to be pedantic or take you to task. I just do not see how using the word Nazi is acceptable but nigger isn't. I don't go around calling people niggers, but then again, I don't see black people as being anything but precisely equal to me. I think it's ridiculous, however, that just mere mention of the word nigger gives so much offense. I get called faggot from time to time. I've suffered not the slightest indignity from or injury because of it.

Were I being punched while being called a fag, it would make the pain no greater, the fear no more gripping.

I don't know - am I just obtuse about this, or is it silly for me to think that others can hear words - even supposedly rude ones - without having to engage in some internal struggle between their minds and their feelings?

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 7:31 PM


In France, frogs and snails are considered foods when you aren't starving, therefore, I reject their linguistic individuality and culture... also, something about rape-culture. Yeah, I can't even pretend to argue that random unrelated things correlate somehow. I'd never fit in a Pharyngula... I wonder if I'm banned. I dogged on PZ pretty hard, but I also predicted he'd ban me rather than argue with me, and then he closed the thread.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 7:37 PM


You may just be taking it a little too literally, Justicar, if someone calls me a mean name, well, it might hurt. Yes, it's the intent behind that word, or sometimes being called something I'm not, and obviously not the word itself, I mean words have no implicit meaning, the most we can say is that they have a chain of etymology and possibly a sound / descriptive intrinsic meaning.

However, to speak in short hand, sometimes words being used against me by people, hurt. If I've been called a freak over and over again all day and then someone calls me a freak somehow inadvertently, it would upset me, and it would be partially just my problem, obviously, but mostly the people calling me a freak all day.

I was hoping to explain that clearer, but do you get the idea?

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 7:38 PM


Peter, I hate to resort to the schoolyard again, but I really feel this should have been pounded into your skull when you were a child:

Sticks and stones, bitch. Get over it.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 25, 2011 7:51 PM


I did. What's your point?

Posted by: Peter | July 25, 2011 7:53 PM



I think the problem is that Nazi is not generally considered a slur (though it's bad to be called one, of course), nigger is. I'm not saying that nigger would be offensive in the context that we're using it, right now, as an intellecutal debate, I was more thinking (and poorly expressing) using it in its usage. Like someone's example of "hey, my nigger", would pretty much never be accepted in polite company (except possibly if you're black, which is the double standard I was talking about). The person saying it doesn't mean to offend, yeah, but it's still pretty offensive.

If I walked in the room and said "Hey all you cuntfuck dickshits, goddamn!", even if I'm just "messing around", it would be viewed as offensive conduct in any professional setting, or even an informal setting with strangers. It would be okay more in an informal session with friends (not that my friends and I try to top each other on offensive insults or anything...*cough*thearistocratsjokegame*cough*). Again, doesn't mean it would be against any laws or anything, just that it would be viewed as offensive. And I'm not defending the idea that we have any obligation not to offend, because that's a stupid argument.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 25, 2011 8:20 PM


The Twatsonphiles are so consistently stupid. e.g.,

You seem to have a very narrow world view. In Rwanda, quite recently, just calling someone a Tutsi could be enough for their death.

As Justicar pointed out, the person killing them had to already want to kill Tutsis, moron.


It was my first point, the more important one to me (hence the priority) and it wasn't ad hominem

Let's review that actual first point, shall we?

First, your standards for cleverness are very, very low.

Yeah, so important, and so not ad hominem, I'm sure. And let's completely ignore that I ever offered any judgment as to how clever it was, or that being clever was the real point of my comment that

Watson is being a jerk, and in a way that is all about gender, and her name convenienty starts with a certain three letters, so it's clever and rhymey and fun to call her Twatson

rather than as a counter to the absurd and stupid and dishonest charge that people saying "Twatson" are misogynists or are "behaving in such a way as to perpetuate misogyny" -- that's an opinion, a wrongheaded and stupid and factually false one, Chas, you prick.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 8:41 PM


Sorry, Peter. That is just complete gibberish to me.

To bastardize the eminent philosopher David Sedaris: if someone calls me an Eskimo, I don't get upset because I know I'm not an Eskimo. If someone calls me a liar, I get furious because I must be a liar.

The latter statement is the gibberish part. If someone calls me a racist, it is literally meaningless to me since I know it's untrue. If someone calls me something I am, then I have no right be perturbed in the slightest - if it's true, then any discomfort I have with it is that the trait being identified is bothersome to me.

If someone calls me a faggot I know it's true. It also doesn't bother me because I find nothing bothersome about being gay. When someone calls me shortshit, it's equally a non-event. I'm short. There's nothing wrong with that. Were I black and someone called me a nigger it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Same were I a woman and called a cunt or a bitch. For all of the same reasons.

The offense taken at being called a name one doesn't like is the sign of a person who gives to people power over their state of mind and emotion for a reason that is foreign to me. Those whom I give the ability to impact my well-being in a negative fashion aren't the types of people who would use it to harm me. Those who would use words to harm me aren't the people to whom I cede control over how I feel.

I would think this to be a fairly elementary position to take.

Similarly, my mood isn't enhanced by cheap flattery either. Those whom I don't know but who tell me I've done something in someway of which they approve do not lighten my mood.

Am I like emotionally stunted here or something?

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 8:46 PM



If I walked in the room and said "Hey all you cuntfuck dickshits, goddamn!", even if I'm just "messing around", it would be viewed as offensive conduct in any professional setting, or even an informal setting with strangers. It would be okay more in an informal session with friends (not that my friends and I try to top each other on offensive insults or anything...*cough*thearistocratsjokegame*cough*). Again, doesn't mean it would be against any laws or anything, just that it would be viewed as offensive. And I'm not defending the idea that we have any obligation not to offend, because that's a stupid argument.

Or you worked mid-shift B-1B maintenance at GFAFB during the late 80s-early 90s?

that was about the normal greeting.

Just when you think you've found an unassailable example...

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 25, 2011 8:50 PM


Apparently, RW can't identify EG because she has problems with face recognition. These problems have been dormant until this incident. Apparently. Anyway, here's the video:

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 8:53 PM


Communication is two-way (unless you're talking to yourself, of course). If you're speaking to someone, you use words to evoke something in that person -- learning, an emotional response, whatever. But what you evoke also depends on how that person interprets what you say. That's why writers and public speakers have to understand their audience when writing their books and speeches -- so they can better ensure that the language they use will be interpreted in the way that they intend.

Of course, it's incumbent on the listener, too, to try to understand what the speaker is saying, perhaps suppressing the emotional reaction evoked by their interpretation of the words in order to better understand the speaker's intent. People, generally, don't do that, though, unless they value the speaker or at least want to hear what he/she has to say, or the speaker is someone in authority that believe they have to listen to. (So verbal abuse by a parent to a child, for instance, can be extremely hurtful and damaging.)

Here on a blog, you're communicating with a bunch of people you don't know, and who don't know you. A good number of us share a common understanding that certain words evoke certain responses in people... even that's not precisely true, due to different cultural backgrounds and different levels of understanding of the language, but we all at least assume a rough consensus around what words mean, otherwise communication would be futile.

The consensus may not make sense to us (e.g., "nigger" vs. "Nazi"), but it is there nonetheless. And it changes over time, as language and culture evolve. So we know that it's probably not a good idea to walk up to a group of strangers and start spouting four-letter words, because they'll either ignore us or get angry and possibly punch us in the face.

That some people find "Twatson" offensive enough that they just tune out what you're saying, or react with anger, is really only a problem for you if you really want them to listen to you and/or not annoy you by punching you in the face (or whatever the Internet equivalent might be). There's nothing inherently sexist in "twat;" that's simply an interpretation that some people may put on that word. Assuming that you don't want to be considered sexist by those people, then maybe it would make sense to refrain from using it.

On the other hand, I (and I'm sure others, even if they won't say it) think "Twatson" is a great shorthand for ridiculing RW, and laugh every time I see it. So if you want to communicate to folks like me, go the hell on. I'm listening.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 25, 2011 8:59 PM



'Nazi' is used to express an opinion, or judgement about someone's views. 'Nigger' is usually used to express contempt for someone on the basis of an obvious and undeniable physical characteristic.

What was your point about South Africa's constitution? The country has horrific rape stats. The problem is rape, brutal rape, not language. Controlling words is unlikely to change the attitude of rapists.
One of the big gripes I have with the ANC is their habit of deflecting criticism of their incompetence and corruption by getting prissy about tone. And now they are threatening to criminalise media exposes with their Protection of Information bill.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 25, 2011 8:59 PM


There was a public service ad on TV when I was a teenager that said:

"Words hit harder than a fist."

It was a sentiment that I could relate to because of the hideous verbal abuse I suffered from my mother.

Isn't this entire debacle about the power of words? We are angry with Rebecca because she choose to berate a student in her care as a speaker at a conference, and worse, Rebecca chose to continue to berate that student more publicly by writing a blogpost about the incident.

The shit really hit the fan when a number of "prominient" skeptics or atheists sided with Rebecca and while doing so heaped even more dismissive scorn on Stef McGraw, by talking about Stef's argument with dismissive scorn.

Why were Rebecca & Co.'s words so inflammatory? Because those words were child abuse! Yes, I know that Stef, Rose, Trevor and their friends are "legally of age" based on the number of years they have been alive, but in this community they are our children. (Interestingly, they have behaved with more maturity than their detractors.) Rebecca is, in this community, our know-it-all, rebellious teenager who is lacking in introspection and circumspection. She needs to be sent to her room, and required to write the following 10,000 times. "I resolve to behave like a skeptic should and acquire the humility necessary to objectively examine my own thinking before lashing out at those who disagree." P.Z. and Co. need to stop acting like overprotective parents who think their daughter, Rebecca, can do no wrong.

My deep gratitude goes to Granddad Dawkins for his willingness to step in and reprimand his children so that the rest of us stood up and took more notice of the complete lack of skepticism being exhibited by so many in this community. (I had already tried with my "small voice" to draw attention to this problem. No one was listening to me.)

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 25, 2011 9:04 PM


LOL. Watson on the scientific method. It's like listening to Rupert Murdoch's opinions on journalistic ethics.

Plus: she seems totally devoid of a sense of humor.

So many talented PEOPLE are promoting atheism, and we have been reduced to having this PERSON as the atheist du jour. Likely to be a keynote speaker for years to come. I could weep.

Posted by: Hoody | July 25, 2011 9:12 PM


I have a sneaking suspicion that the radfems don't actually feel offended at all by particular words themselves. It's that you are refusing to conform and challenging their attempts to control.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 25, 2011 9:14 PM


Raging Bee: Incidentally, if you "men's rights" advocates need better arguments than the ones that have already been debunked here, you might get some ideas from another misogynist in Norway

Reductio ad Watsonum.

At 1270-odd comments, the stupidity of this thread has broken records in both quantity (high) and quality (low).

Indeed sweetie, indeed.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 25, 2011 9:16 PM


davidbyron you were banned for a simple reason, you were accusing everyone of calling dawkins a rapist, you would not respond to any questions about your claims, in fact your postings were so trite off topic and stupid people suspected you of being a poorly crafted bot.

With a very high spew rate and zero response to any valid questions you were taking up space and bandwidth. Also your hiding your identity after several people asked you to create something identifiable and login made you trite. PZ swung the ban hammer as you repeatedly broke the TOS on posting there.

A conversation is a two way street. Your right to ask for sex from any woman and anytime is not being infringed. That fact wont change, it does make you an asshole but we already know that.

Posted by: broboxley | July 25, 2011 9:22 PM


When Rebecca Watson assumed that the EG was propositioning her for sex, and thereby objectifying her as a female, her assumption implicitly objectified the EG as a male.

Posted by: Rob | July 25, 2011 9:24 PM


(I've been lurking for a while -- first time posting. Hi!! *waving happily*)

Way back in post 955 it was said that this feels like the PC movement of the 80s, and I've been having flashbacks to that time too. Back then one of my friends was the Engineering rep to the school's Women's Center, and she was told by the other reps that "There are no women in Engineering, just men in women's bodies." That was when I first realized just how misogynistic people who call themselves "feminist" can be.

One thing that strikes me is just how amazingly LAZY these people are. Not only, as ERV pointed out, Dawkins actually did something to help while PZ and RW did nothing whatsoever, but take a look at PZ's behavior.

PZ had an entire thread about how sexist gamers were, and all his groupies cheered him on and lectured rystefn about the need to confront gamers. But did any of them do so? No! PZ explicitly said he doesn't, and nor did anyone else. And on this blog, PZ flounced off right at the beginning -- doing anything other than egg each other on at Pharyngula is just too much work for them.

And I think that that's one of the points of all of this obsession over words. Complaining about words is EASY. Trying to understand where someone else is coming from, or find common ground, all that is hard. Making rational arguments is hard. Jumping up and down in hysteria over the word "twat", on the other hand, is easy. It requires no thought. Perfect for the lazy.

And here's why I don't think that that crew means well: when you are too lazy to actually do anything meaningful, it must get awfully hard to keep up the pretense that you are doing good. After all, how many guys can you make apologize for complimenting your hair? So, they have to make up some enemies.

Again, words are quite useful when you want to make up an enemy that you can beat up in the comfort of your own, safe, blog. You can use "privilege" as an excuse for you to be sexist and racist, and eventually someone will complain about your bigotry, and presto -- there you have someone you can demonize and defeat. Or you can misinterpret what someone says and declare them evil. If they try to defend themselves, all the better! I don't think that all the hypocrisy -- PZ declaring that a woman's feelings must never be unquestioned, except for Stef and ERV whose feelings are simply wrong, for instance -- is them getting carried away. I think they know what they are doing (how can they not?) but that's part of the point: they are demonstrating that they can actually DO something. They can hurt someone for being sexist or racist, and whether or not the person they hurt is actually so doesn't really matter.

This is all therapy for the lazy and ineffectual.

Anyway, that's an awfully long first post. Sorry, I got carried away!

Posted by: Slither | July 25, 2011 9:34 PM

DavidByron, I don't think that's quite fair.

It is in fact absurd. I'm a feminist and part of the "movement" and know plenty of others. Byron is a caricature.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 9:39 PM


And just a by-the-way, it is unbelievable that someone with the educational background of Rebecca Watson would have the temerity to pretend to have any knowledge of the scientific method.

---from a scientist.

Posted by: Rob | July 25, 2011 9:40 PM


Oy! An embarrassing typo in my very first post: "PZ declaring that a woman's feelings must never be unquestioned" should be "PZ declaring that a woman's feelings must never be questioned"


Posted by: Slither | July 25, 2011 9:41 PM


In reply to broboxley #1338.

"A conversation is a two way street."

On Pharyngula? You've got to be fucking kidding. There is no such thing as a conversation on Pharyngula, and most certainly not "two way street" style, unless you are part of the congregation (props to Franc for that) and joining in the Pharyngulites self-congratulatory circle-jerk in the race to see who squirts all over the dissenting newcomers first: "Just fuck off", "Shut the fuck up", "You're too stupid to breathe", "Shove it up your urethra with a dead porcupine", etc., etc., etc.

Ya, conversation; two way street.

PZ swings the ban hammer to get his mid-day jollies and to stoke the ongoing flamewar that is Pharyngula.

Posted by: John Greg | July 25, 2011 9:42 PM

Your right to ask for sex from any woman and anytime is not being infringed.

You and others like Myers toss your integrity out the window by reducing it to that.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 9:45 PM


"Your right to ask for sex from any woman and anytime is not being infringed."

No, I think you'll find very little evidence of that being a major issue for RW's critics. It's just a convenient derailer. Two way discussion on this is not possible at Pharyngula, that's obvious. Just broaching the subject raises impenetrable barriers round the heads of the faithful. PZ is engaged in an ideological Jihad and is purging the ranks.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 25, 2011 9:48 PM


Your entire foray into the Pharyngula Echo-Chamber was pretty pathetic - nothing to brag about. OMMV

Posted by: wildlifer | July 25, 2011 9:48 PM


@John Greg - Just an tangential observation I made about the intellectual incoherence of PZ/Pharyngula elsewhere -


Were this waif-like credulity at Pharyngula only a one-off. Some time back in May, PZ presented us with this item about some preacher, somewhere, from some church, terrifying somebodies children to illustrate some kind of biblical story or other by killing a bunch of innocent fish because it made some kind of point. Sorry, but that's about all the detail we are given -

I guess fish don't count

[...] I am also not surprised that kids are shocked to discover their priest has such a callous disregard for life — I hope it was the first step in freeing some of their minds from the embrace of the Christian death cult. [...]

Yes, we can only hope that these children grow up into objective, clear-thinking, reason loving rationalists, just like the ::cough:: Pharyngulites.

The "evidence" amounts to a link to an unreferenced, descriptionless .jpg at - apparently that's good enough for the highly discriminating local crowd. In fact it is a good ~500 comments before anyone even bothers to try and do some fact checking - and even then it points to a 'tardbook page that has been deleted. One commenter has the temerity to point this out - and of course gets shouted down. Marvelous. Reassured my faith in reason. Of course by this time, much like a sneeze with a mouthful of baked beans, this piece of gospel truth about theist evil had bespattered every piece of godless social media real estate out there - again, without a single person stopping to try and verify anything. Whether this story is real or not is irrelevant. What is relevant, is that nobody bothered to check.

What is evident here is Pharyngulites are quite prepared to swallow any kind of nonsense, providing it confirms the right biases, and are quite happy to launch themselves into self-congratulatory orgies of their bleeding obvious intellectual and moral superiority at the drop of a hat without so much as firing up Google. Perish the thought. If it sounds true and tells you what you want to hear, it therefore is true. And the lead dancer of this merry troop of baboons was PZ Myers himself, in fact playing the role of piper.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 25, 2011 10:00 PM


@forced to be anonymous, anywhere:

You poor little thing. Is 'thing' a sexual or sexist word?

But if you really want to get all worked up about phrases, try ERV's SANDY VAGINA! It is so, um vagelaborative.

@"but now that Watson is the one with sand in her vagina, alovasudden 'mansplaining' is SUPER CLEVER."

So get the sand out of your vagina,Sandy, and use your real name again, k.?

Posted by: pornonymous | July 25, 2011 10:14 PM


broboxedmind @1138: fuck off while twisting a dead hedgehog into your rectum.

Hey! I changed your posting name to something similar but insulting, AND I got a spikes/anus reference in. Do I win any internets?

Also, I LOVED your finishing sentence. It was like Pharyngula-in-a-can:

A conversation is a two way street. Your right to ask for sex from any woman and anytime is not being infringed. That fact wont change, it does make you an asshole but we already know that.

Have you been taking lessons from Nerd of Redhead in "inanely parroted cliches"?

Posted by: Hoody | July 25, 2011 10:15 PM


Here is one of the latest intellectual posts on Myers's site:

the rate of rapes that lead to convictions is, IIRC, somewhere in the neighborhood of 1%

the rate of rape that has been clearly identified as a false report is somewhere in the area of 2%

thus, it's more rational to assume that a rape accusation is true regardless of whether the person accused is convicted or not, than it is to presume innocence of the accused.

Now, I hate statistics, but tell me this:does this fucker have things ass backwards, or am I an incompetent twat? Either answer is fine, really.

If the former, can someone spend the effort to go over there and tell this douchegag to...*dons Pharyngula hat* STFU and fuck off and anally insert a...etc.

Posted by: Hoody | July 25, 2011 10:29 PM


This is a really stupid idea, but is there any chance of starting a petition to get her removed as an atheist speaker for (1) lack of any credentials, (2) objectifying women, and (3) inserting and conflating radical feminist propaganda with atheism? I know this is a silly suggestion, but it's really bothering me because there are SO MANY qualified women to fill the role. Abbie, for one. And I don't care if I get excommunicated from this cultist club if speaking the truth is the automatic result.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 10:32 PM


Ok, I only found out about elevatorgate about a week ago, and I have to admit I've only read about the first quarter of this thread and several incredibly shitty threads on Pharyngula.

And Abbie, you are a breath of fresh air. You're pretty fucking funny, too, but that's for another discussion.

What's happening at Pharyngula is interesting. PZ Meyers and his commenters have always constituted what is effectively a lightweight trolling organization. That's fine and all. But this shitty little episode that conspired between a few nerds has turned Pharyngula into a 24/7 trollfest of trolls trolling trolls. PZ is even explicitly trolling his own fucking blog. But the amazing part is that the children trolling the shit out of their own home over there are under the impression that what they are doing is intelligent and important communication, not uncontrollably rageshitting where they sleep. It's amazing. Amazing.

I haven't been happy with everything I've seen here (and actually, glancing across some of the bottom comments, it looks like things might have degenerated a bit here) but compared to that absolutely unbelievably dense shithole, this place is cool-headedly engaged in discussion. That's at least partly due to the fact that Abbie actually has things to say, whereas PZ says "JUST TO INFURIATE MAN-CHILDREN, I'M POSTING THIS VIDEO" etc. etc. Justicar, you were pretty awesome standing against a shit-slinging horde there. Eidolon and some other people were good, too. It seems like about two people per thread pop up over there and say "Pardon me, but have you considered this?" to a mountain of deeply, deeply irrational hate.

Good evening, folks, I'm going outside. And I suppose that if Abbie gets a pizza from the traffic generated by this ridiculous episode, I'll call the whole thing a wash.

Posted by: Homo Sapiens Sapiens | July 25, 2011 10:34 PM


Fuck! Pharyngula has BECOME DA LAW!!!!!!111!!1!

Legally, those accused must be assumed innocent, but publicly, they need not be, especially if their previous actions make them seem more possibly guilty.

Posted by: Hoody | July 25, 2011 10:42 PM



The amount of rape accusations that are false is a hotbed of advocacy research and rigged statistics. In almost any police precinct, for instance, you'll find that the number of rape claims that were deemed "unfounded" or not warranting further investigation is somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty percent, but the feminists quote only the number of accusations that were conclusively determined to be false. Thus, the person you're quoting is clearly full of shit.

Posted by: TylerD | July 25, 2011 10:47 PM


This is the first time I have posted anything to ERV. About the only useful thing PZ Myers has done in the last month was mentioning (disdainfully) this site, which allowed me to find it for the first time. To my relief I have been able to see that I am not the only one who feels that something is seriously wrong with the Pharyngula bunch. I have followed Pharyngula for years because PZ posts a lot of interesting things about biology and church/state issues but I think I'm going to stop visiting it altogether due to the amount of respect I have lost for him over this Watson issue, and even more so because of that pack of surly, misandrist hags that he has allowed to take over all "discussion" there.

I'm glad to see that dissenting opinions are permitted here without people being banned within a short time. If you're reading this, PZ, I'm really disappointed with you.

Posted by: Allison | July 25, 2011 10:54 PM


I think pharyngula might implode because of this. It's getting to the point where no one takes it seriously anymore. It's just a place for flame wars.

Caveat: I still really enjoy PZ's writing and point of view, but that comments section really has to go.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 10:55 PM


Cathy Young actually a good recent article on the false rape accusation subject.

Posted by: TylerD | July 25, 2011 11:05 PM


@Hoody -

Yes, he has it backwards. Under his logic, false accusations outnumber convictions, so it would be best to ignore the convictions, lest they be based on false accusations as well. (?) Anyway, those stats are skewed and hardly the basis for an "intellectual" analysis of rape statistics. Most agree that rape is an under reported crime, but no one truly knows to what extent.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 25, 2011 11:16 PM


Leave PZ alone!!!11!11!

Look people, do you realize how hard it is for him to be at best a second-tier personality in his beloved skeptic movement? He's been around for years and has made no progress in either becoming the mythical "fifth horseman" or knocking even Sam Harris from the elite quartet. Hell, he's proven unable to usurp the position of cancer-ridden Christopher Hitchens. All of this occurred despite his tutelage under Dawkins, his "tenured-position" privilege, and not having to deal all that much work privilege.

So, he's either has to accept second- rung status or he's got to find a issue with which he can club his way up to national prominence.

Either that or earn his fame and fortune the Dawkins' way which is through hard work and the diligent production of quality scholarship.

Posted by: History Punk | July 25, 2011 11:19 PM

I'm glad to see that dissenting opinions are permitted here without people being banned within a short time. If you're reading this, PZ, I'm really disappointed with you.
Don't bother. You are probably just an insignificant tone troll to him. I'm guessing your disappointment is evidence enough to him that you are not worthy - I think that's how it works.

Caveat: I still really enjoy PZ's writing and point of view, but that comments section really has to go.

Why? He tacitly, if not explicitly eggs them on. He's expressed pride in his commenters.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 25, 2011 11:20 PM


Armchair Skepchick, err, Skeptic:

I get what you're saying. I'm aware that "out there" just walking up to a group of people and cussing at them, or calling them faggots or niggers, or Rebecca Watson or other vile words wouldn't be taken kindly.

Perhaps it's the vicodin talking (mainly it says "eat me" - unlike Rebecca Twatson says), but the thing I've been trying to get at, and which started us on this whole ordeal of these words is that I was being lectured by someone on the evils of society and discrimination and all that it entails. He thought himself fully adult to take on these weighty matters. And then had to type n*****, which in my estimation immediately gives me pause with respect to whether I should continue to take someone seriously.

One can talk about rape, torture, oppression, defleshing, hanging, burning, murdering, committing genocide without batting an eye. But "nigger", well, that's just too vile, and I need my fainting couch if it gets whipped out. It strikes me as having an inadequate grasp on the realities of the situation.

Somehow or another, I got a little off track with that point and let it turn into a discussion to a small degree about how I respond to being called names. It was irrelevant to the conversation, but, there you have it. Totally blame drugs for that. This doesn't change the fact that being called names doesn't actually bother me in the slightest. Never has.

I get called a misogynist for not agreeing out of hand with what the side opposite says. Well, ok. Fine I'm a misogynist then. But that word no longer has any utility (unless its use is meant to shame me into acceding to a dubious proposition, in which case it simply has no utility with respect to me).

I shouldn't have let it dovetail off into a discussion about me since it was not relevant to the point. Alas, my thoughts aren't exactly perfectly ordered at the moment.

contempt is an opinion or judgment. I'm dubious to the claim that the defining feature is the subject at issue, of someone's ideology versus some "obvious" characteristic. Even were I to accept this as a given, surely an ideology that advocates the slaughter of all undesirable people is more repugnant than having some derisive word for a group? Particularly since the Nazis were quite keen in their videos showing blacks dancing and having text like, say, look at the uncivilized niggers in America (and elsewhere) as propaganda. Plus, I seem to recall the Nazi's vacationing in Africa or something like that. I think they started a bar fight or two while there.

Even if both terms were equivalent in representing, say, the killing or enslavement of certain groups, Nazi would still have to be a worse term because its scale is more massive. They would not only have taken out all the blacks they could, but jews, gays, intellectuals, well, pretty much everyone. Nigger only applies to a subset out of the set of all people. Whatever the damage that could be done to all blacks doesn't measure up to the harm done to all blacks + most of everyone else. So, if nigger is clutch the pearls material, Nazi should be at least that - at least if there's any consistency.

I'll be reporting you to the John C. Welch Long But Single Post DDOS Attack Bureau for that post!

This is fairly straightforward in/out group dynamics. How do you make an in-group? Get a cool secret code and there you go. Like, say, order of the molly, an entire wiki section to send people so they can learn how to speak to the group in the group's dictated language. Blah blah blah

I hate to break it to you, but we verified (through a source reputable as myspace even) that Twatson is a scientist. She has a degree in science and everything. Yes, she's a talkalotologist. Pwned, bitch - err, non-gender specific canine of nondescript variety. Say, North Carolina general statute 67-2 "Permitting Bitch at large" should be taken off the books: "If any person owning or having any bitch shall knowingly permit her to run at large during the erotic stage of copulation he shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor."
I'm offended!

John Greg:
I was slumming over there earlier today, and this one guy wrote something like, sheesh, this is making it seem like I should feel guilty for having a penis. PZ then of course assembled a strawpenis and beat it in front of everyone. He was beating the shit out that strawpenis - slapping to and fro, hither and tither - I felt so bad for it that I almost wanted to hold it and comfort it. Anyway, he writes that "I'm not embarrassed about *my* penis . . ."

This seems to indicate a lack of reading skills, or category appreciation. Alas, a verdict one never hears read out from the dock: "We the jury find the defendant embarrassed. So say us one, so say us all."

Not only do I have the right to ask a woman for sex at anytime, I positively do not do it. Yet, I'm lumped in as though it's something of the remotest interest to me. "Well, you have to look at it from her point of view." Why can't I just return that and say, "Maybe women should start presuming all the men who talk to them are gay instead of rapists. There are many more gay guys than rapists after all . . ."
But "gay man spoke to me!" isn't an outrage unless you're also a guy. And by guy, I mean one of those insecure types. If they can play statistics, so can I.

Franc Hoggle:
if it's true that everyone at pharyngula swallows so easily, I might just have to go back and say hello!

Peace out, yo *gayngsigns*

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 11:20 PM


@bluharmony - I essentially told PZ to stick to science, which is the only thing he still has rational cred in. To then see him walk into a door so spectacularly in his response reminded me of prime Peter Sellers' slapstick. The sort of thing you can't make up. It is delicious.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 25, 2011 11:21 PM


An amusement and possible tripwire.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 25, 2011 11:32 PM


@franc - serioulsy? Ad himinem? Reductio ad Watsonum? HAHAHAHA

Posted by: breasticle | July 25, 2011 11:33 PM



If someone calls me a faggot I know it's true. It also doesn't bother me because I find nothing bothersome about being gay. When someone calls me shortshit, it's equally a non-event. I'm short. There's nothing wrong with that. [Agreed! -DS] Were I black and someone called me a [n*****] it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. ...The offense taken at being called a name one doesn't like is the sign of a person who gives to people power over their state of mind and emotion for a reason that is foreign to me.
Am I like emotionally stunted here or something?

Serendipitously, a few days ago I was leafing through a book on parenting toddlers, and came across some stuff on a ten-trait model of temperament, which included things like Adaptability, Intensity, Activity, Distractibility, and Emotional Sensitivity. Kids towards the less-emotional sensitivity end of that trait as described here:

May not worry much about what others think of them
Often are oblivious to others' feelings
Rarely display emotions
Don't take offense
Can continue to function in highly emotional situations.

What sort of research backs this (or similar models) up, I don't know, but that's pretty interesting...

I'm not trying to be pedantic or take you to task. I just do not see how using the word Nazi is acceptable but [n*****] isn't. I don't go around calling people [n******], but then again, I don't see black people as being anything but precisely equal to me. I think it's ridiculous, however, that just mere mention of the word [n*****] gives so much offense.

Oh ... kay. Um, I think a good first step here would be for folks who feel this way to temporarily stop trying to understand or even judge, and just accept. (Hey, there are fairly broad - if rather different - swathes of human interaction where that's basically what I have to do). That's the way it is. If you're white, saying that is extremely offensive to black people (at least U.S. context). Presumably you don't want to seriously offend people for no point or gain, and refraining from doing so has a basically non-existent cost (for non-bigots), so hey, why not, right? Then you can kinda move on from there.

And .... seriously? "Nazi" is a (more or less) factual description of a former political party and general ideology, or folks adhering to it (like the ones who slaughtered ~6 million of my relatives). Now, it could be poorly- or misapplied, and then one might be understandably upset/angry, but that goes for anything uncomplementary ('you smell bad!' 'you support genocide!'. etc.). N*****, said by non-black people, is an extremely offensive slur - there isn't any 'correct' way to apply it. I don't understand why you're confused here.


And with the n-word, it's not as much a problem that the word is offensive ... so much as it is that it seems to be okay for one race to use it, but not another. That is pretty much the exact definition of racism...

No. Seriously, just ... no. This is just really blind to social and historical context. Like I mentioned above: if possible, for now just accept it, ok? And while at best this can lead to folks saying nobody should use it (and there are black people who hold this opinion), it can also help encourage the kind of white folks who screech about how they should get to say it too, and being prevented (by social standards and pressure) from doing so is hideous oppression.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 25, 2011 11:37 PM


I've always wanted to address a message to someone with this salutation.

Dear Homo:
If you are not outright calling for my head on a spike, you're clearly on the wrong side of this issue. Why, Abbie's failure to ban me outright implicated her in my crimes. Some of which are too unspeakable to say, which is why I write them instead.

With respect to the rape statistics, as I've noted all over hell's creation, no one has really data on rape statistics. Conviction/acquittal rates aren't necessarily helpful in determining whether a rape was actually committed. People are wrongfully accused and wrongly convicted. People are also rightly accused and still acquitted. The burden to convict anyone is high in the U.S. (and it has to be as it's better to let a guilty person free than imprison an innocent person).

This is not just an institutional problem though. There are real issues in rape victims being ashamed to come forward quickly enough to report the rape so that evidence of the deed isn't lost to the privations of time. That is a big problem, and I wish we could have an environment (well, ideally, one in which people aren't victims of anything - but that's too fucking stupid to hope for) where victims aren't ashamed of being victims. Unfortunately, many things contribute to that. Among those, sadly, is the devaluation of words. Like rape itself. There's an inverse relationship with how the media report crimes - one person is wrongly convicted and later found to have been wrongly imprisoned on insufficient evidence (which is later determined on an examination of the actual evidence to be conclusive proof of that person's innocence for that crime), and it's headline news.

And we all know that only *important* problems get reported. Yes, it's important we know when our justice system fails. But reports of this variety have a non-linear outcome.

Other problems is the perception of over-reactions to things, like, say, the Twatson thing.

When I was on the job, we had a female Army Major come in to file a rape report. She cried "rape" the day after her husband found out that she'd been seen with another guy and wasn't staying late at the office. They'd been having an affair for something like two years. This sticks in people's heads that someone of low moral character like that Major would cry rape to avoid the indignity of admitting to an affair. Even though we know beyond all doubt she wasn't raped, the gentleman involved now will always have that over his head.

Plus, there are drugs used which don't necessarily show up in a toxicology report independent of other drugs a person might be using on purpose. So, those types of rapes are really hard to prosecute because the evidence is inconclusive, and he said she said isn't a reliable way to establish guilt. Particularly when false accusations happen as often as they do.

But for the purely statistical argument, it wouldn't matter over there. Their analysis method isn't constrained by data. They have a conclusion and the data they have to account for become post hoc justifications; their reasoning isn't based on data and thus can't be refuted by data.

It has every feature of a religion, but none of the special rites and magic. It's just straight blind belief.

It's pathetic and I'm hungry now.

Posted by: Justicar | July 25, 2011 11:57 PM


Not that it's particularly relevant, but I have seen "Nazi" used as a slur against Germans. No, I don't mean actual Nazis, I mean regular Germans. I'm in no position to gauge how offensive a word is on the offense-o-meter (nor do I care) but I would imagine that most Germans would not consider being called a Nazi to be a nice thing.

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 25, 2011 11:58 PM

Threeflanged@1333: contempt is an opinion or judgment. I'm dubious to the claim that the defining feature is the subject at issue, of someone's ideology versus some "obvious" characteristic. Even were I to accept this as a given, surely an ideology that advocates the slaughter of all undesirable people is more repugnant than having some derisive word for a group?

Was just pointing out what I think is the usual reasoning behind attitudes toward the two words. One intends to insult someone for something not of their choosing, the other for something they chose to be.One can at least reject the accusation of being a Nazi. Most would agree that being a 'nigger' is nothing to be ashamed of, unlike being a Nazi.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 25, 2011 11:58 PM


Allison & Bluharmony,

I agree. I've been reading and posting on Pharyngula long before there was a scienceblogs (around the time PZ got banned from ARN)and the comments in the threads were lively, but it seems like in the past couple of years a cadre of irregulars took over the comments as there own little fiefdom, and there's hardly a thread nowadays that doesn't at some point get derailed to feminism - as they define it.

I went over today and discovered the cowards evidently have me killfiled ... can't let anything disrupt the noise bouncing around the echo-chamber in their up is down, in is out, inequity is equity world....


Posted by: wildlifer | July 25, 2011 11:59 PM


@TFJ -- I realize that the comments are where his fame comes from, and that's sad, since I'm a liberal and occasionally he makes valid points. Of course, that's tempered by the source, and I'm not sure I want PZ as the source of valid points any longer. He has discredited himself in too many ways to mention.

@Justicar -- I admire your intelligence and the way your mind works at a pace that is, at least for me, impossible to match. I have to disagree with you on one point. Words do matter, just not the ones that RW heard. For instance, if someone tells me I'm ugly (something I can't change), I'll be upset for days. The person saying it has a right to say it, and I don't deny him that right, but it will have a substantial effect on my self-esteem. So why do it? It serves no purpose, so perhaps it's better to exercise restraint and be polite. Maybe I already know I'm ugly, but it's still hurtful to hear that from someone else. Again, this has nothing to do with rights, just manners. And this is just one of many examples where words do hurt.

I was verbally abused as a child, and I live my life with those scars. As a child, I couldn't discard them, and in all honestly, I would have rather been beaten. I've also been raped, but I'd rather go through that again, then hear some of the things I heard as a child.

I think you're right in almost everything you say, but I'd like you to consider that sometimes some people do perceive things slightly differently than others would.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 12:02 AM


Having been:

assaulted, literally, too many times to count between 4th grade and 12th grade, (pretty much every kind. six on one? check. Sticks? Check. Rocks? check. Being held down so someone could kick the crap out of me? Check. Being held by two people so a third could ride their bike into me? Check. Almost shoved over a balcony? Check. sexual and otherwise? Check), hit by cars, (numerous times. 4-5 at least) had many things broken, shattered etc....

Yeah. Call me names please. Names don't leave you bleeding, still having to walk three blocks home knowing you're going to get told to "stand up for yourself".

Words, you eventually can realize, were other people's problems. I got body parts that don't work quite right. I'll take words.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 12:19 AM


Dan S:
you're going to lecture me about blindness. Thank you, no. You seem perfectly content to accept faggot, but you felt obliged to edit nigger. Why? What is it in you that makes one acceptable and the other not? Culture? What? Why is it ok to insult all gay American, but not all black Americans?

The reason I ask of all x Americans is because of your categorical claim: "If you're white, saying that is extremely offensive to black people (at least U.S. context)"

Again, I'm not trying to be pedantic for pedantry's sake. I seriously fail to understand why the disparity? To be sure, your comfort level seems to be unequal there.

I think I have a fairly good handle on my emotions with respect to sensitivity. But then again, I try to constrain my emotions with my intellect instead of the reverse.

At no point have I said that I am oblivious to other people's feelings. I am aware that people are offended by certain things. I am aware that religious people are offended by my rejection of their generous of salvation. I do not care. See the difference? I see "oh, this person is upset" and then I go a step further and say, "but that's not my problem". I am not going give someone the benefit of letting their personal hot-button emotional issue dictate what conversations I'm allowed to have. It can't work that way.

As I've said, in the conversation I was having here, which was after all not about what it is I say to random people I meet or whatever, but in the form of an academic discussion. Indeed, the direct provenience here dealt with someone invoking a situation in which a black man was being addressed by a racist, the dialogue for whom was written in a way that racists don't talk. Racists don't walk up to people and say, "You're an n asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk". They don't say "you're a special n-word". If someone can't handle the language, as I said, but wants to discuss the evils of bigotry, then that person simply is ill-prepared to have a serious discussion.

Yes, I'm fully capable of functioning in "highly emotional" situations. You'll find most people who become police officers are - we train on it. A lot. One's life in that line of work literally depends on being able to function clearly, deliberately in highly charged situations. Losing one's cool and being overwhelmed by emotion is not particularly helpful when deciding to shoot or not shoot, PIT or don't PIT. Indeed, I rarely find it prudent to react in situations on emotion.

Yes, I have emotions. No, they don't govern me. As it happens, I also have an evolved brain capable of managing my evolved capacity for emotion.

I don't take offense at words. Why should I? OH NOES! Someone said mean words to me - I guess I should start feeling something about that because it's like totally a good use of my time and energy to let other people decide for me when I can feel good or bad!

If these things work for you, you're welcome to them. But you must leave me out of it as I refuse to live my life subject to the words some asshole might choose to say to me.

"if possible, for now just accept it, ok? And while at best this can lead to folks saying nobody should use it (and there are black people who hold this opinion),"
And there are black who say the opposite. So, you tell me - which set of black people should I listen to? And why is it that what black people alone think about it determines what constrains what's permissible?

I'm gay. I don't get a vote on whether faggot is allowable or not. What is this sophistry? Because I'm gay I know better than straight people can know what words gay people can handle hearing? How fucking arrogant is that? Yes, because you sleep with people I wouldn't, I am therefore somehow in charge of how you may address people who sleep with people I would sleep with?

Random person: "That guy called you a faggot!"
Me: "WHAT?! Oh - I thought you said maggot. I was about to have to get upset. Sorry, flower, he can go fuck himself, and you can join him because it's people like you who get all butthurt over words that make people like him think he has actual power by saying a word, that make people like him think he's actually *done* something."

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 12:29 AM


@John -- I get your point, I really do. What I'm basically referring to is manners. And I'd like to point out that there was nothing particularly ill-mannered about EG's approach. Clumsy? Perhaps, but that's about it.

Given the examples you mention, I'd probably choose words too. But given the option of hurtful words or silence, I'd choose silence. And that's all I'm trying to say. Believe me, in this Watson scenario, I'm fully on your side.

I'm just saying that words can hurt, especially when dealing with an extremely emotionally sensitive woman like me. I wish they didn't, but they do. And there's no assertiveness training I can engage in to make the pain stop. Again, I understand you point and don't diminish your experiences. I wish I were as strong as you are, and when it comes to waking the street at night, taking the elevator, or getting propositioned, I am. But there are too many instances of being told how worthless I am in my past for me to overcome that so easily, much as I would like to.

I wish I had Abbie's attitude, I really do.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 12:34 AM


more justicar!

Why can't I just return that and say, "Maybe women should start presuming all the men who talk to them are gay instead of rapists. There are many more gay guys than rapists after all . . ."

a) Cite?
b) Well, do you understand why the possibility (not the presumption, that's incorrect) that some particular man, eg, randomly inviting them back to his hotel room at 4am for "coffee" could turn out to be a rapist would be a relevant thing to be concerned about, more so than the possibility they could turn out to be gay? What are the likely consequences if he was to turn out to be a rapist, as opposed to a gay guy? And does it seem possible that some people may not find this discussion quite so amusing, for pretty decent reasons?


The latter seeks inequality by demanding men account for some kind of extent advantage ("privilege")

The Americans With Disabilities Act requires public accommodations like stores and schools to be accessible and usable for persons with disabilities (to simplify). Does that seek inequality?

Also: interested, sorta related link: Christian Privileges in American Society: Hidden Ways Christians are Privileged

Peter, forced to be anonymous:
- words don't kill people, people kill people, re: Rwandan genocide, Norway massacre:
I hope you'll read the (fwiw) wikipedia section on the role of media propaganda in the Rwandan genocide. Also note that Breivik seems to have been a (heavy?) consumer (and plagiarizer) of rightwing - but more or less mainstreamed authors (including, according to Michele Goldberg, "Steyn, Robert Bork, Rich Lowry, and Melanie Phillips. .. Patrick Buchanan".

Posted by: Dan S. | July 26, 2011 12:37 AM



No, it is racism. Now, you MAY be able to justify it, but look: it is a case of one race NOT being able to say a word that ANOTHER race can say. Fuck historical context; that IS the definition of racism. Is it the worst thing ever? Not necessarily. Is it justified? Possibly. But I HATE when people try to deny facts. One race is allowed something another race isn't. If that's not racism, then please give me a cogent definition in which THAT would be excluded?

Posted by: bladerunner | July 26, 2011 12:39 AM



I can appreciate all of that. And I'm not advocating we should have an outbreak of assholery where people go around just casting aspersions at random just because they can. I'm in favor of civility most of the time. But there are assholes in the world. You're going to meet some (in addition to the ones you've already had the displeasure of meeting). They're going to say mean things to you, about you, about people you like, things you enjoy, how you look, what you wear, how much money you make, whether your eyes are perfectly aligned, whatever.

This will happen to me. I have before me several choices. I choose to not be subject to the mean things other people *are* going to say about me.

I have apparently not been plain enough here:
the conversation we were having was in the guise of some hypothetical racist addressing some hypothetical black guy. The dialogue was rendered in that context with the "naughty word" partially redacted. This was in the context of discussing racism. The hatred of a person on the grounds of their perceived "race". That is vile. But people can say the word racist, racism understanding what is entailed by it. But the word nigger - that's too vile? Fine, that word has that kind of power over them, but the actual concept of racism is something they're perfectly fine discussing.

This is an inversion of some strange variety. So, as I was saying, if they can speak the word racism, but not discuss the words that are used by racists, without cowering away from it, then that doesn't strike me as a person who is sufficiently appreciating the gravity of the conversation. It's not a mind that is capable of honestly confronting the Big Deal issue, instead of tiptoeing around the least of the problems in racism: a mean word. The word nigger is not what does the work of racism. The ideology that a race is inferior is the fountain of the problem; the oppression and attempts at oppression are what do the work. If one can discuss those, but not the least troublesome bit of the whole lot, there's an inversion in one's capacity to honestly broker that discussion - at least in my estimation.

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 12:41 AM


@John: Oh, much as Rose St. Clair, who also stood up to Rebecca in this non-incident, I've had some of the same problems, the end result being that I too am disfigured for life. Not noticeably in clothes, but otherwise. The primary cause? Words delivered by someone I adored.

@Justicar: I agree when you're talking about non-pc terms. They say more about the person using them than those they're directed at. I have no problem with those as long as they're not directed at people I love. Then I feel protective. For me, that's a natural emotion. But I certainly don't support idiocy like removing the word "nigger" from Huck Finn.

My point is that words CAN hurt and that's why we have exceptions to free speech for defamation, words inciting riot, serious threats, harassment, and so on. My other point is that the particular words used were perfectly appropriate in Watson's case. In fact, if I were face to face with her, my words wouldn't be nearly as nice.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 12:44 AM



I responded before I read your last post. I completely agree.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 12:46 AM



Really? Disfigured? Yes, the words can hurt, but the words didn't hurt you, the person did. But disfigured? No.

Words cannot, can. not. hurt you until you allow them to. It is the ideas behind the words, the actions behind them that can cause you harm, and even then, you have to allow them to. I have a really stupidly cute dog named Maggie. although she also answers to "baby puppy" because that's what I call her. Fucking Laden's saying some stupid shit about how I probably beat my dog too.

Sure, I could allow that to hurt me, but why? That's not the truth. That's laden being a douche. My parents would regularly get all beered up and call me all kinds of hateful things until a Cousin i respected said "John. What they are saying isn't an example of anything wrong with you. It is an example of what is wrong with them. Don't let other people's problems drag you down too."

I was only 12, but the way she said it started something. Sure, it sucked when they'd start in on me about how I was a mistake, but it stopped hurting, because i hadn't earned that shit. And as I got older, I told them to leave me the fuck out of it. i wasn't making them call me names, they did that on their own.

I still got pissed and hurt by their behavior, and their thoughts and their actions, but their words stopped hurting me, and eventually, I got to where I care more about the asshole calling me shit than the mere words.

Words can't disfigure you. Some motherfucker with a knife, sure. But if words make you feel disfigured, as cold council as it is, that is you allowing them to. Telling me I can't or even shouldn't use certain words won't fix that problem a bit.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 12:55 AM


Dan S. @ 1373:
Are you seriously asking me for a cite on the proposition there are more gay people than rapists?

Ok, about 10% of the population is gay. That's about 30 some odd million. Divide that by half and that's the gay men.

You think there are 15 million rapists in the US? If so, they're awfully crafty at getting away with it. Only half a percent of the actual number of rapes gets reported? That's assuming, of course, that each rape is committed by a different individual.

I know our statistics on rape aren't good, but I'm marginally dubious that we're off by a factor of about 200.

And no, I didn't look a single thing up for this post because the question is ridiculous.

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 12:56 AM


There is another unhealthy dichotomy presenting itself here - that of (un)acceptable language and the self-created American crisis with the n and c words versus perfectly common derogatory use of white or male in cursing.

Can somebody please explain? Why is "redneck" acceptable and "n1gger" such an absolute taboo? Both terms originated in slavery. There is ample evidence of white, predominantly Irish, slaves, just as there is evidence that they were often treated far more brutally than their black counterparts because they were cheaper and easier to replace? So why is redneck so, ahem, liberally used by those with zip codes in SensitiveLand?

And what moron first came up with the idea that hypersensitivity was a virtue? There is a smoking pit in hell waiting for you you asshole.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 26, 2011 1:08 AM



This isn't supposed to be my sob story. But I came to the US with no relatives at all other than my mother (and drug-abusing grandmother). The scars came from severe-self mutilation and several suicide attempts. I did not speak English, and had absolutely no one to turn to. In school, everyone called me a "commie." My mother was usually gone at work or in a rage about something, while my grandmother kept telling me that my mother died in an accident. She also ran around with a knife trying to kill herself. In short, I had no guidance or protection at all. I'm somewhat better now, and I don't hold any grudges against my my mother; she did the best she could. My grandmother passed away a long time ago. And no one ever hit me, aside from a smack on the bottom. But words are not always harmless, especially when used against the defenseless.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 1:25 AM



My point is that words CAN hurt and that's why we have exceptions to free speech for defamation, words inciting riot, serious threats, harassment, and so on.

Calling someone a slur or even deliberately saying whatever cruel things one can to upset a person is not in the same class as something like defamation and such, which can have real and possibly inescapable consequences for the victims and others. I'm not saying that insulting people is a good thing to do, but I wouldn't want it banned, you know?

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 26, 2011 1:31 AM


John --

One more point to clarify: without breaking the law, it is entirely your decision to use words as you choose.

Second, I have no trouble standing up to Laden and his gang, and I've been for the last few days. I find that kind of argument fun, though not nearly as fun as it would be if he made any sense. And until a day or two ago, it was just me against his entire throng. Still fun. Those words don't hurt. I find being called an idiot by them to be a compliment of the highest order. I'm not a wilting flower, but I know from experience, especially as a child, that words have hurt me. YMMV.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 1:31 AM



I couldn't agree more. What I'm really referring to is verbal abuse in respect to a child or other vulnerable victim. There's no law against this, and I'm not even advocating for one. I'm simply saying that in some cases, such as those, words can have damaging effects.

Words can hurt, but in most cases, we should grin and bear it, and look at it as a reflection on the speaker. But that doesn't work when the speaker is the only person you look up to for guidance, as in the case of an only child with a single parent.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 1:35 AM


Hey, I disagree with almost everybody here, very strongly and very fundamentally. While I actually am trying to "constrain my emotions with my intellect" (well, such as it is) in these comments, I more or less feel about most commenters here about the way you feel towards the folks on Watson's side of the argument. But quite possibly worse.

Still - something that's gotten pretty impossible to ignore in the last few comments: there's such a lot of pain here. The physical stuff, of course, and then so many old scars: rape, sexual violence, mockeries of justice, years of physical abuse, years of verbal abuse, and more, and more ...

It sucks. I'm so sorry.

... Oh Jenny.
I wish to God I had made this world, this scurvy
And disastrous place. I
Didn’t, I can’t bear it

- James Wright, To the Muse

More to say. Not now. Maybe tomorrow.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 26, 2011 1:47 AM

Peter, forced to be anonymous:

Dan, I don't know why you're addressing me there, other than that you are incredibly dim.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 1:49 AM


Bluharmony: I wrote that post before I was able to see your #1383. I think we're on the same page here, essentially.

I don't know much about the details on laws regarding verbal child abuse (often listed as emotional abuse, maltreatment, or something to that effect), but they do exist (where I live, anyway).

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 26, 2011 1:50 AM


P.S. Dan,

I hope you'll read the (fwiw) wikipedia section on the role of media propaganda in the Rwandan genocide.

I'm well aware of that; duh, you cretin. And the relevance here is the propaganda campaign against those who don't agree with Twatson, Myers, Laden, etc., by declaring them gender traitors and misogynists or enablers of misogyny. But you are far too stupid and selectively perceptive to understand this. As I already said, "The thing about intellectually dishonest dimwits like you, Dan, is that you selectively look at this sort of thing only in the direction that supports you and never in the direction that challenges you."

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 1:56 AM



We are stuck with the results of our actions, but at some point, they are OUR actions. We may not even understand them at the time, but we all have a choice over our own actions.

It took me, perhaps far too long to understand the power of "words can never harm me" but once I did, it was the most amazing feeling ever. Words can never harm me. People? Sure. People can harm me. So can bears, raccoons, alligators, and sloths.

But words?

I don't know any other way to state that, and I don't know of any refutation that isn't masking some other action.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 2:10 AM


Dan S. @ 1385:
It's good that at this stage in your life you're attempting to temper your emotional outbursts with the salve of reason. It's healthy to practice, and you should do so in small steps. It's not easy to ask a grown man to take the difficult step of thinking things through and divorcing himself of his emotions sufficiently to evaluate a claim in an intellectual capacity. Goodness knows that history shows us this is not an easy task.

But before the war starts and you get your people and their torches and come to my house to make me gnash my teeth because you got your wittle feelers hurt, let's go over a couple of things that I have patiently explained to you, to which you've responded with quite a bit of snark and not an ounce of wit.

The reason that I don't subscribe to your emotional disposition in the evaluation of such matters is that it yields unpredictable, chaotic results. It seems to stop you from answering fairly straightly put questions.

You can type faggot without a problem. Nigger you make sure you go through and careful redact to a juvenile n asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk thing. Why? What makes one acceptable and the other not? If you find that one is repugnant such that typing it anonymously online is too great a burden to bear, what then excludes faggot from your henpecking protection?

What is it about blacks that you find sufficiently special (or weak) that they require your virtual defense while the gays are strong enough to bear it? Is it because the gays can be legally discriminated against right now? We have more recent practice in suffering at the hands of the Man than the blacks? We're just more in shape to handle it? Are we wittier and better dressers who present the appearance of being too happy-go-lucky such that a well-placed, albeit dim-witted, platitude will do the trick to put us in check?

Have the blacks just had it too good for too long and you don't want to ruin a good streak of luck by having one of them happen across the 'n-word' (covers mouth and says teehee)? They've just gotten so lax they can't handle reading words they don't like? I'm assuming you at least think highly enough of them to believe some of them can read these days since, you know, it wouldn't make sense to censor the word but for them?

Now, sit your slightly chafed ass down for a minute and collect your thoughts. Breathe in, breathe out. Have a nice swift shot. Err, maybe you should just have a daiquiri instead. Here, let me throw on some fabulous couture and roller blades, and I'll zip right over to plant a cherry topped tiny umbrella in it for you.

OK, now that we've pampered you through that, let's get back to the question you've several times failed to address:

Why is faggot acceptable for you to type, but nigger is not?
Clearly it's not discrimination that is at issue, since both words attend that process. It's something distinct and unique to the groups - you look at one differently than the other. So, what is it?

Even being gay myself, ya know, I can look at this with cold objectivity, through the austere serenity of logic. I am completely unswayed by emotion on this, which is why I'm able to treat both groups exactly the same. You are not - one you find more repugnant than the other.

I want to know why. Put down the poetry and think about it. Think long and hard, Dan. When you come back, I'll have a little poem for you.

Poem to follow after the break

I am Dan.

I am Dan
Dan I am.

That Dan I am
That Dan I am!

I do not like
that Dan I am.

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 2:35 AM


If I had someone like you (who spoke Russian) to tell me those things when I was seven, in a foreign country, living in the projects; and to also tell me that my grandmother was ill and was lying to me, it might have helped. But I was all alone. In that case, words are all you have. And also the piano, which I was made to practice four hours a day.

My story is no worse than anyone else's. But it did affect me. That doesn't in any way change my position on Rebecca's non-incident.

I admire you for your courage and your ability to overcome the hardships that befall you, but not everyone can as easily. Please understand, with all my heart I wish I could. And I've been trying. But the nightmares plague me still.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 2:41 AM

Can somebody please explain? Why is "redneck" acceptable and "n1gger" such an absolute taboo? Both terms originated in slavery. There is ample evidence of white, predominantly Irish, slaves, just as there is evidence that they were often treated far more brutally than their black counterparts because they were cheaper and easier to replace? So why is redneck so, ahem, liberally used by those with zip codes in SensitiveLand?

Franc, I feel like I have been waiting to read this paragraph MY ENTIRE LIFE.

Posted by: Token Rayshul | July 26, 2011 2:58 AM


Misogyny, racism, sexism and HIV 1 has brought about the embers of romance; viz., 1392 --> 1380.

I need a tissue - I'm a little verklempt.

Talk amongst yourselves . . .

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 3:27 AM


I'm afraid I've lost the plot. Not surprising with my limited education (which means no courses in philosophy, logic, human psychology, communications, and only a high school education in science and math...)

So, I accept the premise that words have no more emotional power than we allow them to have.

I also accept the premise that in academic discussions we should not be shy about using offensive words.

But, I think words are powerful weapons because they can convey both highly enlightened or repugnant ideas. They challenge us to think about ourselves and our relationship and responsibilities to others. On an individual level, they can elicit feelings of well-being and love or great emotional pain, depending on the relationship between the speaker and the listener. On a broad social level, they can inspire extraordinary acts of heroism or horrendous acts of violence. (Hitler didn't kill millions all by himself. His powerful words convinced thousands to do his dirty work.)

Yes, it's best if we can suppress the negative emotions ugly words can cause and intellectually deal with the ideas those words represent. Where I'm confused is that the overriding argument about words seems to be that it is solely the responsibility of the listener not to be affected by the words, and that's where I have lost the plot.

If words have no more emotional power than we allow them to have over us, why have we not just shrugged our shoulders when Rebecca chose to use words to attack Stef from the podium and in print. What does it matter? Stef seems to have weathered these attacks and remained emotionally undamaged by those words. If words can't cause any real harm why not just let Rebecca, P.Z. etc...carry on as they have been, while we shrug our shoulders and say, "Whatever. Doesn't matter. It's just words."

What am I missing?

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 26, 2011 3:45 AM



But, I think words are powerful weapons because they can convey both highly enlightened or repugnant ideas. They challenge us to think about ourselves and our relationship and responsibilities to others. On an individual level, they can elicit feelings of well-being and love or great emotional pain, depending on the relationship between the speaker and the listener. On a broad social level, they can inspire extraordinary acts of heroism or horrendous acts of violence. (Hitler didn't kill millions all by himself. His powerful words convinced thousands to do his dirty work.)

The people behind the words and the people listening do all of that. Hitler didn't somehow hypnotise nor force millions to do anything they didn't want to already do. Anti-semitism, homophobia and all the rest were well-documented in Europe. Hitler just capitalized on what was already there. If people want to justify their actions by blaming a smooth-talking failed artist, well, delusion is cheap and there is an infinite supply. But Hitler didn't create the racist and other attitudes in Germany. He just was more crass and effective at manipulating them.

Yes, it's best if we can suppress the negative emotions ugly words can cause and intellectually deal with the ideas those words represent. Where I'm confused is that the overriding argument about words seems to be that it is solely the responsibility of the listener not to be affected by the words, and that's where I have lost the plot.

It's called "You are responsible for your actions". It's pretty simple as a concept, you can pretty much teach it to a small child. In fact, you kind of have to. If someone were to exhort me, no matter how expertly, to harm my son, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves and walk off, because that's not something I'll ever voluntarily do. If I WERE to do that, it would not be "their" fault, it would be mine and mine alone. Words are not that powerful without something already there to work with.

If words have no more emotional power than we allow them to have over us, why have we not just shrugged our shoulders when Rebecca chose to use words to attack Stef from the podium and in print. What does it matter? Stef seems to have weathered these attacks and remained emotionally undamaged by those words. If words can't cause any real harm why not just let Rebecca, P.Z. etc...carry on as they have been, while we shrug our shoulders and say, "Whatever. Doesn't matter. It's just words."

Because it wasn't watson's WORDS that pissed me off. Had she said the *exact* same things on her website, or to Stef in person, I'd not have cared beyond "what a bitch". It was her actions, her choice to attack stef in a way that did now allow stef to defend herself that pisses me off. She could have chosen different words, nicer words, and had she taken the same actions in the same situation, I'd feel the same way.

The words aren't the problem. The person is. Why is this so difficult?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 3:56 AM

What am I missing?

That people use hyperbole and imprecise thinking. Despite any limits of your education, I think you understand the issues quite well. Of course words matter, and the folks saying they don't are being silly. But it does not follow that, as the Twatsonians would have it, calling Watson "Twatson" is misogynist or enables misogyny.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:00 AM

It was her actions

Which were the use of certain words. Your position really isn't tenable.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:02 AM


Justicar and John C. Welch: Your atitude is a brave one and one we all strive for: sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don't.
bluharmony: If anything lasts of this controversy, I hope it is your posts. Thank you for your honesty and thoughtfulness.
Dan S: Your last post seems to indicate you were given pause by the pain you saw here. You should know we are all here because of pain and the words that inflicted it. You think we don't empathize with Rebecca Watson, but we mostly do. We also empathize with Stef McGraw, St.Clair Rose(I would say wise young lady, but young lady is just irrelevant), Abbie, and you know what, even elevator guy. Rebecca Watson has made a mistake in letting her pain (and when I rewatch her video I see pain, pain that must have preceded EG, and probably predated the nasty emails she talked about in Dublin) trump everything else. She and some of her "supporters" have just been nasty and inflicted pain on others in the furtherance of their ideology( which neither explains any one's pain or helps it).

Posted by: highjohn | July 26, 2011 4:05 AM

Why is "redneck" acceptable and "n1gger" such an absolute taboo?

Because of their entire cultural context. Why is "feces" acceptable on TV but "shit" isn't?

Both terms originated in slavery. There is ample evidence

Then you ought to be able to cite some, and while you're at it add such citations to

treated far more brutally than their black counterparts because they were cheaper and easier to replace

I sincerely doubt it, and I think you are severely understating the brutality visited upon black slaves.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:14 AM

Franc, I feel like I have been waiting to read this paragraph MY ENTIRE LIFE.

Then you should be overjoyed by

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:17 AM


P.S. Apparently Franc has confused "redneck" with "redlegs".

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:23 AM

Anti-semitism, homophobia and all the rest were well-documented in Europe. Hitler just capitalized on what was already there. If people want to justify their actions by blaming a smooth-talking failed artist, well, delusion is cheap and there is an infinite supply. But Hitler didn't create the racist and other attitudes in Germany. He just was more crass and effective at manipulating them.

This is extremely naive. The Nazis not only inflamed but also extended those attitudes.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:29 AM



An ardent skeptic, I pretty much agree with you. I think we're getting confused some where along the line. One issue is Twatson (justicar's justifiable jab at Watson's atititude towards others) and Dan S.'s inability to say nigger in a hypothetical argument, another issue is her "supporters" nearly constant use of accusations of "misogynist". And then we get Hitler's speeches. Words have power, some people can defend themselves against that, some can't, and most of us some of the time. And I regard twat as pretty weak as a word.

Posted by: highjohn | July 26, 2011 4:31 AM


highjohn, you have a lot of assumptions on which to prop up your sympathy for Watson -

1) you assume Watson is not a common narcissist/psychopath pursuing personal monomania (between 1% and 4% of the population, depending who you ask). See her latest video for strawclutching to land a few kicks into the fat rich whiteguy who's masculinity is threatened. Also remember that she has been hammering atheist misogyny for years - this is not a one off performance.
2) you assume that the elevator guy even exists
3) Or if he does, you assume that he is not PZ Myers {boom}{boom}

The more you dig, the more the assumption that you are dealing with rational humanbeans fades. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion.

Posted by: Devil's Towelboy | July 26, 2011 4:32 AM


@1404 Boy is that ever the pot calling the kettle black. There's no evidence that highjohn has made any of those assumptions.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:41 AM


I'm not a great fan of the word "twat", and I actually wish it hadn't been used, but it's trivial compared to what Watson's critics have been called: misogynists, liars, gender traitors ... and on and on. It's been a despicable display from Watson's camp, and it won't be forgotten.

Posted by: Russell Blackford | July 26, 2011 4:41 AM


John C Welch and forced to be ...., don't you see that you are saying practically saying the same thing. "effective at manipulating" and "inflamed but also extended". Hitler used preexisting anger and resentment and focused it on the Jews. The Communist Party in Germany tried to focus that anger and resentment on the Capitalists. But Hitler was a better speaker. The reality was the same, the average german was thinking "where are the fucking jobs?"

Posted by: highjohn | July 26, 2011 4:44 AM

it's trivial compared to

More importantly, it's merely an insult ... compare calling someone a prick to calling them a racist; the former just expresses a negative attitude toward them, while the latter makes a serious charge.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:48 AM


@forced to be anonymous: judging from the earnestness of your reply, I suspect I have no better chance of convincing you of my point than convincing Watson to take a holiday in a rubber room. Your mind is obviously made up that I am wrong. I will instead refer you to a half decent library so you can look it up for yourself. If you want lies from the internet, you will have to make do with this -

Redneck/Redlegs - a term of derision either way, for poor white trash, many from white slave stock.

Whatever, this is yet another case of exceptionalist dogma (which is at the root of the Watson idiocy) - it is verboten to suggest anyone may have suffered worse than the blacks on plantations in the Americas.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 26, 2011 4:53 AM

practically saying the same thing

No, I think not; I assert that propaganda can create new racists and haters out of people who aren't, and the Nazis did that a lot.

The reality was the same, the average german was thinking "where are the fucking jobs?"

And when they are being told constantly that the Jews took them, they may come to believe it ... the same way that many Americans have come to believe that illegal aliens, "welfare queens" (thanks, Lee Atwater), and "limousine liberals" are the cause of their problems.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:54 AM

Your mind is obviously made up that I am wrong

Fuck you, you hypocritical asshole.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 4:56 AM

it is verboten to suggest anyone may have suffered worse than the blacks on plantations in the Americas.

You are so completely full of shit. I said nothing about it being verboten, merely that I doubted it, which I still do, and that I think you are understating that suffering, which I still do. You may be right, but when you so blithely conflate Barbados redlegs with American rednecks, you have no credibility with me, any more than some woomeister who tells me that mercury causes autism and that it's verboten to say such things.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:00 AM


@1404 & 1405
Thank you, forced to be..., but Devil's Towelboy is kinda right. I ignored the question of EG's existence, but then I think Watson was trying to prove a point and his existence doesn't matter to her either. He was either convenient or nonexistent and still convenient. As to her possible psychopathy (that's a little strong), I would see some kind of pain at the base of that. And I think narcissism is a fair charge. After the last video, I think Abbie hit the nail dead on the head, but bitch and letting one's own pain trump all else and narcissism are all pretty much the same.

Posted by: highjohn | July 26, 2011 5:04 AM

If you want lies from the internet, you will have to make do with this -

You really are a dumb fuck. The first link in the stormfront post goes to which gives some of the same history, so I was already aware of it, and that's why I posted the redlegs link. But again, that's about "Irish slaves in the Caribbean", NOT "rednecks". Your claim that the term "redneck" "originated in slavery" is simply false and your whole argument is bogus and dishonest.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:08 AM

forced to be anonymous: >>Franc, I feel like I have been waiting to read this paragraph MY ENTIRE LIFE.

Then you should be overjoyed by

Isn't there enough cherry-pickers in this circus? What is the point showing a post on Stormfront pointing to a legit article at Yale? Why not point to the Yale article itself? Oh I see, then it would lack the reductio ad Hitlerum punch... Nevermind. Into the peabrain file you go.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 26, 2011 5:10 AM

but Devil's Towelboy is kinda right

The point was about assumptions and DT made a slew of them ... whether some of them happen to be right is beside my point.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:10 AM


forced to be..., I think we agree there. The Nazi took preexisting anger and frustration and turned it into racism by delivering an explanation why you don't have a job. It's the Jew's fault.

Posted by: highjohn | July 26, 2011 5:14 AM

What is the point showing a post on Stormfront pointing to a legit article at Yale? Why not point to the Yale article itself?

The point of it, you dumb fuck unable-to-read moron, is that it also says

You should read Jim Goad's ''The Redneck Manifesto'' , it deals with the issues of white slavery/servants obviously including british and irish slaves/servants. there are also brilliantly inciteful chapters about the discrepancies in how say, a black american is treated and a southern ''redneck'' american is...he actually counts the usage of the word ****** in relation to the words redneck/cracker/etc/etc in the media at one point...

As I said, Token Rayshul should be overjoyed to read that.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:15 AM

The Nazi took preexisting anger and frustration and turned it into racism by delivering an explanation why you don't have a job. It's the Jew's fault.

And we can see a lot of that operating at stormfront. Having read a lot of their posts, I actually have considerable sympathy for those folks, as misdirected as their anger is. (But that's not why I posted it here -- it was simply the first google hit for redneck+irish+slaves after the Wikipedia white trash article, which refers to the attitude of black house slaves toward poor whites.)

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:30 AM


Dan S @1373

For some reason, you've quoted a section of text in which I outline a distinction between radical feminism and liberal feminism and made some comment about it. I have no idea what your point is. Are you disagreeing with the differentiation between the two that I make? Are you going further and attempting to justify one position over the other? If so, you'll need to go to a different post, because my views on why one position makes more sense than the other is not contained in the post you are responding to.

If your point is "we've got inequality over here, therefore it is okay to have inequality over there", then I should probably note that such an argument could also be used to support apartheid. At that stage, you should hopefully realise that inequality for inequality's sake isn't a very good argument. I'm hoping that I've just misunderstood your very strange post, and you weren't making such a case.

Also, can I add my voice to those that highlight your refusal to use the word nigger in a debate about use of language is incredibly shallow and suggests you now have an issue with the word itself rather than the racism associated with it. That isn't a rational position.

Posted by: Spence | July 26, 2011 5:44 AM


John, I absolutely accept that people are responsible for their own actions. I also except FTBA's premise that the use of a nickname like Twatson does not reflect misogynistic thinking or enable misogynists. But, I still can't fully accept your premise that it's only actions and not words that really matter.

As an example:

Justicar said that a military officer made a false accusation of rape to avoid having to be honest with her husband about committing the physical act of adultery. The man whom she accused has now wrongly been given the label of rapist. That word will be associated with him unjustly and may very well affect his ability to obtain employment, etc. She used words to make the accusation. Yes, her actions with words were bad. And, it is now a word that he has been labeled with. A powerful word which can do him real harm.

If the word does him harm it is because of the actions of others -- their unwillingness or inability to do the research to see if the label is deserved. Sure, OK. But, Fuck Mr. Unjustly Accused Rapist. It's just a word, he'll have to learn to live with it and not let it affect him in any way? I don't see how that's possible as he can't control the feelings and the actions of others who have an emotional response to that word, and as a result of that emotional response, allow him to suffer in very real ways, employment, personal relationships, etc...

I also find it difficult to understand why, if Rebecca had called out Stef from the podium and spoken about Stef in only the most glowing terms, you would have had a problem with Rebecca's actions.

Admittedly, I'm not a great logician so, John, please tell me if this is faulty reasoning in some way and how I've gotten it wrong. THANKS!!

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 26, 2011 5:52 AM


I admit I was kind of weirded out by you linking to stormfront... but then I did find the articles it linked to pretty interesting.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 26, 2011 6:03 AM


"She used words to make the accusation. Yes, her actions with words were bad. And, it is now a word that he has been labeled with. A powerful word which can do him real harm."

It didn't kill him, though.

(PS according to the lights of RW and pals, false accusations NEVER happen, all failed trials are because men are privileged and none of the convictions are false because men are rapists)

The problem you have is that the claim of rape falsely is perjury. Calling someone Twatson isn't. And if Men really ruled the planet and were all rapists, then the claim of rape wouldn't be a problem: every bloke would just go "So? She ASKED for it!!".

Posted by: Wow | July 26, 2011 6:16 AM

I admit I was kind of weirded out by you linking to stormfront...

It's ironic that Franc has so little respect for the people there that he considers linking to them to be verboten.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 6:27 AM


@highjohn - my apologies. I misread your "emphasize" as "sympathize". That alters my response somewhat. Firstly, I believe Watson does not deserve any sympathy whatsoever, and if anything, owes the entire godless world a series of groveling apologies and promises to never be an idiot again and leave this internet thingy alone. As for empathy, I do emphasize, in the same way I emphasize with any other emotionally unstable, probably bipolar, human roulette wheel I have ever met. I emphasize with the fact that she probably has windows of lucidity where she realises what a cunt she is (and suffers enormous guilt attacks over it), but they don't last long and get burnt off doing something venomous like her new "dating tips" video. In that regard I do empathize and pity - much like I pity a dog that has rabies.

Again, sorry for the mis-read. My bad.

Posted by: Devil's Towelboy | July 26, 2011 6:34 AM


Like I say, words hurt is just shorthand for, the intention behind the words, the action of saying those words, the action of when to say words, the rhetorical timing (for example the problem with what Watson said to Stef was to wait and compare Stef to inflammatory things when Stef could not reply fairly).

Words themselves have little to no intrinsic meaning

Emotional responses are okay and healthy, but it's what you do with that emotional response that matters, is it the right response, is someone pushing your buttons, this is why we have rationality.

And yes, I do think it's a little odd to say that you feel nothing when someone says something unkind, unless you're simply saying, "I choose rationally, to not be upset", which is fine. People use words to attack and defend and compliment and convince, but it's the intent that matters and whether those things ultimately have an effect that rationality acts upon.

If Dan S would like me to look at Rwanda or the like to argue that the words themselves are intrinsically bad (like PZ argues that twat is intrinsically bad), I'd have to say no. The intentions and interpretations and actual actions are bad. Not the words themselves, unless you mean words to mean the intentions, interpretations, and actions.

Posted by: Peter | July 26, 2011 6:35 AM


"Words can hurt, but in most cases, we should grin and bear it, and look at it as a reflection on the speaker."

An adult should be expected to do so, a child less so, that's why we protect children especially from even the possibility of abuse (of all kinds).

And if, as an adult, you fail to let the words pass you by, then you will be comforted by your friends. But your friends will likely comfort you by both sympathising with your trouble AND with trying to explain that "it wasn't really anything to be worried about".

In RW's case, saying "it wasn't really anything to be worried about" is excusing rapists. That's where her emotionality extends beyond what we demand of a fully functioning adult. Worse, PZ, Laden and others have screamed abuse to people who have gone "There's nothing there to worry about". Why is it worse? They're supposed to be rational about things.

IF RW had said what she said and left it at "I was creeped out", then I don't think anyone would have done anything worse than "So what?". Most would have gone "I understand it would be a little worrying" and her friends would have murmured some sympathy.

But her verbal bitchslap at anyone who doesn't immediately agree that RW has a right to tell everyone what to do because she was creeped out has turned this from a case of an adult not putting things in context into a self-centered infant screaming for a pony.

Posted by: Wow | July 26, 2011 6:37 AM


The police coming to one's home to serve a warrant on a rape allegation in the middle of the daytime is the reason anyone knows of the gentleman. Though it was conclusively demonstrable there had been no rape, and officer in question was court-martialed for conduct unbecoming and false swearing (the military decided to exercise jurisdiction over the claim, as they're entitled to do), and a couple of other charges or "specifications" whatever that means, people for sure knew he'd fuck your wife if you weren't looking.

The word alone isn't what does it. Ideas and actions taken pursuant or attendant to are the things that do the work. The words are one of the ways in which we exchange ideas. Also, I don't think you're operating in the same realm when you have a person pursuing legal process against another as, say, someone shouting dyke across the way, or telling someone they're ugly.

We routinely and without exception differentiate between legal instruments (which carry with them force of law, and can compel a person to surrender his person and property to the state or its agent for various causes), and people talking.

For instance, we have laws which make it punishable by time in custody for lying under oath, or misrepresenting certain legal obligations. However, there isn't a particular set of words one needs use to run afoul of this. No would do it. Nope. Nada. I wasn't there. I was at my mother's house. All of these would qualify for that, but you wouldn't argue otherwise that words are wrong. It's exploitation of trust that is doing the harm. It is the offense to our sense of justice by trying to usurp society's interest in a workable justice system that does the harm.

It's not saying the word no. Or yes. Or at mom's house.

Even with respect to outbursts in court which can land one with a contempt citation, it's not the words as there are other ways of being found in contempt for the precise same thing. You could, in some courts, fail show up on time. Or, bring a cell phone into the court. Or stand up and call the judge a fucking cocksucker. They are all equivalently proscribed, so it is again not the words: it's the thing action taken is meant to do - prevent the orderly administration of our laws.

We can play this cat and mouse game with these all day.

If you want to present at least a putatively cogent argument, you're going to have to draw some intractable, inexorable nexus between the speaking of a word and damage.

I fail to see how it's the words used that do it when alternate words can be substituted in for the same outcome. Or not even words at all - we can, after all, communicate ideas while saying nary a word.

Incidentally, it's not the words Twatson chose to toss McGraw's way. It was the exploitation of a position of power to exact a measure of revenge on a person whom Twatson saw as an enemy/challenger/nuisance/whatever. This is how she operates, whether it's with words or not. She's a vindictive, exploitative worm who seizes whatever is convenient to settle whatever score she can. Be that through chicanery, abuse of a position, silencing of opposition, whatever.

With respect to WWII and Hitler, I think it simply doesn't do well to note the position Germany was left in after WWI. When you exact that kind of punishment against a people such that the following generation is still oppressed by it and some guy happens along and provides a target to direct their anger towards, even if it's ersatz in nature, bad shit happens.

Hitler wasn't the only game in town. He just played his game better than other people.

As John C. Welch said: if someone walked up to me and talked to me, there is no amount of conversation that would convince me to harm my children. There is no amount of physical pressure, pain or torture sufficient to overcome my absolute refusal to harm my children. There is no suffering possible to induce me to raise a hand to them. I would imagine the point at which some theoretical limit of agony to change my mind would be high enough that I would not survive it, or remain conscious.

Unless there is something underlying in a person that is already inclined, or at least potentially so, I fail to see how said person can be talked into doing a thing.

How much of a silver-tongued devil would I have to be convince you to blow a goat? Or take a rusty knife and shove it up your asshole? You laugh, but think about how a conversation could be structured that would induce you to do either of those things. I am a cunninglinguist. But I don't think I can sell that particular product.

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 6:37 AM


"For your consideration: Raging Bee has a reputation at another blog on SB for arguing in defense of "hate speech" laws and the like."

And on this point I agree.

The speech "Get them niggahs of our women!" is an insult. Speaking the same words whilst with 100 other people with guns and knives in their hands and hating blacks is INTENDING the words to start violence.

Glen Beck proclaiming Obama is going to kill your grannies and is taking over the USA to put blacks in charge as a communist nazi atheist muslim is INTENDED to get people so riled up that they will lose it and shoot, for example, police officers.

The point is that hate speech isn't directed at Obama, Niggers, Gays, Communists or whoever, they're directed at the people who HATE those groups. The intent isn't to scare the groups being attacked but to exhort their fellows to violence.

Posted by: Wow | July 26, 2011 7:25 AM


Wow @1427:

Hammer, nail, you've hit it on the head.

As for words, they only matter in the light of context and intent. Words alone don't mean jack shit. They're a combination of phonems. Incidently, there's a writer called Rebecca T. Watson. Often comes out Rebecca T Watson, and even a few typos in which it becomes tWatson. I just thought that was funny...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 7:26 AM


@Wow Comment #1423

I, obviously, am not making myself clear. (That isn't surprising since writing isn't my strength as I am dyslexic.)

My confusion is this:

There seems to be the opinion that words don't really matter, because they only affect us if we let them. If that is true, why don't we shrug our shoulders and ignore Rebecca, P.Z. etc... because they are just spewing forth verbal sewage which has no affect?

John Welsh says that it is Rebecca's actions that he is opposed to. That's what I don't get. All Rebecca's actions amount to are spoken words which don't "kill anyone" according to you. As long as Mr. Unjustly Accused Rapist isn't physically dead it doesn't matter what affect the label "rapist" has on him? It's just a word so it doesn't matter?

What are we doing? What's this about, if the responsibility of the affect of words is solely that of the listener's and not the speaker's? Why do we feel that Rebecca should be censured if all she has done is spoken words? It's not illegal. So, no problem?

I think we are destroying our own argument about the need to disassociate ourselves from the purveyors of feminist dogma in this community if it's just words they're saying which don't "kill" anyone. We don't even have a reason to voice our displeasure because their words have no affect, whatsoever, unless we let them. Voicing displeasure proves they have an affect, doesn't it? Why don't we just shut up about the whole thing because what has transpired is of absolutely no consequence because we don't let words affect us in any way?

Sorry, but at this point I am very confused as to what our argument with Rebecca & Co. is.

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 26, 2011 7:51 AM


Again, Ardent Skeptic 1433: Words only matter in the light of context and intent.

Look at the uproar about "Twatson". As has been mentionned before, it's just a very convenient porte manteau. Had she been called Vanacut, it would have taken two seconds before it turned out as Vanacunt. If it was Dishwasher, one second to become Dickwasher. but none of that matters, because whatever the name change, it would still raise cries of outrage and mysoginy and women-hating.

Now, a word with meaning and intent: mysoginist. It doesn't attack a physical characteristic that can't be changed. it doesn't attack race. It doesn't attack gender. Its pure and unique intent is to paint the other person as someone with vile ideas. His/her choice to be a mysoginist pig. By labelling anyone who disagrees with the RW crowd a mysoginist women-hater is not a subbtle change in the person name to show contempt. It's an actual accusation of being vile, corrupt, and blind to others and their feelings.

None of us here, as far as I know, is a mysoginist. RW, on the other hand, is a self-serving twat. Or dick. Or prick. Or cunt. Whatever pisses her off. That's the intent, not women-hating.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 8:06 AM


Ardent Skeptic,

Good point. The words thing makes no sense. I don't use those words because I don't use them in real life. Why should I? I don't see the point.

What we're trying to say is that simple labels don't matter. The argument is not against RW, it is against the idea that other people can tell other people what to do.

I can live with RWs original point. I can't live with what she said later.

Posted by: Brad | July 26, 2011 8:17 AM


"There seems to be the opinion that words don't really matter, because they only affect us if we let them"


"If that is true, why don't we shrug our shoulders and ignore Rebecca, P.Z. etc... because they are just spewing forth verbal sewage which has no affect?"

Well, lets look closer, shall we?

RW called Stef out in a hostile environment in a manner where she was in power.

This isn't "just words".

Then again, RW can't complain of her being oppressed if she's going oppressing too, can she?

But that, oddly enough, is what she's doing.

So it's hypocritical.

That's not just words.

Posted by: Wow | July 26, 2011 8:24 AM

If that is true, why don't we shrug our shoulders and ignore Rebecca, P.Z. etc... because they are just spewing forth verbal sewage which has no effect? ... Why don't we just shut up about the whole thing because what has transpired is of absolutely no consequence because we don't let words affect us in any way?
Because the entities named above have, through dint of sheer noisiness and brass neck, arrogated themselves the seats of the Pope, and College of Cardinals of Global Anglophone Atheism.

In short, they've exercised their titanic privileges of having endless free time, cash and bandwidth (except when it comes to message boards, it seems) to assume the right to speak for us all. Yakkity-yak, and don't talk back.
Even random ageing carpenters in foreign countries are now subject to the diktat of these buffoons. Fortunately most of my lifelong atheist and sceptical parents and grandparents are long dead, and are spared the embarrassment.

Thanks to the efforts of the likes of Dawkins, Abbie, Gurdur and the Greylining character, to name only a few, it all appears to be going tits-up for the putschists, as their bad faith and megalomaniac instincts are gradually exposed to the rest of the planet, and not just some posh kids' knees-up in a hotel somewhere.
Conclusions will be drawn.

I am quite confident in asserting that now there's nothing more the militant gobshites would like than that it would all just quietly disappear.
There are careers at stake here, don'tcha know?

PS. Justicar, would you like to come back to my room for cocoa? You can jump my privilege, baby.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 26, 2011 8:25 AM


"Sorry, but at this point I am very confused as to what our argument with Rebecca & Co. is."

The problem has been stated many many times.

I'll repeat the one earlier explicitly in case it got missed:

But her verbal bitchslap at anyone who doesn't immediately agree that RW has a right to tell everyone what to do because she was creeped out has turned this from a case of an adult not putting things in context into a self-centered infant screaming for a pony.

Posted by: Wow | July 26, 2011 8:31 AM


Well, I don't know what your argument with her is. I know what mine are. =^_^=

Ardent, are you familiar with Eddie Izzard?

He has a skit about the whole "guns don't kill people, people kill people" line. Then he starts making gun noises and saying bang. The guns help.

Let's say you and I are somewhere. Just you. Just me. And I shout out to my non-existent army to kill you. "Kill him!"

Are you going to keel over dead from that?

It's a different story if I have a group of people who have it in their heads that my words actually control their actions and then I say it.

In exactly the same way I am saying that the words qua words have no power. They have no magic. They aren't incantations which when spoken beset a course of affairs upon the universe.

The issue with Twatson wasn't the words she used. It was the fact she was in some vicarious situation of prestige with an "army" so-to-speak of her fans. This creates a power imbalance. Her words aren't magical. Had she written them on a blog, she'd have been on equal terms with equal efficacy as Stef. But that isn't the situation which was present.

Yes, she used words as the tool, as the mechanism to serve the ideology she, and her loyal fans, share in common. It's the exploitation of that situation which per force deprived Stef of any reasonable ability to have equal access (though access by no means implies ability, or promise of success) to confront the situation.

I get what you're saying. I understand everyone's point that when people grant to others that words have power they do. When they're pressed into service of an ideology they can be weapons.

However, had Twatson done precisely the same in front of an audience that wasn't stacked in her favor - say a hostile audience - this wouldn't have happened in the first place. Namely because she's a coward. But putting that off to the side, had she spoken the same words she would have been have immediately realized that her words didn't have any power because the ideology she's espousing would be denied credence.

I'm loath to use quoted platitude, but Eleanor Roosevelt I think said just about the half of it, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." In order for the magic of the words to be there, it has to be something people are convinced to accept has power.

Now, there are people for whom naughty words will hold power over them. I do not understand why; I do not understand how; I have asked, as well as presented my own vicodin induced thoughts on the matter.

But I deny that power to anyone as I said earlier. Anyone in my life to whom I cede some control over my emotions aren't the kind of people who are going ill-treat my emotions. I carefully evaluate those people, and they are few. Everyone else? Say what you want; if it neither breaks my back nor picks my pocket it's not an issue.

Which is why when I'm milling around in my life and someone calls me a faggot, say, or as of late a misogynist, rape-enabler, sexist, whatever, it barely registers as anything more than slightly amusing. It's a bit insulting to people who are actually being oppressed to completely dismiss them by making the word we use for that particular kind of thing immediately obsolete when used by these people. But that's a statement about them, not me.

I'm uncertain if I'm going to be able to do any better than that for at least the next couple of weeks. In about 90 minutes, I'm scooting on out of here to have surgery, and then I'll be home (hopefully) within a 5 or 6 hours. But I'm not going to be any smarter in the next few weeks than I am right now since after surgery is when the serious drugs start flowing.

So, I guess for the moment this is about the best I can do. Unless you have a particular question that might maybe frame it obliquely or something, I don't know how else to really come at it from another angle.

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 8:44 AM


Phil @ 1434

There. That's what I should have said. Ok. Quick! Everyone pretend that I wrote that.

the two valium and the percocet I just took would seem to argue that you'd have to do all the jumping. I'll be lucky to find my face in about fifteen minutes.

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 8:56 AM


Justicar, John C. Welch

As John C. Welch said: if someone walked up to me and talked to me, there is no amount of conversation that would convince me to harm my children.

I'd have to disagree. I mean, I'm sure that's true in Welch's case, but for some folks, you'd just need certain words, words like "vaccine injury" and "TOXINS!" and "pharmaceutical-industrial complex", etc., and voila! True, it might take more than one conversation, possibly multiple people, perhaps some post-grad work at Goggle University, maybe even reading a celebrity or two, but still, all words.

(Granted, this is (potential) harm through inaction, which tends to be viewed a bit differently, but ...

Also - Justicar: good luck, and a quick recovery!

Posted by: Dan S. | July 26, 2011 9:21 AM


So while forced to be anonymous may choose to spin off in deranged guilt-by-association and tar-em-all-with-the-same-brush tangents a la Becky Watson and do whatever else it takes to miss the my original point, s/he/it very predictably also falls in the Jim-Goad-is-a-Nazi honey pot for the cognitively challenged - something that Goad has spent a lifetime cultivating. Never let knowing your subject ever interfere with a good knee-jerk eh FTBA?

The relevance here is that Goad is the owner of a very appropriate quote -

"If you’ve reached the point where being called a bad name is your primary gripe in life, you have it pretty fucking good."

And to lodge an advance reply, so I don't have to bother later, to your next re-education gulag blethering FTBA -

”It’s not illegal to be an asshole” -- Guy Earle

Keep telling myself to never engage 'tards in forums. All serves me right. Must be some kind of new record for sheer number of irrelevant derailings in a finite space.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 26, 2011 9:38 AM


"I'd have to disagree. I mean, I'm sure that's true in Welch's case"

Dave, a bad way to start since the statement you're disagreeing with is:

"As John C. Welch said: if someone walked up to me and talked to me, there is no amount of conversation that would convince me to harm my children."

So you agree with it. It applies in the case of John C Welch. That is all the statment made.

Now you could say "I disagree if you say it applies to everyone", but you didn't go that route.

Posted by: Wow | July 26, 2011 9:40 AM


Interesting reply to my comments, no anti women comments here, certainly
If you happen to think I am a fem groupy feel free. Anyone who bothers to check my RL references (which I offered to droopy drawers) when he visited, will realize I am not ed zachery a PZ sockpuppet. Have a nice circle jerk while screaming twat bitch cunt whore if it makes you feel good.

Posted by: broboxley | July 26, 2011 9:49 AM


@Justicar 1439:

Ardent and I talked about this before she went off to sleep, and I think you and she are really agreeing here, and it's just the oversimplification of the argument, as in:

I'm loath to use quoted platitude, but Eleanor Roosevelt I think said just about the half of it, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." In order for the magic of the words to be there, it has to be something people are convinced to accept has power.

that we're taking issue with. To use your own example, it's not so much that "Kill him!" would have any direct power me, but the practical effect of using those words if you were with your gang of thugs would still be harmful to me, even if I personally refused to grant you any authority.

So there are situations in which you have no control over the power of words used against you, regardless of your own personal take on the matter.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 26, 2011 10:32 AM


Armchair @1445:

If we want to be pedantic, it's still not the words, per say, that do the arm. It's the context, intent, and sometimes just pure bad luck.

Annecdote (which may or may not be true but has come down through the ages): Upon being asked what to do with thousands of Turkish prisoners, Napoleon reportedly said, after a bout of coughing: "Ma sacrée toux" ("My bloody caough", sounds exactly like "massacrez tout", "massacre all"). Thus the prisoners were all executed.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 10:41 AM



You're probably not here for awhile (good luck on your surgery!!), but:

"How much of a silver-tongued devil would I have to be convince you to blow a goat?"

Damn you for making me spew soda on my computer!

Posted by: bladerunner | July 26, 2011 11:13 AM


Mmmmhhh... No comments in quite some time.

Has IT happened? is IT the famous and rarely observed PZ-server-crash-because-too-many-comments?

WOW! It''s...beautiful!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 12:04 PM


@ John C. Welch #1257

* Words don't create racists, they at most help them find their own kind 1 and assist with target selection.2

Points 1 & 2 are important components to a lynching. By a simple process of induction, if you are going to discount each and every aspect of a lynching, in similar fashion, what is the point you are making?

That words don't create racists: Are you going to acknowledge the use of racist terms, by racists in indoctrinating their children - and then deny the relevance of this? (I would like to believe that you think this way through a lack of exposure to racists.)

@ Peter #1262

[genocide in Rwanda] Really, no-one has to kill them?

This did not happen spontaneously. The whole horrible episode had a history, it was a long, multifaceted process. Words and language had an important role in the process whereby people became wound up enough to commit atrocities. Demonising the "enemy", the "other", is a fundamental part of how this sorry state of affairs came about. Labeling the enemy with words was a very conscious and calculated choice by the perpetrators.

@ bladerunner #1268

But it is a stupid argument to try to defend the idea that men can't POSSIBLY disagree with a woman without being a bigot.
No, I would certainly not go that far. There are many contexts in which men can disagree with women (and vice versa). It is very much a matter of context. There are many people and many cultures/religions that take it for granted that men can deride women who complain about their circumstances or legitimate concerns. (1 Timothy 2:12 is a case in point - though many atheists essentially endorse this attitude.) Generally men are in a more powerful position than women, financially,physically, socially, ... you name it. Male ability to empathise with this situation is very often deficient. I am all for raising awareness of these very real factors. People should all be equal, but there are many reasons why they are currently not.
...the exact definition of racism, so you can understand why some might have a problem with you for maintaining your racist perspective.
No again. That one race may self-refer to themselves as "nigger" does not suggest that others may. It is not "racist" (as you put it) to acknowledge the historical and social reasons why one should have sufficient empathy not to use the word. We are still a very long away from equality and we should at least acknowledge that. Is this a special dispensation towards black people? Well maybe it is. But it is appropriate in the current circumstances, where a large proportion of black people have to deal with daily racism. Sometimes this racism is expressed by "mere" words...

@ Rystefn #1271

Fuck you, theophontes.
Oooh yeah! Talk dirty big boy...
...isn't an argument that the words are bad, it's an argument that the places are bad.
No it is an indication that some *contexts* in which the words are used are bad. You won't stop people being bad. You can STFU and not wind people up, whether they are good or bad.
Pointing out that we should fear the evil in other places...
Not at all, that was not the point I was making- see above. I can give you any number of examples of contexts where misogynist language is totally inappropriate and foolish wherever you happen to be. Next time a female police officer asks for your ID, try addressing her with a sexist term of your own choosing.
... cunt ...
There we go, again!

@ Justicar 1300

I said that no one is entitled.
Well the sad reality of the world is that it is severely skewed socially. Some people are entitled. They do have power where others have none. I would love to see a world where this is no longer true, but in the interim it is perhaps better to push for change and not live in denial.

I live in a place where we all collectively recognize the difference between ability and entitlement.

Oh, I had the impression you lived in the USA. Well then we don't have to discuss the suppression of gay rights there.

What you've still neglected to do address is the substance of my claims...

I quoted you when I addressed you. If these quotes do not reflect your claims, please tell me. Take it as read that I have not had sufficient time to read every one of your posts.

I'll break with tradition and wish you get well soon.

@ forced to be anonymous #1328

As Justicar pointed out, the person killing them had to already want to kill Tutsis, moron.

I have addressed this issue again in this comment (see above). Read. I cannot connect all the dots for you.

@ ThreeFlangedJavis #1333

What was your point about South Africa's constitution?

The SA constitution is quite excellent. It recognises equality between people and guarantees basic human rights, inter alia freedom from discrimination (eg: via "hate speech" and derogatory words). The problems you are describing are very real, but are not due to the constitution. It is a blueprint for doing the right thing in setting up the laws of the land. It has brought about a lot of good even in the face of many challenges to apply its principles.

It is good that you mention rape as this is a truly terrible face of the misogyny that so often rears its head there. Sexist language is a very dangerous part of the mix of reasons that go into these atrocious rapes. (I have been involved in both rape crisis work and education in low income areas. A large proportion of these rapes are of children, male and female.)

Not my cup of tea. ('k is vannie Kaap 'kse)

Posted by: theophontes | July 26, 2011 12:26 PM


Phil @1446:

If we want to be pedantic, it's still not the words, per say, that do the arm. It's the context, intent, and sometimes just pure bad luck.

Agreed it's not the words in and of themselves. But as you say, that's being pedantic, and I was trying to argue in terms of the practical consequences. Just as you can't wish words into having more power than they do, in reality there is context that you don't have control over that doesn't let you wish away the power their use (not the words in and of themselves) does have.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 26, 2011 12:56 PM


Armchair @1450: If your point is I might offend or harm someone, somewhere, sometime by using some word and should refrain from doing it, I beg to decline the offer.

I will use whatever words I see fit to reach my intended goal (please, praise, offend, insult...). In this regard, it should be considered a courtesy on my part that I try to avoid offending people in general. But when I'm pissed off at somebody's actions and want to express my rage all the while causing maximum anger or shame in the recipient, be sure I'll go for the jugular.

But that's only when I have context and intent. Calling RW "Twatson" fulfils its purpose. It in no way implies I hate women, or even her. It's a petty childish, and overall satisfying moniker, with the added perk of making assholes livid with outrage and what I suspect is also hypocrisy. To get laid probably.

I've found a while ago a forum where PZ was supposed to answer to users' questions via a moderator that would transmit those questions and also give his own opinion. About fundies, he used the word "cunt" at least twice, in a very insulting manner, without a word of disaproval from PZ. And now everyone over there is crying and bawing over "Twatson". Hypocrisy and double standards.

Ah! Found the thread:

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 1:15 PM


Me @1451: It was the mod using "cunt", not PZ, of course.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 1:27 PM



I'm not trying to be a jerk, but reread yourself:

"Is this a special dispensation towards black people? Well maybe it is." 1, yes, it definitely is. 2., give a definition of racism that wouldn't include "special dispensation" towards one race? I understand you're justifying your racism. That's okay; I understand why you want to do it. I understand your arguments. But they are still based on the ability of one race to get something another race cannot have, entirely based on their race. Racist is defined AFAIK as giving one race a benefit you do not give another race. Ergo, it is racist. It might, arguably, be justified racism, which is the point you were making, but it's still racism.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 26, 2011 1:35 PM


You are not a "liberal" feminist. You are a "radical" feminist. You attacked me as a misogynist on the basis of my saying I supported equality, but opposed feminism.

DavidByron, you're crazy, but you are useful to make a point, this is the thing, misogyny does exist, anti-woman sentiments and people do exist, so do, and I'm not comfortable saying this, but so do man-hating feminists.

Please point out this anti-woman sentiment on this comment thread for me. Whether written by me or anyone else here. It doesn't exist. You're a radical feminist who can't stand any criticism of feminist hate. If you actually favoured equality you'd be criticising feminism too.

Feminists call all critics misogynists.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 2:03 PM


Aaaannd David has jumped the shark!


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 2:06 PM


asshole broboxley wrote:
"davidbyron you were banned for a simple reason, you were accusing everyone of calling dawkins a rapist"

(1) I didn't make any such accusation (2) PZ listed his reasons for banning me and that was not one

Given this example of utter lack of truth in your comment I believe I also covered why I didn't bother to engage in that thread, but another reason is that nobody there seriously asked me any questions or responded to anything I said.

It's just a pit of hate over there. I'm something of an expert and that places is ultra toxic even for a feminist board. Had you wanted to address anything I said or ask me something you could have done so here.

I wont hold my breath....

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 2:11 PM


Phil @1451:

If your point is I might offend or harm someone, somewhere, sometime by using some word and should refrain from doing it, I beg to decline the offer.

Nope, not being a tone troll, or telling anyone to stop it. But it sounded like some folks here were denying that they have any responsibility for the consequences of what they say -- that it was all the listener's fault for granting the speaker power over them. I, and Ardent, were just trying to point out that that's an oversimplification, and that there are circumstances in which the speaker has to share some of that responsibility.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 26, 2011 2:15 PM


theophontes - nice post!


Racist is defined AFAIK as giving one race a benefit you do not give another race.

Well, just going with that definition, no race is being denied the 'benefit' (if it's that) of referring to their own group by derogatory slurs, right? Which is a very different benefit from getting to call another group by derogatory slurs, I'd think?

More broadly, I'd say that if a definition gives you these kind of odd results that stray so far from common sense, it might be time to reconsider the details or application ...

Posted by: Dan S. | July 26, 2011 2:23 PM


"Now, I hate statistics, but tell me this:does this fucker have things ass backwards, or am I an incompetent twat? Either answer is fine, really."

They're lying - or using "femstats". Made up shit. The rate of false accusation of rape is very high so far as anyone knows. Perhaps about 50% of rape accusations. The 2% figure is an estimate for other crimes. But rape is uniquely easy to fake -- all you have to do (as a woman at least) is make the claim. Feminists often tell women to make false accusations to win advantage in divorce or custody cases.

Feminists have an interest in pumping up rape figures but the definitions they resort to would mean we're all getting raped all the time and would have men raped as often, or more often, than women.

It's an industry dedicated to creating the impression of women as victims and men as evil rapists.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 2:24 PM


The Armchair Skeptic :

, and Ardent, were just trying to point out that that's an oversimplification, and that there are circumstances in which the speaker has to share some of that responsibility.

Thank you for that. (seriously - it comes across as potentially snarky, maybe, but I really mean it.)

Posted by: Dan S. | July 26, 2011 2:28 PM


Armchair @1457:

Well noted. No objections. Everyone should be accountable for their words and actions, with regard to the consequences.

Dan @1458:

For a good exemple of unbalanced treatment regarding racial slur in mainstream culture, please refer to Die Hard With a Vengeance*.

*NOT a peer reviewed paper.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 2:30 PM


davidbryon this isnt you?

Maybe accuse Richard Dawkins of raping someone? Hell, I think some of you already went there.

you spewed that a few more times in the threads.

Posted by: broboxley | July 26, 2011 2:32 PM


"I went over today and discovered the cowards evidently have me killfiled"

They are lying. Their personality type just wouldn't let them lose the control of seeing what you are saying like that. They are all about controlling that blog's comment threads at this point -- for the greater good of feminism. They can't control what they cannot see and so with 100% confidence i say they do not have you kill filed (and that term doesn't even apply on modern boards - that's from the 60s isn't it?)

It was nothing but an insult.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 2:33 PM


Yes I think someone at the skepchick site made that accusation. I wouldn't know and didn't say this about people at the PZ board although I'm sure they have a similar mentality.

This is where you turn on a dime from hotly pretending it never happened to indignantly defending it, right?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 2:45 PM



that we're taking issue with. To use your own example, it's not so much that "Kill him!" would have any direct power me, but the practical effect of using those words if you were with your gang of thugs would still be harmful to me, even if I personally refused to grant you any authority.

Replace "gang of thugs" with "gang of people who aren't going to listen to some prat exhorting them to random violence based on his ego" and see how little power words have.


Points 1 & 2 are important components to a lynching. By a simple process of induction, if you are going to discount each and every aspect of a lynching, in similar fashion, what is the point you are making?

that the mob was a lynch mob anyway. They simply lacked motivation. Most people are pretty lazy when you think about it, it's the motivated fuckers we have to worry about. But, if the people in that mob are not racist, and don't think that stringing people up from a tree is a valid way to settle things, then some verbose cocknocker is not going to involuntarily rewire their thoughts.

It's not facile semantics, it's damned important because it's the root of the problem. People don't blindly follow schmucks like jim jones because he luurrrrred them to Guyana. They follow them because for whatever reason, they want to. They don't want to think for themselves, and they want, albeit subconciously, someone to blame if it goes bad. The Nuremburg excuse comes to mind: "I was only following orders", aka "I didn't really have a problem with burning jews, and it beats a firing squad."

That words don't create racists: Are you going to acknowledge the use of racist terms, by racists in indoctrinating their children - and then deny the relevance of this? (I would like to believe that you think this way through a lack of exposure to racists.)

a) I grew up and live in the american south.

b) Those kids get far more than words. They are raised in an environment of anger, fear, ignorance and stupidity. They aren't just hearing that shit, they're drenched in it from birth. If words and words alone are THAT powerful, why does racism survive college?


Feminists call all critics misogynists.



Nope, not being a tone troll, or telling anyone to stop it. But it sounded like some folks here were denying that they have any responsibility for the consequences of what they say -- that it was all the listener's fault for granting the speaker power over them. I, and Ardent, were just trying to point out that that's an oversimplification, and that there are circumstances in which the speaker has to share some of that responsibility.

Complete misstatement of position for the win. I've never said that. In fact, I freely admit that my words, both here, and on my site can, and have caused me problems. Even recently. However, my words did not MAKE anyone act in any way they had a real problem with acting. Laden and his buttmonkey, Raging Bee, are who they are, with zero, nada, zip help from me. All I did was be someone they could justify their little Fair Game shit against. Had it not been me, it would have been someone else eventually. Fortunately, between the two of them, they know as much about IT as I do about molecular biology. I just admit my ignorance, so that's a win for me I suppose.

I am responsible for the consequences of my words up to a point. For example, Glenn Beck's recent "incident" at the park. Now, Beck has had a merry time promoting hate. He spews it, he wallows in it. I am absolutely unsurprised that it bit him in the ass, and so long as said biting was solely verbal, well, I enjoy the schadenfreude. Someone lays a hand on him or his family, and off to the pokey they go, I'll hold the door.

Does Glenn Beck bear some responsibility for the results of his words? Yes. When he discovers that people really hate him, suck it up princess, don't be a baby. When someone hears his words and uses those words as an excuse to actually try to do someone harm, I have no problem with calling Beck on to the carpet and making him face up to the foulness of the ideas and the attitudes behind his words.

Does Beck bear the SAME responsibility as say, a hypothetical gunman who uses his words as justification? No.Fucking.Way.

Beck has the perfect right to talk his little hitler shit. He has the attached responsibility to face up to the fact that his invective may trip off people who are a little crazier than he is, but his WORDS don't MAKE people do ANYTHING. My cousin's words inspired me to stop letting my parents problems cause me hurt, but they didn't MAKE me do that. They helped me see what was already there. She simply pointed out facts I wasn't seeing correctly. But the resultant actions were mine and mine alone. I still owe her for that conversation so long ago, but, that was my improvement, not hers.

What bothers me about Beck et al is that the IDEAS behind his words are so easily and calmly accepted. That he can spew hatred and invective and so many of my fellow citizens, the ones I sat in North Dakota for, agree with him. That he doesn't actually have to say shit to get them going, they're there already.

Beck's words scare me far less than the attitudes of his followers. Because he didn't create those, he's just making money off it.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 2:57 PM



I wouldn't know and didn't say this about people at the PZ board although I'm sure they have a similar mentality.

so are you claiming the post

is not your post? just to clarify

Posted by: broboxley | July 26, 2011 3:05 PM


@Dan S. 1458:

"Well, just going with that definition, no race is being denied the 'benefit' (if it's that) of referring to their own group by derogatory slurs, right? Which is a very different benefit from getting to call another group by derogatory slurs, I'd think?" -- A fair enough point.

I was addressing it, conceptually, as being allowed to use a word, without taking that perspective (it being relating to their own race) into account. But keep in mind, that the black community doesn't usually use "my nigger" as a derogatory slur. In fact, I can dimly recall some times when black people who did use the slur as a slur were found fault with, though of course not as much as a person of another race would have been.

The example originally being talked about above was of a white person getting into an elevator with a black person and saying "my nigger" to him. In that case, it would not be a derogatory slur, just the use of the word with the same definition that black people would be using it as, but inappropriate because of the color of the speaker's skin. So to look at it from that perspective, you're allowing black people to define it one way, but not allowing other races to define it in the same way. As you said, it is a word that refers to their group, but I really don't think it's a valid argument. It reminds me of an argument someone I knew made about gay marriage: "Gays have all the same rights everyone else has. They can marry someone of the opposite sex any time they want."

"More broadly, I'd say that if a definition gives you these kind of odd results that stray so far from common sense, it might be time to reconsider the details or application ..." Do you really think it's against common sense to think that double standards based on race are racist? I haven't even really defended the idea that it's "bad" racism. Just that a double standard, based on race, is, as far as I understand the term, racism.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 26, 2011 3:25 PM


John @1465:

Replace "gang of thugs" with "gang of people who aren't going to listen to some prat exhorting them to random violence based on his ego" and see how little power words have.

That was Justicar's example I was using, actually, but yes. Depends entirely on the context and the people involved.

Complete misstatement of position for the win. I've never said that. In fact, I freely admit that my words, both here, and on my site can, and have caused me problems.

Lighten up... I did say "sounded like," not that you, or anyone, stated it exactly that way. I was trying to paraphrase to see if I was understanding correctly. Thanks for clarifying.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 26, 2011 3:35 PM


DavidByron @1459,
I don't know the prevalence of false rape allegations, but I was struck by another assertion in your comment. You wrote, "Feminists often tell women to make false accusations to win advantage in divorce or custody cases." How do you know? Do you have any proof for this claim? I'd be most curious to see it. And which sort of feminists are you referring to? It's quite a broad term, after all--one many people in this thread embrace. Thanks.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 26, 2011 3:37 PM


Armchair, if you don't mind, allow me to quote part of the latest (not you Justicar) entry on your blog:

"Shortly after posting her blog entry railing against Krauss's defense of his friend, Watson's rabid supporters filled the Skepchick echo chamber, calling him a "contemptible hypocrite", not a "true" skeptic, and even implying that Krauss himself was a "sex offender". Dozens of expressions of moral outrage by fans who took Watson's story at face value drowned out the few commenters who suggested that people look at the actual evidence before reaching their conclusions. Those commenters were denigrated as "trolls" or "stupid.""

Three remarks here:

-I wholefully agree with you on that.

-There really seems to be a pattern coming from Twatson and ilks.

-Who the fuck does she (or her fans) think she (or her fans) is to define "skeptic" in the face of Krauss and such?!? This is one crazy, egomaniac fucker.

'scuse the strong language.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 3:46 PM


I'd like to add another bit of hypocrisy to PZ's CV, if I may.

We were told that every nuance of sexism should be criticized, in a response to Dawkins' 'dear Muslima':

"Did you just make the argument that, since worse things are happening somewhere else, we have no right to try to fix things closer to home?"

"Shouldn't mysogyny, faith-based nonsense, religious idiocy, sexism, racism, bigotry, and other forms of socially limiting, demeaning and damaging behaviour be called out where and when it happens?"

And I agree we should do that.

The cultural/traditional/religious practice of FGM is abhorrently sexist (as RD points out) and to a much, much lesser degree (like in the same scale as being probably hit-on in an elevator is to FGM) so is MGM. MGM makes the head of the penis less sensitive and makes it more difficult to masturbate (you need lube).

So you'd think PZ would be as enthusiastic about decrying probable elevator propositions as he is about MGM.

Fuck no!

PZ ridicules the people complaining about MGM.

Look at the comments on that thread...familiar faces much? all agreeing with PZ.

Sexism really is a one way street for PZ. Or it's only sexist if it happens to a woman.

Maybe I drew up a false equivalence. Tell me what you think.

Oh, and that David Byron is a misogynistic tool.

Posted by: Vittorya | July 26, 2011 3:53 PM


theophontes @1449

Next time a female police officer asks for your ID, try addressing her with a sexist term of your own choosing.
This is a form of special pleading, and fallacious. Allow me to explain why, giving examples from the UK (where my own experience lies).

If you use bad language in front of an officer in the UK, assuming you are not already under arrest, you will be warned to stop. If you persist, you will be arrested. Yep, we don't have truly free speech in the UK, and you are not allowed to use bad language in front of a police officer.

The mistake you make is thinking this has anything to do with racism, or sexism. If you are racist to an officer of a different race, or sexist to an officer of different gender, or just use bad language to a privileged white male officer, you will be treated in the exact same way. It has nothing to do with "sexism", "racism", it is just a rule about the use of bad language. And it has nothing to do with the words, but the context within which those words are used. Your linking this to sexist language is special pleading because in the UK, this is simply a general case, not a specific case.

Let me give one further example. There was recently a case where an individual who had been arrested, and in a cell, needed a doctor. A doctor arrived, and was Indian. The prisoner, on seeing the doctor, unleashed a tirade of racist abuse, stating that he did not want the Indian doctor touching him. The Indian doctor sued the prisoner for the racist abuse. The judge threw the case out, noting that even though the abuse was racist, no harm was caused because the doctor was in a position of power.

The lesson here is that it is not the words that are the problem, but the context and the intent. In the latter case, not even the intent was relevant (as the intent was racism) as the context nullified any possible harm.

Sexist language is a very dangerous part of the mix of reasons that go into these atrocious rapes.
You have not demonstrated causality.

Clearly, someone who is a mysogynist may well rape someone. Also, a mysogynist is likely to use sexist language.

I think it is more likely that the sexist language has a common cause (mysogyny) than the sexist language causing rape. Your unevidenced causality claim here is somewhat reminiscent of the claim that pr0n causes rape. The radfems promoted that heavily, so social scientists investigated it; found no causal link. Unfortunately you are making the same sort of weak, unevidenced linkages. Remember critical thinking 101: correlation is not causation.

Posted by: Spence | July 26, 2011 4:02 PM


Ardent and Armchair:
I think that we largely agree. I have probably not been adequately clear. In part it's because the distinctions are tough to make. And in part I'm in a minority thought on differentiating between words and ideologies. If one is beholden to an ideology, then the words have power in proportion to the allegiance of the people.

But I'm in no mental state to make a good argument now; I'm groggy and tired.

Armchair, to answer the point, I was quite explicit in my part that no one is entitled in advance to decide for me on my behalf what I am allowed to say, think or hear. But attendant to that is the understanding that I am responsible for the price and the consequences of my speech. I might well have to suffer those, but the choice to accept them by exercising my right to speak my mind is mine and mine alone.

I think a few people here who are arguing in a similar way to me are also operating under that proposition - like John C. Welch, say.

Anyone who advocates that they're simultaneously free to exercise their right to say something and are free to avoid its consequences, or price is a contemptible person. Say, speaking of . . . how about that Rebecca Twatson?!

Did you fine people catch my blog post on her "science" interview? I'll do more on it after I'm more able to rub a couple of braincells together!

"I quoted you when I addressed you. If these quotes do not reflect your claims, please tell me. Take it as read that I have not had sufficient time to read every one of your posts.

I'll break with tradition and wish you get well soon."
Ok, I've quoted you. You lick donkey balls.

I guess since I quoted you, this means I've addressed your points.

David @ 1454:
"Feminists call all critics misogynists"
No. This is trivially false.

Oh, hey. I'm hack from having a strange man--and a small group of yet-to-be-explained onlookers--stick his fingers inside me and then pull them out, and then stick them in, and pull them out.

Fucker didn't even have the audacity to ask me out to coffee in his suite first either. *sadpanda*

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 4:03 PM


@1471 Vittorya

Awesome find. You are spot on. PZ Myers made the "it's trivial, who cares, get over it" argument for something *worse* than EG. But because it doesn't fit his radical agenda, it gets dismissed.

Hilarious. Did Abbie remember this one? I wondered if the boo-boo reference in the top post was an in-joke that I missed.

Posted by: Spence | July 26, 2011 4:17 PM


Now, let's find the best way to force PZ to face his hypocrisy. What to do, what to do...



No, I've got nothing.

The Latest, welcome back among the living. Morphine is good, and legal. Use it!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 4:23 PM


Vittorya-- Also "THREAD CLOSED!!!" at a whopping #560. How DID our servers manage?

Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 4:47 PM


In reply to John C Welch #1465.

I had wanted to disagree with you, to slather my powerful, Grrr!, words all over the 'nets to make you see how wrong you are. But then you wrote post #1465, and I found myself agreeing with your words. I finally get it ... I think.

So, you see, the paradox, ah, the lovely paradox. Your words have changed my synaptic responses ... or summat like that. And thanks for that.


That being said, however, I still fail to see why you and Franc Hoggle, both of whom I respect quite a bit, feel it is fine and OK to adopt Pharyngulate methodology in responding to those with whom you disagree. I mean it is really sound or OK to call someone a retard simply because they disagree with you, or fail to see your point?

I ask this in all sincerety because it took me, and I am no dumbie, several posts before I finally understood and agreed with John C Welch's point. That certainly does not make me a retard, it just makes me hesitant to agree with a point of view that I did not, at first understand.

/scratches head in ongoing ponderance

Posted by: John Greg | July 26, 2011 4:55 PM


You're closing the thread?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now my life has meaning. /wrists

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 4:57 PM


In reply to bluharmony # (I forget).

You asked if there was any way to set up some kind of a petition, or something, to get Watson removed from being speaker at some of these events. I'm a little surprised no one has taken you up on that, let alone even replied. Anway, I've been wondering the same thing myself.

I think it would be a good idea to contact people like Steven Novella, and whomever is in charge of signing on speakers for TAM and such-like to at the very least let them know that there is a significant number of people who are sincerely uncomfortable with Watson's rhetorical trickery, essential mendacity and hypocrisy, and so forth.

I don't think it would get her removed, but it would at least, potentially, open the doors to more dialogue regarding her manipulative, dishonest methodology.

Posted by: John Greg | July 26, 2011 5:01 PM


re. #1477:

"I mean it is really sound or OK..."

Should read:

"I mean is it really sound or OK..."

Posted by: John Greg | July 26, 2011 5:04 PM


Hi Spence,
Do we actually know why PZ took the position he did about MGM? I don't think we can dismiss it as a function of ideology. Maybe he independently views the issue as trivial, for whatever reason. Nor is it clear that his other feminist positions fit his MGM stance better than opposition to the practice might.

I think it's important, in other words, to not rely too heavily on a broad concept like "ideology" in explaining views with which we disagree (and to be clear, I agree with him about EG but not about RW's treatment of SMcG or about MGM). Relying too heavily on ideological labels is reductive without suggesting ways to change those aspects of his views with which we disagree. It seems to me that while knowing his ideology can help us identify likely common ground as a basis for discussion, it's wise to assume that despite having a particular worldview, he is capable of examining evidence and reasoning on discrete issues, and of changing his mind.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 26, 2011 5:06 PM


"Oh, and that David Byron is a misogynistic tool."

Perhaps you could pass that on to the person who denied that feminists always respond to critics by saying they are misogynists.

For that matter can anyone point out a time when a critic of feminism has NOT been called a misogynist? It's probably on the same board where Zionists are entertaining critics of Israel and not calling them anti-semetic.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 5:13 PM


I already made it clear; I said it was on a different site (as I recall) namely the skepchic site. You're interpreting the pronoun "you" too narrowly.

Its not uncommon for feminists to accuse their critics of raping them. It's happened to me several times. More popular is to say they are being harassed or stalked, but feminists love the "R" word.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 5:17 PM


@1470 Re: Krauss - She got most, if not all, the facts wrong. Not to mention the inflammatory title "Krauss Defends A Sex Offender, Embarrasses Scientists Everywhere." Is she writing for the Enquirer now?

@1478 Something should be done. She's dishonest and vindictively trying to destroy reputations and careers, with nothing to offer in return. She switches topics at the last moment to further her feminist agenda with "consciousness raising" rhetoric. On the other hand, Krauss is a great physicist and skeptic. I don't care if he has a friend who broke the law (and did penance). It wasn't Krauss who did it. And Dawkins was rude, but that's Dawkins. He noted that nothing happened to Rebecca (and that nothing could have). Big deal. I wouldn't have handled the matter the same way, but I don't have the scientific credentials behind me.

It's also noteworthy that all the mean & unscrupulous articles are written by Rebecca.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 26, 2011 5:22 PM


Now I'm creeped out by David. Seriously...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 5:22 PM


"I don't know the prevalence of false rape allegations, but I was struck by another assertion in your comment. You wrote, "Feminists often tell women to make false accusations to win advantage in divorce or custody cases." How do you know? Do you have any proof for this claim? I'd be most curious to see it. And which sort of feminists are you referring to? It's quite a broad term, after all--one many people in this thread embrace. Thanks."

Specifically I was thinking of the sort of things that goes on in feminist run domestic violence shelters where women are coached on what to say to win (by lying) in court.

As for the source I don't recall. These places are very secretive and gender hatred and segregationism is enforced so I guess I read it in accounts from former insiders. I used to read a lot of so-called dissident feminist stuff.

Feminists always take the position that the woman is in the right and the man in the wrong regardless, so to their thinking it makes sense to screw the system so as to guarantee the "right" response. You might think that a woman in a DV shelter (by definition) was already the victim, but in fact about two thirds are perpetrators of DV not victims (or both - quite commonly).

It might have been something by Erin Pizzey. I'm sorry to be so vague but its years since I researched all this and I "retired" from it all about ten years ago. Pizzey is a dissident who started the DV shelter movement way back in the 60s I think, in the UK. But she came to be the DV shelter movement's biggest critic because she said your "radical" feminists had taken over the movement and made it into something evil. So a lot of insider dirt came from her but it might not have been her.

At any rate if you want to learn more than that's a name to start with.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 5:31 PM


Yay, welcome back Justicar.

Posted by: Rayshul | July 26, 2011 5:31 PM


@ Phil Giordana
Fuck you, asshole. Seriously.

Still I suppose at least you didn't call me "misogynist".

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 5:36 PM


David @1488:

And to you too, kind sir.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 5:39 PM

the person who denied that feminists always respond to critics by saying they are misogynists

I do not think that word means what you think it means.

As I said earlier, Byron is a caricature, and (some) Twatsonians will point to him and rashly and stupidly generalize about those who disagree with them the way he rashly and stupidly generalizes about feminists.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:39 PM


Yes, the rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated. The rumors of my sheer exhaustion however, have not been. I am waiting for this round of painkillers to take effect and then *poof* I'm going down for a nice long (I hope at least) sleep.

Thanks and tata!

Posted by: Justicar | July 26, 2011 5:43 PM


Fuck you, asshole. Seriously.

Regardless of other disagreements, everyone else here is on Phil's side on this, no one is on your side.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:48 PM


@1481 seaside681

The odd thing is - PZ does consider male circumcision to be harmful and unnecessary. And he did when he wrote that post. He acknowledges it clearly in the comments.

Despite that, he still told the men to basically stop being such cry babies because there are worse things in the world, specifically FGM. It reads almost like Dawkins' first comment, word-for-freaking-word. Only without the Dear Muslima bit.

I mean, I agree with him that FGM is orders of mag worse than male circumcision, and male circumcision is still harm but minor in comparison. It is the hypocrisy in how two virtually identical situations and posts are handled that is astonishing.

Posted by: Spence | July 26, 2011 5:53 PM

So while forced to be anonymous may choose to spin off in deranged guilt-by-association and tar-em-all-with-the-same-brush tangents a la Becky Watson and do whatever else it takes to miss the my original point, s/he/it very predictably also falls in the Jim-Goad-is-a-Nazi

Once again Franc shows how intellectually dishonest he is ... I do not think that Jim Goad is a Nazi and said nothing to imply that. It is only Franc who is taking the fact that someone at Stormfront cited Jim Goad's book as something from which one can infer that he's a Nazi -- whereas I am well aware that that is a ridiculous fallacy.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 5:56 PM


Phil's side on what?

He's never said anything to me except to make some fuck you style comment. Which he has done repeatedly. I just assumed he had some sort of mental condition that made him think that was a normal thing to say to strangers.

You too apparently.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 26, 2011 6:00 PM

It is the hypocrisy in how two virtually identical situations and posts are handled that is astonishing.

I'm no longer astonished because it's so commonplace, in friend and foe alike. It is, however, quite disappointing.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 6:03 PM

You too apparently.

It must be because I'm a feminist.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 26, 2011 6:05 PM


David @1495:

There is no side. At all. I don't give a fuck what people think of what I say, although a kuddo or two is always nice.

Since you've started commenting on this thread, there as been a weird feel to your posts. Somthing just a bit off. Couldn't place my finger on it. You've made declarations here that urged me to distance myself fromp said declarations. You are totaly entitled to your opinions and all, but either the way you express them is wrong, or if not, then you are not the kind of person I would like to hang around with. All feminists play the mysoginist card? really? Show me the numbers, show me the stats.

And "feminists use the rape/harrassment/stalking card all the time because women used it against me many times" (paraphrased)? That's down the road from creepy, all the way to disturbing. Again, might be the way you communicate what you feel.

Still, creepy as shit.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 6:18 PM



first, a favored quote:

"The Doors to Truth are guarded by Paradox and Confusion. Turn from them, and you learn nothing"

That being said, however, I still fail to see why you and Franc Hoggle, both of whom I respect quite a bit, feel it is fine and OK to adopt Pharyngulate methodology in responding to those with whom you disagree. I mean it is really sound or OK to call someone a retard simply because they disagree with you, or fail to see your point?

Part of it is that none of us sees the world the same. I spent many, many years working in places where profanity and cruel humor were art forms. So, when annoyed, I fall to the tools I know best. Secondly, at least in my case, I tend to react to people the way they talk to/at me. For example, you're being reasonable, so my preferred response is to reflect that. Also, sometimes, I really just do think the idea/commentor is acting like a fucking idiot. People do that, a lot. :-)

Seriously, there's no good answer, or perhaps, there's none that wrap everything up in a tidy bow. I am who I am, I approach the universe as I do. I try to not cause more entropy than I have to. But I will flambe a motherfucker if I feel the need.

I ask this in all sincerety because it took me, and I am no dumbie, several posts before I finally understood and agreed with John C Welch's point. That certainly does not make me a retard, it just makes me hesitant to agree with a point of view that I did not, at first understand.

Well, part of it is cultural. In my "culture", my friends and I talk to each other in ways that sound *horrible* to outsiders. We have huge amounts of love for each other, but we're um...a bit rough with our toys as it were. So my vernacular tends to be blunt, plain-spoken, and profane. Maybe that's bad, but it's how we do things, and it works really well. It also helps us avoid those who would fuck with us, for we are not kind people.

The funny part is that of course, we are. When one of us is hurting, the first thing we say is "How can we help". Then, if we find out the hurting was self-inflicted, we say "you dumbass". Because that's how we roll.

Here's the thing: if someone you don't know, on the internet, calls you an asshole, or a retarded dripping cunt, what have they really done?


They've used bad werds. o noes. The next time this happens, try this:

Even though they used bad werds, do their thought processes seem logical? Even if you disagree, are they arriving at their conclusions in ways you can respect? Are they respecting reality? If they turned around and did something awesome, would you still congratulate them for it?

There's no easy answer here. But de-personalizing your contacts in comment strings on blogs is a good way to start. Sometimes, it's not about YOU, it's about "you".


I think it would be a good idea to contact people like Steven Novella, and whomever is in charge of signing on speakers for TAM and such-like to at the very least let them know that there is a significant number of people who are sincerely uncomfortable with Watson's rhetorical trickery, essential mendacity and hypocrisy, and so forth.

I disagree. Not hugely, but somewhat. What I'd like to see, although no one would ever do it, (well, *I* would but they'd never let me) is do a session on "Being an Asshole is Awesome". Talk about the stupidity inherent in this fearing of language, and the hypocritical tone-induced vapors people get, even PZ. ESPECIALLY PZ. (for whom, I might lovingly sing "PZ Myers is a Stupid Bitch in D Minor". Even though I can't sing on ANY key, much less that one.)

Tell people to stop taking every fucking encounter they have so goddamned personally and spine up. (I might bring a small board for someone, so I could pull a Capt. Blood stunt. When someone starts tone-trolling, interrupt them:

"Wait, before you go on, here, you can have this."
(Taking small board)
"Wha-what's this for?"
"Your backbone seems to need a little help, you're a bit of a whining wuss"

No, I wouldn't do it, it'd be what Watson did, albeit funnier and more imaginative for all it's ripped off from the Errol.)

It would actually be a variant of a session I did for the last C4[] wherein i talked about how to deal with angry people for a crowd of Indie Devs, who are some whiny bastards.

But no, I don't think Watson should be stopped from speaking. I just think that the people who disagree with her definitions of feminism should get equal time. Now THAT would be an awesome round table.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 6:40 PM


I hadn't really been watching DavidByron's posts too carefully, but this one caught my attention:

There's no feminism except so-called "radical" feminism. That's all there is in the movement.

That just isn't true; it dismisses the liberal feminism movement, and many others. It lacks any nuance of the real world. And several claims made by David seem to be somewhat extreme, over general and really unsupportable; others here have done a better job than me pointing them out. I think Phil's points are well made on the topic.

Posted by: Spence | July 26, 2011 6:40 PM


John C. Welch: another thing we can do to alter the knee-jerk responses is to craft our own data around theirs.
For instance, Greg Laden, PZ, and the rest of the "herd" have posited that men are all rapists--a very effective meme indeed, even though it is false, and falsifiable.

However--who has the time and money for that? So I think an effective argument could be to look at the theories and refute them.

Voila. Men are all rapists, based on ape behavior--so women are all child molesters based on same theory,(except ERV, a statistical outlier;-) same evidence same observations.

Here is one example

Posted by: pornonymous | July 26, 2011 7:06 PM


@Spence,and circumcision:

I was banned from PZ several years ago because then, he was FOR MGM. His stance has evolved, but I won't ever go back there and ask to let out of his dungeon for his hypocrisy.Its just a hit counter over there, not a genuine attempt to correct social issues and imbalances.

And has anyone read the "benevolent sexism" study by Janet Swim, where she says that Germany--with legalized prostitution--is virtually 'the same' as the U.S. in sexist attitudes?

Posted by: pornonymous | July 26, 2011 7:14 PM


Over 9000 or until we break the entire internet.


Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 7:17 PM


Thanks to an outside source (the Church Burning Ebola Boys), I've managed to obtain David's website adress. Many Botthans died for this information:

I shall ignore him from now on. Other posters, do as you will.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 7:21 PM


Stupid school... PZ and Laden still being stupid, random supporters still being stupid in their proxy, blah, blah.

Anyway, I have to comment on this:

I can give you any number of examples of contexts where misogynist language is totally inappropriate and foolish wherever you happen to be. Next time a female police officer asks for your ID, try addressing her with a sexist term of your own choosing.

Again, fear of violence at the hands of stupid is not proof that words are bad. It's proof that evil, violent people are bad.

To be clear, I am not saying that all police officers are evil, but I am saying that the ones who would take violent action (yes, arresting a person is violent action) against someone for their choice of words is evil. Yes, the knowledge the person in front of me with a gun may be evil and will be supported if they choose to indulge in a little evil at my expense IS the only reason I would resist calling a cop a bitch a cunt, an asshole, a dickface, or fascist piece of shit if said officer was acting like one. Sometimes, I do it anyway, and this is the reason most of my friends have instituted a policy wherein I am not to speak if we are engaged with law enforcement unless it is absolutely necessary.

Short version: you can threaten me with violence for saying a word, but that makes you bad, not the word. Period.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 26, 2011 7:24 PM


Oh, no! We have a disagreement here!

I read on Pharyngula that we are a hate-filled echo chamber and that ERV is terrified that we'll turn on her. We have a disagreement, clearly the end is nigh! Run! Save yourselves! Doom! Woe!

Slither hides under the bed

Posted by: Slither | July 26, 2011 7:34 PM


A wild Mysoginist appears!

Mysoginist uses Twatson!

It's super effective!


Also, I say we break ze interweb with that thread. "Go ahead, destroy the fabric of the Universe! See if I care!" - Sir Terry Pratchett

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 7:38 PM


Somehow I doubt that Abbie is scared of us in any way. If we reached a consensus on something and she was of the opposite opinion, she'd fucking well wade right and say it. PZ is more terrified of us than the Situation is.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 26, 2011 7:41 PM


The only person 'turning' on me has been PZ, and that was in comment #86. We are at comment +1500 now. Turning on me is passe, and wont be in fashion again until ~3700.

Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 7:46 PM


Rystefn @1508:

I think she would just nutt us or kick us in the junk. Wich would be a well telling to, if I might say so.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 7:47 PM


I'm off for the night (got a lovey and a kiddy in huge need of cuddles). Don't want to be around when The Latest wakes up and starts handing asses around.

Sleep thight all!

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 7:50 PM


Attention Justicar (or anyone who knows):

Didn't you include some screenshots somewhere of Watson's degree statement? Can you point me to that?

There is an argument going on over at Skepchick where someone called gwatson has commented on the oddness of having Watson on a science show and has pointed out reading about her degree on integralmath and here, and some links were included. Watson is implying, but adamantly not stating, that that is not her degree, and that the links are invalid because they take too many clicks or something.

Posted by: John Greg | July 26, 2011 7:52 PM



There's no feminism except so-called "radical" feminism. That's all there is in the movement

Again: Bullshit.


For instance, Greg Laden, PZ, and the rest of the "herd" have posited that men are all rapists--a very effective meme indeed, even though it is false, and falsifiable.

Let's not repeat their mistakes: they are saying that if you buy into Shrodinger's Male, (the other version is just stupid), then a woman cannot, at a glance, know if a man is a rapist or not. Therefore, the only safe thing is to treat them as if they are.

This is pretty damned dumb, not the least of which is that it mangles Shrodinger's cat. To be accurate to what they are sourcing from: any given man has ALREADY raped, (one cannot be a rapist without raping), or he has not. But without "testing" the status of the rapist, you can't know.

That's not what they're saying, although sometimes they come close. They're saying that you can't tell if a man is going to rape you or not until he does or does not try to. So basically, given that most rapes are committed by people known to the victim, all women must treat all men as potential rapists for the entirety of their lives.

That is, if we buy into such a patently stupid theory. The dirty side of this is, of course, that Shrodinger makes no claim of favor to either state. The stupidity of this theory is that it is *equally* likely that any given man will NEVER rape anyone. So you are equally valid in not living a life of fear.

Yet PZ and all the rest spouting this stupidity claim that there is one 'correct' interpretation. They are not ignoring science in this case, the have taken it out back, shot it, shat on it, and are now vigorously committing necrophilia on it.

In this respect, they are no better than Dembski or Behe or any of the other twats they feel so superior too.

We don't have to make shit up to bag on them about, THEY'RE THE BEST SOURCE MATERIAL EVAR!




An Abbie appears!

Abbie uses prolonged profanity!

It's super effective!

Abbie has defeated the Twatson!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 7:52 PM


In reply to John C Welch #1499.

Hey, thanks for that great reply, All clear now.

Posted by: John Greg | July 26, 2011 7:54 PM


Sorry, just need 1515 for Marignan. Carry on...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 26, 2011 8:04 PM



Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 8:21 PM


Hooray, another piece of wisdom from the brain of Nerd of Redhead. This is the cunt whose USP is to absolutely avoid saying anything worthwhile, but to merely parrot phrases he's read recently, like "sophistry", citations to the literature", and "MRA with a tiny penis who can't get it up".

Bless him, really: he's like a junkyard dog, trained to bark at unexplained sounds while not understanding them in the slightest.

Here, for a lesson in how Myers's minions understand the workings of the American judicial system, is this beauty:

The evidence I have seen in the MSM [mainstream media] indicate he [Strauss-Kahn] is guilty. Evidence, not anything else.

I loled out half of my large bowel at this one. Keep it up, Officer Cuntpad.

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 8:24 PM


Eeek! Booted again. Watson has just booted me from Skepchick again, and directly after attributing to me things I never said, and making false accusations about my actions and postings -- well, I was shy about my log-in name, but sheesh.....

My god, what a manipulative bitch -- yes, yes, I said it: BITCH. I do not usually call people names, but this indefensible accusing me of shit I did not do, and then booting me. Christ on Myersed cracker!

And the silly cow, even after my saying two or three times that I would rescind my post if it was in error, never actually came out and claimed that I was in error. Therefore, I must assume I was right, and she's just too chicken shit to admit it.

If anyone's interested, and, you know, wants to pile on, this is the thread:

Posted by: John Greg | July 26, 2011 8:24 PM


How is anyone supposed to 'pile on' when comments are moderated and altered/deleted on whims?

But what do I know. Im just a boring scientist.

Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 8:29 PM


In response to seaside681 #1481

Given PZ's behaviour, its not surprising he takes that stance on MGM. Apart from the stubborn male trait of denying and ignoring systemic harm to males, he's taken on the role of a patriarch (totally feminist hey).

In terms of elevatorgate, a group of females has appealed to him to enforce their desires on lower status males ie controlling male sexual behaviour.

MGM is merely a more direct and violent means of sexual oppression and control. Ridicule and stigmatisation is the penalty for any male that tries to fight for bodily autonomy. PZ and the like are making it clear that male sexuality is up for social control - except that it is controlled by privileged high status people and not the masses of males it affects.

In response to Spence #1493

No offence to any Americans (ie everyone here basically) but the problem is Americans tend to view the issue through an American lens. There seems to be this idea that males all over the world are cut in a clean hospital, rather the reality of their flesh being torn off with a rock, or if your lucky a blade or piece of glass. Worldwide genital cutting affects males in far greater numbers too.

But lets say I cannot convince you of this. I admit it is only natural to view an average young female to be of superior biological and survival value than an average male of any age.

You may wish to consider how people in other countries view Americas hypocrisy on genital cutting. Wouldnt it be a good idea to show the world that as a society you are able to set an example an offer the same rights of bodily integrity to both genders?

Has it crossed your mind as to how males are being trained? If one of the first things a male is taught is a painful violation of his body, do you wonder how it may affect his attitude towards others? An important factor in reducing violence and abuse in society is recognising that abusers are often, if not almost always victims of abuse themselves.

In conclusion PZ probably doesnt have a foreskin either. If anyone has any links to his or his followers typical views on porn or sex work (since they seem to be quite enamoured with feminist ideas) then it would probably seal my opinion on this community.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 26, 2011 8:29 PM


DownThunder-- This is something I have to deal with in HIV World, actually, and I tried to convey that in my talk with Skeptically Speaking (recording online Friday, Ill post a link).

Also, Im about to puke from laughter at that post, John Greg. I stopped after I was linked to the 'OMFG UR A STALKER! I AM BEING STALKED!!!' comment, but after you linked, I went back and read the post.

... She thinks Elevator Guy was 'bold and confident'.



Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 8:39 PM


John Greg, I'd gladly go over there and have a say, but I'm probably banned already, and if I'm not, it's been made very clear to me that I am not welcome, and I did inform them at the time that if they never wanted to hear from me again, I would accede to their wishes in that matter (it was a personal thing)... even were that not the case, I'm sure I'd be banned and my comments deleted unread, because surely they recall how stupid people on that site have always come off when trying argue against me. They supported me when I was on their side, of course.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 26, 2011 8:41 PM


What are you looking for Greg? A degree statement?

She has a linkedin profile here that has educational information:

The interesting thing here is that she has been out of work for several years now and pretends to run a "non-profit", if you can call skepchick that. Clearly she is dependent on the skeptical/atheist movement to support her lifestyle, through speaking fees, donations,etc. I generally find people like this (professional "activists") to be moochers and have a number of conflicts of interest. Off topic: Does anyone know if skepchick has filed for 501(c)(3) non-profit status like her linkinend says? If so, they have to publicly disclose their financial information via Form 990. I can't find it. I'm not sure how the "organization" is configured. Would be interesting to see what she is paying herself.

Also, if you want to get around an IP ban, check out the Tor browser. Routes through several proxy severs. Very cool open source project.

Posted by: Tommy | July 26, 2011 8:52 PM


I've never seen the "Schroedinger's Rapist" argument before today, but I must say, what an absolutely mangling of both quantum mechanics and basic probability theory. For the analogy to be valid, both eigenstates (rapist and non-rapist) would have to equally likely given the information you have about the underlying system. Of course, we can't expect Laden or PZ or Watson to understand this, as they are innumerate fucks who understand QM about as well as your average UD blogger understands evolution.

Posted by: TylerD | July 26, 2011 9:02 PM


Looks like they were set to call the non-profit "Skepchicks, Intl." and organize as a 501(c)(3) :

Then it looks like they decided to make it a LTD ("Skepchicks, Ltd"). You rarely see this designation in american law, but I assume it is similar to a limited liability company:

Posted by: Tommy | July 26, 2011 9:09 PM


That thread at Skeptwat is hilarious. The cult is obviously turning inward.

Posted by: TylerD | July 26, 2011 9:40 PM


From Twatson's site: now Google hates women.

Also, for amusement, the author actually, genuinely wrote this sentence:

I have so many, many wonderful friends online as Bug Girl. I think I could go to just about any town in the world and find someone fun to have a conversation with that knows me as Bug.

Girl, please. Hyperbole can be amusing, but when its user doesn't realize that she is using it? Just sad.

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 9:51 PM


Oh. I've been put into moderation. What gives?

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 9:55 PM


I dunno. Sometimes comments go to moderation limbo for no apparent reason, and I just have to check the bin all the time to publish them. If you are on moderation on purpose, Ill tell you. Absent me saying anything to you, its just blog weirdness, and Ill get it asap :)

Posted by: ERV | July 26, 2011 10:06 PM


Thanks. Sure beats "I am so busy teaching kids and conducting frontier-busting research that I can't possibly devote much time to the comments here. Unless - obviously! - it's a regular whining about penises and ballbags.

Reminds me: did he ever post a reply to those religious folks' 11th question? There were 11. 10 were about religious shit, and the 11th was (paraphrase) "list your peer-reviewed papers over the last x years".

He stated he would answer them all, but all I ever saw were bland knockdowns of the religious stuff.

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 10:15 PM


I think I know what's going on here. Abbie is an über-l33t haXXor and was able to foil John C. Welch's DoS attack with her black magic.

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 26, 2011 10:37 PM


Hoody, that is seriously borked. All the talk lately about privilege, and here she ignoring hers. If I may quote myself: "I can’t present a universal problem as a gender problem because it never occurred to me that everyone has to deal with it."

Privacy is not a women's issue. It's a human issue. It's not just women with violent exes. It's not just women who write under pseudonyms. Of course, Bug Girl has always been rather divorced from reality. I specifically recall her berating me at some length to call a suicide helpline in response to me saying that one or more of my friends thought I was suicidal but that they were wrong, and I wasn't about to do something like that.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 26, 2011 11:05 PM



Oh my god, what a complete trainwreck! It's SO awesome, and it has all the players. PZ as the ULTIMATE VOICE ON EVERYTHING.

Laden of course is there in his role of supporting toady. Were I to be what he thinks everyone here is, I'd say one must think he has a mighty big desire to get L'il Laden in her Twatson. Ah, fuckit, I'll say it, it's funny. WTF is up with Laden toadying for her like that? He trying to get some? She promised him options when the SkepChicks IPO happens?

gwatson does get a tad annoying, but holy fuck, she's just such a raging cunt at anyone who dares question her. And that OMG STALKING shit. Holy crapola honey, it's not that fucking hard to dope out how you can find out info on someone who lives their fucking lives on the internet.

Criminey. Twatson puts her daily life on a 40' billboard then freaks out because someone read it? What?

Pleased to see required dig at Dawkins.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 11:18 PM


Rystefn: yep, the author is so Amerocentric(?) she can't see how offensive these words are. She couldn't make it out of her state without encountering a town where no one knows, nor gives a fuck, about the fact that she is known on the internet as Bug Girl. As for "any town in the world" being aware of her...well, I'm truly, actually, amazed she would even write this. I guess that white American privilege thing has blinded her to reality.

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 11:22 PM



No, no abbie, check it. Now he was "bold and confident". Notice that didn't come up until now. It's a critical change in the narrative, because it effectively bins all the "well, maybe he was shy or awkward" arguments.

Watch her start fleshing out his body language as this goes on. She's actually doing this well. Bet she spaces it out enough so you almost don't notice it.



Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 11:25 PM


Could someone (re?)post a link to the "bold and confident" post?

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 11:35 PM


Apologies, tired mind.

Posted by: Hoody | July 26, 2011 11:37 PM


I've mostly been munching popcorn though all this ...but I have been reading quite a bit I followed John C. Welch's link at 527 to Jennifer Ouellette's post "Is it cold in here" (if John had a comment there , it's been scrubbed)
This was the post that PZ sent folks to read because she evidently "gets it"
At any rate...I poked around a little and was struck by this part of Jennifer's post ...

" A guy at an atheist/skeptics meeting hits on a young woman in an elevator at 4 AM, ignoring the fact that she just spent the evening talking about how she hates being objectified at such gatherings.
All these sorts of things seem tiny and insignificant by themselves, but they add up,..."

It's pretty clear that she thinks that if folks could have directly observed what actually went on in that elevator , they would likely consider it "insignificant'..
This doesn't seem to be much different than "zero bad" ....but Jennifer wants us to believe it's much worse than "zero bad" because of a bunch of other "seemingly insignificant" things that have happened to Watson in the past that we're somehow supposed to know about.
So... EG didn't harass her ( by all accounts he was not pushy and polite) ...but because lots of other guys have done "seemingly insignificant" things to Watson in the past , we're to believe that EG was a terrible jerk...
Also.too...if you observe that what happened was "zero bad" instead of "insignificant"...
you obviously" hate women" and are a "rape apologist" and deserve to be humiliated (name names) and boycotted.

I suppose I'm just not buying that agreeing that this was likely "zero bad" is somehow as bad as sending someone a "I'm going to rape you" email.

I'm open to being corrected here if this is all wrong. ( I've already been told that I'm blinded by male privilege ...I don't buy that either.)

Posted by: jmtz | July 26, 2011 11:40 PM



AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA...OMFG, thank you for all that, the links are a treasure trove. Did you LOOK at how fucking twee the info on skepchicks is?

Rebecca Watson: President
Larry Barrieau: Treasurer
Rebecca Watson: Ceo
Rebecca Watson: Cfo
Samuel Ogden: Clerk
Rebecca Watson: Vice President
Rebecca Watson: Assistant Clerk
Rebecca Watson: Officer
Rebecca Watson: Director

Jesus, a few more entries, and she'd be more ludicrous that the Witchfinder Army in "Good Omens". All she needs is:

Oven Mitt: Receptionist
Butt Plug: Office Manager
Fluorescent Bulb: HR Director

Damn, that's a lot of employees. Do you really need that for something that small? I know for a non-profit LLC you don't:;_doc_number=L09000046596&inq;_came_from=NAMFWD&cor;_web_names_seq_number=0000&names;_name_ind=N&names;_cor_number=&names;_name_seq=&names;_name_ind=&names;_comp_name=ANGRYMACBASTARDS&names;_filing_type=

sorry for the ridiculous link. Here's the massachusetts state gov. version for skepchicks:;=&FEIN;=593820943

MA definitely has better URLs.

The fact that her degree is in Communications and Advertising makes a lot of things make sense.

(in the sense of completeness, my own linkedin profile: There, not hiding)

I now understand why she's so good at peddling herself.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 11:49 PM



Yeah, I got unperson'd pretty quick. WHich is funny, because I was quite deliberately non-profane, and all the other polite things you should be your first time in someone's "house".

So much for that shit. Deleted the RSS feed. She wants to be like that, I don't have to read her.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 26, 2011 11:54 PM


Whaddya know, I got re-personed. Now I'm comment 11 there. Da Fuck?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 12:10 AM


In reply to John C Welch #1533.

John C Welch, how does gwatson (aka, moi) get a tad annoying? This an honest question, because if you can explain it to me as concisely and superbly as you did the "bad werds" bit, I can then improve my future postings.

I guess this is gonna seem rude, but seriously, is PZ Myers lusting after Watson's, um, er, twat or something; mid-life crisis angst? I mean he is now (on the Bloggingheads thread at Skepchick) defending her as a science authority?!? That is just so ludicrous it is almost impossible to parse.

John C Welch # 1535.

"Now he was 'bold and confident'. Notice that didn't come up until now. It's a critical change in the narrative, because it effectively bins all the "well, maybe he was shy or awkward" arguments'."

Not only that, but, as has been mentioned earlier, she is now claiming that EG actually cornered her and asked for sex. So, we've gone from on the elevator and asks for coffee, to a specific cornered her on the elevator and demanded sex? WTF?!? Talk about changing stories to suit what her sycophantic followers have assumed.

And honestly, I do not understand how blind her followers are -- rather, how blind they let themselves be. I know that is probably a variation on confirmation bias or something, but I've always expended some effort on self-criticism and critical-thinking-based self-analysis ... I mean seriously, that's one of the reasons I follow blogs like this so that I can be enlightened by smarter folks than myself, such as Rystefn, John C Welch, Franc H___, Abbie, bluharmony, et al.

LOL, double-plus-good, PZ Myers is now attacking me (after I've been publically booted and so cannot respond) for my opinions re Watson because her university's degree program is, in the bloviating toad's opinion, good. Huh?

Gosh, if I weren't laughing so hard I'd be crying for the depth of stupidity.

He says:

"I think all the people who are whining about that should be sure to let us see their CV, and justify their snootiness. I teach at a liberal arts college, while I got my degree at a state university, so I can compare the two firsthand: the liberal arts college provides a better, more thorough, more well-rounded education."

Except he won't accept anyone's CV credentials if they don't meet his ... his ... well, whatever the fuck lunacy he's defending today. AND despite the fact that Watson, his suckpuppy sockpuppet does not have a CV worth consideration.

Geez, do you suppoe he's suffering from early onset alzheimers or somethting.

Posted by: John Greg | July 27, 2011 12:15 AM



He just never seems to get to the damned point. Like the initial point on her degree. Was there a point to trying to correlate formal training to being "qualified" to talk about "sciencey" stuff? I'm not a scientist, however, as long as I don't try to go outside of my pay grade, I think I can do a pretty damned good job with "sciencey" *science*, not so much. But "sciencey"? Sure. Watson's DELIVERY is horrid, but other than that, what's the deal.

He seems to do that a lot, just wandering about, hoping he'll get mugged by a point.

Instead, he gets Watson and PZ, who is now the arbiter of valid degrees. (Yes, I get what he's trying to do, he just sucks at it.)

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 12:25 AM


John Greg - I assumed because you pointed to the thread, that gwatson - Greg Watson - was simply you having a play on Watson and giving your name away in a subtle way.

I got a good laugh out of it anyhow.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 27, 2011 12:30 AM


PZ gone emeritus?

Posted by: wildlifer | July 27, 2011 12:40 AM


Ah excuse my lack of proof reading, I didnt notice you saying it was you.

I think you should be to the point with your question.

"Excuse me Ms Watson are these your qualifications?

Valid answers are:

a) Yes
b) No
c) No comment. (In understand in that case, wink wink)"

See how well that goes down.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 27, 2011 12:42 AM


Re #1331

I think the video leaves no doubt that RW's video was in fact a lie. She did not feel vulnerable in that elevator, she has no problem with conferences being little more than elaborate dating rituals, she has no problem with being hit on by every man in a pub. This is all in that bloggingheads video starting around 36:45.

Apparently she was saying all that stuff in the original video on behalf of other women who feel vulnerable and don't like being hit on at conferences.

So now we have EG who can not be asked for his perspective and a bunch of anonymous women who we also can not ask. Isn't that convenient for RW, who sits between them and everyone else and is the sole arbiter of/expert on what presumably the women feel and how the men behave, (if these anonymous characters in her stories actually exist).

Posted by: Michael | July 27, 2011 12:46 AM



I've never seen the "Schroedinger's Rapist" argument before today, but I must say, what an absolutely mangling of both quantum mechanics and basic probability theory. For the analogy to be valid, both eigenstates (rapist and non-rapist) would have to equally likely given the information you have about the underlying system.

Yes "Schroedinger's Rapist" is a pop-culture appropriation that doesn't bother getting quantum mechanics right.

But - well, stand back, because I'm going to make an analogy (quite foolhardy, given what happened with the last one, but what can I say ...) Note that this analogy is imperfect and oversimplified, and I am not claiming that the two things are actually equivalent.

Throughout Elevatorgate there's been a lot of talk about rape, and behavior responses. One thing that might have come out for some folks is how many women have had to deal with rape, attempted rape, sexualassault, etc. There are stats, and beyond that there's simply noticing how many women (and a rather smaller, but certainly non-zero number of men, I'd add), in thread after thread, discuss their own experiences. (Yes, it's the internet, but still). After all, statistically speaking (iirc) everybody here almost certainly knows (in IRL) at least one woman who's been raped.

Anyway, here's my analogy: Remember how earlier this month a woman in California drugged her husband, chopped off his penis, and tossed it in the garbage disposal? Imagine ... just imagine ... if that sort of thing happened to guys with the kind of frequency that rape happened to women. Drink too much at the party, end up back in a female friend's dorm room, and maybe get your your penis chopped off. Hook up with a woman, and maybe get your penis chopped off. Go to the bar, take your eyes off your drink for too long, and maybe wake up to find your penis chopped off. Walk through a deserted parking lot, and maybe get tazed (equalizing the physical strength issue) and have your penis chopped off. And etc., etc., etc. Imagine if in 2009 the UN reported 89,000 recorded cases of men getting their penises chopped off by women just in the U.S. (and imagine that studies suggested that the true number might be around twice as high). Imagine if, according to research, somewhere between 15% - 20% percent of men in the U.S. had gotten their penis chopped off by a woman.

Imagine - how might men react to this state of affairs? Now keep in mind, the percentage of women chopping off men's dicks and running them through the garbage disposal would be quite small, but as they don't come prelabeled, there no way to tell in advantage if any particular women was so inclined.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 27, 2011 1:10 AM


Changing story indicates that lying bitch is lying.

That is all.

Posted by: TylerD | July 27, 2011 1:21 AM


bladerunner @1467
Interesting points. Dozed off a couple of times writing my previous comment, so about to go to bed now , but will try to respond tomorrow .
- - - -

Re: DavidBryon's comments -
Makes me miss Kwok.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 27, 2011 1:21 AM


Dan S.,

The frequency at which men are victims of violent crime is higher than that for women in every category except for rape, but we don't talk about "Schroedinger's murderer" or "Schroedingers assault+batterer".

Thus, I really think your analogy is imperfect, and better analogies underscore the flaw in the argument.

Posted by: TylerD | July 27, 2011 1:31 AM

Thus, I really think your analogy is imperfect, and better analogies underscore the flaw in the argument.

It gets better. In any other scenario, this is can be and is as a joke:;=1288#comic

You know, one of those things that isn't meant to be taken seriously...

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 27, 2011 1:40 AM

Over 9000 or until we break the entire internet.


I hope you are planning on supplying milk and cookies. Intertubers are a fickle bunch, and we might reddit another imgur to rageface at.

Posted by: cthellis | July 27, 2011 1:42 AM


So I was playing with anagrams over at Scented Nectar...I ran "Pharyngulites horde"
and got...

"Gnashed Tripe Hourly"

Posted by: jmtz | July 27, 2011 2:24 AM


@ bladerunner #1453 & #1467

.Racist is defined AFAIK as giving one race a benefit you do not give another race.
This is just a small part of any discussion on racism. It is important to give due consideration to a power gradient through society. Not everyone has equal power. There are many reasons why this is so skewed and it is important to acknowledge this. I would ask therefore that you consider this and not be so quick to dismiss my position as one of "racism". The word generally has very negative connotations. It should be used in the case of using negative or derogatory terms from someone in a position of power towards someone who lacks equivalent power.

I guess what you are trying to say is that the use of such terms should flow back and forth equally? I could only imagine this working in a "perfect" society of essentially horizontal power relationships. This is most certainly not the case right now. I merely try to draw your attention to these underlying dynamics, so that idealism does not become negated by naivity.

.Do you really think it's against common sense to think that double standards based on race are racist?.

Again you are assuming an equivalence of power that (as yet) does not exist. Your argument only makes sense in the absence of a skewed social field.

."Gays have all the same rights everyone else has. They can marry someone of the opposite sex any time they want.".
Your fundamental human right is to marry another consenting (unmarried) adult without reference to their sex or gender. That you incidentally favour the other sex does not give you the right to restrict the field for others. That gay marriage is claimed to be an abomination because some words in the bible say so, does not make it so.

@ Dan S #1458

Thank you.

@ DavidByron # 1459

.The rate of false accusation of rape is very high so far as anyone knows.

Well what about child rape then? Only a fraction of cases are discovered, let alone get prosecuted. I have never yet heard of a child rape victim who faked their injuries.

[general comment]
David, in a thread that is positively riddled with asinine comments, yours invariably take the cake. Are none of the comments addressed to you in this regard getting through to you?

@ Spence #1472

.The mistake you make is thinking this has anything to do with racism, or sexism.

You are mistaking what it is I was arguing against. Mine was a response to the comments of Rystefn #1271: (inter alia) "...isn't an argument that the words are bad, it's an argument that the places are bad." & "Pointing out that we should fear the evil in other places..." The trend of reasoning is that using sexist language to one's social inferiors is OK. The reasoning hinges on a vague idea of "equality". I just reversed the power relationship so that a woman would be in the more powerful position. If the consequences of the power relationship are sufficient, then Rystefn will STFU. He seems to think such a reversal of positions to be evil in his comments at #1505. Whether the situation is a general or specific case makes no difference in this circumstance (his reaction is not dependent on knowing this).

.The judge threw the case out, noting that even though the abuse was racist, no harm was caused because the doctor was in a position of power.

* Jaw drops* O_o

.I think it is more likely that the sexist language has a common cause (mysogyny) than the sexist language causing rape.
It is a good point you raise here. I readily confess that I not au fait with the statistics involved. Though some of my comment in this regard is anecdotal, I could offer you examples that are on record in the press. (Googled example at random.) One particular reason for this happening is that rumours where spread that HIV/AIDS could be cured by having sex with a virgin. By contamination of the other, the disease would leave one's body and so be healed. These ideas are spread by word of mouth. And they are fought by words. By naming the crime, exposing it and raising it in public debate. (My original point: The "war of words" is very important in raising conciousness and changing actions. Part of this is to take sexist language out of the discourse.)

@ Justicar #1473

I guess since I quoted you, this means I've addressed your points.

You are being ingenuous here. I quoted what you said and then responded to each quote in turn.

You are a big fan of poetry I gather. If I may paraphrase Roy Campbell:

Ode to Justicar
Fanboys praise the firm restraint with which you write –
I'm with you there, of course:
You use the snaffle and the curb all right,
But where's the bloody horse?

@Rystefn # 1505

.Yes, the knowledge the person in front of me with a gun may be evil and will be supported if they choose to indulge in a little evil at my expense IS the only reason I would resist calling a cop a bitch a cunt, an asshole, a dickface, or fascist piece of shit if said officer was acting like one.

So you acknowledge my point on this? You use sexist terms because you can get away with it while you are privileged. When I reverse the power dynamic you show your true colours.

.Sometimes, I do it anyway,..

Own goal! (Stupid is as stupid does.)

Posted by: theophontes | July 27, 2011 2:35 AM


Oops blockquote failure in my last post:

.Sometimes, I do it anyway,..

Own goal! (Stupid is as stupid does.)

Posted by: theophontes | July 27, 2011 2:44 AM



"Again you are assuming an equivalence of power that (as yet) does not exist. Your argument only makes sense in the absence of a skewed social field."

Bullshit, it doesn't have anything to do with "power". That's just a bit of academic flim-flam that critical theorists used to rationalize the idea that only Whites can be racist as not being racist.

Posted by: TylerD | July 27, 2011 2:57 AM


In reply to John C Welch #1542.

I don't understand your reply. But I will work at it. Thanks for taking the time. I think, or perhaps suppose, that if I spend enough time re-reading your response, I may get it. If I don't, I'l ask you to clarify ... if you don't mind.

In reply to DownThunder #1545.

Well, I sort of did that by stating two or three times, quite clearly, that if I was wrong I would apologise. She did not respond either confirming or denying my statement regarding her degree credentials. So, my assumption is that I (Justicar) was right, and she was simply too chickenshit to answer. I did not get the chance to respond thusly because, after making her primary accusations as to my "badness", she booted me.

Posted by: John Greg | July 27, 2011 3:15 AM


Yes, since this is a scientific minded community, could we have a reality based objective definition of "power", rather than some vague dragonball-z like attribute.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 27, 2011 3:16 AM


I said:

So, my assumption is that I (Justicar) was right....


That should have read:

So, my assumption is that I (and Justicar) were right....

Posted by: John Greg | July 27, 2011 3:18 AM


@ TylerD 1556 & DownThunder 1558

Bullshit, it doesn't have anything to do with "power".
Yes, since this is a scientific minded community, could we have a reality based objective definition of "power", rather than some vague dragonball-z like attribute.

Well it is not my job to teach you the basic knowledge you need to have to be a functional, sociable adult. But I am prepared to point you in the right direction. Link here : Power (Philosophy) and wrt Social Dominance. I also recommend reading up on "Authoritarianism" (Google it as your homework.)

DT, I presume you will tell me next that "soft" social sciences are irrelevant. Get a grip. (At very least of the social environment in which you live.)

Posted by: theophontes | July 27, 2011 5:07 AM


@1425 - Funniest Home Spellcheckers: changed all my "empathized"s to "emphasized". Reassuring most still read it as it was intended.

Posted by: Devil's Towelboy | July 27, 2011 5:36 AM


OK, I'm up already. Gosh, Abbie, you're going to do better than leave *one* comment to wake up me.

I even dreamt about this shit. Ugh. before I passed out, I took a bunch of screen captures to make sure some of the better comments and responses wouldn't disappear into that magic place where digital things go.

Then I passed out until the last of the pain meds wore off.So, here I am waiting for them to kick in.

*i would make a frownie face but it's jaw the bad people touched so i can't!*

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 6:13 AM


"I mean, I agree with him that FGM is orders of mag worse than male circumcision, and male circumcision is still harm but minor in comparison."

I would say that the harm done has at least some justification: reduced infection vectors to the woman.

That, IMO, is why male circumcision is less bad than female circumcision.

However, that isn't the only male genital mutilation done. It's a big tribal thing to cause suffering, pain and humiliation to boys in the rites of passage to adult status. There it's no different.

Posted by: Wow | July 27, 2011 6:30 AM


This has already been said but I'll say it again:

Power should be clearly defined.

Privilege should be clearly defined.

The problem with the theory is that it is unfalsifiable. The goalposts change depending on who or what we're talking about.

Without definitions we can reduce everything to power, we can reduce everything to privilege. I think we already know that a theory that explains everything explains nothing.

I said this several hundred posts earlier but I'll say it again: this reminds me of the late 80s and early 90s.

Richard Rorty, at that time, made a valid point when social constructionism was big.

one student: You are socially constructed!

next student: Yeah, so are you, bub. What are you going to do about it?

"Privilege" theory will go on forever because it does not, at its heart, offer any real suggestions to make the situation better. It is a tool to justify feelings, nothing more.

Sexism is real.

Instead of trying to get feminism into skepticism, why not try to get skepticism into feminism?

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 7:23 AM


"Instead of trying to get feminism into skepticism, why not try to get skepticism into feminism?"

Once you take out enough ingredients, what are you left with? Egalitarian skepticism essentially.

Feminist attempts at understanding society were always secondary to modifying society. In that sense rationality and a will to truth are unnecessary.

As someone who would have identified as feminist years ago, I eventually realised it was no departure from previous human behaviour. Makes it difficult to continue being a "cog in the machine" as it were.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 27, 2011 7:44 AM


So let me get this straight: The narrative has moved from a proposal for coffee to Ten Seconds to Love? I like most here am somewhat skeptical.


Posted by: Southern Geologist | July 27, 2011 8:00 AM


"As someone who would have identified as feminist years ago, I eventually realised it was no departure from previous human behaviour. Makes it difficult to continue being a "cog in the machine" as it were."

So, you think it's bullshit?

I don't know. Maybe it could be different from what has gone before. I do believe that the world would be a better place if we stopped worrying about genitals.

At least all the time. :-)

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 8:17 AM


» John C. Welch (#1257):
Words don't create racists, they at most help them find their own kind and assist with target selection.

Plus they may very well help validate the racists’ prejudices, which I suppose is not a negligible factor.

But let me ask you this: Would you agree that there is a fundamental difference in words like ‘nigger’ on the one hand and ‘twat’ and ‘dick’ on the other in that the former are not an insult but purely degrading and the latter (at least in certain situations) do not necessarily contain such a degrading component?

Do you think that might be a reason why you feel that calling RW a twat and a bitch should be socially tolerable? If not, what might be a better reason?

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 27, 2011 8:20 AM


Wow, Laden's latest ("Women in Elevators: A Man To Man Talk For The Menz") is simply unbelievable!

He starts off by making racist and classist remarks about his neighbors. Apparently, he thinks it is okay to call them "trash" -- they just aren't good enough for him. He whines about being afraid that they'll bump his car. (Maybe, just maybe, if he treated them like equals, they would be nicer to him. Or maybe this is just another example of his bigotry. Who knows?)

Then, he has the incredible gall to attack Dawkins for his "privilege". He thinks that Dawkins' opinions should be dismissed because Dawkins is a "star" and "English".

Wow. What hypocrisy!

I've said before that the "privilege" argument is merely an excuse to be bigoted. I think that Laden just demonstrated this very well.

Posted by: Slither | July 27, 2011 8:20 AM



Notice the glasses "Moses" is wearing on the poster in the last frame? Spells PZ to me, although I might be wrong...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 8:36 AM


» Justicar (#1322):
I'm not trying to be pedantic or take you to task. I just do not see how using the word Nazi is acceptable but nigger isn't.

My guess is that ‘Nazi’ is a term that is used to label someone because of a certain behaviour; ‘nigger’ is used for (pretty much) the single reason of identifying somebody as beloning to a group of persons that need to be oppressed. I think this is an important disinction; e.g. over at B&W;, Ophelia made the point that ‘twat’ is similarly an ‘identity epithet’, used to lump the person so labelled together with a group of people (women) that should be oppressed. Am I wrong to think that’s wrong?

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 27, 2011 8:47 AM


Just in case it wasn't clear, the:

"I would say that the harm done has at least some justification: reduced infection vectors to the woman."

Was that without a foreskin, the penis is a much less pleasant place for dirt germs and infection to collect and breed. Since one use for it is to stick inside a woman, that infection vector is less prominent.

Posted by: Wow | July 27, 2011 8:48 AM


Peter Beattie, I think your point is a little confusing. Labelling someone a twat or a dick is always going to be degrading. The words, when not used as slang for body parts, are used as insults - reducing a person to a mere object or body part.
That said, it is not neccessarily the case that the words must exclusively be seen as 'sexist' insults. In contrast to words like 'nigger' and 'bitch', which have clear racist and sexist connotations respectively, the words 'dick' and 'twat' are primarily insulting for scatological reasons - essentially they are toilet language insults, equivalent to 'shit' or 'asshole'.
In some societies they are used pretty much interchangeably (I lived in the UK for 15 years and there didn't seem to be a significant difference in the offensiveness of terms like 'prick' or 'dick' compared to 'twat'.
I don't tend to use these sorts of insults myself since I regard it as a rhetorical mistake - I prefer to make people squirm under the weight of their own hypocricy rather than allow them an excuse to hop on their high horse and ignore the argument (something that doesn't seem to happen when someone on their side of the argument uses one of these terms, curiously enough. Or not.)
BTW, regarding PZ Myers, if he cannot convince his own daughter to "get it" how does he expect anyone else to get it.

Posted by: Sigmund | July 27, 2011 8:49 AM



One particular reason for this happening is that rumours where spread that HIV/AIDS could be cured by having sex with a virgin. By contamination of the other, the disease would leave one's body and so be healed. These ideas are spread by word of mouth. And they are fought by words. By naming the crime, exposing it and raising it in public debate. (My original point: The "war of words" is very important in raising conciousness and changing actions. Part of this is to take sexist language out of the discourse.)

I still think your causal chain does not hold up.

Firstly: the distinction being made here is between the words themselves and the ideas, context and intent. The words themselves aren't bad. However, in context, the ideas being expressed can be. And, as critical thinkers, we should be addressing the ideas (not the words).

For example. You are concerned with sexist language and ignorance about the science of medicine and diseases. How does the former result in the latter? Let's consider two cases. One, where a misogynist idiot rants with endless sexist expletives, "you want a fucking cure for AIDS, just rape some stupid virgin cunt, she deserved it anyway"; now consider someone in a white lab coat, appearing on television explaining in scientific language, "recent studies I have conducted show that there is a clear statisticial relationship between unprotected penetrative sex with an adult woman with hymen intact, and a sharp reduction in HIV antibodies. This leads to complete cure in 72.6% of cases". Which of those two is more likely to get traction? The one with the sexist language and bad words, or the one from authority? What is more important, the words used, or the ideas expressed, the context, and the intent?

Here is another example for you. Jenny McCarthy appears on television, quite politely, telling everyone that vaccinating their children causes autism. The underlying problem is the same: an ignorance of science and medicine. I don't see how addressing bad language, or even the use of the word "twat" in a sentence not intended to attack a gender, but an individual, helps in any way whatsoever, even though at the heart of it is the same problem. I am just not seeing the causal chain.

Getting people to understand science, think critically, to me is the way forward, not targeting bad language. And indeed, that is what Rebecca Watson was given the opportunity to do, instead she pissed that time away on petty tit-for-tat personal bullshit, with all the reasoning skills of Ken Ham. The epithet fits for that reason, not because of her gender.

Posted by: Spence | July 27, 2011 8:49 AM


Sigmund @1575 re Skatje:


Can't think of anything else to say right now...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 9:03 AM


Everyone needs to stop. I have a confession to make. I'm the elevator guy. I've just been caught out - just been told I was. They weren't coherent enough to explain whether metaphorically or actually. When you're fat, stupid and sexually insecure like me its hard to tell. There are is an awful lot of hurt happening from me trying to get a snapshot of Skepchicks actual web footprint. They are making more hurt by hurting my feelings back. It's just one big world of hurt all over. My life is just one big broken smiley button.

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 27, 2011 9:11 AM



But let me ask you this: Would you agree that there is a fundamental difference in words like ‘nigger’ on the one hand and ‘twat’ and ‘dick’ on the other in that the former are not an insult but purely degrading and the latter (at least in certain situations) do not necessarily contain such a degrading component?

None of those are *always* bad. The situations where they aren't have been discussed here all the time. When I'm rollin', with "Straight Outta Compton" blasting, do you think I'm turning it down every time Ice Cube or Ren say "nigger"? Have you HEARD that song? No.

What makes any word "bad" are two things: the person using it and the person hearing it, primarily the person hearing it. If the person hearing it stops allowing it to trigger bad reactions, and instead blows it off or points and laughs, then how can the word cause any problems?

It cannot. But the idea that a word is so powerful that you cannot even say it? What the fuck, is it Voldemort?

Do you think that might be a reason why you feel that calling RW a twat and a bitch should be socially tolerable? If not, what might be a better reason?

If you're asking me why I feel every word should be allowed in every situation, I don't. "Time and Place" is real, and useful. But, the idea that the mere use of such words turns you into something is just fucking stupid. That kind of shit should only be believed by small children.

As far as Watson goes, I don't really know her, but what I do know, I dislike. So I'll call her names because it amuses me to do so.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 9:17 AM


John @1579: "

As far as Watson goes, I don't really know her, but what I do know, I dislike. So I'll call her names because it amuses me to do so."

Basically what I've said too. Sure, it's petty and childish, but I'm in touch with my inner-child, and don't need a inner-babysitter, be it even Susan Sto-Helit.


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 9:25 AM


Slither wrote:

Wow, Laden's latest ("Women in Elevators: A Man To Man Talk For The Menz") is simply unbelievable!
Where is that? I don't see a new blogpost on that, so is it in a comment section somewhere?

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 27, 2011 10:43 AM


Well, until a little while ago it was in the side-bar of most active posts -- I assumed that meant it was new, but apparently it means that it just got a bunch of recent new comments.

Here it is: Women in Elevators: A Man To Man Talk For The Menz

Posted by: Slither | July 27, 2011 10:53 AM


Nectar @1581:

It's here: -/2011/07/women_in_elevators_a_man_to_ma.php

But it's a post from july 5th...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 11:04 AM


@theophontes #1555--

So is it your contention that an individual action can only be racist if it's backed by a societal problem?

So a black person, by that argument, CANNOT be racist, no matter what they do, even if he or she says "kill whitey" and won't give a job to a white person, because there's a "power imbalance"?

And, for the record, just because reading your reply made me afraid it might seem like I was making that point about gay marriage, I wasn't, I was quoting, because the argument "Black people can use the word because it refers to their own race, white people can use any word that refers to their own race too" seemed similar.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 27, 2011 11:19 AM


Nector @1581:
Drat! My previous response is being held up for moderation, probably because it contains a link.

Anyway, sorry! Laden's post made it back to the "Top 5 Most Active" list, and I assumed that that meant it was new. No, it just got a bunch of new comments.

I'm still shocked by it, though! I'm amazed that he didn't get a lot of flack for it. A woman calling another woman a "twat" is the cause of much uproar, but calling people who make less money than you do "trash" is apparently acceptable to that crowd. Oi!

Posted by: Slither | July 27, 2011 11:55 AM

Mine was a response to the comments of Rystefn #1271: (inter alia) "...isn't an argument that the words are bad, it's an argument that the places are bad." & "Pointing out that we should fear the evil in other places..." The trend of reasoning is that using sexist language to one's social inferiors is OK. The reasoning hinges on a vague idea of "equality". I just reversed the power relationship so that a woman would be in the more powerful position. If the consequences of the power relationship are sufficient, then Rystefn will STFU. He seems to think such a reversal of positions to be evil in his comments at #1505.
So you acknowledge my point on this? You use sexist terms because you can get away with it while you are privileged. When I reverse the power dynamic you show your true colours.

Do you know what this reads like to me? It's as if I had said to you "What if I was holding a gun to your head and told you that if you didn't say the word nigger, I was going to kill you?" and you responded "Well, I'd be afraid for my life, so of course I'd say it rather than be shot" and my response as "See? You're admitting I'm right!"

It doesn't make any fucking sense.

Let me spell it out for you again. It's not about power. I would, and have, told a congresswoman to her face she was being a fucking a cunt. When I was in the Army, I called my commanding officer an asshole. Both had far more power over my life than any police officer outside of violence, but was unlikely to respond with violence. Having called police officers these things, and much worse, I can tell you that they ARE likely to respond with violence, so I am less likely to say such things to them. Not because it's wrong, but because I don't want to be physically attacked.

Moreover, I never said, or implied, that it would be evil for there to be a "power reversal" and for a woman to have power over me. I said it would be evil to physically assault someone over the use of a word. I stand by that. It doesn't matter what the word is, it is fucking evil to use violence to prevent, or in retaliation for, the use of it.

Now you may call me stupid for telling a cop off when they fucking deserve it, and somehow insist that I'm making an argument against myself for doing so (I think that's what you were trying to do with your "own goal" comment - I can't tell because your entire argument is literally nonsense to me), but I say that sometimes, the fucking courage of my convictions overtakes my concern for personal safety. Sometimes, you just have to stand up to evil to remind the evil assholes that you recognize their evil for what it is, and while they may mostly get away with it, sometimes people are going to call them out on it... Also, on the bonus side, sometimes you get one who isn't evil, and you remind them that, badge or no badge, people will still call them out for being dicks, twats, assholes, shitheads, fascists, pricks, cunts, douchewaffles, or whatever else they were being behind the false civility imposed upon others by the badge.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 12:28 PM


Peter Beattie @ 1573
‘twat’ is similarly an ‘identity epithet’, used to lump the person so labelled together with a group of people (women) that should be oppressed.

Surely by that logic dick would be meant as a compliment (albeit a sexist one), but it isn’t.

So maybe twat isn’t actually an ‘identity epithet’, maybe it’s just a term meant to indicate that someone is considered an idiot.

Just like dick.

Otherwise this starts to look very much like calvinball.

Posted by: Aj | July 27, 2011 12:30 PM


Dear god, we are the /b/ of blogs. What with our 31337 h4x0r skills like 'commenting' and 'the Google Machine' and 'LinkedIn'. Im sure the FBI has files on all of us, now.


lol, 'LinkedIn', Jesus Christ...

Posted by: ERV | July 27, 2011 1:11 PM


Slither and Phil: Thanks. I remember that one now. Didn't notice the white trash & mullet references the first time, since I skimmed down to the elevatorgate part. I think of that post as the "In Which He Crosses The Street" one.

I made a post with some elevatorgate anagram animations if anyone wants to see them. I found a few good ones. :)

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 27, 2011 1:22 PM


Well, well, well. What have we here? PZ Myers agrees with me that some in the pro-Watson camp have actually called Richard Dawkins a "rapist" over this issue. Now when I made that claim certain of his commentators who were over here attacked me for it. What will they say now I wonder?


there are loonies who accuse Dawkins of being a rapist & misogynist, and I'm not on their side; there are other loonies who accuse Rebecca Watson of being a "radical feminist" and describe her with obscenities, and I'm certainly not on their side, either.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 1:30 PM


@Spence / 1500:

That just isn't true; it dismisses the liberal feminism movement, and many others. It lacks any nuance of the real world. And several claims made by David seem to be somewhat extreme, over general and really unsupportable; others here have done a better job than me pointing them out. I think Phil's points are well made on the topic.

What I am getting from you and some others here is that (1) you disagree with me and (2) you have no capacity to deal with disagreement beyond 100% dismissal.

I'm not dismissing anything. Just because you CALL yourself "a liberal feminist" -- something that Rebecca Watson also does by the way -- doesn't mean you ARE one. You obviously AGREE with me that just because you call yourself X doesn't mean you are X or else you're hypocritical wrt to Watson. In fact I imagine RW and her cohorts would level the exact same "argument" against you, that you level against me.

I'm making a statement of my opinion no different from what you are doing. Why then are you so hysterical about that?

Phil has not made any points on this topic btw. It's rather revealing that you think he has. All his posts referencing me have been pure flame. I'm not against flaming people (even solely flaming people although I tend to just ignore chumps like that after a while) but I don't confuse it with making an argument -- which YOU apparently do.

What exactly is your argument here again? I'm wrong because oh I'm obviously wrong? Have some fucking integrity. "I disagree but I can't be arsed to make a case for myself because I think you're a waste of time" at least would have integrity. As it is you've even blown that by repeatedly responding to me without any real engagement.

I mean shit or get off the pot you know?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 1:44 PM


David, for fuck's sake, just go away.

I mean, WTF?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 1:49 PM


@TylerD on schroedingers rapist:

For the analogy to be valid, both eigenstates (rapist and non-rapist) would have to equally likely given the information you have about the underlying system.

Um. No? I think its bullshit sexism of course but the states don't have to be equally likely. Their argument is that it is valid for women to consider the incredibly unlikely rape scenario -- ie to gender profile men as rapists -- even though this creates discrimination against men as a class.

It's just your basic conservative argument for profiling minorities. No different from picking on Mexican looking people to accuse them of being immigrants. Conservatives see people as unequal and therefore say the benefit to the majority outweighs the discrimination against the minority.

The US Supreme Court's view is that "mere bureaucratic convenience" is not a good enough reason for state discrimination.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 1:56 PM

David, for fuck's sake, just go away.

You see I can't see an actual argument in what Phil says there. And you're seriously saying that constitutes a "well made" point?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 1:59 PM


Mmmmh... It's seems like PZ is a bit touchy, or is really pissed at me. Upon just posting the link to Byron's website in case they didn't catch it, and out of genuine concern if some didn't know about him even over there, here is his answer:

"Mr Giordana: I know about DavidByron, and I've already cleaned up a bunch of his crap. I don't need your assistance to recognize stupidy.

By the way, I don't see much difference between him and you. You're just as deranged as he is!"

Nice, really, nice. Now I kinda know how it must have felt for Ted Haggard's followers when they found out about his meth-fuelled gay sex. To see one of my heroes swoop so low: it hurts.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 2:08 PM



Dear god, we are the /b/ of blogs. What with our 31337 h4x0r skills like 'commenting' and 'the Google Machine' and 'LinkedIn'. Im sure the FBI has files on all of us, now.


and jesus on a seatless unicycle, PZ is NOW saying on zenbuffy's site shit like:

And I really don’t understand why. Because you expected a prominent public acknowledgment of a trivial change? Because you expect to be personally notified whenever a blogger adds or removes a link to your site? Because you want even more attention paid to your views?

It’s just weird. You got a prominent blogger to respond to you and change an entry in response to your complaint. You can’t keep complaining that it wasn’t the change you wanted when you never bothered to say what you wanted in the first place!

I have a cat that's more self-aware than PZ at this point.

I’ll also point out that currently, the only person being “publicly named and shamed in the manner of a sex offender” is Rebecca Watson; if you’d like, I can send you a long list of blog posts that dehumanize her for a very mild statement.

Da Fuck? Stef? Abbie? Dawkins? Someone check PZ's meds, he's hallucinating at this point.

No one is trying to paint feminism as all one thing (except, maybe, the people who shout “Militant radfem!” when women politely ask not to be hit on). No one is claiming that Watson, or Oullette, or Zenbuffy, are the sole authoritarian voice of women everywhere. Zenbuffy was not misrepresented: I read the article, and it did, as Oullette reasonably characterized it with a link, dismiss the experiences of some women and distort the goals of feminism into an extremist caricature. That’s fair. If you disagree, then you write a blog post that explains your position better and you link to it on twitter and in comments elsewhere.

And no, I’m not characterizing zenbuffy as some kind of publicity hound. I think a lot of her writing is interesting and stands well on its own. What I am saying is that she’s got a strange perspective on this issue, and she’s making a lot of demands of other people.

At this point, I'm ready to engage in a bit of screaming ala Carlin trying to end a phone call from someone who cannot ever stop talking...

Man, people are determined to misrepresent me, aren’t they?


Oh, dear. “Militant radfems” — I’m not the one losing my mind when people react to a mild request to “guys, don’t do that” by yelling about “militant radfems”.

Also, my very first post on this subject was all about the so-called “bullying” behavior, which is again a gross mischaracterization.

(dies. Is dead from teh stupid.)

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 2:13 PM


What gets me is that Watson has a degree in communications, yet seems to have forgotten everything they teach you in Communications 101 about sender vs. receiver, and communications noise.

Did she actually show up for any of her classes?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 2:16 PM


@Dan S:

Imagine - how might men react to this state of affairs? Now keep in mind, the percentage of women chopping off men's dicks and running them through the garbage disposal would be quite small

What can be said about your argument Dan? You're obviously entirely ignorant of actual data on assaults in the US by gender. Men are already assaulted more often and worse than women are. That goes double for stranger violence. Rape is not a very serious crime compared to bodily dismemberment that you suggest for men. Why do you have to up the ante? is it because you know women act as if they are entitled to be fearful of situations no man would take as a serious threat?

The result is you undermine your own case here. Precisely because you know men do NOT react with hysteria and paranoia you have to create this bizarro world where men are always being dismembered by strangers on lifts even though that couldn't happen because by definition domestic violence occurs at home.

Others here have pointed out men probably get raped more often in the US than women do, but they are certainly assaulted more often.

You would have been better off saying,

Imagine men, if you had a bunch of hysterical cultists called masculists who were constantly promoting the idea that you ought to fear for your life whenever you meet a member of the opposite sex. Imagine if this hysteria was carried on at the highest levels of government and your society. A constant drumbeat of hysrterical nonsense.....

And then of course the men would reply, well then the solution is to counter such hysterial with the facts isn't it? Not pander to it.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 2:18 PM

Surely by that logic dick would be meant as a compliment (albeit a sexist one), but it isn’t.
Well on occasion my other half has referred in passing to a client as being a 'Big Swinging Dick', in their presence, and evoked little more than a self-satisfied smirk and nodding assent. And that's a she speaking about a he, in a formal public venue, more or less. (Context, Context, Context! During round-the-table jawboning seshes about the client's market positioning and public facade, and all that mystical gubbins)

Posted by: dustbubble | July 27, 2011 2:23 PM



The frequency at which men are victims of violent crime is higher than that for women in every category except for rape, but we don't talk about "Schroedinger's murderer" or "Schroedingers assault+batterer".

That's a poor argument against a feminist because they don't think of men as human beings. They will answer saying that it doesn't count because those crimes are just "men doing it to each other". In other words men's pain doesn't count. The same argument of course would never be true of women inflicting FGM on girls for example.

A better argument would be to point out women are the majority of child abusers. However no feminist says women should be profiled as being child abusers. In fact they tend to profile men as child abusers even though most child abusers are women.

There's really no rationality to any of it with feminists.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 2:25 PM



Power should be clearly defined.
Privilege should be clearly defined.
The problem with the theory is that it is unfalsifiable.

That's not at all true. I am quite prepared to falsify it. The problem is that anyone who dares to try to do so is labelled a misogynist. Or (from the feminists here who try to not be so obviously "radical") dismissed in other ways.

It's actually pretty easy to falsify.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 2:30 PM


How much did Skepchick pay the cartoonist who drew their avatars? The Twatson one's hair has body and shine, for Christ's sake!

It's always wonderful to see PZ Myers sticking up for his girl. It makes me so happy to know that Twatson is being constantly reminded by influential and powerful people that she is completely amazing.

Posted by: Mr. DNA | July 27, 2011 2:39 PM


Well there at least is a definite difference between the "good" feminists and the "bad" feminists. The liberal feminists hotly complain they are not at all like those bad "radical feminists" whereas the radical feminists say they are not at all like (to quote PZ) those “Militant radfems”

Yep. Huge difference.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 2:41 PM


Hey guys, we're officially a slimepit!!! How cool is that?


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 2:53 PM

Hey guys, we're officially a slimepit!!! How cool is that?

I prefer to think of us as the moshpit. :-P

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 27, 2011 3:02 PM


"Hey guys, we're officially a slimepit!!! How cool is that?"

caine is such a delightful person.

any chance we could get erasmus to speak to her on this matter?

i'm thinking his gentle touch would be just the ticket.

Posted by: tybee | July 27, 2011 3:13 PM


Ha. Look who thinks he's cool enough to be a slimepit.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 3:14 PM


tybee @1607:

Erasmus? I would send k.e right away. Or Louis, but I know he's too much of a gentleman* to go there.


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 3:16 PM


That's pretty funny. Phil turns up at PZ's to suck some cock and gets beat down for his efforts. Awww. Poor little sycophant. Then he nearly tears up for being rejected and compared to me (what on earth did he expect?) Finally he gets a little indignant at PZ:


Still waiting for quotes and proofs that I am as deranged as Byron is

Why PZ supplied in full and matching every specific detail the very same evidence you ranged against me Phil: nothing at all. Can't say any fairer than that can you?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 3:24 PM


Byron: you have issues. get help.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 3:29 PM


I prefer to call myself a "Whig feminist" now.

Posted by: TylerD | July 27, 2011 4:11 PM


perhaps byron is in need of louis' purple space goat to settle his nerves.

Posted by: tybee | July 27, 2011 4:16 PM


tybee @1613:

Wasn't it a purple space goat?

Also, I've started a war over at Pharyngula. Mainly between them and me. Some of the comments I wouldn'f read to my dear old mother. I also sent a PM to PZ on facebook, no answer so far.

I don't really give a fuck. PZ seems unable to think outside the USA box. He can't, or won't, understand (for exemple) why my mother was institutionalised for 5 years in psych ward because she had been accused of being "deranged" by my father (a doctor). It's not the way it works in the US.

Also, I seem to be "deranged" for suggesting women who don't agree with RW and her ilks should write a letter to say so.

Not trying to make this all about me, but please buy my albums.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 4:41 PM


A slimepit, are we? Cool. Coming from those howling babboons over there, it's a compliment. Actually, anything they try to use as an insult is a compliment, really.

Ok, so that's not true. They use the exact same insults to refer to everyone that disagrees with them on any point, or who they perceieve as disagreeing with them, even if they don't, because they phrased it in standard English, not Pharyngulese. Their insults are more or less completely without meaning, since they thrw them about without a care for the circumstances. They shout "Fuck off and shove a rotting porcupine up you urethra" equally in the face of people saying that /b/ is full of trolls, people saying that all races are inferior to the Chinese, and people supporting female genital mutilation.

Also, can anyone else tell if they think that all repeating the same thing to every stimulus is being clever, or if they get points for whoever says it the post often? Honestly, I'm completely lost as to which it is.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 4:43 PM


Shhhhh don't let our host know she's under the patriarchal spell of Teh Menz - just a mindless zombie...K

Have you ever heard of the "terrible bargain"? It's a concept that people, in this case Abbie, a woman, will take part in patriarchal systems because to do otherwise would alienate her from most of her readers and probably a lot of her coworkers. By doing what she's doing, she gets to be "different from the other girls" who whine about sexism and shit. She's trading in her female perspective to gain approval.

Posted by: wildlifer | July 27, 2011 4:53 PM



So you don't think privilege theory is too vague?

It's a theory that defends these paraphrased comments:

People who call RW's situation trivial are privileged.

People who disagree with RW are privileged.

People who don't see RW's situation as trivial are privileged.

People who agree with RW are privileged.

RW is privileged.

Paula Kirby is privileged.

Richard Dawkins is privileged.

Steff McGraw is privileged.

PZ Myers is privileged.

And on and on.

The thing is you can make a case that every one of these points is true. Great, but what does that entail?

Combating sexism is a good thing. I don't think privilege is the right way to do it.

And that's my privilege, isn't it?

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 4:56 PM



In other words, she's trying to gain privilege.

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 5:04 PM



Here is my proof that the vast majority of RW supporters like that commentator are not equity feminists (a liberal movement that has actually accomplished quite a bit) but rather gender feminists (a heavily marxist-influenced, generally anti-science movement).

1. Copy and Paste that comment into word.
2. Use the "Find and Replace" command.
3. Replace "patriarchal system" with "capitalism"
4. Replace "male" with "bourgeoisie"
5. Replace "female" or "girl" with "worker".
6. Replace "trading in her female perspective" with "becoming reactionary"
7. ????
8. Profit!.

Posted by: Tommy | July 27, 2011 5:09 PM


Yes, I love how they claim to speak for all women, and when they come across one who disagrees with them, it cannot be becuase she actually disagrees... She must have sold her soul to the patiarchy. Tell me again what's the difference between Pharyngula and a cult?

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 5:09 PM


Before this mess came up (Well, in some ways, PK was a kind of trigger for this mess, wasn't she?)

"Atheism is about a move towards greater rationality, and so what matters is simply whether the arguments being put forward for it are rational and sound, and not who is putting them forward. Do you really think women are so feeble that we can’t understand or relate to arguments if they’re not put forward by another woman? Do you really think we’re so overawed by men?! If so, I would challenge you on who is the real misogynist here! (Likewise on your comments about their being 'old’ – what? Sam Harris? Christopher Hitchens? Old? Good grief! – and white. Really – who cares? Is a sound argument less sound because put by a white man over 40? Do you really think their target audience is so prejudiced and blinded by trivia?)"
--Paula Kirby

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 5:13 PM


Bleh. I'm awake again. I do hope this cycle ends soon; I hate sleeping. I've still not read all of the entries for my first sleeping period. I'm going to take a little less pain killer to see if I can't make it through!


Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 5:22 PM


In reply to Rystefn #1620.

"... when they come across one who disagrees with them, it cannot be becuase she actually disagrees...."

This is the thing that most mystifies me. I really do not understand it. What is this allergy to disagreement and/or dissent? I suppose a primary factor is that if you are allergic to disagreement and/or dissent you can purge it from your blog / life / world view and maintain that you now have a clean conscience and a devoted following ... but that is so deeply intellectually dishonest. The cognitive dissonance, if I understand the concept correctly, must be very intense for the gender feminists, and of course for Mr. PZ (my vagina's more vagina than your vagina) Myers.

Posted by: John Greg | July 27, 2011 5:37 PM


The Pharynguloid cult is getting ever more ridiculous. Right now I'm watching then swoon at the vapors over the term "butthurt".

George Carlin could have made his whole career out of parodying these people.

Posted by: TylerD | July 27, 2011 5:44 PM


Another good comment:

"But what I do have a problem with is constructing straw men arguments - this is exactly the sort of behavior that skeptics bemoan when it is done to us so it is both hypocritical and intellectually vapid to use such tactics in our own discussions. When Stef McGraw suggested a different interpretation of Rebecca Watson's anecdote, Watson dismissed it as the "anti-woman rhetoric my audience was engaging in". This is not only a straw man dismissal, it is also an ad homimen attack. Worse, Watson included McGraw along side those calling for her to be raped from a pulpit position. At best this was terribly thought out juxtaposition, at worse it was positively odious slur. In either case it is classic straw manning - misrepresenting another's position rather than addressing it truthfully is a terrible faux pas for self-proclaimed skeptics to make. Curiously, Watson did the same thing to Rose St. Clare and Paula Kirby when presenting with their differing opinion."
--David Robert Grimes

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 5:47 PM


Executing a derivative of Tommy's procedure:

"Have you ever heard of the "terrible bargain"? It's a concept that people, in this case Abbie, a worker, will take part in capitalism because to do otherwise would alienate her from most of her readers and probably a lot of her coworkers. By doing what she's doing, she gets to be "different from the other workers" who whine about exploitation and shit. She's becoming reactionary to gain approval."

Pharynguloid confirmed for communist apparatchik.

Posted by: TylerD | July 27, 2011 6:14 PM


TylerD @ 1524:
Yes, many of us recognize Schrodinger's Rapist as stupid. In that Deepak Chopra "don't understand quantum mechanics at all, but here's an analogy that seems good to other people who have no understand either" kind of way. I wrote a post on it discussing the collapse of the Rape Function and how I'd manage to work that part out as a child who determined the system behavior of my teddy bears by looking at them. I just knew that when I look away, the system operated differently. If only been smarter a child, I could have changed my frame reference so that my observation would be in synch with theirs so that I'd determine them in the "on" (that is the playing around and moving) state, instead of the "off" (just sitting there doing nothing) state.

I was amused writing it. And it's hysterical for me at the moment. Then again not being able to find where I left my glasses or coffee cup was amusing to me today; I might not be a good arbiter comedy for a while.

He was bold and confident he was? So, now he had serious coffee inviting game starting off with the highly confidence, "Don't take this the wrong way" bit. Dash cunning I dare say.

Dan S,:
That is already a possibility, and it happens from time to time. Note that like rapes, the instances of dick-whacking off via cutlery rarely happens from strangers. The "fear" men might feel about it is misplaced towards strangers, in the same way that the "fear"of stranger rape is misplaced.

If people like Greg Laden are going to make rape arguments on probabilistic grounds, fine. Just get it right. Mrs. Laden's greatest "fear" about being raped should happen each night she goes to bed with Mr. Laden. He is the likeliest candidate in the world to rape her.

I note he avoids arguing husbands and wives should walk on opposing sides of the streets. Why? Oh, right, he's an idiot on this matter.

Tylerd @1551:
I have argued about Schrodinger's Black Mugger. I've been called racist for it. Schrodinger's Slave Trader too. And a few others. Only the women + fear + men + quantum stupidity seems to be in vogue these days.

Theo @ 1555:
"This is just a small part of any discussion on racism. It is important to give due consideration to a power gradient through society. Not everyone has equal power."

None of us here are denying that this true. We are aware our society isn't "there" yet. There is, oddly enough, a non-trivial difference between "not quite there yet" and "still haven't left the driveway yet".

However, recognizing that things are yet perfectly equalized doesn't mean that we should organize any instance of racism -nay- bigotry when we see it. Recognizing it for what it is and addressing it in any form it takes is a surer way to get "there" rather than staying "here". I decline to ignore it because the people doing it have clever ways of excusing it.

"Your fundamental human right is to marry another consenting (unmarried) adult without reference to their sex or gender. That you incidentally favour the other sex does not give you the right to restrict the field for others."

This is the most logically, socially, culturally aware thing I've seen you yet say. If the principle at work fails when you change out particular sets of people, then you have an unequal system. This why Schrodinger's Rapist fails - it applies in only one case; every other time it's invoked, it fails and is seen as rank xenophobia. For good reason. Let's hope you continue on this trend.

Downthunder @ 1559:
do not confuse this as being a scientific-minded community. We have many scientists in the community to be sure. But if you gore the right ox, that science-minded bit goes right out the window.

Hell, the rot has gotten so deep that you now have people with PhDs defending Twatson as some kind of authority in "science-y" stuff. No, not having a degree in science doesn't prohibit one from understanding it, or studying it (quite well I might add) on one's own. There are some really good amateurs out there to be sure. No one cites to them without qualification. Whether it's right or wrong, what scientists have to say about science should be taken more seriously than what, say, my neighbor's friend who once knew a guy who said something. It's not to say that either disposition proves or disproves an argument or claim. But if you've got almost every expert in the world saying, "not so much" and then, say, Jerry Bergman saying, "they're all wrong and I'm right" someone has a lot of really hard work to do.

And it's Jerry Bergman. He has every right, and all the access he needs. All that remains is his ability. He knows all of the words he needs to know. He studies the issues involved. He just doesn't understand it. Why? He's not a scientist.

Twaton too isn't a scientist. She does nothing more than the average creationist does: she just repeats what others have told her. This isn't a horrible indictment on her; it's just one feature on her. When it comes to chemistry, I'm in something of the same boat.

Why? Not my field. I don't understand chemistry that well. I have to trust that the chemists doing the work know their chemistry better than I know my chemistry. It seems to be they do since they aren't blowing up labs all over the place like I would be doing were I in that field.

Don't take my word for it - next time Twatson starts explaining science, or any science theory (or even conjecture), ask her she knows. It reduces in each occasion that someone either told her about it, or she read something somewhere. She cites a lot of books. Great. Books aren't science.

Brad @ 1565:
Privilege: any attribute another has that I can use to excuse their views and them from the conversation.

Power: The ability to determine who has privilege.

That's my best understanding of it so far.

Braid, if you get skepticism into *this variety of* feminism, I'll give you a blowjob. Or hire some sex slave to do it.

Until this shit blew up on this issue, I was fine being considered a feminist. I am now not fine with it. I don't like having to put caveats on my advocacy for equality: I support equality for women, but not defined as _____ because that's not really equality.

Peter @ 1570:
"Plus they may very well help validate the racists’ prejudices, which I suppose is not a negligible factor."

That's not an indictment on language. That's an indictment on confirmation bias of the Dubya variety: "you're either for me, or you're a'gin me."

Peter @ 1573:
"Ophelia made the point that ‘twat’ is similarly an ‘identity epithet’, used to lump the person so labelled together with a group of people (women) that should be oppressed. Am I wrong to think that’s wrong?"

Your casuistry doesn't work on me. Improper questions are improper, and don't indict me - only the person asking. But I'll attend the issue of the question instead. And the question is on its face stupid; Ophelia's take on the matter is on its face inconsistent. She claims that "gender epithets" are a deal breaker for her. This is quite simply a lie.

She is fine with the "Dear Dick" campaign. But "Twatson" has given her much feigned outrage. Stop letting her think for you; analyze situations for what they are, not what someone is able to frame them to be.

Apparently, you are wrong several ways to Sunday. But let's take a quick survey:

Who here is using "Twatson" or "twat" to identify a group of people to be oppressed?

I'm going to vote against the motion. I'm using it to insult someone who's acting like an asshole.

John @ 1579:
How dare you use his name?! Having watched Deathly Hallows 2 several times, allow me to quote from memory a relevant piece of dialogue:
Filius Flitwick to Minerva:
"You do realize, of course, we can't keep You Know Who indefinitely"
Minerva responds:
"That doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, Filius. You might as well use it - he's going to try to kill you either way."

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 6:30 PM


PZ speaks again:

"Phil Giordana sent me a message. I'm not going to reply, but simply throw it to the sharks here.

Professor Myers.

I would like to clear things out. I am neither deranged nor a mysoginist. I am a staunch defender of equal rights for everyone. Male, female, gay, black, white, whatever.

I was, in my comment on your site regarding David Byron, really trying to share info in case it hadn't been shared before. Not to get gratitude, not to get a free pass on anything, but to warn you (and by you I mean your horde as well) if you didn't know about that nasty piece of work's website. I know you banned him before, but I just figured it was for his attitude on Pharyngula.

For the rest of Elevatorgate, I won't comment here, because we disagree on some points and I won't bugger you about that.

Now, for that "deranged" thing: I am, just like you, a public figure. Not to the same extent (my "followers" are among the hundred of thousand max), but still noticeable enough, and enough of a opinion leader on certain matters. Why couldn't a simple "I already know about Byron, thanks for your concern" do? Are you really that dogmatic as to chastisize a newbie like me for trying to help? Anyway, you have labelled me as "deranged". Doesn't seem to be a big deal to you, but it is a big deal in my country. it is also a big deal to my fans. Those I have succesfully "converted" to atheism and skepticism will ask questions. This is hurting my business, and my credibility. You are probably underestimating yourself here, but a lot of my fans read your blog. No wonder, you've been a leading figure to me for about 4 years, and I've advertised so.

Anyway, if you think it's the best course, just erase my and your messages from that thread, then I will ask Abbie to do the same on ERV regarding this. But if you keep your stance, this might go a bit too far. Please please please, as an enthusiast reader of Pharyngula, I beg you to stop this madness.

And please, take a good look at your horde.

Cordially, yet bitterly

Phil Giordana

PS: feel free to reproduce this message if you need.

Since he's such a strong supporter of feminism (at least, the right kind of feminism in his mind), I thought I'd check out what he's been saying at ERV's place -- maybe he's been fighting the tide of nonsense back there. But no, he's an active participant, a great little cheerleader, chanting "Twatson, twatson, twatson" right on cue. Here's a small taste of Mr Giordana's cordiality.

In what way would [Rebecca Watson] deserve anything but contempt? She' famous for, well, being famous.

Ah! Bitches and the internet! Am I rite boyz? Right?

I can't bring myself to getting behind such a bunch of fucktwatcuntbitch cupcakes when I see the way they adress even newcomers.

I object to the use of "bitch". It's demeaning to female dogs everywhere. Dogs have feelings too, you know?

Let's see who among atheist/skeptic women think Watson and Cie are twats.

The latest [Franc Hoggle] one about PZ is quite good as well.

It wasn't. It was pretty damned crazy.

The more I learn about Twatson (see my last post above at 1175), the more I feel she should be simply booted out of any public venture in the skeptic/atheist realm.

None of us here, as far as I know, is a mysoginist. RW, on the other hand, is a self-serving twat. Or dick. Or prick. Or cunt. Whatever pisses her off.

Calling RW "Twatson" fulfils its purpose. It in no way implies I hate women, or even her. It's a petty childish, and overall satisfying moniker, with the added perk of making assholes livid with outrage and what I suspect is also hypocrisy. To get laid probably.

So no thanks, guy, I'm washing my hands of you, even if you think it "might go a bit too far"."

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 6:34 PM







Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 6:45 PM


Well look we agree that the whole privilege thing is bullshit. You say its unfalsifiable, but I have a lower view of it, namely that it is both falsifiable and obviously false. That's surely illustrated by your comments above where you claim it predicts contradictory positions?

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 6:46 PM


This bullshit distinction between so-called "radical" and "liberal" feminists is just as woolly headed and prejudicial as the "privilege" scam. There's no difference at all. It's like the word "terrorist". It's just an insult meaning "people I disagree with".

Here is my proof that the vast majority of RW supporters like that commentator are not equity feminists (a liberal movement that has actually accomplished quite a bit) but rather gender feminists (a heavily marxist-influenced, generally anti-science movement).

You gotta be kidding me. Feminists are conservatives. Look at how they support every imperialist war out there on the grounds of the alleged victimization of women. Actual marxists would dismiss the gender concerns in favour of class distinctions. Feminism has always undermined the real left in America.

It's ridiculous anyway. Feminism has always make a big pretense of women's "oppression" but the fact is that men and women marry each other and therefore enjoy substantially similar economic and social class status. Until fairly recently that was NOT true of eg black and white people or for that matter the rich and the poor.

Certainly feminists have tried to ape every successful and true civil rights style movement out there in an attempt to steal legitimacy for their hate projects. That doesn't make them marxists.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 6:54 PM


To the question about my write-up involving Twatson and her "CV" and her attendant science credentials, please see:

Some of the grammar needs brushing up, but I wrote it stoned and would be editing it that way too. It's unlikely that anything you read on my blog (or anywhere I write) for the next week or so is going to be typo free. I'm lucky to find my computer desk two of three attempts. Sorry in advance.

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 6:57 PM


» Justicar:
Your casuistry doesn't work on me.

It was actually an honest question. Ophelia is apparently of a mind of banning me for disagreeing with her idea that something like ‘twat’ is necessarily and always a degradation of all women. Well, she might ban me if I tried to continue trying to argue the contrary position. I just wanted to get your opinion of her idea, because she might yet be right. But I guess you have a point about the ‘dick’ thing.

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 27, 2011 7:08 PM


Phil you really are going the wrong way about crawling up PZ's ass you know. The most obvious problem is that you're talking to the monkey not the organ grinder. The other issue is that you think you can come crawling back to the "radical" feminists without ritual humiliation. Just by throwing me under a bus? LOL, you really are green at this aren't you?

Btw? I've never called RW a "twat".

Now if you are serious about winning the favour of the "radical" feminists then you need to go and apologise to Rebecca Watson -- DUH. Really go crawling on your knees and be prepared to denounce everyone here starting with the gender traitor, our lovely hostess, ERV. Just think like a ball-less shadow of a man with no courage.

Not a huge stretch for you I am thinking.

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 7:09 PM


LMAO at Phil's petulance over at PZ's place. Awwww why are they all attacking meeeeeee...?

"Don't judge, debate. If you just judge and don't debate, you are not skeptics, you're just morons following a dogmatic view."

I take it a comment about glass houses is not required?
But still FUN!

Posted by: DavidByron | July 27, 2011 7:23 PM


Incidently Justicar, are you referred to "he-who-shall-not-be-named" or similar on other blogs?

All the cross-blog talk is confusing. I think I also read that this blog was monumentally erecting to Justicar....or was that erecting a monument. Details details.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 27, 2011 7:23 PM



Is it just me or is Science Saturday more of an anti-intellectual, denialist sort of show? The funny thing is that a few weeks ago, RW was a fire-breathing new atheist that seemed unable to hide her contempt for religion (see the Pamela Gay incident on SGU). Now, she has appeared on a intelligent design show (Science Saturday) and Chris Mooney's apologetics happy hour. Does she have any convictions at all? Because it seems like this unemployed, liberal arts major is all about finding new and novel ways to direct ever more traffic toward Skepchicks, Ltd. The movement be damned!

Also why the fuck is a unemployed professional activist and a law professor have any business discussing "science"? As a lawyer, I wouldn't trust a law "professor" to try a case much less discuss a scientific problem. The vast majority of them are worthless and just leach off student's loan money for a living. Mr. Althouse would be better served trying to teach maybe 14 hours instead of 8 hours a week- rather than appear on podcasts to rant against atheism or skepticism. Dunning–Kruger effect is action folks.

TylerD: Great compilation! It is funny how movements, religions and ideologies develop their own internal language over time.

Posted by: Tommy | July 27, 2011 7:31 PM


Could it be possible to have thid thread not dying. Would be uber cool...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 8:00 PM


Downthuner @ 1636:
I don't know what it means to be "monumentally erecting to Justicar".

Granted, I started my current blog in light of the Twatson ordeal, but it's not as though I'm unknown on the interwebs. And despite the assertions by Aratina Cage and others, I don't owe my internet reputation or notoriety to PZ Myers.

I own a business which is entirely internet based, and am well-known within certain gaming communities (as a result of that). If my stats are accurate, I have better than 10k people who interact with me or my staff in a given 30 day window. Per normal in the industry, the numbers tend to decline over the summer months while people are off vacationing and what not.

Now, the notoriety, such as it is, with respect to this narrow issue, is on this topic, and I do contribute a significant portion of my time at Abbie's place. But that's because of the people who write here. It is to Abbie's credit that her place isn't a shouting match where the numerical weight of people saying a thing is what is relevant.

I don't post at PZ's place because if you've heard one person say a thing, you've heard almost all of them. They work on the premise that the number of insults crammed into a space by the largest number of people is somehow an argument that they're right. Abbie's people don't work that way.

No one here agrees with me on what I say because I'm saying *some* things that Abbie agrees with. Or because I say *some* things that many people here agree with.

John C. Welch and I have had a row with one another here at Abbie's place. Guess what, neither of us walked away thinking the other is a fucking retard who is forever debarred from being taken seriously in general. We disagreed, rather robustly, and still somehow manage to recognize that because we failed to agree on some point, and were snarky while doing so, it's over anything other than that particular subset of issues.

As it turns out, it was a misunderstanding on his part caused by a lack of clarity on my part. But even were it an actual fundamental disagreement (and it was quite a bitchy, snarky one at that) it is an estimation of either person's general lack of utility or agency in thought.

It doesn't work that way at Twatson's, Bensons, Christina's, Laden's, or PZ's places. You're just wrong because you're wrong and it's an estimation on one's entire utility to the enterprise of human understanding and social progress and ethical value.

Just not agreeing there makes one forever a pariah. Remember the failed dear-dick-you're-now-relegated-to-the-dustbin-of-history-because-you-can't-be-an-advocate-for-equality-or-useful-in-positive-work-in-anything-because-you-don't-agree-with-me campaign? The mentality that PZ and a few others are trying now to back away from having engendered and supported?

But remember, we're the ones over-reacting, betraying out genders or hating women for simply not agreeing with what they're saying.

Peter @ 1633:
The question was improper because it's stated on a set of dubious facts, but operates as though those facts are true. Questions of that ilk aren't actually questions, but indictments on a person that just happened to start with a "what" and end with a question mark.

Consider the question:
Have you stopped beating your wife?

It looks like a question. But it isn't. In order to answer the question, you have are explicitly required to accepts its grammar as true. If you answer no, it means you're *still* beating your wife. If you answer yes, it means you're admitting to previously having beaten her.

It would be disingenuous for me to say, "I was just asking as a sincere question" because the phrasing of it is improper in the first place. It assumes as true certain facts about one. That's why I answered in the way I did.

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 8:01 PM


My lasy comment on PZ's before it was closed (who the hell knows why?)

"I don't give a flying fuck. Don't want to be effectice re that mess. I do wish PZ all the best, but I will stop following him. And many others will. And some organisers will think twice about hiring him (actually, they won't, because a good polemy drives people in. MONEY, that's the ticket!)

Well played sir, well played..."

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 27, 2011 8:18 PM


Wow.. turns out that we're the vilest of the vile over here. If only I had thought to hide my oft-repeated desire for a Schrodinger's Rapist T-shirt, then they wouldn't have been able to hang me by it... I love how people at PZs keep pointing out the shit I've been shouting as though it's a dark secret about me. Maybe I should point them to the comment where I spelled out what several of the dark secrets were so they have some more ammunition.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 8:20 PM


Watched her bit from "Communicating Atheism". For 15 fucking minutes, she goes on about feminist issues and how Paula Kirby is wrong. Literally, that's all she talked about. Nothing on, you know, COMMUNICATING ATHEISM. Fuck. Me.


Talks WAY too much about his damned history, but about ten minutes in, gets into some specifics about the Ray Ham crowd. He is trying hard, but I think he spends too much time on the thought process behind religion. However, it is at least helpful.


Talks about how the Gay Rights movements and the civil rights movement. However, thinking Malcom X was head of the Black Panthers was stupid. He also confused Malcom's group with the Panthers.

He also WAY overstates the differences between King and Malcom X.

actually, he doesn't seem to know shit about the Civil Rights movement. No stupid, they didn't coordinate things and talk that much. Dipshit.

Actually, he's completely fucking stupid. "We have to be all one groups, we can't have people all going to the humanists, because then we're marginalized." Shit. No wonder Aron Ra took that one down initially.


Talking about Phil Plait, and how ridicule is a fine weapon for communicating atheism, especially to hard core faithheads. He may be the first one to spend his time on the topic. COuld have been better, but still decent.


"The Skeptic Circuit vs. The Atheist Circuit"??? Da Fuck?

Carl Sagan was a victim of society because he felt Atheists knew more than he did?

Watson makes one good point about not kowtowing to donors. That's it.

Is that really what passes for panels at these shows?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 8:28 PM


'Slime pit'?

Excuse me, this is Jello brand gelatin, thank you very much.

Posted by: ERV | July 27, 2011 8:29 PM


Justicar - I was just making a light hearted jab at how words and their meanings get distorted across this whole debate, I didnt mean anything serious by it.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 27, 2011 8:35 PM


And here it is, two years ago:

"I've been restraining the impulse to unleash the snark in this piece. But I'm feeling extremely irritated at the fact that I have to even explain this, and I'm going to let the snark off the leash for a moment. People -- this is basic. This is Political Organizing 101. This should not be controversial. The self-perpetuating reality of racism and sexism, and the necessity of taking action to counteract it? This is not rocket science. Every serious progressive political movement on the block knows about it, and is at least making a gesture towards pretending to care about it. If we want to be a serious progressive political movement, we need to take this seriously."
--Greta Christina

It's that last conditional that is unspoken these days.

Should we have more women in the movement? Sure.

Should we have more POC in the movement? Of course.

Do we want to be a progressive political movement along the lines of LBGT and Feminism?

Maybe but the sheer diversity of views puts severe limits on that possibility. I suspect we'll implode before making it to the poll booth.

Posted by: Brad | July 27, 2011 8:35 PM


John Greg:

Also, Thoms, your demand for an apology for the minorly insulting sobriquet of "Twatson" is nothing short of laughable. When did you become such a chickenshit apologist for all things Watson and/or all things Skepchick? Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?

What does that mean exactly? That reference to pink?

Posted by: Greg Laden | July 27, 2011 8:39 PM


Probably means he's killing elephants, Greg. Makes as much sense as claiming that me buying a live narwhal was killing them.

Yeah, that was out of nowhere, but I couldn't resist poking fun at that particular idiocy. I should really be thanking you, Greg. My whole family to this day gets a huge laugh out of "I NEVER SPEAK IN HYPERBOLE!"

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 8:46 PM



Also, Thoms, your demand for an apology for the minorly insulting sobriquet of "Twatson" is nothing short of laughable. When did you become such a chickenshit apologist for all things Watson and/or all things Skepchick? Are you PZ Myers in pink or something?

What does that mean exactly? That reference to pink?

about what you mean by casually calling people white trash i'd guess.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 8:58 PM


So you don't know either. Glad to see your crush on me hasn't abated,though.

Posted by: Greg Laden | July 27, 2011 9:02 PM


Downthunder @ 1644:
I'm sorry if I mistook anything you said. I am, um, not firing on all thrusters right now so take anything I say with a grain of sand. Actually, that's probably good advice in general with respect to me.

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 9:02 PM

'Slime pit'?

Excuse me, this is Jello brand gelatin, thank you very much.

I can only assume they are waxing nostalgic for the awesome Nickelodeon heyday.

Posted by: cthellis | July 27, 2011 9:06 PM

So you don't know either. Glad to see your crush on me hasn't abated,though.

Not a clue. I wouldn't presume to speak for others unless they've made themselves very clear on the point in question.

Also, sorry to disappoint, but I wouldn't fuck you with Twatson's moldy strap-on. Whoops, there I go, killed another elephant... or something. I can't keep up with your non-sequitur accusations, since I don't go to you blog anymore. Ever since you decided that editing people's comments was somehow related BDSM, I figured I'd lose fewer brain cells if I stuck my head in the microwave instead.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 9:13 PM


@DavidByron, 1631:

I've read a lot of this thread, and I'm not seeing you say much except to dump your very subjective perceptions of some groups that aren't even trivial to define (read: feminists, various types of).

And those gut feelings go against my experience. They apparently go against some other peoples' experiences also. Let's take at the most recent:

"You gotta be kidding me. Feminists are conservatives. Look at how they support every imperialist war out there on the grounds of the alleged victimization of women."

Yeah, let me be generous and just say "that's not consistent with my experience." Every single person I know who identifies as feminist does not support the recent U.S. wars of empire, not even in defense of victimized women. If you want to present some statistics that strongly, positively correlate feminist identity with support for any particular U.S. war within, say, the last 20 years, that will be a starting place to defending this statement.

Without that, or something equally compelling and fact-based, why bother speaking at all? You're just waxing poetic on how your idiosyncratic experiences should trump what seems to be the consensus experience to the contrary. Note: A single quote from what you perceive to be a feminist luminary does not constitute compelling evidence for your position that "feminists are conservatives [who] support every imperialist war out there."

Posted by: Mick | July 27, 2011 9:52 PM



So you don't know either. Glad to see your crush on me hasn't abated,though.

I know more about what it means than you know about DoS attacks. But, since you finally crawled out from behind watson and PZ's skirts, I'd like to say your awesome fair game tactics show just how full of shit you really are as a "voice for reason", and how completely hypocritical your whining about how mean *anyone* else acts really is. (I'll not comment on your qualifications as a scientist, i'm not qualified, nor shall I comment on the totality of your personality, I don't know you well enough, nor, do I have the slightest desire to change that.)

You talk all this shit about how WRONG it is to call someone a twat or a cunt or whatever other fucking name is giving you the vapors, but trying to go after someone's ability to feed their family? Oh THAT'S fucking fine, just so long as they are on your enemies list.

Note, don't even TRY to start up with what I write on my site. ANYONE looking to hire me is directed to my site, by *me* if no one else has done so previously. I hide nothing, nor do I want anyone to hire me if my personal site would cause them a problem. I have no problems with anyone for whom it is a problem, I understand that. So your stupid little "oooh, I HOPE no one sees his site" doesn't work for the same reason you can't fucking blackmail someone like me: I don't hide things. I fully accept the results and consequences of my public words. So that shit isn't going to work.

But when you accuse me of something that is the IT equivalent of falsifying data in a scientific paper, and actually a *crime*, you are now attacking my family. You are now attempting to hurt people you have never, ever interacted with for no reason other than someone you don't know WAS MEAN TO YOU ON THE INTERNET. Fortunately, you also wouldn't know an actual DoS if it kicked you in the dick you don't seem to have. Evidently, calling someone a stupid fuckstick means you must hurt them back in every way possible.

It is immature and despicable, but given your actions on other sites, absolutely unsurprising. Binary fuckers like you are no good at dealing with people who reject your moronic highlanderism. The concept that someone can disagree with someone else, and neither of them be WRONG, just viewing the same situation differently is evidently foreign to you. The FURTHER idea that someone won't let you misstate their position over and over without saying "No, actually, you're wrong" just blows your goddamned mind, doesn't it. "I AM GREG LADEN! SMART GUY AND SCIENTIST! I AM KNOWN TO MANY PEOPLE AS SUCH! YOU CANNOT DISAGREE WITH ONE AS SMARTERER AS I WITHOUT BEING WRONG!"

yeah, go fuck yourself there brainiac.

However, no matter how much I dislike you, and right now, I thoroughly do, I would never stoop to what you attempted to do, and what you keep trying to do every time you bring my name up. I'll call you six kinds of a pinheaded asslicking weasel, but deliberately saying something designed to have you fired, not hired, or arrested? No way.

I suppose there's only so far I'll go. I don't fuck with someone's family.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 9:55 PM


damn... John, way to take the fucking high ground. That post is exact reason that people invented the phrase "be the bigger man." You really show the world how it's done, and without looking like a chump, which often comes with being "the bigger man." I salute you, sir.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 10:07 PM


Bigger Man?

I have my doubts. I just think there's room for lines. Things We Do Not Do. If nothing else, it's an evolutionary advantage to know that your fellow chimps won't push you out of a tree when the lion's down there, or fling you at a crocodile. There are a lot of people I dislike, and vice-versa. I've had people threaten to beat my ass, (I publicly laughed at them for it), and yet it never occurred to anyone to try to fuck with their job and their livelyhood beyond maybe not buying their product or hiring their company. Boycotting is an acceptable reaction.

(I actually don't have a specific problem with Watson doing that. I think it's a bit of a stupid reaction when there's no real harm, and she's not even spined up enough to admit she's calling for a boycott, so she's mealy-mouthed and cowardly about it. But if she wants to boycott Dawkins, be my fuckin' guest, and go on with yo' dumb self. I don't have to agree with her, even though I don't have a problem with her fauxcott.)

But let's say that hypothetically I stumble across evidence that (scientist) faked data in a paper. The FIRST thing I'd do is ask every legitimate scientist I knew: "Hey, this looks bad, but I'm not a scientist. I may be misreading it. Is this actually what I'm seeing, because I don't want to do ANYTHING that's incorrect, this shit is serious."

Then I'd go to a local university, assuming they had a correlating department, and ask scientists I DIDN'T know, because then they have no reason to be even slightly biased to me.

If the data was even possibly correct, I then go back to the scientists I know and ask "What do I do next. How do I proceed here?" I would hope part of that would include "Contact (scientist) and present this to him/her. Here's how you should word it. Ask them for an explanation and show it to us, so we can help."

In other words, before you go out and try to rat-fuck someone's life, you make damned sure that's what's going on, because if you're successful, it is effectively impossible to de-fuck a life you've fucked if it turns out you were never right.

That's not being a bigger man, that's just how shit works in my world, even amongst some people that make me look all calm and reasonable.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 10:25 PM


John C. Welch @ 1564:

Dude, can you lay off the DDOS attack here? That post could have ruined it for everyone. Asshole.

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 10:29 PM


In reply to Laden #1646.

A bit late to the choir are we?

Well, seeing as how the gender feminists, who you so vigourously support, are trading so heavily on stereotypes, cliches, trite mendacity, character assasination, and outright deceit, I thought I'd do the same and assume a superficial rhetorical stance of pink equals feminine equals weak equals oh, I don't know, sycophantic? ass kissingly trite ... something along those lines.

You might call it a variant of the trademarked Pharyngulated essential rational and reasoned discussion of, which one should we pick? "shove it up your urethra with a porcupine", or perhaps, "just shut the fuck up", or even "you're too stupid to breathe". You know, that sort of thing. Thoms is very much a hypocrite, and I felt like being goofy with him because I knew he was incapable of a reasoned response ... and that he would get his frilly skirts in a twisted hem.

Now of course I don't for an instant support the pink equals feminine "meme" -- though even though I deny such tomfoolish sexist jiggery pokery, mendacious word-gaming tools like yourself will inevitabley paint me mysogynistic, sexist, anti-feminist, et al, all because you are blinded by your dogma and your ideology and the thrill of having a bunch of fruit loops metaphorically lick your central bifurcation with the exacting thrill of the devoted acolyte.

But, somehow, I just don't think you will "get it".

Look, Laden, I understand that with our being in disagreement you assume / presume / insist that I am somehow unavoidabley wrong, and you are somehow unavoidabley right. However, my world view is somewhat more nuanced and mature than yours, in the sense that I am capable of positing that sometimes Myers, Watson, Laden, Rystefn, Abbie, Mindy, Dawkins, Hoggle, Hitchens, et fucking cetera ad infinitum, are sometimes right, and sometimes wrong. But you hostile, hypocritical mendacious wet fuckers, i.e., irrational gender feminists and supporters of same, make these absolutely insupportable assumptions that anyone who is in any degree of disagreement with you is inarguabley wrong 100%.

The primary tactic that you and your ilk adopt is baiting, shaming, belittling, name calling, and deceiving, and you call yourselves intellectuals, skeptics, and critical thinkers. Fuck me sideways with your hypothetical porcupine, but the hypocrisy is blistering.

Cripes, my dead grandmother expresses more critical thinking, skepticism, and wisdom than you, Watson, Myers, et al do.

And heck, let's for the sake of fun and entertainment ponder on Amanda Marcotte. I mean really, what is she? The post-feminist incarnation of Andrea Dworkin with a chip on her shoulder?

Posted by: John Greg | July 27, 2011 11:02 PM


For those who aren't really sure what a DoS is, here:

now THAT is a DoS.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 11:05 PM

That's not being a bigger man, that's just how shit works in my world, even amongst some people that make me look all calm and reasonable

That. That's what makes you the bigger man. Because you don't even consider that there's another way to be.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 11:07 PM


I'm a bigger man too. And I have a table and a ruler to test this hypothesis if any of you smaller types are in serious doubt!

Posted by: Justicar | July 27, 2011 11:16 PM


Yeah? Well, I'm a bigger man than ALL of you, although I AM trying to lose weight...


Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 27, 2011 11:22 PM



heheheheheh...I DoS'd your bunghole, fartknocker.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 27, 2011 11:24 PM


Don't whip it out if you aren't going to... measure... it... or something...

Posted by: Rystefn | July 27, 2011 11:25 PM



the example originally being talked about above was of a white person getting into an elevator with a black person

And I've been kicking myself for writing it - I assumed that while the applicability would probably be contested, the example itself wouldn't. Oops.

But anyway - I think you're still seeing the two uses of the word as basically equivalent, so that black people getting to use it while whites can't is in some meaningful sense unequal. The problem here is that due to U.S. history and culture* they're absolutely not equivalent; if you change the speaker's race you have an entirely different situation.

It's a little bit (on the conceptual level) like asking, 'well, John and Mary can have sex, and that's fine, but then Jim stops by and suggests to Mary that they have sex, and suddenly there's a big fuss ... what's up with that?' And one could say well, you're allowing John and Mary (who are doing the whole committed monogamy thing) to define their relationship with each other one way, but you're not allowing other people to define their relationship with John or Mary the same way, and that's discrimination.

Which is is, in one very specific use of that word - but one that has almost nothing to do with how "discrimination" is used in this kind of discussion.

* A hugely important piece of this that I've basically left out. Sorry.

It reminds me of an argument someone I knew made about gay marriage: "Gays have all the same rights everyone else has. They can marry someone of the opposite sex any time they want.

Yep. But - while this isn't really a response to the rest of your argument, fwiw ... one case is about whether gay people can marry someone they love; can have their promise to walk hand in hand through life acknowledged and solemnized by both the community and the law; can be protected by that legal recognition from being barred from visiting their loved ones in the hospital, etc., etc., etc.

The other is about whether white folks can call black people something that -from them - is unavoidably an extremely offensive racial slur rooted in a centuries-long and sickeningly brutal history of slavery, torture, rape, terrorism, segregation, and an absolute denial of their basic personhood and shared humanity.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 27, 2011 11:47 PM


DavidByron @1486,
Thank you for the answer referencing Erin Pizzey. Her shelter work appears commendable, at least in large part. I also read an op-ed she wrote that details her horrific experiences; such honest descriptions are bound to offer solace to many of the other people who suffered through similar upbringings.

On the other hand, I think she overstates her case and paints feminism with too broad a brush. She has every right to decline the label, but to condemn the movement wholesale obscures the many kinds of writing and activism occurring under its banner, much of which she might actually support. I find it more useful to talk about problematic strands of thought and problematic trends in ideologies and associated groups than to make unqualified generalizations, which are unlikely to provide good accounts of large, diverse organizations or social movements.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 27, 2011 11:47 PM


I believe Pizzey claims she has been suffering ongoing harassment and death threats from feminists. - If you challenge our beliefs on violence against women, us women will be women. Im sure it all makes sense somehow.

Posted by: DownThunder | July 28, 2011 12:09 AM


To everybody: I'm sorry I keep beating this horse. I'm still just confused why there's argument about this.

Dan S.: Seriously, I'm not sure you know what racism is. If you say, for example, "You couldn't understand what my life is like. You're white." That is racist. If a black guy can say "nigger", but a white guy can't, that's racist. There may be a history behind it. And we can discuss whether, thanks to that history, it's an "okay" version of racism. But it's racist. Because the white guy is white, he can't say the word. I don't care how offensive the word is, or how crass. I'm just saying that it is racist for one race to be able to say a word without a problem, but another race can't, and I fail to understand how history matters in the context of that?

If a black guy says "kill whitey", because he's the son of a slave and his mother was raped to death by white guys, I UNDERSTAND why he'd say it. It's still racist of him.

An example of racism that might not be found fault with is as follows: A doctor might have free samples of sunscreen in a bucket she keeps in a cabinet. She might make a point to offer a bunch of samples to a white guy, but not to a black guy. Not because she doesn't like the black guy, but because a black guy is considerably less likely to get skin cancer due to sun exposure. (Although, it should be noted that some studies show that although prevalence is less likely, it's often more aggressive. But that's not the point here). Technically, that's racist. One race is getting a benefit another isn't. In this case, I doubt many would find fault with the doctor, because she's just playing statistics with free samples.

In your example, I think whether it is a "bad" racism is certainly up for debate. But it is racist. I still haven't been presented with any definition that would include what we all WOULD agree was racism, while excluding this example.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 28, 2011 12:18 AM


bladerunner, that is a very well thought-out and clearly presented point. I have had no luck presenting similar ones in the past (though how clearly I presented it may be up for debate). I have, many times, been informed that racism, definitionally, is only from the powerful at the oppressed, or similar junk. Note, that this doesn't even refer to situational power. If a bunch of brown people beat me up because I look white, that's somehow not racism, because I had the power or some insane idea like that. I wish that was a straw man, or even hyperbole, but it is not. It is literally the exact statement that was made. Interestingly, I have only ever heard white people make this argument, but I don't know what, if any, conclusion could be drawn from that.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 12:28 AM


Spence @1493,
I have some measure of sympathy for your concerns about P.Z. Myers' tone in that post and its comments, although I find value in both too. But I do think the contrast you purport to draw between his response to Dawkins' take on elevatorgate and his treatment of MGM fails, because I don't believe Dawkins posted caveats in his discussion of the incident parallel to those accompanying the Pharyngula post in which the merits and concerns of the side about to be criticized were acknowledged and respected.

Amending myself @1666, my last sentence should say that I *usually* find it more useful to talk about problematic *or worthwhile* strands of thought and trends in ideologies and associated group than to make unqualified generalizations.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 28, 2011 12:30 AM


Dan S:
"It's a little bit (on the conceptual level) like asking, 'well, John and Mary can have sex, and that's fine, but then Jim stops by and suggests to Mary that they have sex, and suddenly there's a big fuss ... what's up with that?' And one could say well, you're allowing John and Mary (who are doing the whole committed monogamy thing) to define their relationship with each other one way, but you're not allowing other people to define their relationship with John or Mary the same way, and that's discrimination.

Stop with the ambiguities and equivocation.

1.) your first statement doesn't imply that John and Mary have sex with each other - only that they're both not virgins.
2.) if we take it to read that the sex they're having is indeed with each other, your example necessitates that it's an established fact in a way that both John and Mary would agree as correct and *is* a description of one facet of their relationship
3.) a suggestion isn't a statement of fact
4.) a suggestion doesn't imply the thing being suggested has come to pass, or is currently a model of some actual events
5.) a suggestion is an invitation to some proposed course of action
6.) if Jim suggests Mary and have sex, it doesn't mean with each other. My father and I have sex. Just with different people.
7.) Mary is free to decline the suggestion
8.) Mary is free to deny that the suggestion models reality in a way she wasn't with respect to John
9.) John and Mary are entitled to define their relationship with one another however they'd like
10.) how John and Mary define their sexual relation places no limitation on how Mary might otherwise define her sexual encounters, or limit with whom with Mary is free to sleep
11.) Jim and Mary are free to define their relationship however they'd like
12.) if Jim's claims about his relationship with Mary are true, then no one but John could even have a snowball's chance in hell to create a fuss (and then only if Mary has made assertions to John that she is exclusive to him in that regard)
12.) Jim's suggestion that Mary and he should have sex are need not represent reality (people can lie)
13.) Mary is free to deny she and Jim have had or will have sex (either of them might in fact be a virgin)
14.) Mary is free to deny having had sex with Jim
15.) Mary is free to deny that Jim has ever had sex with anyone
16.) you're failing pretty hard at setting up anything but a nonsensical non-example.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 1:00 AM


Me @1665 "Yep" not, 'yes, that makes a lot of sense'.. Which I assume is obvious from the rest of the comment, but just in case ...

Executing another derivative of Tommy's procedure:

"Have you ever heard of the "terrible bargain"? It's a concept that people, in this case atheists, will take part in accommodating religion because to do otherwise would alienate them from most of their readers and probably a lot of their coworkers. By doing what they're doing, she gets to be "different from the other atheists" who whine about reality and shit. She's becoming reactionary to gain approval."

Needs work, but even so this may seem a bit familiar to folks who've seen certain other inter-atheist dustups ...

Justicar @1627

Privilege: any attribute another has that I can use to excuse their views and them from the conversation.
and various other comments by brad, etc.

Of course, privilege can be a technical term within certain kinds of social theory, referring to

an invisible package of unearned assets which I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was ‘meant’ to remain oblivious ... privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes,
tools and blank checks. [pdf]

The classic example - Peggy's McIntosh's article linked above - is about white privilege, but there's also, eg, heterosexual privilege. Examples? Well, if I was writing this a few years ago, I'd list stuff like:

I can easily find positive and frankly taken-for-granted representations of my sexual orientation in basically any form of media,
I can discuss the basic fact of my sexual orientation with family members, friends, and employers without having to worry about possible consequences.
I can display some level of public affection towards an SO without risking anything from uncomfortable surprise to open disapproval to deadly violence.
Terms describing my sexual orientation are not used as insults.
Where I to enlist in the military, I wouldn't need to worry about being discharged due to a otherwise appropriate relationship coming to light.
I can marry the person I love, with all that encompasses (from societal acknowledgement of the relationship to various legal protections to a whole array of financial benefits), and know that it will be considered valid basically everywhere I go.
I don't need to worry about not being allowed to visit/participate in the care of an ill or dying SO/partner in the hospital due to the nature of our relationship.
I don't need to worry about losing custody of my child due to my sexual orientation.
I can attempt to adopt children with my partner - including any children they might have! - without being refused due to our sexual orientation.
And etc., and etc., and etc., and etc., and ...

(See, eg, (from which I liberally borrowed).

A current version would have to be a bit different, though, which is pretty cool. Of course, here are many reasons for that, including enormous energy spent on the hard work of organizing and mobilizing. But despite the comment somewhere above that (iirc) criticized the concept of privilege b/c it didn't offer solutions, one aspect has been the spreading recognition by straight people of some of their own privileges, and the realization that the right thing to do is to share them

Posted by: Dan S. | July 28, 2011 1:18 AM


bladerunner @1668

I'm just saying that it is racist for one race to be able to say a word without a problem, but another race can't, and I fail to understand how history matters in the context of that

Justicar @1671

[points 1 -16]

That's a impressively detailed and well-thought-out list, which makes it all the more odd that none of them address the point of the analogy. Let me try again:
a) Mary and John are, of their own choice, in a committed sexually active monogamous relationship.
b) Assuming consent, Mary gets to have sex with John, and vice versa.
c) Other people don't.
d) That's discrimination! Either other people should get to have sex with John and/or Mary, or nobody should - otherwise, it's unequal. That's discrimination!

Except it's not, in any sense of the word that is relevant to this discussion.

Posted by: Dan S. | July 28, 2011 2:05 AM


Dan S: @ 1551

The frequency at which men are victims of violent crime is higher than that for women in every category except for rape

This may in fact not be the case.
It has been suggested that because of the number of males in prisons, male rapes may actually exceed female rapes.

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 2:08 AM


In reply to Michael Kingsford Gray #1674.

"It has been suggested that because of the number of males in prisons, male rapes may actually exceed female rapes."

Hush and shhh! Don't you dare even hint at anything so deeply anti-feminist and subversive like that. True or not it does not matter. Watson, Myers, and especially Marcotte, that insane Dworkin-in-disguise, will hunt you down and kill your rhetoric where it sleeps.

Posted by: John Greg | July 28, 2011 2:24 AM


@Dan S.:

You're being disingenuous. And you diminish any argument you might have by not making an actual goddamn point. I've lost my patience at this point.

Your point is that because PEOPLE OF MY RACE oppressed PEOPLE OF ANOTHER RACE in horrific ways, and because some people of my race still do, that therefore, my race cannot do something another race can do. That is the goddamn definition of racism, and posting a terrible picture doesn't make a single fucking point against whether something meets the definition.

Apologies to the group for the anger and cursing, but Jesusmotherfuckingtapdancingchristonapogostick, Dan S., you're an asshole.

Want me to send you a picture from one of my Trauma textbooks of some dude with his dick cut off as some point justifying sexism?

To the group: I promise, I'll ignore him for awhile. If someone else takes his side (sans torture-porn) and wants to make a case, I've no problem with debating.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 28, 2011 2:41 AM


Dan S:

Yes, it was thought out and detailed. Yes, it did address what you actually wrote. In reply, let's go with:

a.)Mary and John are, of their own choice, in a committed sexually active monogamous relationship.

Related to this one, I overlooked the parenthetical reference you made to that. Therefore, I concede that point.

b.) you say without consent, Mary gets to have sex with John.

I addressed that specifically and allowed for it. This says nothing whatever about whether she and Jim previously had sex, will have sex in the future. Further, nothing Jim said indicates that they had or will. However, he's still free to extend the offer, and Mary is free to decline or accept.

c.) other people don't.

Other people may have sex with Jim, Mary or John, assuming consent. Further, it's not discrimination to deny other people the right to define the relationship between Mary and John, or Mary and Jim anymore than I'm discriminating against you by refusing to let you spend the money in my bank account. You have no right to do as much. And others aren't free to define anyone else's relationship. John no more gets a veto on who it is Mary can sleep with than she does on John, or than I do on either of them. If she decides to sleep with someone, John gets to reevaluate their relationship on his end. Her freedom to fuck around is not curtailed by anything John says.

c.) No, it's discrimination only to the extent that each person gets to decide for themselves whose invitation to have sex with they'll accept. If the government intervenes and says Mary may not, then you'd have the ghost of a point. The government isn't and you don't. It has never been understood to the province of third parties to prevent the mutual consent two adults might have in having sex. Sadly, there have been government attempts at this. Fortunately, we've removed those in my country.

You have a misunderstanding between freedom and choice. Mary is free to do as she pleases in that regard. Given her presumed respect for John and her own integrity, she would do well to avoid cheating. However, it's perfectly within her legal and human rights to do sleep around.

It is in no sense unequal that others don't get to fuck Mary without Mary's consent. Even saying that implies that there should exist a set of circumstances under which her consent to being fucked cannot be a factor. I reject the slightest implication there. People are free to offer, she's free to decline. The only way this isn't unequal is if you consider raping Mary to be a factor of equality.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 2:45 AM


bladerunner - To add to your point, the American-centric trichotomy of black/white/coloured or B/W/hispanic/other is a bit vague and arbitrary. All this rhetoric does is impose behavioural codes on the masses who are historically an underclass anyways, while the rich couldnt give two shits. Since identity ideologues play the moolah game with the rich, dont feel too obliged to play by their rules and rhetoric. Its a game the common person is designed to lose. Humans have such a desire to adhere to the tribe, to be included rather than excluded - these are powerful emotional drives that one can liberate themselves from. Weve seen even in these few weeks herd minded anger and entrenchment against a perceived singular enemy - "the outsider".

Posted by: DownThunder | July 28, 2011 3:01 AM


Seaside681 @1670

I disagree with that perspective for several reasons.

Firstly, PZ's opening gambit was the same. Full stop. There was no lynch mob.

Secondly, unnecessary invasive surgery on a minor, based on a Victorian whim to reduce the likelihood of masturbating later in life, actually has a harm associated with it. Two people sharing an incredibly uncomfortable and socially awkward moment together does not. People share socially awkward and uncomfortable moments *all the time*. It is a part of life. Doing something about it (making people tiptoe around each other) makes the world a shittier place than if we just allowed those awkward moments to happen.

So I would agree the two situations are different. One is physical, invasive harm, and PZ belittled it. One has no harm other than a socially awkward moment between two people, and PZ flew off the handle about it. PZ's response is not consistent and the fact he realised MGM is not zero harm makes his hypocrisy worse, not better.

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 3:44 AM


Dan S @1672

Oh, I concede that white hetero males are privileged. Remember, I also said that all of these points can be seen as true. I also concede that it was natural for RW to feel uncomfortable.

But how does her stated reasons for feeling uncomfortable connect with white hetero male privilege?

4AM, tired, small space, foreign country, feeling sexualized, feeling that what she had just said was ignored etc.

She might feel more comfortable if EG were not white, not male, not hetero, but I don't see how privilege would have stopped the invite coming from anyone with or without privilege. The specific words used are not confined to any particular group or individual.

And therein lies the dilemma. Is it a form of sexual harassment or a social faux pas?

Was RW exercising her privilege at Steffi McGraw or breaching conference etiquette?

Was RD exercising his privilege or being amazingly consistent? RD has made it very clear that being confrontational in speech and in writing is fine. Physical violence of any sort is not.

And what do you do with PZ Myers and his privilege? PZ as father figure here makes a lot of sense (This is not condescending. I can see myself doing the exact same thing, but it can still be defined as a form of privilege.)

Your examples are fine but they do not help your point. I don't see how sharing privilege is all that different from common courtesy and compassion.

Privilege can be used in any situation but it never gets to the specific causes of any situation. That's what I meant by not properly defined. Or if you want it's always already there.

Sorry, I should have been clearer.

Posted by: Brad | July 28, 2011 4:16 AM


What I am getting from you and some others here is that (1) you disagree with me and (2) you have no capacity to deal with disagreement beyond 100% dismissal.
I say some of your statements are not supportable - note the word "some" - and now you insist I cannot cope with disagreement beyond 100% dismissal?

Please don't project your own failings on to me.

I'm not dismissing anything. Just because you CALL yourself "a liberal feminist" -- something that Rebecca Watson also does by the way -- doesn't mean you ARE one.
I didn't call myself a liberal feminist, and I don't care what Watson calls herself. Radical feminism and liberal feminism are just two different viewpoints that it is useful to compare and contrast. We have a reasonable definition provided by Peter further upthread in 1093. I realise to you, everything is black and white - feminist or not feminist, all feminists are X, all feminists do Y - but to the rest of us shades of grey exist.

I'm making a statement of my opinion no different from what you are doing. Why then are you so hysterical about that?
I'm hysterical? LOL. Again, don't project your own failings on to me.

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 4:20 AM


As I scan other blogs, I occasionally find comments that look like this:

You know, if she had said yes and really had been raped, the same people criticizing her now would be arguing that she brought it upon herself.

This is just disgusting.

No. I. Would. Not.

Posted by: Brad | July 28, 2011 4:30 AM


Another 'hero' of mine has dropped down more than a few pegs.

The otherwise awesome Matt Dillahunty has stated near the end of the most recent "The Non-Prophets" podcast that, and I quote:

Rebecca was right, Richard was wrong

But ironically prefaced it with:
"What matters is the argument..."
And then went on to say how much he had been influenced by his new friends -- amongst them Greta Christina & Jen McCreight.
Mmm... I wonder if there is a connection?

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 4:50 AM


I have discovered a new term today: "Neo-Victorian." I feel that this perfectly sums up some of the most egregiously stupid things I have been hearing lately (e.g., the suggestion that men should cross the street when passing an unescorted woman), and I fully intend to start pointing out these parallels to Victorian prudishness.

John C. Welch @ 1513, re: Schrodinger's Rapist:
Indeed, it's a horribly mangled take on Schrodinger's Cat. I'm trying to think if there even is a reasonable analogy that they could use; the best I can think of is Quantum Rapist (from the quantum uncertainty principle), and even that doesn't really capture it (What would it be? You can't simultaneously know where a man is and if he is a rapist?); I think this stems, in large part, from the notion being a tad ridiculous to begin with.

The stupidity of this theory is that it is *equally* likely that any given man will NEVER rape anyone.
Actually, less than that. It is more likely that a given man is not and will never be a rapist, than that he is (or will be) a rapist; this is a factual statement drawn from the relevant statistics which are readily available. The 50-50 thing only comes into play if someone is terri-bad at statistics ("Well, he's either going to rape me or not, so I've got a 50-50 chance..."). It's one thing to be cautious if someone is creeping you out, but it's another thing entirely to just have a blanket assumption that every man you do not know is a rapist or potential rapist. There is a word for that, which the radical feminists seem to have forgotten: Paranoia.

Various, re: Skepchicks, Ltd.:
I wonder, is Rebecca Watson drawing a paycheck for each of those seven titles she holds at Skepchick?

Posted by: Woden | July 28, 2011 4:57 AM


MKG @ 1683

Yeah, I heard that too. The funniest part was apparently they had made an agreement not to talk about it but once it was brought up they couldn't stop. :-)

A lot of them including RW met in San Francisco. Now, I don't think there's a conspiracy -- unless talking about the future of the movement constitutes a conspiracy -- but it would be surprising if "attracting more women to the movement" was not brought up, no?

Posted by: Brad | July 28, 2011 5:04 AM


DownThunder #678:

Weve[sic] seen even in these few weeks herd minded anger and entrenchment against a perceived singular enemy - "the outsider".


That observation neatly encapsulates the attitude of the RW fan-club, but especially that of the Pharyngulite harpies and trainee verbal assassins, but now including their sceptically fallible puppet-master who, for reasons of which I know not, wilfully elects to ignore the reality of objections to his protective alpha-male stance.

I have not yet seen this possible explanation for PZ's behaviour proposed to date, but is it possible that his so-called "trophy-wife"1 (his term, not mine) is exerting some influence over him to be such a misandrist?

This, combined with his absurd anti "dictionary atheist" obsession, and his initial approval of rape by infant male genital mutilation as a cultural practise, has led me believe that he is not the great teacher/communicator that he claims to be.

As I have said previously, if this EG business has done nothing more than flush out the faux-skeptix from the rational (non-attention-seeking) ones, then it has been of enormous benefit to the globe.

For what my opinion is worth:
Dawkins was correct, Watson was not.
1 "Trophy-Wife": His specific and chronic term for his female2 marriage-partner.
Another example of his outrageously galling hypocrisy on the topic of feminism!

2Jen "boobquake-feminist??" McCreight illogically 'goes spare' at the mention of the word!
Look it up, if you dare.

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 5:20 AM


Michael Kingsford Gray:
for more detailed analysis of Matt Dillahunty on this issue, read my blog post -

You needn't lose any sleep wondering if Twatson is holding onto the money that comes in. She is doing that indeed.

Oh, and in my "creepy" and "stalking "harassment" of Twatson, I've happened up a gift from fucking god. Twatson took venomfangx on in the logic department . . . and lost. Now THAT takes a certain degree of talent to lose a logic battle against venomfangx. She did it with ease too.

Here's a teaser:
"In the turbulent wake following PZ Lyers' avoirdupois posterior's gravity-sink sucking in so many to see his saying that Twatson is not only fully competent to explicate science, but that she's also done a wonderful job of it, I thought I'd focus on this aspect of my ongoing unfucking Twatson series."
"Imagine then my delight to find a video in which she's dwelling in the realm of mathematics, logic and science so overtly. Imagine my pig-in-shit ecstasy to find out she had her ass handed to her . . . by no less a pillar of erudition than the estimable VenomFangX himself"

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 5:37 AM


Brad #1685:

A lot of them including RW met in San Francisco. Now, I don't think there's a conspiracy -- unless talking about the future of the movement constitutes a conspiracy -- but it would be surprising if "attracting more women to the movement" was not brought up, no?

In my opinion, it is far more sub-conscious than a "conspiracy". It is a "social" or "familial" conformance thing.
Once one declares than one is friends with another party, it become exponentially more difficult to criticise them on any issue.

For this is the nub of the matter.

Matt has now dug himself into a hole, whereby even if he can empathise with the strictly logical & skeptical side of the argument, he does so at the risk of alienating his influential new friends, who are "mostly on his side".
Perhaps, as I suggested above, he also may risk losing some support from his partner, and also losing 'cred' amongst his regular acquaintances, who have expressed similar tribal allegiances.
Only he knows.

But I retain hope that he is rational enough to listen to dissenting evidence.
Why not post such to the Non-Prophet's blog?

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 5:39 AM


Justicar #1687:

It's disgusting and a fundamental treachery of intellect.

As I have posited, this is what comes of mixing business with friendship.
But don't include the one member of the non-prophets in your condemnation: Denis Loubet. I am pretty confident that he is on "our side".

Matt was clearly clueless and gullible at one stage. And he admits as such.
He may not yet have fully shaken off the residue of magical pixie-dust, especially when it comes to irrational support of his perceived "friends"

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 5:54 AM


I've not seen a sufficient rebuke of Matt Dillahunty by the rank and file. He's not just a member, but he's like the president, right?

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 6:36 AM


Yeah! I've got my own page on the Pharyngula Wiki:

Doesn't misrepresent my positions at all. I mean, they use a fucking joke I made here as a quote to prove I'm a mysoginist pig. Or something...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 6:58 AM


I think I'm getting more and more confused by all this. How is telling women they're wrong is supposed to "attract them into the movement". I thought the initial reason for protest was that women were attacking women and choosing to bully them rather than engage with them. :/

Posted by: Rayshul | July 28, 2011 7:09 AM


Despite being the most vile, misogynistic loathsome sumbags on the interwebz, I don't even warrant a wiki entry. I think PZ was just trying to flatter me when he said those things!

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 7:14 AM


Justicar #1690

I've not seen a sufficient rebuke of Matt Dillahunty by the rank and file.

Neither have I.

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 7:25 AM


The Latest @1694:

You're just not as high profile (or, you know, not anonymous) as I am :). The Ladens and PZs of this world DO have something with getting personnal.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 7:27 AM


Did they also say you were a talented liar or something? Can't be arsed to dredge though all this bumflop again. It seems to have been just a supernumerary bit of boilerplate invective, as they have nowhere (that I can see) bothered to arseplicate their charges.
Being on the receiving end of it, I thought you might have a better idea what they were on about. Just a brief bullet-pointed list of your better fibs would do. So I can chase them down and admire their structure.
See, where I live, lying is a minor heritage industry, and greatly appreciated. We even select the best and most outrageous liars to rule us.
Pretty please?

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 7:34 AM


You know, with all the vigor with which the Pharynguloid cultists are throwing around the word "misogyny", I figured I'd drop some real misogyny in this thread for the lulz:


Posted by: TylerD | July 28, 2011 7:57 AM


"How is telling women they're wrong is supposed to "attract them into the movement"."

How is not being able to tell someone they're wrong helping the skeptical movement?

If we can't tell someone they're wrong when they're wrong, then you have New-Age Healing-Chrystal type of "all arguments are equally valid" woo-mancering that kills rational discussion.

Which is more important to the skeptical movement?

1) Women attending
2) Being skeptical


Your claim also begs the question: that telling RW "You were creeped out? So what?" is telling women they're wrong.

I'm afraid you'll need to prove that "you're wrong" is what's happening here.

Or we're no longer allowed to ask for proof, just asserting something is sufficient.

Which I propose is far more damaging the *skepticism* than a lack of women.

Posted by: Wow | July 28, 2011 7:58 AM


Sorry Wow, I wasn't very clear. What I meant to say is that it isn't welcoming to push the idea that everyone should (morally?) have a particular political bias, rather than just being interested in skepticism... and if they don't they are the enemy. Hm. Does that make more sense?

Posted by: Rayshul | July 28, 2011 8:20 AM


"I have not yet seen this possible explanation for PZ's behaviour proposed to date, but is it possible that his so-called "trophy-wife"1 (his term, not mine) is exerting some influence over him to be such a misandrist?"

I did that quite a long time back, actually.

Faking concern so he can get a bit more muff-diving in, were the words I used.

"I'm a bigger man too. And I have a table and a ruler to test this hypothesis if any of you smaller types are in serious doubt!"

Pfft. I need two tables...

Posted by: Wow | July 28, 2011 8:21 AM



As I scan other blogs, I occasionally find comments that look like this:

You know, if she had said yes and really had been raped, the same people criticizing her now would be arguing that she brought it upon herself.

This is just disgusting.

No. I. Would. Not.

But they have to do that to push their narrative. I think it's disgusting, but I have to admire their shameless rhetorical manipulation here. Note that when shit like this is said, no one running the site, (because none of the site owners say this kind of stupidity, they let their commenters do the dirty work for them) tells them to back off that.

Because they need to demonize the other. If they do, if they can successfully demonize the other enough, then they can start ensuring that the other will have no place in their world. Want to have a session at TAM or anywhere else talking about your issues/concerns? Won't happen, you're the other. You advocate rape. You advocate assault.

What PZ/Watson/Laden et al are doing is somewhat dangerous, because they are creating a binary kind of reasoning as a test. If you do not completely agree with them on their manifesto, then you are not of the body and must be cast out. The irony in this of course, is that they are using one of religion's best tactics.

(Watching that panel on "Communicating Atheism" was enlighting: but not in a good way for them. They all are astoundingly clueless as to what it is they're really trying to do. I've a longer post cogitating that I might put on my site at some point, but tl;dr - beating them with facts isn't going to work.)


Of course you're right about that, I was speaking more hypothetically. That is, if you ignore the real world, (as Twatson et al do so well), then the problem with their reaction to Shrodinger's Rapist is that they ignore the equal probability that no man will ever rape anyone.


You BASTARD! I called PZ more names than you, called Watson a string of expletives that would have made most of the people over there faint dead away, and YOU get the wiki entry. KHAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 8:35 AM


John @1702:

Yeah, I really don't understand why I'm bestowed such honnor. Maybe it's because I have a more or less fame outside the skeptic blogosphere, maybe it's because I've hit a nerve somewhere. Maybe it's because I really am a douchebag. Don't know. On the other hand, you've had a thread on Laden's blog dedicated to you, so I guess we're even.

Justicar rightly deserves his own entry on the wiki, but since he's anonymous, it's no fun for the Pharingulites. They need to hurt.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 8:47 AM


Re: The Skepchicks as as a non-profit org.

I was once on the board of directors for a non-profit educational facility. Along with a lot of paperwork to establish our cred, we had to be audited yearly by a third-party accounting firm, to ensure we were spending our monies wisely. So we kept very detailed ledgers, and these of course were open to public scrutiny.
But this was in Canada; does the U.S. have similarly stringent requirements? Can we, for example, get a boo at the Skepchicks' books? Any one here have an inkling as to how to do this?
I suspect that the Skepchicks' accounts are in order, but I'm still curious...

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 8:54 AM


» Justicar:
Stop letting her think for you

As I say: I was in no way accepting her premise. I simply put her assertion into a question to get other people’s take on it.

Who here is using “Twatson” or “twat” to identify a group of people to be oppressed?
I'm going to vote against the motion. I'm using it to insult someone who’s acting like an asshole.

And again, that is exactly what I suggested over at B&W;—which was dismissed out of hand as “ridiculous” and “psychologizing”.

A variation on that might be the idea that somebody saying “Oh don’t be a cunt, Peter” is denigrating all women, who are made out to be “nothing but their nasty filthy sinister genitalia”.

To me, that is pure projection, or, at the very best, hyper-extrapolation from a few nutcases. But maybe someone here does use ‘twat’ because it refers to something nasty, filthy, and/or sinister. I thought I might just as well ask, just to be sure. :)

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 28, 2011 8:56 AM


I know you're joking. I am unamused. We are working with a fair degree of comity to remain immune from the charge of being actual misogynists by, you know, not actually saying misogynistic shit.

I'll thank you to leave me out of it.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 9:13 AM


Greg Laden@1649: Well, I see you have recently shown up here again. Co-incidently, I had just been reading one of your posts: Women in Elevators: A Man To Man Talk For The Menz. You remember the one, I'm sure: the one where you called your neighbours "white trash" because you didn't like their haircuts and because they have less money than you do.

There are words for that: classism, racism, or just plain bigotry.

Interesting how you describe walking out of your house on a quiet day and write "I knew that you could probably pop someone with a small caliber handgun and no one would hear it or see it." Most people think things like "peaceful" at times like that, but you live among people who you call "trash" and so apparently "know" that the "trash" are thinking about murder. Interesting, indeed.

You whine about being afraid that people will bump your car. Well, guess what? When you go around making bigoted slurs, people don't tend to like you. Bigots are rarely liked by their victims, and I'm perfectly okay with that. Or maybe this is just something else that you just "know".

And you write "If people around here see me with a compact florescent light bulb they look at me funny." So, under what circumstances do people regularly see you with compact florescent light bulbs? Do you take your light bulbs along with you on your morning constitutionals, or what? It certainly can't be that you buy them from a local store, unless you are going to claim that the store only carries them because of you. What is apparent, though, is the reason you mention this: you think that the type of light bulbs you buy makes you better than your neighbours. Well, I guess we all have our accomplishments.

So, then you talk about Dawkins, and complain about his "privilege". Now, I find it amazing that someone who is openly bigoted, and disdains people who have less money than he does, dares to moan about someone else's privilege. And then we get from you attacks on Dawkins based solely upon his being "English", "old" and male, neatly demonstrating that the various forms of bigotry are, indeed, usually interconnected: people like you rarely demonstrate just one form of bigotry.

Next, you imagine what Dawkins is thinking. Now, as a "rational" person, I'm sure you recognize that attacking someone because of what you imagine they are thinking is just a strawman attack, but apparently this doesn't bother you. This isn't the first time I've seen someone doing the same thing, and I've observed that these "imagined" thoughts usually say a lot more about the writer than the intended target. You see, the author is trying to think from someone else's viewpoint, but assumes that the other person thinks the same way that they do. So, what do you assume about Dawkins? That he thinks that other people should get out of his way because he is better than they are. Yup, this certainly sounds like the Greg Laden who openly disdains people with the wrong haircuts.

Another thing: you attack Dawkins because of his "fame". Well, Dawkins gets whatever fame he has not because he was born into the right family, or something similar. He is recognized because he has accomplishments. Yes, yes, I know, you have your accomplishments too: you buy compact florescent light bulbs. You said. Dawkins has other accomplishments besides buying light bulbs. Like the one that Abbie talks about in this very post to which we both are commenting on. Accomplishments are something which it is perfectly okay to take credit for.

Now, I could end this by just observing that a bigot like you attempting to claim the moral high ground and declaring that a woman calling another woman a "twat" is somehow unacceptable deserves nothing but ridicule. However, one more thing occurs to me.

The basis of your argument is that the women you are with, like Amanda, apparently face continual hostility and think that that is normal. However, you describe yourself as also facing continuous hostility, to the point that you think of being murdered by your neigbours when you merely step outside your house. In your case, that is understandable: you are a bigot and don't even attempt to hide it. Again, it is natural that bigots aren't liked by their victims.

Has it ever occurred to you, or to Amanda, that perhaps the hostility that they face isn't normal, but the result of being associated with you, a known bigot?

Posted by: Slither | July 28, 2011 9:22 AM


In my world/circle of friends, 'twat' is an insult along the same lines as 'cock' and 'dick'. But maybe I live in a bubble. A bubble that's now bouncing against another bubble in which 'twat' means something else.
Double bubble trouble!

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 9:22 AM


@Phil re #1703
I'd bet a pound to a pinch of shit it's because they're impressed by your Title. They're big on that sort of thing.

Whereas JCW has such a common-sounding name. Frightful prole that he obviously is, the soi-disant aristocracy of atheism would hardly deign to acknowledge him, would they now?

(Isn't it the bestest fun writing in this poncy overwrought style? Makes me feel like a proper half-baked student radical poseur, good enough to start trolling misogynist blogs, like the rest of the elite).

(PS Sorry about not using diacritical marks Phil. I'm just too lazy to fuck about with character maps. And for Pete's sake stop apologising for your English, you and all the rest. It's absolutely fine, honest. If you stopped drawing attention to it nobody would notice.
You should see some of the stuff that gets churned out by alleged native speakers, me included.
"English" (not that old Saxon stuff, WTF is all that about? Worse than Dutch ..) was evolved to be basically fail-safe, to stop the various gangs of mediaeval fuckwits inhabiting the islands cutting each others' throats all the time. Just get stuck in, and if we don't understand try shouting, and waving your arms. Nobody'll mind.

It's a daft made-up language anyway, Not a proper one like German, or Gaeilge/Gàidhlig, or Polish.
It's just a tool, or an app. Nobody really gives a toss about it. (Speaking as one whose entire family has been using it, in-situ, since it was invented. It appears that they felt obliged to drop the remaining French they had, perhaps for political reasons, during the wars of Henri Beauclerc or shortly after. Mum's family did however refuse to ditch their outrageously French surname. To this day they have to spell it out over the 'phone and so on. Bloody immigrants!)

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 9:43 AM



Getting attention on Laden's blog is like winning the People's Choice Award for best motion picture. Sure it's an award, but who the fuck really cares. Oscar baby. That's what we all want.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 9:49 AM


Spence @1679,
You wrote, "People share socially awkward and uncomfortable moments *all the time*. It is a part of life. Doing something about it (making people tiptoe around each other) makes the world a shittier place than if we just allowed those awkward moments to happen." I'm not sure this claim is entirely right, although I think it's worth considering. Even if it is right, however, I'm not sure elevatorgate is best understood as falling into the "merely awkward" category. For some people, sure; for others, such scenarios are likely to be in the "harmful" category; for others still, it may fall somewhere in between.

I agree that P.Z., in his tone, has not been tolerant enough of disagreement at times in this controversy, even though I broadly agree with his side of the argument about the core (elevator) incident in elevatorgate.

As for P.Z.'s "hypocrisy," perhaps you're right, but I generally prefer to give someone credit for acknowledging the merits of an opposing side of an argument. Our disagreements are wide and difficult enough that I think it makes sense to be appreciative of gestures that create or reveal common ground.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 28, 2011 10:27 AM


AHA! I knew I'd find this eventually. So I've been rewatching The West Wing and recently watched the season 3 episode "Night Five", during which one of the male characters (Sam) is accused of sexism (by some women he just met) because he complimented one of his female colleagues (Ainsley) on her appearance. I hadn't seen this episode in a while, so I didn't remember just how succinctly and accurately Ainsley explained how she didn't mind. (Sorry that this is probably slightly off-topic, I haven't been keeping up with this thread lately but I thought this would be a good place to post this.)

Seriously. WATCH THIS.

Posted by: Sophie | July 28, 2011 10:32 AM

.. even though I broadly agree with his side of the argument about the core (elevator) incident in elevatorgate.
Hang about guv. I thought the whole point of this big queenie fuss was that The Elevator Incident was absolutely peripheral?

It's just a peg on which those who wish to de-emphasise, spin and generally obfuscate Watson's antics leading up to, and depending from that (probably fictional) episode hang their necessarily oversized hats.
It's the pre- and post-EG attitudinising and narcissism that people are taking to task.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 10:41 AM


Seaside @ 1679:
I'm willing to agree with you with a proviso of some importance. Whenever we say that ___ will be an ___ for people, it's understood (one hopes anyway) that there will exist some people for whom it will be different. Being on an elevator, say, might be a terrible, terrible experience for some people out there all by itself. Compound this by having someone talk to them unsolicited, and I have no doubts that for some people, it's truly knee-knocking scary. There do exist people with emotional disorders and phobias.

But no society can function well or efficiently taking the case of a handful of people who have some irrational fear as being the litmus test for what is acceptable for 99.9% of the rest of us. No one is so entitled to demand that the whole of a society bow before them and factor in that a random person might be that way. If one is in that situation, perhaps wearing a sign saying as much would be the courteous thing to do.

Or, like I am with newspaper, crayons, papers and toothpicks, they need to learn to adapt to the society. I am not entitled to demand people throw away their newspapers, crayons, papers and toothpicks because these cause me more than a moderate degree of discomfort. If I'm in no mood to potentially have to deal with those on a given day, I should stay home - not the other couple million people where I live.

Your vies on PZ's take on this are colored by something not resembling reality.

He had a close relationship with ERV. He had the chance to listen to her privately express her issues on what all happened. He tossed it away claiming that if she wanted him to know her thoughts on anything, she should blog about it. what she told him privately, he went on to say, is something he would categorically not listen to. He would only give a shit about her concerns if she wrote it on her blog.

Imagine telling one of your friends that you care for them and have every best intention to hear their side of the story. But only if they take an ad out in the paper to tell you because you can't be bothered accept a phone call, read an e-mail, discuss it over a beer, or accept a letter. To talk to you about their emotions and what not, the only way you'll do it is if they tell the whole world.

Try this with one of your friends. Then ask them if it seems that you're being a good friend. When they say no, as they will, trying saying, "[you're not] giv[ing me] credit for acknowledging the merits of [your] opposing side of an argument. Our disagreements are wide and difficult enough that I think it makes sense [for you] appreciate [] the gestures that create or reveal [our] common ground [so long as you don't tell me about them anywhere except in a newspaper ad]."

That's precisely the situation you're advocating for.

I'm not interested in being "tolerated". I'm interested in arguing the shit out of this and perhaps having everyone involved *learn* something. They're interested in being Right and having Their One Truth accepted as The Gospel. Fuck them for that.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 10:44 AM


I know all of those episodes by heart. Ainsley Hayes was one of my favorite characters. Too bad she left for CSI: Miami (or some other science fiction show).

"and let's not kid ourselves, textbooks are important if for no other reason than they place the town of Kirkwood in California and not Oregon."

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 10:48 AM


Why do people who don't know me think I have money? I spent last year on public assistance. Does that make me a better person?

Posted by: Greg laden | July 28, 2011 10:58 AM


@ Greg Laden Since you seem to be lurking here...

Last night I watched this video from the Dublin Atheist Conference. It is a panel discussion entitled "Women Atheist Activists".

The four women on the panel talked about how women have been strong advocates for a secular society in the past and can continue to be strong voices going forward. They encourage women to be confident and willing to be active -- to put themselves forward as people who can do the jobs that need doing.

These are intelligent, articulate women who conduct themselves with dignity, grace, decorum, and even humor (despite what Hitchens says about the lack of humor in women. I guess he's never met Abbie :). They send a positive message to women to get involved not only in large organizations but at the grassroots level in their own communities which is equally important. Their overall message is don't let anyone or anything stand in your way.

What has Rebecca's message been to women throughout this affair?

1)If you get involved you'll receive really horrible e-mails from your fellow atheists and skeptics who want to rape you. The message...It's just awful!!! Stay away!!!

2)You can talk to the men in this community until you're blue in the face and the sexist pigs just refuse to listen and still hit on you in elevators. The message...It's awful!!! Stay away!!!

3)To Stef and Rose, dismissive sarcasm with no humility for what her thoughts and actions were about the problem of sexism at their age. The message...You're awful!!! Stay away!!!

Admittedly, Rebecca gives an occasional nod to the "awesome" men and women feminists in this community, but the overall message is mostly negative, negative, negative...Men AND women in this community are misogynists!!! It's awful!!! Stay away!!!

I would strongly suggest that you do your best to look at this situation objectively and try to see which message is the one we should be giving if we do, indeed, want more women to involve themselves with this community.

Watch the linked video. If you can't see that these women's overall positive message of encouragement isn't the better message, then read Carol Tavris's "Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me", and watch the video again.

If you still can't see that you've bet on a nag who is trying to race with thoroughbreds, well, I don't usually resort to rude and crude in public and I'm sorry, but your head is so deeply embedded where the sun don't shine that you should proceed to the nearest Walgreen's, buy some Phospho-soda, and carefully follow the instructions on the box.

An Ardent Skeptic

P.S. My deepest gratitude and admiration to Abbie, Richard Dawkins, and all those who were willing to wade into a 'cesspool of ridiculous' and, when doing so, know that to stay afloat and be heard, ridicule would be required. You have far more courage, stamina, and sarcastic wit than me.

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 28, 2011 11:15 AM


Greg Laden@#1716

"Why do people who don't know me think I have money? I spent last year on public assistance. Does that make me a better person?"

They think you have money because at your age, three expensive degrees and two children, you should.

It also has to with your pretensions.

As a part time Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota you are always on public assistance.

Posted by: Prometheus | July 28, 2011 11:15 AM


I'd send you money, Mr. Laden,, but I'm afraid Mr. Deity came to my attention first.
In case you haven't seen his latest video,(which is very a propos):

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 11:26 AM


Pure. Comedy. Gold.

For real, is 'Skeptifem' David Byrons alternative persona?




Meanwhile, skeptifem also sent me an email composed of nothing except a link to an article trashing pit bulls.

Because when youre attacking someones puppy, youve *totally* won the argument, and are of strong moral character.

LOL!!! GOLD!! Good Poe, Byron. Touche, good sir. I think there are many who have been fooled by your skeptifem sock.

Posted by: ERV | July 28, 2011 11:30 AM



Being on an elevator, say, might be a terrible, terrible experience ... for some people, it's truly knee-knocking scary. There do exist people with emotional disorders and phobias.
Ex-miner I knew, always took the stairs (even though his lungs, back and legs were a bit fucked, just took forever, really annoying). Couldn't even step over the tiny floorcrack in say, a shiny, panelled, perfumed department store lift. If you tried to cajole him he'd just burst into noisy tears, right there in public. Had to jack in his job as most of his vertebrae were welded shut by the impact, when the cage brakes finally stuck on the skeds. Legs mended pretty good though. Lucky boy.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 11:33 AM


Pharyngufucks just erased my comments on my wiki page. I guess they don't like putting quote-mines back in context after all. They (and PZ by association) do more harm than good to the skeptic/atheist cause.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 12:05 PM


John C. welch @1513
I don't know--the whole Srodinger thing worked quite well for awhile. Time for new paradigms. Maybe, the rape switch has been discovered already...

Posted by: pornonymous | July 28, 2011 12:24 PM



Why do people who don't know me think I have money? I spent last year on public assistance. Does that make me a better person?

Then talking shit about other people in similar situations is even more hypocritical. Maybe you should try climbing down of that fuckin' pedestal you try to put yourself on, and you'd be less of a target.


BAAAHAHAHA...I love the fuckers who get all butthurt about talking down to women, because you know, you SURELY know that they're about to engage on a tear of condescension of epic proportions and length.

Why? Because clearly, you're too stupid to understand what you're doing to yourself with a sensitive, enlightened SKEPTIFEMINIST to show you the way. BAAAHAHAHAHAAH. I am always, always amused at how that stripe of feminist will cry fucking tears of rage about being patronized, WHILE THEY ARE DOING THE SAME THING. Awesome.

Yeah, they need to have an alterna-TAM. Badly.

The pit bull thing is just...fuck, i dunno. I just laugh, because 20 years ago the OMG KILLER BREEDZ was Dobies. German Shepards were VICIOUS UNREDEEMABLE KILLERS for a while as well. Now it's pits. Pff. It's all stupid, and it shows the fucker's got no clue about dogs at all. Speaking of puppehs: (they're kind of awesome)

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 12:28 PM


pharyngula had turned into a internet version of the roman coliseum more than a year ago so i'm not too terribly surprised at pz's behaviour.

i'd not heard much about rw or the rest of that gang so their lunacy didn't have much of an impression on me, either.

the one i'm the most disappointed in is greg laden.

Posted by: tybee | July 28, 2011 12:34 PM



I don't know--the whole Srodinger thing worked quite well for awhile. Time for new paradigms. Maybe, the rape switch has been discovered already...

For whom? Fearmongers? sure. That special branch of feminism that's naught but a misandrist convention? Absolutely. As a way for sane people to intelligently and safely handle the world in a way backed by actual statistics, facts, and reality?

Fuck no, it never worked. Abusing scientific theories to push your narrative is JUST as much bullshit when feminists do it to quantum mechanics as when creotards do it to evolution.

Bullshit is bullshit, even when the side you approve of spouts it.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 12:45 PM


@ERV's most recent post:
I'm a little heartbroken that I wasn't included. Don't they know you're acting like this so you can be a hag to an actual decent fag?

Oh, speaking of which, I have a friend who refuses to accept the label "fag hag". She finds it personally insulting, preferring instead of the honorific of "fruit fly".

If you play your cards right, little lady, I'll let you be my other fruit fly. And for you, given your field, I'll even call you DM - drosophila melanogaster. Unless, of course, there's any "wingman" action one of us is required to play for the other out in a bar, in which case--incident to Twatson's sagacious recommendations of late--I'll have to pimp you out as drosophila watermelonogaster. That's just so the guys will know you're like totally fuckable, since we know any man would be afraid to think of a woman as attractive without a cordial invitation so to do lest he be a rapist-on-the-hunt.

Hey, I'm funnier when I'm on drugs. Either that, or it just appears to me that I am. If that be the case, then fuck all of you because I'm entertained as shit right now.


I do believe I've taken byron and skepcheck on so I'm ill-concerned if it's a sock-puppet or troll as I haven't any time for either of them. I'm a firm believer in the Theory of Intellectual Osmosis. As such, I rapidly move away from all idiots lest my keen intellect be sucked away and all that jazz.

Did anyone read my post on Twatson Vs. VenomFangX Vs. logic . . . where VFX mopped the floor with her on the logic front?

Remember, she's competent to talk about science, but apparently completely inept at logicking (is so a word - neologisms FTW [for TWatson]).

Also, I've thought of a nice mnemonic to use: DART - dumb as Rebecca Twatson. =^_^=

I gotta million of them - go go morphine!

John C. Welch, I need you be commenting more. And Abbie too. And Rystefn. And Mrs. and Mr. Skeptic. Yeah, that's five of you. We can totally break this motherfucking internet. But if you guys aren't strong enough to pull it off, by your powers combined I'm Captain Faggot.

"Captain faggot, he's our hero, gonna take bad fashion down to zero. He's our powers magnified, and he's fighting on fashion's side . . ." *busts a move*

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 1:02 PM


Abbie, Skeptifem totally missed your history as southern baptist preacher and porn producer. She clearly didn't do her homework.

Posted by: Mu | July 28, 2011 1:05 PM


Oh, some of you might have missed my edit to my original "ask a scientist aka rebecca twatson (part 1)"

Since new comments arose on skepchiclette's webshite, I decided to make a note of how the PZ crew operate. Enter Aratina Cage:
That's a picture from:

He's all lulzy and stuff. Such a bad gay!

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 1:10 PM


The Latest @1729:

That's pretty hilarious shit. I think PZ is shooting himself in the foot by humoring his followers into an echo-chamber that yet everyone can see.

I like the new layout at your place, but I find the font a bit hard to read at times.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 1:36 PM


Much clearer now. Thanks.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 2:16 PM


So let me get this straight. One of the reasons that Skeptifem gives for not hanging out with all these mysogynists is that you will end up with unreliable friends who will not give you any support when you ask for it. Unlike your non-mysogynist friends who presumably are supposed to support you through thick and thin.


Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 3:10 PM


@ Welch: "For whom? Fearmongers? sure. That special branch of feminism that's naught but a misandrist convention? Absolutely. As a way for sane people to intelligently and safely handle the world in a way backed by actual statistics, facts, and reality?

Fuck no, it never worked."

Yeah, it worked for them, and P.Z.s minions are the proof of that. And its working now all over the western world, whether I like it or not.

Facts are nice and all, and science generally likes facts, but what makes you think this discussion is about facts? Not on sciblogs.

It's also about a sense of humor, and the body politic, even if that body is sort of deformed here. Facts take a good drubbing from the 'fact' that there is strength in numbers, which becomes the new fact base.
And I am not ruling out the validity of thetheory, I am ruling in the possibility that it may in some sense be correct; and if correct, then other facts need to be factored, i.e. the fact that bonobos have sex with every member of their clan, without regard to age or sex.

That to me is a valuable counter argument based in facts as we know them.So if men and rape of women, then women and sex with adolescents.

That, based on observed/able evidence and theoretical basis.

Plus it is just gross enough to maybe raise a few eyebrows, and counter balance what is obviously a lop-sided argument at this point.

Posted by: pornonymous | July 28, 2011 3:17 PM


Phil, I'm actively playing with the fonts and color schemes right now. It's in flux, so just check back every so often.

I'm trying to find a good mix of texture with color, size and spacing. It's not quite where I want it yet. Also, I'm trying to decide if I like the "pop out" comment feature, or if I should leave it embedded. Meh. I'll tinker with it over a few more days and see what seems to work better.

I'll give you so much support you'll have call me Jockstrap Justicar!

This thread is nearly twice the upper bound PZ said the software could handle. This might be as bad as crossing the streams!

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 3:33 PM


@ERV #1720

You know what, ERV, I don't get why you think it is OK to emulate Wally Smith and that other pop tart and go around slinging sexist terms at your foes when we all know you have it in you to come up with non-sexist terms, and I think that your explanation that it is a tripwire is regrettably the equivalent of hazing. But I don't agree about the "gender traitor" label either. Others who used it against you already seem to have decided it was wrong. Skeptifem, though, blithely disregarded all that has been said about it by making that post. I left a comment there but since it has to be approved at Skeptifem's, I'd like to leave a copy here, too:

I really don't like the term "gender traitor". Even a brief online search for the term will show you how confusing it is and how it is associated with bigoted language. I wrote a brief comment about that on Butterflies and Wheels. In particular, "gender traitor" can be a derogatory term for someone with a non-straight sexual orientation. There was also talk on Butterflies and Wheels IIRC about how it is reminiscent of a similar term about race used by the Nazis.

But more than that, I don't agree that there are monolithic genders or that gender norms are something anyone should aspire to. So I think it's pretty outlandish to label ERV, or any woman for that matter, a "gender traitor".

And this:

Meanwhile, skeptifem also sent me an email composed of nothing except a link to an article trashing pit bulls.

Really really stupid of Skeptifem. Just like there is no single gender, pit bulls are not all the same.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 3:40 PM


Aratina Cage @1735:

The whole "Twatson" stuff was meant to cause either anger or affront to the pussy-feeted, as far as Justicar (The Latest(tm)) threw it on the blogosphere. Abbie used it for its due purpose: pissing the shit off of Watson and her gang. It seems to have worked quite nicely. But there was nothing mysoginist about that cute moniker from the start to now.

"Gender Traitor", like "mysogin" on the other hand, is a very loaded, very derogatory term, and should thus be handled with caution, ie: never be used unless totally necessary and justified. It's nice to see some people disagreing with its use.

Please post some more, talk, debate. We are not the monsters we are painted out to be (well, obviously I am, but I won't admit it, I'm biased).

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 3:50 PM


So, I'm guessing that if I go back in the archives and read certain posts at Pharyngula that are discussing women, and these women just happen to fall on the other side of the issue than PZ and most others there, then I would bet I will find some nasty words about them. Perhaps even the same words they are having fits over now.

If I do find certain words (like the words which are dividing brothers and sisters in the Skeptical/Atheist web family), then I would expect PZ and other to ban those people and vilify them? Correct?

Sounds like an interesting hypothesis to investigate.

Posted by: Eric | July 28, 2011 4:00 PM


frank habets,

Although Skepchicks is a non-profit company, it appears not to have filed with the IRS for 501(c)(3) status. As such, donations or purchases in its store are not tax deductible. The benefit for RW and the girls is that they do not have to file Form 990 and actually release their financial disclosure statements publicly. Likely good choice for an organization in which all the "positions" are held by RW.

At one time they were promising their users they were going to go for 501(c)(3) status (dishonest considering some users might have used this assurance to purchase things under the impression that said purchases were tax deductible. 501(c)(3) status is generally retroactive) :

But like her linkend says she isn't an unemployment layabout that blogs and mooches off the skeptical movement for a living- she is the PRESIDENT of SKEPCHICKS, LTD.

Posted by: Tommy | July 28, 2011 4:04 PM



You know what, ERV, I don't get why you think it is OK to emulate Wally Smith and that other pop tart and go around slinging sexist terms at your foes when we all know you have it in you to come up with non-sexist terms, and I think that your explanation that it is a tripwire is regrettably the equivalent of hazing.

Thanks for mansplaining that, sport. Now, can you explain why it's okay for YOU to use sexist terms against women who don't agree with your views when you're so down on them in general? Is it that your rules only apply to everyone who is not you, because you're special, or is it yet another aspect of the bullshit Fair Game you and your side like to play against all who aren't marching to your tune?

Before you demand behavior from anyone else, make damned sure you're not more guilty of it than they are, my little Pop-Tart.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 4:20 PM


If you want to have real fun with Skeptifem ask for citations for her views on pornography, and then ask her why's more correct than Susie Bright.

Posted by: History Punk | July 28, 2011 4:25 PM


@Phil #1736

Re: Paragraph 1, that would be trolling. I've seen that kind of explanation before on Pharyngula about labeling people as "twats" and "cunts" and other such words and I don't think it stands up at all since it ignores the history of usage of those words to attack women for being women and some men for being like women (according to someone's prejudices about what constitutes a woman, of course). Those words don't attack people for what they have done but for who they are, and encouraging sexist terms on one's blog is not welcoming to anyone but trolls. It's much like when one is attacked as a "fag", does the person being labeled as a "fag" think about what they did or about who they are? You end up just hurting people by using those terms and no one learns anything other than that you are a bigot for using those terms to attack people.

About "gender traitor", my main complaint is not that it should be used only when justified but that it should never be used. Any point you think you could make by using it will probably be lost in the confusion that term carries with it, and at its core it is weak: one could easily say, "Sure I'm a traitor to YOUR FUCKING GENDER STEREOTYPES!", and leave it at that, which is a rock solid response.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 4:41 PM

Now, can you explain why it's okay for YOU to use sexist terms against women who don't agree with your views when you're so down on them in general?

Where? Show me where I did that.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 4:45 PM


If someone really wanted to have fun with Watson, they could submit a FOIA request to the FBI or NSA for their records on SKEPCHICKS, LTD.

The person who usually submits my request has decline to do so, but someone else can pick up the torch.

Posted by: History Punk | July 28, 2011 4:52 PM


Sorry about the the absence, Latest, That-Which-Shall-Not-Be-Named has been occupied with chemistry again. I can't believe how much of my time I waste with that whole "science" thing. That boring lab science takes up so much time, and it's so mind-numbingly dull... the only reason I can stand any of it is the huge piles of money they throw at me. I mean, what with taking on a summer session this year, I'm looking to top $15k. That's almost half as much as I was making as an enlisted soldier ten years ago! I go to bed every night on a huge pile of cash and gemstones with a dozen beautiful women and three or four guys so pretty I don't even care whether or not I might be gay.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 4:54 PM


I think I might have done something wrong by mentioning my childhood abuse and rape over at Pharyngula.

Did I just divide by zero?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 28, 2011 5:00 PM


Also, John C. Welch, I didn't demand anyone do anything in this case other than you show me where I used a sexist term against women who don't agree with my views. Please, do whatever you want otherwise. I just don't agree with most of the people here, including ERV, about any of this, and I don't like the smears and the spin being promulgated here.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:00 PM


"...I don't like the smears and the spin being promulgated here."

then you'll LOVE pharyngula.

have you bothered to venture over there and speak to them about their language? if you do, be sure and post a link back here. i'm thinking that will be highly amusing.

Posted by: tybee | July 28, 2011 5:04 PM



Phil, you should know by now that a rape victim's opinion matters, and is a trump card in any debate on any topic. I mean, so long as it agrees with the Pharynges. If it doesn't then OBVIOUSLY it's meaningless, and go fuck yourself. Sheesh.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 28, 2011 5:10 PM


Seriously? You want me to show you where you used a sexist term?

Never let it be said I'm not agreeable.

Comment 1735:

You know what, ERV, I don't get why you think it is OK to emulate Wally Smith and that other pop tart

Let's take a real fucking close look at the last two words in that quote:



Now, just in case someone might not be clear on the fuckin' concept...

Take a look at definitions 3-6. Yeah, when you call someone a Pop Tart, it's not a nice thing, and I think we can all agree that it's pretty sexist too.

So if you're going to get your liver in a twist over sexist language, STOP FUCKING USING IT YOURSELF YA NIMROD!

I eagerly, really, really eagerly await your attempts to explain how Pop Tart's not sexist. This should be epic.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 5:11 PM


Aratina Cage, if you really don't like smears and spin, why exactly are you complaining about here of all places? Come off it, we all know Pharyngula threads live off shit being thrown all the time, character assassinations, smears, spin till it leaves Earth-orbit, etc. And that's not even before we get onto the bizarro antics of skeptifem et al.

Seriously, this hypocritical shit being peddled -- that here is supposed to be some kind of nasty swamp full of MRA alligators -- is just so bullshit. One of the greatest ironies is to see the sudden turn-about by people who were screaming about tone-trolling up till a month ago, and are now all allegedly in favor of respect, yada yada yada.

And I wonder just how long PZ can continue to be two-faced about Dawkins. Almost anyone here is not saying anything beyond what Dawkins meant, and yet PZ is desperately trying to portray Dawkins as merely mistaken while he portrays others as MRFA/KKK/NRA/whatevah members.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 28, 2011 5:14 PM



Please. You don't know how many times someone has said that the language is bad on Pharyngula, and then when I've gone and looked, it was TROLLS who were using the sexist, homophobic, and racist terms there. Or sometimes you'll find people Poeing, mocking, or satirizing an outsider or a troll and mistaking that for an honest opinion on Pharyngula.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:15 PM


@John C. Welch

Yeah, referring to someone as a brand name pastry is quite sexist. o.0 One hundred ninety-seven people ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET agree with you!

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:21 PM



Aratina Cage, your cognitive dissonance is showing.

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 5:23 PM


Calvinball: new rule, new rule. We can now call Rebecca Watson a pop tart. It has official endorsement from the Watson camp.


C'mon folks, push to 2000!

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 5:25 PM



Aratina Cage, if you really don't like smears and spin, why exactly are you complaining about here of all places?

Because this is a place where some of them originated from. I also complained on Pharyngula about the one ERV left on your site that portrayed PZ as a coward and alleged that the Skepchicks were attempting to trap Dawkins against his will at TAM. It's all amped up paranoid bullshit at this point.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:26 PM


Eric @ 1337:
I have to take umbrage at your suggestion banning people for saying things one doesn't like is an acceptable form of rebuttal. Have you learned absolutely nothing from history? Silencing opposing viewpoints is not a civilized method of discourse; all that doing so proves is how fucking pathetically cowardly someone is. If you cannot take people saying bad words in your presence, then ignore them yourself. Do not, I say again, DO NOT go begging, advising, politely suggesting, asking, hinting, whatevering someone with some modicum of power to make those whom you dislike/disagree with be magicked away. This is the sign of a diseased mind. One doesn't confront people with views one thinks are incorrect or offensive by taking steps to disappear the person. Even suggesting that paints in the precise same light as those opposite from our position. That's a really great fucking place to be - a page right out of the goddamned creationist/PZ Lyers' playbook. Be proud, asshole.

It's a pretty fucking short goosestep from "please banish these people who say words I don't like" to "let's just kill the fuckers - that'll shut'm up." No society that has considered oppression of dissent a valid form of rebuttal has failed to adopt the strategy of eventually just killing dissenters. Not a single one. In history. Ever. Without exception.

Why would you even suggest such a disgusting thing? PZ already has a hankering for banning people with whom he simply disagrees for insurmountably great crime of failing to be convinced by his attempts at emotional blackmail and unethical distortions of reality. Fuck. When will people get it through their goddamned heads that oppression is NOT a valid form argument?! Goddamn, you're a repugnant little shit.

Aratina Cage:
I'm surprised to see you out speaking on your own without your posse to help shore up your "arguments" by organizing that 15 part harmony in a chorus--the likes of which featured prominently in "Reuben Clamzo and His Strange Daughter in the Key of A"-- guaranteed to make getting a word in edgewise nearly impossible. Indeed, I see you've been making the blog rounds again and taking on people with a level of bravery that is difficult to categorize. Instead of trying to class it, I'll just quote it seeing as how it handsomely sums up the whole of the acumen you bring to bear on all things quasi-intellectual:
"[Aratina Cage from on 07.26.2011 Then I don’t suppose you would like to take your whine over to Pharyngula where it will be roundly dissected and defeated in a couple of minutes?"

Yes, that's right, children - on a website which is entirely friendly to his position (that is to say that he's free to write whatever he wants without moderation because he toes the party line), where he was possessed of all the time and opportunity in the world to take to task "gwatson" for the egregious trespass against and indignity directed at all women everywhere, what prevented him from doing so? Ability. He needed (not simply desired. Nay. He absolutely requires it; it is a necessary condition for him to make a "showing") to take his pansy ass back to a place where he is not only as free to post whatever he'd like as he was free at Twatson's place so to do, but he also needed--again, not preferred or merely wanted, he absolutely fucking requires this to be the case lest he completely fall flat on his fucking face--the eunumeric that large giggle of loud-mouthed know-nothings who are verily his intellectual equals provide him. I guess not having a cogent argument kind of necessitates that. Still, it's pusillanimity in the extreme. Even online where he can post in complete anonymity is an insufficient level of protection for this fucking coward to make a non-retarded showing. Pussy.

Further, he is now, a month on in the endeavor, starting to recognize the numbers of people in support of his position, and by proxy that of PZ Lyers, Twatson, McCreight (rhymes with wrong), Greg "too stupid to eke out a living to support the children my wife and I have in the manner befitting the way a real adult, responsible man should be able to do" Laden, inter alios, he's here to finally recognize that gender traitor is possibly, just mayhaps, something to oppose. One notes that this pissant has wasted quite a good deal of virtual ink bemoaning my invention and coining of the neologism (twice used in one day! woot!) Twatson as being vile and all sorts of other nasty things.

What the little fucking retard failed to note is the timing of it; viz., I invented it as a response to the "Dear Dick" campaign that Twatson came up with, encouraged and targeted at: one of the world's most accomplished biological scientists, the single best and most influential advocate for atheism we've seen in a generation, a player on the world stage who induced Turkey to mitigate and forestall some of its forms of oppression. Namely one Dr. Richard Dawkins to whom Twatson coupled all of that besmearing of his good name inexorably alongside her thinly veiled cuntcott (which she disingenuously says she hasn't called for) incident to her relegation of Dawkins to the past as a relic of yesteryear before regaling us of his profound and nearly complete uselessness in that even when he was "powerful" and doing "work" in the field of equality for women, inter alia, he simply failed to have the same impact that she and her ho-horts had. Yes, not a word of opprobrium for that "gender epithet", which is a subject in a predicate class of insult Aratina Cage purports to find repugnant (so long as it's directed towards women that is!). Fucking pansy couldn't even bring himself to say, "oh, um, not cool." Yes, incident to all of that, I coined "Twatson" and now, well, using genitalia in a verbal bitch-slap is something he has to oppose. What a fucking little pussy ass bitch you are, Rat.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 5:28 PM


Come on, Spence. Just about every other term on Urban Dictionary has some sexist definition written up for it, and that particular one wasn't even the top voted up definition. Probably just a troll who hates women that got his definition in for shits and giggles. Is there more compelling evidence that shows "pop tart" is a sexist term?

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:30 PM


Right, Aratina Cage, I want to know how you know ERV's comment was "paranoid bullshit". Seriously. Did you have any evidence at all -- any -- or did you simply kneejerk name-call in a bullshit way? Well, come on, answer.

And very bluntly, if you complain about this thread while being happy in the cesspool of hatefests that are the constant fact of life on Pharyngula, then you're being screamingly hypocritical.

As for "paranoid bullshit", I still love the example of the "psychic fortuneteller in Belize being responsible for mob" twaddle PZ pushed and the minions joined in on so happily. It all turned out to be wholly untrue, but then it took someone actually interested in facts to find out just how untrue it was -- and of course that wasn't one of your Pharyngula lot or PZ, was it? And not a single one of you would retract.

Your SOP witchhunt-mob mentality over there disgusts me.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 28, 2011 5:33 PM


"...Please. You don't know how many times someone has said that the language is bad on Pharyngula, and then when I've gone and looked, it was TROLLS... "

nerd, caine and a host of others are NOT trolls. they are regular posters on pharyngula. you are either blind or lying.

Posted by: tybee | July 28, 2011 5:38 PM


#1742 - I'm not sure what John was referring to, but FWIW, in this neck of the woods at least the slang term "pop tart" refers to a careless slut who's bound to get pregnant any day now.

The Urban dictionary seems to agree with this definition.

Posted by: BoxNDox | July 28, 2011 5:39 PM


Aratina, you are being hypocritical. You are of the side, for example, that says EG MUST have been hitting on RW, and even if he wasn't, he SHOULD HAVE KNOWN that she would take it that way, yes? And that of course makes him evil.

And yet you use a word that has NO non-sexist definitions that aren't directly pastry related (and therefore nonsensical to your argument), then complain that the sexist definition isn't what you meant. In addition, you use it WHILE COMPLAINING ABOUT the use of sexist words. Mind-blowing. Should you not have known it would be taken that way?

I'd have more patience if you said "Oh, shit, I didn't realize", but your defensiveness is telling.

What DID you mean by it then? How is pop tart defined in your world, and, is there anywhere else you can point to to back it up? Define it for us foolish folk, who rely on sources to back up our claims?

Posted by: bladerunner | July 28, 2011 5:41 PM


In general reply to Aratina Cage.

Well, of course, the real reason that I did not take my whine over to Pharyngula where it would have been roundly dissected and defeated in a couple of minutes was because I do not very much like being told to shove things up my urethra with porcupines, nor do I much enjoy being told that I am too stupid to breathe.

Never mind the simple, plain, blatant fact that there is nothing, absolutely nothing in this world I could say at that nest of demonic pit vipers that would not bring down all seven levels of ad hominemic, insulting, and utterly irrelevant hell on my thin-skinned person.

And anyway, that bloviating bullfrog of biology, PZ Myers was parading around in his toga of wrathful mendacity at Skepchick laying out his hypocrisies for all to see, so there was no need to post at the pit of inequity.

And last but not least I've come to somewhat agree with John C Welch that I was being something of a pedantic ass and a bit of a bore. So....

Posted by: John Greg | July 28, 2011 5:42 PM


Well, "tart" by itself seems to have a sexist history as a shortened form of "sweetheart" or "jam-tart" which both refer to prostitutes:

OK, since "tart" by itself is apparently misogynistic, I take it back:

You know what, ERV, I don't get why you think it is OK to emulate Wally Smith and that other *** **** [stricken for sexism] cracked candy cane...

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:44 PM


re:pop tart.
So you actually meant 'pop tart' in the pastry sense? HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, right.
You know what you are? You're an éclair full of creme brulée.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 5:45 PM



Seriously. WATCH THIS.

It has everything, including cupcakes! lol

The clip really does show how some feminists try to enforce how other women should feel when facing remarks they deem to be sexist. So Ainsley Hayes is like ERV, Walton is RW and Sam is EG. Funny shit. Just a bit of role reversals.

Too bad it's written by a man, so it can be glibly thrown out.

That skeptifem always took me for someone whose feminism trumped any of her skeptical faculties. Like every ideology in life, you should have it the other way around.

Posted by: Vittorya | July 28, 2011 5:45 PM



nerd, caine and a host of others are NOT trolls. they are regular posters on pharyngula. you are either blind or lying.

What exactly are you talking about? I've seen people, including other Molly winners, disagree with Nerd over there many times about some of the language he employs. I have no idea what you mean to convey by listing Caine. Got a problem with something she has said, feel free to take it up with her.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:49 PM


Whee! Watch ratinadouche try to spin their way out of it. Pop Tart's not a sexist term! No one's EVER used it for that. Certainly not Lil' Wayne!

They like the way I ball they call me hot sauce
They no keep that toaster you can be my pop-tart
I never had height but boy I got heart
I ain't gotta speak I just let my car talk
I got more clips than any movie you saw
I pull up on you like I need some grey poupon
Hard hat no but I got the tool on

Spin, Magic Backpedaling Wheel of Bullshit, Spin!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 5:52 PM


Aratina Cage,

My cognitive dissonance comment is based on two observations: your rose-tinted view of Pharyngula, and your response about "pop tart".

I appreciate everyone ranks "bad words" differently, and everyone draws a different line in the sand as to what they consider acceptable in different circumstances.

As ever cultural issues abound, but in the UK "tart" is certainly a derogatory term used primarily at women. Although it is occasionally used to describe a man, in the UK it is used almost exclusively as a derogatory term against women. Much more so than "twat" (which in the UK has largely lost its sensitivity due to the synonym meaning to hit or to strike)

I'm not arguing against the use of "pop tart" but it seems incongruous with your stated position on insults. Expecting others to know and follow your very arbitrarily and narrowly defined line of acceptability seems more than a little absurd.

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 5:52 PM


Here's some hack describing the brilliant Slits as such in 2005, and in a reasonably gendered way (seeing as how the article is banging on about how frightfully female they are).

Though Ari doesn't feel much has changed for female artists since, the Slits did not totally fail in their mission. While the market might have more room for choreographed pop tarts than it does for the likes of Ari Up, the Slits left a legacy that hasn't been forgotten by new generations
Of course, "pop tarts" means something completely different here on Airstrip One. Nobody that I'm aware of had ever heard of the loathsome things you know as "Pop Tarts" until, I dunno, fifteen-years-plus ago? (There was a blitzkrieg ad campaign throughout kids' telly times, and awesome pester-power was invoked, briefly. Nobody bothers their arse about them now. They're foul. And expensive. And dangerous!)

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 5:53 PM


Pz is a day-old donut. Laden is lemon jello. And Watson is a twatsicle.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 5:53 PM



Anyone can post a definition at Urban Dictionary. The up-vote is what counts, and the up-vote for the sexist definitions of "pop tart" was pathetic. That said, I'll happily not use it and I retract my use of it if it truly is sexist.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 5:53 PM


Also gotta say, the douchey little tone trolls from Pharyngula are really kind of fuckin' dull. I guess when you don't have a gang of idiots standing behind you yelling "OOOOH, BURRNNN!" to every moronic utterance that falls from your pie-hole, it's a little harder to be all witty 'n' shit.

But then, they're not used to a site that can handle more than a few hundred comments. So I imagine ERV's kind of scary to the poor little country mice.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 5:54 PM


OK I hadn't seen @1763 before posting @1768

This is a silly game.

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 5:56 PM


Give it up, Aratina. You obviously didn't mean 'pop tart' in the pastry sense.
In the words of Kurt Vonnegut, take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 5:58 PM


Aratina, the claim was made that there is a lot of offensiveness to be had in the Pharyngula forums. Your response was: "..Please. You don't know how many times someone has said that the language is bad on Pharyngula, and then when I've gone and looked, it was TROLLS who were using the sexist, homophobic, and racist terms there. Or sometimes you'll find people Poeing, mocking, or satirizing an outsider or a troll and mistaking that for an honest opinion on Pharyngula."

Someone gave you examples of people who are not trolls, and your response is then: "What exactly are you talking about? I've seen people, including other Molly winners, disagree with Nerd over there many times about some of the language he employs."

So is Nerd a troll? If he is, then I guess your point stands. If he isn't, then your point doesn't stand, because you didn't say it didn't happen, you implied it was all trolls doing it.

Also? "Probably just a troll who hates women that got his definition in for shits and giggles. Is there more compelling evidence that shows "pop tart" is a sexist term?" Hey, it's not like YOU'RE sexist or anything, right? And it's not like that definition or a similar one is also present on (quick search here) yawiktionary, allwords, wiktionary, etc. Man, that dude had a lot of free time on his hands!

Posted by: bladerunner | July 28, 2011 5:59 PM


FUCK, PEOPLE! What do I think a pop tart is? I have eaten pop tarts my whole fucking life as far back as I can remember!!! Comparing someone to a pop tart seemed funny to me. I guess I was being an ignorant ass when I used it, though. I'm not the kind of person who gives two shits how much someone likes sex or how frequently they have it, and I hate it when women and gay men are judged that way. Big fucking mistake on my part. Thanks for pointing it out to me, John C. Welch.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 6:00 PM


And while I'm commenting on language issues, I should note that Greg Laden isn't alone in abusing the term "DoS attack". Just this morning I saw it used to describe the so-called "happy eyeballs" strategy for network clients.

So it appears "DoS attack" has come, or is coming, to mean "someone did something I don't like" and not much else. It's similar to what is happening to "terrorism".

Of course that doesn't excuse Greg Laden's use of the term at all, but it may help explain it.

Posted by: BoxNDox | July 28, 2011 6:04 PM


rystefn, I would say stop talking about your cock, but I kind of like referring to mini-you as That Which Will Not Be Named (or is that nommed?)

Yeah, my hat's off to you suffering through that boring ass science shit. If I were smarter, I'd have given up the whole enterprise of things in that field after the PhD thing and all. Maybe if I'd gone into a terribly complex and difficult science field like public relations or communications, I'd have found it interesting enough or something. Guess the second PhD is just a stupid idea! Ugh - I'm so slow and stupid. No doubt the labs just bored my brain into some kind of coma that required years of miseducation to unfuck.

And um, just remember, sir, it's not gay if you're the one on bottom. Promise. Also, it's not gay if the balls don't touch and you don't make eye contact.

Adirtyratina Cage @ 1746 says: "I just don't agree with most of the people here, including ERV, about any of this, and I don't like the smears and the spin being promulgated here."
I suppose that's true. You much prefer agreeing with the sheeple on Pharyngula and countenancing the spin they there promulgate, no matter how vile it might in fact be. You're a real gem; I can't wait to get together with you and make beautiful butt babies.

Bladerunner @ 1748:
Now now, that might be true, but it's incomplete. Being sexually assaulted is also irrelevant if any of the following is true: if you're a male and white, if you were a child when it happened, if it happened a long, long time ago in a christian school far, far away, you weren't quite in luck to have it be not brutal enough, you had the misfortune of its not going on over enough years for it to have been bad, or if you're addressed as "Dear Dick". Remember, people who've actually been sexually assaulted have no right to think Twatson is inventing a story for attention and then to dismiss the story as being a nothingburger. If you've actually been raped, you see, your experience and understanding of what it feels like to have someone forcibly doing things to your sex organs against your consent don't compare to a woman who *claims* she was invited to coffee in an elevator which caused her to fear possibly being raped. Her fear of its happening is more valid an experience than yours, even if you, unlike she, have actually been raped/sexually assaulted. Fucking grow a thicker hymen, rape victims. (Boys, I guess you're just fucked - well, in two ways I suppose, the first being literally fucked - since you don't have a hymen to train to withstand penetration. Why do women rape victims get all the good luck? Poor Dawkins. If only he'd only been almost sexually assaulted (or invited to tea), he'd be able to "get it", which is curiously enough what that priest was trying to do with him when he was feeling up Dawkins' genitals.

See all those types of ways you forgot about that we can dismiss? Oh, wait, you forgot about them! Therefore, you were properly dismissing them. Bully for you, sir!

John C. Welch @ 1749, you and your "reading habit" need to just GTFO. Just because you can read doesn't mean the rest of us can, and I'm personally tired of reading all the ways you brag about being able to read whilst I cannot read. Asshole!

Gurdur @ 1750 (which I'm just going to imagine is really 1769): keep talking like that and I'll bear your babies!

Afagina Cage @ 1751 would like to take this occasion to remind us that the naughty language at Pharyngfuckula is the work of trolls. Like that nasty PZ Lyers troll.

Spence at 1754: I'm givin'er all she's got. If I give'r anymore she'll blow . . . oh shit. I bet I get called out on that one!

News flash: PZ is a coward. And a lying one at that. Not just simply wrong, or misunderstanding, but actively lying. I called him on it point by point and suddenly what happens? He forgets how to type in response to me! Amazing!

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 6:06 PM


@ Justicar 1756: Either you misunderstood my post, or you are making a sarcastic joke that is going over my head, or more likely I wasn't clear. My post was pointing out the hypocrisy of shutting down dialogue that one disagrees with (something I think people at Pharyngula do), and often doing it in the same way as you vilify your opponents for. At the same time ignoring that same bad behavior in someone you happen to agree with. Socio-politics tends to bring this out in people and I think that is what a lot of the commenters (and PZ himself) are experiencing: shut down and vilify people with ideas you don't like while propping up people with ideas you do like. I find it strange that many at Pharyngula (and people in general I suppose) are lost on this concept.

I was simply saying that I don't remember PZ going all double-jointed bending over backwards to defend someone like Sarah Palin for being called names (which she deserves), but the same names when pointed at RW (not fully decided yet whether she deserves the names, but I'm leaning that way), the guy goes all over the internet freaking on people who use those names.

I hope that is more clear.

Posted by: Eric | July 28, 2011 6:07 PM


Yes it's so obvious that most people go around calling each other pastry items. If you don't believe Aratina then I think you are just a bunch of apple turnovers.
I was going to say muffins, but I think that might be sexist.

Posted by: bhoytony | July 28, 2011 6:09 PM


@1776, no, no, I must insist, my fault entirely old chap. Being somewhat provincial, I regrettably fell back upon the only meaning of [pop+tart] I was familiar with. That I learned at my granny's knee.
On the other hand, all the English people I know, chaps and chapesses alike, were always quite delighted by the expression ".. and Freddie's just twatted it for six over the pavilion!"
Although I doubt Blowers was the source. Probably Radio Four. A right slough of filth and profanity these days, I hear ..

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 6:12 PM


No, bladerunner, the point doesn't stand. And Unholy Spam, there are a lot of people here who apparently never ate a pop tart before (must be a pastry product only in the USA?). If you ever bothered to comment on Pharyngula, bladerunner, you would know that people get taken to task there quite frequently who are not trolls. And guess what, the ones who aren't trolls listen and adapt or present a more compelling case for their position when it comes to foul language. Now, what has Nerd or anyone said that even begins to come close to "tart" or "twat" that wasn't called out by others there?

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 6:13 PM


Aratiana, you really take the cake!

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 6:15 PM


Tybee @ 1759:
Well, I have to disagree with you in part on that one. They are regular commenters there, but they're definitely trolls too. They're just longstanding, upwardly mobile trolls. But still, ya know, trolls. They haven't prattled out a coherent thought among the three of them which I've manage to spot ever. So, trolls (by Afagina Cage anyway).

Afagina Cage @ 1763:
Given your redaction there, is it ok if we call Twatson *watson (stricken for sexism)? If it is, might we get you to have *watson (stricken for sexism)agree to it publicly? Or do you think it's still a step too far to say *watson (stricken for sexism)?

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 6:15 PM


Justicar @1778

Looks like you've got a good head of steam there, just don't go blowing a gasket!

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 6:16 PM


You can't have your pop tart and eat it too!

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 6:16 PM


("Straight Outta Compton" and/or "Notorious K.I.M." should be ERV's theme song)


FUCK, PEOPLE! What do I think a pop tart is? I have eaten pop tarts my whole fucking life as far back as I can remember!!! Comparing someone to a pop tart seemed funny to me. I guess I was being an ignorant ass when I used it, though. I'm not the kind of person who gives two shits how much someone likes sex or how frequently they have it, and I hate it when women and gay men are judged that way. Big fucking mistake on my part. Thanks for pointing it out to me, John C. Welch.

Jesus, you are just the worst backpedaler ever. Seriously. You expect anyone over the age of fucking 12 to believe you were innocently comparing someone to a flattish pastry?


They have a fruitish filling?
They taste sweet when you lick them?
They're better after you pop them in the toaster?

You got busted doing the same shit you excoriate others for, and like PZ and all the rest, you then start spinning and backpedaling as fast as you can to avoid the truth of your own stupidity. Even when you "admit your mistake" you're STILL TRYING TO JUSTIFY IT.

That's right up there with "I'm sorry if you can't handle honesty" in the non-apology hierarchy.


Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 6:17 PM


"What exactly are you talking about? I've seen people, including other Molly winners, disagree with Nerd over there many times about some of the language he employs. I have no idea what you mean to convey by listing Caine. Got a problem with something she has said, feel free to take it up with her."

LOL. so you are willing to come here and whine about language but won't go there.

perfect. thanks.

Posted by: tybee | July 28, 2011 6:19 PM


What the Pharyngulites are now indulging in is exactly what they have pilloried in conservatives,where foes with widely-differing views are lumped into one big conceptual entity and assumed guilty of each others faults by association. Any indication of hostility to RW or radfem sophistry earns you the MRA tag. PZ seems baffled that any of his crew could be called a radical feminists. He presumably acknowledges the difference between the liberals and the rads then, even if he's too blind, wilfully or otherwise, to see the hateful, spiteful harpies in his midst.A fair man would then acknowledge that not all advocates of men's rights are rape apologists and anti-woman. This is an example of where divisive gender politics leads .

PZ's kid has it about right - don't discriminate, what more do you need to know. She takes him to task on her blog for his strawmanning of the anti-abortionists position, so he's obviously encouraged her to think critically.

That Phil wiki thing is beneath contempt. It's the kind of quote mining character assassination you'd expect to see from a Bill Dembski.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 28, 2011 6:20 PM


Afagina Cage @ 1776:
(fitting number for the revolutionary war comment I'm about to not make).
You're male 'mo and you're admitting to eating poptarts? Gosh, some gay boi you are. Was it raspberry filled so you could get your blood wings too?

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 6:20 PM


I still haven't heard any reason why this tube would literally call somebody a pastry item. It's possibly the most pathetic excuse I have ever heard. No doubt the next person to upset this fuckwit will be called a cornish pasty.

Posted by: bhoytony | July 28, 2011 6:21 PM


What the Pharyngulites are now indulging in is exactly what they have pilloried in conservatives,where foes with widely-differing views are lumped into one big conceptual entity and assumed guilty of each others faults by association. Any indication of hostility to RW or radfem sophistry earns you the MRA tag. PZ seems baffled that any of his crew could be called a radical feminists. He presumably acknowledges the difference between the liberals and the rads then, even if he's too blind, wilfully or otherwise, to see the hateful, spiteful harpies in his midst.A fair man would then acknowledge that not all advocates of men's rights are rape apologists and anti-woman. This is an example of where divisive gender politics leads .

PZ's kid has it about right - don't discriminate, what more do you need to know. She takes him to task on her blog for his strawmanning of the anti-abortionists position, so he's obviously encouraged her to think critically.

That Phil wiki thing is beneath contempt. It's the kind of quote mining character assassination you'd expect to see from a Bill Dembski.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 28, 2011 6:21 PM


The pop tart is a lie!

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 6:23 PM


Eric @ 1779:
I do not think I misunderstood, "If I do find certain words (like the words which are dividing brothers and sisters in the Skeptical/Atheist web family), then I would expect PZ and other to ban those people and vilify them? Correct?

Sounds like an interesting hypothesis to investigate. "

You said that would expect PZ to ban people for the words you find offensive and that it would be an interesting subject of a study to investigate. If I have not groked what you were mansplaining, break it down for me; I'm slow and stoned at the moment . . .

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 6:25 PM


@1791 cornish pasty

That's the best one yet.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 6:26 PM


Spence @ 1785:
if head gasket is code for a big, thick, juicy one, then I'll have to reject your advice. If gasket is code for afagina, then I'll gladly accept to avoid that trap's clap.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 6:27 PM


Aratina will roux the day he posted here.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 6:32 PM



I was going to say muffins, but I think that might be sexist.
The local Co-op store has a bunch of corporate branding thingummies glaring at the hapless punters at the till queues. Big cardboardy things with photos of purported ScotMid employees on them, grinning like coke fiends.
My particular favourite has a nice smiley Desi lassie holding a bun and a cup of something, with the tagline in two inch type "A hot drink and a muffin are just what I need to get me going in the morning!"
Black-affronted, so I wis. Hud tae pap the message bag ower the wean's heid.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 6:35 PM


@ Justicar 1794: Yes, I suppose that sentence of mine you quoted could be ambiguous: "If I do find certain words (like the words which are dividing brothers and sisters in the Skeptical/Atheist web family), then I would expect PZ and other to ban those people and vilify them? Correct?"

Plainly that means if "cunt", "twat", "bitch" have been used in threads that are against women he doesn't like, he doesn't go on a feminist crusade.

Now, to be fair, I think he is probably consistent and wouldn't like those words regardless of who they were being directed at, but he only wants to actually censor those who would use them against someone he agrees with.

So, no, I don't take offense to those words as the ambiguity of my other post may have indicated. I would imagine since language seems to be drastically ambiguous inherently, my offense to such words would vary depending on context. That's why I don't get down with those at Pharyngula and others who are absolute on this matter.

Posted by: Eric | July 28, 2011 6:41 PM


*sigh* Aratina, here's a few things: "And Unholy Spam, there are a lot of people here who apparently never ate a pop tart before (must be a pastry product only in the USA?)." is a stupid, insulting argument. It would be akin to saying "Gosh, why does anyone get offended at Twatson? Does RW not have a vagina? Unholy Spam, they must only have vaginas in the USA!"

And "if [I] could ever be bothered to post" on Pharyngula? You say that like I owe it to you. As in when your mother says "If you could ever be bothered to pick up the trash". You can see how I might respond with a "fuck you". Also, I believe (and everyone, correct me if I'm wrong, but) you can read the comments without posting, right? I mean, I'm just checking.

And on a final note, Aratina, I DON'T check Pharyngula much. I know what it is, and have little interest being told to harm myself through unethical use of an animal. However, take a QUICK gander at:

Go ahead and search for "twat". Y'know what, I'll do it for you. It's in post #32:

"If there is a designer, he's an incompetent fucking twat."

Not a single voice of opposition. No mention of how horrible a word it was. That search took approximately 30 seconds, and only that long because my internet is spotty today. I'm sure discussion on the subject has happened. But please, when someone says that a website with a constant meme of animal abuse, and a history of hypocrisy with language, has those things, don't defend them first by saying it's only the outside trolls, and then by saying "it happens but they're taken to task", when there's such ready examples of that not happening. There's also, as already posted by Phil,
That one's a "cunt" reference!

Oohhh, here's another:

Comment #5!

I'm not saying no one has ever been taken to task for offensive language on the site, of course. Just that I think we can show it's essentially arbitrary when it happens, possibly relating only to specific commenters who are bothered. PZ obviously doesn't mind. I'm sure NOW anyone who uses it will be taken to task, because NOW the hypocrisy would be far more obvious.

Posted by: bladerunner | July 28, 2011 6:42 PM

You can't have your pop tart and eat it too!

Har har...

Jesus, you are just the worst backpedaler ever. Seriously. You expect anyone over the age of fucking 12 to believe you were innocently comparing someone to a flattish pastry?


I retracted my usage of it, ding-a-ling.

You got busted doing the same shit you excoriate others for, and like PZ and all the rest, you then start spinning and backpedaling as fast as you can to avoid the truth of your own stupidity. Even when you "admit your mistake" you're STILL TRYING TO JUSTIFY IT.

It doesn't matter what I admit because "tart" is a sexist word when applied to people and so regardless of there being a well known pastry product in the USA with that name, the sexist connotation is still going to be there. I used it to refer to someone whose words and opinions I find worthless and wish ERV hadn't taken up, someone whose every utterance is comparable to junk food. "Cracked candy cane" will do just fine.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 6:46 PM


Aratina, we get it that you are saying that you didn't know pop tart was a sexist reference and have retracted it. What nobody gets is why on earth a grown adult would call somebody a pastry. Are you a child, an idiot or are you just desperately trying to backpedal?
I suspect the latter and if it's true than you are nothing but a cornish pasty. I'm sorry I had to use such language, but you drove me to it.

Posted by: bhoytony | July 28, 2011 6:53 PM


Arnie loves Pop Tarts, specifically, cherry ones.

Ive had my suspicions he is a gay dog for some time now-- The cherry Pop Tarts, his Liberace sweater, his love of humping men (exclusively. ask Coyne about this)...

Posted by: ERV | July 28, 2011 6:58 PM


ARATiNA @1800 I retracted my usage of it, ding-a-ling

Saying "it's retracted!" doesn't erase the reality that you said it and meant it in a non-culinary sense.
Right there and then, you exposed yourself as a hypocrite. Retract all you want, but you showed your true colours.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 7:01 PM


OK, stop making me laugh, all you sweet crumpets.

@ Aratina Cage

My very serious question is still open. ERV reported something back from others at TAM9. You described it as "paranoid bullshit". What I want to know is, how do you know? Do you have any evidence or plausible reasoning whatsoever to think that what ERV described was bullshit?

I'll settle for anything that sounds remotely plausible. Anything at all that justifies to any extent your calling it paranoid bullshit. Anything plausible.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 28, 2011 7:06 PM



Wow. You just won't stop.
I retracted my usage of it, ding-a-ling

You do realize that ding-a-ling is slang for penis?

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 7:07 PM


Fucking Pop-Tarts... They're a goddamned sin against pastry. Fuck them. Fuck them right out of existence. Double so for being so convenient when you're in a fucking hurry.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 7:07 PM


Oh My God!!! Did he just call somebody a "ding a ling"? We all know what that is slang for. Every word that spews from his mouth is oppressive sexist filth. He's no better than Chuck Berry. He really is a complete and utter cornish pasty!!

Posted by: bhoytony | July 28, 2011 7:08 PM


I think Aratina is a ding-dong.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 7:17 PM



Sod it, I'm going to go with calling Aratina a beefy bake...

/Still Game reference

Posted by: Marco the Beagle | July 28, 2011 7:19 PM

go around slinging sexist terms at your foes

a) That word does not mean what you think it means.

b) Look up fallacy+"begging the question".

c) Oh, that's right, you're too fucking stupid to look up a term when someone calls you out on using it, instead getting all riled and pissy and defensive and treating your own stupid and ignorant opinions as if they were fact, such as that someone at Urban Dictionary just made up the fact that "pop tart" is a sexist insult.

d) That's right, moron, "pop tart" is sexist but "twat" and "Twatson" are not, because of their very different connotations. "pop tart" has all sorts of well-known nasty implications about female sexuality, whereas "twat", like "cock", is a vulgar reference to pubes. When applied to a person, "twat", "dick", and "prick" have the connotation of being an asshole with a gendered tinge ... that the assholiness is associated with the person's gender, usually a gender stereotype. But in this case, it's no stereotype, it's specifically about RW and her assholiness in how she uses being a woman and feminist and member of a historically oppressed gender(yes, it's true) as a privileged position from which she can make ad hominem attacks on those who disagree with her.

e) You display extreme selective perception about Pharyngula. Just go look at how "Casual Guy" was treated by raving loon Caine and by more measured but still grossly privileged-cuz-I'm-a-feminist-woman folks like Sally Strange, whom I used to think well of."You don't see this, i.e., you don't agree with me, because you're privileged" is an ad hominem fallacy and a particularly hypocritical one. Many many people who are factually not misogynists are being called that ... and leading the charge is one PZ Myers (see #86 above).

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 7:23 PM

*sigh* Aratina, here's a few things: "And Unholy Spam, there are a lot of people here who apparently never ate a pop tart before (must be a pastry product only in the USA?)." is a stupid, insulting argument. It would be akin to saying "Gosh, why does anyone get offended at Twatson? Does RW not have a vagina? Unholy Spam, they must only have vaginas in the USA!"

OK, bladerunner, what brand name product is there that is called "twat" something or other? Do people toast twats and eat them? How ridiculous.

And "if [I] could ever be bothered to post" on Pharyngula? You say that like I owe it to you. As in when your mother says "If you could ever be bothered to pick up the trash". You can see how I might respond with a "fuck you". Also, I believe (and everyone, correct me if I'm wrong, but) you can read the comments without posting, right? I mean, I'm just checking.

Yes, because mature people often say "fuck you" to their mothers when asked to take out the trash. Yep. Oh, so you bothered to read the comments and are going to now post a link to one exemplifying the shit you are whining about?

Link 1): Someone named "hyperdeath" calls the mythical creator god a twat in 2008. Brownian chimes in with a joke without saying a word about the usage of "twat". Still, not really the same as calling a real person a twat, now is it?

Link 3): Someone named "godzillafan1993" calls Nathan Moran a "twat" in 2010. Nobody even notices or cares, not even me a few comments below. "Godzillafan1993" has left a total of nine comments at Pharyngula. Could it be that no one bothered to read godzillafan1993's comment? Not sure.

Link 2): Nothing at all to do with Pharyngula.

Just that I think we can show it's essentially arbitrary when it happens, possibly relating only to specific commenters who are bothered. PZ obviously doesn't mind.

Could be. Or maybe more people care or are willing to speak up about it at certain times. PZ has made it clear he will not ban people solely for saying sexist, racist, or homophobic things about other people, pretty much like ERV. You really have to push it to get banned there. That doesn't mean you will not be called on it despite the two exceptions you have found.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 7:29 PM


It's true. PZ just called me a bigot for calling someone out on the idiocy of insisting that using "twat" as an insult creates or perpetuates a rape culture somehow. Fuckers need to be shown that there are actual rape cultures in this world and their fucking first-world nations do not fucking qualify.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 7:30 PM


ERV @ 1803:
So, if Arnie turns out to be gay, does that mean you'll be his fruit fly instead of mine?

*steady quivering lip and quickly wipes away a tear*

Like 7 of 9 (tertiary adjunct of unimatrix 01) said to One, "You are hurting me."

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 7:33 PM


Bwahahahaha! Holy shit, I didn't think PZ would just up and prove my point for me.

I know your finger goes to the ban button any time you are presented with an argument you cannot even pretend to address, but why don't you give it a shot this one time?

[Bye. --pzm]

Guess giving it a shot would show even the brainless horde that he's got absolutely nothing. That's sad.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 7:35 PM

I used it to refer to someone whose words and opinions I find worthless

So you feel that Abbie is emulating someone whose words and opinions are worthless? Can you say "pot" and "kettle"?

I retracted my usage of it, ding-a-ling

What you cannot retract is your stupidity and intellectual dishonesty. I believe that you're too dumb to have realized that "pop tart" was a sexist insult until your shields against incoming information had been overwhelmed. Perhaps a bit of "Fuck but I'm stupid! You folks are right and I acted like a total ass!" is more appropriate than throwing penis euphemisms at them, eh? At the very least, how about "Oh fuck! I really stepped into it again, didn't I?"

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 7:38 PM


@ aratina
K, bladerunner, what brand name product is there that is called "twat" something or other? Do people toast twats and eat them?

Whaa? Because there's no pastry called 'twat', that implies that calling someone a 'pop tart' is non-sexist?

But I must say you've inspired me. I'll heretofore refer to toast as 'twat'.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 7:40 PM


I particularly like how one dumbfuck, Illuminata by name, presents to me a link to a site which insists that the U.S. is a rape culture. As a person who has personally had a hand in liberating a fucking honest, real and for true, fucking rape camp, that bullshit makes me want to fucking vomit. The babble about trivializing shit, then they pull this. It's right up there with babbling about anyone accused of rape should be guilty until proven innocent, until it's someone who disagrees with them, then people start jumping up and calling Phil a liar.

Then they have the fucking gonads to call this a slime pit... I'm not one for solving nonviolent problems with violence, but kind of thing certainly helps me to understand where the people who are are coming from.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 7:42 PM



My @1038 on this thread includes three people using twat; Ragutis, Kel and Rev.BigDumbChimp. I don't know who is a frequent poster on Pharyngula, but I'm pretty sure at least one of those is.

Also, twat has a synonym in the UK (as has been pointed out to you) meaning to hit or to strike. It is slang but common usage and not considered offensive.

Posted by: Spence | July 28, 2011 7:44 PM

OK, bladerunner, what brand name product is there that is called "twat" something or other? Do people toast twats and eat them? How ridiculous.

I wish there were a smartening pill that stupid people could take so that they could realize, even briefly, just how stupid they are. To grasp what that might be like for you, read "Flowers for Algernon" ... although, quite unlike you, Charlie had humility.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 7:47 PM


Pastry Flour for Algernon.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 7:50 PM

I wish there were a smartening pill that stupid people could take so that they could realize, even briefly, just how stupid they are. To grasp what that might be like for you, read "Flowers for Algernon" ... although, quite unlike you, Charlie had humility.

Dude, that story is one of the most depressing things I've ever read.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 7:52 PM

Whaa? Because there's no pastry called 'twat', that implies that calling someone a 'pop tart' is non-sexist?

Likewise, by Aratina's reasoning, there's nothing wrong with calling someone a gash or hole because those words have innocuous meanings.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 7:53 PM

Oh, that's right, you're too fucking stupid to look up a term when someone calls you out on using it, instead getting all riled and pissy and defensive and treating your own stupid and ignorant opinions as if they were fact, such as that someone at Urban Dictionary just made up the fact that "pop tart" is a sexist insult.

I did follow the link, shithead. You might want to try it, too, before working yourself up into a blithering frenzy. Might learn something about what pop tarts are. Even ERV's dog Arnie knows what they are, dipshit.

But in this case, it's no stereotype, it's specifically about RW and her assholiness in how she uses being a woman and feminist and member of a historically oppressed gender(yes, it's true) as a privileged position from which she can make ad hominem attacks on those who disagree with her.

Hahahaha! Wave your fucking magic wand about some more, Houdini. Maybe then reality will magically change to suit your opinion.

whom I used to think well of.

Nobody cares who you think well of. Especially not me.

Just go look at how "Casual Guy" was treated by raving loon Caine and by more measured but still grossly privileged-cuz-I'm-a-feminist-woman folks like Sally Strange

Like I said before, if you have a problem with Caine, take it up with Caine. Are you over there doing that? If not, then that's your problem.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 8:00 PM


@1818, if you're talking about Bosnia or Kosovo, their idiocy gets worse because actively slag on the American interventions that brought an end to the rape camps and brought many of the perps to justice, while promoting and defending "progressive" scum like Chomsky who manufacture nonsense in order to excuse the Serbs and their crimes.

Posted by: History Punk | July 28, 2011 8:01 PM


The latest from B&W;, on whether anyone claims to speak for anyone else:

One strange meme that has turned up in the recent wars is the idea that feminists are “claiming to speak for all women” and that that’s why feminism is so bad and awful.

Apart from the fact that it is obviously false that feminists (as opposed to specific individuals) are charged with this and that the chargers think that feminism is bad (as opposed to specific arguments and behaviour), I would submit this, also by Ophelia:

But women don't view stranger requests for sex that way. No, I really don't think women need to learn to do better. I think women get to go on preferring at least some preliminaries — conversation, flirtation, googly eyes — to a bald invitation from some guy they've never seen before in an elevator at 4 a.m. I don't think women are being rude or demanding or mindless in having their likes and dislikes.

Is it just me, or does someone seriously need to go find a mirror?

Posted by: Peter Beattie | July 28, 2011 8:03 PM


History Punk @ 1825

Nail. Head. That is all.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 8:04 PM


PZ Lyers:
"I've got a couple of names that are already on my shortlist for banning, and if I see another set of privileged brats making jokes about women's issues, I'm going to snap and make a mass purge of you assholes."

Afagina Cage, your hero is so classy. =^_^=

Why, what with all that tolerance he has. If A says something to piss him off, then he's going to punish B, C, D, E, and anyone else whom he ordains to be privileged. Say, does that include Richard Dawkins?

After all, PZ Lyers doesn't need to ride Dear Dick's coattails anymore - he's already gotten what he needs out of him - notoriety. One notes, unlike Dear Dick, PZ Lyers most assuredly didn't become known for his contributions to science or literature. =^_^=

Meh, what am I saying?! There's a reason he works at third tier university and hasn't published a paper since before most people who hang out in nightclubs until last call were even born! He no likey having no ability to ban people who don't support his assertions out fidelity to his word I guess.

Censorship is amazing.

Say, Abbie, it's a good thing you're still young enough to know everything; if you were a bit older, you'd just start silencing dissent left, right and center!

She never did answer me about being Arnie's fruit fly. *sniffles*

Oh, anyone note how carefully Afagina Cage is pussyfoot around actually answering me. On pharyngfuckyouall, he's keen on addressing me first. Outside of there without his herd to protect him, he seems woefully inept. Curious I dare say.

Posted by: Justicar | July 28, 2011 8:04 PM

What you cannot retract is your stupidity and intellectual dishonesty.

According to a piece of shit like you? Wahahahaha!

I believe that you're too dumb to have realized that "pop tart" was a sexist insult until your shields against incoming information had been overwhelmed.

A throwaway filler word that I rescinded really really bothers you that much, eh? Come to think of it, the same thing might have happened to me before but I forgot. "Prostitute" isn't exactly the first (or last) thing to pop into my mind when I read or hear the word "pop tart". YMMV.

Perhaps a bit of "Fuck but I'm stupid! You folks are right and I acted like a total ass!" is more appropriate than throwing penis euphemisms at them, eh?

Look, quit commenting on my comments if you aren't going to bother to read them.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 8:08 PM

I did follow the link, shithead.

I didn't say that you didn't. Your every post gives further evidence of my claims.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 8:08 PM


@ Aritana: Might learn something about what pop tarts are. Even ERV's dog Arnie knows what they are, dipshit

Are you telling us you're coming from the same 'mental space' as a dog? While I'm sure Arnie is a bright dog, he'd probably be called 'retarded' were he human.

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 8:10 PM



twat? i cunt hear you.

you won't say things over at pz's place because you KNOW what would happen.

Posted by: tybee | July 28, 2011 8:11 PM


Aratina Cage,
why have you not answered my question? To repeat for the third time:

My very serious question is still open. ERV reported something back from others at TAM9. You described it as "paranoid bullshit". What I want to know is, how do you know? Do you have any evidence or plausible reasoning whatsoever to think that what ERV described was bullshit?

I'll settle for anything that sounds remotely plausible. Anything at all that justifies to any extent your calling it paranoid bullshit. Anything plausible.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 28, 2011 8:18 PM


Gurdur, he won't respond. If you think he will, that's pie-in-the-sky thinking.

(or pop-tart-in-the-sky)

Posted by: frank habets | July 28, 2011 8:23 PM


Good grief! Even the First Minister of Our Own Dear Queen.
Is there no end to the madness?
From the august columns of The Guardian

"David Cameron says sorry for 'twat' comment during radio interview"
"He said : 'Oh, yeah, pissed, sorry about that, I'm really sorry.' But he said people are pissed off with politicians, which they are. I think that is choice language well used personally, from my point of view.
"She (his Press Sec.) said: 'No, it was the twat.' He said: 'That's not a swear word.' I think he must be posh, where a lot of them don't think twat is a swear word. His press secretary went: 'It is.'"
O'Connell (radio jock) praised the twat comment as "fantastic".

Posted by: dustbubble | July 28, 2011 8:23 PM

According to a piece of shit like you? Wahahahaha!

Tu quoque and ad hominem fallacies. The evidence of your stupidity and intellectual dishonesty has been provided.

A throwaway filler word that I rescinded really really bothers you that much, eh?

Ad hominem strawman.

Look, quit commenting on my comments if you aren't going to bother to read them.

Assumes a counterfactual.

You have lost the argument here, Aratina; now you are just making noise and further undermining your character. It is indeed a waste of anyone's time to continue to respond to someone so clearly dishonest.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 8:24 PM

If A says something to piss him off, then he's going to punish B, C, D, E, and anyone else whom he ordains to be privileged.
Deuteronomy 5:9-10

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 28, 2011 8:29 PM

I didn't say that you didn't.
Oh, that's right, you're too fucking stupid to look up a term when someone calls you out on using it

Bzzzzt! Wrong, jackass!

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 8:34 PM

From the august columns of The Guardian

And Wikipedia:

"The trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it – too many twits might make a twat."

Even more precious is that Robert Browning used it in a poem, apparently having misunderstood it to be an article of nun's clothing because it was rhymed in a 1660 satirical poem with "Cardinalls Hat".

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 8:38 PM

Oh, that's right, you're too fucking stupid to look up a term when someone calls you out on using it

Aratina's stupidity and dishonesty go on and on. I didn't say that he/she/it didn't go look at the Urban Dictionary link, of course, I said that he/she/it didn't look up the term. No, this moron looked at the UD entry only, and then dismissed it as having been made up ... stupid and dishonest as I said, but everyone here already recognizes that, so I won't bother to dwell on this, um, slime any further.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 28, 2011 8:47 PM


ERV: I'd have bet on you winning that Jello fight with the muslim guy. It would be easy. Even if he was a good fighter, all you'd have to do is mid-fight tell him the gelatin was made from pig bones. :)

Rystefn: Wouldn't a moldy strap-on be assuming that she was using it with a partner? It's more likely one that's not wearable. Just a guess. A mean guess, but I think a good one all the same. :)

Michael Kingsford Gray wrote:

Jen "boobquake-feminist??" McCreight illogically 'goes spare' at the mention of the word! Look it up, if you dare.
I saw last year how she wanted nothing more to do with BoobQuake, so earlier this year, I was going to take it off her hands and use it for my own favourite boobie/modesty cause but then the Japanese quakes happened and it seemed tasteless to promote it for anything at that point. Not a total loss though. More than 28,000 people have enjoyed the BralessBoobquake video anyways. I suspect the social expectation politics of bras was not on their minds though, heheh.

Oh there's so many more comments to read here and I'm sleepy. So, gotta remember where I left off before I post this.

But first, oh look, another strangely apt anagram. Rearranging the letters of "PHARYNGULITES" becomes "UGLY RAPE HINTS". Oh dear. :)

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 28, 2011 8:54 PM


Since I'm the one who brought up the Urban Dictionary definition and it seems to be a point of contention, perhaps a bit of clarification is in order.

I don't regard the Urban Dictionary as a reliable reference, and I never claimed otherwise in my original comment. That said, UD can be useful for confirming that someone else has heard some word used the same way you have. In this particular case I knew of a particular derogatory usage, and when I looked it up, lo and behold the same usage was in the UD.

Posted by: BoxNDox | July 28, 2011 9:08 PM



Could be. Or maybe more people care or are willing to speak up about it at certain times. PZ has made it clear he will not ban people solely for saying sexist, racist, or homophobic things about other people, pretty much like ERV. You really have to push it to get banned there. That doesn't mean you will not be called on it despite the two exceptions you have found.

The only thing you have to push to get banned there is PZ's appendages out of your orifices. As soon as you stop accomodating his choad, out you go.

What's the difference between jelly and jam? PZ can't jelly his dick down adoucheina's throat.



The best thing you can do is stop treating PZ any better than he treats anyone he disagrees with, and if you see the silly old CHUD in person, tell him the same to his face.


Preparation Smarterer


"Do you see my beard? It is quivering with anger! QUIVERING I TELL YOU! Now someone bring me a brandy and aratina, my member requires an accomodating anus!"

I'm not surprised. I've been beating adoucheina like altar boy penis, and the best it's had to come back with is "HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN AN ACTUAL POP TART?"

Not only a coward, but evidently completely incompetent without someone to feed it lines.


A throwaway filler word that I rescinded really really bothers you that much, eh? Come to think of it, the same thing might have happened to me before but I forgot. "Prostitute" isn't exactly the first (or last) thing to pop into my mind when I read or hear the word "pop tart". YMMV.

If you yell louder, more people believe you. And PZ uses lube.


Given what I've seen here lately, Arnie would more properly be called a Professor of Evolutionary Biology at UMinn, Morris. Only with better manners, and better handwriting.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 9:09 PM



Rystefn: Wouldn't a moldy strap-on be assuming that she was using it with a partner? It's more likely one that's not wearable. Just a guess. A mean guess, but I think a good one all the same. :)

I don't really think that it assumes that at all, just that it's not been taken care of properly, and possibly stored in a damp, dark place for too long... Oh, right. I totally see it now. Yeah, not really where I was going with that.

Even so, I would be surprised to find out she wasn't getting any. Anyone can get laid if they're willing to lower their standards far enough, and I've seen nothing to indicate that she's unwilling to compromise principles to get what she wants.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 9:10 PM

The only thing you have to push to get banned there is PZ's appendages out of your orifices. As soon as you stop accomodating his choad, out you go.

Yeah, it doesn't take much to get banned over there. It's funny how he used to claim to take pride in only banning the worst of the worst, but now he bans anyone who agrees too much with ERV or argues too strongly against the party line. Did I say funny, I meant pathetic.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 9:15 PM

As a person who has personally had a hand in liberating a fucking honest, real and for true, fucking rape camp, that bullshit makes me want to fucking vomit.
where and when?

Posted by: broboxley | July 28, 2011 9:21 PM



where and when?

Huh, looks like my response to History Punk got caught up in moderation. It was back in that ugly-ass Kosovo mess.

Posted by: Rystefn | July 28, 2011 9:49 PM


John C Welch @ 1702:

What PZ/Watson/Laden et al are doing is somewhat dangerous, because they are creating a binary kind of reasoning as a test. If you do not completely agree with them on their manifesto, then you are not of the body and must be cast out. The irony in this of course, is that they are using one of religion's best tactics.

There is an ancient word for this: "Shibboleth"

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 28, 2011 9:52 PM


That post by skeptifem is full of her trademark solipsism. She apparently thinks that only she and her ideological kin understand what "being a woman" is like, and she derives (what must be) the mentality of dissenters from that set of assumptions. I find that this kind of reductionism is a common conceit among gender feminists, and it's yet another thing they have in common with doctrinaire Marxists.

Posted by: TylerD | July 28, 2011 10:45 PM


Fuck me sideways: they think that commenting on a website, under the protection of a site controller who values nothing more than their electronic fellatio, is akin to being an actual soldier in an actual war. Here's some insane words from the insane Caine:

Benjamin, however you feel about Eminem, I do think it's on the tacky side to be posting his work and discussing it, given how exhausting and difficult the last month and some days have been for many of us.

Hey, Caine, protip: if whinging about imagined insults tires you so much, then maybe you should consider

Or, as you know well: porcupine, large bowel...

Posted by: Hoody | July 28, 2011 10:47 PM

I didn't say that he/she/it didn't go look at the Urban Dictionary link, of course, I said that he/she/it didn't look up the term.

Which, as anyone can see above if they read my comments, is a lie. I'm not an "it", either, you dumbshit.

You have lost the argument here, Aratina;

Remind me what argument you are blabbering on dishonestly about?

It is indeed a waste of anyone's time to continue to respond to someone so clearly dishonest.

So says the guy who thinks he can read other people's minds. Someone should fucking give you a prize for that.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 11:06 PM



Which, as anyone can see above if they read my comments, is a lie. I'm not an "it", either, you dumbshit.

No, you're a hypocrite who demands behaviors from others they're not willing to meet.

When you get caught, you spend a great deal of time trying to justify how you weren't really wrong, and how all sources of info to the contrary are bullshit. That makes you a whining hypocrite.

Then you think that non-apologies take care of things, and pointing out other people's "wrongs" make your own mistakes go away. That makes you a stupid whining hypocrite.

It's real different when you don't have your little pack of baboons to hide behind, isn't it.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 11:15 PM

Likewise, by Aratina's reasoning, there's nothing wrong with calling someone a gash or hole because those words have innocuous meanings.

Yes, those are brand names just like "pop tart". *eyeroll* I can't believe this! You stupid fucking idiot! Try "tire gash" and "donut hole". Oooh, I bet those are worst than "pop tart"!

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 11:16 PM

No, you're a hypocrite who demands behaviors from others they're not willing to meet.

Again, I demanded only one thing--from you. You delivered, thank you.

When you get caught, you spend a great deal of time trying to justify how you weren't really wrong, and how all sources of info to the contrary are bullshit. That makes you a whining hypocrite.

Yeah, I didn't realize that pop tarts are not food for most of the people here, and I took it back. I'm a really really bad person for doing that.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 28, 2011 11:18 PM



Yeah, I didn't realize that pop tarts are not food for most of the people here, and I took it back. I'm a really really bad person for doing that.

Again, unless you're like...ten years old, you're going to have a really, really hard time convincing ANYONE that you had NO IDEA that "Pop Tart" could refer to a woman as well as an AWESOME snack food. Seriously. You keep trying to sell that, and you suck at it, so no one, *no one* is buying your bullshit.

But you're such a PZombie that you cannot stop trying to justify your hypocrisy. Hell, you can't even bring yourself to ADMIT the hypocrisy that shines like your forehead after you wipe off your master's spooge.

You STILL keep trying to justify away your use of a CLEARLY sexist term after you excoriated people for sexist language. Again, let's take a look at the sentence that ratfucked you in post 1735:

You know what, ERV, I don't get why you think it is OK to emulate Wally Smith and that other pop tart and go around slinging sexist terms at your foes when we all know you have it in you to come up with non-sexist terms

In the SAME SENTENCE where you are calling people "pop tarts", you call out Abbie for using a sexist term. THAT, by the way, THAT is why you're a hypocrite. You're calling out Abbie for "slinging sexist terms" because it's bad when SHE does it, yet AS YOU DO IT, *you* are using sexist terms yourself.

In other words, you were bagging on Abbie for not meeting a standard you not only do not meet yourself, but have no *intention* of meeting, because it's only bad when "the other" does it. (And if you're going to try to tell me once again that you had NO IDEA of the other meaning of pop tart, save it for the other PZombies. No one here believes you. If you truly only thought it had a food meaning, then it makes ZERO sense for you to use it in a derogatory manner. You're in a hole. Stop. Digging.)

Your actions, literally, remind me of my son at seven, when he would BLATANTLY lie to me, because he really thought if he stuck to the same story, no matter what, he could change reality. Didn't work for him either.

You want to stop being treated like a dumbass? STOP BEING ONE. Stop with the non-apologies, stop digging that fucking hole. STOP BEING A DUMBASS, and you'll find people stop treating you like one. It's pretty fucking simple as concepts go.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 28, 2011 11:34 PM


Rystefn #1848 no worries looking for year and location, no need to post sekret stuff just approximate date and AO (in case you are non US AO is area of operations)

Posted by: broboxley | July 28, 2011 11:39 PM


John W @ 1856

Again, unless you're like...ten years old, you're going to have a really, really hard time convincing ANYONE that you had NO IDEA that "Pop Tart" could refer to a woman as well as an AWESOME snack food.

At least it wasn't "Ho-Ho."

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 28, 2011 11:48 PM


How boring of a personality do you have to have to find semantics arguments over "pop tarts" and "twat" interesting and worthy of emotional debate?

Posted by: Tommy | July 28, 2011 11:52 PM


This latest talk about Pharyngula got me thinking.

Pharyngula apparently saw a lot of theist trolls at one point. I imagine it would be tiring to engage patiently and rationally in discussion with irrational theist agitators over and over, when it's taken as given that you and they will never see eye to eye, ever. So Pharyngula developed an immune system, consisting of:

1. Ridicule
2. Failure to engage meaningfully

And that's fair enough, I suppose. I have mixed feelings.

The problem is that this behavioral immune system grew out of control. It's become an embarrassingly geeky sub-sub-culture all by itself. Participation in the response seems like the primary attraction for some people to hang out over there. And it's become maladaptive. It's sort of an autoimmune disorder at this point, where well-intentioned atheist/skeptic/pro-science people (as well as people whose intentions absolutely cannot yet be determined by their words) get the full immune response for any challenge, ranging from "I disagree but with a little discussion we could probably see eye-to-eye" all the way down to absolutely trivial. Even meta-challenges from within the community to this response, along the lines of "Don't you think that was a bit unnecessary?" get a full blast of autoimmune rage.

That's how I see it. And it's my humble opinion that this is the real meat of this apparently green-on-green conflict. People got polarized very quickly, due partially to the fact that the level of discourse started somewhere in the basement, and some people were very careless about attacking in sweeping generalizations, dragging more and more into the fray to defend themselves against splashing-over attacks in a sort of movie barfight kind of way.

Abstract: High fives for rational and good faith communication.

Posted by: jccramer | July 29, 2011 12:01 AM


Rystefn: you have nothing cogent to say little frat boy idjit. So why not fuck off. What we demand here is evidence, preferably citations to the scientific literature. That's something you'll find in the library of any university. All you have offered so far is sophistry and misogynistic bullshit typical of the MRA bullshitters. That is not enough to convince us frat boy so why not try fading into the bandwidth for a while say 10 years. We know you are nothing but a bullshitter and a liar. What a loser. People here are educated in more than bullshit loser (I am a scientist with 30+ years of experience) so we don't accept your sophistry we demand actual evidence. You know like is presented in scientific magazines? You sound like a Xtian godbot to me: all bullshit idjit loser and nothing cogent to add. Go fade into the bandwidth. Here: take this bottle of grog to keep you company idjit bullshit loser. Courtesy of the horde of which you will never be a member idjit sophistry bullshit sophistry Prof Myers TET citations to the scientific octopus TET I love you mommy let me Prof Myers at your idjit bullshit.......//PROG ABORT: INFINITY ERROR/9733284517/PLEASE REFER TO MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS_PLEASE REFERENCE ERROR CODE T747GK346N4IY4IU47

Posted by: Nerd of Redhead | July 29, 2011 12:01 AM


I have added ERV to my bookmarks since this whole Rebecca Watson/Skepchick−"Elevator Guy"−Stef McGraw−Richard Dawkins thing. Luckily, I have been putting pixels-to-screen on this for several weeks so I can copy/paste much of it. First: From what I have read of accounts of what happened in the elevator, I think Ms. Watson has been spot-on to point out the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) signs of sexism she observes in the skeptical/atheist community. I have been lucky enough to have encountered a number of what I call "learnable moments" (or "self-teachable moments" if you prefer), and I fear that recounting some of them are essential to my point.

The first pertinent moment was before I was old enough to drink. I had been overweight much of my life and did not date during high school. How I came to loose a great deal of weight is not very relevant, so I will continue. My weight loss did wonders for my self-confidence. I was jazzed at the prospect of not being rejected (as much),or even worse, ignored, by the opposite sex-as I was throughout high school. As though in punishment for my hubris, I rapidly received my comeuppance upon my return to the U.S. when the first person to hit on me was a gay man. Unlike other men I have known, I did not come away from this experience with an unreasoning loathing or hatred of homosexual men. What I did take away from it was a new understanding of what it must be like for a women to be on the receiving end of an unwanted sexual advance. This new perspective profoundly changed my behavior and attitudes towards women–and I was a pretty nice guy to start with.

Now, at the ripe old age of 47, I am a proud father of two wonderful young women, one 20 and in college, and the other 17 (going on 30) and preparing for her senior year in high school. About this time last year, following my eldest daughter's high school graduation, we partook of that quintessential piece of Americana...the "road trip." While driving across the vast emptiness of Utah and Nevada, my youngest (16 at the time) and I got into a discussion (which we stopped before it became an argument) regarding her fuzzy, woo-ish ideas of "God." Sparing readers the blow-by-blow account, it eventually occurred to me that when I was 16, I was still a thoroughgoing, bible-thumping, evangelical Christian. My arrival at the point where I openly described myself as an atheist (marking the start of yet another journey) did not occur until my early 30's. One ethical principle that I do my best to hold to is to not expect from others what I do not expect from myself. I realized that I was being very unfair to my daughter by expecting her to make the same journey I did‒but demanding that she to do it almost instantaneously, at barely half the age I was when I "came out" as an atheist. I felt like a pretty lousy dad after that and I apologized to her for my unreasonable, jerky, and unfair expectations in that regard.

In the opening paragraphs of "The Privilege Delusion" Ms. Watson wrote eloquently, honestly, and passionately about how she did not start out as a feminist and how her journey towards self-identifying as such took time. Sadly, as noted previously, her awakening was triggered by some reprehensible behaviors among our fellow skeptics. The Skepchicks as a group have a tremendous opportunity to catalyze real changes within both the real and virtual community of rationalists, skeptics, and non-believers. I can readily understand the kind of frustration that Ms. Watson and her Skepchick colleagues feel when trying to convince people (perhaps especially other females that are active in skeptical community) that we are still wrestling with the cultural baggage of the patriarchal structure of the vast majority of human societies down through history.

I was a regular listener of the SGU podcasts 4-5 years ago, back when Ms. Watson (along with the other Skeptical Rouges) thought the flood of truly tacky marriage proposals she received was a hoot, obviously she had not yet had her "road to Damascus" experience. Reading one of her Skepchick blog posts from 2006 (, the words one reads are those of a woman who that has not yet had a feminist epiphany, and whose first steps along the road to self-identifying as a feminist are still in her future. Comment #7, by one "horacerumpole" is so priceless in the current context that it bears quoting here:

"How dare you sexually objectify those women. ;-p."

As I was copy-pasting the above comment, I noted the date on that was comment...wait for it...July 13, 2011!

I point this out not to make some vile variant of "she was askin' fer it" argument. The take-home point for me is that there was a time when she was not a "feminist" (at least not a "feminist" of the sort she now claims to be), and from reading her words from about 5 years ago, she had far to go before even taking the fist step on that road. Many people that are "converted" to some "ism" or another soon forget what they were like before they "saw the light." They forget their personal journey. In fact, it is not limited to "ism"'s. When trying to explain long division, let alone algebra, trigonometry, or calculus, to an average third-grader, it is very easy to forget that there was a time when we too did not "get it." The real flash point of this firestorm was not an elevator in Dublin(?) at 4:00 a.m. (was that GMT?). It was not when she made video log entry where she famously said "Guys-don't do that." The real flash-point was when Ms. Watson, as an invited speaker at a student-organized CFI conference, made the same mistake with her audience that day as I did with my daughter over a year ago. She expected other skeptically inclined women, (presumably) younger than her (30 years old according to Wikipedia), like Stef McGraw, a CFI student leader in the audience, to get to the same place (vis-à-vis feminism) that Ms. Watson is now. Even more arrogantly, she berated some in her audience for not having made that leap yesterday. A meeting of skeptics is the wrong place to roll out such a blatant double standard because skeptics can spot such things from light-years away.

In my futile attempts to unravel this mess, I visited the Skepchick site for the first time in several years and something struck me as odd. Maybe it is because I am the father of young women, but it was over two decades ago that I "got it" sufficiently well to have removed the word "chick" from my personal lexicon (and I have never used many of the even more demeaning labels that were once applied to women). Most decent human beings have extirpated from their working vocabulary many of the most demeaning epithets for women, just as they/we have rid ourselves of nearly all the racist labels that white, protestant, European men (and women) had once applied to the "lower races." I was also struck (and educated) by the fact that the Skepchick site had little mini-posts they called "Skepchick Quickies." Seriously kids??!! Outsiders that were so barbaric as to use such labels would quickly get them stoned outside the gates of the city, figuratively speaking of course.

Apparently, it is okay for those that are "in" the group to throw around such terms with abandon. This is not an isolated phenomenon, it is also seen (or perhaps "heard" is more accurate) in Rap/Hip-Hop music. Before I get pounced on, let me remind folks that might be inclined to lecture me about the nuances of such music of P.Z.'s brilliant "The Courtier's Reply." As one of Ms. Watson's most vocal supporters, I am disappointed that P.Z. (apparently) does not see that the razor of "The Courtier's Reply" cut through much that obscures and can apply equally well to "Feminism 101"™ (I have been to the Feminism 101 site, and it reminds me of nothing so much as it does of the sort of postmoderist drivel that was brilliantly lampooned in the Sokal affair) and Rap/Hip-Hop as it does to "Sophisticated Theology."™ Presumably, throwing around labels among the "right" people is some kind of in-joke that not only makes them feel hip and edgy, but is paradoxically empowering. That is something that I do not care if I ever get. If you want to make some positive changes in the world, like eliminating covert, subtle, yet stubbornly persistent (perhaps like HIV in a way) evils like racism and sexism, stop using the stupid vocabulary of those "ism's", period! Especially if you want to convince thoughtful, reflective people that you are serious about such undertakings.

For me, this whole mess says more about the areas of human psychology that are common to both genders (like in-group versus out-group dynamics) than it does about "feminism" or the "skeptical community." From my vantage point, Ms. Watson would have been much more effective in making her valid points about guys not being jerks and drawing attention to ways in which normally decent men (and women) can both have roles to play in making the free-thought/atheist movement more welcoming to all is by simply describing her own journey, no "naming names," no screen shots, just by telling her own story. Such an approach, even if no one is won over immediately, is far more likely to succeed in the long run than is appearing to impugn the character of an audience because they do not yet clearly perceive an on-going injustice that the speaker him or herself was themselves blind to for much of their life. Such an approach is far less likely to make people defensive from the start. To me, that would have been the most effective in the long run, much less divisive, and very classy to boot.

Posted by: Mark N. | July 29, 2011 12:13 AM


jccramer @1861:

Sounds plausible, as an analogy. I had similar thoughts, just not formulated as well as you put there. I can see how patience would wear thin. And after having to deal with a zillion trolls, I can also understand how the initial reaction to any newcomer would be suspicion.

However, the JREF Forum also gets a lot of trolls, yet the vibe there isn't nearly as bad. A bit cliquey, like any crowd, but not knee-jerk nastiness. Of course, they do have a code of conduct for members, and moderators that enforce it.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 29, 2011 12:14 AM


So Nerd of Redhead was a bot all along...

No wonder he had nothing of substance say outside of insults and telling people to listen.

But who programmed him? Hmm..?

The OM suggests PZ Myers. =P

Posted by: Vittorya | July 29, 2011 12:17 AM


Here's some more kindling for the fire. I've mentioned this a couple of times. Becky, can you decide whether you *are* sexual creatures or *not* please?

Doing the Feminasty

Women who describe themselves as feminist are probably more likely to be confidant and assertive, which is damned sexy. Plus, being a feminist seems to go hand in hand with knowing your way around your own body — how to please yourself, and then how to please others... what makes a feminist such a great lay?

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 29, 2011 12:20 AM


@Mark #1863

Have you considered taking your daughter and Stef McGraw seriously and discuss their arguments on their merits?

How much more condescending can you get than than dismissing their reasoning based on age?

Posted by: Michael | July 29, 2011 12:39 AM


@ Armchair Skeptic 1864
Interesting to hear that about the JREF forum. Maybe that's a lesson to be learned: Enforcing minimally respectful dialogue is one way to stop the feedback loop of abuse that occurred. It makes particular sense in light of the fact that anonymous internet dialogue is so vulnerable to gaming and abuse to begin with.

I've enjoyed as much as anyone else seeing some thoughtless, hateful anti-science types get verbally torn apart. And I've liked seeing people come together to counter-abuse various aggressive outsiders hostile to the atheist community, and similarly for other communities I count myself among. But this situation is really making me wonder if that kind of behavior is shortsighted.

Posted by: jccramer | July 29, 2011 12:46 AM


@Mark N.

The real flash-point was when Ms. Watson, as an invited speaker at a student-organized CFI conference, made the same mistake with her audience that day as I did with my daughter over a year ago. She expected other skeptically inclined women, (presumably) younger than her (30 years old according to Wikipedia), like Stef McGraw, a CFI student leader in the audience, to get to the same place (vis-à-vis feminism) that Ms. Watson is now. Even more arrogantly, she berated some in her audience for not having made that leap yesterday.

No, that wasn't the flash point. People were going after Watson before that. How do you think it was that she found out about McGraw's blog post? Anyway, we'll see about whether your description of the event is right or not when the CFI video comes out. It could be that it happened like you tell it, or it could be that she didn't hold anyone up to that expectation with her words and didn't arrogantly berate McGraw.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 29, 2011 12:46 AM


Afragina Rage, a master of historical revision.

Posted by: John Greg | July 29, 2011 1:13 AM


Abbie aka ERV:

With all due respect, maybe you should move this to an overflow thread. I say that only because it now takes my browser a really, really, long time to post a comment. So, maybe there are too many comments for the sytem to maintain integrity.

Posted by: John Greg | July 29, 2011 1:15 AM



I was jazzed at the prospect of not being rejected (as much),or even worse, ignored, by the opposite sex-as I was throughout high school. As though in punishment for my hubris, I rapidly received my comeuppance upon my return to the U.S. when the first person to hit on me was a gay man. Unlike other men I have known, I did not come away from this experience with an unreasoning loathing or hatred of homosexual men. What I did take away from it was a new understanding of what it must be like for a women to be on the receiving end of an unwanted sexual advance.

Dude, seriously, it's not a life-changing experience. Someone found you attractive, and let you know, along with how they'd like to spend time with you. When I worked in a mexican bar in Miami, got hit on by gay men rather a lot. My takeaway was always "Why, thank you very much, that's quite flattering", and then I'd feel pretty fucking good about myself, because shit, why wouldn't I?

The fact you reacted to it as much as you did, in the way you did, kind of tells me you were really freaked out by a gay man hitting on you.

I can readily understand the kind of frustration that Ms. Watson and her Skepchick colleagues feel when trying to convince people (perhaps especially other females that are active in skeptical community) that we are still wrestling with the cultural baggage of the patriarchal structure of the vast majority of human societies down through history.

It pales in comparison to the frustration those of us who are reasonably secure in ourselves feel at being told what we think, how we feel, and all the rest by PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT US. Perhaps Watson would have an easier time if her approach wasn't based on "1) I"m right. 2) If you think I'm wrong, see 1)". It's binary, highlanderistic bullshit that puts people on the defensive. A person with a degree in *Communications* has no excuse for failing to see, and predict the problems that come with constantly putting people on the defensive, ESPECIALLY when she bitches so constantly about people "attacking" her. She's quite willing to attack those who disagree, especially when they can't fight back. It's a bit hypocritical to then get huffy when it she has to take some of it as well.

Reading one of her Skepchick blog posts from 2006 (, the words one reads are those of a woman who that has not yet had a feminist epiphany, and whose first steps along the road to self-identifying as a feminist are still in her future.

Actually, I see someone who could still have a good time without having to politicize every fucking thing they do every fucking second of their lives. If that is the result of your "feminist epiphany" no wonder so few people want one.

The real flash-point was when Ms. Watson, as an invited speaker at a student-organized CFI conference, made the same mistake with her audience that day as I did with my daughter over a year ago. She expected other skeptically inclined women, (presumably) younger than her (30 years old according to Wikipedia), like Stef McGraw, a CFI student leader in the audience, to get to the same place (vis-à-vis feminism) that Ms. Watson is now. Even more arrogantly, she berated some in her audience for not having made that leap yesterday. A meeting of skeptics is the wrong place to roll out such a blatant double standard because skeptics can spot such things from light-years away.

Jesus, do you take this long to say everything? She wasn't "expecting the audience to magically make the jump to where she is now", she was pulling a COMPLETE dick move by bagging on someone she knew couldn't even BEGIN to respond. That's what you still miss. It wasn't that she's just SOOOOOO advanced over everyone else. It's that she was being a dick, and a cowardly one at that.

Of course, anyone who DARES point that out is automatically a misogynist. Oh well. Cowardly DIck. That describes what she was being. That's not advanced. That's being a Cowardly Dick.

In my futile attempts to unravel this mess, I visited the Skepchick site for the first time in several years and something struck me as odd. Maybe it is because I am the father of young women, but it was over two decades ago that I "got it" sufficiently well to have removed the word "chick" from my personal lexicon (and I have never used many of the even more demeaning labels that were once applied to women). Most decent human beings have extirpated from their working vocabulary many of the most demeaning epithets for women, just as they/we have rid ourselves of nearly all the racist labels that white, protestant, European men (and women) had once applied to the "lower races." I was also struck (and educated) by the fact that the Skepchick site had little mini-posts they called "Skepchick Quickies." Seriously kids??!! Outsiders that were so barbaric as to use such labels would quickly get them stoned outside the gates of the city, figuratively speaking of course

Setting aside your *relentless* self-promotion as more feminist than every-damned-body, and more sensitive than a freshly-stung nose, it's pretty apparent that you managed to "extirpate" a huge chunk of your sense of humor and ability to have a bit of a giggle. Seriously. Sometimes, it's just boobs. Relax. Not everything has to be viewed via the struggle against the penisocracy. What IS it with uber-feminists being just the most humorless prats ever. Try laughing, it's good fer ya.

Apparently, it is okay for those that are "in" the group to throw around such terms with abandon. This is not an isolated phenomenon, it is also seen (or perhaps "heard" is more accurate) in Rap/Hip-Hop music.

I am impressed. Well, more de- than im-, but i am DEFINITELY pressed by how you can relentlessly, paragraph after paragraph show yourself to be one of the most uptight, patronizing, condescending, smug, superior dingalings I've ever seen outside of a Chuck Berry video. Seriously, are you channeling Pat Fucking Boone?

Pro Tip: if you stop listening to that Indigo Girls/Sarah McLaughlin/music for people who are sad they only have one vagina shit, you'd find TEH BAD WERDZ FOR TEH WIMMENZ in all kinds of shit. Rock, Punk, Alt, pretty much every form of music with words, other than maybe Opera, which is stuck in 6 centuries ago.

I'm honestly surprised you didn't have quotes around "Rap/Hip Hop". Could you be ANY whiter?

(I have been to the Feminism 101 site, and it reminds me of nothing so much as it does of the sort of postmoderist drivel that was brilliantly lampooned in the Sokal affair)

You are CLEARLY the expert in drivel. I bow to you sir, and your superiority in driveling.

Also, come on, tell the truth, you know fuck all nothing about Rap and Hip-Hop.

If you want to make some positive changes in the world, like eliminating covert, subtle, yet stubbornly persistent (perhaps like HIV in a way) evils like racism and sexism, stop using the stupid vocabulary of those "ism's", period! Especially if you want to convince thoughtful, reflective people that you are serious about such undertakings.

Here's my reply to "thoughtful, serious, people such as yourself", courtesy of the magnificence that is NWA:;=fvst (this is my favorite comment-composin' music)

Barney is hitting it harder and better than you are. Stop. Just stop talking like you understand anything outside of a textbook.

For me, this whole mess says more about the areas of human psychology that are common to both genders (like in-group versus out-group dynamics) than it does about "feminism" or the "skeptical community." From my vantage point, Ms. Watson would have been much more effective in making her valid points about guys not being jerks and drawing attention to ways in which normally decent men (and women) can both have roles to play in making the free-thought/atheist movement more welcoming to all is by simply describing her own journey, no "naming names," no screen shots, just by telling her own story. Such an approach, even if no one is won over immediately, is far more likely to succeed in the long run than is appearing to impugn the character of an audience because they do not yet clearly perceive an on-going injustice that the speaker him or herself was themselves blind to for much of their life. Such an approach is far less likely to make people defensive from the start. To me, that would have been the most effective in the long run, much less divisive, and very classy to boot.

Yes, she CLEARLY should have been more patronizing, longwinded, and dull. Dear god, I need some heroin. Badly.


No, that wasn't the flash point. People were going after Watson before that. How do you think it was that she found out about McGraw's blog post? Anyway, we'll see about whether your description of the event is right or not when the CFI video comes out. It could be that it happened like you tell it, or it could be that she didn't hold anyone up to that expectation with her words and didn't arrogantly berate McGraw.

Maybe not for you. I could give a fuck about Watson getting hit on by some poor bastard who couldn't see the crazy he was trying to stick it in. For me, the flash point most assuredly was her mega-dick move with regard to Stef McGraw, and I really am not alone here. Stop trying to tell anyone but yourself what they think.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 1:28 AM


Yes, it is really slow, ERV. But you should 'last word' the thread before closing it down by calling all the dissenter commenters (dismenters?) misogynists/trolls/assholes à la PZ Myers.

Posted by: Vittorya | July 29, 2011 1:28 AM


Close nothing, we can't close before 2000!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 1:38 AM


Speaking of trolls, anyone know who this clown is? ajollynerd? (same at gmail). Seems to be a "he" and owns -

Posted by: Franc Hoggle | July 29, 2011 2:04 AM


Greg Laden @ 1716:
Why do people who don't know me think I have money? I spent last year on public assistance. Does that make me a better person?

When you start throwing around terms like "white trash," it's really not that surprising, since the vast majority of the time, the term is being used to denigrate white individuals who are poorer than one's self. It's quite uncommon, in my experience, for a speaker to call anyone with a similar or greater income to themselves "white trash;" I presume the reason is that it would imply that the speaker is also trash.

But, really, why does it even matter? When you are publicly stating your support for feminism, and criticizing others for using gender-based slurs, doesn't it strike you as rather boorish and distasteful (not to mention a tad hypocritical) to in the next breath use racist and/or classist slurs? Surely, if one form of discrimination is wrong, the rest shouldn't be considered to be better? This should be equally true whether you live in a penthouse or a poorhouse.

ERV @ 1720:
Meanwhile, skeptifem also sent me an email composed of nothing except a link to an article trashing pit bulls.

Now that was just pathetic; what in the hell did your dog ever do to them? Well, unless that was written by your former stalker, I guess.
Pit bulls are fine, as long as they aren't raised by jackasses trying to make fighting dogs. One of the sweetest dogs I've ever had was a pit bull (only the big, dopey Newfoundland puppy I had was sweeter, IMO).

Aratina Cage @ 1782:
And guess what, the ones who aren't trolls listen and adapt or present a more compelling case for their position when it comes to foul language.

Ah, yes, so instead of calling someone a "cunt," they merely tell them to shove a porcupine up their ass, while still not addressing what the person said. Yes, they are just the absolute models of "dissecting" an argument, aren't they? Pardon me while I wipe the sarcasm off of my shirt, I appear to have to made that last sentence a bit too dripping.

Here's a hint for you: I've read through two, and parts of several other, comment sections there, and the vast majority (I would say easily 95%, but I wasn't taking a tally) of the comments that I have seen there by the regulars are nothing but insults; that is, no data, no reasoning, not even addressing the point. Just "You said [x]? Fuck off and die, fuckwit!," "You know where you can stick your porcupine, and DO let the door hit you on the way out, cupcake!," and "You're too stupid to breath." That is not discussion, that is heckling. While I am open to the possibility that they are typically a bit less toxic, they have definitely not been even remotely reasonable lately from what I have seen. Disagree? Prove it: Provide links to them actually making even a half-assed effort at honest debate.

I'm not expecting much, given that my own contribution of a "Guys, can you turn down the hate a bit? I thought I wandered into a Creationist forum for a minute there"-ish comment resulted in an almost immediate misrepresentation by PZ, with an accompanying comment lock so I couldn't respond.

Also, as an aside to Aratina Cage:
Step back for a moment, and look at how you are defending your innocent intentions with the whole "pop tart" thing. Now, if it had been a similar situation with someone from outside the "in-crowd" of Pharyngula making such an unintentionally sexist remark over there... do you honestly think that the response wouldn't be even worse than what you are seeing here? Honestly, most people are just pointing out to you why you look so bad in your desperate defense (well, Welch is being fairly insulting, but then again, he's a self-admitted asshole. ;) ). If this was at Pharyngula, I would fully expect several people to have told you to go die, as well as many more offering a wide variety of lesser insults and suggestions for what you could go do to yourself. Not to mention all the talk about being a privileged misogynist, rape supporter, and so on.

That is why you see a lot of us being rather disdaining of Pharyngula, and why it is so ironic when this place is getting called a slime pit. I'd much rather hang around in this "slime pit" than in that cesspool; at least people here have been welcoming so long as I'm not a complete asshole, even if we're not all in perfect agreement with each other on everything.

Posted by: Woden | July 29, 2011 2:18 AM


Armchair Skeptic @ 1838:
I do believe you just won the internet with the best comment here so far. /genuflect

Posted by: Justicar | July 29, 2011 2:19 AM


I've seen P.Z. post some pretty cool stuff at Pharyngula over the years, but really, no blog needs its own wiki. I mean come on.

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 29, 2011 2:41 AM


John C. Welch:
Um, I'll cop to being rock hard, but stoned? How presumptuous. Incidentally, about a month back I did a video on youtube wherein I thank afagina cage for telling me my place, though I was surprised to see he get PZ's cock out of his mouth long enough to tell me.

@1849, John, (to keep with the whole "The West Wing" motif that's been cropping up here), that's an excellent episode of "The West Wing" - Shibboleth.

Ahem @1862 "Rystefn: you have nothing cogent to say little frat boy idjit. So why not fuck off."
I'll have you know he's not little. Bit bigger than average. IF you didn't find that out, I guess you're just not talented enough, poopiehead. So there. nyah nyah nyah

"That is not enough to convince us frat boy so why not try fading into the bandwidth for a while say 10 years. "
Know what else one finds in college libraries? English manuals. Many of them counsel against these run-on sentences of which you're apparently so very proud there, precious.

"People here are educated in more than bullshit loser (I am a scientist with 30+ years of experience) so we don't accept your sophistry we demand actual evidence. "

I'm also loving the accusation of sophistry living in the same sentence with the following "logical" construct: I am a scientist with 30+ years of experience so we don't accept your sophistry[;] we demand actual evidence.
Rystefn, I too shall demand from you actual evidence (I'm a mathematician with over 1+ years of experience) so I don't accept your measurement as anything more than AOL inches. Put up, or shut up! Probably been measuring that thing from your asshole, asshole.

I bet if you tell me the field, I could go searching and never find you as a primary author. You know how I know? Organizations don't like to let the person who writes like a second grade dropout author papers. It looks bad for them for some reason. Wait I know Ill rite this hole sentance out without using any punctuation or worringy about spelling anything write so that our maamsplainer here will fill mccreight rhymes with wrong at home ~ I thought a stray punctuation mark there at the end added a little something, no?

Nerd of redhead, I'm the nice one here. If you come hang out with me for an evening, I promise that I'll teach you how to punctuate a direct address. I swear. We can even discuss it over coffee.

Mark N @ 1863, I'm just going to go ahead and stop you at, "From what I have read of accounts of what happened in the elevator, I think Ms. Watson has been spot-on to point out the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) signs of sexism she observes in the skeptical/atheist community."

She was invited to coffee. Sexism is a particular form of discrimination designed to keep women from being on a level playing field simply for being a woman. Coffee isn't that. Even if she'd been asked to go have a nice long fuck it wouldn't be sexism. So, you've started off already with your head up your ass, I don't much care to listen to people fart around me so I'll be passing you by. Tootles.

As I was averting my eyes from the travesty of a bad story that was surely to come my way, I noticed, to my horror, that in bold were the words "her journey".

So, who wants to come sit around this here campfire (environmentally friendly fire, relax) with me and hold hands before we cook up some scrumptious smores. Shit, some muslims just called - we have to change the of that delicious, sticky treat as it sounds nearly offensive. Pop tarts anyone?

John Greg, excellent work on Afragina Rage. Now I hate you fuckers for making me laugh. IT HURTS!

Woden, you get your logic and analysis out of here. Where do you think you are, Pharyngula?!

We're not stopping this train until we blow up the whole goddamned internet to show mister owl nextdoor that it takes more than three licks to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop!

No need to apologize to Afagina Rage about something dripping off of your lip - he spends a lot of time on his knees at PZ's place. He's well habituated to the experience; it's like momma's milk. Momma's prostate milking? Azerbaijan!

Posted by: Justicar | July 29, 2011 3:28 AM

What I did take away from it was a new understanding of what it must be like for a women to be on the receiving end of an unwanted sexual advance.

Really? So heterosexual men are routinely raped by gay men, and have a long history of being oppressed and treated like property and objects and raw meat by gay men?

How ironic that you don't even understand the facts and theory that could legitimize the feminist objection to unwanted advances by men (yes, it's men; the complaint isn't made about unwanted advances from gay/bisexual women ... not made by feminists, certainly). No, you just find gay men icky and so you find their advances personally distasteful. How about unwelcome sexual advances by women? You say nothing about that ... most likely your attitude is "Unwanted? No way? Hey, baby, bring it on!"

Your lack of insight would be remarkable if it weren't so commonplace, but it does well illustrate the problem with what we get from Watson and her crowd. Supposedly, the issue is not just that Elevator Guy was icky and "creepy", but that he was "dangerous" and "threatening" because, being a man he's a potential rapist -- only he isn't being told not to be a man, but not to invite women to his room for coffee at 4am. Dan S. tells us that it's like being an elevator with someone who potentially might cut your dick off ... but it's not clear what someone might say to us on an elevator, akin to what EG said, that would reveal this potential. (A woman inviting us to her room where she'll cook us steak? No, clearly not.) This mixup between Elevator Guy being icky because of what he said and being a threat because he's a man and therefore a potential rapist occurs throughout the rhetoric of Watson et. al. And supposedly it's our privilege that blinds us to this threat, as opposed to the privilege of justifying one's ick response to advances from men because one is a woman, or advances from gays because one is straight, and then pulling the "you have a penis and could overpower me with your upper body strength so you could be a rapist" trump card -- only that doesn't work for Mark's ick response, which is why it's such a good illustration.

Here's the thing about potential: it's like an asshole in that everyone has one. We all, men and women, could be murderers, violent thugs, and even rapists (yes, women can and have raped, and Elevator Gal could be a lure to get women into a room with a man or men who would rape them or sell them into sexual slavery). Potential isn't what matters, likelihood is. Did Elevator Guy's comment make it more likely that he's a rapist? No honest person would say so. And even if it did, there was a simple strategy of reducing the likelihood to near zero, a strategy that Watson took: decline the offer. No, all the talk about potential rapists and threats and danger is utter bullshit; the reality is that some people personally find the offer of coffee icky, and then trot out -- and devalue -- all sorts of talk about rape and privilege and misogyny that actually has nothing to do with it ... and that's the essence of Dawkins' comments: oh you poor thing, some man had the temerity to say something that made you (like Mark not welcoming propositions from gay men, this is about you, not him) uncomfortable.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 3:37 AM


I know we have some minor disagreements, but really, multiple props and kudos to Woden #1875. Excellent post.

Posted by: John Greg | July 29, 2011 3:40 AM

Again, unless you're like...ten years old, you're going to have a really, really hard time convincing ANYONE that you had NO IDEA that "Pop Tart" could refer to a woman as well as an AWESOME snack food.

Actually, I believe it. And it's AC's cluelessness and failure to reflect that brought us so much information about his/her/its stupidity and dishonesty. (Only a moron like AC would take that disjunction as asserting that AC is an "it", although of course AC is an "it" as we all are -- this is actually a basic point among scientists and other somewhat rational folk and is a frequent theme of Dr. Myers, but ... see "cluelessness and failure to reflect" above)

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 4:01 AM


"That's how I see it. And it's my humble opinion that this is the real meat of this apparently green-on-green conflict. People got polarized very quickly, due partially to the fact that the level of discourse started somewhere in the basement, and some people were very careless about attacking in sweeping generalizations, dragging more and more into the fray to defend themselves against splashing-over attacks in a sort of movie barfight kind of way."

You nailed it. Well said.

Saying that, this behaviour is showing as much here, on this very thread. I'd present the hundred posts about whether 'pop tart' is sexist as evidence. Endlessly debating some presumed hypocrisy versus political correctness endlessly while calling each other names and pointing towards others doing the same, does not relevant debate make.

"Abstract: High fives for rational and good faith communication."

Don't I wish. If there were a 'skeptical community' I'd consider joining, much as if there were a God, I'd consider praying. Sadly there's not enough evidence for either to believe they exist.


Posted by: Roger | July 29, 2011 4:05 AM



Thanks so much for your concern.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 4:16 AM


Roger, you always have the very reasonable option of starting such a community yourself.
Or are you content to merely sit back and complain about how other activists are 'doing it wrong' according to your tastes?
This is a deadly serious enquiry, by the way.
I am keen to learn what amount of hard graft you are prepared to invest into your specific wishes.

Posted by: Michael Kingsford Gray | July 29, 2011 4:35 AM


@ spence 1576

.I still think your causal chain does not hold up... The words themselves aren't bad. However, in context, the ideas being expressed can be.

What ... like in the context of being sexually assaulted, the words are meaningless and only the bruises count? Or in a threatening and abusive relationship there is no hurt felt till one is beaten?(Hint: I cannot read your mind to know what your ideas are.) One hears the words, shrinks from them, fears them... it is not an intellectual discussion then. And afterwards those words are imbued with a lot of meaning! And it is certainly not what you mansplain it is. ...
An understanding of science is great. I am all for it, believe me. But sexist language in the science (and engineering) community frightens off women. And no, not just people who have suffered abuse directly, but also their friends and family. Why the need then to poison the well of knowledge for so many people? (And all this just for the right to be an MRA.)

Spence, you talk about these things as if you can remove yourself and the discussion from the real pain of victims of abuse. Which side of the fence are you on?

[Rebecca Watson] .... she pissed that time away

Not at all. She started a shitstorm because we have so much dead wood in the atheist community. The trolls are falling over each other to show themselves in the light of day. Here is a simple thought: Less sexism = more science. ( And the same is true for the other forms of bigotry that appear to be held in esteem on this blog)

@ bladerunner 1584

.So is it your contention that an individual action can only be racist if it's backed by a societal problem?
It is made far worse by societal imbalances. There is a big difference between the person struggling for their basic rights and a person claiming the right to offend less advantaged others. You seem to think that by saying there are lesser and greater evils in this regard that I somehow endorse the lesser evil. I do think it is better to not use any bigoted words at all.

@ Justicar 1622

.I decline to ignore it because the people doing it have clever ways of excusing it.
You continue to ignore the bigger picture in spite of the people who have clever ways of highlighting it for you. Are you just grandstanding on this blog for the sake of your ego or are you really so slow to take this message on board?
This is the most logically, socially, culturally aware thing I've seen you yet say.

My comment specifically included the phrase "without reference to their sex or gender." Why do feel the need to abuse people WITH references to their sex or gender?
Please use your energies to focus on what I say rather than responding to me with your vapid and condescending attitude.

Get off your soapbox and come back with your bloody horse.

Posted by: theophontes | July 29, 2011 4:49 AM


@ Philippe Giordana [general]

I followed your comments on Pharyngula today. You have quite a bit of anger in you I see. However, I do also see some intelligence and humour.

Perhaps it is time to take a step back from the Pharyngula site for a while. (Keep reading there though, get a feel for the lay of the land.) There are people who would like to give you a chance but at the same time I can see exactly why you got banhammered. You where not helping yourself or us with your comments. You need to step outside yourself a bit and look back at things. We have all had to go through this sometime or other. If it hurts, it hurts- it usually does. It will get better though.

Don't now return to your old ways in this den of self righteousness or get back into thinking everything is about yourself. (1stClue: It is not. 2nd clue: The world will open up for you when you realise this.)

You are only alone by your own choice.

Posted by: theophontes | July 29, 2011 5:16 AM

She started a shitstorm because we have so much dead wood in the atheist community.

Yeah, they had the same problem in Germany back in the 1930's.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 5:29 AM



How boring of a personality do you have to have to find semantics arguments over "pop tarts" and "twat" interesting and worthy of emotional debate?
I suspect the answer to the first part is "exceedingly", but never mind. I find it intriguing.
It seems the Americans have devised some sort of conceptual Enigma machine, into which one can feed a common-or-garden creole jibber-jabber, like English, and have any given element reappear in a completely unrelated semantic area.
I was unaware of the sophistication of their technology, seems it's gone far beyond the "tomayto/tomahto; potayto/potahto" warp.
It would be worthwhile just pushing it a teeny bit to see what kind of intercontinental damage it's capable of inflicting.

As for the emotion .. seething, dear boy, simply seething.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 29, 2011 5:41 AM


Sometimes it's nice just to hear from smart people who think out their opinions, are willing to air them, and appreciate the importance of reason and evidence. So I'm gonna go all fluffy and say how much these kind of forums have changed my life. Thanks Abbie, I love your blog. And I've read enough to know I should be taking a view of my own, but I just don't have the energy. It's Friday night here in Tokyo, so... "in Jesus' name, boogity, boogity, boogity, Amen". Apologies for the apostrohpes.

Posted by: jeremy | July 29, 2011 5:42 AM


@1883 Forced to be anonymous
I didn’t intend to express ‘concern’; merely a selfish complaint. I reject the implied label ‘concern troll’; I’d accept ‘whiner’ if you like.

@1884 Michal Kingsford Gray
You’re right, if I cared that much I could attempt to start such a community myself and I do not consider myself an ‘activist’. I’m not prepared to put that much effort into it and even if I did, I likely lack the knowledge and unique insights to make such work. Therefore morally I don’t have much right to complain, though I do. I do try to limit the complaining.

Though I’m an atheist I have no interest in atheist activism, as the society in which I live is dominantly agnostic and religious beliefs are more often ridiculed here than they are publicly upheld. I’m a fan of skeptical thinking, more out of interest in discovering my own remaining unthinking dogma’s than out of any pure love of knowledge.

As to my ‘specific wishes’, they’re about debates with intellectual honesty, little or no strawmanning or personal attacks, where scoring points is not anyone’s aim. I imagine these wishes are not specific to me alone.

@1883 Forced to be anonymous
I didn’t intend to express ‘concern’; merely a selfish complaint. I
reject the implied label ‘concern troll’; I’d accept ‘whiner’ if you

@1884 Michael Kingsford Gray
You’re right, if I cared that much I could attempt to start such a
community myself and I do not consider myself an ‘activist’. I’m not
prepared to put that much effort into it and even if I did, I likely
lack the knowledge and unique insights to make such work. Therefore
morally I don’t have much right to complain, though I do. I do try to
limit the complaining.

Although I’m an atheist I have no interest in atheist activism, as the
society in which I live is already dominantly agnostic and religious
beliefs are more often ridiculed here than they are publicly upheld.
I’m a fan of skeptical thinking, more out of interest in discovering
my own remaining unthinking dogma’s than out of any pure love of

As to my ‘specific wishes’, they’re about debates with intellectual
honesty, little or no strawmanning or personal attacks, where scoring
points is not anyone’s aim. I imagine these wishes are not specific to
me alone. I may be wrong.


Posted by: Roger | July 29, 2011 5:50 AM

Pharyngula apparently saw a lot of theist trolls at one point. I imagine it would be tiring to engage patiently and rationally in discussion with irrational theist agitators over and over, when it's taken as given that you and they will never see eye to eye, ever. So Pharyngula developed an immune system

That's probably a good way to put it. Even so, at one time it was a point of pride that even after trolls had been roundly ridiculed, they still usually received lengthy scientific rebuttals to their arguments (in other words, ridicule did not preclude meaningful engagement).

Posted by: windy | July 29, 2011 5:56 AM


No way too long. If people just knuckle down and yomp on to ~3700, like The Proprietor/trix suggested, the pizza she wants to buy will be measured in parsecs. Which is the whole point, I thought. It's not as though anything is actually being sorted out here, just a load of yerbut/nobut/yerbut/nobut.
Laggy? I'm not aware of any more hang than usual, but then I'm not wildly optimistic on that front at the best of times, seeing as how I'm on ADSL aka Farmers' Broadband. Dies on its arse when the rugby sevens are on.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 29, 2011 6:11 AM


"What ... like in the context of being sexually assaulted, "

Problem: No sexual assault.

Apart from the context of that context not existing, you'd have a point, but since the context is that the context doesn't exist, you haven't.

Posted by: Wow | July 29, 2011 6:12 AM


@ Aratina Cage #1869

We do not need to wait for the CFI Conference video because Rebecca decided to take this public on her blog and wrote about Stef in negative terms. Use of the words "parroting" and "conveniently" is a personally insulting way to argue with an argument.

What I found most amusing in the post was Rebecca's disclaimer that she didn't want to "embarrass" anyone. If she issued the disclaimer then she knew how her words could be perceived which means, since she did it anyway, she didn't really care if she embarrassed Stef. And, by taking this public by writing a blogpost about it, Rebecca showed a complete lack of consideration for Stef's feelings.

Please, don't give me an argument on that point. Elevator Man's "Don't take this the wrong way" didn't work for Rebecca so she knew her disclaimer wouldn't work for her either. It rings completely hollow.

@FTBA #1878

Easy on Mark, OK? He didn't say he thought he was going to be raped. He just said that he understood what it is like to be on the receiving end of an unsolicited and unwanted advance, which I would take to mean that he knows that it can feel uncomfortable. Perhaps, he never had a woman make an unsolicited and unwanted advance unexpectedly. In fact, from the personal history he related he says he wasn't successful with women because of his weight. He is trying to do his homework and fully understand the issue, but he may not have realized that the elevator incident was being portrayed to that extreme. (Mark is a first time poster, and if we handle everyone who decides to show their support by beating up on them, others who are reading this and wanting to express their agreement may hesitate to do so. I've read and reread your post and it just seemed a bit too harsh. I'm sorry if I have misread you FTBA, but tempers are running high and I don't want us to be engaging in friendly-fire.)

And before anyone asks, no, I am not trying to be a tone-troll. This is just a reminder that people like Mark are not the enemy. Perhaps, we need a reminder of who the enemies are. They would be logical fallacies, a lack of critical thinking, a lack of evidence -- You know, non-skeptical shit like that. The people who insist that we MUST all engage in uncritical thinking so that we "get it" are the problem. People who are TRYING to understand our point of view are NOT DEMANDING that we "get it". Perhaps we should attempt to explain our viewpoint courteously not curtly. (Not trying to be preachy, I'm just finding this whole fucked up mess rather painful and my health has suffered as a result. SORRY!!!)

@Roger #1881

You are seeing the skeptical and atheist communities at their worst I'm afraid. I've never before seen an issue go this viral. The closest we have gotten, I think, was the "Don't Be A Dick" controversy after TAM8. Sorry!

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 29, 2011 6:18 AM


Teophontes @1885:

I shall return the advice to you and the other Pharyngulites. Step back, take a deep breath, and have a look at your dwelling. You know, being raped as a child is not very pleasant. You know what is even less pleasant? Being called a liar about it. And having some crazy sycophants encouraging this behavior, well, that's just plain wrong. As I've said before here, there still are intelligent, well thought out arguments over at PZ's but they are lost in a sea of crap. I've been banned while trying to engage in a discussion. People calling me a liar about my rape(s) are still there.

So just take a step back and breath. Look at your image in the fucking mirror.

And that Wiki stuff? Seriously? SGBM is even worse than a creationist. Wikia has been contacted, and my record company will take any step necessary if this page is not removed or modified to reflect my "quotes" in their actual context..

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 6:19 AM

I reject the implied label ‘concern troll’; I’d accept ‘whiner’ if you like.

Try on "smug and intellectually lazy". Your innuendo-fueled whine is notably devoid of any actual rebuttal of anything said here.

I ... I ... I’d ... I ... I ... I ... myself ... I’m ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I’m ... I ... I ... I’m ... my ... my ... I ... me ...

(And repeated, yet.)

No one actually cares.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 6:19 AM

Easy on Mark, OK?

As I said to someone else upthread, don't patronize me, asshole.

I am not trying to be a tone-troll

Congratulations on succeeding wildly at something without even trying.

Honestly, I spent time writing a sincere and carefully crafted post making some important and subtle and uncommon points, and this stupid substance-free garbage about how I treated Mark, whoever the fuck he is, is what I get? How about my treatment of his words? That's what I care about, not about Mark or whose "side" he's on. Are you really so dense that you don't understand that I critiqued his comment from a feminist perspective -- the perspective that he thinks he's championing -- and used that as a framework for showing how hypocritical and intellectually dishonest is the rhetoric of the Watson crowd? Critique the argument I made and I'll consider you worth reading and responding to. Otherwise, just fuck off.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 6:35 AM


Also, "Strange Gods Before Me; Poltron Putain"?!?

"Coward whore"? Really?

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 6:35 AM


Ah, c'mon folks, let's not Pharyngulate this otherwise very interesting thread.

Chill on the personal insults and get back to rational, though angry, arguments.

Posted by: John Greg | July 29, 2011 6:39 AM

I've read and reread your post and it just seemed a bit too harsh. I'm sorry if I have misread you

OTOH, AAS, never mind. If you read and reread my post and that's all you got out of it, then you definitely are not worth my time. As I said repeatedly, I used Mark's statement as an illustration, and I spent 3/4 of the post explaining what it illustrates and how. It wasn't about Mark, it was about people thinking that it's appropriate to exploit feminism and the abuse of women to keep people from saying things to them that they personally find icky ... and your post explaining to me all about Mark's personal problems with women is mired in that sort of garbage. Read again Dawkins' comments to get a clue about what feminism and the abuse and exploitation of women is really about.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 6:50 AM

Chill on the personal insults

Again, fuck off with the patronization. It is you who is focusing on the doody words and ignoring the substance.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 6:53 AM


IMO this whole farrago of neuroses was decisively won by rnb way back on the "Decent Human beings Guide .. " post, right at the start of the comments.

#9 I've pretty much decided people are blind to anything outside their own experience. Therefore I expect people to see things in a simplistic manner.

Posted by: rnb | July 3, 2011 4:30 PM

Posted by: dustbubble | July 29, 2011 6:53 AM


Oh, and John Greg, do look way up top and see ERV writing "Twatson" ... that's a personal insult, right? But not something to get your knickers in a bunch over.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 6:56 AM


There. #1901. That took 13 seconds from poking the "Post", not including scrolling down to here. Not too bad for up a hill in the arse end of nowhere.
Ooo look, ... in eight, seven, six, five ..

Posted by: dustbubble | July 29, 2011 6:57 AM


Theo @ 1884:
"@ Justicar 1622

You continue to ignore the bigger picture in spite of the people who have clever ways of highlighting it for you. Are you just grandstanding on this blog for the sake of your ego or are you really so slow to take this message on board?"
Let's see if I can parse this correctly: no argument so I'll assert there's something you're just too stupid to understand, or that you're just bloviating to satisfy your own ego. Then I'll ask a silly question further designed to insult your intelligence. Please not that in my response thus far, I've not made a single point.

"My comment specifically included the phrase "without reference to their sex or gender."
Right. You finally were able to make a determination about people without having to invoke their race or gender. That's called progress. It's almost like equality, but given your history with me here, I don't anticipate it'll last long or was an intentional thing act of equality.

"Why do feel the need to abuse people WITH references to their sex or gender?"
Why do you feel the need to ask improper questions? Protip on what that question improper: it presumes to things to be true which no matter how it's answered each of them must be explicitly admitted to being true. This is what's generally known a dick move. So, why do you feel the need to think about small boys when you're having sex?

Well, that was a fun exercise in how to type a whole bunch of words and say little more than, "I can't logic - please help me."

Please use your energies to focus on what I say rather than responding to me with your vapid and condescending attitude."
Please use your gray matter to stop asking stupid questions, and then try applying it towards a little something I like to call a valid chain of reasoning. I'm more than willing to assist you in this. If you'd like to cut the fucking snark and actually make some progress in a discussion, I'm game for that. But so long as you keep pulling this sophomoric inverse implication bullshit, you're not going to find that I'm anything less than hostile to you.

You did get one thing accidentally right - I do exhibit quite a lot of bigotry. I am absolutely prejudiced against the willfully stupid. Even if they're women named Rebecca Watson. So, it simply isn't true that my form of bigotry being eliminated will lead to an increase in science. My particular form of bigotry actually helps prevent those who would set back the sum of human knowledge from getting in the door to fuck us over that way.
"Get off your soapbox and come back with your bloody horse."
Still, a lot of words being typed and you're saying absolutely nothing.

Snark is fine. Insults are fine by me. Picking on me is quite groovy. At some people you'll either have to start developing that pesky valid chain of reasoning thing of which I earlier spoke, or, well, I guess just continue being who and what you are.

Does sexism exist in science? In "atheism"? In "skepticism"? Absolutely. Despite what your dimwitted heroine has been going and saying, no one is actually arguing that there isn't any. Nor is anyone arguing that it shouldn't be addressed.

But here's the problem with you, and her, and many of the rest of you on the side opposite: even the most minor of a points raised lead into a full-out pissing match, with you guys perpetually on the losing side. Paula Kirby said that sexism does exist to some degree in the atheist/skeptic movement, but that there isn't a concerted effort to exclude women from it all, to prevent women from succeeding or thriving in the movement. She and three other women talked about that for a very long time. They discussed its role across many layers of strata and noted that in some cases (and this must be true, because it's true of some men also), women just refuse to walk through the door even when they're being babied and begged to do it. Paula Kirby actually gave me a lot to think about with her *discussion*.

Note, she had a dialogue *with* the audience. As equals. It didn't matter who stood and addressed her, she engaged each woman and each man with reciprocal communication, and respect.

I had never before heard her speak, but as soon as she started to, I knew that I was in for a treat. Here's one way you can tell the difference between those who know what they're talking about, and have reflective, careful minds and those who are about attention: the former people discuss topics *with* people. The latter class try to teach people. Which implies they think themselves sufficiently educated to be in a position to teach, as opposed to approaching conversations with the idea that just possibly the person with whom one is speaking might actually know just as much or even more than one herself knows.

When I stride to the front of a lecture hall to begin a class on something, I know I'm there to teach. I know I am the smartest person in that room on that subject. I am being paid explicitly because that is true. The students are paying to be there explicitly because that is true. That is what it means to teach. It is unquestionable that when I walk in to teach a class on discrete mathematics, I'm the only person in the room who has most of the answers - no one else but me.

And I lecture. Because the students and I are on equal footed by definition. I am in a position of power over them on several levels. The one of actual important consequence is that I've learned more on that subject than they yet have, which is why I'm teaching it to them.

When I'm talking to some random person off of the street, I don't for a moment presume that this dynamic is the same. Sometimes it's really easy to spot in the first couple of words that there's an educational disparity, but it's not the default position I start from.

Your little e-mail reading horror doesn't work this way. Go watch her presentations and discussions at the past events whereat she's been invited to talk. They aren't talks. They aren't discussions. She thinks of them as lectures.

She presumes that someone asking to hear her thoughts is a nod to intellectual superiority over the others; that she de facto knows more than they know. She knows in advance that she's right, and those who don't agree with her are just too inadequate to understand because they're blinded by this ever elusive privilege to which she is apparently completely immune on the very same issues she's saying almost the entire rest of the world is ignorant of.

I have detailed these things on my blog, in video and on voice recordings. In her own words. Consider the sexism/misogyny bit, she says that it's a big, big problem. Then she argues that men need to start listening to women. Ok. Fair enough - sounds reasonable. Except for one small sticking point.

A few moments later on the same fucking topic she starts elaborating of the throngs of women who also say they don't see it. What's her reply? "Oh, I used to be just like you thinking that atheist/skeptic environments were safe places to be, but I've figured it out and you're still not able."

You can have her and everyone of her ilk.

Who wants to take bets the parts he focuses on will be the parts where I said unkind things, thereby enabling him to completely pretend the entirely reasonable majority of this never happened?

Posted by: Justicar | July 29, 2011 7:13 AM


I want to go back to this:

He didn't say he thought he was going to be raped.

Yes, I know; did you imagine that I didn't know that? Why then point that out? Ah, but I know the answer ... it's because of an inability to understand analogies and the point of them, even though I explained mine at length in my post. The justification for women being entitled to enlighten all these privileged mansplaining men about how awful it is when they say and do all those icky and misogynist things is that women have been abused, they get raped at a horrific rate, they have been held down, treated like chattel, etc. at length, and it's all quite true regardless of what DavidByron says. And them along comes Mark who says he has "a new understanding of what it must be like for a women to be on the receiving end of an unwanted sexual advance", as if the problem is mere ickiness and not the abuse that justifies the demand that men tread gently around women. Of course Mark didn't say he thought he was going to be raped ... that was my whole point. No, gay men propositioning him aren't going to rape him, they just make him squirm because of his own attitude about gay men. But having attitudes doesn't justify taking a privileged position toward other groups, only actual abuse does.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 7:20 AM


Theo @ 1885:
Well, thanks for the peptalk there, Yoda.

Use your feelings you must, Phil. A powerful jedi you will be. Don't turn back to your old ways for jealousy leads to anger, and anger leads to hatred and that is the path to the darkside.

Fuck, theo, who fucking died, grabbed Oprah, shoved her up Dr. Phil's ass and let you out as their goddamned butt-love child? What complete and under hippy dippy mumbo jumpbo bullshit.

Before I hit post, I need to go put on a tie dye shirt real fast.

Posted by: Justicar | July 29, 2011 7:21 AM


On language:

Is the protest again sexist language and not profanity as such an attempt to apply the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis?

On sexual assault:

As much as I agree with Wow@1892, I'm interested in why you, Theophontes@1884 think this situation is some kind of or is influenced by sexual assault.

AFAIK, there is no legal definition for sexual assault that RW/EG falls under. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Again AFAIK, there is no legal definition for sexual harassment that RE/EG falls under. Again please correct me if I'm wrong.

It does fall under the much less precise idea of social faux pas. In that context, RW's complaint is legitimate.

I didn't count but I think most people here pretty much accept that. Many in the beginning did respond, so I argued earlier, rudely because they heard the RW's imperative and immediately thought "with what authority"?

So why is the context of sexual assault important?

It also intrigues me that RW's gambit was largely successful in that it has probably raised consciousness at atheist and skeptic conferences. Dialectically, we are actually helping with that. :-)

In a sense, the goal has already been achieved. Is that the only goal or is there something else going on?

If so, what is it?

Posted by: Brad | July 29, 2011 7:21 AM



Ah man, don't mess with Dr. Phil. Early on, he was great. It was like a form of applied pragmatism.

"And how's that worken' for ya buddy?"

Admittedly, I don't know what happened later.

OMG, have I just committed a grievous error.

Hi, my name is Brad, and yes I watched Oprah.

Posted by: Brad | July 29, 2011 7:30 AM


The Latest @1906:

Damn! I lolled. A lot.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 7:31 AM


PZ Myers said he wants to be Paula Kirby when he grows up.

I guess it's going to be a while.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 7:34 AM


@1893 An Ardent Skeptic
"You are seeing the skeptical and atheist communities at their worst I'm afraid."
Appreciated and yet, when fighting amongst themselves that's when people show their true nature. It's easy to be rational and reasonable when being confronted by a mere creationist. Less so when it's your putative brothers in arms.

@1895 Forced to be anonymous

"Try on "smug and intellectually lazy". Your innuendo-fueled whine is notably devoid of any actual rebuttal of anything said here.""

I'll take "smug" and wear it, you can keep "intellectually lazy". I've no idea what you're basing that on.

Yes, my post is full if "I", as "I" was voicing "my" unrelated thoughts and not rebutting anything said here. The reason "I" did this was because "I" found the posts here of late to be too uninteresting to comment upon, as implied in "my" complaint. Notable exception being #1884, which "I" therefore complimented.

As to "Noone actually cares", are you merely speaking for all those who post here or for all Internet users?


Posted by: Roger | July 29, 2011 7:34 AM


Nitpicking post (to be duly demolished by Forced to remain anonymous):
I just used the phrase "brothers in arms" without even considering adding "sisters". I hereby admit to being on occasion, a sexist.


Posted by: Roger | July 29, 2011 7:42 AM


In reply to forced to be anonymous #1900 and 1902.

Um, well, jeebles, but, excuse me ... you're wearing out my BVDs.

Seriously though, I really was not intending to be patronising. I think you might have a fairly serious anger problem. Do you know what valium is?

Anyway and whatever....

I was just, you know, thinking it might be kind of nice if the tempers chilled a bit. But, well, gosh-oh-golly, thanks for clarifying my tone trolling hostilities ... and if you want to continue being an ass, well, go right ahead.

/am I wasting my time with this rebuttal?

Almost certainly.

It's late; I'm pissed; but so what.

Rystefn, John C Welch, ERV, beloved Justicar, and some others who shall remain nameless ('cause I'm noodled), youse folks are really interesting, and informative. Thanks for existing, posting, and being who you are.

Posted by: John Greg | July 29, 2011 7:45 AM


Paula Kirby is great!

Uh, crap, nobody's talking about that.

Uh, crap, I don't care.

Paula Kirby is great!

Posted by: Brad | July 29, 2011 7:49 AM



Saying that, this behaviour is showing as much here, on this very thread. I'd present the hundred posts about whether 'pop tart' is sexist as evidence. Endlessly debating some presumed hypocrisy versus political correctness endlessly while calling each other names and pointing towards others doing the same, does not relevant debate make.


One hears the words, shrinks from them, fears them... it is not an intellectual discussion then. And afterwards those words are imbued with a lot of meaning! And it is certainly not what you mansplain it is.

Thank god you're here to mansplain it for us.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 8:27 AM


You know, I have to admit my short-lived foray over at PZ's has kind of enlightened me on certain matters, and I can quite understand the outrage at using gender slur. I will refrain from using any, since it can in fact be harmful to some outlookers, if only psychologically. Small victory for them, I guess. Certainly not "won" by PZ or SGBM, they both have acted like total asses.

This, of course, is just me speaking for myself. I still don't mind if others use gender slur. And I'm probably going to still be "wrong" for not minding. This is a fucking endless battle: "become a rabid radfem or you're wrong".

And I still think most of the horde over there are a bunch of assholes with the grasp at reallity and introspection of a stuned trout. Yes, I know, this is demeaning to trouts everywhere.

I now realize I used "me" and "I" a lot. Need to think on this...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 8:48 AM


@1918: "I now realize I used "me" and "I" a lot. Need to think on this..."
One slightly ponderous dodge to get round that is to Make Like The Monarch, and employ "one".
As in "one is quite grateful that there are thousands of miles of horribly cold salty water between these .. persons, and oneself".
Just don't let it go to your -sorry- one's head and start referring to oneself in the first person plural.

Posted by: dustbubble | July 29, 2011 9:25 AM


Nerd of Redhead,
I was gonna ask about this over on Pharyngula, but figured I would be piled on for insulting rape victims.

But, since you're here, is there anything in the primary literature re: "rape culture" from the last decade or so? Everything I could on Google Scholar is rather dated and I couldn't think of another relevant search term.


Posted by: wildlifer | July 29, 2011 9:29 AM


If you're speaking for yourself, what OTHER pronoun do you use? "They like cheese" "Who does" "They do" "'re...pointing at...yourself?" "They don't like to use first person pronouns"

"They're kind of a prat."

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 9:31 AM


@1920 That "Nerd of Redhead" was somebody having a giraffe, I fear. A caricature. And not even a good one. Didn't mention his wife/girlfriend/S.O. even once, in the entire post.

Is this the sort of thing you're after?

Posted by: dustbubble | July 29, 2011 9:46 AM


It will now refer to itself as "it". It might be confusing (see?), but it will be some fun (again).


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 9:47 AM


Eh, it didn't take long to prove It's point.

SGBM: "Dear Phil: if you won't concern yourself with others' use of gendered slurs, how do you justify concerning yourself with anything Watson said?"

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 9:57 AM


(Cutting the "It" stuff for the sake of clarity):

SGBM, Since I'm persona non grata over at PZ's, I'll answer here: I don't give a fuck about RW's initial video or what she said. I agree with her, to some extent. It's her and her ilk's conduct since then that I object to.

As to why I don't concern myself with others using gender slur? It's not my fucking place to tell people what to or not say and do. And it's not RW's job either. Bit of a small point, but no one would be analyzing (should that be rectumyzing?) her initial demand of "don't do it" if there hadn't be the ensuing shitstorm, most of which wasn't started because of her but because of very stupid comments over at PZ's. Which is what Prof. Dawkins responded to, not RW's initial video. You don't seem to "get it", though...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 10:04 AM



One slightly ponderous dodge to get round that is to Make Like The Monarch, and employ "one".

We are not amused.

Posted by: The Armchair Skeptic | July 29, 2011 10:26 AM



"It is made far worse by societal imbalances. There is a big difference between the person struggling for their basic rights and a person claiming the right to offend less advantaged others. You seem to think that by saying there are lesser and greater evils in this regard that I somehow endorse the lesser evil. I do think it is better to not use any bigoted words at all."

That doesn't address what I said, nor does it concede my point. The context was that one race is socially allowed to use a word another race is socially NOT allowed to use. I made the point that that is by definition racist. You made this point:

".Racist is defined AFAIK as giving one race a benefit you do not give another race.
This is just a small part of any discussion on racism. It is important to give due consideration to a power gradient through society. Not everyone has equal power. "

My point is that those don't matter; they may be used to JUSTIFY racism, in like manner to how social imbalances are used to justify Affirmative Action, but that doesn't change the fact that fundamentally it is one race, being given an ability another race is not, which is fundamentally racist. We can discuss whether it's racist, BUT OKAY due to X, Y, and Z, but to say it's not racist is disingenuous.

Also, implicit in your post ("it's...made worse") seems to be an acceptance that it is racist, which appears to contradict what you're opinion was.

So which is it? Remembering that I haven't made any point about the relative moral standing of it (it's just a word, ferchrissakes, it's not that big a deal), only about what it fundamentally is. If you concede that point, we're done...I don't need to engage you on "how bad" it is, that's not what this is about.

And, Spence hasn't defended himself unless I missed it, but:

" spence 1576
.I still think your causal chain does not hold up... The words themselves aren't bad. However, in context, the ideas being expressed can be.
What ... like in the context of being sexually assaulted, the words are meaningless and only the bruises count?"

WTF?!? That is a terrible argument on your part! He said that the words, in isolation, aren't bad. Which is a true statement. Like, if a dictionary was put in a blender, and out of the feed-chute came words that just happened to be offensive, no one would take offense, because there's no intent or meaning behind them there. Spence was calling for a logical attack on the ideas, rather than an attack on the words that express those ideas. To say that his position can be summed up as "Therefore when you're being sexually assaulted the words are meaningless and only the bruises count" is ridiculously unfair. In the context of sexual assault "Take it bitch" is offensive and hurtful. In the context of a loving relationship, where one partner likes to be talked "dirty" to, "Take it bitch" might be just was the person needs to get off. To pretend otherwise makes you dishonest. Context matters.

@1919: The Mighty Monarch!

"Monarch: they're henchmen, you don't explain to to them. They do your bidding. When you say jump, they say, "what shark?"
(I know that's not what you were talking about. But I'm taking it that way anyway!)

Posted by: bladerunner | July 29, 2011 10:27 AM


SGMB over on the other side:

You know, you could delete that Wikia entry all together. My "thoughts" contain quite a bit more than your chosen quote-mining sample. For exemple, today, I've flipped the finger to any and all homophobic members of the metal community by totally endorsing the "gayness" of my band's name. Small steps, they say...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 10:43 AM


Nerd: "What we demand here is evidence, preferably citations to the scientific literature."

where in scientific literature does one find references to being sodomized by a porcupine corpse?

Posted by: tybee | July 29, 2011 10:44 AM


PS: I'm sorry for spaming here. I don't have any other way of communicating with the Pharyngulites.

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 10:45 AM


ERV: Whhaaaat? Skeptifem and Byron the same person? If they're not, then someone should strand them on an island together, for the sake of the rest of society. :D I saw Skepchicks heading further into radfemville when their teen group recently interviewed Skeptifem.

Rystefn wrote:

I don't really think that it assumes that at all, just that it's not been taken care of properly, and possibly stored in a damp, dark place for too long... Oh, right. I totally see it now. Yeah, not really where I was going with that.
No, you were right with that first part. I hadn't even thought about the possible storage places that could lead to mold! By the way, congrats on your Dungeon honour. It speaks well of you.

Posted by: Scented Nectar | July 29, 2011 10:53 AM


Anyone watching the pharynguloids eat their own:

They can't decide whether to support Chris "Women's Aren't Funny" Hitchens/Richard "The Dick" Dawkins or call them rape apologists. PZ is going on another one of his butt-hurt, totalitarian banning sprees as well. Kinda ironic considering Hitchens, a massive supporter of free speech, is the award winner.

Posted by: Tommy | July 29, 2011 10:54 AM


SGBM over on the other side @670:

Why the fuck do you think you know what was on Dawkins' mind? Don't you think he might have been annoyed by stupid comments about rampant sexism and rape? I won't positively give any intent to his comments, it's just a gut feeling. I will have to go back to that thread where he first commented and see for myself. If my neurones align correctly for a moment, I might just remember what thread that was...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 10:59 AM


Red font?


Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 11:05 AM


jeremy @ 1890:
So I'm gonna go all fluffy and say how much these kind of forums have changed my life.

I'm going to go ahead and say the same thing in regards to Pharyngula... it's been an excellent example to me of exactly how not to behave, and has actually gotten me thinking a lot lately on the topic of politeness and respect.

Because, honestly, I think that's the big point where PZ Myers and Pharyngula are getting it wrong: They aren't respecting the people who disagree with them. It's divisive, and it kills debate in the cradle; everybody turns to mud-slinging instead of fact-slinging, and just gets more certain in, and defensive of, their views.


And, on this topic, I would like to say that I am not in favor of things like the "Twatson" comments. Not because they are sexist; at least with the majority of those types of comments I've been seeing, you have to stretch a bit to really justify it being labeled as sexist. No, I instead disagree with it because of it's disrespectful (granted, some people just don't deserve respect... but I feel that this should be reserved for the most extreme cases, not applied to everyone and anyone who is just being a bit of an asshole or idiot), divisive, distracting from the actual issues, and, to be honest, a little bit childish.

This also ties in a bit with the issue of politeness, and how some (PZ being among them) have claimed that it is passive-aggressive, and/or meaning that you aren't allowed to criticize others. Both of these are blatantly false.

As an example, I disagree with PZ Myers on a number of issues, such as how he regularly cuts comments off in his blogs. Now, there are several ways this could be expressed, among them:
1) "PZ, you're a fucking coward who can't handle criticism!"
2) "PZ, I disagree with your policy on closing comments. I think you're stifling the debate and shutting out people with minority viewpoints."

I think we can all agree, #2 is a helluva lot more polite than #1, and is much less likely to come across as an attack. However, the arguments being put forth by PZ et al. suggest that #1 is not only perfectly acceptable, but is preferred to #2, because #2 is "passive-aggressive" and otherwise pussy-footing around. Words fail me in conveying how thoroughly I disagree with this.

The golden rule of politeness in debating, I've found, is to address arguments and actions, not the people making them. "That's a stupid thing to do" is less accusatory than "You're stupid for doing that," despite the meaning being almost identical. However, "Anybody who would do that is stupid" is also addressing the individual rather than the action, and this is an example that a lot of people seem to miss at first.

Yes, I know, I'm just setting myself up for someone to label me as a "concern troll" at this point. However, I'm not trolling, nor am I even insisting that everyone else follow my example or submit to my reasoning; my only intention with this is to lay out my viewpoint on the issue and, more importantly, why I feel this way. Agree or disagree, it doesn't matter much to me; I'll try to remain respectful to everyone regardless, and I don't have any intention of being the "politeness police."

Posted by: Woden | July 29, 2011 11:20 AM


Woden @1935:

I think you make very valid points. It doesn't come out as tone-trolling, AFAICT. A very good exemple of this debating skill is our very own Justicar (The Latest(tm)). Sure, he pinned "Twatson", and it's been put to good use, but nonetheless his arguments are always aimed at others' arguments and actions. I find him fascinating to read.

And I'm not blowing anyone's cock by saying so. He could hate my guts for all I care, but I love his writings because they are smart, logical, and to the point.

Even with morphin...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 11:34 AM


Justicar @1714,
A belated welcome back. As I said somewhere upthread, I agree with you that self-restraint in deference to others' sensibilities can become both impractical and unfair when carried past a certain point; but I guess unlike you, I am inclined to think some (location debatable) middle ground is preferable to the extreme of either always censoring oneself to ensure others' comfort or never doing so because all self-expression is equally vital to a robust sense of personal freedom. In my view, as you know, that range of appropriate self-restraint should have prevented EG's invitation, but I don't think it's sexist to disagree.

I haven't previously said anything about P.Z. and Abbie's conflict--I was speaking in more general terms about everyone participating--and while I think working to resolve differences is generally desirable I would not presume to pressure anyone involved to adopt that agenda. Incidentally, I agree with you that it was unfortunate and puzzling that P.Z. apparently declined to take the chance to listen to a friend's perspective about an emotional topic, even after his previous failure to do so was pointed out to him. He may yet reconsider the wisdom of this decision. In the meantime, Abbie or other personally involved actors aside, to me it seems useful for those of us who disagree with him on one or another point not to dismiss him or his allied commenters wholesale, but instead treat them as people who can be right about some things in all this and wrong about others. More broadly, I generally think it's counterproductive, albeit occasionally necessary or useful, for people to divide themselves into rigid camps of opposing thought; it polarizes people and obscures a range of additional possible positions.

Posted by: seaside681 | July 29, 2011 11:50 AM


SGBM over on the otherside:

That latest Wikia edit won't do. These are not my thoughts on genders. These are quote-mines, the like of which have not been witnessed since Uncommon Descent latest posted anything.

Just delete the bloody page, or put the quotes back in context.

Apologies again, folks from here. The Banhammer sucks when you can't defend yourself against personal attacks.

And now, It will resume its use of "It" to talk about itself...

Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 11:59 AM



There'll be none of those ERV shenanigans in THIS blog young lady! This is a serious post. To prove it, I'll use red text which is barely readable against a dark grey background.

I love how long it took for them to make it all about watson again. I think they all want to do her.


As an example, I disagree with PZ Myers on a number of issues, such as how he regularly cuts comments off in his blogs. Now, there are several ways this could be expressed, among them: 1) "PZ, you're a fucking coward who can't handle criticism!" 2) "PZ, I disagree with your policy on closing comments. I think you're stifling the debate and shutting out people with minority viewpoints."

I think we can all agree, #2 is a helluva lot more polite than #1, and is much less likely to come across as an attack. However, the arguments being put forth by PZ et al. suggest that #1 is not only perfectly acceptable, but is preferred to #2, because #2 is "passive-aggressive" and otherwise pussy-footing around. Words fail me in conveying how thoroughly I disagree with this.

Oh, PZ prefers it until it's used against him. Then the cowardly fuck backpedals and gets all whiny because WE'RE BEING MEAN! AND SEXIST! OMG!!!!!

The golden rule of politeness in debating, I've found, is to address arguments and actions, not the people making them. "That's a stupid thing to do" is less accusatory than "You're stupid for doing that," despite the meaning being almost identical. However, "Anybody who would do that is stupid" is also addressing the individual rather than the action, and this is an example that a lot of people seem to miss at first.

What goes on in Doucheryngula has nothing to do with debate. It's just a lot of smug circle-jerking by people unable to really use invective well. If you try to impose robert's rules of order on diarrhetic baboons, you're going to need a shower when you're done.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 1:18 PM


@An Ardent Skeptic #1895

We do not need to wait for the CFI Conference video because Rebecca decided to take this public on her blog and wrote about Stef in negative terms. Use of the words "parroting" and "conveniently" is a personally insulting way to argue with an argument.

B-b-but I thought you's guys wanted Watson to address McGraw on her blog instead of in person? Are you going to have your toasted pop tart and eat it too for me?

What I found most amusing in the post was Rebecca's disclaimer that she didn't want to "embarrass" anyone. If she issued the disclaimer then she knew how her words could be perceived which means, since she did it anyway, she didn't really care if she embarrassed Stef. And, by taking this public by writing a blogpost about it, Rebecca showed a complete lack of consideration for Stef's feelings.

Sometimes it just happens and there isn't much one can do about it. I'm sure Jenny McCarthy gets awfully embarrassed when people call her out on her anti-vaxx nonsense, but what are you going to do? Never say anything to avoid embarrassing her?

Please, don't give me an argument on that point. Elevator Man's "Don't take this the wrong way" didn't work for Rebecca so she knew her disclaimer wouldn't work for her either. It rings completely hollow.

Watson says that using McGraw's name with her quote was an act of respect--the same act of respect McGraw had shown to Watson previously. So, no, it wasn't hollow. Watson felt it better to attribute the quote rather than leave it anonymous. If Watson had not attributed it in the talk and gone on to only blog about it, then what? You'd all be OK with it or something?

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 29, 2011 1:47 PM


Just popping in to say there are an awful lot of you sweet crumpets here who I quite like, even though we may well disagree on a lot of things. Ty to be kind to each other.

Excepting the Pharyngula trolls obviously. Love how "gendered slurs" are now THE thing to be denounced, when Pharyngula culture as a whole is nothing but slurs as SOP. That so, ain't it? Ned? Caine? Aratina? etc. How come non-substantive slurs as SOP OK, but adding a bit of gendering suddenly gets to be the end of the world? And ffs, we can talk about lack of facts on Pharyngula. Finished burning the "psychic" at the stake yet in the Crocodile Sanctuary case? How come none of you Pharyngula lot gave a single damn for the actual facts in that, and what does it say about you?

Busy slowly writing up two new horribly long and complex blog posts on #ElevatorGate and its side-effects; hopefully up tonight.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 29, 2011 1:51 PM


Aratina Cage! How nice of you to drop in again. Now exactly why did you not answer my question about your allegations re ERV, a question put to you three times?

Exactly why do you make such allegations without any facts or evidence of any kind at all? Do explain.

Posted by: Gurdur | July 29, 2011 1:54 PM


@ #1940 : "Watson says..." Ah, that must make it true then. *giggle*

Posted by: Gurdur | July 29, 2011 1:57 PM



I know you have heard it before, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I'd say that the claims that PZ purposefully avoided the science contingent at TAM and that Skepchicks attempted to trap Dawkins in a room are quite extraordinary indeed. Presenting no evidence for these claims, you have forced me to conclude that it is BS, a smear, and looking a tad paranoid on your end.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 29, 2011 2:04 PM



We do not need to wait for the CFI Conference video because Rebecca decided to take this public on her blog and wrote about Stef in negative terms. Use of the words "parroting" and "conveniently" is a personally insulting way to argue with an argument.

B-b-but I thought you's guys wanted Watson to address McGraw on her blog instead of in person? Are you going to have your toasted pop tart and eat it too for me?

oh aren't you stupid. That post was not the INITIAL encounter. That was her doing damage control after she pulled her dick move on Stef. See, the blog post happened AFTER the dick move at the conference. At that point, the damage was done. Had the ONLY place she called out stef been on her blog, it would have been different. But it wasn't, because the dick move happened BEFORE the blog post. Before. After. Maybe you should review the concepts they're really quite important in life.

What I found most amusing in the post was Rebecca's disclaimer that she didn't want to "embarrass" anyone. If she issued the disclaimer then she knew how her words could be perceived which means, since she did it anyway, she didn't really care if she embarrassed Stef. And, by taking this public by writing a blogpost about it, Rebecca showed a complete lack of consideration for Stef's feelings.

Sometimes it just happens and there isn't much one can do about it. I'm sure Jenny McCarthy gets awfully embarrassed when people call her out on her anti-vaxx nonsense, but what are you going to do? Never say anything to avoid embarrassing her?

How about not doing it from a position where the other person cannot *possibly* respond to you from an even vaguely equal footing. I'm not sure if you either genuinely don't understand what we see as the problem and why we see it that way, or you're so invested in the narrative PZ created for you that any change to it just causes you pain.

Oh, and Jenny McCarthy is not only a total nonsequiter, but you're rather wrong about her feelings on being "called out". She's rather like you and PZ. She's so convinced of her complete correctness that it's unpossible for anyone to correct her on any level.

Please, don't give me an argument on that point. Elevator Man's "Don't take this the wrong way" didn't work for Rebecca so she knew her disclaimer wouldn't work for her either. It rings completely hollow.

Watson says that using McGraw's name with her quote was an act of respect--the same act of respect McGraw had shown to Watson previously. So, no, it wasn't hollow. Watson felt it better to attribute the quote rather than leave it anonymous. If Watson had not attributed it in the talk and gone on to only blog about it, then what? You'd all be OK with it or something?

It wasn't an "act of respect", it was a complete dick move by a smug asshole who KNEW there was zero chance Stef could respond in kind. Hell Watson EVEN ADMITTED THAT when she explained why SHE had devoted her entire segment of "Communicating Atheism" to rebutting Paula Kirby, because according to her, the "Q&A; wouldn't have been adequate"


It is simply not believable, on any level, (barring complete and utter deliberate disregard for reality) that a person:

1) with a degree in communications
2) extensive experience in that field

would be so completely unaware of the power of the podium, and insist the Q&A; allowed for an adequate response, when SHE HERSELF said that a Q&A; is not in fact, enough for an adequate response.

Are you THAT clueless. Seriously, are you that blind in your belief that PZ and Watson are ALWAYS RIGHT that you cannot even BEGIN to think about the discontinuities in the narrative they are pushing on you?

That post wasn't about respect. That post was damage control and the *only* reason she did it was because her stunt blew up in her face so spectacularly. It is bullshit backpedaling, with the worst attempt at justification since my then-9 year old son tried to explain why re-running a just-finished dishwasher wasn't in fact a mistake.

Actually, his was better.

Just how invested in PZ and Watson are you to completely swallow the pathetically obvious bullshit they're feeding you?

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 2:04 PM

People calling me a liar about my rape(s) are still there.

They are still there because it takes more than a comment calling into question a poster's honesty to get banned. You got banned for "repeatedly" ignoring PZ's warnings and catching him on a bad day.

You threw in mention of your own rape to get one up on someone else, after repeatedly acting like a self-centered idiot and getting called on it.

You treat your own abuse as a cheap way to manipulate the conversation, yet expect us to take you seriously? Of course someone out of 50+ posters is going to call you on it.

Posted by: Richard Eis | July 29, 2011 2:15 PM



Yeah Phil, YOU HURTED PZ'S FEEWINGS! Why do you make PZ cry phil, WHY DO YOU MAKE PZ CRYYYYYY!!!!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 2:19 PM

herp derpington--I know you have heard it before, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
The evidence is people who were there. Why would otherwise honest and otherwise disinterested people would go out of their way to lie.

Furthermore, their claim isnt even remotely extraordinary.

PZ has completely ostracized *himself* from former allies online. PZ online has more guts than PZ irl. Its not remotely 'extraordinary' that he would avoid said people at a conference, especially when he had smelly skepchick snatch to sniff (which he has also been doing online, obsessively, for the past month).

Furthermore, the Skepchicks are a) dumb, and b) dumb, and c) lazy. It is not at all 'extraordinary' that they would be dumb enough to think an 'intervention' was appropriate, and are too dumb to know the legality of what they were proposing. They are, and have demonstrated for some time now, blowhards, who who make these grand plans... that never quite make it out of their tiny brains and into real life. Kinda like child care at skeptic conferences.

Also, youre pathetic.

Random jackass-- You threw in mention of your own rape to get one up on someone else, after repeatedly acting like a self-centered idiot and getting called on it.

Oh, you mean exactly what PZ did to me on this thread that forever ruined our relationship?


Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 2:19 PM


Also, downplaying abuse, rape, by saying the victim is just playing 'petty one-upsmanship'?

What the fuck is the matter with you, Richard Eis?

What the fuck is the matter with you?

Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 2:30 PM


@John C. Welch

That post was not the INITIAL encounter. That was her doing damage control after she pulled her dick move on Stef. See, the blog post happened AFTER the dick move at the conference. At that point, the damage was done. Had the ONLY place she called out stef been on her blog, it would have been different. But it wasn't, because the dick move happened BEFORE the blog post. Before.

An Ardent Skeptic wrote: "Rebecca decided to take this public on her blog and wrote about Stef in negative terms. Use of the words "parroting" and "conveniently" is a personally insulting way to argue with an argument." The words I highlighted in bold must have escaped you.

How about not doing it from a position where the other person cannot *possibly* respond to you from an even vaguely equal footing.

It wasn't a debate where you would have that. Unless you are in a formal debate, do you ever really have that? For instance, does it matter that McCarthy can't respond to ERV's blog posts? Ed Brayton had Maggie Gallagher comment once on his blog to complain about him putting words in her mouth; we all pretty much laughed at her stupidity. It wasn't equal footing, but so what? Equal footing is not guaranteed at talks or on blogs. As far as a response not being possible, well that is blatantly untrue. Stef McGraw had every chance to respond afterwards, just not on the stage since she wasn't a speaker. In fact, she did as did her supporters!


Duh! Of course it isn't adequate. Why oh why do y'all think someone is guaranteed a chance to respond at a talk? They'd never end if that were the case.

That post wasn't about respect.

You mean the attribution. Yes, it was about respect according to Watson.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 29, 2011 2:31 PM



The evidence is people who were there. Why would otherwise honest and otherwise disinterested people would go out of their way to lie.

Hearsay is not particularly reliable evidence. Got anything better than "she said..."??

PZ has completely ostracized *himself* from former allies online. PZ online has more guts than PZ irl.

You mean, he has ostracized himself from people who have outed themselves as nincompoops about sexism or as MRA shills? Wow! I wonder why? Anyway, everyone knows PZ is a great big teddy bear in person. He hates seeing that written, but it's true for the most part.

Also, youre pathetic.

Oooh. Ouchy. I guess that means you have nothing to back up your allegations about those sc-sc-sc-scary Skepchick thugs.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 29, 2011 2:43 PM


Deeeeeeeeerp-- Hearsay is not particularly reliable evidence.
Actually, Judge Judy, if you bring someone to court who witnessed the event, and they testify on your behalf, and that person has no reason to lie (ie, are not your brother, the defendants estranged ex-husband, etc) that is actually taken as reliable evidence for your claims.

Or, do you know more about the law than the OKC district attorneys who were going to prosecute my stalker based on my testimony and other neighbors testimony alone?

Or are you like the detective who refused to file my case because 'there was no evidence', I mean, dude didnt cut me up or anything, cant take some pretty girl and some black guys word on this over a white d00d, rite?

Question: I am a firm believer everyone is good at something. You are obviously way out of your league here, which makes me worried you fail this hard in every aspect of your life. This makes me sad. So just to restore my faith in humanity, what are you actually good at?

Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 2:56 PM


"Hearsay is not particularly reliable evidence. Got anything better than "she said..."??"

"some guy in an elevator asked me to his room for coffee / propositioned me for sex"

Posted by: JohnV | July 29, 2011 2:57 PM

Also, downplaying abuse, rape, by saying the victim is just playing 'petty one-upsmanship'?

What the fuck is the matter with you, Richard Eis?

Well....he did use it for petty one-upmanship.

I'm not downplaying abuse, i'm merely pointing out that if you throw out rape claims in such a casual way to score points, then that claim is going to get called out by someone. He cheapened his own experiences for an internet "win".

Posted by: Richard Eis | July 29, 2011 2:58 PM


Oh I get it.

When someone you agree with mentions their own sexual assault/abuse and say "I AGREE WITH ____" THATS fine.

But when someone you dont agree with mentions their own sexual assault/abuse and say "I DONT AGREE WITH ___" THAT is just trying to 'score points'.

You are fucked up.

Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 3:04 PM



You know the drill Abbie, it's a Scientology game. If someone opposes you, anything goes. Shit all over them, false accusations, dismiss them as liars, while your side is held up as perfectly correct, truthful in all things and protected from any form of questioning.


Yep. You're that far up PZ and Watson's ass. Nothing else matters to you but blindly defending them and their every utterance. I bet since you came along, they haven't had to even THINK about needing toilet paper.


Hearsay is not particularly reliable evidence. Got anything better than "she said..."??

Where's the objective proof of Watson's encounter in the elevator? Got anything better than "She said..."??



Kissing Ass!

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 3:04 PM


Party 1: You cannot speak on this subject as you have never experienced this subject.

Party 2: Actually, I have experienced this subject.

Party 1: Oh, you're just throwing that in for petty one-upmanship.

Kobayashi fucking Maru.

Posted by: dinkum | July 29, 2011 3:07 PM

Oh I get it.

Nope, completely wrong. Ball park, out of.

Dinkum doesn't quite get it either. But he's a little closer. Also, technically i'm party 3.

Feel free to try again. Maybe reading what i wrote instead of making stuff up might be a good start. The fact that you both gave different interpretations of what i said should probably clue you both in about that.

Posted by: Richard Eis | July 29, 2011 3:23 PM


@Richard 1954

I'm not downplaying abuse, i'm merely pointing out that if you throw out rape claims in such a casual way to score points, then that claim is going to get called out by someone. He cheapened his own experiences for an internet "win".

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe you've said that.

Posted by: frank habets | July 29, 2011 3:24 PM


Aratina Cage:
Originally, I was going to do some point-by-point dissections of your comments... but, really, I'm starting to think that you are one of those individuals that doesn't, in fact, deserve the dignity of being responded to any further.

I find it unfathomable, given the sheer number of instances in which you have taken contradictory stances (e.g., hearsay being sufficient for Watson's claims about Elevator Guy, but not for claims made against Watson, PZ, and the Skepchicks), that you could be anything but a troll or a pitifully deluded individual. Neither one of those even makes me angry, just... sad.

Posted by: Woden | July 29, 2011 3:25 PM


Mr. Ding-a-Ling Pop Tart is back? Lemme make a batch of popcorn...

Posted by: frank habets | July 29, 2011 3:31 PM


Feel free to try again.

Why? Youre the one who looks like a soulless asshole and doesnt say "WAIT! I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT! SHIT!" or "Holy shit I didnt think about it coming across that way... crap..."

You say 'Try again'.

Fucked up, man. You are fucked up.

Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 3:33 PM


ERV: You have become completely unhinged. Would hearsay be sufficient evidence to test a scientific hypothesis? In that case, I have discovered an ERV which is completely correlated with the mild form of psychosis that you are exhibiting here. I have also discovered a very effective means of controlling it. Back away from your blog for a few minutes, eat three green jelly beans, and resume thinking.

Seriously, your behavior is inexplicable. Given your previously demonstrable ability to think rationally, I'm absolutely gobsmacked. I'm not asking for an apology*. I am imploring you stop. Shut the circus down. Don't worry. These guys will pitch a tent in another town until you beckon them home again.

*Jesus. Even if I thought it were due, I wouldn't ask for one.

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 29, 2011 3:34 PM

Antiochus-- These guys will pitch a tent...

Not to mention your sexist, paternalistic behavior towards me here and elsewhere on ERV.

Heh, finding the sexist references in tone trolls posts has gone from funny, to not funny, back to funny again.

And youre a Molly winner over at Pharyngula, aint ya Antiochus?



Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 3:48 PM


Richard Eis, this is not a productive avenue of engagement. As was said by many on TET, the public doubting of Phil's abuse—which Phil mentioned here over a week ago—constitutes a barrier to others speaking up about their own abuse, and should not have occurred.

You've got the facts: Phil got banned for ignoring PZ's request to stop, the one who doubted Phil and didn't apologize to Phil hasn't commented in the meantime, and both doubters were called out for it.

Just, please don't say anything which could be construed as a defense of the public doubting, even if it appears to you as a matter-of-fact "if you do this then people will doubt you", as this also effectively functions as a barrier to speaking up about abuse. People should not react to discussion of abuse that way, even when they are understandably annoyed. I realize this is not your intent, but it's not coming out right.

(If you don't see my point, please come back to TET and talk.)

Posted by: strange gods before me | July 29, 2011 3:53 PM



Posted by: Daniel Kolle | July 29, 2011 3:56 PM


ERV: You have become completely unhinged. Would hearsay be sufficient evidence to test a scientific hypothesis?
If this was a controlled experiment, you might have a point. But it isn't. We're trying to figure out what people said in a conference. In what way is "sufficient evidence to test a scientific hypothesis" even remotely relevant? This isn't a controlled experiment. It's just stuff that happened. Believe it or not, asking people without a horse in the race is a pretty good way of figuring that stuff out.

Shut the circus down.
Abbie doesn't run Pharyngula. That's where the clowns are. You want the circus shut down, give PZ a call. But I note you are butthurt that you can't control dissent over here. It makes me laugh. out. loud. Feel free to post more drivel. Watching you lot failing to argue your way out of a paper bag is hugely entertaining.

Posted by: Spence | July 29, 2011 3:59 PM


Antiochus Epiphanes @ 1963:
Would hearsay be sufficient evidence to test a scientific hypothesis?

Erm... I hate to be the one to break it to you, but haven't you already accepted "hearsay"* as evidence from Watson?

*Also, your definition of hearsay is wrong. Hearsay is when you are going off of second-hand accounts. That is, "I was at this convention, and I saw so-and-so do [x]..." is not hearsay. "My friend Joe told me that he was at this convention, and he saw so-and-so do [x]..." is hearsay.

Posted by: Woden | July 29, 2011 4:03 PM


ERV: Your last post was simply evidence that like Saruman the White, you have abandoned reason for madness.

I’m sure that you will find the previous sentence to be replete with overt sexism, racism, and ill-will toward wizards*. I’m sorry that you are so beleaguered. I see that without some kind of direct intervention, this will just have to run its course until your blog experiences heat-death.


Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 29, 2011 4:05 PM


Can anyone who's followed the pharyngula Elevator threads please help me out with something? Mentioning MRAs or MRAssholes seems to earn Pharyngula points now. Was there really any evidence of genuine MRAs posting? I mean the loony type. Or is this the usual argument-from-blanket-sliming shit.I ask this because I've only seen one person posting on this thread who I would describe as mildly MRA.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 29, 2011 4:16 PM


Interesting how Award Winners at Pharyngula do so poorly outside of that habitat...

Herp Dirpington (OM)-- No one 'on this side' is arguing for censoring people and/or ideas. YOU ARE, dipshit. YOU ARE. And like everyone on the Pro-censorship side, YOU cant abide by YOUR OWN RULES, yet you are tut-tutting others for not following your rules. YOU, and Pop Tart, and Mr. 'Pro-child rape if that child grows up to disagree with me' are as 'sexist' as anyone else here, that is, not really. But according to 'you' we are all misogynists and gender traitors. And if anyone else said your alls words on Pharyngula, they would be interpreted as misogynistic (well, *now*. they werent 2 months ago, silly fad-following children that you are).

This thread is an archive of hypocrisy, PZ on down, and I LOVE IT.

Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 4:17 PM

Erm... I hate to be the one to break it to you, but haven't you already accepted "hearsay"* as evidence from Watson?
At this point, what happened to Watson is immaterial. Whether her account of elevator guy is true or manufactured, it is creepy to ask a woman back to your hotel room at 4 in the morning in an isolated elevator. If Watson had responded by stabbing EG in the eye, referring to her as “Twatson” is still sexist. Not to mention puerile. Nonetheless, this has never been an argument about whether that event really happened or not. If you want to have that discussion, let’s have it. The fact that this is MY opinion doesn’t have any bearing on Rebecca Watson. The fact that you disagree doesn’t have any bearing on Richard Dawkins (or anyone else).

Posted by: Antiochus Epiphanes | July 29, 2011 4:23 PM


If you'd like a sample of how utterly bizarre the people at Pharyngula are, and how rabid and irrational they get on this topic, look at:

We have people getting into a froth about the use of the word "lady" -- seriously.

We have someone getting into a froth about the use of the word "Englishman" as being insulting to people in the United Kingdom who aren't in England -- seriously.

We have people getting into a froth about the use of the word "hysteria" -- one poster even goes so far as to say that because the word comes from a Greek root for 'womb'. Really, going back to the Greek roots, even though the word hasn't actually been used that way in the lifetimes of the posters.

(I guess since PZ used "hysterical" above in his comments here, he is equally guilty of using misogynist language to criticize -- proof of his hypocrisy, and demonstrating that Aratina Cage has lied about the use of that tactic by regulars at Pharyngula, unless he doesn't think PZ is a regular.)

Aratina Cage, you're just lying about the regulars not using sexist language while criticizing other for using sexist language. For example, "mansplain" is sexist, pure and simple.

Here's a sample from one of their "OM" people from the same link above @#114:

There is a wide variety of very imaginative profanity available on Pharyngula, actually, compared to which the offensive gendered stuff is pretty boring. For example, I never thought about telling people to go fuck themselves with a decaying porcupine, sideways until I arrived here.
I think that speaks for itself in terms of showing how they are.

Or perhaps from another regular, responding to the request that all gendered insults stop:

Trying to get in the last word doesn't work. You're notpology is noted, you sack of cum foam.
Notice how that proves our point, and demonstrates you are lying? Evidence?

Aratina Cage, I've seen you stand up for good things many many times, but when you fail, as you have on this blog, you fail in a big way. This isn't putting you in your best light.

But . . . good news! You can actually apologize, and start fresh. It would help for evidence that you've been sincere in your change -- like posting to Pharyngula in criticism of PZ or anyone (meaning any person) who uses gendered insults. Then we'd know you were sincere. You know, evidence?

ERV, I am a brand new fan!

Posted by: gr8hands | July 29, 2011 4:25 PM


Frank Habets - I am well aware how cold that appears. But he did and he got called on it. Someone was going to do it because this is the internet and because of the odd way he brought it up.


You were so far out from what i meant that you were "not even wrong". You didn't just take my meaning and twist it. You completely rewrote my post. Then the next person along does exactly the same thing in a completely different way. It was so bizarre i'm really not sure i could explain it to you any simpler.

It is not my mistake, or a misunderstanding. You made up what you saw fit. Since all those words and the overall meaning that you refer to as "fucked up" are in fact yours, i fail to see why this is my problem. You are essentially talking to yourself. Very worrying.

Posted by: Richard Eis | July 29, 2011 4:28 PM


@AE #1972

At this point, what happened to Watson is immaterial. Whether her account of elevator guy is true or manufactured.

RW is going around giving talks about the problem of sexism in the atheist community based on collections of personal anecdotes. One would think that if her claim is based on manufactured data that would not be immaterial.

@AE #1969

ERV: Your last post was simply evidence that like Saruman the White, you have abandoned reason for madness.

Why all these euphemisms? Why not just call her a hysterical woman?

Posted by: Michael | July 29, 2011 4:33 PM


No, Antiochus Epiphanes, you are incorrect. I'll fix it for you:

Whether her account of elevator guy is true or manufactured (the latter appearing more and more to be the case, as her story keeps changing in important details), it is creepy in my opinion to ask a woman back to your hotel room at 4 in the morning in an isolated elevator.

There, better, and more accurate.

Posted by: gr8hands | July 29, 2011 4:36 PM



For example, "mansplain" is sexist, pure and simple.

Do we have to get Theo back to explain this to you? Only works the other way around.

Posted by: ThreeFlangedJavis | July 29, 2011 4:40 PM


Richard Eis, they're not going to engage honestly with you, in any case, so it is counterproductive to try. Please let it go. Nothing good can come of this.

I must insist that reiterating something like "Someone was going to do it because this is the internet and because of the odd way he brought it up" in what you see as a matter-of-fact manner still functions as a barrier to those who would speak up about their own abuse. This is in part because you aren't emphasizing that they were wrong to publicly doubt an recounting of abuse, but even if you emphasized this, the reiteration would be sub-optimal. Please come on over to TET and talk about this.

Posted by: strange gods before me | July 29, 2011 4:43 PM


Strange gods before me - your points are noted. There are some things too emotive to talk about in certain ways and this is an awkward social minefield anyway. I shall stop digging.

I also understand that bringing this up may have adverse side effects for others who might extrapolate from this specific case that I think openly discussing rape is wrong. That was actually almost completely opposite to my claim.

I shall return to TET. Prepare the horses.

Posted by: Richard Eis | July 29, 2011 4:51 PM



You insisted that we need evidence (in the form of the CFI video) about how Watson behaved during her talk. You were reminded that Watson put up a blog post intended to defend her behavior during the talk and linked to said blog post. Instead of conceding that you were wrong about that and moving on to your next point you shifted the goal posts by claiming that people are criticizing her for responding on her blog. Are you really that dense? The blog post was evidence of her behavior at the talk, not what the argument was about.

If you wish to argue that her behavior during the talk was justified, feel free to do so, but please stop trying to avoid making a real argument by shifting the goal posts to keep your opponents on the defensive.

Posted by: Southern Geologist | July 29, 2011 4:51 PM


Has anyone mentioned Watson's dating advice video yet? It's quite sickening. I'm sorry, but who is she to give anyone dating advice? Also, I'm starting to think that the reason EG (if he exists) was such a big deal is because she doesn't get hit on much (if EG's request was actually a sexual advance). What semi-attractive woman doesn't get hit on when leaving a bar at 4AM alone? And more importantly, what does it have to do with the atheist/skeptic community?

I think Watson needs a course in Human Relations 101. Also, a review of what "objectification" actually means might be useful.

And finally, her story doesn't make sense. Either she talked to EG or she didn't. She can't have it both ways, not that her saying that "she's tired" matters to any of the key issues in this case.

Posted by: bluharmony | July 29, 2011 4:52 PM


Antiochus Epiphanes at 1972.

You claim that use of Twatson is sexist. Fair enough. Do you also condemn the 'Dear Dick' campaign and other uses of 'dick' as a slur as sexist? If not, why not?

Posted by: Southern Geologist | July 29, 2011 4:54 PM


@ERV #1952

Actually, Judge Judy, if you bring someone to court who witnessed the event, and they testify on your behalf, and that person has no reason to lie (ie, are not your brother, the defendants estranged ex-husband, etc) that is actually taken as reliable evidence for your claims.

Actually, dear Watson (and I mean that in the Sherlock Holmesy way), you do not get to testify about what other people are thinking. So where's the evidence? Who said what? Who wrote what? Come on, point it out. And "I heard from her that a Skepchick said this" is really shitty "evidence" if you ask me.

Or, do you know more about the law than the OKC district attorneys who were going to prosecute my stalker based on my testimony and other neighbors testimony alone?

Erm, what does that have to do with your allegations about the Skepchicks and PZ?

Or are you like the detective who refused to file my case because 'there was no evidence', I mean, dude didnt cut me up or anything, cant take some pretty girl and some black guys word on this over a white d00d, rite?

Hrm? You are the one making the allegations in this case, NOT ME! How awful that you would try to paint me as the one making shit up.

Posted by: Aratina Cage | July 29, 2011 5:02 PM


Richard Eis, you are truly a fucking horse's ass. I don't even care what gender the horse in question is. And I'm a woman. Therefor, I am more right than you. Toddle on back to PZ's cesspit where you belong, there's a good lad.

Posted by: Wolfhound | July 29, 2011 5:03 PM


Actually, Twatson is the name of a character in the animated series Ugly Americans on Comedy Central. The episode is G.I. Twayne. You can watch it onDemand.

Posted by: gr8hands | July 29, 2011 5:05 PM


Speaking of refusing to honestly engage people in argument:

Richard Eis, were feminist bloggers and commenters who used rape (or fear of rape) as leverage and, for example, insisted that a person who had not been raped or had no fear of being raped could not 'understand' this argument called out for their bullshit on Pharyngula? Or was it only people who opposed Watson's behavior but used rape as leverage to justify their position that were called out? Because if it was the latter, you're dealing in hypocrisy on a colossal scale.

I shall await links to posts demonstrating the former is actually the case while the crickets continue to chirp. I suspect that I'll be here for a while.

Posted by: Southern Geologist | July 29, 2011 5:09 PM


Hello again, I went for a little nap. Did I miss anythOHMYGODRICHARDISAFUCKINGASS!!!


Posted by: Phil Giordana, FCD, aka Schroedinger's Dog | July 29, 2011 5:10 PM


Theophontes @1886 says:
What ... like in the context of being sexually assaulted, the words are meaningless and only the bruises count? Or in a threatening and abusive relationship there is no hurt felt till one is beaten?(Hint: I cannot read your mind to know what your ideas are.)
Oh look, you're misrepresenting my argument. How unsurprising. I said ideas, context, intent. For propaganda, it's ideas. In the case of orders from authority, it's intent. For harassment, it's context. And it can be a mix of these things.

The word "fuck" on its own is not harmful. However, in the context of harassment, it becomes a problem. It is the context, not the word itself, that is the issue.

Another example. A drop of water on the forehead causes no harm. Assuming you're not hydrophobic I guess. But in the context of being strapped in a chair, with a million other drops of water, it is considered a form of torture*. Context.

One hears the words, shrinks from them, fears them... it is not an intellectual discussion then. And afterwards those words are imbued with a lot of meaning! And it is certainly not what you mansplain it is.
Let's be clear. What I said had nothing to do with the strawman that you presented. So you can label that strawman whatever you like. I guess you were strawmansplaining. Good luck with that.

*Actually Chinese Water Torture doesn't have much to do with the water, and more to do with the immobilisation, but the water does seem to increase the stress. But the analogy is a useful one here.

Posted by: Spence | July 29, 2011 5:12 PM


To make my position clear...

Schrodinger's Rapist is one of the biggest loads of bullshit I have ever read. My reason for this is because it advocates assuming the worst of men until they prove themselves unworthy of that disdain.

My position when judging my fellow human beings is a follows;

Start at neutral, which requires that I treat them with courtesy. Then begin my data collection.

As I collect that data my judgement of that person is likely to fluctuate. Some positive data, some negative data. After enough data, I will come to a conclusion, positive or negative, on a scale from great to complete asshole.

Paula Kirby: great!
Elevatory Guy: neutral - insufficient evidence; I refuse to base my opinion on someone based on what is essentially gossip.
Rebecca Watson: self-centered, self-promoting woman completely lacking in introspection and also lacking in empathy for how her words and actions affect the people around her.
Mark N.: I'm still collecting data. My position is neutral and, therefore, my tone will be courteous. I do not know based on his post whether or not he completely buys into Schrodinger's Rapist. I don't know the details of how he tried to debate his daughter about the existence of God. Did he argue the points or get frustrated and resort to what he would consider a personal attack? My take on the overall message of his post, is that through experience we gain wisdom. Rebecca forgot that when she chose to censure Stef publicly in words that cast aspersions on Stef's character. And Mark pointed that out.

A lack of nuanced thinking and an inability to engage with people in an appropriate manner is how this shitstorm got started. If we fail to do the same, we have nothing to complain about.

My "tone trolling" is nothing more than suggesting that we try not to overreach when deciding what someone else is thinking, and save our dripping sarcasm for the ones like Rebecca, P.Z., and the Pharyngulites, who have earned it.

WIth the number of comments getting so large, and the page loading affecting my web browser, it's getting harder and harder to follow the discussions here, and this may be my last comment. If you don't hear from me again, good luck!

Posted by: An Ardent Skeptic | July 29, 2011 5:15 PM



I'm not downplaying abuse, i'm merely pointing out that if you throw out rape claims in such a casual way to score points, then that claim is going to get called out by someone. He cheapened his own experiences for an internet "win".

"I'm not downplaying abuse, but his doesn't count, because he's not on my side, so I'll just go ahead and belittle his abuse. But i"m not downplaying it."


Feel free to try again. Maybe reading what i wrote instead of making stuff up might be a good start. The fact that you both gave different interpretations of what i said should probably clue you both in about that.

Here, a translation: PZ and Watson are right, you are wrong.


ERV: You have become completely unhinged. Would hearsay be sufficient evidence to test a scientific hypothesis? In that case, I have discovered an ERV which is completely correlated with the mild form of psychosis that you are exhibiting here. I have also discovered a very effective means of controlling it. Back away from your blog for a few minutes, eat three green jelly beans, and resume thinking.

"Since my repeated reminders that I AGREE WITH PZ AND WATSON AND SO AM ALWAYS RIGHT haven't worked, now i'm going to condescendingly make cracks about your mental state"

Seriously, your behavior is inexplicable. Given your previously demonstrable ability to think rationally, I'm absolutely gobsmacked. I'm not asking for an apology*. I am imploring you stop. Shut the circus down. Don't worry. These guys will pitch a tent in another town until you beckon them home again.

"I have repeated over and over how right I am, since I am on PZ and Watson's side, and yet you persist in your puerile disagreement with me. I will now concern troll you and implore you to disassociate with the MEAN PEOPLEZ on your blog, until such time as you "recover" and agree with the side of right again."

The fact you can't see just how condescending and dismissive you're being is what blows me away.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 5:15 PM


I keep looking at Richard's posts, thinking "I must be reading this wrong; can he really be that deranged?"
But try as I might, I can't even think of a context where his words would be less damning to his world-view.

Posted by: frank habets | July 29, 2011 5:17 PM


zOMG, was that the Pharyngula damage limitation response team in action? Hilarious.

Since SGBM seems so upset about dishonesty, I'm sure we'll see them fixing the disgraceful quote mining about Phil. Oh, dishonesty is only bad when on the other side, not when someone who agrees with them. How silly of me.

And of course, belittling Phil's experience is just fine by their low standards, but hey, they are concerned because it might impact other people who haven't yet dared to disagree with them on any topic. Sickening.

Never mind. Damage limitation has closed the door after the horse has bolted, and the vile excuse for humanity is returning to the cesspit. Best place for it.

Posted by: Spence | July 29, 2011 5:22 PM


I'm going to broaden my search. Can anyone (not just Richard) point to evidence of Pharyngula regulars calling out Watson supporters for using prior experience with rape or fear of rape for leverage in an argument? Anyone? Or is this purely a matter of in group/out group bullshit where only members of the out group are harassed for making personal experience part of their argument?

Posted by: Southern Geologist | July 29, 2011 5:30 PM



ERV: Your last post was simply evidence that like Saruman the White, you have abandoned reason for madness.

"I don't understand. When I do this on Doucheryngula, it works. Something is very wrong when you keep disagreeing with me. Here, let me patronize you some more."


At this point, what happened to Watson is immaterial. Whether her account of elevator guy is true or manufactured, it is creepy to ask a woman back to your hotel room at 4 in the morning in an isolated elevator. If Watson had responded by stabbing EG in the eye, referring to her as “Twatson” is still sexist. Not to mention puerile. Nonetheless, this has never been an argument about whether that event really happened or not. If you want to have that discussion, let’s have it. The fact that this is MY opinion doesn’t have any bearing on Rebecca Watson. The fact that you disagree doesn’t have any bearing on Richard Dawkins (or anyone else).


Your absolutism is HILARIOUS. I've asked, oh, something like 30 women about EG at this point. Set up the situation EXACLY as Watson did, and the consistent response has been "It depends. Did he back off when I said no? If he did, not creepy. Just annoying, and if he was nice about it, I'd probably invite him to coffee in the morning."

Oh dear, it looks like it isn't always creepy. Also, the idea that Ireland is some strange foreign country was consistently laughed at.

Maybe y'all should stop assuming what you think applies to everyone on the planet the exact same way. Nah, you can't do that, not at this point, as the universality of TEH CREEPY is what you assclowns have been pushing.


Frank Habets - I am well aware how cold that appears. But he did and he got called on it. Someone was going to do it because this is the internet and because of the odd way he brought it up.

Hey, when you're talking about the time someone assraped you, you can bring YOUR experience up however the fuck you like. Who the fuck tells anyone HOW THEY CAN TALK ABOUT BEING RAPED? Oh wait, you and the other fucksticks on Doucheryngula.


Richard Eis, they're not going to engage honestly with you, in any case, so it is counterproductive to try. Please let it go. Nothing good can come of this.

Yeah. We're never going to kowtow to your worldview. Sigh, the dishonesty of it all, what with us doubting you and not just bowing to your PZombieness

Finally went and created blockquote autoexpand macros.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 5:34 PM


Almost 2000!

The fabric of the internet is tearing and the thread will turn into a black hole, consuming the rest of the internets with it!

The Mayans were off by one year!!!

Posted by: Vittor | July 29, 2011 5:40 PM

And of course, belittling Phil's experience is just fine by their low standards

If that were true, I would not have taken any care to reference to the unfortunate fact that one doubter "didn't apologize to Phil".

I will be insisting that this person do so, when he returns.

Posted by: strange gods before me | July 29, 2011 5:41 PM

Seriously though, I really was not intending to be patronising. I think you might have a fairly serious anger problem. Do you know what valium is?

Do you know what "patronising" is, asswipe?

A lack of nuanced thinking and an inability to engage with people in an appropriate manner is how this shitstorm got started.

A silly and inadequate diagnosis.

If we fail to do the same, we have nothing to complain about.

How incredibly stupid. And hypocritical, since your comments are nothing if not lacking in nuanced thinking.

My "tone trolling" is nothing more than ... tone trolling.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 5:41 PM

If that were true, I would not have taken any care to reference to the unfortunate fact that one doubter "didn't apologize to Phil".

Solipsistic much? That you personally, on occasion, rise above those low standards does not prove that the standards aren't low.

Posted by: forced to be anonymous | July 29, 2011 5:45 PM


Daniel Kolle - My apologies for the late reply.

I would say rape is always serious.

Using it to distract from someone trying to make an important and valid point, while talking about her own rape...thats kind of insulting to her... and does nothing for yourself.

Frank Habets, you probably are reading it wrong.

Posted by: Richard Eis | July 29, 2011 5:46 PM


By this point we've broken the internet for sure.

Posted by: Stephen Bahl | July 29, 2011 5:47 PM



When they do it, they're calmly explaining How Things Are to those too stupid to understand.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 5:51 PM




Using it to distract from someone trying to make an important and valid point, while talking about her own rape...thats kind of insulting to her... and does nothing for yourself.

Yep. Until he talks about rape the way Dick, i'm sorry, RICHARD wants, his rape shall be unapolagetically dismissed.

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 5:54 PM

That you personally, on occasion, rise above those low standards does not prove that the standards aren't low.

Sounds truthy.

But I would insist that a full reading of the thread in question will show that our standard is that people should not be belittled for reporting abuse. Two people got out of line and were roundly chastized it. I was not commenting at that hour, so the standard must have been enforced by others.

Don't take my word for it. Have a look.

Posted by: strange gods before me | July 29, 2011 5:56 PM

That you personally, on occasion, rise above those low standards does not prove that the standards aren't low.

Sounds truthy.

But I would insist that a full reading of the thread in question (Episode CCXXXV) will show that our standard is that people should not be belittled for reporting abuse. Two people got out of line and were roundly chastized it. I was not commenting at that hour, so the standard must have been enforced by others.

Don't take my word for it. Have a look.

Posted by: strange gods before me | July 29, 2011 5:58 PM


Here, the perfect picture of Richard and all the other PZombies dumbfounded by our continuing impertinence:

Posted by: John C. Welch | July 29, 2011 5:58 PM


Thank you very, very much for this monument, folks. I absolutely love it, and I really do appreciate it.


Posted by: ERV | July 29, 2011 6:10 PM


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