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Tiki features a Wiki, Image galleries, File galleries, Forums, Polls, Chat, RSS feeds, Articles, Submissions, Weblogs, Webmail, Surveys, Trackers, Newsletters and more. Themes can be created using CSS. Everything is customizable, Tiki uses Smarty for templates, PEAR to access the database, and renders valid
Developer: tikiwiki.sourceforge.net Platform: Unix, Windows Date upd:2006-04-24 Hits23345 [Download] [Visit]
Wikepage is a wiki-standart, easy to use and small wiki - blog hybrid software with multilanguage site support, css support, i18n support, simple banner system, rss output support, theme support, upload support...etc...which does NOT require a MySQL database. It's a only 32K file. Wikepage
Developer: Sefer Bora Lisesivdin Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2006-10-31 Hits11797 [Download] [Visit]
Wikiwig is a free WYSIWYG-WIKI. It combines shared-working possibilities of Wikis with a Wysiwyg user-friendly interface (HtmlArea3). You don't need to know any wiki-specific syntax anymore to create and modify pages : simply design your page like in a word-processor. Hot features : image
Developer: Starcrouz, Walk, Angy,Psypol Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2006-01-25 Hits11519 [Download] [Visit]
Sitellite Collaboration Server is a Wiki-based collaboration server. It has a multi-user editing environment for site content using simple markup or an optional WYSIWYG interface. Includes full content versioning with history views and restore capabilities, and master admin screens to manage users and settings.
Developer: Simian Systems Inc. Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2006-04-24 Hits8528 [Download] [Visit]
Publicist is a free web server software, created for web papers, that allows groups of people to write and publish together on the web (i.e. schools or single classes, clubs, or other groups who wish to express themselves). The purpose of this project was
Developer: Dan Åkerlund - University of Karlstad - Sweden Platform: linux, windows Date upd:2006-09-05 Hits8375 [Download] [Visit]
This Wiki requires PHP 4.2 and supports register_globals=off. A Wiki is a collaboration / community tool allowing a group of authors to create a linked network of HTML pages. The PWP Wiki Processor is a simple Wiki wich does not require a database and
Developer: Lars Ackermann Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, sun Date upd:2006-06-02 Hits8291 [Download] [Visit]
WikkaWiki is a lightweight and flexible wiki engine allowing easy management of Websites, in particular collective Web-based projects: it provides an intuitive interface for modifying page content, tracking and comparing revisions made by single users, and setting user access privileges. It features W3 compliant
Developer: DarTar Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2007-05-08 Hits7011 [Download] [Visit]
coWiki is a sophisticated but easy-to-use Web collaboration tool that helps you and your coworkers create and organize Web documents, Weblogs, and knowledgebases (or any other document structures) directly in HTML browsers. coWiki follows the tradition of loose Wiki Wiki Webs with easy and
Developer: Daniel T. Gorski Platform: linux, freebsd, sun Date upd:2006-04-24 Hits6875 [Download] [Visit]
Minki Wiki is a minimal wiki (hence the name) aimed at achieving a balance of simplicity, flexibility and useful features. One of Minki Wiki's biggest strengths is its selection of text parsing markup, which is the heart and soul of Minki. Also worthy of
Developer: Allen Day Platform: linux, windows, osx Date upd:2006-08-04 Hits6247 [Download] [Visit]
Now with language packs! This wiki is great for documenting, describing or showing things. There is a fast built in rich text editor (wysiwyg) that allows you to create and edit pages like you would in a word processor (bold, italic, underline buttons etc.)
Developer: Cameron Shellum Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2006-11-30 Hits5990 [Visit]
Particle Wiki allows you to set up a wiki in minutes! Easily edit together pages using standard wiki mark-up or even enable HTML. Archive copies of each page to look back at older versions; revert to a previous version in just a few clicks.
Developer: Particle Soft Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2007-05-11 Hits5045 [Download] [Visit]
ErfurtWiki is a small Wiki engine implemented in PHP which stores its pages in a MySQL database or via a flat file backend. The Wiki source parsing is rather complete but is very extensible. It stands out from other Wikis in that it does
Developer: erfurtwiki.sourceforge.net Platform: Unix Date upd:2006-04-24 Hits5033 [Visit]
WikyBlog is a PHP/MySQL CMS designed with the already well known MediaWiki syntax and an AJAX enhanced tabbed interface for supported browsers. UTF8 support for multilanguage abilities, integrated custom template editing, file upload, a flexible user-privilege system and Google Maps integration count among the
Developer: Josh Schmidt Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2006-06-04 Hits3854 [Download] [Visit]
Sinapse Lite is an ultra-small wiki package that uses MySQL as a backend. This powerful system allows for users to modify existing posts or create new ones, with a unique BB-code-esque system, such as using [mark="name"] to mark a location and [goto="name"]Go here[/goto] to
Developer: Scott Fitzhugh Platform: linux, windows Date upd:2006-04-13 Hits3564 [Download] [Visit]
DokuWiki is a standards-compliant, simple-to-use Wiki mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups, and small companies. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki, and eases the
Developer: Andreas Gohr Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2005-04-18 Hits3535 [Visit]
LabWiki is a simple, XHTML/CSS standard-compliant, wiki software written in PHP. It uses plain text files for storing data (instead of a database such as MySQL). The wiki is easy to setup, use and customize. Among its features are auto-backups of previous versions of
Developer: Santosh Patnaik Platform: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Date upd:2006-06-04 Hits3386 [Download] [Visit]
A wiki application specifically for documentation building. Uses Text_Wiki so it can convert from wiki to any other format (XHTML for now; RTF, DocBook, and others are planned). Multiple sub-wikis (areas), access control list, anonymous and authenticated users, hierarchical mapping, built-in comment system, and
Developer: wiki.ciaweb.net Platform: Mac, Unix, Windows Date upd:2006-04-24 Hits2665 [Download] [Visit]
WebLime is a mix of Wiki and CMS. It uses Smarty as template engine and TinyMCE as WYSIWYG Editor.
Developer: Christian Sagmüller Platform: linux Date upd:2005-02-19 Hits2273 [Download] [Visit]
Text_Wiki is a PEAR class for parsing wiki text. You can drop it into your own applications and get wiki parsing right away. Text_Wiki is extensible; you can write your own parsing rules and macros.
Developer: wiki.ciaweb.net Platform: Mac, Unix, Windows Date upd:2006-04-24 Hits1860 [Download] [Visit]
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