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Pisces Moon Shines Spiritual

The river of thought flows so deep and wide under the Pisces Moon that it might be questioned whether it's really thought at all -- there is something stronger than intellect that is either pushing at us from the inside, or pulling us magnetically toward its external source. For those who care to linger in the unknown, the spiritual glow is warming.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You may feel as though you are being fed useless information, but this learning is not in vain. Rather, it's just too soon to say how exactly this will fit into your big picture.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). When you hear an excellent suggestion, you move on it right away. If you're not moving, it means you have doubts. You may not even be fully cognizant of what they are, but trust yourself on this one.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Melancholy types like to pine away about what they don't have whilst ignoring what they do have. Your example of gratitude will catch on to the others around you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). There's someone you'd like to know better and you'll make inroads now. Isn't it nice to know the feeling is mutual? Also, you'll learn something interesting about yourself if you consider why you find this person attractive.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You're gathering your strength on every level. Physically, you may not look very active, but looks can be deceiving. Much will be gained from the process of doing very little.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are many facets to your personality. You will utilize your gifts to do unique and captivating work. There's someone who wants to get closer to you, drawn in by all you create.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Sure, you are in charge of yourself. But your life is also a collaboration. Stop expecting yourself to be responsible for the entire experience. You have a strong influence, but you don't have total control.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You'll know when you achieve detachment -- you'll be laughing to yourself about the very thing you once were quite annoyed with.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It seems that there is nothing that can't be made a little better because of the quality of attention you bring to it today. You will take a mundane practice and turn it into an elegant art.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Take on a courageous, energetic and completely superfluous activity. It's impossible to see now, but doing the unnecessary today will give you an advantage down the line.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your personal New Year is coming up. You're now getting excited about the prospects. With a little consistency you'll see that you really can become the person you always wanted to be.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Testing is part of human nature. Children do it without realizing it. The little pushes you give to your physical and emotional environment is a way of understanding the limitations.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 14). You're only getting better, and this year brings hard proof. A blazing desire throws you into action right from the start of this new era. March is your chance at a rarely known thrill. April shifts your professional picture around to allow you to use your talents to the max. June and September bring beautiful travels. Cancer and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 32, 14, 7 and 30.

VIRGO YEAR AT A GLANCE : JANUARY: Highly motivated, you'll travel many miles in a short period of time on sheer determination. FEBRUARY: Psychic powers will be amplified. You'll be able to feel what can and cannot be and align your efforts accordingly. MARCH: You can't follow two people at once. Name your guru and proceed according to his or her teaching. APRIL: Material gains will matter more to you this month as you work toward a tangible symbol of your well-focused time. MAY: Surround yourself with your friends and fans. They make an excellent buffer to the harsher realities. JUNE: There's something about the way you go about your daily routine that makes people notice you anew. JULY: Mercury's retrograde before the 20th lobs sticky situations and character tests into your path. AUGUST: Caring for others will be more fulfilling than letting them care for you. SEPTEMBER: Strong attractions and emotions will override your sense of reason. You'll go to great lengths to please. OCTOBER: You'll consider adding to your collection. Do you have the funds or space to do it? NOVEMBER: Your brilliant pacing makes life breezy and others will groove to your beat. DECEMBER: It's one of the most organized and enjoyable holiday seasons you've had in many years.


Aquarius Dawning

At the end of the week, Mercury enters Aquarius chased by the Sun. Even more so than last year's holiday season, this is a time of giving. The needs of humanity are not mysterious. Because it's so easy to see how to help, help is freely given. Venus angles Saturn and then Pluto to blow off the limits of love.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You're starting to see that there is no fast way to get there or mysterious process you need to go through. You are willing to work for what you want and so you'll eventually have it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You go respectfully into different territory, realizing that the scene was set long before you arrived on it and that it will probably go on long after you leave too.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Managing what you own isn't easy. One Gemini said, "A man builds a fine house; and now he has a master, and a task for life; he is to furnish, watch, show it, and keep it in repair the rest of his days." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Considering that those who do the opposite of what they believe find it extremely difficult to be happy, or even restful, one way to be happy is simply to do what you believe.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You wish that you could control your thinking, but to some extent it's too much to ask of yourself right now. The best you can do is be aware of the thoughts drifting through and single out the pleasant ones for further examination.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Just as soon as you think you're certain about something, another possibility will emerge to challenge that certainty. So stay open, trusting that you'll manage whatever comes.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You've recently set some ambitious goals. Today you'll be in just the clearheaded mood to organize your efforts, prioritize your responsibilities and make a plan.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). In some religions, the lotus flower is a simple of non-attachment to the material world. Focusing on this symbol will help you rise above the issue that's been bothering you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). If the walls of your kitchen could talk, what would they say? The secrets they know about your eating patterns are a window into how well you're taking care of yourself these days.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Youth is a gift. Immaturity is a choice. A bit of silly fun will be the perfect remedy for a relationship teetering on dullness. Your charm is amplified by the element of surprise.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While some chase after fame and fortune, you're not so sure you want to be noticed for all you do. There's something to be said for wanting to learn in private and make your mistakes quietly.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Creating is easy for you, but maintaining all of those creations is a lot trickier. You'll love the challenge of it now. There's much to order, store, give and throw away.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 13). Not only do you get what you need this year, but you attain it with style. In February, community groups bring business contacts and feed romance. You may disagree with loved ones in March, but your love is unconditional. Your open mind allows for many moments of deep feeling and beauty. Aries and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 39, 1, 2 and 24

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD : The song in the musical Hair made the Age of Aquarius seem like a time of dancing and tie dye, but in reality humans helping one another -- which is at the root of the Aquarian concept -- comes in a far more technical package these days. We live in an age when social networking can be used to organize political movements and microscopic robots have been known to make repairs on a cellular level. More advances along these lines are being worked on somewhere in the world in the days to come. Mercury moves into Aquarius, the sign of the future, humanity, philanthropy and technical advances, at the end of the week. The Sun is close behind.

Also a star player this week is Venus, though she has a funny way of showing it. As she angles Saturn and later Pluto, the changes the fulcrum of romantic relationships. The balance of power may be temporarily upset, and that's a good thing. It shows us how much we lean on our loved ones and makes us question the appropriateness of those leanings. Would your life be better if you were more self-sufficient? As one old spiritual suggested, "God bless the child that got his own."


Pisces Moon Channels Zen Master

The Pisces Moon is a spiritual teacher. She reminds us that the wild moments you create outside of yourself bring only temporary release. True freedom comes from bringing your inner world to a state of harmony. The expansive, unlimited joyful feeling was always there inside you, waiting for you to tap in.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your senses are ready to take life in high definition. Sounds sparkle and colors appear brighter. This may have something to do with that interesting someone you keep running into.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have plenty of charm to at your disposal, and you can dish it generously when needed. However, right now you may find that life is a lot less complicated if you simply tell the far-less charming truth about things.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). People seem to think you're some kind of super hero these days. You'll warm into the day, determined not to let a loved one's long list of expectations overwhelm you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). True history can be hard to find. Even those who are trying to stick to the facts cannot form an entirely impartial version. Listen for the spin and put everything in a context.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Just as soon as you figure out which job to do, you'll get it done. The hard part is the forethought. Take all the time you need to get organized and prioritize your efforts.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You'll be reviewed by your toughest critic -- you! Did you do a great job? Yes, of course you did. Is there room for improvement? Yes, as usual. You should really give yourself a raise.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Saying "no" is freedom. If you can't say "no" or if you believe you can't, you're in prison. Exercise your right to disagree, decline or walk away. To liberty!

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). No one can make you want something you don't or be interested in something that doesn't interest you. Your attractions come naturally and for reasons that are mysterious even to you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There are several people who have the credentials you need to fulfill a certain job.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No one can tell you who you are. You can't blame the ones who try, nor can you take their comments too personally. Their suggestions have nothing to do with you really.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Romantic attention will make you swoon inside, though it's likely that your outside will remain unfazed. It has to be this way if you're to stay in control.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You're all heart now, overflowing with feeling and filled with passion for your endeavors. The Moon in your sign will embolden you all day and into tomorrow morning.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 15). This year puts you in touch with the simple pleasures that make you happy. You'll find yourself wanting fewer things, talking less and enjoying the spaces in your schedule. Others sense how centered you've become, and you'll be offered what seemed withheld from you before. March and July bring financial bonus. Cancer and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 23, 50, 1 and 17.

LIBRA YEAR AT A GLANCE : JANUARY: Love is a verb. You'll never know how someone feels about you but you'll get plenty of evidence as to those feelings. FEBRUARY: Venus makes sure that people notice your remarkable style and innovative approach to the mundane. MARCH: There are some things you'll never be fully ready for, but you can't let that stop you from moving forward. APRIL: The 10th brings an infusion of super-charisma that lasts, so be careful how you wield your smile. MAY: Your personal life will be in incubation mode, developing through patience and warmth. JUNE: Jupiter's transit on the 25th begins a new professional cycle. JULY: You'll connect with the people you admire and pick up much by osmosis. AUGUST: Don't look back -- forgive, forget, and move on. SEPTEMBER: Authority figures seem to limit you. You'll emerge stronger for having to manage the opposition. OCTOBER: Enjoy the many victories, big and small, that will energize your world this month. NOVEMBER: Relationships will rock and roll. Is this a dance or a test? DECEMBER: You're still hot socially, but that may not please you. Privacy issues arise. Set boundaries in relationships and revel in your You-Time.

About astrology: Nobody talks about "believing in the weatherman," but you often hear, "I believe/don't believe in astrology." Some call it superstition, others call it a symbolic language. You decide.

"Sun sign" astrology: Even if you don't know your birthtime, these describe general conditions for everyone born under your sign. This is what Joyce Jillson's and most other newspaper horoscopes cover. Most of the planetary positions will be accurate, and the angles the planets make to each other, except for the moon, which could be in two different signs in one day. But you won't know exactly what part of your chart -- which "house," as the twelve divisions of the chart are called -- the planets are in.

Many people who become interested in astrology do so after a reading surprises them with its accuracy, and they wonder, "How did you do that?"

How sun-sign astrologers do it by Eric Francis at StarIQ

Other daily sun-sign astrologers we like:

Jonathan Cainer: England's best-known newspaper astrologer (his columns appear in the Daily Express) is smart, funny and downright encouraging every day. Free daily, weekly and 2003 forecasts. Because he's five time zones away, you can usually read tomorrow's horoscope after 7 p.m. EST. An interview with Cainer.

Rick Levine's Planet Pulse at StarIQ

Personalized horoscopes: If you're interested in exploring further, you'll want to calculate your own chart. You'll need three pieces of information.

Your birth date: Most of us know when we were born. At European sites, such as Catherine Tennant's Interactive Stars, you may be asked to enter the date as day/month/year. October 31, 2003 would be written 31/10/2003.

Your birthtime: This is tougher. Your mother may not remember, or may confuse your birth with that of your siblings. It should be noted on your actual long-form birth certificate, but probably won't be on the wallet-size copy used for identification purposes. If you're ordering a birth certificate, be sure to specify that you want a version that contains your birth time.

If you can't find out the time, you can use a noon birthtime, which will mean that even the moon is no more than 6 degrees wrong. But you won't know what your rising sign is, or what "houses" the planets are in. But it's better than nothing.

A good astrologer can "rectify" a chart -- guess the birth time after finding the dates of major events in your life, such as weddings, fame and failures. But nothing beats an accurate birth certificate.

Your birthplace, expressed in latitude and longitude. You may look up the coordinates of your birthplace in an online atlas such as the interactive international one at Astrodienst. Here's a simple page with links by state.

If you were born in Providence, use

Latitude: 41 N 49
Longitude: 71 W 24

The N and W values here represent coordinates of 41 degrees plus 49 minutes north of the equator and 71 degrees, 24 minutes west of Greenwich, England. Since there are 60 minutes in a degree, this is not a decimal.

The decimal equivalent is rarely used, but in that notation, north and east are sometimes expressed as +, south and west as "-". If you need it, here it is:

Latitude: 41.8
Longitude: -71.4

Free charts: Some sites even offer free daily readings based on your chart. For instance:

Astrodienst is a huge site run by prominent astrologers. You may enter your own information and that of your family and friends, compare the charts, see what angles the upcoming movements of stars and planets will make to their positions at the time of your birth. Your chart will remain in the database, so you may return at any time and choose other options as you learn more.

The Free Horoscope Choices offer a personalized daily forecast for today and tomorrow, and the forecast link will look several months ahead.

These are all free, although you may also order computerized readings and the opportunity to get forecasts for any day in future for a fee.

My colleague Anna Maria Angelosanto recommends Astro Center.

Today's astrological weather report for everybody:

Cosmic Path - Lists the phase of the moon today, what sign it's in, and a paragraph about the general flavor of the day.

kristo's Daily Horoscope: A Jungian look at the Zeitgeist: "kristo" is Curtis Christopher Cates, M.D. is an obstetrician-turned-psychotherapist whose daily "weather report" springs straight from Carl Jung, . An interview with Cates.

Astroclock shows you the chart of right now, updated every 60 seconds.

Political / celebrity astrology:

Lois Rodden's AstroDatabank: Rodden has specialized in gathering accurate birthtimes for public figures, both celebrities and political leaders. She analyzes the charts of people currently in the news and invites other astrologers to participate. Great resource for studying the relation of charts to events in public lives.

WeatherSage is Rhode Islander Carolyn Egan's long-term weather forecasting site. Egan goes deeply into this, and analyzes Rhode Island politicians' charts as well. Providence Mayor David Cicilline is here, and former mayor Buddy Cianci, as well as a chart for the City of Providence itself. Others, including former speaker of the Rhode Island house John Harwood, George W. Bush and Yasser Arafat, are linked here.

NewsScope by Michael WolfStar O'Reilly at StarIQ.

Astroworld, where astrologers post essays on timely topics, has a nice collection of political astrology links to the right.

Dead astrologers: Adze Mixxe died July 2, 1997 and Sydney Omarr on January 2, 2003, but their forecasts continue, thanks to assistants.

Many more links:

Links For Astrology Forecasts: A simple page of text links (Daily Forecasts, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Other) maintained by Anoop Ghanwani at Duke University. Quality sites.

Useful resources: A Glossary of Astrological Terms

Zodiacal Zephyr offers a moon calendar for 2003, charts containing positions of the planets for each day in any given year (called an ephemeris; the plural is ephemerides) and much more. Put your cursor over the tiny links at the top of the main page -- Resources, Toolbox, Databases, History, Basics, Misc; the dropdown menus give a sense of the wealth of data at this site.

A note about computer-generated reports: Many sites offer these, at varying prices. While they can be useful and interesting, they're also likely to be contradictory -- i.e. maybe Venus and Jupiter relate in a way that makes you a happy person, but Saturn and Venus relate in a way that suggests loneliness. How they blend, what comes to the fore when, which is a more powerful influence, and whether you're likely to rise to the occasion or be bent by adversity just isn't in these printouts.

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