Eric Ringham

Eric Ringham

Commentary Editor, News
Minnesota Public Radio
(651) 228-4955

Eric Ringham is commentary editor for Minnesota Public Radio News, where he also edits the "Today's Question" feature. Before coming to MPR Ringham was commentary editor for the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, where he developed the weekly Opinion Exchange section and daily blog. He was twice elected president of the Association of Opinion Page Editors and served on the board that accredits journalism schools, representing the National Conference of Editorial Writers. Ringham teaches opinion writing as an adjunct faculty member in the Masters of Advocacy and Political Leadership program at the University of Minnesota Duluth, has taught at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and moonlights as a voice actor and stage actor. He lives in Minneapolis.

Eric Ringham Feature Archive

Marriage amendment defeated
Launched a year and a half ago amid disappointment at the Legislature, the effort to defeat Minnesota's marriage amendment succeeded this week after amassing millions of dollars, a broad spectrum of backers and a focus on religious faith and personal conversations. (11/09/2012)
Eric Ringham
Everybody has a Wellstone story. (10/25/2012)
The debate over same-sex marriage is explored through a four-week dialogue. (10/19/2012)
The NAACP presidents says those supporting the marriage amendment are trying to split the African-American community. (10/15/2012)
There's a line, somewhere, that journalists shouldn't cross. (09/18/2012)
If you take Wilbur out of the fair, where does that leave Charlotte? (08/21/2012)
Chuck Bailey made a promise to his staff. Then he refused to break it. (01/06/2012)
There's little sense in pushing the Muslim Brotherhood into an extremist corner. (02/16/2011)
The scene of JFK's assassination seems too ordinary for what happened there. (11/22/2010)
For some runners, a recent rule change makes running in the marathon a lot more appealing. (09/30/2010)
The Legislature is considering tighter requirements governing a proposed copper-nickel mine near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. Today's Question: In tough economic times, should environmental protection take a back seat to job creation? (03/10/2010)
Each year about 15 million U.S. residents become victims of identity theft. The most common kind of identity theft is credit card fraud. It might not seem like something to worry about - until it happens to you, as commentary editor Eric Ringham found out. (03/10/2010)