Veterans Affairs Canada
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Veterans Affairs Canada


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About Veterans Affairs Canada

Departmental Officials

Read the biographies of the Minister, Deputy Minister and Associate Deputy Minister.

Departmental Reports

See overviews as well as detailed information on various departmental planning documents, financial reports and program commitments.

Just the Facts...

Veterans’ issues matter to Canadians and many of these issues have become regular headlines in the news today. This section offers a closer look at some of these important discussions.

Legislation Administered by Veterans Affairs

Acts under the responsibility of the Minister of Veterans Affairs, acts under shared responsibility, regulations and orders administered by the Minister of Veterans Affairs, regulations and orders under shared responsibility.

Mandate, Mission, Vision, Values and Ethics

To provide exemplary, client-centred services and benefits that respond to the needs of veterans, our other clients and their families, in recognition of their services to Canada; and to keep the memory of their achievements and sacrifices alive for all Canadians.

Minister's Commendation

Since serving in uniform, many of Canada’s Veterans continue to provide outstanding service to their country, their communities and their fellow Veterans. To formally recognize the contributions of these outstanding Canadians, the Governor General authorized in 2001 the creation of the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation.

Minister's Corner

Learn more about our Minister. The Minister’s Corner includes a biography, speeches, news and events, photos and an opportunity to write to the Minister directly.


The Veterans Affairs Portfolio consists of the Department of Veterans Affairs, which reports to the Minister of Veterans Affairs; the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, which reports to Parliament through the Minister of Veterans Affairs; and the office of the Veterans Ombudsman, which also reports to Parliament through the Minister of Veterans Affairs.

Program Policies

Veterans Affairs Canada is committed to developing policies to support the delivery of programs and benefits to Canada's Veterans.

Post Secondary Recruitment

Over the next decade, a significant proportion of Veterans Affairs employees will retire. That means lots of employment choices at entry and mid-level positions. That also means tremendous opportunities for upward mobility and continued education.

Proactive Disclosure

Disclosure of information regarding contracts issued by or on behalf of VAC; travel and hospitality expenses incurred within VAC by senior officials and employees; the reclassification of occupied positions within VAC; and the awarding of grants and contributions over $25,000.

Research Directorate

Our research teams closely examine issues that concern Veterans, such as mental health, pain management, health and aging and many other important subjects.

Ste. Anne's Hospital

At Ste. Anne's Hospital, every effort is made to help our Veterans feel at home. Located just west of Montreal, Ste. Anne's Hospital offers Veterans a unique environment carefully designed to ensure an optimal quality of life that meets their physical, psychological and social needs.


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