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Physics & Math


If you want to be president, hire geeks not pundits

THIS WEEK:  10:25 15 November 2012  | 4 comments

A new breed of voting forecasters won't replace pundits but elections of the future could be won by the party with the best stats

Higgs boson continues to be maddeningly well-behaved

15:38 14 November 2012  | 5 comments

The first update since the particle's discovery in July shows it behaving exactly as predicted – giving no clues about how to explain things like dark matter

Orbiting moon gives chilling clue to black hole heat

18:10 13 November 2012  | 1 comment

A small partner circling a black hole would make the hole wobble and reduce its temperature

Time to think beyond the Large Hadron Collider

EDITORIAL:  09:00 13 November 2012  | 14 comments

To truly understand the Higgs we will need yet another massive particle accelerator – physicists are starting to dream, and now's a good time to start

Rare particle's decay confounds hunt for new physics

16:58 12 November 2012

The rate at which rare Bs mesons decay skewers some leading candidates for a new theory of particles and forces

Tiny engine runs on single hydrogen molecules

IN BRIEF:  15:51 12 November 2012

The random movements of individual hydrogen molecules have powered a vibrating springboard, mimicking molecular machines in nature

Particle headache: Why the Higgs could spell disaster

COVER STORY:  13:36 12 November 2012  | 11 comments

If the particle discovered at CERN this July is all we think it is, there are good reasons to want it to be something else

It moves! Lab-made blob can crawl Movie Camera

16:15 08 November 2012  | 1 comment

Droplets of a new lab-made gel can propel themselves and may help untangle how swarms of living things create order from chaos

Mathematical proof reveals magic of Ramanujan's genius

THIS WEEK:  08:00 08 November 2012

A complex new proof that the genius mathematician seemed to grasp intuitively may teach us about black holes

Theory of everything says universe is a transformer

16:27 06 November 2012  | 22 comments

Oxford visionary David Deutsch has posted a glimpse of his long-awaited theory for why the universe is just so – possibly spawning a new branch of physics


Wrinkled doughnut solves geometrical mystery

A shape has finally been visualised that had evaded mathematicians since the 1950s, including John Nash


Neutrinos: messengers from the underworld

Neutrinos escaping Earth's bowels have fascinating tales to tell about our planet <i>(Image: Simon Danaher)</i>

The elusive particles could reveal Earth's origins and inner workings – if only we can catch enough of them, says Anil Ananthaswamy


Animation reveals the world's hidden equations

Without them, we'd be living in the stone age – the equations that underlay modern technology come alive in our animated explainer



Higgsteria: Hunting the world's most wanted particle

The Higgs boson was the only particle predicted by the standard model of physics that remained undetected – now all that's changed
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Element 'ununseptium' to fill periodic table gap

11:45 07 April 2010 - updated 12:00 07 April 2010

The latest super-heavy element to be created in the lab should fill a gap in the periodic table - and it was no mean feat to make the stuff, says Rachel Courtland

Record LHC collisions mark new era for physics

11:48 30 March 2010 - updated 13:31 30 March 2010

Engineers at the Large Hadron Collider have smashed together beams at 7 teraelectronvolts – the start of the physics programme, says Richard Fisher


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