men, masculinities and gender politics


Men Speak Up: A toolkit for action in men’s daily lives

A new report highlights the everyday actions men can take to help reduce and prevent men’s violence against women. The report is titled Men Speak Up: A toolkit for action in men’s daily lives, and it was released on November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

The report is available at the following web address: (There is also an abridged version.)

This report is complemented by the report I released a year ago, titled Where Men Stand: Men’s roles in ending violence against women. Where Men Stand offers a stocktake of where men are at when it comes to violence against women. It examines four dimensions of men’s relations to violence against women: men’s use of violence, men’s attitudes towards violence, men’s responses when violence occurs, and men’s involvement in preventing violence against women. This report is available from the same address.

Both reports are useful for those interested in:

  • Men’s roles in ending violence against women;
  • Men’s roles in building gender equality;
  • Strategies for bystander intervention;
  • Violence prevention.

Feedback on either report is most welcome.

Best wishes,

Michael Flood.