World Economic Forum illustration ©Ingram Pinn John Gapper 6:49pm

Davos: infotainment, not a conspiracy

What media group in the current climate would not like to own such a business?

The A-List

The Davos language is not quite the English one finds on the pink pages, or indeed in Prime Ministerial speeches
– Howard Davies
Unless the US president raises his sights, he is unlikely to live up to his promise as a transformational leader
– Jacob Weisberg
Too many of the unemployed lack the skills companies seek
– Mort Zuckerman
OPINION 6:57pm

No US peace dividend after Afghanistan

Bad decisions exact a high price, write Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes

Chris Giles Chris Giles from COLUMNISTS 6:35pm

Sir Mervyn takes a walk on the supply side

The change suggests the pain endured thus far has been to little avail

The A-List from OPINION 6:46pm

Cameron remains in need of an EU plan

The union is approaching the outer limit of its flexible geometry, writes Peter Mandelson

Notebook 6:41pm

Not in Davos? Then come to mine

After missing out on a WEF invitation, John McDermott suggests holding his own forum

FT Editorial
Global Insight from WORLD 4:57pm

Israelis clip Netanyahu’s wings

Prime minister will have to look to centre for coalition partners

Markets Insight from MARKETS 1:37pm

Dollar to emerge stronger in new policy era

Currency investors must keep pace with central bank changes

OPINION Jan 22, 2013

Healthcare is America’s real problem

Improved value would have more fiscal impact than any policy change, says Peter Orszag

Ingram Pinn illustration Martin Wolf from COLUMNISTS 8:00pm

America’s fiscal policy is not in crisis

The urgent challenge is to promote economic recovery

John Kay from COLUMNISTS Jan 22, 2013

The limits of what money can buy

What criteria determine which goods are properly valued and which not?