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Comets and asteroids


Introduction: Comets and asteroids

Asteroids and comets have had a fundamental impact on the development of Earth. Future impacts are a significant threat to civilisation - get the gist in our beginner's guide


Japan asteroid trip will star upgraded bouncing robot

12:14 05 October 2012

About the size of a case of beer, the German-built MASCOT rover will bounce across the surface of an asteroid as part of the Hayabusa 2 mission

Asteroid Vesta's hydrogen suggests water-delivery role

13:50 21 September 2012

Meteor impacts probably delivered water-bearing minerals to the space rock long ago, which may be how water arrived on early Earth

Astrophile: The pride and fall of warrior comet Lovejoy Movie Camera

17:41 14 September 2012

The famous comet of 2011 seemed hardier than any of its fellow sungrazers – but it emerges that even Lovejoy couldn't survive the fiery beast's heat for long

Is space mining really feasible?

INTERVIEW:  16:29 17 August 2012  | 3 comments

Asteroid mining will be difficult. There's the small matter of landing on one, for a start, says Tim Spahr

Asteroid miners want to turn rocks into spacecraft

INTERVIEW:  08:00 17 August 2012  | 4 comments

For space veterans Eric Anderson and Chris Lewicki, asteroid mining will be just the start – they want to build spacecraft out of the rocks

Meteorite's left-handed molecules a blow to ET search

15:21 01 August 2012  | 2 comments

The handedness of molecules might not be a strong sign of life after all, complicating the hunt for extraterrestrials

Asteroid miners to hitch a ride with Virgin Galactic

12:30 13 July 2012

Deal between space-flight companies is a sign the nascent industry could soon become self-sustaining

When it comes to defence, our priorities are wrong

EDITORIAL:  15:00 06 July 2012  | 3 comments

A tiny fraction of the money spent on weapons could keep a genuine defence project from being mothballed

Vital eye for killer asteroids could shut imminently

THIS WEEK:  10:58 06 July 2012  | 5 comments

A lack of cash is threatening the only southern sky survey dedicated to searching for Earth-grazing asteroids

Earth's oldest impact crater found in Greenland

15:55 29 June 2012  | 3 comments

A gigantic asteroid smashed into Greenland 3 billion years ago, making the crater it left behind the oldest on Earth – but the finding is controversial


Do gravity holes harbour planetary assassins?

NASA's STEREO spacecraft will search for objects trapped at the Lagrangian points (Image: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / NASA)

Weird regions of our solar system where gravity is cancelled out could harbour a dangerous secret, says Stuart Clark

Hale-Bopp, seen here from Joshua Tree National Park, California, was one of the brightest comets of the 20th century. Its gas or "ion" tail (blue) consists of ionized glowing gas blown away from the comet's head by the solar wind. The dust tail (white) consists of grains of dust pushed away from the comet head by the radiation of sunlight (Image: Walter Pacholka, Astropics / SPL)

Where do comets come from?

These cosmic apparitions have had humans pondering their nature for millennia, yet theories of where comets originate still don't stand up



Timeline: Comet and asteroid impacts

Follow the story of comets and asteroids, from their origins 4.5 billion years ago to the most recent impacts, with our timeline

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Tunguska: The day the sky exploded Movie Camera

In 1908, a huge explosion devastated a remote region of Siberia. A century later, its cause remains a mystery. David Cohen investigates

Artist's concept of a catastrophic asteroid impact with the early Earth. An impact with a 500 kilometre diameter asteroid would effectively sterilize the planet. The Earth may have experienced such gigantic impacts in its youth, but fortunately today there are no projectiles this large to threaten our planet (Image: Don Davis, NASA)

Asteroid bound for Earth! Warn your grandchildren

An asteroid that had initially been thought harmless might just hit Earth 160 years from now


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