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Layout and template issues

Posted images not appearing in custom template

This problem can occur in very specific cases, when:

  1. You are using a custom template, where the section containing your posts is relatively positioned and has a background,
  2. You have posted images using Bloggers image upload feature, and
  3. You are viewing your blog in Internet Explorer on Windows.

If the above are all true, your images may not show up on your blog, though there may be a blank space which, when clicked, will reveal the image. This is because of a bug in Internet Explorer's handling of floated elements (the images) inside of relatively positioned elements (the column or section of your page containing the posts). The workaround for this is to make a slight change to your template's CSS to make the images relatively positioned.

First, determine the ID or class of the relatively positioned column of your blog containing your posts. You will probably find a line resembling <div id="main-column"> to indicate this. (The main-column part could say anything, so just substitute the correct name for your template in all of these examples.)

Now, add the following between the <style> </style> tags in your template:

#main-column img {

If your template used a class attribute instead of an id in the <div> tag, then you would simply replace the # above with a . (a period).

As usual, remember to save your template changes and republish your blog to finish everything up.

Note: Blogger Support cannot provide detailed debugging assistance for custom template issues like this. If you continue to have trouble resolving the issue, be sure to check out our other resources. And remember, you can always use one of our default templates, which should all work without a problem.

updated 10/16/2012

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