Professional Wealth Management
Simplicity the order of the day
14 September, 2009

Investors are showing a renewed interest in structured solutions, but are now looking for simpler and more transparent products with shorter maturities than they would have gone for in the past, writes Elliot Smither

After a poor start to the year, structured products are once again attracting interest from investors looking to take advantage of the opportunities on offer in the market. Although investors remain cautious about taking on market risk, and remain concerned with protecting their capital, they are aware of the potential upsides and that structured products can offer a way of accessing them.

“Volumes were down in the first half of the year, but we have seen an increase from May and June onwards,” explains Jonathan Kent, executive director of derivatives marketing at JPMorgan in London.

He explains how the structured products market suffered at the end of 2008 and in early 2009 for two reasons. “Firstly, people finally woke up to potential credit risk. Secondly, the market per se was falling sharply.”

Wealthy private clients appear to be prepared to take issuer credit risk again, which was not really the case six months ago, but they are now approaching their investments in a very different manner.

shortened maturities

The issue of credit risk is driving investors to look for different kinds of products that they would have gone for in the past, and the average maturity of products has been falling. “If you roll the clock back the classic product had a six to seven year maturity,” says Mr Kent. “We are now seeing a lot more short-dated, one to two year autocall products.”

JPMorgan has been issuing Ucits compliant funds as a way of protecting investors against credit risk, since funds tailored to the Ucits III EU directive requirements must have sufficiently diversified underlying investments.

Mr Kent explains that simpler products are the ones which are now in greatest demand. “Investors want to be clear about what will happen to their investment if the market behaves in a certain way,” he adds.

The trend towards simpler and more transparent products is echoed by Uwe Becker, managing director within the investor solutions team at Barclays Capital. “In the aftermath of the Lehman fallout, with all the turmoil that we have seen in the markets, simplicity and transparency are the key,” he explains. “It is all about transparent structures without any features that investors might not spot.”

Mr Becker believes investors remain cautious, and are sceptical about whether the recent rallies will prove to be a long-term trend or not. He explains that in recent weeks Barclays has seen increasing interest for fixed income and bonds, and that products they are rolling out in Europe are proving successful, particularly in Switzerland and Germany.

a safe haven

Clients are looking for safety in their investments according to Benoit Petit, head of private banking sales for the global markets solutions group at Société Générale.

“The big trends are the following: Firstly clients are looking for more protection. They don’t want to take long-term risks so our structures are shorter in terms of maturity,” he explains.

“Clients are looking for safer structures. In the context of very, very low interest rates it was difficult to offer attractive solutions on the capital guarantee side, so we are delivering a lot of products with protection but no capital guarantee.”

Although the demand for simple and transparent products is increasing, there is still a market for the more innovative types of products among certain clients, believes Marc El Asmar, co-head of sales for Europe, Middle East and Africa for the global markets solutions group at Société Générale.

“I would mitigate that on a global level in Emea, simplicity, to a certain extent, has been a rising concern for the vast majority of clients,” he says.

But the ability of structured products to offer more complex solutions to investment needs remains of interest to certain groups of investors, believes Mr El Asmar.

“If you look at the higher ends of wealth management you still have a requirement for adaptive structures to match complex needs, whether in terms of potential financing or potential structures, hedging or acquisition of stocks and so on,” he explains. “Things that, I would not say are complex, but are either innovative or trying to match specific needs.”

credible providers

The Lehman collapse last autumn has had a big impact on the way in which private investors and distributors view the issue of counterparty risk. Distributors’ reputations were damaged by the fallout from the collapse. Many banks were selling products without clearly stating who the underlying issuer was, leaving many investors to be unaware of the banks they were dealing with. This is no longer the case.

“A big difference from two to three years ago is that people are making a clear distinction between who is a credible product provider and who isn’t,” explains Mr Becker at Barclay’s Capital.

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