Keywords for Submission to the Cognitive Science Journal

Wherever possible, authors should make an effort to use the keywords from this list rather than using their own. These keywords will facilitate matching articles to potential reviewers.

Suggestions for new keywords may be sent to email. We encourage suggestions of new keywords only to rectify omissions on the list rather than to subdivide areas already listed.


Anthropology, Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Computer Science, Education, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology.


Analogy, Animal cognition, Attention, Artificial Life, Case-based reasoning, Causal reasoning, Cognitive architecture, Cognitive development, Communication, Complex systems, Computer vision, Concepts, Consciousness, Creativity, Culture, Decision making, Distributed cognition, Discourse, Emotion, Epistemology, Evolutionary psychology, Human-computer interaction, Human factors, Information, Instruction, Intelligent agents, Language acquisition, Language understanding, Learning, Machine learning, Memory, Motor control, Music, Reasoning, Representation, Pattern recognition, Perception, Philsosophy of computation, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of science, Problem Solving, Pragmatics, Semantics, Situated cognition, Skill acquisition and learning, Social cognition, Speech recognition, Syntax, Translation


Animal experimentation, Clinical methods, Computational neuroscience, Computer simulation, Cross-cultural analysis, Cross-linguistic analysis, Developmental experimentation, Electroencephalography (EEG), Ethnography, Human experimentation, Knowledge representation, Logic, Mathematical modeling, Neural Networks, Neuro-imaging, Robotics, Single-cell recording, Statistics, Symbolic computational modeling.