Changing the world is a lot easier when you’ve got the right tools.

Causes is built for change. We provide free and easy tools for passionate people to spread the word, find supporters, raise money, and build momentum.

Our goal is to help you reach yours. Get started by customizing one of nine templates - ranging from a boilerplate petition to a page designed to capture video views - to fit your aspirations and drive towards lasting, real-world impact. If you're not ready to lead a movement, browse through some of the most popular actions to find one that could use your support.

Why Causes?

Our pages work

About 30% of people who visit our pages take action, and over 20% of them share it with friends. So far, over 170 million people have taken action for over 500,000 unique causes, making it the best place to run an action campaign or get involved in one that interests you.


We're built for sharing

Every campaign on Causes is automatically integrated with Facebook's custom open graph, which means that our actions are easily shared via Timeline and newsfeed. The ability for supporters to tweet, email, and post a Facebook status update is a click away on every campaign page.

No-cost email tools

Through our tool, campaign creators can reach out to their supporters via email - at no cost, anytime. For supporters, managing email subscriptions is a simple, one-click process.


Safe, secure donations

Any GuideStar-verified and active 501(c)(3) nonprofit can collect donations through Causes. Our credit card processor Network for Good only charges enough to cover credit card fees and processing expenses; the rest goes directly to the designated organization. All donations made on Causes are 100% tax-deductible, and Causes receives no portion of donations.

Support for every cause

We’re here to back you up, 24/7. Head to our Help Desk for FAQs and a Getting Started guide, or check out our blog for success stories and tips on running campaigns.
