Classified Ad

Placing an Ad

Online: Click here to complete the form below. Because we cannot yet take credit card orders over the Internet, ads submitted through the online form must be followed up by telephone or fax with a credit card. WARNING: Transmission time over the Internet is not reliable. If you are submitting this form within a few days of the deadline listed below, please fax it to: (415) 263-7211.

By Phone: 415-263-7200 ext. 10, Monday through Friday, 9-5 p.m. Credit cards only.

By Mail: Complete the form in the paper copy of j. and mail to:
j., 225 Bush St. #780, S.F., CA 94104-4281

By Fax: Complete the form in the paper copy of j. or print out this form and fax it to 415-263-7222, Monday through Friday, 9-5 p.m. Credit cards only.

Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Ad Rates

Bold headline: $4.00 in addition to word charge
1-2 weeks: $ .95 per word per week
3-11 weeks: $ .85 per word per week
12-24 weeks: $ .80 per word per week
25-50 weeks: $ .75 per word per week


Phone (day):
Suggested Category:

Ad Copy:

Please insert my ad time(s) beginning on date

We have provided the following formula to assist you in determining the total cost of your advertisement:
# ofwords
X cost per word
+ $4.00 per week - (headline optional)
= cost of ad per week
x = # of weeks
= total ad cost

Special Savings
Place a 20 word ad for 8 weeks for only $59. (Note: Ads must run consecutive weeks)
Yes, I would like the $59 special for 8 weeks

Note that you may add $39.50 to the total cost to obtain a one year subscription to j.

Special Instructions:

Please enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below:

NOTE: You must call j. at 415-263-7200 ext. 10 with your credit card number in order to confirm your ad.