PETITION: Fight for Country-of-Origin Labeling

To: President Barack Obama, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk

We the undersigned citizens of the United States, hereby petition the U.S. government to enforce the Country of Origin Labeling Act (COOL) and to disregard “rulings” of the World Trade Organization finding that COOL is a technical barrier to trade.

The U.S.' Country of Origin Labeling Act...

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We the undersigned citizens of the United States, hereby petition the U.S. government to enforce the Country of Origin Labeling Act (COOL) and to disregard “rulings” of the World Trade Organization finding that COOL is a technical barrier to trade.

The U.S.' Country of Origin Labeling Act (COOL) was passed in Washington as part of the 2002 Farm Bill. Starting in 2008, COOL ordered U.S. retailers to notify their customers, by way of labeling, on the sources of many meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and some nuts sold in their stores. In November of 2011, the World Trade Organization (WTO) declared that the law violated parts of the WTO's Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Even though Washington appealed the ruling last March, the WTO Appellate Body upheld its decision, stating that COOL "has a detrimental impact on imported livestock."

As citizens of the United States, we reject the WTO's authority to undermine our domestic laws. COOL does not discriminate against any country by requiring labeling. Rather, it gives consumers the right to decide whether to buy U.S. or imported meat. We ask that our government defend this consumer right and take a stand for our nation's sovereignty by disregarding the WTO's ruling on COOL.

This petition closed on Dec 1, 2012.

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12,688 people signed the petition

In early September, a coalition of groups including the Made in the USA Foundation and R-CALF USA, filed a lawsuit against the WTO in Denver's U.S. District Court hoping to get a court order that WTO does not have authority to overrule U.S. law. In conjunction with that lawsuit, we're circulating this petition to challenge the WTO's right to intimidate the United States into weakening our Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law. We hope to convince the President, the Agriculture Secretary, and the U.S. Trade Representative to protect our nation's sovereignty and reaffirm that accurate labeling is a consumer right.

Learn more about the COOL Act here:

Read about the ongoing legal battle to uphold the COOL Act here:

You can also download a hard copy of this petition to have those not online sign at:

  1. Update #1

    Posted by Laurel Masterson (Cause Leader) on October 11, 2012

    Thanks so much to those who have already signed!

    There is still time to get additional signatures as the deadline to sign this petition has been extended to Oct. 30, 2012.

    Let's stand up for our rights to know from where our food comes.

Recent Signatures

  1. 12,688
    Lilly Frydrych Northville, MI
    1 mo ago
  2. 12,687
    Janet Guay Heslet Utica, MI
    1 mo ago
  3. 12,686
    Randy McNair Clinton Township, MI
    1 mo ago
  1. 12,685
    James Baker Sterling Heights, MI
    1 mo ago
  2. 12,684
    Tim Hoover Corunna, IN
    1 mo ago
  3. 12,683
    Jimmy Swain Reston, VA
    1 mo ago

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