The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: 50 Best Moments

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    • Hadouken76

      Dec 19th 2012, 9:44

      Frankly, I couldn't give 2 sh/ts if the movie was in 48fps, technicolor or freaking shadow puppets, I just wanted a something to watch and lose myself in. But thanks to the frame rate, everything in the first hour was slightly speeded up, like it was on FWD (x1), it completely ruined the atmosphere. So rather than concentrating on the story, I was too busy wondering if the projectionist had put the movie on the wrong speed. It calmed down after that, but still I felt like I had come into the film a third of the way in. it was an alright movie.

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    • mattburgess

      Dec 19th 2012, 11:55

      Sounds like the projectionist probably DID put the film on too fast, as the version I saw was perfect speed, and looked absolutely glorious. More 48fps please.

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    • obzentai

      Dec 19th 2012, 11:58

      Moment 31 correction: Out of the frying pan and into the fire, guys.

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    • CallumJones

      Dec 19th 2012, 11:59

      Out of the frying pan and into the frying pan, really?

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    • MattMaytum

      Dec 19th 2012, 13:01

      @obzentai @CallumJones - My attempt to launch a new phrase has fallen flat. Amended now.

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    • lolaarcana

      Dec 19th 2012, 13:40

      OMG! You really banged on about 48FPS in this didn't you? Calm down, it's really not that big a deal. I watched it in 2D anyway because I hate glasses over glasses.

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    • zufarzshahrir

      Dec 19th 2012, 13:42

      my fav moments when bilbo put on the RING in his hand...

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    • SiMan

      Dec 19th 2012, 14:35

      I still don't know if i watched it in 48FPS or not, as i'm sure some screenings were just standard - well, i didn't notice anything different anyway. The only thing about the film that irked me a littel as well was that i'd hoped the bit where Bilbo obtains the ring would have had Martin Freeman re-film the bit from the opening segment of Fellowship in the exact same as Ian Holm did it. It was the same director after all, so i was a little disappointed that he made it slightly different.

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    • marcusstenberg

      Dec 19th 2012, 16:46

      "Rhosgobel". "[i]Rhosgobel[/i] rabbits."

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    • martinjamesking

      Dec 19th 2012, 16:46

      SiMan, i thought that too, I was looking forward to Bilbo scurrying over to it like at the start of The Fellowship.

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    • FBSJohnson19

      Dec 19th 2012, 16:57

      Moment #1 - wasn't the 'nut' the bird was cracking a snail? Anyhoo. I absolutely loved AJ and can't wait for the next film! p.s. I went to see the regular 2D version and it was ace, although I'm not a fan of digital projection. It's too much like watching on a huge TV...

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    • mattburgess

      Dec 19th 2012, 17:38

      I'm glad Jackson changed the moment of Bilbo finding The Ring. If anything, I'd rather they release a copy of LOTR on blu-ray with an excerpt of Martin Freeman in that scene, but it kind of works if you think of it as Bilbo's memory of the event.

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    • FBLHealy85

      Dec 19th 2012, 17:46

      I'm glad somebody else felt like the movie was slightly sped up. Everything else was AMAZING about the 48FPS but it was a bit jarring seeing them move faster than usual.

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    • Ali1748

      Dec 19th 2012, 19:14

      Gollum's breif glimpse of humanity and fear was beautiful.

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    • Hadouken76

      Dec 20th 2012, 0:12

      FBLHealy85 Thats a relief, I thought I had picked a rubbish cinema.

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    • arenaren

      Dec 26th 2012, 6:09

      The Hobbit, i liked the movie a lot, the best character in this movie was Hobbit, he is so sweet and friendly and nice, oh my god those eyes are amazing, i was really suprised and i couldn't take my eyes off the movie. Unfortunetly i've been watching it at home through freemovies.getitatzerocost(dot)com it was in HQ quallity so it was okey to watch, i had a really nice evening and it was just an amazing movie, i wish we had more movies like this, so that's my opinion about The Hobbit movie :). Enjoy watching guys if you haven't yet...

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