Paul Huttner

Paul Huttner

Minnesota Public Radio

Award-winning meteorologist Paul Huttner has worked TV and radio stations in Minneapolis, Tucson and Chicago. Paul is a graduate of Macalester College in St. Paul and holds a bachelor's degree in geography with an emphasis in meteorology. Paul is also a full member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and has been awarded the AMS Television Seal of Approval. In March 2008, Huttner earned AMS's Certified Broadcast Meteorologist (CBM) designation, a professional recognition of the quality of his weather broadcasts. Huttner is one of only two meterologists in the region to have earned this distinction. The only anchor who made it into the WCCO-TV station, Huttner reported on the Halloween blizzard of 1991, the largest snowstorm in the Twin Cities' history.

Paul Huttner Feature Archive

Snow plows at work
The most serious storm in two years will dump over a foot of snow and bring blizzard conditions to much of the upper Midwest through Thursday night. (12/19/2012)
Winter weather
Is this the "new normal?" The Ides of December should be delivering snow to the Twin Cities. This year it looks like a rainy weekend mix. (12/15/2012)
MPR's meteorologist Paul Huttner reports from the Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media, presenting updated data on how climate changes are unfolding globally and in our backyard. (10/10/2012)
Just days after highs in the 80s and wildfires popping up around Minnesota, winter is setting in for the northern corner of the state. (10/04/2012)
A severe round of thunderstorms swept through the Twin Cities metro area early Sunday morning, and many residents awoke to the sound of loud thunder, hail and rain. Earlier in the weekend, the weather was worst in the southern part of the state, as in Kiester, Minn., shown here. (05/06/2012)
Thunderstorms have formed to the west of the Twin Cities and a Tornado Watch is in effect for a large part of central and southwest Minnesota until 10 p.m. (05/01/2012)
The National Weather Service is warning of possible severe weather in the southern parts of Minnesota for the duration of the weekend. (04/13/2012)
The National Weather Service has confirmed at least two tornadoes tore through the Dallas area and several others have been reported. (04/03/2012)
A cold front cutting through Minnesota from north to south Monday could bring flurries. The front moved through northern Minnesota, and will arrive in the metro and southern Minnesota late afternoon and evening. A colder arctic air mass will sag south by Friday. (02/06/2012)
Our next weather tracks through southern Minnesota Friday. This system is focusing a dry powdery snowfall on the on southern half of Minnesota. The Twin Cities lies in the northern part of the system and snow could affect Friday's morning rush in the metro. (01/19/2012)
The National Weather Service has unveiled the "new" 30 year averages. One notable data point: Winter in Minnesota is getting warmer, especially at night. (07/26/2011)
A weak bubble of Canadian high pressure is gracing Minnesota with cooler and much drier air today but dew points begin to creep upward again Friday and return to the 70s. (07/21/2011)
The dew point reached 82 degrees at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. today. That's the highest dew point ever recorded at that location. The observed heat index of 119 at 4 p.m. appears to tie the highest heat index ever recorded in the Twin Cities. The previous record dates back to 1966. (07/19/2011)
Meteorologist Paul Huttner and University of Minnesota geography professor Kenny Blumenfeld discussed the increase in tornados and whether urban residents should expect more tornados in the near future with Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer on Tuesday. (05/24/2011)
Hail and heavy rain is being reported in some parts of Minnesota this evening. There's also the possibility of some severe weather. Get the latest weather information on Updraft. (05/21/2011)