50 Best Movies Of 2012

As voted for by Total Film writers


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    • davidrobbo

      Dec 12th 2012, 9:24

      WHAT???!!! No End of Watch?! best film this year for me, can't believe it didn't get in the top 50!

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    • barneystinson

      Dec 12th 2012, 10:44

      A good list.....I'd have had Ruby Sparks, End Of Watch, Wild Bill, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Coriolanus, The Hunt, Carnage, Rampart and Detention in mine and omitted Prometheus, The Hunger Games, Headhunters, Killer Joe, Young Adult, Martha Marcy May Marlene (plus a few I haven't seen due to Cineworld not showing more obscure stuff)....yet to see Seven Psychopaths, Life Of Pi, The Hobbit or Jack Reacher of the big Hollywood movies but only Seven Pychopaths looks any good out of those....

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    • JoseyWales

      Dec 12th 2012, 12:43

      Some on those list I've missed, some I've yet to see. Cannot agree with the following 1) Ted (about as funny as an hernia), 2) Spiderman (boring) 3) Cosmopolis (gave me a headache) 4) Hunger Games (boring) 5) Prometheus (didn't make any sense at all) 6) The Dark Knight Rises (disappointing). Agreed as follows 1) Killer Joe (brilliantly original) 2) 21 Jump Street (hilarious) 3) Headhunters (exceptional) 4) Avengers (great fun) 5) Shame (give Fassbender an Oscar). Done.

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    • anthonyrieger

      Dec 12th 2012, 13:14

      Surprised no Lawless. Thats in my top 10

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    • FBTBeasley

      Dec 12th 2012, 13:19

      I can't believe End Of Watch didn't even make the top 50. It's the best film of the year for me. Also, The Master isn't even the best film of this month, let alone the year. Can we all stop masturbating over Paul Thomas Anderson soon please?

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    • CTurner1

      Dec 12th 2012, 13:23

      Er Total Film........You put The Muppets above The Hunger Games, Spiderman, Dredd and Prometheus. Let me repeat that you put THE MUPPETS ABOVE THE HUNGER GAMES, SPIDERMAN, DREDD AND PROMETHEUS. In what universe does that make any sense?

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    • sineadshahrzad

      Dec 12th 2012, 13:26

      Great list! I especially agree with Prometheus, Shame, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Life Of Pi, Skyfall, The Hobbit, and Frankenweenie!

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    • Jettius

      Dec 12th 2012, 13:27

      Cabin in the woods top 3? wow.

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    • Jeffbiscuits

      Dec 12th 2012, 14:01

      I'd have Dredd a lot higher. Haven't seen quite a few on the list but it's ten times better than some of the ones I have. Struggling to decide between Dredd and Inkeepers as my film of the year.

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    • Skins99

      Dec 12th 2012, 14:06

      Cosmopolis? Really?? That's high in my worst of the year list. Admirable that you're sticking to your guns about Promethteus. I guess.

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    • FBAGardhadipu

      Dec 12th 2012, 14:21

      Oh my god, where is End of Watch??? WHERE???!!!

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    • SiMan

      Dec 12th 2012, 14:31

      Glad the Raid was in the top 5 - thought it was absolutely brilliant. Think i'm going to have to track down The Imposter on DVD - sounds quite interesting. If you had that as a plot of a film you wouldn't believe it. Have to say though, for me the Avengers was the film of the year. Just a pure joy to sit and watch it.

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    • charliealexnder

      Dec 12th 2012, 15:04

      Tiny Furniture came out in 2010...?

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    • Pearceyy96

      Dec 12th 2012, 15:06

      I loved Cabin in the Woods as much as anyone! One of my favourite horrors but can't believe it's quite number 3. How on earth is End of Watch not in there, brilliant film. I agree with the rest except for a couple. Why the innkeepers and Prometheus are in there has confused me. Both critically successful but two of the most boring films I've ever seen! Awful! Thought Skyfall & Avengers would be a little higher but glad there In top 10. Empire gave number 1 to Avengers which put a big smile on my face... What a film!

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    • jackstarr

      Dec 12th 2012, 15:55

      What a list... have to agree with others, though, END OF WATCH SHOULD BE ON THERE! But all my favourites were there, Dark Knight Rises, Looper, 21 Jump Street, Skyfall, Ted, Chronicle... and I'm so glad to see The Cabin in the Woods high up there! Such an unappreciated movie, I'd say that's definitely my best of the year...

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    • Hadouken76

      Dec 12th 2012, 15:58

      Erm.. you should have waited until the new year, then you could have included The Hobbit.

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    • jacobfinlay

      Dec 12th 2012, 16:26

      a good selection but in the wrong order

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    • Ali1748

      Dec 12th 2012, 18:59

      So far for me it's. 1. The Dark Knight Rises 2. The Avengers 3. Looper 4. Argo 5. Skyfall 6. Ted 7. The Raid 8. The Amazing Spider-Man 9. Chronicle 10. Cabin In The Woods

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    • AlfredsDream098

      Dec 12th 2012, 20:41

      Yep everything is in the wrong order, freaking Prometheus is way to high and should be below 45 at least. And no Pirates!, what the hell! Why has everyone forgot that movie.

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    • tuxey

      Dec 12th 2012, 21:48

      Pirates 4 was atrocious. The series has run out of steam. Actually makes me wonder about the lone ranger as well, the trailer looks a little 'been there done that' to me. Also, I have reservations about the Dark Knight. I can understand why people were originally caught up in this, its a beautiful looking picture (Wally Pfister is up there with Roger Deakins), great score and some great emotional scenes. But, all in all, some terrible editing choices and a poor (and or lazy) script make this a fairly disappointed movie for me. Waiting on some big movies to come out but in the mean time my Top 5 for 2012 (in no order) 1. Looper 2. Killing Them softly 3. The master 4. Rust and Bone 5. Argo

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    • rubywinchester8

      Dec 13th 2012, 16:31

      The Hobbit should be number one!!! How it is not seriously?? and Avengers should be number 2! This list have a great movies of the year but i dont agree with some of the positions! Like Skyfall and The Dark Knight Rises in front of The Hobbit and Avengers makes me laugh!

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    • FBKCooley

      Dec 14th 2012, 13:09

      Having just watched "Ted", there are a lot of words you can use to describe the rom-com part (forced, abbreviated, grating), but not "nice." Mila Kunis' character is a new archetype of "strong woman as shrill harpy" that I don't like seeing in movies. But then again, McFarlane doesn't know what to do with her when she's animated, either.

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    • justme1

      Dec 14th 2012, 17:00

      Brave and Cosmopolis are unforgivably low in this list, they should be in the fist 10. in my book they are totally Oscar-worthy. Brave for being the first blockbuster with NO white-knight-in-shining-armor solving all the problems of poor babe. Cosmopolis for everything and then some. "Mass walkouts from disgruntled R-Pattz fans" IS 100% LIE, you are obviously not good at doing home work. avengers is the most primitive, overrated and stupid movie i have ever seen and i have seen... otherwise it is a decent selection of the movies to entertain yourself on a rainy evening :)

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    • Dalekbuster523

      Dec 14th 2012, 17:00

      No Men In Black 3?!? But that was the best movie of 2012.

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    • Igrayne

      Dec 14th 2012, 19:03

      I thought the early films would be good and the top ones would be s**t it was the other way around, too much indie bollocks. Indie films are often good but the do not match half of the big releases. Ted was loved because it was offensive, Kunis is c**p. The Hunger Games was a sissy rip off of Battle Royale without the class, originiality or Japanese skill of brutal and uncomprimising story telling. Brave was good apart from the grating and irritating feminist wet dream of a main character, Dredd was excellent, Skyfall was overrated and Prometheus was very average.

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    • Igrayne

      Dec 14th 2012, 19:03

      And by the way Total Film did not make this list.

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    • thanerosse

      Dec 14th 2012, 19:09

      I really enjoyed reading this, it might not be 100% the order I put it in or the films I would have included, but at least it's not the same old predictable list I've seen a half dozen other places. There are some good surprises on here too and some films I've missed I need to check out. Kudos to whoever wrote it.

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    • allykatharvey

      Dec 14th 2012, 21:37

      Weird priorities here! "The Hobbit" should be in top three at least. "Once Upon a Time in Anatolia" was wonderful and should be higher. "Ted" was cute but not a prizewinner. "The Master" and "Life of Pi" aren't on general release yet. We can't wait but should they be here at all? Who chooses this "best" stuff. Is it always a male?

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    • Hadouken76

      Dec 15th 2012, 1:33

      O wait I've just seen Hobbit at number 15. Don't know how I missed that. Sorry. Not top ten? Not surprised. The earthy hues of the LOTR trilogy were overwhelmed by the new frame-rate, giving The HObbit a look of being too digital and clean. It was good movie, but not 5 stars. TDKR better than Skyfall? Just no.

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    • martaoliveira

      Dec 15th 2012, 12:24

      great movies, but wrong order.

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    • LSJShez

      Dec 16th 2012, 12:42

      Cabin In The Woods at no.3? Don't be silly.

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    • Poochface

      Dec 17th 2012, 14:16

      I can't believe that you've rated the appalling Damsels in Distress higher than The Hunger Games and Frankenweenie. And no mention of the fantastic Lawless?

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    • mariatsi

      Dec 17th 2012, 15:15

      This list sucks in so many levels...like 50

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    • rosshorgan

      Dec 17th 2012, 20:47

      "it's been a while since Hollywood has produced a sci-fi movie so exuberant in its blend of entertainment and head-f****ry." Did Inception mean nothing to you?

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    • Ali1748

      Dec 18th 2012, 19:44

      After now seeing The Hobbit it's definitely my favorite movie of the year.

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    • jayabbit

      Dec 19th 2012, 2:24

      What the hell? Half these films aren't even from 2012! In fact, at least one of these was from 2010. Horrible list. Simply horrible.

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    • GregBeeds

      Dec 19th 2012, 9:44

      Cabin in the woods? shame on you

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    • Siban1982

      Dec 21st 2012, 16:22

      Cosmopolis... you're kidding right?

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    • andrewwylie

      Dec 22nd 2012, 12:38

      some good films on here avengers was fantastic aswell as looper, skyfall (best bond for a long time) the raid was very glad to see that higher up than dredd as it is a poor imitation of the raid. Then there are the utter letdowns of the year like prometheus and the amazing spiderman which ifhd been done to their full potential would ave een alot higher on the list. To have cosmopolis in the list a bit strange thought it was extremely boring as was young adult. Cabin in the woods as kinda muddled in my opinion just fling every horror idea ever into one movie and hope for the best not or me an the ending my go it was bad. Top5 for me 1. The Avengers 2. Skyfall 3. The Raid 4. Looper 5. The Dark Knight Rises

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    • aragorn01

      Dec 25th 2012, 15:51

      my eyebrows are raised at some of the choices here...Prometheus, The Hunger Games and..THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. it just annoys da heck outta me how this movie (which is a HUGE letdown after the great The Dark Knight and the really good Batman Begins) would continue to appeal to most of the major critics and news/film magazines, despite its MANY shortcomings. the movie is NOT BAD at best. nothing more. STOP tryinna make it WAY MORE than it actually IS. which is an UN-finished and, thus, often VERY SLOPPY story told by Christopher Nolan & co. it coulda and woulda been GREAT, but it simply WAS NOT. for me this type of list should consist of films that make you feel something, if not ENERGIZED bout the movies again. my top 3: 1. Marvel's The Avengers (aka Avengers Assemble) 2. Life of Pi 3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Agreed, End of Watch should've been on the list. haven't seen: Lincoln, The Master, Seven Psychopaths, Django Unchained and Wreck-It-Ralph

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    • FBSBuntinx

      Dec 25th 2012, 17:25

      Cosmopolis in this top 50? this is one of the most boring films from Cronenberg . It belongs to the list most overrated films of the year :-)

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    • FBSBuntinx

      Dec 25th 2012, 17:30

      Very nice to see "Le Gamin au velo" at place 19 and "Rust and Bone" at place 23 :)

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    • FBSBuntinx

      Dec 25th 2012, 17:38

      Cabin in the woods at nr.3? djeezes. It doesn't even belongs to the top 200 of the year. The film want to be original and it really thinks it's but after already 5 minutes it is nothing more dan nr. ... in a long series of average horrorfilms. It can be add to the same "overrated" list of the year

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