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The Twicsy TOS

  • Uploading bad pictures (illegal, highly objectionable) is bad, we reserve the right to take any content down for any reason. We don't want to, but we will.
  • If you upload an image you give us the right to distribute it through our website and applications, and through 3rd party sites and applications via our API. But we don't own your image, you still own it. We will not sell your image. Selling images found on Twicsy is strictly prohibited unless you are the owner of the image.
  • There are no guarantees about availability of our website, API, or any other service. We will do our utmost to ensure maximum uptime, but we are not liable for any downtime.
  • Spamming is bad. All individual uploads must be initiated by an end user through an application or website. Spammers will be blocked and potentially prosecuted.
  • Please be respectful of the API, it is a service we would like to continue to provide for free, so please do not abuse it. We reserve the right to block anyone from the API for any reason. We hope we never have to do that.
  • If you upload an image to Twicsy it will be viewable by EVERYONE. Please do not post naked pictures of yourself and then get mad at us when other people see them. Twitter and Twicsy are, byt their nature, very public forums.
  • If you delete your Twitter account you will not be able to login to your Twicsy account.
  • Violating copyright is bad too, please don't do that. We will remove pictures that are found to violate copyright.
  • You must not cache data from our API for more than 24 hours. If we delete an image you must be able to reflect that deletion within 24 hours.