Angels & Demons trailer online

Hanks has another mystery to solve…

The trailer for Angels & Demons, Ron Howard’s sequel to The Da Vinci Code has gone live.

Demons – which is adapted from Dan Brown’s prequel novel, but re-fitted to work as a sequel, sees Tom Hanks’ professor Robert Langdon back on the case.

This time, he’s solving yet another religious themed murder, but in a twist is actually called in by the Vatican (via Ewan McGregor’s priest) to help unravel a riddle.

Seems the Illuminati are none too happy about their treatment at the hands of the Catholic Church a few centuries ago and are back for revenge.

Can Hanks solve the mystery in time? Is he being lied to? And will he be able to stop the apparently terrible “fifth sign” from destroying us all?

Yes, the fifth sign is said to be David Spade and Rob Schneider getting to act together in another film. Whoops, too late…

We kid. The trailer’s below for your eyeball amusement.

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    • whereistheline

      Feb 16th 2009, 0:37

      Why does it seem to be set after the Da Vinci Code when Angels and Demons is the first book? Or did they not want to do a 'prequel'. It always annoyed me that they did the Da Vince Code first anyway, mainly because they thought it would be more popular than Angels and Demons.

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