The Out Campaign


If you would like to create your own Out Campaign /promotional items, or tie them into your own local group, please feel free to use the following design materials. The red "A" logo is copyright RDFRS, but that's to prevent others from claiming it and blocking people from using it.  The red "A" is sybolic of Atheists and RDFRS is very happy that it has become a general meme for Atheism.

"Stand Out / The Out Campaign" artwork (as used on our sleeve design) 

stand out

Scarlet Letter "A" with "" below it (front of shirt design)
scarlet letter

Scarlet Letter "A" by itself
scarlet letter

Below is a collection of user submitted artwork and remixing which incorporates the "A" logo. If you have submitted something in the past and don't see it please send it to us again so that we can make sure and add it to the list. We can also add a "Submitted by: "your url" or your name, e-mail etc.
Please send an e-mail to:

Submitted by Bala




? ?

? ?

? ?

Submitted by Tai


? ?

Submitted by Bala



Submitted by K100



Submitted by William B






Submitted by Derrick Wildey - iPhone background


iPhone background


Submitted by Derek Job


desktop wallpaper

desktop wallpaper

desktop wallpaper

desktop wallpaper

desktop wallpaper

Submitted by Richard Newbold


200 pixels:

500 pixels:

Submitted by Aernout van der Linden



Submitted by John



Submitted by Marco A. Cupido




Thanks to Simon for the wallpaper. Image below links to a larger 1980x1020 png





Thanks to Bala
follow the link on his name to see other artwork







Thanks to Sznajper


link to Corel Draw version



Thanks to Vanessa K. Santos for the the image below

Thanks to Lou for the wallpapers. Note that there is an English and French version of each. Click on the small images below to open the large png file.








Thanks to Derek for the wallpaper below

scarlet letter

Thanks to Tim Jaeger for the updated Out Campaign logo


scarlet letter


Submitted by Stephen B.


Wall papers

1280x 1024

scarlet letter

1280x 1024 blue

scarlet letter


scarlet letter


scarlet letter

A set of static mouse pointer cursors and 6 Windows icons. These 6 icons are able to be shown in 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, and even 256x256 sizes without loss of quality (or, at least they don't get all blurry at different sizes, like many icons do).

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter



Submitted by Aaron Glennon


scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter


Submitted by Edward Vitale


scarlet letter


Submitted by HappyAtheist (Whitney)


scarlet letter

Adobe psd version

scarlet letter


Submitted by Sameh


scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter

Animated gif with the above images

scarlet letter


Atheist Tees



Submitted James Trent

scarlet letter


Submitted by Sarah G.


scarlet letter


Mauricio-Jose Schwarz


scarlet letter

scarlet letter

scarlet letter


The Dilemma of Truth by Yotam Zohar


The Delemma of Truth
scarlet letter


Hello from an expat in France (27 years) Many thanks to Richard Dawkins for all of his work. I think that it was probably Douglas Adams who sowed the seeds of my rejection of religion when I was lucky enough to hear the original H2G2 on the radio as a student. However, it wasn't until I recently re-read the bible and then read "The God Delusion" (et al) that I have ceased being a "I haven't really thought about it" agnostic and become a militant atheist. Although the *out campaign* probably won't make much sense to the French here in Alsace, I want to do my bit to help things along. I do think that it would be a good idea to include agnostics in the *out campaign* as well as atheists as it may help them, like me, to "think about it" !! To this end, I include with this message a couple of artwork ideas. Please feel free to use (or not) the ideas (I claim no copyright !!). I just wish that I could do more... All the best Bob Anderson Colmar - Alsace - France


A2 v1
scarlet letter

A2 v2
scarlet letter

A2 v3
scarlet letter


Submitted by Blake Atheist "@" for e-mail addresses and business cards


scarlet letter

Black and White


Submitted by Joseph Lanigan, Portland, OR


The Problem of Evil
scarlet letter


Submitted by Design for t-shirt with transparent "ct" -use the design or buy from his shop


ACTOUT t-shirt logo
scarlet letter

Here's what the .png should look like when it's printed

ACTOUT t-shit logo as it should appear printed
scarlet letter


Submitted by Alibri Verlag


scarlet letter

scarlet letter


Submitted by Geoffrey K.


Darwin Wants You
scarlet letter



small kitties 100x95

Submitted by vsbooklady

beige cat
scarlet letter

red cat
scarlet letter

gray cat
scarlet letter

brown cat
scarlet letter



Submitted by Jon Melanson
Jon Melanson

scarlet letter



Submitted by A.Grandt

Hi-res "A" in PNG format with transparent background

Gif "A" with a white background



Submitted by ~Honor MacDonald

Two small "A" icons.

White background

Black background

Submitted by Jarkko Piiroinen
SVG is a vector graphics format standard recommended by the W3C. The picture comes in two versions:
1. Without black background (scarletLetter.svg)
2. With black background (scarletLetterBlack.svg)

Both files are copyright-free (i.e. public domain).


"A" white background

"A" black background

Submitted by Viktor Nagornyy
Here is some example code you can use on your webpage to add the corner banner below;


<html><body> <div style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:0px; height: 200px; width: 200px:"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="" border="0"></a></div></body></html>

Out Campaign as corner band
scarlet letter

Out Campaign desktop
scarlet letter

Submitted by Daniel Karo
Out Campaign Desktop
scarlet letter

Submitted by Jan Korrubel
Scarlet Letter "A" Desktop 800x600
scarlet letter

Scarlet Letter "A" Desktop 1024x768
scarlet letter

Scarlet Letter "A" Desktop 1200x900
scarlet letter