men, masculinities and gender politics


Nick Sellars

Subdivide and rule

To talk about class we can't help but think of revolution, solidarity and uprising. Nick Sellars considers why the men's movement should be a revolution every man can join in. Even the owning class.

Boy friends

Making boys anti-sexist will soon be on the curriculum of many school systems. "We can do even better," claims Nick Sellars.

Coming out het


"Coming out" is a term once reserved for debutante belles entering society and womanhood. More recently it has been used to describe the public revelation that one is gay or lesbian; out of the closet. Nick Sellars is out of the closet again - this time he's back in a suit and tie.

Sticks and stones


What does an article about poofters have to do with "ordinary blokes"? Nick Sellars spells it out: ending discrimination against gays is one of the most important things to do in ending sexism.

A rough trade

Nick Sellars takes a look at the lives of the invisible men - working-class gay men.