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Link between global warming and drought questioned

THIS WEEK:  18:00 14 November 2012

Climate predictions of intensifying drought are based on an oversimplified picture, a new analysis finds

Cannabis legalisation launches living laboratory

THIS WEEK:  18:00 14 November 2012

The new laws in Colorado and Washington should provide a testing ground for health effects and for how people behave when drug laws are relaxed

Hovering moon base may be on NASA's horizon

17:51 14 November 2012

Rumours that the space agency wants to park a spaceport in orbit near the moon carry a ring of truth, space policy experts say

Higgs boson continues to be maddeningly well-behaved

15:38 14 November 2012

The first update since the particle's discovery in July shows it behaving exactly as predicted – giving no clues about how to explain things like dark matter

Zoologger: The leggiest animal in the world

15:19 14 November 2012

Illacme plenipes almost merits the name "millipede", with its 750 legs – and it can squeeze silk out of the hairs on its back

Mining MRSA genetic code halts superbug outbreak

13:33 14 November 2012

Whole genome sequencing of an MRSA outbreak has identified the person who unwittingly spread the bacteria around a hospital, stopping further infection

Calls for Roche to release patient data on Tamiflu

UPFRONT:  10:51 14 November 2012

Campaigners linked to the Nordic Cochrane Centre have called on European governments to sue the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche

Is telepresence the next big thing?

EDITORIAL:  09:00 14 November 2012

Telepresence may soon give us all a physical presence in a remote location. Expect the unexpected

Oxytocin changes partnered men's behaviour

IN BRIEF:  22:00 13 November 2012

A quick sniff of oxytocin causes men who have a female partner to put more space between themselves and other women

Orbiting moon gives chilling clue to black hole heat

18:10 13 November 2012

A small partner circling a black hole would make the hole wobble and reduce its temperature

UK pins ash hopes on finding fungus-resistant trees

UPFRONT:  17:15 13 November 2012

The fungal disease killing ash trees in the UK cannot be eradicated, so instead scientists will go looking for trees with natural resistance

Our brain can do unconscious mathematics

THIS WEEK:  16:53 13 November 2012

People can calculate simple mathematical equations unconsciously, adding weight to the idea that such reasoning isn't an exclusively human trait

American dream of oil independence on horizon

UPFRONT:  16:06 13 November 2012

Fracking technology and levelling energy consumption means the US will be self-sufficient for oil around 2035

Body down a wire: Living your life in remote control

FEATURE:  14:08 13 November 2012

Transmitting our senses into machines is set to change the way we live, says Helen Thomson, but it's the unintended consequences we should care about

Time to think beyond the Large Hadron Collider

EDITORIAL:  09:00 13 November 2012

To truly understand the Higgs we will need yet another massive particle accelerator – physicists are starting to dream, and now's a good time to start

'Palaeo-porn': we've got it all wrong

INTERVIEW:  08:00 13 November 2012

The idea that curvaceous figurines are prehistoric pornography is an excuse to legitimise modern behaviour as having ancient roots, says archaeologist April Nowell

Our ancestors dined on grass 3.5 million years ago

20:00 12 November 2012

Our ancestors began eating grass half a million years earlier than thought, soon after they started leaving the trees for the savannah

DNA tentacles identify recurring leukaemia

20:00 12 November 2012

We might soon know much more quickly if cancer has returned, using DNA tentacles inspired by jellyfish

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