This Privacy Policy was last revised on September 16, 2011.

Causes created this application to make it simple for users to share information about the causes they care about with their friends and others with similar interests. We give you control of your information because you may not want to share your information with everyone. You choose what information you provide, including contact and personal information, interests, and causes. You control the sharing of that information by using the privacy settings on the application.

This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand what information you may provide, how we use and share the information and how we will not use or share information, and your choices when using the Causes application, located at and, (the "Application"). We will not use or share your information with anyone, except as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about the Privacy Policy or would like to suggest improvements, please contact us at or Privacy Department, Causes, 88 Kearny St, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94108 United States.

We operate under the principle that you should have control over your information including how it is shared with others. To learn more about our privacy practices, read on!

Information You Provide

While using the application, you may provide use with anonymous information, personal information and additional materials.

You provide us with anonymous information such as your IP address, areas of the Application you have visited, time and date, and whether or not you clicked on links. We use technologies such as cookies to collect this information. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a user's computer. We use session ID cookies to confirm that users are logged in. Session cookies terminate once the user closes the browser. We also use persistent cookies that store other information to make it easier for you to login when you come back to the Application. You can configure your browser to block cookies; however, if you do, the Application may not function properly or at all. If you choose to click on a link to any outside website, anonymous information may be provided to that website.

You may provide us personal information if you register at the Application, like your username, password, first and last names, email address, and mailing address. You may provide additional personal information for your profile.

You may also post information, opinions, voting records, text, sounds, photographs, audio, video, images, graphics, and other content or materials of any nature (collectively, "Materials") to the Application. You have control of who sees this Material through your use of the privacy setting available through the Application. If you choose, the Materials will be viewable by other users.

Use of the Information We Collect

You are in control of sharing personal information that you provide to the Application, including by using the privacy settings. If you choose to post Materials directly to public portions of the Application such as causes, forums, communities, or message boards, obviously those Materials may be available to other users. Causes may use personal information you elect to provide to us in order to provide products and/or services to you and, if you elect, other users and for administration, maintenance and development of the Application.

Your personally identifiable information will not be sold to advertisers or spammers.

If you provide your email address at the Application, we may use your email address to contact you and notify you of any Application news. You can choose which types of email you receive from us by changing your account settings at the Application. Generally, you cannot opt-out of receiving certain communications such as service-related announcements and administrative messages, except by terminating your account.

Causes may use anonymous information collected to improve the quality of the Application. This information may help us to diagnose problems, maintain security, and provide services users want. Causes may determine user demographics, interests, and behavior and may share such anonymous information with others. For example, we may provide demographic or usage information to an organization so they may see how many users are from a specific geographic area or industry.

Spreading the Word

In order to spread the word and promote causes you care about you may elect to opt-in and take advantage of one of our optional promotion services. If you choose to opt-in, we will use the email addresses in your address book to send a one-time email to those email addresses with information about the Application. If you prefer, you may opt to provide a friend's email address, and we will send that friend a one-time email inviting the friend to visit the Application. We may use the email information to track the success of these email services. Anyone we send an email to through one of these features may contact us at to request that we remove their information from our database.

Sharing of Information

We share your personally identifiable information in three cases: (1) with your permission, (2) as required by law, and (3) change of ownership, each as more fully described in the paragraphs below.

You may opt-in to allow third parties, such as nonprofits, to receive the information you provide by checking the appropriate box when you are providing information. If you tell us to share your information with a third party, the third party's use of that information will be governed by their privacy policy, not ours.

We may be required to disclose user information pursuant to lawful requests, such as subpoenas or court orders, or in compliance with applicable laws. We do not reveal information until we have a good faith belief that an information request by law enforcement or private litigants meets applicable legal standards. Additionally, we may share account or other information when we believe it is necessary to comply with law, to protect our interests or property, to prevent fraud or other illegal activity perpetrated through the Causes service or using the Causes name, or to prevent imminent bodily harm. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, agents or government agencies.

If the ownership of all or substantially all of Causes' business, or substantial portions of the business owned by Causes, were to change, your information may be transferred to the new owner so the new owner can continue providing services to you. In any such case, your information would remain subject to the protections provided in our Privacy Policy.

Please remember that anyone who has access to your username and password may be able to access your personal information; therefore, we encourage you to keep your password secret to prevent any unwanted access.


You can delete your account at your user profile page. You can also edit your personal information to ensure that it is correct and up-to-date. You may delete your information from the Application at any time.

Child Protection

Causes does not offer the Application to, or knowingly collect or solicit information from, anyone under the age of 13. If you are under 13, do not provide us with any information. Any information we receive from people we believe to be under 13 will be purged from our database.

Links to Other Websites

The Application may contain links to other websites, including of nonprofits, PACs, and other organizations. Causes is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites that may be linked to the Application.


If you choose to use the Application, your use is subject to the current Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (which is incorporated into and subject to the Causes Terms of Use) and you consent to our limited use of information as outlined in our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we do make changes, we will post any changes on the Application and will indicate the date the changes were made at the top of our Privacy Policy. Non-material changes are effective upon posting. Material changes are effective 15 days after posting. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information in our possession.


Causes takes reasonable precautions to protect our users' information. Your account information is located on a secured server behind a firewall. Because email and instant messaging are not recognized as secure communications, we request that you not send private information to us by email or instant messaging services. Although we allow you to set privacy setting that limit access to your information, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or 100% effective. We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you may choose to share your pages and information. Even after removal, copies of Materials may remain viewable in cached and archived pages or if other users have copied or stored your Materials. If you have any questions about the security of Causes Application, please contact us at

Opting out of communications

You can choose to opt out of receiving emails from Causes by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link in any such e-mail, or visiting the e-mail preference by visiting your e-mail preference page at or our Please note that once we receive your request, it may take an additional period of time for your opt-out to become effective. Your unsubscribe or e-mail preference change will be processed promptly, and in no event longer than 10 business days. Alternatively, you may email us at or reach us at the following contact information:

88 Kearny Street, Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94108